pastor’s testimony - in magic, ... this was how my everyday essentials were met. apart...

Pastor’s Testimony: A Sorcerer transformed into a Pastor by the Power of God: Praise the Lord. Our Lord Jesus Christ says “ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1: 8). My beloved God’s people, children of God, our Lord Jesus Christ said unto his disciples to be His witnesses. In fact, they witnessed the Lord Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever and died as martyrs, as we all know. Our Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation (Jeremiah 10: 10). Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory (1 Timothy 3: 16). He says “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1: 8). Before he came into the world, the heavens, the firmament, the day and the night were being His witnesses and they were going through all the earth and to the ends of the earth and were declaring the glory of God (Psalm 19). Thus, every creature in this world below the sky and above the earth talks about the mighty of God and are being His witnesses. Yes, God wants us to be His witnesses. We all are duty bound to be the witnesses of God in our own house, in our work place, in our city or town, in our nation and in all the places of the earth. Those who have experienced the Love, the Power and the forgiveness of Jesus owe the prerequisite to share their experiences with others and to glorify the name of the Lord. Romans 10: 14 says: “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Jesus said in Matthew 9: 37 that “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” My Testimony: To come into my testimony for the Glory of Christ, my old name was Ramsingh. I was a witch doctor and I had two big tamarind trees in both the sides of my pooja (worshipping) room. In the tamarind trees, I had tied many bottles filled with dead human spirits, conches, lemons, burnt body ashes; semi burnt human bones from grave yards to use them when they are necessary. I who got myself well trained from my childhood in magic, sorcery and astrology was on demand not only for astrology, but mainly for sorcery to use the spirits to cause spells and harm and also make charm bands for my clients. I had 108 spirits under my control and used them for my performances. Whatever I ask them to do, they will do, or else I will blame them and reproach them like anything. I do many witches either from my pooja room or at midnight from grave yards. If someone does any sorcery against me, I counter attack and win those responsible through my higher power sorcery. I had defeated many magicians in spiritual warfare.

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Page 1: Pastor’s Testimony - in magic, ... This was how my everyday essentials were met. Apart from these, if I didn't have pocket money I wouldsend any of my controlled spirits

Pastor’s Testimony: A Sorcerer transformed into a Pastor by the Power of God: Praise the Lord. Our Lord Jesus Christ says “ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1: 8). My beloved God’s people, children of God, our Lord Jesus Christ said unto his disciples to be His witnesses. In fact, they witnessed the Lord Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever and died as martyrs, as we all know. Our Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation (Jeremiah 10: 10). Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory (1 Timothy 3: 16). He says “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1: 8). Before he came into the world, the heavens, the firmament, the day and the night were being His witnesses and they were going through all the earth and to the ends of the earth and were declaring the glory of God (Psalm 19). Thus, every creature in this world below the sky and above the earth talks about the mighty of God and are being His witnesses. Yes, God wants us to be His witnesses. We all are duty bound to be the witnesses of God in our own house, in our work place, in our city or town, in our nation and in all the places of the earth. Those who have experienced the Love, the Power and the forgiveness of Jesus owe the prerequisite to share their experiences with others and to glorify the name of the Lord. Romans 10: 14 says: “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Jesus said in Matthew 9: 37 that “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” My Testimony: To come into my testimony for the Glory of Christ, my old name was Ramsingh. I was a witch doctor and I had two big tamarind trees in both the sides of my pooja (worshipping) room. In the tamarind trees, I had tied many bottles filled with dead human spirits, conches, lemons, burnt body ashes; semi burnt human bones from grave yards to use them when they are necessary. I who got myself well trained from my childhood in magic, sorcery and astrology was on demand not only for astrology, but mainly for sorcery to use the spirits to cause spells and harm and also make charm bands for my clients. I had 108 spirits under my control and used them for my performances. Whatever I ask them to do, they will do, or else I will blame them and reproach them like anything. I do many witches either from my pooja room or at midnight from grave yards. If someone does any sorcery against me, I counter attack and win those responsible through my higher power sorcery. I had defeated many magicians in spiritual warfare.

