parents handbook 2014 (update 11.11.2013).doc

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  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc



    1. WELCOME...................................................................................................2

    2. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................2

    3. PHILOSOPHY............................................. Error! Bookmark no "#$n".

    %. &EY PRINCIPLES OF THE MONTESSORI METHOD..............................4

    '. (ICTORIAN &INDER)ARTEN TERM DATES...........................................6

    *. STAFF..........................................................................................................6

    +. CLASS SESSIONS......................................................................................6

    ,. EDUCATIONAL PRO)RAMS.....................................................................7

    9. E-TENDED HOURS PRO)RAM……………………………………………..7. FEES............................................................................................................7

    1/. COMMUNICATION......................................................................................8

    11. FEEDBAC& 0 CONCERNS.........................................................................912. ARRI(AL COLLECTION OF CHILDREN................................................9

    13. ORIENTATION...........................................................................................10

    1%. CREATIN) INDEPENDENCE...................................................................10

    1'. SEPARATION............................................................................................10

    1*. ITEMS TO BRIN)......................................................................................11

    1+. CLOTHIN) 0 TOILET TRAININ)..............................................................11

    1,. SUNSMART...............................................................................................12

    1. PERSONAL BELON)IN)S......................................................................12

    2/. SHOW TELL..........................................................................................12

    21. LIBRARY...................................................................................................13


    23. INFECTIOUS DISEASES..........................................................................15

    2%. ANAPHYLA-IS 0 ALLER)IES..................................................................17

    2'. ASTHMA....................................................................................................19

    2*. DIABETES 0 EPILEPSY............................................................................19

    2+. HY)IENE...................................................................................................19

    2,. FOOD DRIN&.........................................................................................20

    2. BIRTHDAYS...............................................................................................21

    3/. MARIA MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL E(ENTS.......................................2131. PORTFOLIO..............................................................................................21

    32. MOMENTO OF CHILDS STAY AT PRESCHOOL...................................21

    33. PHOTO)RAPHS.......................................................................................22

    3%. E-CURSIONS 0 INCURSIONS..................................................................22

    3'. PARENT0)UARDIAN PARTICIPATION....................................................23

    3*. PARENTS0)UARDIANS RESPONSIBILITY FOR CURRENTINFORMATION..........................................................................................23

    3+. PARENTS0)UARDIANS OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES.........................23

    3,. THAN& YOU..............................................................................................26

    3. POLICIES...................................................................................................27

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  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc


    1. WELCOME!

    We at the Maria Montessori Preschool hope the years you and your childchildren spend

    !ith us !ill "e "oth e#citin$ and enrichin$. Please ta%e a &e! 'o'ents to read throu$hour hand"oo% !hich contains in&or'ation a"out the pro$ra' and the responsi"ilities o& parents under the (ducation ) *are Preschool +ational ,e$ulations 2011. -& you haeany /uestions please &eel &ree to contact us.


    Maria Montessori Preschool !as esta"lished in 1977 in Mt. Waerley. &ter 21 years o& success&ul operation the Preschool relocated to Wheelers ill in the year 2000. We area re$istered priate inder$arten.

    he Preschool is co''itted to the true Montessori approach and adheres to theprinciples and practices o& a Montessori education &or preschool children. -t is sta&&ed "y/uali&ied e#perienced and dedicated teachers.

    Maria Montessori Preschool runs a 4 year old %inder$arten &unded pro$ra' co'plyin$!ith the niersal ccess see attach'ent proidin$ 15 hours a !ee% o& early childhoodeducation and care.

    he preschool year co'prises &our ter's o& appro#i'ately 10 !ee%s teachin$ inaccordance !ith ictorian inder$arten er' ates re&er er' ates on pa$e 7.

    :er a period o& a year there !ill "e 4 student;&ree days.

    3. (ISION



    4T5" mo6 $m7oran 7"r$o o# 8$#" $6 no 5" a9" o# :n$;"r6$< 6:$"6 =: 5" #$r6on" 5" 7"r$o #rom =$r5 o 5" a9" o# 6$>. T5" mor" #:88< 5" n""6 o# on"7"r$o ar" m" 5" 9r"a"r ?$88 =" 5" 6:@@"66 o# 5" n">. r. Maria Montessori 1870 < 1952

    o attain and 'aintain "est practice in =he Montessori Method> o& teachin$ and learnin$as !ell as inte$rate learnin$ throu$h play and proide hi$h /uality education and care tochildren a$ed 3 to 6 years.

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  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc


    %. MISSION

    o proide an eniron'ent !ith didactic 'aterials !hich !ill enhance and e#tend each

    child>s %no!led$e and encoura$e hi'her to e#plore learn and deelop independencecon&idence identity concentration sel&;discipline and creatiity.


    he Maria Montessori Preschool has "een o&&erin$ a uni/ue pro$ra' to 'eet the needso& the children and &a'ilies o& the local area since 1977. We o&&er early childhoodeducation and care &or children 3;6 years old in a respect&ul and responsie child;centered eniron'ent !here child>s sel&;con&idence independence sel&;identity and!ell"ein$ is alued and &ostered in an inclusie and culturally releant 'anner. We use

    the Montessori Method to e#tend children>s learnin$ as !ell as incorporatin$ child;ledlearnin$ throu$h play.

    :ur practices re&lect the %ey principles o& Montessori Method the +ational ?uality@tandard +?@ the ictorian (arly Aears Bearnin$ and eelop'ent Cra'e!or%(ABC (arly Aears Bearnin$ Cra'e!or% &or ustralia (ABC the + *onention onthe ,i$hts o& the *hild 1989 the (arly *hildhood ustralia *ode o& (thics and our %no!led$e o& current research and in&or'ation.

    :ur serice>s sta&& and 'ana$e'ent strie to!ards "est practice &ocused on !hat is inthe interests o& the indiidual child and their &a'ilies. We !or% in partnership !ith&a'ilies as !e "eliee that the &a'ily is the pri'ary care$ier and they hae a !ealth o& 

    in&or'ation a"out their child that assists educators to understand their indiidual needs.We alue the &a'ilies> input into decision 'a%in$ and encoura$e any su$$estions that'ay assist in i'proin$ the /uality o& the preschool.

    We "eliee that each child deelops to "e an independent person !ith a stron$ sense o& sel& !ho !ill i'proise and use their creatiity in !or%in$ and learnin$ as a healthythin%in$ indiidual and that these traits 'ay re'ain !ith the' throu$hout their lies.

    We proide a prepared eniron'ent !ith Montessori;desi$ned didactic 'aterials !hichhelp children deelop concentration and sel&;discipline. *hildren !or% at their o!n pace!ith $uidance and support &ro' sta&&. he children>s innate passion &or learnin$ is alsoencoura$ed "y $iin$ the' opportunities to en$a$e in spontaneous as !ell as

    purpose&ul actiities.

    *hildren en$a$e in the &our 'ain areas o& the Montessori pro$ra' ; Practical Bi&e@ensorial Ban$ua$e and Mathe'atics. ttention is also paid to the other areas o& theMontessori pro$ra' such as *reatie rts Music and Moe'ent @cience Deo$raphyand *ultural @tudies.

    ('phasis is on the literacy s%ills o& listenin$ spea%in$ readin$ and !ritin$ throu$hstoriesE rhy'es chants and son$sE discussions and contri"utions durin$ $roup ti'esEe#pressin$ sel& throu$h dra!in$ and artE $roup and indiidual readin$ usin$ phoneticsand hi$h;&re/uency !ordsE !ritin$ letters o& the alpha"et !ords and sentences. *hildrenare encoura$ed to per&or' set tas%s in deelopin$ their !ritten s%ills. hese actiitiesare indiidualiFed at the childGs leel o& GreadinessG.

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  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc


    We pro'ote inclusion o& children !ith additional needs and &oster a deep sense o& security "asic trust and acceptance &or all children re$ardless o& a"ility $ender or cultural "ac%$round.

    We support and alue the diersity !hich e#ists !ithin the ustralian society and "elieethat children should learn to respect and cele"rate that diersity. We ac%no!led$e and

    respect our nation>s &irst people and inter!eae aspects o& "ori$inal and orres @trait-slander culture and practice !ithin our pro$ra'.

    We ai' to assist children to reach their &ull potential as 'e'"ers o& the society. We

    reco$niFe the i'portance o& proidin$ an anti;"ias approach to positiely support

    children>s $ro!th o& identity critical thin%in$ sel&;estee' and !ell"ein$ contri"ution to

    their !orld learnin$ and co''unication.

