partners in kinship care report including feedback from

Page 1 of 45 Report produced by FASS (Family Addiction Support Service) West Street Centre, 123 West Street, Glasgow, G5 8BA TEL: 0141 420 2050 Email: [email protected] Web: Partners in Kinship Care Report Including feedback from North East Event held Tuesday 24 th June 2014 at Nazarene Church, Burgher Street, Glasgow, G31 4TB

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Report produced by FASS (Family Addiction Support Service) West Street Centre, 123 West Street, Glasgow, G5 8BA

TEL: 0141 420 2050 Email: [email protected] Web:

Partners in Kinship Care Report Including feedback from North East Event held

Tuesday 24th June 2014 at

Nazarene Church, Burgher Street, Glasgow, G31 4TB

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Background What is Kinship Care? Page 3 Who are FASS? Page 4 - 6 Who are Geeza Break? Page 7 - 8 Who are Children & Families? Page 9 - 10 Main Content Introduction Page 11 - 12 Agenda Page 13 Evaluation of Event Page 14 Attendees Evaluation Questionnaire Page 15 - 16 Table Speakers Evaluation Questionnaire Page 17 – 18 Evaluation Results Page 19 Attendees Outcome Report Page 20 – 22 Table Speakers Outcome Report Page 23 - 28 Facilitators Feedback Page 29 - 31 Further Feedback Page 32 - 33 Attendees Table Speakers Contact Details Page 34 - 39 Thanks page 40 Funders Page 41 Special Thanks Page 41 What Next Planned Events Page 42 - 43 How to get involved Page 43 Pictures from North East Event Page 44 - 45

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What is Kinship Care?

Kinship Care is where a child or young person lives full-time or most of the time with a relative because they are unable to live with their birth parents. There are two different types of Kinship care:

Formal Care Arrangements – This is where the child is ‘looked after’.

Informal Care Arrangement – This is where the child is ‘non looked after’.

In general, a child is deemed ‘looked after’ or ‘non looked after’ depending on who has been involved in the child being placed with the carer.

A child is likely to be classed as ‘looked after’ if it has been placed with the carer by social work, court or a children’s hearing.

A child is likely to be ‘non looked after’ if the carer has a residency order or the child is living with the carer through an informal agreement with the child’s parent.

There are around 4,000 formal kinship carers in Scotland with an estimated 16,000 informal kinship carers across the country, according to survey carried out by Children 1st. Over 1 in 10 children in Glasgow are classed as ‘Looked After’ accounting for one-fifth of the Scottish total. It is estimated that 7,600 children are affected by parental drug use and 9,900 by parental alcohol abuse

Statistics obtained from ‘Glasgow Child and Family Services Plan (2009 – 2012)’

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Who are FASS? FASS (Family Addiction Support Service) is a registered charity that offers support and services to adult family members who have been affected by a loved one’s alcohol or drug problems. FASS was originally registered as ‘The Glasgow Association of Family Support Groups’ in 1986. Offering support to family members who had been affected by a loved one’s drug problems The Association was recognised for the great work that it had achieved and the numerous families that had been supported over the years by receiving the Queens Golden Jubilee Award in 2003. Following on from this the name was changed in 2008 to Family Addiction Support Service (FASS). To reflect the changing nature of the service and referral service, which now incorporates alcohol. FASS has 21 Support Groups throughout Glasgow affiliated to them; these include Kinship, Bereavement and Family Support Groups. 7 of these are Kinship Support Groups. 2 of which are situated in the North East.

FASS offers many services directly or through partnership working and these include:

Counselling - available free of charge for those who are or have been affected by a family member’s alcohol or drug addiction.

Link worker - provides support to Kinship Carers, who are now the sole carers of children due to parental addiction. This post is in partnership with Geeza Break.

Hypnotherapy - available free of charge to anyone affected by a family member’s alcohol or drug addiction. Hypnotherapy can be used to deal with multiple issues such as stress, anxiety or self-esteem.

Holistic Therapies –available free of charge to anyone affected by a family member’s alcohol or drug addiction. Some of the therapies available include: Reiki, Hot Stone Massage, Indian Head Massage, and Reflexology.

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Respite Breaks - We have a 3 bed caravan in Berwick upon Tweed and can offer low cost respite breaks to affiliated group members and individual clients using FASS services.

Alternative Stress Therapies - When funding is available we have a therapist who attends FASS for a few hours on designated Mondays and Tuesdays. This service is free of charge.

