parker's celebrated - la84...

THE Oct. 27. KENNEL. DOGS AND THEIR OWNERS- Mr. Wyndham Carter, proprietor and editor «f the Kfin- as h«i» good deal to »»y »bout the I know Mr. Carter by r»r-".> •> --• .aabblea with tte Eng- I ;ison and others bring- i into notoriety. It u the f i ia America that the reports <• ,a Ktrifie are the meet con- ; ' " ' ' " '-Lips of i >. iueh to the reader oauuot be judged as we judge our American report*. Anything which tends to weak.' hurts the paper. If we Ind and animosity in the tdltoi.... .1, ' -"•• ••>•• may look '°r ^ a'so >n tike dog stow repvrtj and elsewhere. For that reason I regretted feeing such bitter attacks on I prominent and respected fancier like Mr. George Krehl, and, as the only personal friend of that gentleman in the country, I felt it my duty to controvert the insinuations respecting his character. The result was a letter sent to this piper for publication, in which an attempt was made to draw a comparison between Mr.Krehl aud Daiziel and my remark- made from time to time upon the latter. Tho parallel is fallacious, and Mr. Carter cannot attack persons in that manner as long as I hare the casting vote. Insinuation is not proof, and nothing but the former has ap- peared with reference to Mr. Krehl. If Mr. Carter can furnish conclusive evidence that Mr. Krchl either has poisoned, or been connected with the poisoning of any person's dogs, then it will appear in THE SPORT INS LIFE, but sneak- Ingly hinting that such and such is the case won't make Mr. Krehl's legion of friends waver «n« inch. Mr. Carter thought he had me In a tight place when I amended what I had previously said about Spntt'i biacuiU, and was very funny (?) •v«r my tack. At the lame time he gave Spratt's particular fits and said space had been denied the firm in his advertising columns. I •barged my opinion because, after a fair test, my dogs did well on the biscuits. A man who not open to conviction of that sort is a fool. Mr. Carter seemingly changes his tune because •e gels a front-page "ad." Ihe turn about is to conspicuous that even the Turf, Field aa<l farm tumbled to it. * . "The Outrider" h w a milder letter this month, and we are treated by Arnold Burgea to •ketches of Eng'fsh judges from the Reverend J. C. Macdot.a to Dalziel. Macdona was a clean beat, and wine,women and song were the recrea- tions of this model dog-dealing clergyman. Mr. I/ort has a different reputation altogether, and thorough integrity is his strong point. In the case of Buries ve. Lort I think plaintiff must be nonsuited. Why docs Surges omit flordoa Stables.' He was king as a dealer, and 1 ean positively assure my readers that it was hit offer to judge in highland costume that caused his being 'elected to accompany Daliiel to America in 1880. « * » * Brother Richards says the Foi Terrier Club to a member of the A. K. C. Not just yet. It •robably will be, because "they are all good fel- tw«,"tmt there is one vote cast against their ad- mittance in answer to the circular dated Oct. 19, asking for members' votes. I have seen the Fox Terrier Club rules, and the club is not organized In accordance with the requirements of the A. K. C. constitution, which require? that the club •ball be organized solely for tho purpose of hold- ing dog shows. That clause was made hard and last for the purpose of keeping out tho Spaniel Club, forernnner of the Fox Terrier Club, and it It a bad rule that can be made to work two ways. Mr. Child, of the credentials committee, thought the terrier men's rules could be con- • to fit the case, but if they had not been "elegant zerUleiaen" I doubt if somu^h found in the very -"•• jf the club, r the infor- •ati A.K. C. sec- retary twj weeks ago for distribution among the •embers had not been sect out, as least Mr. Child had not received a copy. An explana- frotn the secretary is in order. « . * An assessment of ?10 has been ordered on all elnbs belonging to the A. K. C. Tola call, dated Oct. 11, was m.iilcd on Oct. 20, and as the rule it "A cluh failing to pay said assessment within iixty days from date of notice shall forfeit rep- resentation," it becomes a question a? to which day is the day of notice—that placed on the cir- cular i,r t<ie date the circular was mailed. My friends, it is this way the ——— Kennel Club will have to be governed by the date of the cir- cular; any other club can pay when it likes. Mr. Hopf, owner of the St. Bernard Champion Otho, writes with reference to the whelping of Marjery's litter of eight bitch pups: "I was •orry ti. hear of such bad luck, but I don't think your theory as expressed in THE SPORTISO ' in th». fne of the fact that Swiss >'.m Marjt-r.r, ha'l five dog* ;0. I think must look •tion of getting a litter of >.' ,H,>M:ilcuieiit baldly amounted to a v.-w tiu;p'y an idea or impression that Ibe ii ]"• ii of the animali when mated had .01 remit than ILe belief of tome ice till a late p<riod to secure a Baj<,, !',« qnf»ti',u of age waa not the Iradirig (JOI'.IL^V -t<.v ni" ;ri«, but % bitch two aod a half y.via . n i< •• rr.iinly a muc»i more rigorous animal if in j,'nl .'it lili tlan one yoisngT, *i that Bvise Kilobit's N£« 0*083 not controvert my eupi>"«i- tion. On ilm otliir '-and there are fact? In tonneciion with tins two niiiiujis which tend to support the condition tlu..ry. S'.M» tin,,n:i «.» led to Otho only a few dajs Mo;a Marjory, l-jth bitches »h«lpiti|i •cvrrjl da; ft ivt'->re tlieir Lime, Rhoca <.n Sept. 2U and Ma.'j.Tj on O.t. i C. Tbe ua'nrnl presumption ii that Oth;> »M more'vigor us on tlie nrot occasion than tbe lut Mr. Ht'wat'1 Tr.t.r.rt, of tho Associated Fanciers, t, .|-il the late eervic* t i twt of it. As lh< f^ > fcenueliJ of tloga in Ihe c«nut:}. :>. . L . i .iruplj u|.;:jiiuuily to give the the erj u pr<.•!• r."- •'. •: i •! r.m-.|.late trial. J remember a ease v< r^ ^. :- ; f r ••> '.h<- out: rtfrired to—that of Mr Winch' I i. i l i I'"". " In »'»s Ireil to his dog Dots andii;"'<-i! v •-)!!;. roft^ti, with onljr ona ilog I don ' i '." it !'"•« bail t«i«a doing mnch. if joy. - ' ] i &s to npe, Bess and B.JSH were lit ter"t>. r >r. 80 there wo are again. N< loom: . . .:i off mi a breeding for BOX euppo<i Men, l t-nn uu u brought face to face with a connter example. * . Mr. Hopf future* me ll.>at Ilorr Tudtacumid, of Ro Dian-ii'-iii. :7 'ui-/, 1..1-. ]>!i '-I i.i bii hands f'. La/. i;=Jci, C-.f')' I, Bany II. •ftlf, it..--...- - - ^rinco on tbo (-art of the •»nir, »ho h giving up Hie breed. * . Poor Mr. V " i,<d off ng^ii fiiln ..-. •: i' Hultoii fr!<t, i rly (Eoo«i * I : kt-d in. I -up^'.ce Lt v jeor to conre.m a> f -\ as my back-down -.iiv pikinvuly to follow him into -•t \ ni -v Ml<:ll U be Ittlggeat*. . * na! ilorilug point of lh« eollie diicamloii n <;f » letlt-r »iit ! en in support of bin 11135- Wch Mr. %VaJ« drKggeil in collie*, '"'Tvp^n i ;rrt"rr,ncf of (he ; ohitn m> ^e a fax's, that collie used to have, ha- t t^y a narrower skill, thkker ulu/..'