    We reco$niFe the i'portance o& listenin$ to the children to "etter understand their 

    needs stren$ths and interests and the contri"ution they 'a%e to their &a'ilies the

    preschool and the co''unity. We proide a secure sa&e sti'ulatin$ eniron'ent "oth

    indoors and outdoors that &osters all aspect o& their social physical co$nitie e'otionaland aesthetic deelop'ent at a pace that is deelop'entally appropriate.

    We "eliee that an e&&ectie eniron'ent re/uires respect &or the stren$ths s%ills and

    resources o& each sta&& 'e'"er. -n reco$nition o& the diersity o& "ac%$rounds and

    e#perience a'on$ sta&& !e ac%no!led$e the i'portance o& !or%in$ as a tea' to

    proide hi$h;/uality care and education. We alue and support sta&& input into decision

    'a%in$ continued pro&essional deelop'ent and their role as adocates &or the !ider 

    &ield o& early childhood education.


    • *hildren learn throu$h sensitie periods

    • *hildren learn throu$h their senses

    • *hildren thrie throu$h order and structure

    • *hildren need &reedo'

    • Multi;a$ed classroo's

    • he role o& a teacher is o& a directress !ho plans and prepares the eniron'entintroducin$ the 'aterials "rie&ly and syste'atically

    *hildren learn usin$ the didactic 'aterials as they are sel&;correctin$• Practical li&e sensorial lan$ua$e and 'athe'atics are the &our 'ain areas in the

    Montessori pro$ra'

    • Montessori education also includes creatie arts 'usic and 'oe'ent sciencenature study $eo$raphy and cultural studies.

    • Montessori curriculu' is child;&ocused and "ased on principles o& childdeelop'ent.

    • Materials are 'ade easily accessi"le to children in the classroo'

    • he &unda'ental or 3;period lesson is used !ith eery de'onstration

    Pra@$@a8 L$#"H hrou$h Practical Bi&e e#ercises children learn to pursue order andindependence "y usin$ arious 'aterials and actiities !hich support the deelop'ento& &ine 'otor as !ell as other learnin$ s%ills needed to adance the 'ore intricate

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  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc


    Montessori apparatus. Montessori approach lin%s "et!een the child>s ho'e eniron'entand the classroo'. *hildren !or% !ith concentration and at their o!n pace and $ainsatis&action and con&idence in their achiee'ents !hen !or%in$ !ith practical li&e'aterials. Practical li&e coers &our 'ain areas < care o& sel& care o& eniron'entcontrol o& 'oe'ent and $race and courtesy.

    S"n6or$a8H children "e$in to sort arran$e and classi&y their 'any e#periences at a eryearly a$e. he sensorial 'aterials help the child e#perience pri'arily in identi&yin$distinctions "et!een si'ilar and di&&erent thin$s. Bater the child learns to $rade a set o& si'ilar o"Iects that di&&er in colour siFe hei$ht !idth te#ture di'ension olu'e !ei$htand len$th throu$h the use o& their senses. Precise lan$ua$e such as tallshortthic%thin li$htdar% rou$hs'ooth and so on is attached to these sensorial e#periencesto 'a%e the !orld een 'ore 'eanin$&ul to the child.

    Lan9:a9"H Montessori approach proides a pro$ra' !here readin$ !ritin$ listenin$and spea%in$ is tau$ht as Ioint units. Ban$ua$e is ela"orated and re&ined throu$h aariety o& actiities such as stories rhy'es and son$s $a'es sho! and tell andclassi&ied lan$ua$e cards. he letters o& the alpha"et are presented to the child layin$

    e'phasis on the phonic sounds o& each letter. Jy tracin$ the sandpaper letter thechildren can &eel see and hear the sounds they 'a%e. he indirect preparation o& !ritin$is achieed "y the deelop'ent and re&ine'ent o& the senses o& touch si$ht and sound.When children hae learnt all the sounds o& the letters o& the alpha"et and are a"le to!rite the' independently they use the !ooden 'oa"le letters to reproduce his or her !ords phrases sentences and &inally short stories. *hildren also sho! %een interest in!ritin$ the sa'e on a paper or in their !ritin$ "oo%s. Jecause children %no! !hat theyhae !ritten they soon realiFe they can read "ac% their stories. @lo!ly they "e$inreadin$ "oo%s "oth to the'seles and others.

    Ma5"ma$@6 @ensorial trainin$ is o& $reat i'portance in learnin$ the "asics o& 'ath.Montessori has !ide ariety o& concrete 'aterials &or this purpose. child is led to

    a"stract ideas and relationships "y dealin$ !ith the concrete. *hildren de'onstrate anincreasin$ understandin$ o& 'easure'ent and nu'"er usin$ oca"ulary to descri"esiFe !idth len$th hei$ht olu'e and na'es o& nu'"ers throu$h usin$ the Montessoriapparatus. *hildren $ain a physical i'pression o& nu'"ers 1;10 "y handlin$ nu'"er rods spindle "o# sandpaper nu'"ers nu'"ers and counters etc. he child learns "yrepetition usin$ the concrete 'aterials "e&ore $raspin$ the a"stract conceptions and$radually "uilds up a stron$ "asis &or 'ore adanced 'ath. Deo'etry al$e"ra andarith'etic are lin%ed in the Montessori Method as they are in li&e. hrou$h concrete'aterial the child learns to add su"tract 'ultiply and diide and $radually co'es tounderstand 'any a"stract 'athe'atical concepts !ith ease and Ioy.

    M:6$@ ar an @ra# Jesides the Montessori e/uip'ent the children are encoura$ed tota%e part in $roupindiidual sin$in$ creatie art dra!in$ cra&t and $a'es accordin$ tothe interests and talents o& the childteacher. Music sessions include per&or'in$dancin$ sin$in$ and e#peri'entin$ !ith instru'ents &ro' a ariety o& cultures.

    C:8:ra8 S:="@6 )"o9ra75

  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc



    2/1%er' 1H 29th Kanuary ; 4th priler' 2H 22nd pril ; 27th Kune

    er' 3H 14th

     Kuly ; 19th

     @epte'"er er' 4H 6th :cto"er ; 19th ece'"er 

    No"he &irst day 28.01.2014 o& er' 1 is !hen teachers start < this is a student;&ree day.Please chec% !ith our Preschool !hen other student;&ree days !ill occur throu$hout thepreschool year.

    ,. STAFF

    Crances achi'oto :!ner ) Mana$er pproed Proider -rene Cernades 4 yo eacher (ducational Beader ) +o'inated @uperisor*arol Mc-or 4 yo eacher < *erti&ied @uperisor  Ban%i%a +elson 3 yo (ducator < *erti&ied @uperisor harini Aapa ssistant (ducator  +eha Dada ssistant (ducator  Aas'in ilcassi' ssistant (ducator  


    *hildren !ill "e re/uired to attend 2 L hour sessions per day &or 3 year olds and 3 hour sessions per day &or 4 year olds &ie days a !ee% Monday < Criday either 'ornin$ or a&ternoon session and co'plete *ycle 1. *ycle 1 consists o& a 'ini'u' o& 8 ter'sdependin$ on the child>s a$e.

    Mornin$ sessions &or 3 year olds are &ro' 9.00 a' to 11.30 a' and a&ternoon sessionsare &ro' 12.15 p'. to 2.45 p'.

    Mornin$ sessions &or 4 year olds are &ro' 9.00 a' to 12.00 noon and a&ternoonsessions &ro' 12.45 p' to 3.45 p'.

    Cor 3 year old children the total session ti'e per !ee% is 12.5 hours. Cro' 2013 theepart'ent o& (arly *hildhood and (ducation ((* re/uiresPreschools%inder$artens to proide 15 hour per !ee% o& education to 4 year oldchildren.

    Mornin$&ternoon @essionsH -t is nor'al practice that children !ho attend 'ornin$sessions in the 1st  year !ill "e trans&erred to a&ternoon sessions in the 2 nd  year o& preschool.


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    *hildren are re/uired to attend a 2L hour session per day &ie days a !ee% Monday <Criday either in the 'ornin$ or a&ternoon and co'plete *ycle 1 !hich is a three;year pro$ra' &or 3 < 6 year old children consistin$ o& a 'ini'u' o& ei$ht 8 ter'sdependin$ on the child>s a$e.

    o!eer as children $enerally co''ence pri'ary school at 5 years o& a$e it is

    "ene&icial &or the' to co'plete at least t!o years at Maria Montessori Preschool.