Mediation - As part of a 6 month pilot. This service is offered free of charge to group members or recovery group members who are looking to rebuild family relations which have been strained by a loved one’s drug or alcohol problems.

Monthly Members meeting - These take place usually on the last Monday of each month at FASS, starting at 12.30 and finishes no later than 2.00pm. A light lunch is provided and it is an opportunity for our affiliated groups to receive and share information and get to know what is happening in other groups. Any group member is more than welcome to attend. Minutes of the meetings are produced and posted to nominated group reps to circulate in their own support groups.

Funding updates - FASS advises groups on a regular basis of funding opportunities

FASS Monthly Newsletter - This is an opportunity to find out what’s happening within FASS and read about Family Support, Kinship and Bereavement Groups.

Clothing Project - This has been in operation since 2008 and is run by volunteer, Margaret Donatello. We have good quality second hand clothing and sometimes new clothes are donated. Items are available to members who are in need, there is often a mix of adults and children’s clothing. Any clothing that is not used is then donated to Mary’s Meals.

Ecumenical Service of Remembrance – This is held annually in the month of November at St Alphonsus church. The service is for everyone, particularly family and friends who have lost a loved one through drug or alcohol problems to come together to remember their loved one and to

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receive comfort and support from others who have experience the loss of a loved one.

Training - Groups can have access to a number of workshops/courses. Depending on group size, it may even be possible to deliver it direct to individual groups. Examples of some courses are: How to Drugproof your Kids Help Me Grow (Kinship Carers only) Naloxone Governance skills Funding Applications

All services can be referred through a support worker, organisation or by self-referral. Criteria for this service is:

Must be over 18 years old.

Must have been affected by a loved one’s alcohol or drug problems.

Reside within Glasgow City Council District Kinship carers can access all FASS services along with one to one support from our Link Worker who can assist with respite services such as the toffee club and respite sitting through Geeza Break. The Link Worker can also assist with hardship fund applications in extreme emergencies and referrals to other agencies such as Notre Dame and Sleep Scotland.

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Who are Geeza Break? Geeza Break provides family support and flexible respite services to parents and carers with children aged 0 - 16 years who are experiencing addiction, stress, crisis and / or isolation. A large part of their work is providing respite care through the following interventions. Respite Care Service (Family Based) - Children are cared for at the homes of carefully selected and vetted Respite Carers. In the main, children are cared for overnight on a planned basis and in emergency situations. Respite Carers are volunteers. In 2013 Geeza Break recruited a paid Respite Carer to complement existing services. Respite Sitter Service (Home Based) - Children are cared for in their own home by Respite Sitters who are employed by the organisation on a sessional basis. In the main, care is provided in the evenings and at weekends when other childcare services are unavailable. Centre Based Respite (T.O.F.F.E.E. Club) - Children are cared for within existing local resources during normal office hours through the T.O.F.F.E.E. Club. Primary school children aged 5-12 years are cared for during the 2 week Easter Holiday period, the Summer School Holiday period and 1 week during the October Holiday period. The service is delivered in partnership with East End Mobile Play Team to provide activities that meet the individual needs of children referred. Activity Based Respite (Geeza Chance) - The Young Person’s Support Worker will befriend young people aged 8 - 14 years and provide informal one to one support and group work, the worker will also accompany young people to free/ low cost clubs and activities in their local area so that they make new friends and feel less isolated. This service is for kinship families. Second Generation (Kinship Care) - Through the delivery of the Kinship Care Project, Geeza Break offers respite to Grandparents and relatives caring for children as a result of parental addiction.

