patchogue bowling center wins suffolk's asa...

Stormy Weather Upsets Race Week' s Competition SECOND PLACE '"SMK KS Zimmerman , J r., shown adjusting sails prior to start of Race Week day at Bellport. First place went to Robert Matteson. —Advance Photo Trop ical tempest Brenda blew a s tormy finish to the I 960 Cruise Week competition of the Great South Bay Yacht Racing Association. Due to inclem- ent weather and hig h winds , two of the scheduled six days of racing were can- celled. Winners were determined on the basis on their showings in the events off Westhampton , Monday; Bell port , Tuesday ; Point O' Woods , Thursday and Bay Shore , Friday. The Babylon Yacht Club , head- quarters for the planned finale, was the scene of winds of gale fo rce , a running sea spotted with whitecaps and spume. Skippers and owners hastily beached their sailing vessels to prevent damage or destruction at the hands of the storm . The wind and sea dashed two boats of the Nnrvnsketuck class against the rocks , nearly destroying them. A dozen other craft were similarly disabled , while more than n few boats capsized or were swamped. Saturday ' s beach was littered with the frail craft , stripped of sails and sailors , while the un- relenting grey seas washed over the shallow docks and vigorously rocked the large r power-driven yachts moored to the piers. The wind was steady and unwavering. Boat owners , skippers , crow mem- bers and racing officials gathered in groups , anticipating cancella- tion of the day ' s activities as race time drew near. Once the wash-out was made official , the posting of the in- dividual winners and final p lace standings seemed anti-climatic to the excitement aroused by the day ' s weather. Fair weather and slight breezes had characterized the races that were held earlier in the week. On Friday, the races had to bo de- layed because of the dead calm that prevailed on the bay at race time. Two Boats Undefeated The four-day competition saw only two boats , Robert Matteson ' s Polycter and Cand y lieukhnrt' s Yes Indeed register perfect scores of 400 points (100 first-place points for each of 1 races). Winners repeating their l' .W. t Cruise Week class triump hs were Dill Ludhim ' s sni pe , Ever Reign , Doug Westin ' s Old Smuggler in the thistle class , and Kd I.avlano 's blue inv, Wanda Lea. II. Hastings Reddall' s Fly ing Fox , I' . ifi' . i raven class champion , finished tied . 'or first in this year 's competition with K iuite Lee 's Eel. Protests Dismissed Two protests were considered Saturday afternoon by the Regatta Committee , beaded by John 0. Zimmerman. Both protests , one in the Blue Jay Open class and one in the Narrnsketuck class , were dismissed. Mr. Zimmerman s assistant on the committee was John Boinert. Committee members included Fred Becker , Barrio Ferguson , Dr. Mer- rill Foote , Bryan Lawrence , Rolf Mirhclson, C. Barron Otis , Mr. William Parke , Howard Peterson , Thomas Sheppard and Gardiner .Sillies. Final Standings Final Cruise Week standings , by class , are as follows: Raven class: 1 (tie). Flying Fox , H. Hastings Reddall—Eel , Knutc Lee; 2. Tornoremo , David Balch. Class A Handicaps: 1. Misal- liance , Ted Naught on; 2. Ellen R- 4 , John Mclnerney; 3. Oasis , Susan Whits. Mobjack class: 1. No. 100, Roger Moorman; 2. Socko , Whitey Thav- er; 3. Fiddler ' s Green , " Charles Raynor. Star class: 1. Her Ladyship VI, Peter Paige; 2. Wnssuni , Bill King and John Sneduker. (Only two con- testants) Thistle class: 1. Old Smuggler , Doug Westin; 2. Stinge r , Ralston Hayden; 3. More Mischief , Bill Parke. Narrnsketuck : 1. Teaser , Charles Axtmann; 2. Ariel , F.. C. A rink. :i Snap II. Dick Ileidelberger. Cottontail class: 1. Polyester. Robert Matteson; 2. Shark III , Ted Zimmerman; 3. Peter , Norman Helden. Lighting class: 1. Mistress . Ro- ller! David; 2. Black Orchid , Wil- liam E. Thomas; 3. Grctchen , Daniel Winkoop. Class B Handicap: 1. Whisper , Owen Brooks; 2. Movette , Donald Gardner: . '). Jov. John Wagoner. Cape Cod class: 1. White Cap, Peter and Brandt Rising; 2. Bon- nie Lass , Bonnie Obrig; 3. Reject , F. J. Angliss. Jet-M class: 1. Cantie , John Remmer; 2. (tie) Duchess , Dave Beebe and Saltv Pete , Peter and Sally Oakes. Snipe class: 1. Ever Reign, Bill Ltidlum; 2. Just Yellow , Randy