part 3 - frontier justice

The Shadow Watchers Part 3 – Frontier Justice  A Crime Fighter Serial by Andrew Ro berts  

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The Shadow Watchers 

Part 3 – Frontier Justice 

A Crime Fighter Serial by Andrew Roberts 

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The Residence of Kurt Miller, Industrial District – Rockwell Bay

“A diamond shipment became the subject of bedlam yesterday when an armoured car carrying the

precious stones was attacked and robbed by a gang of masked gunmen.” A news reporter 

explained on the TV in the corner of the squalid apartment, “As the thieves made off with the

stones in a stolen truck, they were pursued by an illegally modified vehicle which attacked them

with machineguns and missiles before eluding pursuing officers with an oil slick.” 

Kurt Miller, a mechanic and former Green Beret, sneered as he heard the news report while

making coffee. He sat down on the battered sofa and continued to watch the coverage.

“In other news, five Hispanic men were found dead on the waterfront in what appeared to be a

drug-related shootout. The men have been identified as members of the Vaquero drug cartel, and

all five hold past convictions for narcotics related charges. Police are reluctant to answer any

questions, but leaked CCTV footage shows a masked man dressed as a cowboy engaging the

men with a pair of six shooters.” 

Kurt sneered at the report. “So the Black Skull has triggered a rise in vigilante activity.” He

muttered to himself.

“This just in, we go to Central Precinct for a statement given by Lieutenant Thornton of the

Rockwell Bay Police Department’s newly formed Vigilante Squad.” 

Kurt’s eyes affixed themselves to the TV to see Thornton standing behind a podium in front of the

police station, surrounded by reporters.

“The Rockwell Bay Police Department is dedicated to keeping down crime in this wonderful city.”

He proclaimed. “The Vigilante is squad is comprised of the best detectives and patr olmen from

every specialised unit in the department. We cannot allow these people to simply appoint

themselves judge, jury and executioner with no regard for public safety or the legal system. We

will have a zero tolerance approach on the non-Halloween wearing of masks and capes, and the

offensive use of experimental weapons and gadgets or dangerous unlicensed vehicles. Anyone

who witnesses this type of behaviour must notify the police immediately.” 

“Yeah right.” Kurt muttered, “You guys don’t solve jack shit.” 

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Elsewhere, Detectives McCredie and Jiménez were at the city morgue examining a coroner’s

report on the victims of the bookie raid while meeting one of the forensics investigators.

“So we had three fatalities in this attack?” McCredie asked, “Did you guys find the source of the


“The fire investigator didn’t find any evidence of explosive use.” The forensic scientist explained,

“We think that it was a gas explosion, as the sweep turned up with the remains of several Bunsen

burners. The cocaine being processed, along with some of the other chemicals would have been

perfect accelerants.” 

“What about the bodies?” Jiménez added to McCredie’s questions. 

“There were two charred corpses in the lab, but only one was killed by smoke inhalation. The other

one had gunshot wounds to the head and torso. The third guy was found in the alleyway outside

with a throwing knife in his chest. We haven’t been able to get any prints off it.” 

“We’re just sorry we couldn’t come yesterday, as we had to respond to some robbery scene

involving this masked freak.” 

At the same time, the officer who had arrived at the scene of the explosion was waiting outside.The detectives left the morgue and greeted him.

“Detectives McCredie and Jiménez, Vigilante Squad.” McCredie said, “You must be Officer Yates.” 

“That’s right.” Yates replied, “I received a dispatch message about a 911 call reporting an

explosion in pleasure circus. When I’d arrived with the fire department, we saw a guy in some

freaky-looking car drive out of the back alley. When we tried to give chase, he fired some kind of

smoke screen at us.” 

“Did the car look like this?” Jiménez asked, showing Yates the photo. 

“That’s the one.” 

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“Did you see the driver?” 

“No. He had tinted windows and no license plate.” 

Jiménez pondered the officer’s account. After a long pause, she shrugged and strolled back to

McCredie’s Dodge. 

Meanwhile, Kurt was at his day job at a local garage, working on an old SUV. Helping him out was

two of his old squad mates. The trio had returned from their tour of duty in Afghanistan, and had

been able to set up their own garage. Kurt himself was the chief mechanic, having served as an

engineer in their squad. Alongside him were two other Berets; Todd Murphy and Jimmy Bray.

Rounding out the staff was Cam Bromden, a Comanche ex-con.