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Family Support Service - This is an intense specialised one-to-one and group support which is offered to families experiencing poverty, abuse, isolation, addiction, crisis situations and/or mental health issues. Parents are enabled to increase their confidence and parenting skills through individual and group work sessions provided by a team of fully vetted and trained Family Support Workers. The Family Support Workers provide a support and mentoring service and encourage the uptake and access to local services that meet with the family’s individual needs. Our Family Support Workers have a good knowledge of what is available in each community to link vulnerable families into. The Family Support Workers offer group work to parents/carers including: Triple P (Promoting Positive Parenting), Cooking Skills on a budget (Get Cooking – Get Shopping), Positive Play for Families, Infant Baby Massage and a drop in facility for Parents/Carers in The Church of Nazarene, Burgher Street, Parkhead on Friday mornings to access services, information and Life Skills. Geeza Break working in partnership with Family Addiction Support Service (FASS) & funded by Glasgow Addiction Services offer support to families affected by a loved one’s alcohol or drug misuse. Our Respite Co-ordinators, T.O.F.F.E.E. Club Coordinator & FASS Link Worker deliver the Second Generation Care service for Kinship families Glasgow citywide. The criteria for this service: is Carers who have the sole care of a child due to parental addiction & are living within a Glasgow Local Authority area. There is no need to have active Social Work involvement to access the service. Agency or self-referrals are accepted. The aim of the service is to give Kinship Carers a break from their childcare responsibilities while at the same time offering a positive and enjoyable experience for children and young people. Geeza Break & FASS have been providing respite and support services to families for over twenty one years and are fully aware of the needs of children and families who have been affected by addiction issues. Families out with the North East of Glasgow can choose one of the following preferred services: Respite Care, Respite Sitting, Centre Based Respite or Activity Based Respite.

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Who are Children & Families? Children & Families are part of Social Work Services and they offer assistance to children and their families facing difficulties in their lives who would benefit from advice that would make a difference to how they approach and work through those difficulties. Families often find these problems overwhelming. They also face barriers to achieving a better start in their children's lives and a better outcome to their parenting. Social Work Services aim to work with families and partner organisations to create positive opportunities for change in their lives. The Child and Family Services Plan provides more information on our aims. The Plan sets out the commitment of all services and partner-agencies in Glasgow to improve outcomes for children and young people to ensure that they:

• have the best start in life

• enjoy their childhood

• are supported to develop as responsible citizens, effective contributors, confident individuals and successful learners

• are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, included, respected and responsible

This is in line with the national policy "Getting it Right for Every Child". The following key priorities have been agreed by the Glasgow’s Executive Children’s Service Planning Group:

• Parenting

• Early Childhood and Extended Services

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• Keeping Children Safe

• Raising Attainment and Achievement

• Child Poverty In order to achieve these, we will continue to work in partnership with:

• Children, Young People, their Parents and Carers

• Glasgow City Council Education Services, Social Work Services, Development and Regeneration Services

• Culture and Sport Glasgow

• NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

• Strathclyde Police

• Glasgow Children’s Panel

• Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration

• Glasgow Community and Safety Services

• Voluntary and independent sector providers.

(Glasgow Child and Family Service Plan 2009-2012)

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Introduction FASS in partnership with Children & Families held a ‘Partners in Kinship Care’ event at the Nazarene Church in Parkhead on Tuesday 24th June 2014 from 9am to 2pm. The aim of the event was to bring together statutory and voluntary organisations and kinship carers in the North East of Glasgow to inform them of the various organisations that can offer supports to kinship carers in the North East of the city. An initial meeting was held at FASS for organisations to come along and discuss the event and possible formats. Several organisations attended including FASS, Social Work, Notre Dame, Addictions and Citizens Advice. It was agreed that a good mix of service providers and kinship carers was needed to ensure that all attendees were gaining a good overview of the various supports available to Kinship Carers in the North East and to also to ensure that service providers would leave with a better understanding of services that they could refer Kinship Carers to for extra support and specialist services. It was agreed that the day would consist of 3 stage speakers; FASS who would go over the aim of the day and how the event came about, Social Work who would explain the format of the day and future plans to build on this partnership event and a Kinship carer who would share their personal experiences and how they required support from various organisations to support their family. There would be 8 tables with a mix of organisations and Kinship Carers around each table and there would be a speaker at each table for 20 minutes, who would spend the first 10 minutes explaining their service and the supports they can offer, then it was hoped that the remaining 10 minutes would consist of open discussion, each table would have a facilitator who would take notes. After each 20 minute session the speaker for each table would move to the next allocated table and this process would continue. After 4 table speakers there would be a refreshment break, the final four table speaker would then

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speak at each table. There would be a facilitator at each table who would take notes on any discussion and feedback on any issues raised. The day would finish with closing speech from Children & families followed by networking, information stalls and lunch. It was hoped that the event would improve partnership workings and improve the support that Kinship Carers in the North East of Glasgow where receiving. If this event was a success then it would be an aim of FASS to repeat the event in the North West and South Sectors to ensure Kinship Carers throughout Glasgow where receiving the same support and understanding as those in the North East. It was also hoped that future similar events would be carried out to ensure that service providers where up to date with the services available to Kinship carers in their area, along with carrying out an event solely for Kinship carers to look at what areas of support they felt were missing and to look at what was working well and what required improvement to support Kinship Carers and Kinship Children. Attached is a copy of the Agenda.