Page 2: Pastor’s Testimony - in magic, ... This was how my everyday essentials were met. Apart from these, if I didn't have pocket money I wouldsend any of my controlled spirits

When people come to me with problems, I used to comfort them, console them and try to keep them relaxed by showing my power in witchcrafts to make them rely on my skills. I used to fix rates for each undertake of problems. I fix the rate after looking at their standard of living, lordships of properties and holdings of money. If they are rich and capable of giving money I would fix higher amount than usual. I would suck at the level most from them. Before I start pooja for a family, I would prepare a list of offerings that the client has to give me and pooja materials for pooja performances. I meet all my family needs out of those offerings. If we don't have coconut at my home, I would make them put 5 coconuts, if we don't have rice at home to cook, I would ask them to put 5 kilos of rice, if we don't have lemon at home to make pickles, I would ask them to put 101 lemons. If I feel like eating chicken, I would make them to put a hen and would informed my wife beforehand that I will bring a hen for cooking so that she could prepare dishes out of the hen quickly. I didn't like just eating chicken so I would make them put 1 bottle Brandi / wine also. This was how my everyday essentials were met. Apart from these, if I didn't have pocket money I would send any of my controlled spirits to make any of my customers to come to meet me. That spirit will go to him and distress him. He will think that somebody, one of his enemies has sent the spirit to torture him. Immediately he will come fast to me to resolve the problem. Then I will make his money to come to me from his pocket. Once I had a great enemy who himself was a witchcraft. He became my enemy over my business. When I was attacking a family who worked against one of my clients, he came across my activity. He was their family witch doctor. He came to me in his spirit and told me to terminate the work. I had promised my client that I would save them from the problem. I don't want my clients to suffer when I am there. I replied him to not to torment them and if he is stopping the sorcery, I would also stop my sorcery. But he was not in the same mind to go smoothly. So, I challengingly took the case and fought against the opponent family and that family's witch doctor. That small problem puffed up into a fight among witchcrafts. I had many prior experiences in such witch/spiritual warfare. I did 14 days' zonal pooja. In that pooja the opponent or the ally will die in the 48th day. As the 48th day was in the near future and when he was going to die, he allied two more witches along him because of his fear for death. One was from Kerala state and the other was from Kanniyakumari district. I could see them through my spirit as I was seeing them in face to face. They together were doing pooja against me from a grave yard. It was the 48th day night. I was also doing pooja from another popular grave yard in Chennai. I conquered the battle. The other two witchcrafts ran away from the grave yard with horror. Then my client was set free. My repentance: I used to go to many houses on invitation to perform poojas to cause evil to others and also for divination and sooth saying. Once I was called to do pooja and to say sooth sayings in a Christian home. The friend's name was Charles. I used to be very happy to go to other religious people. I used to enjoy working with "Jinn" a Muslim spirit, with which I have worked. Whenever I call that, it will come very fast from oceans and shores. "Anthony" a Christian spirit with which I have worked many times. It would

Page 3: Pastor’s Testimony - in magic, ... This was how my everyday essentials were met. Apart from these, if I didn't have pocket money I wouldsend any of my controlled spirits

come in brown tunic. It is the one who consoled me when I lost my third daughter to death. That time I had one eldest son, and two daughters. That Anthony came to me and was giving three insects and told me to take them. Then he told me to not to be worry because I will have three children in my life. Then immediately after that another girl has born to us. It told me the date and time also of the birth of my fourth child. That Charles described me all about his family problems. I fixed a date to go to his house to do pooja and to use divination and sooth saying. When the date came, I went to his house. All the offerings were kept in front of me. All the family members sat around me. I started my pooja. Usually, before I spell magic words and verses and to start my pooja, to show off my super powers to the family members I used to do some small magic. So I took an egg. Dotted a black dye over the egg. Spelt some magic words then I cried loudly and strongly said "OOHH HHAAA" (he cried loudly in the stage. It Echoes). Then the dye will suddenly make a hole in the dotted place and the egg yolk and all the liquid inside will rush up and will disappear in the air within few seconds. In some places I would perform some other magic alike this. At the end of my pooja I will have to give magical metal dollars. That time if I see any young man with strong physical stature who is quite show off, I will not give that dollar into his hand. I will make that to stick in a wall and will ask him to take it himself. I will wait and see what he is doing. Everybody will also be looking at him. He will try and try, over and again to remove it from the wall and will get tired. After that I will go, take it off the wall easily in a finger and will give to him. They will be taken aback to see that. Then that young man will also believe in me and my powers. The time came for me to tell about their futures. I was entreating my famous sooth saying spirit. It is one among the most popular spirits which is widely being worshipped by pagans. I don't want to mention its name. But it was not coming. I was wondered why it was not coming. I confused thinking as if some buffalo went across when I started at my house, which appeared when I woke up from my bed, etc. Then I started being in yoga to see that where that pagan God is. I found him standing in the doorsteps of the house. I asked why you are not entering in. What happened to you? He said that he was not able to come in because somebody who is greater than him is there in the house. I asked who is that greater. Is he much greater than all my 108 spirits? I said I will take care of him. You don't fear to enter in. It is time to do tell about their future. If I don't do it now then they will never believe in my power. He was strong in telling me to halt the pooja and to come out of the house. I asked repeatedly why? Finally he said that some powerful light is there inside the home. Again I went into yoga and found that a sage-like calm and sweet appearing man standing there inside that home and an old woman praying unto him in the inner room. I told Charles to make that woman to stop praying. She was his mother. Then I comforted my sooth saying God by saying that that man is calm and a sweet appearing man and he will never disturb our witches, why are you worrying for him? I will bind him with my enchantments. I started binding him as I used to do to any other spirits which come across my activities. Whenever I enter into a village or into a

