parasystole dream: soul song request

iii Stillness of the Seer Acrylic on Board 13-1/2” x 10” 2004 Parasystole Dream: Soul Song Request An Excerpt from The Rhombi Chronicles Soul song request.indd 3 6/23/14 9:29 PM

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Exerpt of The Rhombi Chronicles, by Margaret Gill At this time, I am requesting contact by any person who has had a shamanic journey or lucid dream about the alien race (tribe) whose “tall boy” is legendary, This was a prophecied event of four powerful Seers, and I have Soul Song origin stories from three of these ancient alien people. I would like to include the firstborn’s soul song— that of “tall boy”. Please write to


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Stillness of the SeerAcrylic on Board

13-1/2” x 10”2004



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Rhombi meetsfish spirit

Rhombi was a Seer for all seven tribes and had spent much of her life traveling, to serve the needs of everyone. Rhombi had just traveled from Tribe 1. They lived near the sea on land that had steep cliffs near the water’s edge. Generally quiet beings, they held knowl-edge of subtle energies. They were also very attuned to the natural world, whales and other sea creatures. She had spent considerable time with them as a young girl to learn the structure of existence and subtle energy uses and laws.

Please see Dreamer’s Journey for the most comprehensive coded visual information on this tribe. Look closely at the lower left quadrant for Tribe 1 energy rising in rectangle shapes which hold monolithic code, currents of the underwa-ter dwellings, and blue and brown dolphins.

Also please check Map of Parasystole and Race with Animus clouds for more information. If you are of Tribe 1, you will know it by looking and being with these images in medita-tion. I am also assuming that Torso Interiors will have infor-mation and Transformation, as these both are more general information for all tribes had traveled to both places, and/or come from those planets. I do not have permission to share more about Tribe 1 at this time.

Rhombi traveled to Tribe 2 — The Forest/ Fish Beings — for learning from their elders, and interpreting their visions. Most of the medicine that came from these foothills, deep forest trees and plants, was very important — it was shared at gatherings of all seven tribes.

Occasionally, the travelers for education in various disciplines brought medicine to the tribe being visited. Methods were taught by at least one of the medicine students that traveled with each group.

Tribe 2 were also excellent fishers, knowing well the lakes of this region and were blessed by Makkar’s understanding of fish ways — having been taught to all in his tribe and shared at meetings of all seven tribes. Ma


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When Rhombi met Makkar, known as Fish Spirit, the energy in both of them opened up sto-ries buried in their souls’ blood. In the South, many generations earlier, the Rhot-Huran birds living high in the trees had spoken to an elder of Tribe 7 — on the prophecy of four special beings born in the same year of Simsi-ki/Hushtaa1. Here were two of them meeting for the first time, both having developed their body knowledge.

1 Every 144 years, the predominant currents

brought Simsiki, a solid year of gentleness. More

births happened during those years than during

any other time. This was usually followed by 10-

12 years of bountiful harvest.

Hushtaa was their name for the 39-year cycle:

loud, roaring winds; low, black clouds and green

sky; thrashing currents and rip tides that wiped

life from the sea. Rhom

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The Journeysprophesy

Simsiki/Hushtaa cycles were very rare and special, happening only every [5,616] years. It is the year of perfectly balanced opposing forces. The tribes had expected something amazing to happen in that year of perfection, as it had always been. It so happened that during one of these cycles the Rhot-huran had spoken of four possible Seers amongst the newborn of various tribes that would be born centuries later in the same year of a Simsiki/Hushtaa.

The Rhot-Huran birds had also brought news of an impending journey out of necessity, from a series of natural disasters for a Northern tribe, and the elders prophesied from signs that this journey would be led by one of the four Seers.

The elders used signs to calculate the year. Over the centuries, sign-tellers continued to corroborate the year, and shared this prophecy at gatherings of the tribes. Very rarely would the sign-teller need to consult the Seer, “the chosen one” who would channel the spirits and speak their voice. It was thought to be a duty by every person to de-velop their ability to read signs and intuit the truth. They understood that sometimes their minds, for want of something, would block the truth. Only the Seer, who prac-ticed their given gift for walking between the worlds could see the path needed for the sign-teller to rebalance the winds of their mind.

Often, truth is like the life of a tree beginning with a seed, growing roots and a trunk, branching out, out, out to a wide canopy of leaves. The wind pitches the leaves and smaller twigs easily; the large branches with considerable effort, and very seldom actu-ally moving the trunk as well. But the roots stay still. This is what the Seer was to the tribes: its stillness.