.le and > geu-ianjf , . ' ' Live fouud it the imyrefisiou of u- . ±l the rt«ultant uis been u rejj.. .- li?e«." . * My reply was a compete <:outi«diction of tbe charge fbei'u 'i..ifltv r.^rvuiis 11,11-' l.^rkinv' Kiriiiv' jeal- •pt : of Clip-... .... ........ .„_..._.. ....„., __. uj.iae Juduii did uoi Lji.y vcrj well wiUi Mr. Watle'i version made to nut the occasion. I know who Mr. Wade re fora to as a distinguished . collie breeder, and never via, a dL- Mr. W«de give .1 •utitle him to be with thia breeder :o win. As an example of b down a brother fantier's ii. n every potnible way, a this >ame dog, and aoM u mnch a> he could gt-i : dogs. lhe«e aro the le»d Mr. Wade. As tograph, It U ftUurd -r* n referred to f* not, and -wler. If he *a», let lies bred by him which n.niUl)e I. Tlio trouble ^ fit .i'» I to '>ut hold Bhoi and eighYl thefTV, relativr •ore ' any r work. «ort of jueu wbo mia- for Old Cockie'« pho- to reMon from such ovideuce. Now liaten what Ur. Wtdu'a argument con»igt>4 of. When he was a boy ho remember* fleeing some dugd called coltles or iheep dog», which he de- a as being broad in ttull and with narrow, rd rnuzzltif, and he haa a picture of Old ruckle. that evidence he s»js the colliea of tn-day are ", a repulsive a looking dog ae lives," fur I he uoue of tbe non-collie fanciers he ipeakfl of. In the UHt i>lac» he will have to prove that the i!og4 of his youthful dayi were collies at all; also that the [.holo- graph of Old Cookie Ii really of that .tg, aid further that It Is the leas' bit like him. It v.aa upon that basis— his own starting point in his attack upon colliw of the i resent day— tLat I was prepared to aigue. Laet week he guifted his grontid, and now he Id off again on some will-o'-the-wlap fancy. . I will even attempt to meet Mr. Wade on lib own ground of usefulness if ho is prepared to «ay that a collie of the t} pe he runs down ia unfit for work. I have one dog, eighteen months old, by Eclipse, out of Neeta, nn broken. I will make a teat coso of this one, provided Mr. Wade will pay his va'ue provided he injured during training. It ia the danger from lo<« by accident that prevents many of our beat rollies being trained. Besides, who of the mauy who keep colllea anil exhibit them have tbe opportunity to work their dogs, and if they had how much better or more valu- able arelhedogD? . » Mr. F. D. Hallett, Winsted, Conn., advise* me that the judges fur the bench show of the Western Con- necticut Poultry Association, Dec. 15 to 17, are:— For pointers and setters, Mr. William Tallman, of Tarry- t.jw n, N. T.; for bf agles. Mr. Norman Elmore, of Uranbi , Conn.; all other classes, Mr. James Wntson.of Philadelphia. PORCIPIXI. NBW EHGLASD NEWS. Tbe Rhode Island Kennel Clnb and its Spring Show. PnoviDESCE, R. I., Oct. 20.— -Editor SPORT- ISO LIFE: The Rhode Island Kennel Club held a special meeting Saturday evening which was largely attended, and for three hours the mem- bers discussed the present business before the club and its future, which is tinged with more than roseate hues. The club, as will be remem- bered, was chartered by last winter's general as- sembly, organized under the charter with Mr. Walter Comstock ai president and Mr. Nath. Seabury and a boird of officers that are workers all through. The first thing done was to be ad- mitted as a member of the American Kennel Club, which embraces all the leading clubs in the country, and then attention was turned to home mat- ter*. Arrangements were mado to hold a bench show in Providence the coming spring, and Sa'urday evening the club to^k st^p* looking toward this show. Already 200 entriea liavetien pledged for t Us event, and if the dates are fixed for the show to come between ilartford and Doston, the only trouble will be in finding a hall large enough to boll the mauy en- tries and give room for Ibe puUic. The club have se- cured commodious room* in the central part of the city; these have been elegantly furnished and fittcil up with comfortable furnishing?, and the opening will take place very soon Saturday evening a number of new members wera admitted, and tbe applications for membership are coining in so freely that a limit to the Dumber was fixed. In the club are airtady own**'! more than savouty-fcjur dog*, all of fine breed. The club bas l-e^mi U;.-inr^ as they can carry it oat, and tbi : ry bright. The present members t the commi:tee to arrange for t K. w . ....-_, .._.- --- f will be made up of s;°':;iemeu who i'uljy understand their buttneu .'t will do their work wall. A Show at Greensbnrg, Pa. A bench show was held 11, week ago at Oreens- mrg, Pa. The show waa limited to dogs owned n the county, and was tried as an experiment. The result was a surprise to the management. There were 125 entries. Noxt year competition will be open for the entire State, and perhups or the world. The judging was satisfactorily jerformed by Mr. Chas. L. Diek, of Johnstown, tnd Mr. Joseph Lewi?,of C'annonsburg. Awards: .— Dog>: 1st, G. N. Bctkwith. Bitcho: 1st J. C. Hfad. PITPFIES— Boys. 1st, J.C. Head. Klelin: 1st, J. A. Hartmau. POINTERS.— Doat: 1st, J. A. Hartman. Blcba: lit, O N. Beckwith. Puffin: 1st, O. S. SPAXIF.LS lat, withheld; ai, E. W. Keenan. Fomot sns Dogt: 1st, 2d and high com., C. S. Van- near. Bilfher. Is:, 0. S. Vannfar. BEAGLES.— Ut, withheld; 2d, J. A. Showaller. COLLIES.— Dojs: 1st, withheld; 2d,B.TyIer. Bilcher. 1st, withheld; IA, A. C. Cochran. BtLLDOoa.— 1st, withheld; 2d, B. W. Jones. Ntwroi-XDLASDi— Jtogt: 1st, S. Bro»n. Ktch'.t: l«t, uithheld; 2i!, W. A. Clark. ST BtnN.iRDS.— Prizes withhold. CRITHOCXDS.— Dogs: 1st, A. B. Moor*. BUcha: 1st, withheld; -21, l>. M. Wloeman. SCOTCH TBRE.IMS. lit,]. Fess. TOEKSHIEB TEBBIEKS.— 1st, J. Thomas. BLACK AXO TAS TEBBIIE^.— 1st, Withheld; M, J. Dow. SKYE TF.BRIERS. Prizes withheld. . MASTIFFS.— Dogi: 1st, J. W. Little. Silcha: 1st, F. Denny. DALMATIAN*.— lit, withheld; 2d, T. 0. Bowie. LADIES' PETS. 1st and very high com., Mn. W. Evans. TBICK Doos.— 1st, withheld; 2d, A. Foiter. A Wild Goo*e Chase. HCLTON, Pa., Oct. 21.— Editor SF">BTI.V<) Ltri:— Por- cnpin*-, while beating ronud every but»!i in the field, dvdgine entirely his misrepresentation of me and cbariting me wilh thiftins my jrro'ird. intlmaliu something about wisuingto (Jis( uss "t; pe" in col!i.:s. Aol I to und.'rs f and that he la willing to meet mo on the only "rational basis" I can conceive of, i. e. whether he and his fellow-' ! fan<:iers" have or have nut Impaired the utefulurM of the breed? If this - is what he means, please say where he will meet me, and if I don't mako U.e worst exhibition of him that the season has seen, I will * al up my ii.kstand. But reunTnher, I uill nu< argue on «nch fxil questions M the f Hies of fancy. It would bo as wiso to argue to bonnet styles. Ton's truly, W. WADE. Kennel Notes. The St. Bernard kennel of Herr Tnchschmidl, of Bonaushorn, S*itzerl>nd, is l-> b* sold.' Tho Inter-i-tate Ponllry and Stock Association will h<H a doc shnw in connection with their fifth exhibi- tion at CnlP>, 111 , Dec. 1 lo S. Gen. W. B. Sb.