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Evaluation of Event We felt that it was important to evaluate this event to ensure that the main aims and objectives were being achieved. We also felt that as we were hoping to replicate this event in other sectors that we needed feedback from both attendees and table speakers to find out if we should make any amendments to the agenda or other aspects. Due to the format of the event we felt that we would need two separate evaluation forms. The first was for general attendees to give us their feedback on the agenda, timescale, venue and general opinion of how useful the event was. (Attendees Evaluation Questionnaire). The second was for the table speakers, we felt that we required more specific information on the timescale, including number of tables and length of time they had at each table. (Table Speakers Evaluation Questionnaire). This was important to gauge as it would help to structure future events to ensure that both speakers and attendees were getting the most out of the event. Evaluating the event resulted in interesting feedback and would enable us to improve the event in future as well as giving us ideas on future events and conferences to improve understanding and knowledge of Kinship Carers supports. Attached are copies of both evaluation forms.

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Evaluation Results The event was attended by a total of 76 people. 68 (89%) were participants and 8 (12%) were table speakers. Attendees and Table speakers completed different evaluation forms to ensure that any future events were adapted to best benefit both speakers and attendees.



All Attendees

Table Speakers

General Attendees



Total No. of Completed Evaluation Forms


Not Completed

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Attendees Outcome Report There were 68 general attendees on the day who were allocated a table and they remained at that table and each of the speakers would come to the table for a period of 20 minutes. The attendees were made up of Kinship carers, public sector employees, voluntary sector employees and others who could offer supports to Kinship carers or that had an interest in Kinship Care. There were 22 organisations/groups represented on the day and these included: Addaction, Community Addiction Team (CAT), Family Addiction Support (FASS), Kinship Carers, Triple P, Butle UK, With Kids, Children & Families, Citizens Advice, Geeza Break, Children 1st, Education, GEAAP, Health Improvement, Notre Dame, Criminal Justice, Psychological Services, GCC, NHS, Social Work, GCU & East End Carers.









16 Addaction



Kinship Carers

Triple P

Butle UK

With Kids

Children & Families

Citizens Advice

Geeza Break

Children 1st



Health Improvement

Notre Dame

Criminal Justice

Psycological Services



Social Work


East End Carers

Other/ Unknown

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Percentage of Kinship Carers at Event

Kinship Carers


There were 10 Kinship Carers at the event. The Kinship carers that attended were made up from representatives of New Fossils Kinship Group, Easterhouse Kinship Group and Kinship Carers who are not involved in a Kinship Group but receive social work support. Of the 68 attendees, 50 (74%) completed the evaluation form and below is the breakdown of the results from the questionnaire: Q1. Please tick the box which best describes you: Provide Services to Adult Kinship Carers - 14 (28%) Provide services to Adult Carers - 4 (8%) Provide services to Adult Kinship Carers and Kinship Children - 19 (38%) I am a Kinship Carer - 7 (14%) Other - 6 (12%) (please describe): 3 x Addiction Nurses, 1 x Volunteer, 1 x CAT, 1 x Addiction Service. Q2. I am more informed of the services available to Kinship Carers in the North East of Glasgow: Strongly Agree - 34 (68%) Agree - 16 (32%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

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Q3. I am more likely to access other services offering support to Kinship Carers: Strongly Agree - 24 (48%) Agree - 22 (44%) Not Sure - 4 (8%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q4. I feel this event will build better partnership working: Strongly Agree - 37 (74%) Agree - 12 (24%) Not Sure - 1 (2%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q5. The Speakers were knowledgeable & appropriate for the event: Strongly Agree - 38 (76%) Agree - 10 (20%) Not Sure - 2 (4%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q6. I feel the programme of events & timescale were appropriate for the event: Strongly Agree - 33 (66%) Agree - 17 (34%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q7. I found this event very useful and feel I have gained a lot from it: Strongly Agree - 34 (68%) Agree - 15 (30%) Not Sure - 1 (2%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

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Q8. I feel it would be beneficial for workers who are involved with Kinship Carers to attend a similar event: Strongly Agree - 41 (82%) Agree - 8 (16%) Not Sure - 1 (2%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