When the Simsiki/Hushtaa year finally came, the entire mountain range, savannah and forests were abuzz with this news. As the bellies of the pregnant women would grow, so would the tribes’ interest in their dreams, their babies’ soul songs, their animal signs and their health. Naturally, these women were glowing, each one believing she carried one of the four special children.

These are the four: Hannuktu, Rhombi and her twin Ra-An-Tu, and Makkar.

Elder With Rhot-Huran: A Prophecy of Journeys 13.5” x 10” Acrylic February, 2004

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Rhombi was the strongest of the four Seers. While all the four Seers trav-eled to the other tribes, Rhombi traveled one-third of her adulthood.

Makkar was a sweetheart, a very empathic being, and quick to bring laughter with his prankster ways. He was the fourth-born Seer. His strength came from the core knowledge of their planet, healing methods for the animals, and the structural information of this existence from the ancient fish. His parents knew he had discovered this from age three.

Tribe 2 lived in an area of the foothills where large veins of minerals and crystals striated through precipices of sharply angled rock near the base. The soil striped in this region near the mineral veins was dark pink in hue, between dark olive-green. Tree species of this region included Pine, Elm and Sycamore — sources of strong medicine, and blue trunked trees.

The “windows” shown in both of these art works, Rhombi Meets Fish Spirit and Woman with Fish Spirit indicate an indefinite period of specific events for transformation and self-evolution that would become instru-mental for this tribe and the other tribal members’ spiritual development.These triggers were dependant upon series of events which were at times delayed or expedited by the successes and failures of other human-like species. At that time and dimension, these surreptitious evolving events were known to cross timelines in the future, setting in motion that which are still unfolding today along all timelines. As they are now converging, it is propitious to use this knowledge of love frequency to resolve issues from past lives and all aspects of the soul in all dimensions of existence.

Communication between us was silent of words, but pulsated through bio-photons of love frequency. These “windows” into the soul’s history can be seen by those resonating at the same frequency . The greater the number of people engaged in clearing these relationship issues responsi-bly, the more accepted this occupation of one’s time and effort becomes.

Rhombi and Makkar’s meeting affected the fabric of their souls by the information shared through these windows. Both beings carried with honour these access points to the coded body knowledge information, so they could share with their tribes when it was propitious for tribe mem-bers to learn it, and they were both also metamorphosized by knowing it all those years. Patience was one of the messages that came in the codes. There would be influences of verisimilitude that could cost many lives if these four beings did not hold fast to the truth. Communication between them was finely tuned, anchored deeply in the source of energy that ema-nates throughout All-That-Is. Nothing could be betrayed between them.


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As infants, like all children born during Simsiki/Hushtaa, the four Seers born were well-loved by all in the tribes. All babies were well-loved by their tribes, no matter when they were born, but those born during this cycle were also well-watched to determine which were the four prophecied Seers. As a result, these children were never lonely. It was in this way that all the children born during this paricular Simsiki/Hushtaa had great knowledge of all in their clan village, their tribe, and it spread to other tribes through multi-tribe-meetings and travelers to and from the other six tribes, through their shared stories.

Likewise, the soul songs of these four Seer children were learned by every living person in their tribe, and many from other tribes, after they were born. For only these people had the knowledge that the sitting under trees was considered a vision quest event: any could do it, but only until the women could quiet themselves enough to hear the souls of ancestors and the spirits from future time, they would hear no song. What good was a spirit that did not sing? So the women would sit alone, for hours and days, eating alone, sleeping alone and waiting. The lighting of song upon her ears was considered a sacred moment: a request by the child to be heard from the purity of their spirit; a request by the whole of that spirit to be welcomed. From the moment their mothers first heard their song, the mother would teach it to the Grandparents, to a few favorite older women and the midwives, who would sing this song during the mother’s labor and the miracle of the child’s birth so he or she would KNOW a true welcome to the planet. Throughout each person’s life, whether during childhood illness or great achievement, and during rites, this song would be sung. Lastly, whenever possible, at the very last moment before stepping back into the spirit world, their last memory would be their soul’s song, welcoming them home again.



