partical swarm optimization

Featur ed in this issue Particle Swarm Optimi zation Yuhui Shi VOLUME 2, Number 1 ISSN 1543-4281 February 2004 The search process of a PSO algorithm should be a process consisted of both contraction and expansion so that it could have the ability to escape from local minima, and eventually find good enough solutions.    P r   e  s i     d   e  t        s  e  s  s  a   g  e  J   a  c  e k  M . Z  u r   a  d  a  U i    v  e r   s i     t     y  o f   L   o  u i     s v i    l    l     e AL SO IN THIS IS SU E Presidents Message 1 Society Briefs 3 Conference Report 5 Research Frontier 6 Successful Story 7 Conference Calendar 14 Upcoming Special Issues 15 Membership Promotion 16 Jacek M. Zurada Bogdan M. Wilamowski, Piero P. Bonissone CEC 2003: Bob McKay Eugene M. Izhikevich Page 8 A New Era : Neural Netwoks Society Becomes Computat ional Intelligence Society At its meeting in Savannah, Georgia on February 14th, the IEEE Technical Activities Board voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Neural Networks Society's motion to change its name to the COMPUTATI ONAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY. T o become official, the name needs to be approved by the Board of Directors which is expected to meet on June 20, 2004. As many of you may remember, the motion to change NNS's name originated with the unanimous res- olution adopted by the ADCOM at its meeting in Washington, DC last November. Effective fall 2004 upon approval, only the new name of the Society will be featured in our promotion- al flyers, on the periodicals' front covers, and in the renewal materials. I'm sure you are delighted with the change! The new name is more descrip- tive and inclusive than the old one which only covered a fraction of the Society's scope. In the new name of Computational Intelligence we have encompassed tech- nologies of neural networks, fuzzy sys- tems, evolutionary computations, and other biologically and linguistically moti- vated computational paradigms. With the change, the profile of our publications and conference efforts, which include such events as the World Congress on Computational Intelligence, will be more appropriately labeled and represented. As a part of its mission, the Society is also promoting activities in emerging fields such as data mining, bio-informat- ics, computational finance, computational neuroscience, autonomous mental devel- opment, intelligent systems applications and other related areas. Activiti es in all technical areas are coordinated by one of the Society's eight Technical Committees (TC): Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Emergent Technologies, Financial Engineering, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Intelligent Systems Applications, and Autonomous Mental Development. The Society highly encourages its members to participate in its TCs, which serve as forums for the exchange of valu- able technical information, the dissemi- nation of ideas and the initiation of new topical trend s. It is at this level of involve- ment where ideas and topics are incubat- ed for special sessions of conferences, new workshops and seminars, and spe- cial issues of our journals. Accordingly, our existing TCs will benefit from new members, new insights, and new initia- tives. Your involvement can really make a difference for the Society, and please remember that we are all volunteers ded- icated to the promotion of the exciting field of the computational intelligence. Dr. Gary Y en, VP for T echn ical Act ivities ([email protected] ), or one of the TC Chairs would be delighted to hear from you if you plan to get involved. The Ne wslet ter of th e IEEE Neural Net works Societ y Gary B. Fogel Okyay Kaynak Xin Yao Vincenzo Piuri

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Featured in this issue

Particle Swarm OptimizationYuhui Shi 

VOLUME 2, Number 1 ISSN 1543-4281 February 2004

The search process of a PSO algorithm should be a process 

consisted of both contraction and expansion so that it could have the ability to escape from local minima, and eventually find good enough solutions.

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ALSO IN THIS ISSUEPresident’s Message 1

Society Briefs 3

Conference Report 5

Research Frontier 6

Successful Story 7

Conference Calendar 14

Upcoming Special Issues 15

Membership Promotion 16

Jacek M. Zurada

Bogdan M. Wilamowski, Piero P. Bonissone

CEC 2003: Bob McKay

Eugene M. Izhikevich

Page 8

A New Era:Neural Netwoks Society BecomesComputational Intelligence Society

At its meeting in Savannah, Georgiaon February 14th, the IEEE Technical

Activities Board voted overwhelmingly infavor of the Neural Networks Society'smotion to change its name to theCOMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCESOCIETY. To become official, the nameneeds to be approved by the Board ofDirectors which is expected to meet onJune 20, 2004. As many of you mayremember, the motion to change NNS'sname originated with the unanimous res-olution adopted by the ADCOM at itsmeeting in Washington, DC lastNovember. Effective fall 2004 uponapproval, only the new name of theSociety will be featured in our promotion-al flyers, on the periodicals' front covers,

and in the renewal materials.

