pastpresentfuture. installation view pastpresentfuture concept by alessandra dimitra


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Page 1: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 2: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

Installation view



by Alessandra Dimitra

Page 3: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The time project

The project is about life and considers human life beyond lifetime.

This artwork is exploring the topic of reincarnation and visualizes a “series of incarnations” of the artist.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 4: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 5: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The final space required for installation is approx. (ca. 36-15 m x 2-3 m).The artwork contains 12 black and white and one colored, large, white and translucent chiffon banners, each printed on one side with a realistic drawing of a life - sized figure (print measures ca. 200 cm x 90 cm, fixed size).which is visible from both sides of banner. All the banners are connected with a “red thread” made of textile garnets and hanged with wooden clothespins on clotheslines stretched through the room.

All drawings are available also as 1/10 limited edition of fine art prints.

2011, Berlin

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 6: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


What is the meaning of life and what is hereafter? These constant and basic questions of mankind are being philosophically analyzed in a very personal and artistic manner, without subjecting to any dogmas.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 7: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Philosophical systems and religions formulate suitable answers, but those still remain a matter of confidence and belief.

For the numberless followers of the Hinduistic and Buddhistic teachings, of mystic groups and pagan or shamanic cults, of the Gnostic teachings as well as for several ancient religions including early Christianity, reincarnation has been a meaningful fact in this universal cycle of becoming and passing.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 8: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 9: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Although many cases from all over the world are known, where people hold strange memories that do not correspond to their current existence, in some of that cases the traces even lead to the data of historical persons, science still does not accept this as evidences proofing the existence of reincarnation.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 10: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Yet science in the fields of astrophysics and quantum mechanics is lately asking a lot more of fascinating questions about that topic.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 11: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


This artwork suggests a controversial discussion.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 12: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


I was socialized in Greek, German and European culture as a whole. As a positive and creative person, I began very early to show interest in art.

That led me directly to history of art and culture, to religious studies and philosophy.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 13: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 14: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Over time I developed several obsessions, like the irrational enthusiasm for certain places or cultural eras, as well as the apparent naturalness of some ideologies.

Felt convictions and absurd aversions join with fragments of memories, from the slightest presentiment to visions in movie quality.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 15: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The question about the nature of personal identity is being asked by this project. The research looks for the origins of these “memories” and explores the possibility of reincarnation being a fact.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 16: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 17: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


For a certain period of my childhood I was continuously drawing particular scenes and I was experiencing them over and over again. For years to come I held the confidence that it was all a product of an active childish imagination. Until I gained some knowledge of history of arts and suddenly realized that specific details could not be traced to any of my childhood.

So how did I know about them?

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 18: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 19: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Then I started the still ongoing process to work out all those information fragments that I had collected through memories and different kinds of past life regressions and I began to compare them systematically with historic facts.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 20: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 21: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


On that basis I created 13 visualized individuals to represent “my incarnations”.

They are all 12 connected together as well as with the figure which is visualizing my current lifetime, through a red “life thread” which is the entity, the consciousness or the soul.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 22: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The hanging in series suggests our sense of time being linear and continuous and is questioning “truth” from another point of view.

The clotheslines from which the artworks are hanging are marking the time and space coordinates of the particular lifetimes.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 23: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The images of these individuals on the chiffon banners are referring to the bodies that the person changes as he or she would do with an old piece of clothing.

The textile factor is also used to communicate the feeling of an era to the exhibition visitors by showing the visualized persons wearing historical correct clothing.