Mfindi had not yet had any children, though she was as beautiful and gentle as any child could want for a mother. Her light reddish-brown skin glowed with health, her hair shined in the light over a perfectly oval face with a nose chiseled to perfection, and her teeth were perfectly straight in a gleaming smile. When she heard the elders’ translation of the Rhot-Hurans’ message, she was mesmerized by the good news. Like many women in the tribes, she wanted a daughter, and thought often of the joys a daughter would bring, of what she could teach her and of

Soul songs:


At this time, I am requesting contact by any person who has had a shamanic journey or lucid dream about the alien race (tribe) whose “tall boy” is legendary, This was a prophecied event of four power-ful Seers, and I have Soul Song origin stories from three of these ancient alien people. I would like to include the firstborn’s soul song— that of “tall boy”. Please write to <[email protected]>

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be alone and quiet enough to hear the child’s song. For two months, whenever her work was done, she bathed alone in the river and soaked in the rays of warm sunshine while lying on a smooth boulder. Once, she traveled to the Sacred Meeting Tree with some friends, and sat under it for four days to calm her-self even more in hopes of having help from ancestral spirits to hear the girl-child’s song. Many times she thought she heard song, only to realize that it belonged to one recently born or to someone with a recent Zaaman1 event. For two moons she hoped and listened, and was disappointed. She knew that the coming of four special beings, even in the whole world was a magnificent undertaking for the Universe to achieve: so much to arrange, such a chaotic passing for the coming into form of not one, but four special beings! She knew that nothing she did could make the Universe give her one of these four children that she so longed for, except to wait and listen. She was not good at waiting. She was good at knowing what she wanted. By the end of two songless months of wishing, her shoulders became heavy with sorrow. Her husband began to worry. Her face bent toward the planet as tears welled in her eyes and trickled off her fine nose. Her foot-steps were heavy and she rarely smiled. That night, her husband sang a sweet song to her: it was her spirit song. She wept in his arms as she remembered her agreement with the Universe upon her request to be welcomed to planet. He rocked her in his arms until she slept peacefully. In the weeks that followed, she remembered how perfect and harmoniously her song drifted through her body, lulling her to comfort. At that point, it was all she needed to hear in her mind, and her daily tasks brightened. When she and her friends had traveled to the Meeting Tree, her friends had busied themselves with collecting its gourd-like fruit, leaves and mounds of bark for basket-weav-ing, rope-making or clothes. They were all busy once back home, preparing the seeds in roasting pouches and mashing the fruit’s pulp for a delicious milky drink that all the chil-dren loved. Mfindi was an expert weaver, so her work was meticulous and calming. So calming that she could close her eyes and still see her hands doing the work. While she was pre-paring strips and hanging them to dry on a rope, a sudden wind whipped across the wide river, blasting cooled air through the strips and past her ears with a continuous undulat-ing whistling from the vibrating strips. Above her, the wind howled through the majestic spreading branches of a Tower Tree and echoed on the rebound from the deep crevices of its wall-like roots in a harmony and beat — as though sung by two ever-loyal warriors

1 [the unseen world of spirits once living, joined as one force, but changed in nature from known time to neither past nor future time]

the pride she would feel, especially if her daughter was one of the four gifted children. So, like other women, she took great care of herself, but especially made sure she had the time to be alone and quiet enough to hear the child’s song. For two months, whenever her work was done, she bathed alone in the river and soaked in the rays of warm sunshine while lying on a smooth boulder. Once, she traveled to the Sacred Meeting Tree with some friends, and sat under it for four days to calm herself even more in hopes of having help from ancestral spirits to hear the girl-child’s song. Many times she thought she heard song, only to realize that it belonged to one recently born or to someone with a recent Zaaman1 event. For two moons she hoped and listened, and was disappointed. She knew that the coming of four special beings, even in the whole world was a magnificent undertaking for the Universe to achieve: so much to arrange, such a chaotic passing for the coming into form of not one, but four special beings! She knew that nothing she did could make the Universe give her one of these four children that she so longed for, except to wait and listen. She was not good at waiting. She was good at knowing what she wanted. By the end of two songless months of wishing, her shoulders became heavy with sorrow. Her husband began to worry. Her face bent toward the planet as tears welled in her eyes and trickled off her fine nose. Her footsteps were heavy and she rarely smiled. That night, her husband sang a sweet song to her: it was her spirit song. She wept in his arms as she remembered her agreement with the Universe upon her request to be welcomed to planet. He rocked her in his arms until she slept peacefully. In the weeks that followed, she remembered how perfect and harmoniously her song drifted through her body, lulling her to comfort. At that point, it was all she needed to hear in her mind, and her daily tasks bright-ened. When she and her friends had traveled to the Meeting Tree, her friends had busied themselves with collecting its gourd-like fruit, leaves and mounds of bark for basket-weaving, rope-making or clothes. They were all busy once back home, preparing the seeds in roasting pouches and mashing the fruit’s pulp for a delicious milky drink that all the children loved. Mfindi was an expert weaver, so her work was meticulous and calming. So calming that she could close her eyes and still see her hands doing the work. While she was prepar-ing strips and hanging them to dry on a rope, a sudden wind whipped across the wide river, blasting cooled air through the strips and past her ears with a continuous undulating whistling from the vibrating strips. Above her, the wind howled through the majestic spreading branch-es of a Tower Tree and echoed on the rebound from the deep crevices of its wall-like roots in a harmony and beat — as though sung by two ever-loyal warriors