Q9. I think it would be beneficial for a similar event to be held in each sector of Glasgow: Strongly Agree - 40 (80%) Agree - 9 (18%) Not Sure - 1 (2%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

Q10. I will share my experience and gained knowledge from this event with family, friends & /or Colleagues: Strongly Agree - 36 (72%) Agree - 14 (28%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

Q11. The Venue was ideal for the event: Strongly Agree - 41 (82%) Agree - 9 (18) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

Q12. The catering was good quality and appropriate for the duration of the event: Strongly Agree - 37 (74%) Agree - 13 (26%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

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Q13. I feel this event would help: Prevention - 18 (36%) Education - 37 (74%) Training - 32 (64%) Recovery - 20 (40%) Harm Reduction - 16 (32%) Parenting - 28 (56%) Awareness - 43 (86%) Communities - 37 (74%) Understanding - 36 (72%) Families - 36 (72%) Other - 1 (2%) (please state): Suggestions or comments:

‘I was apprehensive about being involved with Kinship, now I feel I can support Kinship Carers.’

‘I feel that it was well organised and very informative. The set time-scale allowed everyone to be heard and this should be rolled out at every event!’

‘Very informative, good to speak and get to know other agencies.’

‘Good opportunity to hear about service providers and time to ask questions – Very helpful.’

‘Would like to see follow-up work looking at how effective this event has been and what the next steps might be to ensure the sharing of information at the event reaches those who most need it.’

‘Very good format. A bit less background noise during speakers would have been good but apart from that an excellent event.’

‘I feel Kinship agenda is gathering momentum and today’s event was excellent and well organised.’

‘Wear a hearing aid and because of the wide tables and the noise in the room, struggled at times to hear what was being said. What I did hear was very useful and every worker involved in Kinship should be part of this.’

‘Format worked very well.’

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‘Venue excellent. Format good.’

‘It was a very well-run event. I must congratulate FASS who organised it. The speakers were very informative (mostly all of them).’

‘Really enjoyed this event & all the information. Will definitely come to another one.’

‘Very informative well organised event. Further events in each sector would be useful. FASS & Geeza Break packs should be distributed to all kinship Carers. I also think that it would be good for partnerships coming together, i.e. fun days (including kinship children) once or twice per year. Ongoing partnership working! The information was very useful.’

‘Good balance of input from agencies, valued the opportunity to be part of this event. Thank You.’

‘Superb event, organisation was excellent, flowed well. The speakers were confident and knowledgeable. Pleased I attended.’

‘In regards to finding the unknown & informal Kinship Carers in Glasgow, I think the CAT’s could assist in this and provide essential info to parents of our patients who do not receive SWS support.’

‘Event should have invited more Kinship.’

‘Today’s event went well. It was great to get information and update knowledge of each organisation.’

‘Very good event! I’ve got so much info about local services now!’

‘Hope opportunities to develop from today the environment of share experiences. Would you consider Kinship Carer speakers in the future?’

‘Enjoyed the whole event, however agree the next event should have more input from kinship Carers. No input from social work family based respite was disappointing as we offer a lot of community based respite to Kinship Carers.’

‘Found it very informative. Thank You!’

‘Very informative event. Would be good if the participants moved table as well as speaker.’

‘Even with lengthy experience within social work I was consistently informed of new services / interventions / supports.’

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Table Speakers Outcome Report There were 8 table speakers on the day and these speakers represented the following organisations: Children & Families, Community Addiction Team (CAT), East End Carers, Notre Dame, Health Improvement Team, Citizens Advice, Education & FASS/Geeza Break. Of the 8 Table speakers, 7 (88%) completed the evaluation form and below is the breakdown of the results from the questionnaire: Q1. Please tick the box which best describes you: Provide Services to Adult Kinship Carers - 1 (14%) Provide services to Adult Carers - 1 (14%) Provide services to Adult Kinship Carers and Kinship Children - 4 (57%) I am a Kinship Carer - 0 (0%) Other - 1 (14%) (please describe): Health Improvement Team Q2. I found the event to be a great way of letting people know about my organisation and the supports we offered: Strongly Agree - 7 (100%) Agree - 0 (0%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q3. I feel that I had adequate time to explain my service and for discussion: Strongly Agree - 7 (100%) Agree - 0 (0%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