    @ession ti'es &or three 3 year old children totalin$ 12.5 hours per !ee% areH

    Mornin$H 9.00 a' to11.30 a' &ternoonH 12.15 p' to 2.45 p'

    Cro' 2013 the epart'ent o& (arly *hildhood and (ducation ((* re/uires allpreschools %inder$artens to proide 15 hours per !ee% o& education to &our year oldchildren. here&ore session ti'es &or &our 4 year old children &ro' 2013 !ill "eH

    Mornin$H 9.00 a' to 12.00 noon

     &ternoon 12.45 p' to 3.45 p'

    Mornin$&ternoon @essionsH -t is nor'al practice that children !ho attend 'ornin$sessions in the 1st  year !ill "e trans&erred to a&ternoon sessions in the 2 nd  year o& preschool.


    he (#tended ours Pro$ra' is an e#tension o& the Montessori Pro$ra' and is in

    addition to the 12.5 3 year olds or 15 hours 4 year olds per !ee%.

    he (#tended ours Pro$ra' &or 3 year olds is &ro' 9.00 a' to 2.45 p' and can "e anydays o& the !ee% e.$. 2 &ull days and 3 hal& days or 3 &ull days and 2 hal& days etc.

    he (#tended ours Pro$ra' &or 4 year olds is &ro' 9.00 a' to 3.45 p' and can "e anydays o& the !ee% e.$. 2 &ull days and 3 hal& days or 3 &ull days and 2 hal& days etc.

    Please note that the (#tended ours Pro$ra' is su"Iect to aaila"ility.

    *hildren attendin$ the (#tended ours Pro$ra' !ill hae lunch and rela#in$sleepin$ti'e 45 'inutes or lon$er dependin$ on each child>s needs "et!een the 'ornin$ and

    a&ternoon session.

    Parents are re/uired to proide lunch &or their children.

    12. FEES

    here are &our ter's per year and ter' &ees are set "y Mana$e'ent annually. discount o& 10 o& the ter' &ee !ill "e $ien &or concurrently attendin$ si"lin$s second

    and su"se/uent si"lin$s "ut not the &irst child.

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  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc


    er' &ees are to "e paid pro'ptly in adance. -noices are issued in the second !ee%o& the precedin$ ter' and pay'ent is due in the third !ee% o& each ter'. here !ill "e alate pay'ent &ee o& N20.00 &or eery oerdue account. Please noti&y the Preschool i&you are e#periencin$ di&&iculties !ith the pay'ent o& &ees and each case !ill "econsidered on its o!n 'erits.

    :ne ter'>s !ritten notice is re/uired i& your child is to "e !ithdra!n durin$ the year.Cailure to do so !ill incur a ter'>s &ee. +o child 'ay "e enrolled &or any ter' i& &ees &orthe preious period re'ain unpaid.

    We are una"le to o&&er any &ee trans&er or deductions e.$. holidays sic% leae or leain$our preschool. ll &ees are non;re&unda"le.

    he Preschool reseres the ri$ht to ta%e le$al action &or the recoery o& &ees not paid. ny e#penses costs or dis"urse'ents incurred "y the Preschool in recoerin$ anyoutstandin$ 'onies includin$ de"t collection a$ency &ees and solicitor costs !ill "echar$ed to the account.

    &$n"r9ar"n F"" S:=6$<he inder$arten Cee @u"sidy !or%s to support eli$i"le &a'ilies "y contri"utin$ to!ardsthe cost o& 10.75 hours o& %inder$arten per !ee%. Please note that &ro' 2013 the hours!ill increase to 15 hours per !ee% &or 4 year old children. (li$i"le &a'ilies 'ust proidethe re/uired docu'entation to ena"le the Preschool to clai' the inder$arten Cee@u"sidy re&er to Cee Policy ttach'ent 1 < Cee in&or'ation &or &a'ilies.

    (li$i"le &a'ilies 'ust hae one o& the &ollo!in$ cards isas or docu'entsH

    • ealth care card

    • Pensioner *oncession *ard

    e'porary Protectionhu'anitarian isa 447451785 or 786• Jrid$in$ isas ;C and ,e&u$ee and @pecial u'anitarian isas olders 200;217

    • epart'ent o& eterans &&airs Dold *ard

    • ,esolution o& status ,:@ isa class * @u"class 851

    •  ll "ori$inal or orres @trait -slander children are also eli$i"le &or the su"sidy.

    • -& triplets or /uadruplets are attendin$ %inder$arten in the sa'e year the &a'ily isalso eli$i"le &or the su"sidy &or each child.

    he current policy can "e &ound in the &ollo!in$ lin%HhttpH!!!.education.ic.$o.auecs'ana$e'entcarean%inder&undin$su"'.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • readin$ the Maria Montessori Preschool Cee in&or'ation &or &a'ilies the Cee Pay'ent $ree'ent and the @tate'ent o& Cees and *har$es re&erred to in arious ttach'ents in the Cee Policy

    • si$nin$ and co'plyin$ !ith the Cee Pay'ent $ree'ent re&er to ttach'ents 4 and5


    *lose colla"oration and co''unication "et!een the Preschool and ho'e are essentialand alued "y our Preschool. he teachers are aaila"le &or a /uic% chat at drop o&& and

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    collection ti'es as lon$ as this does not co'pro'ise the superision o& children. -& you!ould li%e a 'ore in depth conersation please contact the o&&ice to 'a%e anappoint'ent durin$ the teacher>s scheduled plannin$ ti'e.

     s e'ail is no! the pre&erred 'ethod o& co''unication it is i'portant to chec% your e'ails re$ularly and to ensure that your e'ail address details are %ept up to date.

    Please adise the o&&ice o& any chan$es. -& a parent$uardian does not hae access toe'ail please adise the o&&ice and !e shall ensure that paper copies o& allco''unications are proided ia your child>s Preschool "a$. n e#a'ple o& noti&ications includes ne!sletters and planned actiities.

    he daily Iournal is an e&&ectie co''unication tool "et!een the Preschool and theho'e and !ill $ie you 'any =conersation starters> to hae !ith your children. his isdisplayed in the &oyer &or parents$uardianscarers to read.

    -n er' 4 a Transition Learning & Development Statement  is co'pleted &or eery childin the 4 year old pro$ra' !ho !ill "e startin$ school the &ollo!in$ year.


    Maria Montessori sta&& stries to continually o&&er "est practice. We !elco'e &eed"ac%a"out the pro$ra' and !ill consider any su$$estions to i'proe the /uality o& care andeducation o& your child.

    -nitial &eed"ac%concerns should "e raised er"ally !ith the (ducators. lthou$h it iso&ten te'ptin$ to discuss issues !ith other parents it is i'portant the issue is dealt !ithin an appropriate 'anner so that a solution 'ay "e &ound s!i&tly and easily.

    he Preschool is co''itted to &airness in sortin$ out disputes and co'plaints !hateer their source. We "eliee that all parties should "e treated !ith respect and should &eelco'&orta"le and secure in e#pressin$ dissatis&action. Mana$e'ent !ill $ie anyco'plaint i''ediate attention.

    Cor'al co'plaints should "e in !ritin$ and all concerns !ill "e handled in a discretecon&idential and pro&essional 'anner. Policy procedures !ill "e &ollo!ed to resole theconcerns. Procedures 'ay "e di&&erent dependin$ on the nature o& the co'plaint.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • raisin$ a co'plaint directly !ith the person inoled in an atte'pt to resole the'atter !ithout recourse to the co'plaints and $rieances proceduresE

    • co''unicatin$ pre&era"ly in !ritin$ any concerns relatin$ to the 'ana$e'entor operation o& the Preschool as soon as is practica"leE

    • raisin$ any unresoled issues or serious concerns directly !ith the pproedProider ia the +o'inated @uperisoreducatorE

    • 'aintainin$ co'plete con&identiality at all ti'esE• co;operatin$ !ith re/uests to 'eet !ith Mana$e'ent andor proide releant

    in&or'ation !hen re/uested in relation to co'plaints and $rieances.

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    Punctuality helps set the tone o& the day and reduces con&usion in the classroo'.here&ore please arrie pro'ptly at the "e$innin$ and at the conclusion o& your child>ssession. Droup ti'e is an i'portant part o& the childrenGs day. -& children &ilter in a&ter the

    classroo' door is closed $roup ti'e is disrupted &or the entire class. he children>sa"ility to concentrate is co'pro'ised !hen their attention is dierted a!ay &ro' the$roup actiity to the late arrials at the door. Curther and Iust as i'portantly children!ho are late 'iss a ery i'portant part o& their school day.

    eachers spend ti'e i''ediately "e&ore and a&ter class doin$ record %eepin$ cleanin$preparin$ the classroo' discussin$ childrenGs pro$ress and sta&& 'eetin$s. -t isa"solutely essential that they hae this ti'e &ree &or these duties. here&ore please notethe a"oe arrial and collection ti'es. We are una"le to proide superision o& childrenoutside session ti'es.