-ittnc, of Cln< innatl, has achieved a noteworthy victory in thocouits. 1'lie general, who is highly esteemed among itporMTien &* In railroad cir- cles, sued the Kailrcay Regirfer for lilel and was awarded 72 PRIZE M:KD^LS. fc The Original English Dog Food. Best and Cheapest. 9O,OOO < Dogs Consume 2OO tons Weekly, and eat no other Food. \ «****- NO cooKijsrai NO TROUBLE! NO MESSI SPRATT'S PATEKT MEAT "FIBRIXE" VEGETABLE DOG CAKES—WITH Poultry Meal, GUI ^AMPEO BEETROOT BEWABE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS t See each cake is stamped SPRATT'S PATENT and an "X." COD LIVER OIL DOG CAKES, Eij)€CU.llj IwnefidM for Pupi-fr* rec-iT^ring from Pidteuper, and for Daiaty Fevers uud Sick or Pet Dogt, CA.T FOOD. ID 6c. half-pound packet*. Sufficient to feed a Cut fur two dayi. FORAGE BISCUITS. IDTaluabto for conditiouiiiK Florae?, and aa a change of food, especially in tbe case of bad feeders. Puppy Blicuit*, Pla'n Bound Dog Biscuits, Pet Dog Big. ouiti. Bound Oat Meal Dog Biscuits. Bone Heat :or Puppies. PREPARED FlIPPY FOOD A Boon to Breeders! Bey* Puppies froi Birth I SPRATT'S PATEVT ORIGINAL ENGLISH MEDICINES. Mang i Cure, 50 cts. Alterative Cooiing Pow- Liniment for Sprains. 5O ct». ders, 50 ots. Cu e for Canker of tee Ear, Curd f r .hheumatitm, etc., 60 eta. SOntK. Siimulivnt forOrowthof Hair f :ndice, SOcti. 50 cts. '1 . ttonPiUs, 5 ' ots Cure for Worm', 60 ct». C... . L.stemper, SI OO. Purgi g Pills, Cough Pill«i 1) an-i.oaa and bytentary 6O cts. ! Cure, «1 OO. DOG SOAP, NoD-PoUonons and free from tho 'liLgev atteu-.ilug'ibe tue of C.k;bo!lc Acid. Tnstantly ilefltroys Vermin infesting the akin, and keep* the coat ia exhibition condition. "THE COMMON SESSK (IF DOG DOCT'IBIVC., »s Of.ires, OR i O»T FRUS, ss TO INtl'RE A LARUK AN'D FEttTILK STl^'K 01' KUG-). plra and Full Purlieu Urn, Foot free. GROUND OYSTER SHELLS, BONE MEAL FOR POUL. TRY OR CHICK. CARDIAC, A. TONIC FOR POULTRY. Hoop Pa»te. 5O cts. Tonic Condition Paste 5Octfc Gap* Care f >r Chicks, 5O ots. DUiof, c'aat for Poultry Houst s, per packet, 25 ots. Insect Powder, par tin, 25 ots, flOXOti FOOD t' 'SlttAKlXa rnir.VO 8QVAB8. Pamphlet on Pigeon Ktaiiug, Poat Free. ponj.TRY AND PIGEON SOAP. "The Cojnuiun S-.'nse of Poultry Keeping," lOc , post free, 12o. "The Common Sense of Pheasant Bearing," luc., post free, Itv, Pamphlet OD Canine Disease*, ami Full List of Medicines, Post Free. SPRATTS PATENT (AMERICA), Limited, 239, 241, 243 and 245 East Eifty-sixth Street, N, Y, DOWN-TOWN DEPOT: 18 South William gffcet. New York._______________________CANADIAN DEPOT: 518 S Jam'* Street. Montreal. AMUSEMENTS. N ATIONAL THEATRE. Bidga Arenuo, Tenth and Callowhlll St*. PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME. A GOOD RESERVED SEAT ONLY 50 CENTS. MONDAY ETEMSO, OCTOBEB25. MATTSraS TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SAT- URDAY. The Great FneoMf, W. 0. COWPEB'S Powerful Ftey, BLACKMAIL. CHAPMAN 4 SELLEBS...........................Minagera. STRONG CAST. MAOKIFICKNT COSTUMES. SPECIAL SCENERY. 1XTRA. STEVE BRODIE, THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE HERO, Will do the perilous leap in the prison scon*. SECURE SEATS DURING THE DAY, 9 TO 5. Branch Ticket Offices—Swanberg's Hg»r Store, 815 Cbestnnt Street, and News Stand, Continental dotel. NEXT WEEK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, Tbe Versntile Comedian, T. J. FARROS, In A SOAP BUBBLE. "Ashmont"ha.i >r,W to Mr A. ".Hill, of Saratoga, K. Y,tlj- TlfordCrom well un.l »lr, winner of first . n, and B»l- Gal, 'i chanipi'^u liRh. The n:o«t recent accefslon to »h« American Kennel Clnb is the Ann rican Fox Terrier Clnb. The applka tion of the Stafford Kennel Clnb, Stafford Springs, Conn., is In tho hands of the J roper committee, and tbe Collie Clnb of America has also applied for admis- sion. Mr. Wm. Tallmin »A<I accepted a position with1 V - - ( o " '" * Bros., the well-known Mr. Tallminwilldovoto ^ilenge dog food, ».-, well a? t" '4ht-r ^: Hciiil* -8 it '.ho firm. His many friends will join with os In wishing him all sncceu in his new undertaking. CRICKET. A' TIT'CAULL'S OPERA HOUSE. JNO. A. McCAULL.........P*opaiETOR Asn Jf AifiaEB. MONDAY EYESISO, OCTOBER 25, LAST WEEK OF MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, T1RST TIME HEBE OF THE CROWING HEN BY AUDRAN, Composer of "Olivette" and "Mascot." A Gnat Cast, Including Uadame Mathilde Cot- trelly, Miss Lily Post, Ubi Louisa Parker, Messrs. Hopper, Ondin and Morstll. HEW SCENERY AND COSTUMES. W ALNUT STREET THEATRE. I. Fleishnian...........*ole Le<jpee ar.d M-inager. COUUEXCINO MONDAY, OCTOBER 18. Regular Matinoea WednfS'lsy and Saturday. The Distinguished Favorite Comedienne and Cuarm- ing Vocalist, ANNIE PIXLEY, Ably Seconded by a Superb Company, In Her Brilliant Succeaa, THE DEACON'S DAUGHTER, A Comedy-Drama, fcy A. C. Gnntar, in 4 Acts, Replete with New Songs, Charming Music, Sparkling Medleys, HandsomeCosiumen, 4c., Ac. KOVKMBER 1-LAdT PIXLEY WkEK. NOT. 8—Minnie Mad<l-rn in "Caprice." Profitable arrangements can be effect! d for Benefit Performances. Apply at the Business OfHco, Walnut Street Theatre, 10 A. M to 10 p. M. ______ 1^1 THE WONDERFUL THBEK-LEOOED MAS. The Master PaintiQK entitled THE CURSE OF CAIN. ORIGINAL ZULUS AND AZTECS, AND OTHER WO.VDSRS. On the Btage tbe Beautiful Drama, TOK BLUi: AND THE GKAY. Doom open 1 to 5, 6::!0 to 10 p. ». Adml'Sion and a seat, 10 c*-nt8._____________ THE BILLIARD-ROOM )iOISE SUBDDEe. "Joiix CBCiifis, cf the Cuntinentjl Hut<>l,PliiUikl- pliia, haa inrt-nted an impr-)vei:i"nt in billiard cues for preventing noise. Nearly all billiard-nlajers, anil ci-rtainly all room-keeper?, are awarj of ths intoler- alile noise that »erv many billiard and tearly every pool player makes f>om time to time wbile engaged in a friendly coii'.Ml. To sach an nt-.