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Q4. If not please explain: There were no comments left. Q5. I feel that the number of tables was ideal: Strongly Agree - 4 (57%) Agree - 3 (43%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q6. If not please explain: There were no comments left. Q7. I found this event very useful and feel I have gained a lot from it: Strongly Agree - 4 (57%) Agree - 3 (43%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q8. I feel it would be beneficial for workers who are involved with Kinship Carers to attend a similar event: Strongly Agree - 4 (57%) Agree - 3 (43%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q9. I think it would be beneficial for a similar event to be held in each sector of Glasgow: Strongly Agree - 5 (71%) Agree - 2(29%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%)

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Q10. The Venue was ideal for the event: Strongly Agree - 7 (100%) Agree - 0 (0%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q11. The catering was good quality and appropriate for the duration of the event: Strongly Agree - 7 (100%) Agree - 0 (0%) Not Sure - 0 (0%) Disagree - 0 (0%) Q12. I feel this event would help: Prevention - 3 (43%) Education - 5 (71%) Training - 4 (57%) Recovery - 3 (43%) Harm Reduction - 1 (14%) Parenting - 1 (14%) Awareness - 4 (57%) Communities - 4 (57%) Understanding - 4 (57%) Families - 5 (71%) Other - 0 (0%) (please state): Suggestions or comments:

‘Very Well Organised and useful.’

‘Good event, thanks for inviting me to speak. Good way of getting information for people.’

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Facilitators Feedback It was hoped that the format of this event would evoke a lot of discussion on various items surrounding Kinship, from both a Kinship carers point of few and from the experience of service providers. This is why it was felt that it was imperative for each table to have a facilitator who would be able to take notes of any points raised, therefore helping to improve future events and assist with areas to look at to help improve future services. Each of the 8 tables were allocated a good mix of participants to include Kinship carers, public sector and voluntary sector organisations to achieve a good mix of input and to help ensure that everyone was getting an opportunity to be heard and for sector to get a good grasp of other peoples perspectives. The aim of the event was to improve partnership working between organisations and to ensure that anyone who came in contact with a Kinship carer would be able to provide or sign post the Kinship carer to services that would be able to assist in their specific needs. It was also an aim to bring together Kinship carers and organisations so that they could better understand each other’s perspectives and limitations. Each facilitator recorded any comments suggestions or relevant information that was discussed at their table on the day. The general consensus was that attendees felt that this event was really helpful, that it should be continued in the future and it would be advantageous for all workers who support Kinship carers to attend a similar event to ensure that they are aware of all the various support and organisations available to support Kinship Carers. It was also voiced by several attendees that an event for Kinship Carers was needed so that carers had the opportunity to highlight their personal experiences and to discuss where the weaknesses and strengths were currently in the supports and services available to Kinship Carers, from their point of view.

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The feedback brought up a variety of comments and suggestions:

Geeza Break packs should be given to all Kinship carers.

It would be a good idea for all partnership organisations, kinship carers and kinship children to come together once or twice a year to hold events such as fun days.

Kinship Carers would like feedback on finding of today’s event. Also what steps are to be taken next.

Attendees found event to be very informative.

The venue was excellent for the event.

The event was well organised.

This was a great opportunity to hear about other services available to Kinship Carers.

Good time-scale and set up. Method should be rolled out across the board.

There is a need for free fitness services as there is a lack of availability to this type of service for Kinship Carers and Kinship Children.

Geographical boundaries put limitations on accessing services.

There is a fear that the rights of the parents are given priority over rights of the child and this is causing hidden harm to children.

There are a lack of resources available to children affected by parental substance abuse.

There is a lack of emergency planning for Kinship carers if an emergency occurs with the carer i.e. carer requires hospital treatment.

There is a need for a Carer friendly information booklet, to inform services of other services available and details on the services and how they can support each other and make referrals etc.

CAT and Kinship carers should work in close partnership to address issues in the family.

Some services feel that there is a lack of referrals made from other agencies.

There are concerns regarding inequality of health checks for kinship carers which may not be taking place in non-looked after families.

There are concerns regarding communication of “relevant persons” legality and what this means for the carer.

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There is a lack of information regarding discretionary payments (birthdays etc.). There are differences in geographical boundaries.

Concerns with accessibility of venues providing supports to services such as Geeza Break for afterschool care, causing an impact the services provided.

Lack of accessibility to suitable training programmes such as Triple P for carers of teenage children.

Kinship Care payments should be equal no matter what local authority carers live in. Lower payments due to postcode should not happen.

Fairer payments to Kinship carers regardless of looked after or non-looked after status.