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household I used to bind the spirit whichever comes across and when I come out I would release them. It was with the same goodwill I wanted to bind Jesus for the short time being. I used all my magic words and enchantments but everything went futile. I could not bind him by anyway. But that man was simply standing and smiling at me. He was amidst great powerful light. I invoked all my 108 spirits and called on them saying bind, bind, bind and bind him. I became very tired and was astonished at his gentle look and sweet smiles. I could not tie him even at the extreme end of my poojas and magic verses. Finally I came to know that he was Jesus, because that family was a Christian family. Then how could I bind Him. I couldn't bind Him at all. How could I bind Him when He is the God who loses the bindings of His People (Ps.116:16)? Charles and his family was very much disappointed as they were not predicted with how their family will sustain all the problems they were facing. I simply assured them their protection and moved off. I felt the power of Jesus. In another occasion, when I was sleeping at my house in an early morning, I heard a loud voice of a preacher in my street. He was pedaling his cycle and was preaching in a mega phone by loudly saying Jesus is the only God. Jesus Heals You. Jesus Saves You. Jesus Redeems. Jesus Loves You. I was much annoyed by the loud voice. I never used to allow any magician, witch, astrologer or sorcerer or even a udukku player (uduku is a membranophone instrument, hourglass drum used in prayers in Tamil Nadu) to enter into my street. By looking at my Pooja room and the two big tamarind trees, such individual will run away and will never ever come to that side again. I was thinking how dare this guy come in and annoy me at this early hour in the morning. I got angered and wanted to attack him with the powers of my evil spirits for teaching him a lesson. I enchanted my magic spells to knock him down from his cycle and to hit hard on his back. Then I got into yoga to see how injured he was. I shocked and staggered to see him still cycling and preaching intact, as not even a single disturbance happened to him. When I further examined him around to understand how he was protected, I could see hundreds and hundreds of spirits around him and he was absolutely safe amidst such a huge protecting force. I could not do any single harm unto him and my magical skills could not withstand the power he had. After some six months of these incidents happened, I fell sick. I was bed ridden. I didn't know what sickness I had. I called all the 108 spirits who were under my control. I asked them the reasons for my sickness. They all said that there is no reason but I was having only bad time and season. I thought if somebody is being my adversary, I could do something bad against them and could escape myself from that dilemma. Here, in this case, it is not somebody or some spirit, but my own time and season. I was blaming all my Gods and Goddesses that I worshipped all through my life till that moment. All the 108 spirits consoled me by saying that I will die within 7 days and will become a "Muneeshwar" God. If any gurus or swamis die, they will become this "Muneeshwar" swami after the death. If any young lady die, she will become "Mohini" Goddess after her death. If any women die during pregnancy, she will become "Kaatteari" Goddesses.