    -n the un&oreseen eent o& you hain$ a circu'stance o& runnin$ late to collect your 

    child please contact us so that !e can reassure your child and 'a%e arran$e'ents &or the sta&& to care &or your child until you arrie. Please note ho!eer there is a late;collection &ee o& N10.00 &or eery 10 'inutes or part thereo& a&ter the conclusion o& thepreschool session in accordance !ith our Cee Policy.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • si$nin$ the attendance record as their child arries at and departs &ro' the serice

    • ensurin$ educators are a!are that their child has arried at"een collected &ro' theserice

    • superisin$ their o!n child "e&ore si$nin$ the' into the pro$ra' and a&ter they haesi$ned the' out o& the pro$ra'

    • superisin$ other children in their care includin$ si"lin$s !hile attendin$ or assistin$at the serice


    When your child is enrolled at Maria Montessori Preschool you !ill "e $ien a date toco'e to the Preschool !ith your child &or an hour>s orientation. he educators !ill

    e#plain to you the daily routines and actiities and your inole'ent at the Preschooland you !ill hae the opportunity to as% /uestions. he educators !ill ta%e you and your child throu$h the classroo' and around the $rounds o& the Preschool and also&a'iliarise you and your child !ith the sta&& and other children.


    o help &urther deelop your child>s independence the &ollo!in$ should "e encoura$edH

    •  s% your child to carry hisher o!n "a$ to and &ro' Preschool

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    • (ncoura$e the' to put on their shoes independently you can assist !ith doin$the' up

    • (ncoura$e the' to han$ their "a$ up

    • @ay $ood"ye at the door J(C:,( they enter the classroo'


    (ach child is indiidual and reacts to ne! situations in di&&erent !ays. he %ey to your childGs adIust'ent !ill "e a cooperatie e&&ort "et!een parents and sta&&. *hildren needti'e to adIust to their One!O routine. s a result o& this !hile your child is adIustin$ you'ay see tears and hear OGplease - !ant to $o ho'e. his is si'ply your childGs !ay o& handlin$ a ne! routine. urin$ this adIust'ent period it is ery co''on &or the tears tostop !ithin 'inutes o& the parentGs departure. Cor the "ene&it o& your child please &ollo!throu$h on your departure a&ter sayin$ $ood;"ye. When a parent says $ood;"ye anddoes not leae it creates a sense o& &ear in the child i.e. 'ay"e 'u''yGs not leain$"ecause so'ethin$ is !ron$. s your child 'asters this ne! routine the tears !illcease. his is all part o& the process o& $ro!in$ up !hile at the sa'e ti'e helpin$ to"uild a con&ident sel&;assured child.

    *lose colla"oration "et!een parents and Preschool sta&& is essential.



    Kac%et @lippers &or indoors only ) 'ust "e &ully coered. +o thon$s or slip;ons

    @'all "a$ ; suita"le &or carryin$ ite's to and &ro' Preschool. he "a$ should "e

    clearly na'ed and easily opened as children are encoura$ed to pac% their o!nite's into their "a$.

      spare set o& clothes

    @'all snac% "o# !ith seriette&ace !asher each day

    @'all !ater "ottle

      lon$;sleeed !aterproo& art s'oc%. Please la"el s'oc% !ith your child>s

    na'e. Bi"rary Ja$ ; Please supply a li"rary "a$ !ith cord or &lap to close so that "oo%s

    can "e sa&ely transported to and &ro' Preschool.

    Please la"el all the a"oe ite's !ith your child>s na'e. -& these ite's are not la"elled it"eco'es ery di&&icult &or children and educators to identi&y their "elon$in$s andthere&ore the ite' !ill $o into the Bost Property "o#. Please chec% this "o# periodically i& your child is 'issin$ any personal ite'.


    :ne o& the $oals o& the Montessori Method is to deelop in children sel&;con&idence anda sense o& independence. -t is i'portant that you dress your child in co'&orta"le clothesthat heshe can easily handle alone. his includes "ootselcro shoes and outer 

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    clothin$. Aour childGs day !ill &re/uently include paintin$ and outdoor play. Please dressyour child appropriately &or this type o& play. -t is i'portant that you and your child &eelco'&orta"le a"out hisher clothin$ %no!in$ that spills and stains happen.

    -n the interest o& sa&ety thon$s shoes !ith heels sandals or slip;ons !ithout a "ac%strap are +: per'itted to "e !orn at Preschool.

    -t is pre&era"le &or children to "e toilet trained "e&ore startin$ at the Preschool. Please letus %no! i& your child still re/uires assistance.

    Please label all clothing with your child's name, especially jumpers, jackets, hats,gloves, coats and boots.

    21. SUNSMART

    *hildren>s s%in is 'ore sensitie to sunli$ht e#posure than an adult>s s%in. Please 'a%esure that you apply sunscreen to your child "e&ore the co''ence'ent o& each sessiondurin$ the !ar' !eather season "e$innin$ o& @epte'"er to end o& pril and also 'a%esure that your child has a @un @'art approed sun hat to !ear !hen outdoors at thePreschool.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" a86o r"67on6$=8" #or

    • proidin$ !ritten authority &or sta&& to apply sunscreen to their child. Parents$uardianso& children !ith naturally ery dar% s%in 'ay decide not to proide this authority toensure their child receies ade/uate leels o& ita'in re&er Sun Protection Policy  ttach'ent 1. his should also "e discussed !ith educators at the Preschool.

    • proidin$ at their o!n e#pense an alternatie sunscreen to "e le&t at the Preschool i&their child has a particular sensitiity to the sunscreen proided "y the Preschool.

    • !earin$ a sunhat appropriate clothin$ &or sun protection and sun$lasses optional!hen outside at the Preschool. applyin$ sunscreen and see%in$ shade durin$ theti'es speci&ied in the Scope o& the Sun Protection Policy .


    Bittle &in$ers loe to put Othin$sO in little poc%ets. Please chec% your childGs poc%ets"e&ore arriin$ to ensure no s'all Oho'eO ite's are 'a%in$ their !ay into the Preschool.his is &or the sa&ety o& all children. lso please chec% upon hisher return ho'e &or anyun&a'iliar o"Iects !hich 'i$ht "e part o& the PreschoolGs e/uip'ent.

    -t is "est to %eep toys and Ie!ellery at ho'e. Ke!ellery is not to "e !orn at Preschool.*hildren "eco'e ery upset !hen ite's are lost !hich can easily happen at preschool.

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    he sta&& at Maria Montessori Preschool cannot ta%e any responsi"ility i& any ite' is lostor "ro%en.

    23. SHOW TELL

    We plan our pro$ra' around your child>s interests. @ho! ) ell is a $reat !ay toen$a$e !ith your child as !ell as deelopin$ their con&idence in sharin$ in&or'ation!ithin a $roup settin$.

    We encoura$e children to "rin$ to the Preschool o"Iects o& educational interest andalue such as "oo%s nature and science o"Iects current ne!spaper articles or pictures. lso photo$raphs and stories o& holidays and &a'ily interests are a !ay to e#tend our %no!led$e o& your child and hisher &a'ily. Please chec% the notice "oard &or your child>s na'e and date.

    2%. LIBRARY

    Bi"rary day is eery hursday. :nly one "oo% at a ti'e 'ay "e "orro!ed. Joo%s onloan 'ust "e returned "e&ore re;"orro!in$ and lostda'a$ed "oo%s 'ust "e paid &or. ll "oo%s 'ust "e returned "e&ore end o& ter'.


    Cor's are %ept in each roo' and !ill "e &illed in "y a 'e'"er o& sta&& in the eent o&

    'edication accident illness or incident etc. Parents !ill "e as%ed to si$n this &or' asan ac%no!led$e'ent that they hae "een in&or'ed o& any action ta%en "y sta&&. ll'edication that is prescri"ed &or a child "y a doctor !ill only "e ad'inistered "y the sta&&i& !ritten instruction is recorded in the "oo%. Mana$e'ent Plan needs to "e suppliedto sta&& si$ned "y the doctor e.$. &or sth'a or (pilepsy. -t is ery i'portant to 'a%esta&& a!are o& any aller$ies that your child 'ay hae.