1 [the unseen world of spirits once living, joined as one force, but changed in nature from known time to neither past nor future time]

At this time, I am requesting contact by any person who has had a shamanic journey or lucid dream about the alien race (tribe) whose “tall boy” is legendary, This was a prophecied event of four power-ful Seers, and I have Soul Song origin stories from three of these ancient alien people. I would like to include the firstborn’s soul song— that of “tall boy”. Please write to <[email protected]>

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yearning for home. She nearly wept at the sound of it. Her throat tightened. Tears welled in her eyes. Closing them, she began to see the sounds enveloping her, then lift her high above the trees to a vision of the magnificent land in which they lived. It carried her past the river, all the way to the Guruda Lake and waterfalls, beyond to the valley and the East Mountains, and then she traced in her vision a golden path to the Meeting Tree. Its branches were swaying sometimes to the East, then back again to the West. She followed the Westerly flight of a large blue crane back through the lush forests, the plateau, past the lake, over the river near her home and further West to the Mountains of the Moons. Her heart tore in her chest, her throat tightened even more. The whistling bark strips caught her attention again, then the harmonious bellowing of the tree, and suddenly it was as though she were quaking in the soundwaves as a song coursed its way through her body and out her throat. She wanted to weep, yet her body wouldn’t allow her to divert from warbling of the song.

THE SECRET: TWO AND THREE Words formed from the coolness of the river, the crane’s wings, Mountain’s moons, Valley’s purple-pinks and orange Sun, waters falling, falling, falling and the tickling grasses waving across the North. She sang her heart out, for she knew that the Universe had decided to give her not one daughter, but two. And both of them were of the prophesied four gifted children to come that year. Both of them would bring such joy to her and to the clan, the tribe and other tribes as well. She heard their songs simultaneously — all of it — and knew that both her daughters would leave her much too early and it would break her. But she agreed anyway. She welcomed them both in. So this was their birthday.



This strange boy was the fourth gifted child born during the year of Simsiki/Hushtaa, as foretold by the Rhot-huran, and the last one known by Rhombi’s tribe. His tribe were the mountain forest dwellers, living amongst the cliffs and caves. Their pattern was to move downward at harvest in the fall, but rarely as far down as the spring-fed lakes. Their drink-ing water came from the crisp, cold mountain streams, and they bathed in several well-hid-den hot springs on the West side of the mountain range. He was named, “Makkar”, meaning “wings’ music to the soul”, after a dream his

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yearning for home. She nearly wept at the sound of it. Her throat tightened. Tears welled in her eyes. Closing them, she began to see the sounds enveloping her, then lift her high above the trees to a vision of the magnificent land in which they lived. It carried her past the river, all the way to the Guruda Lake and waterfalls, beyond to the valley and the East Mountains, and then she traced in her vision a golden path to the Meeting Tree. Its branches were swaying sometimes to the East, then back again to the West. She followed the Westerly flight of a large blue crane back through the lush forests, the plateau, past the lake, over the river near her home and further West to the Mountains of the Moons. Her heart tore in her chest, her throat tightened even more. The whistling bark strips caught her attention again, then the harmonious bellowing of the tree, and suddenly it was as though she were quaking in the soundwaves as a song coursed its way through her body and out her throat. She wanted to weep, yet her body wouldn’t allow her to divert from warbling of the song.