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These are the facts behind these swamis. No pagans know these facts behind these figures. And they, poor fellows are worshiping them as Gods and Goddesses. Since I was a guru, they said I will become "Muneeshwar" swami after my death. They also said that I can take care of my wife and children by being that God in spirit after my death. But the fear of death had preoccupied me. The fear of death had frozen me and I could not think of anything other than my end of life predicted by my own Gods and Goddesses. I realized that they cannot overcome the time and season formed of our astronomy and horoscopes. Yes, all these fairy personals of pagans are themselves bound by and under astronomy and horoscopes, then how come they can liberate me. Hence, I started thinking of all other possible remedies whichever can help me escape the perils laid by my own time and season. I remembered the two occasions in which I encountered Jesus unto whom all my magical, wizardry and diablerie powers didn’t work and withstand. I recollected the visionaries I had through yoga in the two incidents and was thinking if I could get the same protection which the house of Charles and the preacher had. I kept recollecting the visionaries of Jesus who appeared to me at Charles’ house in a pure white tunic, engrossed amidst supreme light, calmly standing with a great peace and sweet smile. I was wondering if I could learn any magic verse to ask Jesus to give me His peace and was thinking whom I can ask to teach me the chanting to invoke Jesus. By thinking on this again and again I went into a deep mood of creating my own enchantment to invoke Jesus. I entrancingly said Come Jesus, Come Jesus, Come Jesus thousands of times for the whole day and night and then tiredly fell asleep on the ground. When I was deep asleep, I had the dream of the same Jesus in a pure white cloth, powerfully bright, magnificent stature challengingly speaking with me and saying “Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail”. Isaiah 47: 12 – 14. Nobody had ever challenged me in such a way. If somebody else had challenged me so, I could have easily brought him under my control with a small lemon or with an onion and an iron nail. The challenge was too severe and it broke my heart into pieces. Our God is a very challenging God. He challenges to all the people of the world in the same manner. Today He is challenging each and every one of you in the same manner. Jeremiah 10: 10 says “But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation”. There is no one stand against him. Don’t think you can quickly escape His challenge. Psalm 2: 11 & 12 says “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little” I woke up and surrendered me to Jesus. I cried and prayed to Jesus to deliver me from my sins and to save me from my death bed. I raised my confident in Jesus and I believed in Him that He would deliver me and save me.

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In Isaiah 45: 22, He says “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” Let us all look only unto Jesus. He is only truly living God who can save us from all our troubles, sickness, poverty and destitution. Romans 8: 31 says “If God be for us, who can be against us? In Jeremiah 32: 27 He says “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” I looked unto Jesus with the new hope of life. I started to pray unto him continuously and He also spoke unto me. He told me to remove the charm thread I had worn around my waist. That charm thread had several bands tied in itself and I had considered them as my safe-guard. With a great confident in Jesus I obediently removed the thread from me and threw it away. God gave me a complete healing. I recovered from my illness very shortly and I accepted Jesus as my only savior. Later I demolished my Pooja Room and uprooted the two big tamarind trees in both the sides of my Pooja Room. I sacked up all the idolatries, pictures of gods & goddesses, all my pooja materials and threw away. My wife had already started going to a nearby church to pray for my wellness and for my recovery from the illness. I joined her in going to church and praying for myself. I started reading the Bible. The church made me to share my testimony with others. God worked in me and filled me with His Holy Ghost. For my livelihood I joined in an employment with a beverage industry at Valasarawakkam, Chennai and I was also doing gospel work at evening hours. God told me in dreams to do His work alone full-time and He promised he would meet my family financials out of His work. I was much reluctant to do so and I did not obey His words. I met with an accident in my workplace. When I got down from a ladder, I unknowingly dropped my leg into an iron bucket of boiling bitumen. I was again bedridden for around 6 months and the doctors advised me to remove the leg. It was full of puss and in rotten condition. The puss used to flow off continuously. I bitterly prayed unto God and made a promise that I would do His work full time if I recovered from the injury. It was a big faith test for me I had to undergo after my conversion. God helped me to win the test and healed it. Doctors wondered at my quick recovery. I dedicated me fully to do God’s work only full-time. God has been leading me wonderfully with His mighty hands. The scars are still seen severe in my leg. Now our church is constructed in the same place where I had my pooja room. In the same place where I worshipped pagan Gods, we now worship our true living God and savior Jesus Christ. God has touched thousands of souls in the same place. Hundreds have been baptized and received the Holy Ghost. Many who were bound by evil & magical spirits are delivered, many who were sick are healed and many who were in poverty are blessed in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As Isaiah 56: 7 says “mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people”, we have named our church as Jesus Christ Prayer House. I have been sharing my testimony at many convention programs, public meetings and Gospel Crusades. Some political parties and their religious wings heard about my

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testimony and filed a case against me in Nanguneri Additional District court. I had preached in a convention meeting at Tirunelveli some 3 years before. They took a sample of my tract and found some witnesses to talk against me stating that I have blasphemed against their gods and goddesses. I had to travel very often from Chennai to Nanguneri to attend the adjournments. I got sick and diabetes. However God was with me and helped me to overcome the 3-year of proceedings in the court. Now I go to many places, wherever I am invited and share the gospel. God has touched thousands of souls through my testimony and hundreds have dedicated their lives unto God. Many who are baptized by me are now pastoring at many locations and are glorifying the Lord. We request you all to pray for our church and for all our ministry programs. God Bless You. Amen.