“Hey, you heard about that diamond robbery?” Todd asked, taking a swig from a nearby beer can. 

“You mean the one that was foiled by the Ghost-mobile?” Jimmy chuckled. Kurt said nothing about

the bizarre incident.

“Apparently it’s related to the fire at that bookie joint in Pleasure Circus.” Todd continued, “I heard

rumours of some guy in a gas mask and trench coat who’s going around fighting cri mes. Some

street gang in the Hives got their asses kicked by this guy. He’s supposed to be really good, and

might even be a Beret.” 

Jimmy burst out laughing again. “You don’t say. Next thing you know, he turns out to be one of 


Kurt’s eyebrows rose at his friend’s laughing and joking. “That sounds absurd.” He muttered. 

“Do you believe these jokes?” Cam asked the weary mechanic. 

“He might as well be one of us.” Kurt murmured, “We’re all capable of leading a double life.” 

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As the night once again fell, the Banshee prowled through Rockwell Bay’s streets. It pulled up

outside the city docks at Anchor Jetty. The Black Skull surveyed the fenced perimeter of the

dockyards, noticing as several cars drove through the gate and disappeared amongst the

warehouses. He exited the Banshee and began to cut his way through the fence. As he cut

through the fence, he noticed another shadowy figure moving among the containers. He ignored it

and moved on; spotting the cars that had entered the docks parked outside one of the

warehouses. Entering the warehouse, he heard voices emanating from inside.

Silently moving between the containers to avoid patrol mobsters, he peered through a window to a

shadowy office. Several well-dressed men were seated around a table. The Black Skull

recognised them: Troy Dundee, the biggest kingpin in Rockwell Bay. He was the king of Pleasure

Circus, owning the majority of the district ’s brothels and gambling dens, but was also involved in

narcotics and extortion. Next to him was Juan Herero, the leader of the Vaqueros . The Vaqueros  

were a group of drug smugglers who supplied Dundee. At the same time, they were involved in

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money laundering and a prosperous black market. Finally, there was Lucien Bowen, the leader of

a group known as ‘Dirt Nap Professional Services’. As their name implied, Dirt Nap provided one

business and one business only: Contract Murder. Whether it was assassination or a high-stakes

shakedown, Lucien Bowen could provide the best contract killers or guns-for-hire that a kingpin

could buy. Surrounding the trio were various bodyguards and retainers.

“We need to do something about this Black Skull.” Dundee told them sternly, “He’s hitting our

business and trying to drive us out of down. Now he’s making other freaks copy him.” 

“Mr Dundee, I assure you that I have every person in my service working around the clock to find

these vigilantes.” Bowen said reassuringly.

“Well, I have a contract for you.” Herero added, “I want Dirt Nap employees to bolster my men to

find this Black Skull, but I want him alive so he can be made an example of.” 

“That will be difficult.” Bowen replied, “You can specify that he be taken alive, but that ’s not a


The Black Skull listened closely to the subject of the meeting. His thoughts were then distracted bya sound behind him. Two men were approaching him, their hands entering their jackets. The Black

Skull dropped a gas grenade and fled as they opened fire.

“Speak of the devil.” Bowen muttered as they heard the commotion.

The Skull ran through the maze of crates as the mobsters came after him. He noticed one man

remaining behind as the others moved on. He primed an Uzi and scanned the shadows, only to be

killed by one of the Skull’s throwing knives. The Uzi discharged as the dead man slumped against

the crates, alerting four mobsters who came running towards him, shotguns at the ready. The

Black Skull dropped another gas grenade and ran into the middle of the group, attacking them withhis stun batons and fluid martial arts. When the smoke cleared, he noticed Dundee ’s bodyguard

Eddie aiming a Colt at his head. Before anyone could react, there was a sudden crack as a

bullwhip wrapped around the Colt’s barrel and snatched the gun out of Eddie’s hand. They both

turned to see another vigilante, dressed as cowboy and wearing a bandana. Eddie took off to find

Dundee while the Skull turned to face the new figure, who was aiming to Ruger Blackhawks at his


“Who are you?” he asked sharply.

“I’m Desperado.” The second man replied, keeping the Skull at gunpoint, “I bring justice straightfrom the frontier.” 

Who is this new vigilante? Is he a friend or a foe? And will his frontier justice be

able to undermine Rockwell Bay’s crime syndicates?