participatory design: discovering unmet needs & new solutions

Jennifer Briselli Managing Director, Experience Strategy & Design @jbriselli [email protected] Participatory Design Discovering Unmet Needs & New Solutions

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Post on 06-Apr-2017




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  • Jennifer Briselli Managing Director, Experience Strategy & Design

    @[email protected]

    Participatory DesignDiscovering Unmet Needs & New Solutions

  • What is Participatory Design?

    Why might you use these this approach in your own practice or organization?

    How has it been successful for others?

    What does it look like? How do you do it?


  • If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

    Henry Ford

  • If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.



  • If asking people what they want, doesnt work, what are we supposed to do?

  • What is Participatory Design?

  • What it is:

    An approach to design that invites all stakeholders (e.g. end users, employees, partners, customers, citizens, consumers) into the design process as a means of better understanding, meeting, and sometimes preempting their needs.

    What it is not:

    A variation on interviews or focus groups A way to make your users do your job for you A single prescriptive method or tool A rigidly defined process

    (see also: co-design, co-creation, co-production, collaborative design) A holy grail

    What is Participatory Design?

  • Involving the people were serving through design as participants in the process.

    What is Participatory Design?

  • Credit:LizSanders

  • Credit:LizSanders

  • Design Process


    Adapted from Double Diamond Model of Product Definition and Design from UK Design Council


    Design Process

    Adapted from Double Diamond Model of Product Definition and Design from UK Design Council


    Design Process

    Adapted from Double Diamond Model of Product Definition and Design from UK Design Council


    Design Process

    Adapted from Double Diamond Model of Product Definition and Design from UK Design Council



    Design Process

    Adapted from Double Diamond Model of Product Definition and Design from UK Design Council


    Adapted from Double Diamond Model of Product Definition and Design from UK Design Council

    Generates design principles & direction

    Generates viable solution concepts

    Where does participatory design fit in?

  • Participatory design methods, especially generative or making activities, provide a design language for non designers (future users) to imagine and express their own ideas for how they want to live, work, and play in the future.

    - Liz Sanders

    Why its useful

  • Generative methods uncover latent needs.

    Image: Liz Sanders

  • For example

  • For example

    Users often talk about wanting to have an easy to navigate site and answers at their fingertips, but when they created imaginary screens, they focused less on easy navigation and more on making sure the interface would know the person viewing it and remind them of key information, pre-empting questions and the need to navigate much at all.

  • Framing: Identifying goals, objectives, key questions, hypotheses

    Planning: Planning activities that answer these questions

    Facilitating: Ensuring & documenting productive participation

    Analyzing: Making sense of it all to identify actionable insights

    How to do it

  • Framing

  • Stakeholders, Co-creators, End Users

    Challenges & Goals

    Questions & Unknowns

    Assumptions & Hypotheses

    Choosing Activities


  • Many types, many goals

    Trust Building





    Choosing activities & methods

  • Participants help us understand their needs via storytelling. These activities are intended to elicit memories and help build empathy and understanding, building trust and identifying opportunities along the way.

    Examples: Journey mapping Love letter/breakup letter Collaging Empathy mapping Knowledge hunt Reenactments

    Narrative activities

  • Participants generate ideas and create prototypes of products, services, or experiences Sometimes participants create viable solution concepts Sometimes participants create items that give designers insight & direction

    Examples: Magic screen/button/object Interface toolkit Physical/paper/rapid prototyping Fill in the blank Ideal workflow Ecosystem mapping

    Generative activities

  • Participants make connections and judgments that help us understand the value of potential design solutions. These activities help participants and designers evaluate and understand the value of existing experiences or potential future design solutions.

    Examples: Card sorting Value ranking Storyboard/Concept speed dating Bodystorming/Gamestorming

    Reflective activities

  • The design prompt sets the stage and ensures participants will focus their contributions on the goals, questions, or hypotheses youve identified.

    For example:

    Use the items provided to create a perfect remote control.

    Draw an imaginary classroom that provides all your educational needs.

    Create a script for the ideal interaction between a student and counselor.

    Design Prompts

  • Planning

  • Where: office, school, home, outdoors, in context

    Who & how many: large group, small group, individual

    Observation methods: notes, video, photo, artifacts

    Materials: construction kits, legos, playdoh

    Logistics: recruiting (>2 weeks), honorarium, volunteers, observers


  • Facilitating

  • Be prepared

    Be yourself

    Be flexible & adaptive

    Be reflective

    Be warm & friendly

    Facilitating: Participation

  • Document Document Document Dedicated note taker(s) Photograph Record audio & visual when possible (consent is key) Keep artifacts when possible

    Ask participants to tell you about what they create 1 on 1 Show & tell Share a story Write a commercial Create a pitch

    Facilitating: Capturing Value

  • What they create is often less important than how they describe its value.

  • Analyzing

  • Cut irrelevant or incomplete information

    Get everything into a common format

    Follow your instinct analysis is as much art as science

    Expect to spend at least 2 hours of analysis for every hour spent facilitating.


  • Raw Data Notes Photos Videos Audio Artifacts

    StandardizedData Spreadsheets Post-its

    Participant Clusters

    Opportunity Clusters

    Theme/Affinity Clusters

    Identified Patterns

    Potential Output Focus Areas Design Characteristics Design Principles Solution Concepts Prototype Ideas

  • If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.



  • Instead of asking people to tell us what they want, why not give them the language and tools to show us what they want... Or even to create it themselves.

  • Thinking about

    What are the most important takeaways for your organization?

    What are the most important questions left unanswered?

    Wrap Up Q & A

  • Jennifer Briselli Managing Director, Experience Strategy & Design

    @[email protected]