    @ta&& respects the personal priacy and con&identiality o& each child and their &a'ily.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    Dealing with Medical Conditions

    • in&or'in$ the Preschool o& their child>s 'edical conditions i& any and in&or'in$ thePreschool o& any speci&ic re/uire'ents that their child 'ay hae in relation to their'edical conditionE

    • deelopin$ a ,is% Mini'isation Plan !ith the +o'inated @uperisor andor otherreleant sta&& 'e'"ers at the PreschoolE

    • proidin$ a Medical Mana$e'ent Plan si$ned "y a 'edical practitioner either onenrol'ent or i''ediately upon dia$nosis o& an on$oin$ 'edical condition. hisMedical Mana$e'ent Plan 'ust include a current photo o& the child and 'ust clearlyoutline procedures to "e &ollo!ed "y educatorssta&& in the eent o& an incident relatin$

    to the child>s speci&ic health care needsE• 'eetin$ the cost o& trainin$ sta&& to per&or' speci&ic 'edical procedures as releant totheir child as re/uiredE

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    • noti&yin$ the +o'inated @uperisor o& any chan$es to the status o& their child>s'edical condition and proidin$ a ne! Medical Mana$e'ent Plan in accordance !iththese chan$esE

    • in&or'in$ the +o'inated @uperisor o& any issues that i'pact on the i'ple'entationo& this policy "y the Preschool.

     Administration of Medicine Policy 

    • ensurin$ that any 'edication to "e ad'inistered is recorded in the 'edication record%ept at the PreschoolE

    • proidin$ a current Medical Mana$e'ent Plan !hen their child re/uires lon$;ter'treat'ent o& a condition that includes 'edication or their child has "een prescri"ed'edication to "e used &or a dia$nosed condition in an e'er$encyE

    • ensurin$ that the details o& authorised persons are %ept up to date in the child>senrol'ent &or'E

    • ensurin$ that prescri"ed 'edications to "e ad'inistered at the Preschool are proidedin their ori$inal container !ith the la"el intact "earin$ the child>s na'e dosa$einstructions and the e#piry date ,e$ulation 95ai

    • ensurin$ that prescri"ed 'edications to "e ad'inistered at the Preschool are !ithintheir e#piry dateE

    • physically handin$ the 'edication to a sta&& 'e'"er and in&or'in$ the' o& theappropriate stora$e and ad'inistration instructions &or the 'edication proidedE

    • clearly la"ellin$ non;prescription 'edications and oer;the;counter products &ore#a'ple sun "loc% and nappy crea' !ith the child>s na'e. he instructions and use;"y dates 'ust also "e isi"leE

    • ensurin$ that no 'edication or oer;the;counter products are le&t in their child>s "a$ or loc%erE

    • ta%in$ all 'edication ho'e at the end o& each sessiondayE• in&or'in$ the Preschool i& any 'edication has "een ad'inistered to the child "e&ore

    "rin$in$ the' to Preschool and i& the ad'inistration o& that 'edication is releant toor 'ay a&&ect the care proided to the child at PreschoolE

    • ensurin$ that their child>s enrol'ent details are up to date and proidin$ currentdetails o& persons !ho hae la!&ul authority to re/uest or per'it the ad'inistration o&'edication.

     Administration of First Aid Policy 

    • proidin$ !ritten authorisation !here children re/uire 'edication to "e ad'inistered

    "y educatorssta&& and si$nin$ and datin$ it &or inclusion in the child>s 'edicationrecord re&er to DefinitionsE

    proidin$ the re/uired in&or'ation &or the Preschool>s 'edication record re&er toDefinitions!• proidin$ !ritten consent ia the enrol'ent record &or Preschool sta&& to ad'inister

    &irst aid and call an a'"ulance i& re/uiredE• "ein$ contacta"le either directly or throu$h e'er$ency contacts listed on the child>s

    enrol'ent record in the eent o& an incident re/uirin$ the ad'inistration o& &irst aid.

    "ncident# "n$ury# Trauma & "llness Policy 

    • proidin$ authorisation in their child>s enrol'ent record &or the Preschool to see%e'er$ency 'edical treat'ent "y a 'edical practitioner hospital or a'"ulancePreschool ,e$ulation 1611E

    • pay'ent o& all costs incurred !hen an a'"ulance is called to the Preschool to attendto their child at the PreschoolE

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    • noti&yin$ the Preschool upon enrol'ent or dia$nosis o& any 'edical conditions andor needs and any 'ana$e'ent procedure to "e &ollo!ed !ith respect to that conditionor need ,e$ulation 162E

    • ensurin$ that they proide the Preschool !ith a current Medical Mana$e'ent Plan i&applica"le ,e$ulation 162dE

    • collectin$ their child as soon as possi"le !hen noti&ied o& an incident inIury or 'edical

    e'er$ency inolin$ their childE• in&or'in$ the Preschool o& an in&ectious disease or illness that has "een identi&ied

    !hile the child has not attended the Preschool and !hich 'ay i'pact on the healthand !ell"ein$ o& other children sta&& and parents$uardians attendin$ the PreschoolE

    • "ein$ contacta"le either directly or throu$h e'er$ency contacts listed on the child>senrol'ent &or' in the eent o& an incident re/uirin$ 'edical attentionE

    • si$nin$ the "ncident# "n$ury# Trauma and "llness %ecord  there"y ac%no!led$in$ thatthey hae "een 'ade a!are o& the incidentE

    • noti&yin$ the Preschool "y telephone !hen their child !ill "e a"sent &ro' their re$ularpro$ra'E

    • noti&yin$ sta&&educators i& there is a chan$e in the condition o& their child>s health or i&there hae "een any recent accidents or incidents that 'ay i'pact on the child>s caree.$. any "ruisin$ or head inIuries


    *hildren 'ust not attend the Preschool i& they are un!ell. -& you are dou"t&ul a"out yourchild>s health please %eep hi'her at ho'e. Dastric upsets i'peti$o chic%en po#cou$hs and colds are 'ost in&ectious and &or the sa%e o& your child and the others in thePreschool !e as% you to cooperate. Please contact sta&& as soon as possi"le o& yourchild>s a"sence. -n the case o& a $astric upset at least 24 hours should hae elapsedsince the last "o!el 'otion or o'itin$ attac% "e&ore your child returns to Preschool.P8"a6" no$#< :6 o# an< $n#"@$o:6 $6"a6" a6 6oon a6 7o66$=8".

    @hould your child hae 5"a 8$@" please adise the teacher as soon as they aredetected so that other parents 'ay "e adised to chec% their o!n child>s hair. Were/uest that you treat your child>s hair "e&ore heshe returns to Preschool.

    Please re&er to the &ollo!in$ ta"leH

    M$n$m:m P"r$o o# E>@8:6$on #rom Pr$mar< S@5oo86 an C5$8r"n6S"r;$@"6 C"nr"6 #or In#"@$o:6 D$6"a6"6 Ca6"6 an Cona@6 P:=8$@ H"a85 an W"88="$n9 R"9:8a$on6 2//


    Sa:or< R:8"  person in char$e o& a pri'ary school or childrenGs serices centre 'ust not allo! a child to attend thepri'ary school or childrenGs serices centre &or the period or in the circu'stancesHa speci&ied in colu'n 2 o& the a"le in @chedule 7 i& the person in char$e has "een in&or'ed that the childis in&ected !ith an in&ectious disease listed in colu'n 1 o& the a"le in @chedule 7E or" speci&ied in colu'n 3 o& the a"le in @chedule 7 i& the person in char$e has "een in&or'ed that the childhas "een in contact !ith a person !ho is in&ected !ith an in&ectious disease listed in colu'n 1 o& the a"lein @chedule 7.

    he person in char$e o& a pri'ary school or childrenGs serices centre !hen directed to do so "y the@ecretary 'ust ensure that a child enrolled at the pri'ary school or childrenGs serices centre !ho is noti''unised a$ainst a accine preenta"le disease P speci&ied "y the @ecretary in that direction does

    not attend the school or centre until the @ecretary directs that such attendance can "e resu'ed. +oteQPs are 'ar%ed in the ta"le !ith an asteris% R. *ontact the epart'ent on 1300 651 160 &or &urtheradice a"out e#clusion and these diseases.

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    S@5":8" + M$n$m:m P"r$o o# E>@8:6$on #rom Pr$mar< S@5oo86 an C5$8r"n6 S"r;$@"6 C"nr"6#or In#"@$o:6 D$6"a6"6 Ca6"6 an Cona@6 P:=8$@ H"a85 an W"88="$n9 R"9:8a$on6 2//

    -n this @chedule 'edical certi&icate 'eans a certi&icate o& a re$istered 'edical practitioner.

