past usa questions (old paper)

Past USA questions (Old Paper) For those in Year 11 in Summer 2010

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Page 1: Past Usa Questions (Old Paper)

Past USA questions (Old Paper)For those in Year 11 in Summer 2010

Page 2: Past Usa Questions (Old Paper)

How long should my answers be?

• 3 mark questions should be about a paragraph

• 5 mark questions should be about a ½ of a page

• 7 mark questions should be about ¾ of a page

• 10 mark questions should be about a side • 15 mark questions about a side and ½. (Of

average handwriting!)

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What questions are there?

Each double page spread has: • On the left hand-side the short answer

questions: 3 marks, 2x 5 mark questions and a 7 mark question

• On the right hand side: 1x 10 mark question and 1x15 mark question

• If in doubt use the ‘big mark questions’ to base your choice on.

• Be VERY careful you get the dates right if they mention them, especially for the civil rights campaigns.

Page 4: Past Usa Questions (Old Paper)

World War II

• In what ways did the 2nd World War contribute to the development of the Civil Rights Movement? (4)

• What was the impact of WW2 on the employment and status of women in the USA in the years to 1945? (5)

• In what ways did the 2nd WW affect the status of Black Americans in the years to 1945? (5)

• Why was the 2nd world war important in the development of the Civil Rights movement in the USA? (5)

• Give one reason why Japanese-Americans were placed in relocation camps after 1941. (3) has appeared twice

• In what ways did the 2nd WW help black US citizens to gain improved Civil Rights? (5)

• Give one reason to explain why WW2 was important in the development of the civil rights movement in the USA (3)

• Why did the position of many women improve during the second world war? (5)

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The Red Scare

• What was meant by the ‘Red Scare’? (3)• Why was the fear of Communism so strong in the USA in the years 1945 – 54?

(15)• In what ways did the fear of communism in the USA develop in the years 1945-

54? You may use the following to help: beginnings of the Cold War; Hollywood 10; trials of Hiss and Rosenbergs; McCarthyism (15) has appeared three times

• What was meant by the term ‘witch hunt’ (3)• Why did a fear of communism develop in the USA in the years 1945-50? (5)• What is meant by the term ‘Hollywood ten’? (3)• Why were the cases of Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs important in the growing

fear of communism in the USA in the early 1950s? (5) has appeared twice• Give one reason why the Cold War in Europe helped to create a fear of

Communism in the USA in the years 1945-49. (3)• In what ways were the cases of the Hollywood 10 and Hiss important in the

growing fear of communism in the USA in the years to 1950? (5)• Choose 2 of the items and explain why they were important in the growing fear

of Communism in the USA : the work of HUAC; Hiss; Rosenbergs. (10)

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Specifically on McCarthy

• Describe the key features of McCarthyism (5)• Why did McCarthyism decline after 1954? (5)• In what ways did senator McCarthy try to win the

support of the public in the early 1950s? (5)• Why has Senator McCarthy lost the support of most

US citizens by the end of 1954? (5) has appeared twice

• Describe the key features of the methods used by Senator McCarthy to win the support of the US citizens in the early 1950s. (5) has appeared twice

• Why had McCarthyism died out by the end of 1954? (7)

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Life for Black Americans

• What was meant by ‘Jim Crow laws’? (3)

• What is meant by ‘segregation’? (3)• Explain what is meant by ‘integration’


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Non- violent Civil Rights (not MLK)

• Why did the events at Little Rock High School contribute to improvement in civil rights for Black Americans? (7)

• Why were the events at Little Rock High School important for the development of civil rights? (7)

• Why was the Brown vs Topeka case important in the improvement of civil rights for Black Americans? (5)

• Describe the key features of the campaign for civil rights at Little Rock High School in 1957 (5)

• Describe the key features of the Brown vs Topeka case. (5)

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Non- violent Civil Rights (MLK and inspired by MLK)

• Describe the key features of the Montgomery Bus Boycott (5) has appeared twice

• What methods did MLK and his supporters use in the 1960s to improve the position of Black Americans? (7)

• Explain what is meant by the term ‘freedom riders’. (3)

• Describe the key features of the methods used by MLK to secure improved civil rights for black US citizens in the years 1963-68. (5)

• Why was the Montgomery Bus Boycott important in the campaign for Black American civil rights? (5)

• In what ways were the events at Little Rock important i the development of the Civil Rights movement? (7)

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Violent / separatist Civil Rights movement

• In what ways did the Black Power movement develop in the 1960s? (10)

• Why was there increased racial tension in the USA in the years 1964-70? (10)

• Why did the Black Power movement develop in the USA in the 1960s? (5) has appeared twice

• Why did some US citizens oppose the work and methods of MLK? (7)

• Give one reason to explain why some black US citizens opposed the methods of MLK (3)

• Describe the key features of the Black Power movement (5)

• Choose two items and explain why they were important in the USA at the time: Sit-ins; Malcolm X; The Black Panthers. (10)

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Summary questions on Civil Rights

• In what ways did Black Americans secure improved civil rights in the years 1945-63?You may use the following to help: impact of WW2; Brown vs Topeka; events at Little Rock; the work of MLK. (15) has appeared three times