I'm sure you are delighted with thechange! The new name is more descrip-tive and inclusive than the old one whichonly covered a fraction of the Society'sscope. In the new name of ComputationalIntelligence we have encompassed tech-nologies of neural networks, fuzzy sys-

tems, evolutionary computations, andother biologically and linguistically moti-vated computational paradigms. With thechange, the profile of our publicationsand conference efforts, which includesuch events as the World Congress on

Computational Intelligence, will be moreappropriately labeled and represented.

As a part of its mission, the Society isalso promoting activities in emergingfields such as data mining, bio-informat-ics, computational finance, computationalneuroscience, autonomous mental devel-opment, intelligent systems applications

and other related areas. Activities in alltechnical areas are coordinated by one ofthe Society's eight Technical Committees(TC): Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems,Evolutionary Computation, EmergentTechnologies, Financial Engineering,

Bioinformatics and Bioengineering,Intelligent Systems Applications, andAutonomous Mental Development.

The Society highly encourages itsmembers to participate in its TCs, whichserve as forums for the exchange of valu-able technical information, the dissemi-nation of ideas and the initiation of newtopical trends. It is at this level of involve-ment where ideas and topics are incubat-ed for special sessions of conferences,new workshops and seminars, and spe-cial issues of our journals. Accordingly,our existing TCs will benefit from newmembers, new insights, and new initia-tives. Your involvement can really make a

difference for the Society, and pleaseremember that we are all volunteers ded-icated to the promotion of the excitingfield of the computational intelligence. Dr.Gary Yen, VP for Technical Activities([email protected] ), or one of the TCChairs would be delighted to hear fromyou if you plan to get involved.

The Newsletter of the IEEE Neural Networks Society

Gary B. Fogel

Okyay Kaynak

Xin Yao

Vincenzo Piuri

7/21/2019 Partical Swarm Optimization 2/2

The NNS offers its members an amazingrange of technical involvement. It publish-es three Transactions as well as the NNSNewsletter, organizes three Conferencesand when the need arises, it offers special-ized conferences, symposia and work-shops. The intellectual property that theSociety has created and continually pro-duces is of both impressive quality and

quantity. The NNS also supports educa-tional opportunities for its members throughits multimedia tutorials program, and thestudent travel grants and summer researchprograms. Other activities include spon-sorship of the Distinguished LecturerProgram, Technical Field Awards, BestPaper Awards, Pioneer Awards, andMeritorious Service Award. The Society'snewest project offers special opportunitiesfor women in computational intelligence.All of our members are invited to take fulladvantage of these attractive opportunities.

New activities can also be initiated with-in the local territorial entities of our Society

called Chapters. To become involved in aChapter, a member needs to contact theappropriate regional Chapter Chair. If noChapter has been established in your area,you may create one by collecting 12 signa-tures of existing NNS members and con-tacting Dr. Vin Piuri, VP for Membership, [email protected] .

Our members are not only encouragedto involve themselves in work within the

Technical Committees, or Chapters. TheSociety also needs more volunteers to runits business. We need people for ourStanding Committees, such as Education,Multimedia Tutorials, Standards and othercommittees. In addition, as is the case ofother IEEE entities, the Neural NetworksSociety also elects its governing bodycalled Administrative Committee

(ADCOM). This year's election to theADCOM will again be held in September. Istrongly encourage you to vote in the elec-tions. The ballot will include names of can-didates put forward by the NNS NominationCommittee. However, your name can alsobe added to the voting ballot after a petitionwith 15 supporting signatures of NNSmembers is submitted to the President byAugust 1 this year.

As you can see, the Society offers all itsmembers opportunities to get involved,active and participating at the technicallevel or in our self-governance. We needyour support, time and talent, and I am

eagerly awaiting your participation in ourSociety, your contribution to the field, andthe further advancement of the society as awhole. For more information, please checkour website at, checkthis Newsletter, or contact a Society Officeror Committee/Chapter chair. Last but notleast, I would appreciate your comments,suggestions or questions directed to me at

 [email protected] .