<nt ia thu carried on at times that U not onlj becomes a great annoyance to those who may wish ti play uudis- tnibed, that many ratrona of a room leave it simply on this accouut, while the room-keeper from timo to time-is oblige*! to perform one °f the most diaagrfe- ablenf all duties- •that of proliibitinz men from patron- i/.ini his tsublishment for nuking ihis very none in thtir enthusiasm at an imaginary fine e hot, or, if it should turn out to be a mere WTattli,' tbe noiio becomes half rnaddeiiin?. Heretofore tbe only remedy for ench bniineM was for the room-keep! r to 'lo exactly what we have slated. In all well regulated e«tubiisbmenta the noise in, of course, prevented as much aj possibl*1 , but never to snob, an extent as it should be, tijip'y locau^e it is an utter impossibility to entirely pieveut it. There are tome rmiins, it true, where players can make all the noiee they choose, withont receiving any admonition or warning from Use owaer. It is uot liing, however, un f .il tbe piayi-rs find out that the only one lioteniitg to them ia the proprietor, and when they utice make thia discov- ery, the proprietor BO«U learni that even tb«-e who drove all hi* customers away l>y their eccentricity and litile variations In the fhapu of noise, no longor fro- quent his place of btiitiness, or rather bit* place without any busines?, for they prefer to be ruled in ft room wk-ere there is plenty of life an-1 b'ltints:* to ruling in one where there I'B neitiier one nor the other. BiMiarl room^ are like any other business e*ti'jlwhraent, they mi;st be managed on a business basis. The moment this is forgotten and the owner or manager becomes n sort of a 'go as yon pleese' crea- ture, without enough life cr animation to try and make bnaiseaj, the soonrr liis room is 'To Let' the more money will be in the owner's pocket. The imrrove- went for cues referred to is very simple. It ia made of rubber and is fastened to the butt end of the cue by means of a screw and cement, making tbe end of the cue with the 'Xuise J*uMu<r' on very mnch more solid than tbe point of the cuo where the leather la, or, if not more solid, the improvement cannot, like tbe lip, be kn->cked off.''— Pht !>:>la. tinntli't Mer<-i<ry. '.; and its Ti, , '. Manhat- tans :i:i'l K' v< r-i-K-^ wer« repi^-^ nn-u ngilDst Staton Island, and won on tlie score of the first inning by 11 nine. •-'.21 ' on S'. <Jc'ol'ge, 14», S-.iUi^lit, »7 !.,r liv« KKkrtn. A "-nrne of cri< ket wan playod at Nic<-to«n Oct. 21 .... "-- ••••• •••••- •' 87 and do of tho Univeriity of , He wu won by '87, and with it j •• Ylpbiii, l«,the Cermantowo trconds j ig America second* in one inning by 156 to I .-••<J«t New- '•!"'• beat ! BILLIARDS. HEADQUARTERS FOB THE Brunswick-Balke-Collend«r Co. Billiard Tables,Carom Combination and Pool. Billiard Good* of every drscriyti'ju »l\vay» on hand. Over 500,000 Nolse-Subduera Sold. Orders from »11 r«rta "f the w.rld promptly attended to. JOHN CBEAHAN. VtmfiHental Hofr-i. ote§. SOLE PHILADELPHIA AGENTS FOR Parker's Celebrated E, L, Shot Guns, Top Lever, Extension Rib, Rebounding Locks and Patent Fore-end. on th« 16th and T? The Shooting Qualities of the Parker Gun are Unsurpassed, EDW, K, TEYOI, JR., & CO, Nos. 10 and 12 North Sixth Street and 220 North Second Street. SOLE AGENTS FOR BARNARD'S GUN CLOTHING. A, J, REACH & CO,, Outfitters of Grymnasiuins. MANUFACTURERS OF Wall Machines, Wrist Machines, Foot Ma- chines, Horizontal Bars, Trapezes, Parallel Ba>s, Vaulting Horses, Spring Bars, Ladders, Climbing Ropes, Swinging Rings, Indian Clubs, Dumb Bells, Boxing Cloves, Fencing Foils, etc,, etc, We manufacture all Gymnasium GOT As curtelvf i. ar A guarantee them to be the >ie»t *ha+ c >n l>9 had for the monOT. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. The accomnsnjin? Cut rer.rts. nts our 0. K. Wall Machine, f,r hrme and Bymnasinm uso. Price, Japanned, S~ 00; Sickel-plated, 912.00; »Ith RowlnjT Attachment Ja.iar.ned, *13.OO; Kickel-plated, 817. OO. SEND FOR ILLUSTB.ATF.I) CATALOGUE. NO. 23 SOUTH EIGHTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. The cnly Cycle Manufacturers in the United States who Manufacture with their Own Plant and en their Own Premises, CHICAGO, ILL., TJ S. Send for tfidr New 48-Page Catalogue, Containing Detailed Descriptions of the LAKGEST LINE OF BICYCLES, TEICYOLES and SUNDRIES Ever Offered in tbis Country. GUNPOWDER. Sporting Brands, \Vestorn Sporting, Wild Fowl Shooting, Falcon Ducking, Wing Shot, BLASTING and MINING POWDER. ORIENTAL POWDER MILLS, Botton, Mass. ABIXCIM at principal citiw and towns in the United States. E.K.TKYOX, JB., * '0., I'liilaclelphia Agent*. Bead for Illustrated PampUet -j Mnij «is< o/ tfrain. •Tn«t O«t BV PKOF. K». F. HHAW. late in»tni<-- tor at Man-»rd Universi- ty. With 4O <-li- |a»it n«^v illaa- traliona phot, o* graphed fro in life e 1* e c i a 1 1 y for thit work. Positive- ly the moftt perfect teacher, anil tbe brighten and beat book en BoxinK evrr published. llan.U.,-, •':• IriKi.l. Pii. crl.; Cloth. Sl.OO. For«l«by •porting Ro*xl»hou««e, orient hvmf^ bj th« publlahcra, JOHJC I'. i.« »UM», BOSTON. MASS. "t flie Briswiei-Balfce-Colleiito Co. •KBlJ h»w Ucn ihooW » tbe home club t>y 7U-71 toil; other }6o,KK>. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES SALOON and OFFICE FIXTURES, Cash and Check Registers. 1002 Arch Str< * P'»»r H,J, BERGMAN. AOEKT. 'J WOODILLS Improved Dog Soap Imparts a Natural Gloss to ihe Coat and Renders the Skin Soft and Smooth. Tbe only soap that will positively kill fleas and otbrr parasites without Injury to tbe animal. A'o Carbotio id) no dLs"gretabr .e odor aiid is a perfectly ichite soap. INVALUABLE TO EXHIBITORS. For Bale by Druggists and Dealers Generally. WOODILL'S, OEO.D. WOOD ILL, Manufacturer, 718Qreen St., Fhila. Seat by Mni! on receii* of 25 cents. RABBIT HOUNDS. A large nuniliT i-f KNiiLlSH BEAGLES, 14 tr> 10 incbe* bigh. Well broken doggand bitchea 915 each. PnpB from 6 month! to 1 year old 88 OO snca. SATISFACTION GUARANTXKI). Wst. W. Slt-ViV, 135 S. Eighth St., 1'liila., Pli. DQ YOU WANT A DOG COO BUYERSiCUiDE. plates, IOO eii«r:ivinxt rcnt breeds, prii?i?M thoy aro |WOftb. nn<i whore to buy them Mailed for l.j CentA. «. \^Ji ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, K\ ' CJ337 S. Ejhth St. PhUaielphia, P«. THE STANDARD BOOK ON DOGS SHMCVNT'S TKKATISK on tl.cir m.iiiaKcrr. nt lUMlihiiudin Di«.i:.i . Price It^. r or «il v Ib TN "r »rnt, piiMpnid, on r«-<'i;'t ot |>ri»- tSH J\. in •11 book I, , LOR1NG THAYER, 186 Tremont Street, Boiton, Mas«. COLUMBIA BICYCLES aud TKICK'LKS. HIGHEST GRADEOF MACHiNESMAUE. The Test of the I!o;uls fo» 8 Years Has Not Worn Out a Single Columbia.—Their Rulers Hold the BKSf World's Records,— In Ma- jority at Every League Meet.—Almost Invariably Kiclclcn by I.oug Distance Tourists.—Kvery l*art In- terchangeable. C'nlnl'ii/u' Sent Free: THE roi'E *'r'ii <;o., 597 Wanhiagton St., Boslon., Branch H.-uies—12 Warren St K.Y.; 115W,-ib.Mh Av.. (Siog BADGES AM) MtDALS Running, Rowing, Shooting, firemen, Police and Military. ALSO. Cold Embroid red and Ribbon Badges. 755 ISroatlway. N. ¥., New York. 200 Wa«hiogton St, Itoston. A. W.MITCmLL Al HLETIC BASE BALL CLUB Headquarters and Sample Eoom, No 139 North Eighth Street. Importer and Dealer in all Kinds of Bport« ins GoodS) Ease Ball Goods, Etc. CHARLES MASON, PROPRIETOR. Also Imported and Domestic Cigar* and Tobacco. Athletic Clll 1) Pit-Hires fur Sale. «)c. prepaid, OUT ON STRIKES! THE BEST GAME OUT. Sent to any Address Postpa'd for 50 C-nft, EVANS A UOLBKWK, So. S3 Tcinplo St., I'urtUuil, Me. Trade Supplied at * Liberal Dhcjnnt. rTIIIE UXDEliSKiNED BASE .BA'U. OR. JL OANI"--" ^" IKV. •••••-. ....i.-... rnt » club int> irn« for ihe K . D.\- perkiK*. 1 ;MHI n ivy ' '.j-iol Ul« best base ball talent in D< r. 1)1. t AXD Fi»uei«.o, Eta. juiis "F. lOVliL'i. IsUNS, XuiiIwUHi«>, itwotu.x, aii^. I ninthirtniet, S«* V«rk City. i l ••r-