     1J Con$$on6 2J E>@8:6$on o# @a6"6 3J E>@8:6$on o# Cona@6 'oe"iasis (nta'oe"ahistolytica

    (#clude until there has not "een a loose "o!el'otion &or 24 hours

    +ot e#cluded

    *a'pylo"acter (#clude until there has not "een a loose "o!el'otion &or 24 hours

    +ot e#cluded

    *hic%enpo# (#clude until all "listers hae dried. his isusually at least 5 days a&ter the rash appearsin uni''unised children "ut 'ay "e less inpreiously i''unised children

     ny child !ith an i''unede&iciency &or e#a'ple leu%ae'iaor receiin$ che'otherapy should"e e#cluded &or their o!nprotection. :ther!ise not e#cluded

    *onIunctiitis (#clude until dischar$e &ro' eyes has ceased +ot e#cludediarrhoea (#clude until there has not "een a loose "o!el

    'otion &or 24 hours+ot e#cluded

    iphtheria (#clude until 'edical certi&icate o& recoery isreceied &ollo!in$ at least t!o ne$atie throats!a"s the &irst not less than 24 hours a&ter&inishin$ a course o& anti"iotics and the other48 hours later

    (#clude &a'ilyhousehold contactsuntil cleared to return "y the@ecretary

    and Coot and Mouthdisease

    (#clude until all "listers hae dried +ot e#cluded

    ae'ophilus in&luenFaetype " i"

    (#clude until at least 4 days o& appropriateanti"iotic treat'ent has "een co'pleted

    +ot e#cluded

    epatitis (#clude until a 'edical certi&icate o& recoeryis receied "ut not "e&ore 7 days a&ter theonset o& Iaundice or illness

    +ot e#cluded

    epatitis J (#clusion is not necessary +ot e#cludedepatitis * (#clusion is not necessary +ot e#cludederpes cold sores Aoun$ children una"le to co'ply !ith $ood

    hy$iene practices should "e e#cluded !hilethe lesion is !eepin$. Besions to "e coered"y dressin$ !here possi"le

    +ot e#cluded

    u'an i''uno;de&iciency irus in&ection--@ irus

    (#clusion is not necessary +ot e#cluded

    -'peti$o (#clude until appropriate treat'ent hasco''enced. @ores on e#posed sur&aces 'ust"e coered !ith a !aterti$ht dressin$

    +ot e#cluded

    -n&luenFa and in&luenFali%e illnesses

    (#clude until !ell +ot e#cluded unless considerednecessary "y the @ecretary

    Beprosy (#clude until approal to return has "een$ien "y the @ecretary

    +ot e#cluded

    M"a68"6K (#clude &or at least 4 days a&ter onset o& rash -''unised contacts not''unised contacts should "ee#cluded until 14 days a&ter the &irstday o& appearance o& rash in thelast case. -& uni''unised contactsare accinated !ithin 72 hours o&their &irst contact !ith the &irst caseor receied +-D !ithin 144 hourso& e#posure they 'ay return to the&acility

    Menin$itis "acteria Qother than 'enin$ococcal'enin$itis

    (#clude until !ell +ot e#cluded

    M"n$n9o@o@@a8 $n#"@$onR (#clude until ade/uate carrier eradicationtherapy has "een co'pleted

    +ot e#cluded i& receiin$ carriereradication therapy

    M:m76R (#clude &or 9 days or until s!ellin$ $oes do!n!hicheer is sooner

    +ot e#cluded

    P"r:66$6R Whoopin$cou$h

    (#clude the child &or 21 days a&ter the onset o& cou$h or until they hae co'pleted 5 days o& acourse o& anti"iotic treat'ent

    *ontacts a$ed less than 7 years inthe sa'e roo' as the case !hohae not receied three e&&ectiedoses o& pertussis accine should

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    "e e#cluded &or 14 days a&ter thelast e#posure to the in&ectiouscase or until they hae ta%en 5days o& a course o& e&&ectieanti"iotic treat'ent


  • 8/20/2019 Parents Handbook 2014 (Update 11.11.2013).doc



    D:" o 5" 6"r$o:6 na:r" o# ana75$6 @5$8r"n a r$6k ar" no a=8" o@omm"n@" $n 5" 7ro9ram :n$8 a R$6k M$n$m$a$on P8an 5a6 =""n @om78"" ?$55" 6a##.

     naphyla#is is a seere li&e;threatenin$ aller$ic reaction that can deelop !ithin 'inuteso& e#posure. he &ull naphyla#is Policy is in the Preschool Policy Manual %ept in theo&&ice and a copy !ill "e proided to the parent$uardian o& each child 'edicallydia$nosed as o& ris% o& anaphyla#is.

    We should all "e a!are that it is not possi"le to achiee a co'pletely aller$en;&reeeniron'ent in an area that is open to the $eneral co''unity. o!eer the Preschoolhas adopted a ran$e o& strate$ies and procedures to reduce the ris% o& children hain$an anaphyla#ic reaction includin$H

    • !ashin$ hands upon arrial at the Preschool "e&ore and a&ter 'eal ti'es and

    a&ter outdoor playE• 'a%in$ all parents a!are !hen there is a child attendin$ the Preschool !ith a

    speci&ic aller$yE• insistin$ certain &oods containin$ %no!n aller$ens are not "rou$ht onto the


    no nuts or nut productsE• no &ood sharin$E

    • ensurin$ ta"les and "ench tops are !ashed do!n "e&ore and a&ter eatin$E

    • ensurin$ sta&& are properly trained to 'ana$e an anaphyla#is reaction

    • the use o& non;&ood re!ards and non;&ood cele"rations &or children durin$ special

    eents or "irthday partiesE• ensurin$ children are contained to one area durin$ snac%'eal ti'es and are

    !ell superisedE• parents o& children at ris% o& anaphyla#is proidin$ a Streat "o# or appropriate

    sa&e alternaties &or the children durin$ partiescele"rations.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 o# a @5$8 a r$6k o# ana75$6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • Proidin$ an a'"ulance contact !ith all details and card aaila"le &ro' Metropolitan '"ulance @erice

    • -n accordance !ith the (ducation ) *are Preschool +ational ,e$ulations 2011in&or'in$ sta&& either on enrol'ent or on initial dia$nosis o& their child>s aller$ies

    • co'pletin$ all details on the child>s enrol'ent &or' includin$ 'edical in&or'ation and!ritten authorisations &or 'edical treat'ent a'"ulance transportation and e#cursionsoutside the Preschool

    • assistin$ the pproed Proider and sta&& to deelop an anaphyla#is ris% 'ini'isation

    plan re&er to ttach'ent 3

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    • proidin$ sta&& !ith an anaphyla#is 'edical 'ana$e'ent action plan si$ned "y are$istered 'edical practitioner and !ith !ritten consent to use 'edication prescri"edin line !ith this action plan

    • proidin$ sta&& !ith an unused in;date and co'plete adrenaline auto;inIector %it

    • ensurin$ that the child>s anaphyla#is 'edical 'ana$e'ent action plan is speci&ic tothe "rand o& adrenaline auto;inIection deice prescri"ed "y the child>s 'edical

    practitioner • re$ularly chec%in$ the adrenaline auto;inIection deice>s e#piry date

    • assistin$ sta&& "y proidin$ in&or'ation and ans!erin$ /uestions re$ardin$ their child>saller$ies

    • noti&yin$ sta&& o& any chan$es to their child>s aller$y status and proidin$ a ne!anaphyla#is 'edical 'ana$e'ent action plan in accordance !ith these chan$es

    • co''unicatin$ all releant in&or'ation and concerns to sta&& particularly in relation tothe health o& their child

    • co'plyin$ !ith the serice>s policy !here a child !ho has "een prescri"ed an

    adrenalineauto;inIection deice is not per'itted to attend the Preschool or its pro$ra's !ithout

    that deice• co'plyin$ !ith the ris% 'ini'isation procedures outlined in ttach'ent 1

    • ensurin$ they are a!are o& the procedures &or &irst aid treat'ent &or anaphyla#is re&erto ttach'ent 4.

    2,. ASTHMA

    Parents o& children dia$nosed !ith asth'a 'ust in&or' sta&& upon enrol'ent at thePreschool and 'ust proide all releant in&or'ation re$ardin$ the child>s asth'a ia an sth'a ,is% Mini'isation Plan !hich has "een prepared in consultation !ith the child>sdoctor and si$ned "y that doctor. Parents 'ust also proide an ade/uate supply o&appropriate asth'a 'edication and e/uip'ent &or their child at all ti'es.-t is i'portant that sta&& is %ept in&or'ed o& the status o& your child>s condition.


    Parents o& children dia$nosed !ith dia"etesepilepsy 'ust in&or' sta&& upon enrol'entat the Preschool and 'ust proide all releant in&or'ation re$ardin$ the child>s dia"etesia a ia"etes or (pilepsy ,is% Mini'iFation Plan !hich has "een prepared inconsultation !ith the child>s doctor and si$ned "y that doctor. Parents 'ust also proidean ade/uate supply o& appropriate dia"etesepilepsy 'edication and e/uip'ent &or theirchild at all ti'es.

    -t is i'portant that sta&& is %ept in&or'ed o& the status o& your child>s condition.

