paris 1968 generation

The 1968 generation Paris

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Page 1: Paris 1968 generation

The 1968 generation


Page 2: Paris 1968 generation

France in 1968

The French President since 1958 (age: 78)

The General Charles De Gaulle

March 1968 : the Students revolt began in Nanterre

In 1968, France took advantage of the economic boom of the postwar period. 

Economic structures had been modernized, the standard of living had

increased but the traditional French society hadn't changed.

The general De Gaulle, leader of the French resistance during WWII was

president since 1958 but governed in an authoritarian way.

The «Baby Boomer» generation

expected a different kind of society and more freedom. The events of May 1968 revealed this dissatisfaction and hope

for change.

A Youth too anxious by the futur

Page 3: Paris 1968 generation

Students revolt in Nanterre

As in many other countries, the student protests grew during March 1968. Because of the populous «Baby Boomer» generation, the students' numbers had almost tripled without additional budget. The education system was at a standstill.The students' revolt began in March 1968 in the new University of Nanterre, a suburb of Paris.

An anarchist group protested against the arrest of students during a demonstration against the Vietnam War. They occupied the boardroom of the Faculty of Literature. The president of the university decided to close the school.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a student in sociology and a revolutionary was an anarchistic activist.He was one of the main leaders of the Movement of twenty-second March 1968. This movement had libertarian ideas and claimed sexual liberation.

We are all « outcast »

Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Page 4: Paris 1968 generation

Brutal police repression and riots in the Latin Quarter

The general Strike

The fight goes on

Stop the infernal rate

The student's protest moved to Paris in the Latin Quarter. The students asked for better study conditions, free

access to universities, more political freedoms and the release of the arrested students; they also protested

against the Vietnam War.The Odeon Theatre , the School of Beaux-Arts and the University of the Sorbonne were occupied by students.

The Sorbonne was "open day and night for all workers". It was a place to discuss peacefully about a new society.

The police roughly arrested 500 students. This repression caused the anger of all students. Students built barricades

and fought against the police day and night.

After a night of riots, the unions decided to support the students and

called for a general strike on May thirteenth. The workers claimed fairer salaries and reduction of their working


This general strike paralyzed the whole country and caused a major

social and political crisis.

Odeon is open

Comrads: all united to the victory

Page 5: Paris 1968 generation

1968: a quest for FREEDOM criticizing the authorityBe young and shut up

What was the 1968 generation looking for ?

We are the power

Socially, the events of May 1968 were a great progress: the Grenelle agreements between the state and the unions improved the work conditions.The students obtained a reform of the education system and new teaching methods.

Politically, the Gaullists (the followers of the president De Gaulle) were reelected in June but one year later the French population rejected a referendum and De Gaulle resigned.

Less than 21 (minor)This is your ballot paper ( a cobblestone)

Page 6: Paris 1968 generation

Criticizing consumerism Hoping for a different society

The hippie culture spread to France Many students became hippies because they rejected established institutions, criticized middle class values, opposed the Vietnam War, championed sexual liberation and were often eco-friendly.

Many of them were involved in the antimilitarist action in the Larzac region (1973-81).

Farmers, Workers: Join our forces against the capitalism wich exploit

our work

Page 7: Paris 1968 generation

1968: a lust for freedom and equality for women

Women claimed the right to get a grip on their lives and to be equal to men.

In 1970, the MLF (women's liberation movement) was created.

On the twenty-six of August, 1970, a group of ten women stood under the Arc de

Triomphe in Paris with a banner "more unkown than the Unknown Soldier: his

wife" .

The civil code was modified, new rights were given to women. Contraception was easier and in1975 abortion became legal. Wearing trousers in schools was allowed.

All schools became mixed.

Thanks to 1968, the equality between man and woman improved: in 1968 forty-four

percent of the women from 25 to 54 years old worked while there are 80 % today.

May 68 has brought major social changes.

May 68 led to more freedom.

Simone Veil

Minister of the HealthDefender

of the abortion

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