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THE Oct. 27.


Mr. Wyndham Carter, proprietor and editor«f the Kfin- as h«i» good deal to »»y»bout the I know Mr. Carter byr»r-".> •> --• .aabblea with tte Eng-I ;ison and others bring-i into notoriety. It u thef i ia America that the reports<• ,a Ktrifie are the meet con-; ' " ' ' " '-Lips ofi >. iueh

to the reader oauuot be judged as we judge our American report*. Anything which tends to weak.' hurts the paper. If we Ind and animosity in the tdltoi.... .1, ' -"•• • ••>•• may look '°r ^ a'so >n tike dog stow repvrtj and elsewhere. For that reason I regretted feeing such bitter attacks on I• prominent and respected fancier like Mr. George Krehl, and, as the only personal friend of that gentleman in the country, I felt it my duty to controvert the insinuations respecting his character.

The result was a letter sent to this piper for publication, in which an attempt was made to draw a comparison between Mr.Krehl aud Daiziel and my remark- made from time to time upon the latter. Tho parallel is fallacious, and Mr. Carter cannot attack persons in that manner as long as I hare the casting vote. Insinuation is not proof, and nothing but the former has ap­ peared with reference to Mr. Krehl. If Mr. Carter can furnish conclusive evidence that Mr. Krchl either has poisoned, or been connected with the poisoning of any person's dogs, then it will appear in THE SPORT INS LIFE, but sneak- Ingly hinting that such and such is the case won't make Mr. Krehl's legion of friends waver «n« inch.

Mr. Carter thought he had me In a tight place when I amended what I had previously said about Spntt'i biacuiU, and was very funny (?)•v«r my tack. At the lame time he gave Spratt's particular fits and said space had been denied the firm in his advertising columns. I•barged my opinion because, after a fair test, my dogs did well on the biscuits. A man who 1» not open to conviction of that sort is a fool. Mr. Carter seemingly changes his tune because•e gels a front-page "ad." Ihe turn about is to conspicuous that even the Turf, Field aa<l farm tumbled to it.

* . •"The Outrider" h w a milder letter this month,

and we are treated by Arnold Burgea to•ketches of Eng'fsh judges from the Reverend J. C. Macdot.a to Dalziel. Macdona was a clean beat, and wine,women and song were the recrea­ tions of this model dog-dealing clergyman. Mr. I/ort has a different reputation altogether, and thorough integrity is his strong point. In the case of Buries ve. Lort I think plaintiff must be nonsuited. Why docs Surges omit flordoa Stables.' He was king as a dealer, and 1 ean positively assure my readers that it was hit offer to judge in highland costume that caused his being 'elected to accompany Daliiel to America in 1880.

« * » *Brother Richards says the Foi Terrier Club

to a member of the A. K. C. Not just yet. It•robably will be, because "they are all good fel- tw«,"tmt there is one vote cast against their ad­ mittance in answer to the circular dated Oct. 19, asking for members' votes. I have seen the Fox Terrier Club rules, and the club is not organized In accordance with the requirements of the A. K. C. constitution, which require? that the club•ball be organized solely for tho purpose of hold­ ing dog shows. That clause was made hard and last for the purpose of keeping out tho Spaniel Club, forernnner of the Fox Terrier Club, and it It a bad rule that can be made to work two ways.

Mr. Child, of the credentials committee, thought the terrier men's rules could be con-• to fit the case, but if they had not been

"elegant zerUleiaen" I doubt if somu^h found in the very -"•• jf the club,

r the infor-•ati A.K. C. sec­ retary twj weeks ago for distribution among the•embers had not been sect out, as least Mr. Child had not received a copy. An explana- frotn the secretary is in order.

« . *An assessment of ?10 has been ordered on all

elnbs belonging to the A. K. C. Tola call, dated Oct. 11, was m.iilcd on Oct. 20, and as the rule it "A cluh failing to pay said assessment within iixty days from date of notice shall forfeit rep­ resentation," it becomes a question a? to which day is the day of notice—that placed on the cir­ cular i,r t<ie date the circular was mailed. My friends, it is this way the ——— Kennel Club will have to be governed by the date of the cir­ cular; any other club can pay when it likes.

Mr. Hopf, owner of the St. Bernard Champion Otho, writes with reference to the whelping of Marjery's litter of eight bitch pups: "I was•orry ti. hear of such bad luck, but I don't think your theory as expressed in THE SPORTISO

' in th». fne of the fact that Swiss >'.m Marjt-r.r, ha'l five dog*

;0. I think w« must look •tion of getting a litter of

>.' ,H,>M:ilcuieiit baldly amounted to a v.-w tiu;p'y an idea or impression that Ibe ii ]"• ii of the animali when mated had

.01 remit than ILe belief of tome ice till a late p<riod to secure a

Baj<,, !',« qnf»ti',u of age waa not the Iradirig (JOI'.IL^V -t<.v ni" ;ri«, but % bitch two aod a half y.via . n i< •• rr.iinly a muc»i more rigorous animal if in j,'nl .'it lili tlan one yoisngT, *i that Bvise Kilobit's N£« 0*083 not controvert my eupi>"«i- tion. On ilm otliir '-and there are fact? In tonneciion with tins two niiiiujis which tend to support the condition tlu..ry. S'.M» tin,,n:i «.» led to Otho only a few dajs Mo;a Marjory, l-jth bitches »h«lpiti|i•cvrrjl da; ft ivt'->re tlieir Lime, Rhoca <.n Sept. 2U and Ma.'j.Tj on O.t. i C. Tbe ua'nrnl presumption ii that Oth;> »M more'vigor us on tlie nrot occasion than tbe lut

Mr. Ht'wat'1 Tr.t.r.rt, of tho Associated Fanciers, t, .|-il the late eervic* t i twt of it. As lh< f^ > fcenueliJ of tloga in Ihe c«nut:}. :>. . L . i .iruplj u|.;:jiiuuily to give the the erj u pr<.•!• r."- •'. •: i •! r.m-.|.late trial. J remember a ease v< r^ ^. :- ; f r ••> '.h<- out: rtfrired to—that of Mr Winch' I '» i. i l i I'"". " In »'»s Ireil to his dog Dots andii;"'<-i! v •-)!!;. roft^ti, with onljr ona ilog I don ' i '." it !'"•« bail t«i«a doing mnch. if joy. - ' ] i &s to npe, Bess and B.JSH were lit ter"t>.r >r. 80 there wo are again. N< loom: . . .:i off mi a breeding for BOX euppo<i Men, l t-nn uu u brought face to face with a connter example.

* . •Mr. Hopf future* me ll.>at Ilorr Tudtacumid, of Ro

Dian-ii'-iii. :7 'ui-/, 1..1-. ]>!i '-I i.i bii hands f'.

La/. i;=Jci, C-.f')' I, Bany II.

•ftlf, it..--...- - - • ^rinco on tbo (-art of the•»nir, »ho h giving up Hie breed.

* . •Poor Mr. V " i,<d off ng^ii

fiiln ..-. •: i' Hultoii fr!<t,

• i rly (Eoo«i *

I : kt-d in. I -up^'.ce Lt v jeor to conre.m a> f -\ as my back-down

-.iiv pikinvuly to follow him into-•t \ ni -v Ml<:ll U be Ittlggeat*.