    3/. HY)IENE

    When lar$e $roups are in close contact strict hy$iene and in&ection control proceduresare essential to preent out"rea%s o& illness or disease. he sta&& !ill adhere to $ood

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    hy$iene and health standards at all ti'es and !ill help your child to !ash hisher hands"e&ore and a&ter eatin$ &ood a&ter toiletin$ a&ter nose !ipin$ and a&ter playin$ outdoors.

    We also as% that your child !ashes hisher hands on arrial to the Preschool.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • encoura$in$ their children to deelop and &ollo! e&&ectie hy$iene practices at allti'es includin$ hand !ashin$ on arrial at the Preschool.

    • supportin$ the Preschool>s ygiene Policy  "y co'plyin$ !ith the hy$iene practices!hen attendin$ the Preschool or !hen assistin$ !ith a Preschool pro$ra' or actiity

    • %eepin$ their children ho'e i& they are un!ell or hae an in&ectious disease thatre/uires their e#clusion &ro' the Preschool re&er to the (#clusion in&or'ation at therear o& this hand"oo%.

    • in&or'in$ the Preschool i& their child has an in&ectious disease

    31. FOOD DRIN&

    I $6 ;"r< $m7oran o no" 5a ?" 5a;" a n: #r"" 7o8$@< a 5" Pr"6@5oo8. P8"a6"o no 6"n an< #oo @ona$n$n9 n:6 or a66o@$a" ?$5 n:6 a an< $m" :r$n96"66$on6 or on an< 67"@$a8 ";"n6 :" o 6om" @5$8r"n 5a;$n9 6";"r" 8$#"5r"a"n$n9 a88"r9$@ r"a@$on o n:6.

    o encoura$e healthy eatin$ practicesH

    @nac%s at 'ornin$ ) a&ternoon tea*hildren are re/uired to "rin$ only &ruitse$eta"les and a drin% "ottle o& !ater. Pleasela"el snac% "o#es and !ater "ottles !ith your child>s na'e.

    Bunch '(tended ours program only 

    he Preschool does not hae a caterin$ %itchen so the child>s &ood needs to "e supplied&ro' ho'e.

    @ta&& can heat up &ood i& this is re/uired and yo$hurt and other dairy &oods can "ere&ri$erated. -n case &ood needs to "e heated please supply &ood in 'icro!aa"lecontainers !ith heatin$ instructions attached.

    We !ould li%e to encoura$e all &a'ilies to proide nutritious &ood &or their children to eatat the Preschool. his !ill help set your child up &or a li&eti'e o& healthy eatin$.

    P8"a6" no" 5" 65ar$n9 o# #oo $6 NOT a88o?" ="?""n @5$8r"n.

    To a;o$ @5$8r"n ?$5 a88"r9$"6 ="$n9 a r$6k 7ar"n609:ar$an6 m:6 no o##"r #oo o an< @5$8 o5"r 5an 5"$r o?n @5$8.

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    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • co'plyin$ !ith the re/uire'ents o& +utrition ) ctie Play Policy re&er to the e#tracto& the Policy at the rear o& this hand"oo%.

    • proidin$ details o& speci&ic nutritionaldietary re/uire'ents includin$ the need to

    acco''odate cultural or reli$ious practices or &ood aller$ies on their child>senrol'ent &or' and discussin$ these !ith the +o'inated @uperisor prior to thechild>s co''ence'ent at the serice and i& re/uire'ents chan$e oer ti'e re&er to Anaphyla(is Policy  Asthma Policy  and Dia)etes Policy 

    • co''unicatin$ re$ularly !ith educatorssta&& re$ardin$ children>s speci&ic nutritionalre/uire'ents and dietary needs includin$ &ood pre&erences

    • encoura$in$ their children to drin% an ade/uate a'ount o& !ater 

    • proidin$ healthy nutritious &ood &or snac%s'eals includin$ &ruits and e$eta"les!here applica"le

    • proidin$ healthy nutritious &ood includin$ &ruits or e$eta"les &or sharin$ at 'ornin$or a&ternoon tea !here applica"le

    • proidin$ nutritious &ood and drin%s &or cele"rations &undraisin$ actiities andPreschool eents consistent !ith Preschool policy

    • encoura$in$ children to e#ercise "y en$a$in$ in actie play and !al%in$ or ridin$ a"i%e to the Preschool !here appropriate

    • discussin$ appropriate road tra&&ic sa&ety and car sa&ety practices and role;'odellin$this "ehaiour.


    We enIoy cele"ratin$ your childGs "irthday at $roup ti'e. Parents are !elco'e to Ioin inthe cele"ration o& their child>s "irthday.

    Please note that due to dietary restrictions &ood cannot "e distri"uted to other children.

    Please consult !ith the teachers i& you !ish to proide an ite' &or the children to shareto cele"rate your child>s "irthday.


    @ports ay• Mothers ay Drand'others ay

    • PyIa'a ay eddy Jear>s Picnic

    • Cather>s ay Drand&athers ay

    • isco ay

    • Mel"ourne *up ay

    • ress up ay

    • *hrist'as Party

    • (nd o& Aear *oncert

    • Preschool Photos

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    he children>s indiidual port&olios are an eer eolin$ record o& your child>s Iourneythrou$h preschool. his port&olio contains art!or% learnin$ stories and incursions andre&lects your child>s thou$hts &eelin$s and ideas.

    -& you !ish to ie! the port&olio durin$ the year our educators !ould loe to 'a%e a ti'eto sho! you your child>s pro$ress.

    his learnin$ Iourney !ill "e yours to %eep at the end o& the year as a re&lection o& yourchild>s ti'e here at Maria Montessori Preschool.


    -t is custo'ary practice &or children in their &inal ter' to honour their learnin$ and ti'e atour Preschool "y contri"utin$ a donation to!ards a learnin$ tool.


    -ndiidual and $roup photo$raphs !ill "e ta%en "y a pro&essional photo$rapher durin$the year &or you to purchase ho!eer there is no o"li$ation to purchase thesephoto$raphs. (ducators use photo$raphs as a pro$ra''in$ tool and in thedeelop'ent o& your child>s port&olio.

    -n the case o& incursions ideos and photo$raphs 'ay "e ta%en to hi$hli$ht theenIoy'ent o& the occasion. per'ission &or' re/uirin$ the si$nature o& the child>sparent$uardian is part o& your enrol'ent process.

    Please see the (ducators i& you hae any concerns.


    Whilst e#cursions are not $enerally part o& the Maria Montessori Preschool curriculu'&ro' ti'e to ti'e this 'ay "e reised i& a particular occasion presents. o!eer 'anyincursions are held durin$ the school ter's !hich are lin%ed to pro$ra's tau$ht to thechildren.

    *hildren cannot "e ta%en outside o& the Preschool !ithout authoriFation &ro' theparents$uardians. uthorisation &or's !ill "e distri"uted prior to any proposede#cursion.

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    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/117ar"n609:ar$an6 ar" r"67on6$=8" #or

    • co'pletin$ and si$nin$ the authorised no'inee section o& their child>s enrol'ent&or' "e&ore their child co''ences at the Preschool.

    • co'pletin$ si$nin$ and datin$ e#cursionPreschool eent authorisation &or's• proidin$ !ritten authorisation &or their child to leae the Preschool on routine

    outin$s• readin$ the details o& the e#cursion or Preschool eent proided "y the Preschool

    and as%in$ &or additional in&or'ation i& re/uired• proidin$ ite's re/uired "y their child &or the e#cursion or Preschool eent e.$.

    snac%lunch sunscreen coat etc.• understandin$ that i& they participate in an e#cursion or Preschool eent as a

    olunteer they !ill "e under the i''ediate superision o& an educator or the pproed Proider at all ti'es

    • i& participatin$ in an e#cursion or Preschool eent in&or'in$ an educator

    i''ediately i& a child appears to "e 'issin$ &ro' the $roup• superisin$ and carin$ &or si"lin$s and other children in their care !ho are not

    enrolled in the pro$ra'• co'plyin$ !ith all Preschool policies !hile participatin$ in an e#cursion or

    Preschool eent includin$ the Code of Conduct Policy  Sun Protection Policy andygiene Policy*


    *hildren loe to %no! that their parents$uardians are interested in their preschool and!e !elco'e your participation. -& you hae any particular s%ills interest or ho""y  thatyou &eel could contri"ute to our pro$ra' !e !ould loe to hear &ro' you.

    urin$ the year !e shall re/uire the assistance o& parents$uardians in ariousactiities eents held at the Preschool e.$. preparation o& concert costu'es and propsclean;up days laundry JJ? etc. (ach parent is as%ed to olunteer at least once a year &or any o& these duties. We shall noti&y parents !hen assistance is re/uired "ein$'ind&ul that so'e datesti'es !ill "e 'ore suita"le than others.