Executive Officers 

President : JACEK M. ZURADA, Univ. of LouisvillePast President : EVANGELIA MICHELI-TZANAKOU, Rutgers

Univ.Vice President - Conferences : OKYAY KAYNAK,

Bogazici Univ.Vice President - Finance : BOGDAN (DAN) M.

WILAMOWSKI, Auburn UniversityVice President - Membership : VINCENZO PIURI, Univ.

of Milan

Vice President - Publications : DAVID B. FOGEL, NaturalSelection, Inc.

Vice President - Technical : GARY YEN, OklahomaState Univ.

Vice President - Finance Elect : PIERO P. BONISSONE,General Electric Co.

Secretary : GLENNA HABERZETLE, Univ. of Louisville


Transactions on Evolutionary Computation : XIN YAO,Univ. of Birmingham

Transactions on Fuzzy Systems : JIM KELLER, Univ. ofMissouri-Columbia

Transactions on Neural Networks : MARIOS

POLYCARPOU, Univ. of CyprusNNS Web Page : TOMASZ CHOLEWO, Lexmark

International Inc.NNS Newsletter : GARY G. YEN, Oklahoma State Univ.

Technical Committees 

Bioinformatics : GARY B. FOGEL, Natural Selection, Inc.Evolutionary Computation : GARRISON GREENWOOD,

Portland State Univ.Financial Engineering : (VACANT)Fuzzy Systems : JERRY M. MENDEL, Univ. of Southern

CaliforniaIntelligent Systems Applications : PAUL WERBOS,

National Science FoundationNeural Networks : DELIANG WANG, Ohio State Univ.Emergent Technologies : LIPO WANG, Nanyang

Technological Univ.Autonomous Mental Development : JUYANG (JOHN)

WENG, Michigan State Univ.

Standing Committees 

Awards : ENRIQUE H. RUSPINI, SRI International

Constitution & Bylaws : PIERO P. BONISSONE, GeneralElectric Co.Distinguished Lecturers : TOSHIO FUKUDA, Nagoya

Univ.Educational Activities : SLAWO WESOLKOWSKI, Univ. of

WaterlooFellows : PIERO P. BONISSONE, General Electric Co.Multimedia Tutorial : JENNIE SI, Arizona State Univ.Nominations and Appointments : EVANGELIA MICHELI-

TZANAKOU, Rutgers Univ.Standards : ENRIQUE H. RUSIPINI, SRI InternationalTAB Periodicals and TAB Periodicals Review : PIERO

P. BONISSONE, General Electric Co. & EVANGELIA

MICHELI-TZANAKOU, Rutgers Univ.TAB Products : PIERO P. BONISSONE, General Electric

Co.Women in Computational Intelligence : BERNADETTE

BOUCHON-MEUNIER, Pierre & Marie Curie Univ.

coNNectionS Newsletter 

IEEE coNNectionS (ISSN 1543-4281) is published quarterly by the IEEE Neural Networks Society. Headquartersaddress: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997. The cost is free for each member of the Society.IEEE Customer Service: 1-800-678-IEEE (USA and Canada), 732-981-1393 (outside USA and Canada), FAX732-981-0027. © 2003 IEEE. Information contained in this newsletter may be copied with permission provided that copies arenot made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the title of the publication and its date appear on eachcopy, and 2 copies of your publication are sent to the Editor for reference purposes. Periodicals postage paid atNew York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send Address changes to IEEE Neural NetworksSociety Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855. Printed in the U.S.A.

Newsletter Editor: GARY G. YEN

Oklahoma StateUniversitySchool of Electrical andComputer EngineeringStillwater, OK74078-5032, USA(Phone) +1-405-744-7743(Fax) [email protected]

Assistant Editor: MICHEL L. GOLDSTEIN

Oklahoma StateUniversitySchool of Electrical andComputer EngineeringStillwater, OK74078-5032, USA(Phone) +1-405-744-6511(Fax) [email protected]

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2 IEEE Neural Networks Society February 2004