• . *na! ilorilug point of lh« eollie diicamloii n <;f » letlt-r »iit ! en in support of bin 11135-

• Wch Mr. %VaJ« drKggeil in collie*,

'"'Tvp^n i ;rrt"rr,ncf of (he ; ohitn

m> ^e a fax's, that collie used to have, ha- t t^y a narrower skill, thkker ulu/..'.le and > geu-ianjf , . ' ' Live fouud it the imyrefisiou of u- . ±l the rt«ultant uis been u rejj.. .- li?e«."

• . *My reply was a compete <:outi«diction of tbe charge

fbei'u 'i..ifltv r.^rvuiis 11,11-' l.^rkinv' Kiriiiv' jeal-

•pt : ofClip-... .... ........ .„_..._.. ....„., __. uj.iaeJuduii did uoi Lji.y vcrj well wiUi Mr. Watle'i version made to nut the occasion.

I know who Mr. Wade re fora to as a distinguished.collie breeder, and never via, a dL- Mr. W«de give .1 •utitle him to be with thia breeder:o win. As an example of b down a brother fantier's ii.n every potnible way, a •

this >ame dog, and aoM u mnch a> he could gt-i : dogs. lhe«e aro the le»d Mr. Wade. As tograph, It U ftUurd

-r* n referred to f* not, and -wler. If he *a», let

lies bred by him whichn.niUl)e I. Tlio trouble

^ fit

.i'» I to '>ut

holdBhoi and •

eighYl thefTV, relativr •ore '

any r


«ort of jueu wbo mia- for Old Cockie'« pho­

to reMon from suchovideuce. Now liaten t» what Ur. Wtdu'a argument con»igt>4 of. When he was a boy ho remember* fleeing some dugd called coltles or iheep dog», which he de-

a as being broad in ttull and with narrow, rd rnuzzltif, and he haa a picture of Old ruckle. that evidence he s»js the colliea of tn-day are

", a repulsive a looking dog ae lives," fur I he uoue of tbe non-collie fanciers he ipeakfl of. In the UHt i>lac» he will have to prove that the i!og4 of his youthful dayi were collies at all; also that the [.holo­ graph of Old Cookie Ii really of that .tg, aid further that It Is the leas' bit like him. It v.aa upon that basis— his own starting point in his attack upon colliw of the i resent day— tLat I was prepared to aigue. Laet week he guifted his grontid, and now he Id off again on some will-o'-the-wlap fancy.

• . •I will even attempt to meet Mr. Wade on lib own

ground of usefulness if ho is prepared to «ay that a collie of the t} pe he runs down ia unfit for work. I have one dog, eighteen months old, by Eclipse, out of Neeta, nn broken. I will make a teat coso of this one, provided Mr. Wade will pay his va'ue provided he i» injured during training. It ia the danger from lo<« by accident that prevents many of our beat rollies being trained. Besides, who of the mauy who keep colllea anil exhibit them have tbe opportunity to work their dogs, and if they had how much better or more valu­ able arelhedogD?

• . »Mr. F. D. Hallett, Winsted, Conn., advise* me that

the judges fur the bench show of the Western Con­ necticut Poultry Association, Dec. 15 to 17, are:— For pointers and setters, Mr. William Tallman, of Tarry- t.jw n, N. T.; for bf agles. Mr. Norman Elmore, of Uranbi , Conn.; all other classes, Mr. James Wntson.of Philadelphia. PORCIPIXI.


Tbe Rhode Island Kennel Clnb and its Spring Show.

PnoviDESCE, R. I., Oct. 20.— -Editor SPORT- ISO LIFE: — The Rhode Island Kennel Club held a special meeting Saturday evening which was largely attended, and for three hours the mem­ bers discussed the present business before the club and its future, which is tinged with more than roseate hues. The club, as will be remem­ bered, was chartered by last winter's general as­ sembly, organized under the charter with Mr. Walter Comstock ai president and Mr. Nath. Seabury and a boird of officers that are workers all through. The first thing done was to be ad­ mitted as a member of the American Kennel Club, which embraces all the leading clubs in the country, and then attention was turned to home mat­ ter*. Arrangements were mado to hold a bench show in Providence the coming spring, and Sa'urday evening the club to^k st^p* looking toward this show. Already 200 entriea liavetien pledged for t Us event, and if the dates are fixed for the show to come between ilartford and Doston, the only trouble will be in finding a hall large enough to boll the mauy en­ tries and give room for Ibe puUic. The club have se­ cured commodious room* in the central part of the city; these have been elegantly furnished and fittcil up with comfortable furnishing?, and the opening will take place very soon Saturday evening a number of new members wera admitted, and tbe applications for membership are coining in so freely that a limit to the Dumber was fixed. In the club are airtady own**'! more than savouty-fcjur dog*, all of fine breed. The club bas l-e^mi U;.-inr^ as they can carry it oat, and tbi : ry bright. The present members t the commi:tee to arrange for t K. w . ....-_, .._.- --- f will be made up of s;°':;iemeu who i'uljy understand their buttneu

.'t will do their work wall.

A Show at Greensbnrg, Pa.A bench show was held 11, week ago at Oreens-

mrg, Pa. The show waa limited to dogs owned n the county, and was tried as an experiment.

The result was a surprise to the management. There were 125 entries. Noxt year competition will be open for the entire State, and perhups or the world. The judging was satisfactorily jerformed by Mr. Chas. L. Diek, of Johnstown, tnd Mr. Joseph Lewi?,of C'annonsburg. Awards:

.— Dog>: 1st, G. N. Bctkwith. Bitcho: 1st J. C. Hfad. PITPFIES— Boys. 1st, J.C. Head. Klelin: 1st, J. A. Hartmau.

POINTERS.— Doat: 1st, J. A. Hartman. Blcba: lit, O N. Beckwith. Puffin: 1st, O. S.

SPAXIF.LS — lat, withheld; ai, E. W. Keenan.Fomot sns — Dogt: 1st, 2d and high com., C. S. Van-

near. Bilfher. Is:, 0. S. Vannfar.BEAGLES.— Ut, withheld; 2d, J. A. Showaller.COLLIES.— Dojs: 1st, withheld; 2d,B.TyIer. Bilcher.

1st, withheld; IA, A. C. Cochran.BtLLDOoa.— 1st, withheld; 2d, B. W. Jones.Ntwroi-XDLASDi— Jtogt: 1st, S. Bro»n. Ktch'.t:

l«t, uithheld; 2i!, W. A. Clark.ST BtnN.iRDS.— Prizes withhold.CRITHOCXDS.— Dogs: 1st, A. B. Moor*. BUcha: 1st,

withheld; -21, l>. M. Wloeman.SCOTCH TBRE.IMS. — lit,]. Fess.TOEKSHIEB TEBBIEKS.— 1st, J. Thomas.BLACK AXO TAS TEBBIIE^.— 1st, Withheld; M, J.

Dow.SKYE TF.BRIERS. — Prizes withheld. .MASTIFFS.— Dogi: 1st, J. W. Little. Silcha: 1st, F.

Denny.DALMATIAN*.— lit, withheld; 2d, T. 0. Bowie.LADIES' PETS. — 1st and very high com., Mn. W.

Evans.TBICK Doos.— 1st, withheld; 2d, A. Foiter.

A Wild Goo*e Chase.HCLTON, Pa., Oct. 21.— Editor SF">BTI.V<) Ltri:— Por-

cnpin*-, while beating ronud every but»!i in the field, dvdgine entirely his misrepresentation of me and cbariting me wilh thiftins my jrro'ird. intlmaliu something about wisuingto (Jis( uss "t; pe" in col!i.:s. Aol I to und.'rs f and that he la willing to meet mo on the only "rational basis" I can conceive of, i. e. whether he and his fellow-' !fan<:iers" have or have nut Impaired the utefulurM of the breed? If this - is what he means, please say where he will meet me, and if I don't mako U.e worst exhibition of him that the season has seen, I will * al up my ii.kstand. But reunTnher, I uill nu< argue on «nch fxil questions M the f Hies of fancy. It would bo as wiso to argue a» to bonnet styles. Ton's truly, W. WADE.

Kennel Notes.The St. Bernard kennel of Herr Tnchschmidl, of

Bonaushorn, S*itzerl>nd, is l-> b* sold.'Tho Inter-i-tate Ponllry and Stock Association will

h<H a doc shnw in connection with their fifth exhibi­ tion at CnlP>, 111 , Dec. 1 lo S.