Schools should be working more closely with Psychological services, many Kinship carers are unaware this service is available to kinship children.

Need for schools to identify Kinship children and make other services aware of any needs for extra support due to family dynamics.

There is a fear that if children are being allocated to respite services for long periods this could cause dependency from both carers and children on the service.

There should be a shared database or website where all organisations who offer Kinship supports can be logged and searches can be made by criteria to bring up who can offer specific supports.

Information on organisations such as Notre Dame should be provided to Kinship carer.

It would be good for Kinship carers to experience group play to better understand the thinking of the kinship children and to learn how to interact on their level.

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Further Feedback Following this event we received a lot of feedback from many attendees and table speakers. The feedback was very positive and below is an example of some of the feedback: ‘Feedback from the kinship event is all very positive, everyone that I have spoken to highlighted that it was a fantastic opportunity to network and learn about organisations in the area.’

(CAT Worker)

‘Congratulations on the excellent event on Tuesday – it was very well organised and good opportunity to speak to so many people.’

(CAB Worker)

‘I felt the event went really well and seemed to be received positively by all who attended.’

(Children & Families Worker)

‘I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hello and to complement you for organising the fantastic kinship carers event at the Church of Nazarene in Parkhead last week. I attended in my capacity as a caseworker at the CAB in Parkhead and found the format very enjoyable and informative. Great lunch as well!! All my colleagues who attended found it a really worthwhile day.’

(CAB Worker)

‘Great Meeting and Very informative’ (New Fossils Kinship Group)

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Table Speakers Contact Details

Children & Families Social Care Direct Glasgow City Council PO Box 26845 Glasgow TEL: 0141 287 0555 Email: [email protected] Emergency out of hours contact no: 0800 811 505 Opening Hours Mon – Thurs 08.45 – 16.45 Fri 08.45 – 15.55

If you already have a social worker then you should continue to contact them in the usual way, if you've not contacted social work before and require an Adult Service, then contact Social Care Direct on 0141 287 0555 or email them at [email protected]

If you are unsure which office to go to, please phone first.

Easterhouse Westwood House 1250 Westerhouse Road Glasgow G34 9EA Phone 0141 276 3410 Fax 0141 276 3432

Parkhead Newlands Centre 871 Springfield Road Glasgow G31 4HZ Phone 0141 565 0100 Fax 0141 565 0279

Royston 15 Glenbarr Street Glasgow G21 2NW Phone 0141 276 7010 Fax 0141 276 7113

Springburn 400 Petershill Road Glasgow G21 4AA Phone 0141 276 4710 Fax 0141 276 4790

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FASS (Family Addiction Support Service) West Street Centre 123 West Street Glasgow G5 8BA TEL: 0141 420 2050 Email: [email protected] Web: Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 09.00 – 16.00 Geeza Break 1450-1456 Gallowgate Parkhead Glasgow G31 4ST TEL: 0141 573 2900 Email: [email protected] Web: Opening Hours: Mon – Thurs 09.00 – 17.00 Fri 09.00 – 16.00 Notre Dame Centre 20 Athole Gardens Glasgow G12 9BA TEL: 0141 339 2366 Email: [email protected] Web: Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 09.00 – 17.00

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CAT (Community Addiction Team) Opening Hours: Mon – Thurs 08.45 – 16.45 Fri 08.45 – 15.55 EAST CAT The Newlands Centre, 871 Springfield Road, G31 4HZ T: 0141 565 0200 SOUTH EAST CAT 10 Ardencraig Place, G45 9US T: 0141 276 5040

NORTH EAST CAT Westwood House, 1250 Westerhouse Road, G34 9EA T: 0141 276 3420 Glasgow East End Community Carers Academy House 1346 Shettleston Road Glasgow G32 9AT TEL: 0141 764 0550 Email: [email protected] Web: Opening Hours: Mon – Thurs 09.30 – 16.30 Fri 09.30 – 15.30

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Health Improvement Team North East Sector Glasgow City CHP Building 2 Templeton Business Centre 62 Templeton Street Bridgeton Glasgow G40 1DA TEL: 0141 277 7450 Web: Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 09.00 – 17.00

Education Services City Chambers East 40 John Street Merchant City Glasgow G1 1JL TEL: 0141 287 2000 Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 09.00 – 17.00