• In what ways did the civil rights campaign develop in the years 1963-68? (7)• Describe the key features of the improvements in civil rights in the years 1963-

68. (7)• In what ways did black US citizens secure improved civil rights in the years

1945-60? (10)• In what ways did the methods used by civil rights campaigners in the USA

change during the 1950s and 1960s? You may use the following to help: Work of MKL; Malcolm X; Growth of Black Power; Black Panthers. (10) has appeared twice

• In what ways did the methods used by civil rights campaigners in the USA change from 1961-68? (7)

• In what ways did Black Americans achieve improved civil rights in the years 1955-68?You may use the following to help: Montgomery Bus Boycott; events at Little Rock; the work of MLK; Voting Rights Act 1965. (15)

• In what ways did Black Americans secure improved civil rights in the years 1941-60?You may use the following to help: double V campaign; Brown vs Topeka; events at Little Rock; Montgomery Bus Boycott. (15)

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• Choose two and explain why they were important in the USA in the 1960s: The ‘New Frontier’; 1964 Civil Rights Act; 1965 Voting Rights Act. (10)

• Why were black US citizens able to secure improvements in civil rights in the years 1941-60? You may use the following to help: impact of ww2; role of supreme court; role of Eisenhower; role of MLK. (15)

• Choose two and explain why they were important in the USA in the 1960s: The student movement; Civil rights and Voting rights acts of 1964; The Black Power Movement. (10)

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New Frontier and Kennedy

• Why did Kennedy find it difficult to carry out his ‘New Frontier’ policies? (10)

• Why did Kennedy find it difficult to carry out his ‘New Frontier’ policies? (5)

• What was meant by the ‘New Frontier’? (3) has appeared twice• Describe the key features of the ‘New Frontier’ policy. (5)• Why did Kennedy face problems in his attempts to improve civil rights

in the years 1961-63? (5)• In what ways did Kennedy try to improve Civil Rights for black citizens

in the USA? (5)• Give one reason to explain why Kennedy faced opposition to his civil

rights bill in 1963. (3)• Give one reason to explain why Kennedy introduced his ‘New Frontier’

policy (3)• In what ways did Kennedy and Johnson try to improve the lives of US

citizens in the years 1961-68? You may use the following to help: Employment opportunities; education; improved civil rights; medical care. (10)

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Johnson and the Great Society

• Describe the successes and failures of Johnson in his attempt to build a ‘Great Society’ in the USA in the years 1963-68. (15)

• What successes and failures did Johnson have in establishing ‘Great Society’ in the USA in the years 1963-68. (10)

• Why was Johnson unable to build his ‘Great Society’? (7)• In what ways did Johnson improve civil rights in the years 1963-68?

(7) • Describe the key features of Johnsons ‘Great Society’ in the USA in

the year 1963-68 (15) • Describe the key features of the ‘Great Society’ (5) • Why did Johnson wish to create a ‘Great Society in the USA after

1963? (5)• What problems did Johnson face in his attempts to build a ‘Great

Society’ in the years 1963-1968? (5) has appeared twice• Why did many US citizens experience improvements in their lives as a

result of the New Frontier and Great Society. You may sue the following to help: 1964 Civil rights act; 1965 Voting rights Act; 1965 Medical Care Act. (15)

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Protest movements

• Why was there both a women’s and students movement in the 1960s? (15)

• Why did protest movements develop in the 1960s and 1970s? (10)

• Why did the student and women’s movements become important in the USA in the 1960s and early 1970s

• Choose two from the following and explain why they were important in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s: growth of the student movement; growth of the women’s movement; resignation of Nixon. (10)

• Why were the students movements and women’s movements important in the USA in the 1960s and early 1970s? (10)

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Student Movement

• Describe the key features of the student movement in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s. (5) has appeared twice

• Why were student protests important in the USA in the 1960s and early 1970s? (10)

• In what ways did the student movement develop in the 1960s and early 1970s? (10)

• In what ways did the student movement develop in the 1960s and early 1970s? (7)

• Give one reason to explain why the student movement in the USA had so many supporters in the 1960s. (3)

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Women’s movement

• In what ways did the women’s movement develop in the USA in the 1960s and 1970s? (7)

• In what ways did the women’s movement develop in the USA in the 1960s? (5)

• Describe the key features of the women’s movement in the USA in the 1960s and early 1970s. (7)

• Give one reason to explain why the women’s movement began in the 1960s (3)

• Why did the women’s movement begin in the 1960s? (5)

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• Why did President Nixon resign in 1974? (7) has appeared twice

• Why did President Nixon resign in 1974? (5) • In what ways did Watergate affect politics in the

USA in the years to 1980? (7) has appeared twice• Describe the key features of the Watergate Scandal

in the USA (10)• Describe the key features of the Watergate Scandal

in the USA (7)• Describe the key features of the Watergate Scandal

in the USA (5)• Choose 2 items and explain why they were

important in US politics: McCarthy; The New Frontier; impact of Nixon’s resignation (10)