Gen. W. B. Sb.-ittnc, of Cln< innatl, has achieved a noteworthy victory in thocouits. 1'lie general, who is highly esteemed among itporMTien &* In railroad cir­ cles, sued the Kailrcay Regirfer for lilel and was awarded

72 PRIZE M:KD^LS. fcThe Original English Dog Food. Best and Cheapest. 9O,OOO <

Dogs Consume 2OO tons Weekly, and eat no other Food. \ «****- NO cooKijsrai NO TROUBLE! NO MESSI


Poultry Meal, GUI^AMPEO


See each cake is stamped SPRATT'S PATENT and an "X."

COD LIVER OIL DOG CAKES,Eij)€CU.llj IwnefidM for Pupi-fr* rec-iT^ring from Pidteuper, and for

Daiaty Fevers uud Sick or Pet Dogt,

CA.T FOOD.ID 6c. half-pound packet*. Sufficient to feed a Cut fur two dayi.

FORAGE BISCUITS.IDTaluabto for conditiouiiiK Florae?, and aa a change of food, especially

in tbe case of bad feeders.

Puppy Blicuit*, Pla'n Bound Dog Biscuits, Pet Dog Big.ouiti. Bound Oat Meal Dog Biscuits.

Bone Heat :or Puppies.

PREPARED FlIPPY FOODA Boon to Breeders! Bey* Puppies froi Birth I


Mang i Cure, 50 cts. Alterative Cooiing Pow-Liniment for Sprains. 5O ct». ders, 50 ots.Cu e for Canker of tee Ear, Curd f r .hheumatitm, etc.,

60 eta. SOntK. Siimulivnt forOrowthof Hair f :ndice, SOcti.

50 cts. '1 . ttonPiUs, 5 ' ots Cure for Worm', 60 ct». C... . L.stemper, SI OO. Purgi g Pills, Cough Pill«i 1) an-i.oaa and bytentary

6O cts. ! Cure, «1 OO.

DOG SOAP,NoD-PoUonons and free from tho 'liLgev atteu-.ilug'ibe tue of C.k;bo!lc Acid. Tnstantly ilefltroys Vermin infesting the akin, and keep* the coat ia exhibition condition.


TO INtl'RE A LARUK AN'D FEttTILK STl^'K 01' KUG-). plra and Full Purlieu Urn, Foot free.


CARDIAC, A. TONIC FOR POULTRY.Hoop Pa»te. 5O cts. Tonic Condition Paste 5Octfc

Gap* Care f >r Chicks, 5O ots. DUiof, c'aat forPoultry Houst s, per packet, 25 ots. Insect

Powder, par tin, 25 ots,flOXOti FOOD t' 'SlttAKlXa rnir.VO 8QVAB8.

Pamphlet on Pigeon Ktaiiug, Poat Free.

ponj.TRY AND PIGEON SOAP."The Cojnuiun S-.'nse of Poultry Keeping," lOc , post free, 12o. "The Common Sense of Pheasant Bearing," luc., post free, Itv,Pamphlet OD Canine Disease*, ami Full List of Medicines, Post Free.

SPRATTS PATENT (AMERICA), Limited, 239, 241, 243 and 245 East Eifty-sixth Street, N, Y,DOWN-TOWN DEPOT: 18 South William gffcet. New York._______________________CANADIAN DEPOT: 518 S Jam'* Street. Montreal.


NATIONAL THEATRE. Bidga Arenuo, Tenth and Callowhlll St*.




The Great FneoMf,

W. 0. COWPEB'S Powerful Ftey,

BLACKMAIL.CHAPMAN 4 SELLEBS...........................Minagera.STRONG CAST.




Will do the perilous leap in the prison scon*.

SECURE SEATS DURING THE DAY, 9 TO 5.Branch Ticket Offices—Swanberg's Hg»r Store, 815

Cbestnnt Street, and News Stand, Continental dotel.

NEXT WEEK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1,Tbe Versntile Comedian, T. J. FARROS, In


"Ashmont"ha.i >r,W to Mr A. ".Hill, of Saratoga, K. Y,tlj- TlfordCrom well un.l »lr, winner of first . n, and B»l- Gal, 'i chanipi'^u liRh.

The n:o«t recent accefslon to »h« American Kennel Clnb is the Ann rican Fox Terrier Clnb. The applka tion of the Stafford Kennel Clnb, Stafford Springs, Conn., is In tho hands of the J roper committee, and tbe Collie Clnb of America has also applied for admis­ sion.

Mr. Wm. Tallmin »A<I accepted a position with1V - - ( o " '" * Bros., the well-known

Mr. Tallminwilldovoto^ilenge dog food, ».-, well

a? t" '4ht-r ^: Hciiil* -8 it '.ho firm. His many friends will join with os In wishing him all sncceu in his new undertaking.



JNO. A. McCAULL.........P*opaiETOR Asn Jf AifiaEB.






Composer of "Olivette" and "Mascot."

A Gnat Cast, Including Uadame Mathilde Cot- trelly, Miss Lily Post, Ubi Louisa Parker, Messrs. Hopper, Ondin and Morstll.


WALNUT STREET THEATRE. I. Fleishnian...........*ole Le<jpee ar.d M-inager.

COUUEXCINO MONDAY, OCTOBER 18.Regular Matinoea WednfS'lsy and Saturday.

The Distinguished Favorite Comedienne and Cuarm-ing Vocalist,

ANNIE PIXLEY,Ably Seconded by a Superb Company, In Her Brilliant


THE DEACON'S DAUGHTER,A Comedy-Drama, fcy A. C. Gnntar, in 4 Acts, Replete

with New Songs, Charming Music, SparklingMedleys, HandsomeCosiumen, 4c., Ac.

KOVKMBER 1-LAdT PIXLEY WkEK.NOT. 8—Minnie Mad<l-rn in "Caprice."

Profitable arrangements can be effect! d for Benefit Performances. Apply at the Business OfHco, Walnut Street Theatre, 10 A. M to 10 p. M. ______

1^1 THE WONDERFUL THBEK-LEOOED MAS. The Master PaintiQK entitled


AND OTHER WO.VDSRS. On the Btage tbe Beautiful Drama,

TOK BLUi: AND THE GKAY. Doom open 1 to 5, 6::!0 to 10 p. ». Adml'Sion and a seat, 10 c*-nt8._____________

THE BILLIARD-ROOM )iOISE SUBDDEe."Joiix CBCiifis, cf the Cuntinentjl Hut<>l,PliiUikl-

pliia, haa inrt-nted an impr-)vei:i"nt in billiard cues for preventing noise. Nearly all billiard-nlajers, anil ci-rtainly all room-keeper?, are awarj of ths intoler- alile noise that »erv many billiard and tearly every pool player makes f>om time to time wbile engaged in a friendly coii'.Ml. To sach an nt-.<nt ia thu carried on at times that U not onlj becomes a great annoyance to those who may wish ti play uudis- tnibed, that many ratrona of a room leave it simply on this accouut, while the room-keeper from timo to time-is oblige*! to perform one °f the most diaagrfe- ablenf all duties- •that of proliibitinz men from patron- i/.ini his tsublishment for nuking ihis very none in thtir enthusiasm at an imaginary fine e hot, or, if it should turn out to be a mere WTattli,' tbe noiio becomes half rnaddeiiin?. Heretofore tbe only remedy for ench bniineM was for the room-keep! r to 'lo exactly what we have slated. In all well regulated e«tubiisbmenta the noise in, of course, prevented as much aj possibl*1 , but never to snob, an extent as it should be, tijip'y locau^e it is an utter impossibility to entirely pieveut it. There are tome rmiins, it i» true, where players can make all the noiee they choose, withont receiving any admonition or warning from Use owaer. It is uot liing, however, un tbe piayi-rs find out that the only one lioteniitg to them ia the proprietor, and when they utice make thia discov­ ery, the proprietor BO«U learni that even tb«-e who drove all hi* customers away l>y their eccentricity and litile variations In the fhapu of noise, no longor fro- quent his place of btiitiness, or rather bit* place without any busines?, for they prefer to be ruled in ft room wk-ere there is plenty of life an-1 b'ltints:* to ruling in one where there I'B neitiier one nor the other. BiMiarl room^ are like any other business e*ti'jlwhraent, they mi;st be managed on a business basis. The moment this is forgotten and the owner or manager becomes n sort of a 'go as yon pleese' crea­ ture, without enough life cr animation to try and make bnaiseaj, the soonrr liis room is 'To Let' the more money will be in the owner's pocket. The imrrove- went for cues referred to is very simple. It ia made of rubber and is fastened to the butt end of the cue by means of a screw and cement, making tbe end of the cue with the 'Xuise J*uMu<r' on very mnch more solid than tbe point of the cuo where the leather la, or, if not more solid, the improvement cannot, like tbe lip, be kn->cked off.''— Pht !>:>la. tinntli't Mer<-i<ry.