THE SECRET: TWO AND THREE Words formed from the coolness of the river, the crane’s wings, Mountain’s moons, Valley’s purple-pinks and orange Sun, waters falling, falling, falling and the tickling grass-es waving across the North. She sang her heart out, for she knew that the Universe had decided to give her not one daughter, but two. And both of them were of the prophesied four gifted children to come that year. Both of them would bring such joy to her and to the clan, the tribe and other tribes as well. She heard their songs simultaneously — all of it — and knew that both her daughters would leave her much too early and it would break her. But she agreed anyway. She welcomed them both in. So this was their birthday.



This strange boy was the fourth gifted child born during the year of Simsiki/Hushtaa, as foretold by the Rhot-huran, and the last one known by Rhombi’s tribe. His tribe were the mountain forest dwellers, living amongst the cliffs and caves. Their pattern was to move downward at harvest in the fall, but rarely as far down as the spring-fed lakes. Their drinking water came from the crisp, cold mountain streams, and they bathed in several well-hidden hot springs on the West side of the mountain range. He was named, “Makkar”, meaning “wings’ music to the soul”, after a dream his

mother had had before her pregnancy. It was a magical dream. She looked deeply into the eyes of a great gray owl, during which the owl slowed his vibration to hers. Gradually, she felt the synchronous beating of her heart with his, and felt the rushing of blood through the veins in her ears. Rushing sounds soon became a roaring wind sound which spoke of the lifting of the heart. When she began to understand this lifting, she suddenly became fearful that her own heart would succumb to the owl’s frequency and tear her heart mus-cles with its ferocity. The owl felt her break from the synchronous heartbeat in a panic so intense that he feared her heart would burst. Wisely, the owl supported her decision to fear, and synchronized his frequency to that of fear in humans while maintaining direct eye contact throughout this transition. Never moving a muscle, he eased her, in full sup-port, back to a relaxed state and told her to listen to that sound within her which made her fear instead of trust. He said following the sound within the body was the way to find the source of fear. When she listened, she could follow the sound of fear in her heart until it began to wane in strength. It was as though she were pulled along, still through her heart, to seek the strength of the sound as it moved through her veins. Though intermittent at first, she soon became accustomed to following the sound as though riding on a wave. She rode the wave all the way to the constricting muscles in her throat. She told this to the owl. The owl replied, “Your throat constricts only because it fears not being able to do that which it is meant to do…that is the source of your fear which travels down into your heart. Go further with this sound and find what it is that your throat fears. Do not worry, your heartbeat has not changed as you traveled there for I have adjusted mine to match yours, in order to support yours as you learn. If you wish to stop this lesson, all you need to do is wake up. When you want to continue the lesson, then summon me again before you sleep and I will return in your dreams.” Being known for her bravery, she recalled moments throughout her life when her heart was summoned to its own ferocity. She had become known in her tribe for her brav-ery in tasks. For those, it was clarity of purpose which held her focus through dangerous situations. This is where her skills strengthened over the years. There had been times she had traveled down the river with a team in narrow boats while on a gathering journey. But one time the river had earned a new tributary from the mountain and had become white-water froth and furious in speed after that point. She was in the third boat. The two leading boats slowed in an attempt to move to the side, but she could see that they were expending too much energy just trying to slow down and there was no time for that. She bravely shot ahead of the others and led the gathering team through the turbulent waters to a point of ease at the widening of the river. All had

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become aware of her bravery and knowledge of the water’s properties. “I was open to know-ing the river” she thought, and remembered the tunnel of vision which guided her to the best places and positions for her boat to traverse the lathering waters. During another gathering journey, up into the mountains, she’d been brave when the team accidentally encroached the territory of a large family of gorillas. The alpha male came thundering down toward them, which made most of the team scramble away hurried-ly, dropping their baskets of fruit and nuts. She knew they’d earned this harvest AND the materials to make their baskets, and she was not about to give them up just because they’d trespassed. So she squatted down right where she’d stood, all the while the alpha male thun-dering down toward her noisily. She held eye contact with him the entire time, while slowly opening the basket at her feet. The giant male stopped abruptly within a few yards of her and the basket. True, he could have torn the limbs from her and cast them in the four directions as a symbol of the severity of their error, but he did not. When he saw the harvest in the basket, he knew this food had not been taken from his territory. Then he noticed how small she was, yet did not turn and run, and he realized she would only stay if she was right to have this food and defend it, whether he liked it or not. While still maintaining eye contact, he sat down facing her. She pulled a nut and an apparatus from the basket and cracked the shell between two stones that were tethered together. She ate the sweet nut-meat, barely able to swallow, for the tightness in her throat. Then she pulled another nut and cracked its shell, this time tossing it just in front of the giant ape. He started just a bit when she tossed it, then settled down in the same spot and picked up the nut. He sniffed it and nibbled. Not to his liking, he got up on all fours. She did the same, then slowly gathered and lifted the basket from the ground, raising it to her shoulder. Next, she went laterally to the nearest dropped basket and picked it up. Then she went to the next and did the same, all the while maintaining eye contact with the alpha male. The others slowly made their way up to their baskets and retrieved them after she’d waved them up. He stood on all fours the entire time, lest one of them should come any nearer his family than their own baskets lay. When she’d begun to tell the details of this event, her throat constricted at the moment that she doubted that others would believe her. She feared the doubt by her people more than she’s feared her own death. After she finished telling this to the owl, he was certain it was true, for she resonat-ed that same frequency of fear for the muscles of her heart as she did when she told of her throat constricting in fear of being doubted. “All is right, let’s continue with your journey.” This time, she followed as the owl reached her frequency of heart at rest. She began