    -t is a 8"9a8 r":$r"m"n  to %eep the Preschool in&or'ed o& any chan$e in ho'eaddress e'ail address ho'e!or% phone nu'"ers e'er$ency phone nu'"ers andcurrent authoriFation to pic% up your child. Please also proide any i''uniFationupdates. he Preschool !ill "e una"le to noti&y you in the eent o& an e'er$ency i& !edo not hae your current in&or'ation.

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    -t is the responsi"ility o& the Preschool to in&or' parents o& their ri$hts andresponsi"ilities. he Preschool>s Policies ) Procedures docu'ent is aaila"leonline or at the Preschool o&&ice.

    We hope you don>t &eel oer!hel'ed !ith the a'ount o& in&or'ation that is $ien to youin this hand"oo% ho!eer i& this is the case !e !ould "e ery happy to discussany part o& the in&or'ation !ith you in a rela#ed and in&or'al 'anner.

    In a@@oran@" ?$5 5" E:@a$on Car" S"r;$@"6 Na$ona8 R"9:8a$on6 2/11Par"n609:ar$an6 m:6 ">"r@$6" 5" #o88o?$n9 r"67on6$=$8$$"6

    1. Code of Conduct Policy 

    • readin$ the Code of Conduct Policy • a"idin$ "y the la!

    • a"idin$ "y the standards o& conduct as set out in this policy !hile at the serice

    • co'plyin$ !ith all policies o& the serice.

    2. Child afe !nvironment Policy 

    • readin$ and co'plyin$ !ith this policy

    • reportin$ any concerns includin$ in relation to potential &or child a"use to the+o'inated @uperisor 

    • a"idin$ "y the serice>s Code of Conduct .

    ". #nteractions with Children Policy 

    • readin$ and co'plyin$ !ith the "nteractions with Children Policy 

    • en$a$in$ in open co''unication !ith educators a"out their child

    • in&or'in$ educatorssta&& o& eents or incidents that 'ay i'pact on their child>s"ehaiour at the Preschool e.$. 'oin$ house relationship issues a ne!si"lin$

    • in&or'in$ educatorssta&& o& any concerns re$ardin$ their child>s "ehaiour or thei'pact o& other children>s "ehaiour 

    • Wor%in$ colla"oratiely !ith educatorssta&& and other pro&essionalssupport

    a$encies to deelop or reie! indiidual "ehaiour $uidance plan &or their child!here appropriate.

    $. %etermining &esponsible Person Policy 

    • readin$ and understandin$ this policy• Jein$ a!are o& the ,esponsi"le Person at the Preschool on a daily "asis.

    • his is displayed on the notice "oard in the &oyer.

    . ()* Policy 

    • "ein$ &a'iliar !ith policy

    • co;operatin$ !ith reasona"le :@ rules i'ple'ented "y the serice

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    • +ot actin$ rec%lessly andor placin$ the health and sa&ety o& other adults orchildren at the Preschool at ris%.

    +. taffing Policy 

    readin$ Staffing Policy • co'plyin$ !ith the la! the re/uire'ents o& the 'ducation and Care Services

    +ational %egulations ,-.. and all Preschool policies and procedures• &ollo!in$ the directions o& sta&& at the Preschool at all ti'es to ensure that the

    health sa&ety and !ell"ein$ o& children are protected.

    . Participation of -olunteers * tudents Policy 

    • co'plyin$ !ith the re/uire'ents o& the 'ducation and Care Services +ational%egulations ,-.. and !ith all Preschool policies and procedures includin$ theCode of Conduct Policy  !hile attendin$ the Preschool

    • &ollo!in$ the directions o& sta&& at the Preschool at all ti'es to ensure that thehealth sa&ety and !ell"ein$ o& children are protected.

    . /cceptance * &efusal of /uthorisations Policy 

    • readin$ and co'plyin$ !ith the policies and procedures o& the serice

    • co'pletin$ and si$nin$ the authorised no'inee section re&er to Definitions o&their child>s enrol'ent &or' re&er to 'nrolment and /rientation Policy  "e&oretheir child co''ences at the serice

    • si$nin$ and datin$ per'ission &or's &or e#cursions

    • si$nin$ the attendance record re&er to Definitions as their child arries at anddeparts &ro' the serice

    • proidin$ !ritten authorisation !here children re/uire 'edication to "ead'inistered "y educatorssta&& and si$nin$ and datin$ it &or inclusion in thechild>s 'edication record re&er to Definitions.

    0. !mergency * !vacuation Policy 

    • &a'iliarisin$ the'seles !ith the serice>s e'er$ency and eacuation policy andprocedures and the serice>s 'mergency Management Plan attached

    • ensurin$ they co'plete the attendance record re&er to Definitions on delieryand collection o& their children re&er to Delivery and Collection of Children Policy 

    • proidin$ e'er$ency contact details on their child>s enrol'ent &or' and ensurin$that this is %ept up to date

    • rein&orcin$ the serice>s e'er$ency and eacuation procedures !ith their child

    • &ollo!in$ the directions o& sta&& in the eent o& an e'er$ency or !hen rehearsin$e'er$ency procedures.

    1. Privacy * Confidentiality Policy 

    • proidin$ accurate in&or'ation !hen re/uested

    • 'aintainin$ the priacy o& any personal or health in&or'ation proided to the'a"out other indiiduals such as contact details

    • co'pletin$ all per'ission &or's and returnin$ the' to the Preschool in a ti'ely'anner 

    - 25 -

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    • "ein$ sensitie and respect&ul to other parent$uardians !ho do not !ant theirchild to "e photo$raphed or ideoed

    • "ein$ sensitie and respect&ul o& the priacy o& other children and &a'ilies inphoto$raphsideos !hen usin$ and disposin$ o& these photo$raphsideos.

    11. upervision of Children Policy

    • ensurin$ educators are a!are that their children hae arried or departed

    • ensurin$ that doors and $ates includin$ play$round $ates are closed a&ter entryor e#it

    • "ein$ a!are o& the 'oe'ent o& other children near $ates and doors !henenterin$ or e#itin$ the serice

    • ena"lin$ educators to superise children at all ti'es "y 'a%in$ arran$e'ents tospea% !ith the' outside pro$ra' hours

    • superisin$ their o!n children "e&ore si$nin$ the' into the pro$ra' and a&ter

    they hae si$ned the' out o& the pro$ra'• superisin$ other children in their care includin$ si"lin$s !hile attendin$ or

    assistin$ at the serice.

    12. ater afety Policy

    • superisin$ children in their care includin$ si"lin$s !hile attendin$ or assistin$at the serice

    • ensurin$ that doors $ates and "arriers includin$ play$round $ates are closeda&ter entry or e#it to preent access to !ater haFards

    • in&or'in$ the'seles a"out !ater sa&ety

    •ensurin$ their children understand the ris%s associated !ith !ater 

    • reco$nisin$ !hen resuscitation is re/uired and o"tainin$ assistance

    • considerin$ underta%in$ approed &irst aid /uali&ications as resuscitation s%illssae lies.

    %1. THAN& YOU

    han% you &or ta%in$ the ti'e to read this hand"oo%. s !e preiously 'entionedso'eti'es Parents$uardians can &eel oer!hel'ed !ith the in&or'ation proided at the

    start o& the preschool year. -t is not our intention &or you to e#perience this ho!eer !ehae a duty o& care to you and your child to 'a%e sure that you are !ell in&or'ed o& theoperations o& this centre and &eel co'&orta"le and !elco'ed into our preschool.

    We assure you that !e shall endeaor to 'a%e your child>s preschool years as enrichin$and enIoya"le as possi"le. We than% you &or entrustin$ your child to the MariaMontessori Preschool.

    ….. ….. …..

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    %2. POLICIES

    T5" #o88o?$n9 Mar$a Mon"66or$ Pr"6@5oo8 Po8$@$"6 ar" a;a$8a=8" an @an =";$"?" a o:r o##$@".

    A1 *urriculu' eelop'ent

     cceptance and ,e&usal o& uthorisations

     d'inistration o& Cirst id

     d'inistration o& Medication



    *hild @a&e (niron'ent

    ealin$ !ith -n&ectious iseases

    ealin$ !ith Medical *onditions

    eliery and *ollection o& *hildren


    ('er$ency and (acuation


    (#cursions and @erice (ents

    Cood @a&ety Policy


    -ncident -nIury rau'a and -llness

    +utrition and ctie Play incl. Cood Jeera$es and ietary


    ,ela#ation and @leep R

    @un Protection

    @uperision o& *hildren

    Water @a&ety

    R +ot yet aaila"le

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