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 24: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 25: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

1. Egyptabout 2000 - 1800 B.C.male Egyptianname unknown,wealthy merchant and warriorability to write and readreferring to the Egyptian gods reached nearly the age of 60

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 26: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 27: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 28: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

2. Nubiaabout 1800 - 1700 B.C.male Nubian from the Noba tribename unknownsolder, salesman sea trade enterprisesinitiated to the mysteries of the Bastet cultreached nearly the age of 55

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 29: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 30: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 31: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


3. TheraSantorini, Greeceabout 1700 - 1600 B.Cfemale Minoanname unknownwife and mothersuccessful sea trade enterprisestextile merchantreferring to the great goddess Qerasija/Rhea

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 32: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 33: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 34: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


4. Ithaki / Ithaca, Malanion / Melanion Island in the Ionian sea, Greeceabout 1550 - 1450 B.C.late Minoan period, female Minoanname unknown priestess of Artemis the goddess Rea/Qerasijalives in the area of the temple among the priesthood

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 35: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 36: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 37: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


5. OlympiaGreeceabout 800 - 700 B.C.male Mycenaeanname unknownwarriorcreative production of goodsinitiated to the mysteries of local cults, Zeus/Hera

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 38: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 39: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 40: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


6. DelosGreeceabout 700 - 600 B.C.female Ionianname unknownpriestess of Artemisdiplomatic missions for the military authorities

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 41: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 42: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 43: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


7. EleusisGreeceabout 600 - 500 B.C.female Ionianname unknownwife and mother, early widownoble backgroundsuffered a great lossinitiated to the mysteries of Demeter at Eleusis

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 44: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 45: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 46: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

8. AthensGreeceabout 500 - 400 B.C.female Athenianname unknownwife and motherdiplomatic backstage activities due to family position in societyinitiated to the mysteries of Demeter at Eleusis

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 47: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 48: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 49: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

9. DionGreeceabout 360 - 310 B.C.male Macedonianname Kalinikoswarrior by professionbackground with strongfamily position in societydiplomatic missions artistic interestsinitiated to the Orphic and Kabbiric mysteries

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 50: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 51: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 52: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

10. BurgundyFranceabout 1360 - 1420female from Burgundyname ElisabethDame, conventional life on courtwife and mothergood social contacts due to family position in societyChristianwidow by 30reached nearly the age of 45

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 53: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 54: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 55: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

11. BeaumontBeaumont-sur-Oise, near Paris, Franceabout 1707 - 1765female from Francename Augustine , born as de Beaumont family is old nobility, still privileged but lack of powerlives a happy, secure and quiet life in the house she was bornwife and mother of two childrenmastering the matters of the Household and gardenprofound Botanic knowledge applications of healing herbs and perfumesreached nearly the age of 55

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 56: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 57: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 58: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

12. ParisFranceabout 1840 - 1890female from Francename Constancewife and motherhouse wifelived in a neoclassical apartment in Paris Christianwriting poems and performing music for family and guest in private, The house was destroyed suddenly by the gas pipe explosion

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 59: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 60: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra

PastPresentFuture by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 61: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


The incarnations Profiles

13. CorinthGreeceborn 1966female Greek and German citizenname Alessandraliving and working in Berlin and Athens as Visual Artist

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 62: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Born 1966, in Corinth - GR Lives and works in Berlin and Athens, as Fine Artist and Communication Designer

Studies 96-97 J. G. University Mainz, further studies inPhilosophy, Education Science, Ethnology91-95 Institute of Fine Arts at J. Gutenberg University Mainz,studies of Painting, Dipl. Fine Arts87-91 University of Applied Science Wiesbaden,studies of Communication Design85-87 University of Applied Science Wiesbaden,Studies of Interior Architecture84-85 T.E.I. Athens, Graphics82-84 K.E.T.E. Athens, Dipl. Interior Decoration

