past passive game

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Use it to encourage your students into the past simple passive question form


  • 1. CHOOSE A NUMBER 1 234 5 678 91011 12131415 16171819 20212223 24252627 28

2. QUESTION 1 Who directed Pulp Fiction? a)Quentin Tarantinob) Spike Leec) Martin Scorsese 3. QUESTION 2 Where was Life is Beauty produced?a) Germanyb) Italy c) Spain 4. QUESTION 3 Where was The Lord of the Rings filmed? a) New Zelandb) New Yorkc) Australia 5. QUESTION 4 Who directed 2001: Space Odyssey?a) James Cameronb) Spike Lee c) Stanley Kubrik 6. QUESTION 5 Who wrote Hamlet?a)Shakespeare b) Schaktezbach c) Schultzman 7. QUESTION 6 Who wrote Moby Dick? a) Melbourneb) Melvillec) Manson 8. QUESTION 7 Where is Hugh Jackman from? a)United statesb) Englandc) Australia 9. You lose!!!Next! 10. QUESTION 9 Who discovered the light bulb? a) Thomas Edisonb) Alexander Graham Bell c) Newton 11. QUESTION 10 Who sings the song Its you?a) DBSK b) JYJ c) Super Junior 12. QUESTION 11 Which city from Canada is Justin Bieberfrom? a) Ontario b) Otawac) Greenwood 13. QUESTION 12 Who wrote the song Boys dont cry? a) The Beatlesb) The Cure c) The Backstreet boys 14. QUESTION 13 Who discovered radioactivity?a) Copernicusb) Galileoc) Colombus 15. QUESTION 14 What was the last name of Edward inTwilight Saga?a) Collenb) Callinc) Cullen 16. QUESTION 15 Who wrote The Lord of the Rings?a)J.R.R Tolkienb)J.J.R Abrams c) J.K. Rowling 17. QUESTION 16 Who discovered penicilin? a) Marie Curie b) Louis Pastur c) Alexander Flemming 18. QUESTION 17Who painted the screama) Pablo Picassob) Edvard Munchc) Edward Monet 19. QUESTION 18 What was the actor who played Neo inMatrix? a) Keanu Reevesb) Nicolas Cagec) Kevin Bacon 20. QUESTION 20 Where was the biggest earthquake? a)Japanb) Chilec)Haiti 21. QUESTION 21 Who sings stairway to heaven? a)Deff Lepard b) The Beatles c) Led Zeppelin 22. QUESTION 22 How was Amy Winehouse killed? a) She was killed by narcoticsb) She was killed by alcoholc)She was killed by her boyfriend 23. QUESTION 23 When was Kurt Cobain found dead? a) April 7th, 1995 b) April 8th, 1994 c) April 7th, 1994 24. QUESTION 24 Who sings Irresistible? Don Omara) b) Wisin & Yandel c) Daddy Yanque 25. QUESTION 25 Which is the longest movie in history?a) Gone with the windb) Titanicc) The Dark night rises 26. SPECIAL QUESTION Who answers correctly, wins everything Which is the most expensive movie evermade?a) Titanicb) Avatar c) Pirates of the Caribbean d) The Lord of the Rings 27. QUESTION 27 Who painted starry nighta) Edgard Degasb) Claude Monet c)Vincent Van Gogh 28. QUESTION 28 How was John lennon killed?a) He was killed by a heart attack b) He was killed by a gun shot c) He was killed by a knife 29. RULES 3 teams (3 ROWS)- Team 1 chose the 1st question, choosing anumber- The 3 teams answers (a, b, c)- Only one participan answers (DO NOTSCREAM)- The team who gets more points, wins- May the best team wins!