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Citizens Advice Bureau Telephone Advice 2nd Floor Brunswick House 51 Wilson Street Glasgow G1 1UZ TEL: 0808 800 9060 Email: [email protected] Web: Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 09.00 – 20.00 Sat 10.00 – 14.00 Bridgeton CAB 35 Main Street Glasgow G40 1QB TEL: 0141 554 0336 Web: Opening Hours: Mon/Tues/Thurs/Saturday 09.00 - 13.30(Appointments Only) Mon 13.30 – 16.00 (Drop in) Wed/Fri 09.00 – 16.00 (Drop in) Parkhead CAB 1361 - 1363 Gallowgate Glasgow G31 4DN Tel: 0141 554 0004 Email [email protected] Opening Hours: Mon & Fri 09.00 – 17.00 (Appointment Only) Tues & Thurs 10.00 – 15.30 (Drop In) Wed 09.00 – 19.30 (Appointment Only)

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Easterhouse CAB 46 Shandwick Square Glasgow G34 9DT TEL: 0141 771 2328 Email: [email protected] Opening Hours: Mon & Wed 09.30 – 16.00 (Drop In) Tues 09.30 – 17.00 (Appointment Only) Thurs 09.30 – 13.00 (Drop In) Thurs 13.30 – 17.00 (Appointment Only) Fri 09.30 – 16.00 (Appointment Only) Sat 10.00 – 13.00 (First Saturday of month by Appointment Only)

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Thanks Thanks to all who attended this event and those who helped support and promote the event. Without this support the event would not have been the success that it was; these included: Family Addiction Support Service (FASS) Children & Families Geeza Break East End Carers Addaction Community Addiction Team Triple P Kinship Carers New Fossils Kinship Group Easterhouse Kinship Group Butle Trust With Kids Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau Easterhouse Citizens Advice Bureau Bridgeton Citizens Advice Bureau Children 1st Education Services Psychological Services Notre Dame Health Improvement Team NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Social Work Criminal Justice GEAAP Glasgow City Council Parentline

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Funders This event was funded by the North East User Involvement Fund, funded via Glasgow City Council Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP). Special Thanks Special thanks go to: Tea Pots Café for the wonderful food provided on the day. Special thanks to Theresa Arneil and her staff for the support and service on the day.

Tea Pot Café Whiteinch Centre 1 Northinch Court

Glasgow G14 0UG

Tel: 0141 950 4434 Mobile: 07966 452 062

The Parkhead Nazarene Church, for the great venue and all the support in the run up to the event and on the day. Special thanks to Lynn Hutt for always going the extra mile and helping to make the event the great success that it was.

Parkhead Nazarene Church 12-14 Burgher Street

Glasgow G31 4TB

TEL: 0141 556 0127 Email: [email protected]

FASS Volunteers for assisting with the preparation in the lead up to the event. Special thanks to Michele Kearney for all her help on the day.

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What Next? Planned Events FASS in Partnership with Children & Families will be holding a ‘Partners in Kinship Care’ Event in the South of Glasgow on Friday 5th September 2014 and the North West of Glasgow on Thursday 11th September 2014. Both of these event will be part of GRAND (Get Real about Alcohol ‘N’ Drugs) 2014. Both of these events will be in the same format as the event in the North East. Each sector will have slight variations in table speakers and attendees depending on the particular supports that are available in each sector. Again both events will be evaluated and it is hoped that if the events are successful and feedback is positive then similar events would be repeated in the future to ensure that Kinship carers are receiving the right supports and

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that organisations are kept up to date with the different organisation offering supports and the services that they can offer. There are ongoing discussions in Children & Families to hold a similar event for Kinship Carers. Bringing Kinship Carers together and looking at the supports that they are currently accessing and assessing where there may be gaps. Working alongside the Kinship Carers to see where changes could be made and services could be improved. How to get Involved? If you would like to get more information on Kinship Care supports or to find out more about these events or any future events please contact:

Marlene Taylor – Service Manager FASS (Family Addiction Support Service)

West Street Centre, 123 West Street, Glasgow, G5 8BA TEL: 0141 420 2050 Email: [email protected]



Pat Togher – Service Manager Children & Families CBS North East Area

1250 Westerhouse Road Glasgow G34 9AE

TEL: 0141 276 3472 Email:[email protected].

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Pictures from North East Event on 24th June 2014

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FASS (Family Addiction Support Service) West Street Centre, 123 West Street, Glasgow, G5 8BA

Tel: 0141 420 2050 Email: [email protected] Web:

A Registered Charity – Registered in Scotland No. SC016107 August 2014