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JESUS CHRIST PRAYER HOUSE MINISTRIES #107, Earikkarai Road, Virugambakkam, Chennai – 600092, India Phone:0091-9840362885

Jesus Christ Prayer House started in the year 1985 in Chennai, a key city of South India by Pastor A. Siluvai Sundar Singh who once was the greatest witchcraft in those surroundings. The same place where he was storing evil spirits has now become the head church of this ministry. God has been healing hundreds of people who were affected by witchcrafts and sorceries and hundreds have dedicated their lives to Christ centered living.

Previously when the church was Roofless people gathered at one particular space which had roof and the rest of the places were covered by flex banners.

Page 9: Pastor’s Testimony - in magic, ... This was how my everyday essentials were met. Apart from these, if I didn't have pocket money I wouldsend any of my controlled spirits

The church building was constructed mostly by the church members itself. All the church

members worked very hard. Brother Thomson, Brother Raja & the Pastor’s Wife were working for the church building. Food being served in the church.

Pastor Siluvai Sundarsingh has shared his testimony with thousands and thousands of people. He has prayed for hundreds of villages personally visiting those villages with the gospel preaching team. He has prayed for thousands of people and many were healed and much blessed. Thousands of people were delivered from sorceries, witchcrafts, idol worships, hereditary curses, personal sins, etc. Hundreds of people dedicated their lives for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have adopted some very poor villages which don’t have any basic amenities. Most of the people don’t have proper clothing also. Almost all the children will be naked or half-naked. We use to sponsor them with new clothes & foot wears regularly. Snake catching is their major occupation.

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A village where many not even having clothes to cover themselves. We distributed clothes to them all, taught them gospel songs and preached gospel.

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These poor brick making children (50 families) are deprived of education and regular food. We are giving them rice packets. Now we need your kind supports to start free school for them.

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The people in the brick kilns are deprived of education and also food. We have been supporting them by sponsoring food/rice packets regularly once in a week. Now we are planning to start a free school in which we will teach them language and also the gospel of our savior. We don’t’ have any vehicle for ourselves (our church). Still we hire a van every month and go for village ministry (in which we will find our locations which don’t have any church and we preach the people about Jesus Christ our savior. We have such a competent village ministry team which has the high capacity to grab the whole village into one location and preach them the word of God. It will attract and pull all the children, youth and adults to the ministry spot and it will like a grand function in which we will teach the word of God and pray for them all. The pastor has prayed for hundreds of villages and has blessed them all by personally visiting them all regularly.

With Love, Thanks and Prayers, Pastor S. Thomson, Senior Pastor A. Siluvai Sundar Singh Jesus Christ Prayer House Ministries, #107, Earikkarai Road, Virugambakkam, Chennai 600092, India

Contact: [email protected]; Mobile: 0091-9840362885 / 0091-9176662885

WE HAVE 5 CHURCHES. WE NEED SUPPORTS TO GIVE THE PASTOR’S SALARY, RUN & MAINTAIN THE MINISTRIES PROPERLY 1.Thindivanam Church – Pastor Thomas; 2.Kundrathur Pastor – Pastor Raja; 3.Nandhambakkam Pastor –

Pastor Manaseh; 4.Mettukuppam Pastor – Pastor Devadhanam; 5.Kovur Pastor – Pastor James Pastor’s Salary & Church Expenses: Rs.8,000/- (USD 120) per Church per Month.


There are 8 villages which need a prayer hall. As there is no place for them to worship, they are not able to gather at one place and conduct worship services.

(1.Oothukottai Village 2.Sakthi Nagar 3.Amarambedu Village 4.Periyar Nagar 5.Mettukuppam 6.Brahmadesam Village 7.Thiruvalangadu Village 8.Kundrathur)

Property Cost Rs. 6,00,000 (USD 9200/-), Construction Cost Rs.1,50,000 (USD 2300/-) Total USD 11500/- per Prayer Hall


EDUCATION & NUTRITION We will adopt the orphans and dedicate them to do God’s ministry in their lifetime. We will put them in our orphanage for fee weaning, we will give them free education in our school, we will train them for ministry in our own Bible College, then we will dedicate them to do God’s ministry full time. We want to start this in Amarambedu Village and make it a headquarters for our ministry.

It costs Rs.25,00,000/- (USD 38460)