MembershipSince 10 El - Drac, European Contemporary ArtSince 99 Member of BBK,German National Association of Artists, IAA95 - 96 Member of AULERS MÜHLE art_design, Rhein-MainSince 1996 Foundation of ORPHEAS art & design GbR, Berlin94-95 Member of GESTALTER, Wiesbaden


by Alessandra Dimitra

Page 63: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Art Instruction11 Media Academy Berlin, Dpt. Media-technology,instructor for Visual Communication and Colour 10 University Paderborn, Faculty of Arts and Humanities,Dpt. of Art Studies, Music & Textile Design, instructor for Painting08-10 Silicon Studio Berlin at ITW Institute, Dpt. Graphic-design,instructor for Visual Communication and Colour99-07 Design Academy Berlin, Dpt. Communication Management,instructor for Visual Communication99-03 BBW Institute of Berlin, Dpt. Media Design,instructor for Visual Communication and History of Arts98-02 Design Academy Berlin, Dpt. Visual Communication,instructor for Colour and Design Methodology98-02 Berlin, Alessandra Dimitra Fine Art Studio,Art Instructor for Painting and Drawing88-89 Wiesbaden, Art Instructor

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 64: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Exhibitions 12 Kythera, Follow your Art Gallery, Ravenna, Battaglia Project;11 Sydney, Museum of Contemporary Art; Seoul, National Museum of Contemporary Art; Basse Rentgen – Lorraine, Château de Preisch; Toulouse, Val Ceravolo Project;Athens, Melanithros; Thessaloniki, IFA Gallery; Düsseldorf, Ballhaus; Bonn, Frauenmuseum;10 Jena, Gallery Pack of Patches;Santiago de Compostella, Galician Centre of Contemporary Art;London, ICA & Chelsea College of Art and Design; Penang - USM,Penang State Art Gallery & Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Gallery /09 Baltimore, Arts for Global Development & PACOJC;09 - 02 Florence, Creativa /08 Austin, Americas Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Prints;Mount Clemens-MI, Anton Art Center;Washington, 9th Street Gallery;Santiago de Compostella, Roteiro de Creacion Contemporanea;Washington, Artomatic 2008 & Sewall-Belmont Museum;Den Haag, Marcello’s Art Factory; Beijing, Red Man Art Competition /07 Metz, Gallery Faux Mouvement;Völklingen, Cultural World Heritage Centre;Luxemburg, Forum dárt contemporain;San Francisco, The International Museum of Women;Beijing, Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial /06 Chicago, NAG Society; Chicago, Marx-Saunders Gallery;Chaves, Festival Festimage; Iowa, Biennial Exhibition;San Francisco, Ethical Metalsmiths;San Francisco, The International Museum of Women;London, Association for Contemporary Jewellery conference /

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 65: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Exhibitions 05 Beijing: Jianluan Art House, Natural Culture Centre;Nisyros, Rhea-Land-Art-Projects /04 Milan, Project room /03 New York, N.Y.B. Centre Gallery; Healdsburg, Plaza Arts Gallery;Stuttgart, Stuttgarter Kunstverein /02 Santa Rosa, Sonoma Museum of Visual Arts /00 Berlin, OP Project room/99 Bad Homburg, Art Gallery Artlantis /98 Idar-Oberstein, Art in Barracks;Rüdesheim-on-Rhine, Rathaus;Cottbus, Technical University /97 Frankfurt-on-Main, Greek National Bank;London, S. Mumberson School of Fine Arts;Darmstadt, Heag Hall;Bingen-on-Rhine, Art Hall;Rastatt, Barracks /95 Mainz: IfBK; Mainz, Land - Art Exhibition;House of Parliament of Rhineland Palatinate /94 Mainz, Old Brick Factory;Mainz, Cultural Festival Rhineland Palatinate /93 Mainz, IfBK;Mainz, Institute for Nuclear Physics;Mainz, Cultural Festival Rhineland Palatinate /92 Mainz, Institute for Fine Arts /90 Mainz, Kirschgarten Gallery /

by Alessandra Dimitra


Page 66: PastPresentFuture. Installation view PastPresentFuture CONCEPT by Alessandra Dimitra


Alessandra DimitraDipl. Fine Artist & Communication Designer Fehrbelliner Straße 50 D - 10119 Berlin - Mitte Fon:   030  44 050 979 Fax:   030  644 92 789 E-Mail: [email protected]:


by Alessandra Dimitra