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to hear the blood roaring past her ears. The owl sensed fully the synchronous presence of her being, then told her to listen. He turned his head and slowly raised his wings. The sound of the feathers unfurling to gather the air was akin to an announcement to the U niverse, that flight was about to commence. “Listen”, the owl reminded her. The frequency slowed to 1/16th the speed, so she could gather the notes of this song. The wings unfurled again — so slowly that she could see the beautiful rhythm in the aerodynamics of winged flight which sounded like this: WWwwwhhhHHOOOooooiiissshhhh…wwhhhoouuuh. As she listened to the sound of flight she realized there was a chorus of sounds in an underlayer. It was a softer announcement, emitting visions to her of pearly white feathers. “That is the lift of the heart, which must occur before flight can commence. It is the Universe’s response to our announcement of flight. It is the image of the dove — a symbol of purity of intent to use that which was gifted us by the Creator. She realized that she no longer sat facing the owl…that she was following the huge bird as it soared above the planet. She could hear the music of flight. She could feel the joy deep in her soul as she was flying. Flocks of many species joined, soaring above the green planet’s mountains in a hazy sky. The owl turned its head back to her once more. Resonating deep through her being came these words from the owl, “Remember the lift in your heart…this is the song of the child you will carry.” So, this was the fourth child’s birthday. He celebrated this non-annual cyclical anniversary in Spring of 2014.

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As infants, like all children born during Simsiki/Hushtaa, the four Seers born were well-loved by all in the tribes. All babies were well-loved by their tribes, no matter when they were born, but those born during this cycle were also well-watched. As a result, these children were never lonely. It was in this way that all the children born during Simsiki/Hushtaa had great knowledge of all in their clan village, through their shared stories.

Likewise, the songs of these four Seer children were learned by every living person in their tribe after they were born. For only these people had the knowledge that the sitting under trees was considered a vision quest event: any could do it, but only until the women could quiet themselves enough to hear the souls of ancestors and the spirits from future time, they would hear no song. What good was a spirit that did not sing? So the women would sit alone, for hours and days, eating alone, sleeping alone and waiting. The lighting of song upon her ears was considered a sacred moment: a request by the child to be heard from the purity of their spirit; a request by the whole of that spirit to be welcomed. From the moment their mothers first heard their song, the mother would teach it to the Grandparents, to a few favorite older women and the midwives, who would sing this song during the mother’s labor and the miracle of the child’s birth so he or she would KNOW a true welcome to the planet. Throughout each person’s life, whether during child-hood illness or great achievement, and during rites, this song would be sung. Lastly, when-ever possible, at the very last moment before stepping back into the spirit world, their last memory would be their soul’s song, welcoming them home again.



Mfindi had not yet had any children, though she was as beautiful and gentle as any child could want for a mother. Her light reddish-brown skin glowed with health, her hair shined in the light over a perfectly oval face with a nose chiseled to perfection, and her teeth were perfectly straight in a gleaming smile. When she heard the elders’ translation of the Rhot-Hurans’ message, she was mes-merized by the good news. Like many women in the tribes, she wanted a daughter, and thought often of the joys a daughter would bring, of what she could teach her and of the pride she would feel, especially if her daughter was one of the four gifted children. So, like other women, she took great care of herself, but especially made sure she had the time to

Parasystole Dream

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