'.; and itsTi, , '. Manhat- tans :i:i'l K' v< r-i-K-^ wer« repi^-^ nn-u ngilDst Staton Island, and won on tlie score of the first inning by 11nine.

•-'.21 ' on

S'. <Jc'ol'ge, 14», S-.iUi^lit, »7 !.,r liv« KKkrtn.A "-nrne of cri< ket wan playod at Nic<-to«n Oct. 21

• .... "-- ••••• •••••- •' 87 and do of tho Univeriity of ,He wu won by '87, and with it j

••• Ylpbiii, l«,the Cermantowo trconds j ig America second* in one inning by 156 to I

.-••<J«t New-

'•!"'• beat !


Brunswick-Balke-Collend«r Co. Billiard Tables,Carom Combination and Pool.

Billiard Good* of every drscriyti'ju »l\vay» on hand.Over 500,000 Nolse-Subduera Sold.

Orders from »11 r«rta "f the w.rld promptly attended to. JOHN CBEAHAN.

VtmfiHental Hofr-i.



Parker's Celebrated E, L, Shot Guns,

Top Lever, Extension Rib, Rebounding Locks and Patent Fore-end.

on th« 16th and T?

The Shooting Qualities of the Parker Gun are Unsurpassed,

EDW, K, TEYOI, JR., & CO,Nos. 10 and 12 North Sixth Street and 220 North Second Street.


A, J, REACH & CO,,Outfitters of Grymnasiuins.

MANUFACTURERS OF Wall Machines, Wrist Machines, Foot Ma­

chines, Horizontal Bars, Trapezes, Parallel

Ba>s, Vaulting Horses, Spring

Bars, Ladders, Climbing Ropes, Swinging

Rings, Indian Clubs, Dumb Bells, Boxing

Cloves, Fencing Foils, etc,, etc,We manufacture all Gymnasium GOT As curtelvf i. ar A guarantee them to be the >ie»t *ha+ c >n l>9 had for the monOT.

ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN.The accomnsnjin? Cut rer.rts. nts our 0. K. Wall Machine, f,r hrme and Bymnasinm uso. Price, Japanned, S~ 00; Sickel-plated, 912.00; »Ith RowlnjT

Attachment Ja.iar.ned, *13.OO; Kickel-plated, 817. OO. SEND FOR ILLUSTB.ATF.I) CATALOGUE.

NO. 23 SOUTH EIGHTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA.The cnly Cycle Manufacturers in the United States

who Manufacture with their Own Plant anden their Own Premises,

CHICAGO, ILL., TJ S.Send for tfidr New 48-Page Catalogue, Containing Detailed Descriptions

of the LAKGEST LINE OF BICYCLES, TEICYOLES andSUNDRIES Ever Offered in tbis Country.

GUNPOWDER.Sporting Brands,

\Vestorn Sporting, Wild Fowl Shooting,

Falcon Ducking,Wing Shot,


Botton, Mass.ABIXCIM at principal citiw and towns in the United

States. E.K.TKYOX, JB., * '0., I'liilaclelphia Agent*.Bead for Illustrated PampUet -j Mnij «is< o/ tfrain.

•Tn«t O«t BV PKOF. K». F. HHAW. late in»tni<-- tor at Man-»rd Universi­ ty. With 4O <-li- |a»it n«^v illaa- traliona phot, o* graphed fro in life e • 1* e c i a 1 1 y for thit work. Positive­ ly the moftt perfect teacher, anil tbe brighten and beat book en BoxinK evrr published.

llan.U.,-, •':• IriKi.l. Pii.

crl.; Cloth. Sl.OO. For«l«by•porting Ro*xl»hou««e, orient hvmf^bj th« publlahcra, JOHJC I'. i.«»UM», BOSTON. MASS.


flie Briswiei-Balfce-Colleiito Co.

•KBlJ h»w Ucn ihooW » tbe home club t>y 7U-71 toil; other }6o,KK>.


Cash and Check Registers. 1002 Arch Str< * P'»»r


WOODILLS Improved Dog SoapImparts a Natural Gloss to ihe Coat and

Renders the Skin Soft and Smooth.Tbe only soap that will positively kill fleas and otbrr

parasites without Injury to tbe animal. A'o Carbotioid) no dLs"gretabr.e odor aiid is a perfectly

ichite soap.

INVALUABLE TO EXHIBITORS.For Bale by Druggists and Dealers


WOODILL'S,OEO.D. WOOD ILL, Manufacturer, 718Qreen St., Fhila.

Seat by Mni! on receii* of 25 cents.


A large nuniliT i-f KNiiLlSH BEAGLES, 14 tr> 10 incbe* bigh. Well broken doggand bitchea 915 each. PnpB from 6 month! to 1 year old 88 OO snca.

SATISFACTION GUARANTXKI). Wst. W. Slt-ViV, 135 S. Eighth St., 1'liila., Pli.


plates, IOO eii«r:ivinxt rcnt breeds, prii?i?M thoy aro

|WOftb. nn<i whore to buy themMailed for l.j CentA.

«. \^Ji ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, K\ ' CJ337 S. Ejhth St. PhUaielphia, P«.


lUMlihiiudin Di«.i:.i . Price It^. r or «il •v Ib TN "r »rnt, piiMpnid, on r«-<'i;'t ot |>ri»-

tSHJ\. in •11 bookI,

, LOR1NG THAYER, 186 Tremont Street, Boiton, Mas«.


MACHiNESMAUE. The Test of the I!o;uls fo»

8 Years Has Not Worn Out a Single Columbia.—Their Rulers Hold the BKSf World's Records,— In Ma­ jority at Every League Meet.—Almost Invariably Kiclclcn by I.oug Distance Tourists.—Kvery l*art In­ terchangeable.

C'nlnl'ii/u' Sent Free:THE roi'E *'r'ii <;o.,

597 Wanhiagton St., Boslon., Branch H.-uies—12 Warren St K.Y.; 115W,-ib.Mh Av.. (Siog

BADGESAM) Running, Rowing, Shooting, firemen, Police and Military.

ALSO.Cold Embroid red

and Ribbon Badges.755 ISroatlway. N. ¥.,

New York. 200 Wa«hiogton St,



Al HLETIC BASE BALL CLUB Headquarters and Sample Eoom,

No 139 North Eighth Street.Importer and Dealer in all Kinds of Bport«

ins GoodS) Ease Ball Goods, Etc.


Also Imported and Domestic Cigar* and Tobacco. Athletic Clll 1) Pit-Hires fur Sale. «)c. prepaid,


THE BEST GAME OUT.Sent to any Address Postpa'd for 50 C-nft,

EVANS A UOLBKWK, So. S3 Tcinplo St., I'urtUuil, Me.

Trade Supplied at * Liberal Dhcjnnt.

rTIIIE UXDEliSKiNED BASE .BA'U. OR.JL OANI"--" ^" IKV. •••••-. ....i.-... • rnt » club int> • irn« for ihe K . D.\- perkiK*.1 ;MHI n ivy ' • '.j-iol Ul« best base ball talent in

D< r. 1)1.


Fi»uei«.o, Eta. juiis "F. lOVliL'i. IsUNS, XuiiIwUHi«>, itwotu.x, aii^. I ninthirtniet, S«* V«rk City.

i l••r-