Richards; 3. Tequila , Harold Bebe - iinn, S. R. class: 1. Ye Old Sour , Ro- land Sillies '; 2. Bounty, Alex Nagle; 3. Little Andre , Robert Murray. Blue Jay class , Open division: 1. Wanda Lea , Ed Laviano; 2. Phoe- nix , Gordon Baldwin; 3. Tango , Snnford Hague. Blue Jay class , Junior division : 1. Dolphin II, Kirk Roeser; 2, Dixie Belle , Ted Benton; 3. The Oars, Stephen and Molly Orr. Blue Jay class . Midget division: 1. Little Dipper , Stuart Bravshaw; 2. Scoot , liobbv Locke; 3. " Nite- mare , Paul Tooker. Beetle Cat class , »0pen division : 1. Little Gull , Marshall Picket! ; 2. Rebel , Bruce Ferguson; 3. Cricket , Betty Martin. Beetle Cat class. Midge t divi- sion: 1. Hot Cat , Bryce Suydam; 2. Snap, Johuathan Ileidelberger; 3. Bobcat. Rob Strong. Tec h nighv class: 1. Yes In- deed , Candy Benkhart; 2. No. 14, Carol Lynch ; 3. EI-A1 , John Morris. Seaford Skiff class: 1. Goodbye , Robert Anderson; 2. Chiclet , Bruce Kennedy: 3. Scallop. D. and J. Van Nostrum!. Sailfish class , (large): 1. Forty Four Too . Edward V. Ketchum ; 2. Oops , . tack Danes; 3. Petite Bateau . John Ruppe. Sailfish class , (small): 1. Que- yp) . Jerry Eckfeldt; 2. Skipper , Noel Sanborn; 3. Sngelu , H. C. I mines. BOWLING Maggio ' s Patchogue Recreation Tuesday Men ' s League League leader: Bennett Homes , 23 >it -9Mi . High game: Ed O'Brien , Jr., 247. High series: Ed O'Brien , Jr., 572. Hi gh team: Sleepers , 936. High series: Sleepers , 2, 540. Games over 199: Ed O'Brien , Jr. , 247; Bob Bouteher , 234 ; Joe Lamont , 212; Ken Hodge , 206, 199 ; Joe Bianca , 201; Charles Barron, 199. * » Wednesday Men ' s Leagu e League leader: Team 1, Trotter , 25-15. High game: John Connelly, 238. Hi gh four game: John Connelly, 793. High team: Team 1 , Trotter , 573. High four game: Team 4 , Roeck- lein , 2093. Games over 200: Joh n Connelly, 238, 200; Joe Trotter , 230, 202; Mike Kelly, 225; Fred Lang, 220 ; Al Burrough , 211; Joe Novick , 202; John Roeckloin , 213, 205; Roy Robinson , 204. * * * Thursday Mixed League League leader: Kurt' s Coffee Shop: 15-9. Team 2 , Brand , 15-9. High game: Men: Bob Maggio , 208; Women: Barbara Brain ! , 165. High series: Men: Bob Maggio , 552; Women , Barbara Brand , 444. Hi gh team: Team 2. Brand , 664. High series: Kurt' s Colfee Shop, 1867. Gnmes over 200 : Men: Rob Maggio . 208; Charles Barron , 205; Herman Brand , 200 . Games over 150: Women: Bar- bara Brand, 165; Ruth Cook , 152. * * * . Monday Mixed League League leader: Team 2 , Vonne , 19-11. High game: Men: George Brush , 230; Women: Jo Thompson, 211. High nerleii : Men: George finish , 032: Women: Jo Thompson , 530. High team : Team 8, Lindgren , 043. * High series: Team 8, Lindgren , 2693. Games ove r 200: Men: George Brush , 230, 214; John Roeckleln, 208; AVnold Benson , 200. Games over 160; Jo Thompson , 211 . 177: Mike Mavhew . 192 , 171; Dot Birmingham, 170; Eve Roe ;k- lein , 162; Alice Keller, 166 , 165 . * * * Sunday Mixed League League leader: Comets, 18 1 * ;- 8%. Hi gh game: Men: Ken Hod ge , 224 : Women: Alice Keller, 406. High team : Hesitators , 616. High series : Hesitators , 1848. Games over 190: Men : Ken Hodge , 221; Charles King, 199; Joe March , 219; Joe Jankowski , 190. Games over 155: Women: Flo Porter , 177; Alice Keller , 171 , 155; Dolores Lee, 157; Ruth Jankow- ski , 155. Patchogue Bowling Center Friday Mixed Handicap Frank Rignola , 243 , 193 (615); Dick Lindstrom , 220; Llovd Park - er , 215 (576); Connie Price , 209, 193 (581); Dave Strullcr , 203; Charles Rogers , 202; Earle Ko- man , 194 ; Jim Kell y, 192: Dot Diogu a rdo , 183; Virginia Wurm , 178, 156 (159); Anita Becker , 178; Terry Van Schaick . 170 , 168 ( 156); Rose Felice . 167; Lee Gorman , 100 and Ethel Menrisky, 100 . Monday Ladies ' Handicap Dotv Podlaski , 222 , 196 (528); Denise Price , 205 (491); Ginnie Koman , 180; Mildred Natalias , 179; Carole Lento , 177: Pauline La Barbara. 171; Helen Knshatn. 166 , 161 ( 17(1); Marguerite Romaine , 166. * * * Monday Ladies ' Handicap (July 18) Mary Perrier , 192 (459); Lee Gorman , 178, 177 ( 187); Ruth Cook , 177 (471); Barbara Gamier , 176, 160 (481); Mary Oliver . 170 (485); Denise Price , 169; Ruth Backes , 168; Rose Marie Micueci , 168; Harriet Monahan , 167; Elsa Geddc. 165. * * * Friday Mixed Handicap (July 22) Joe Backes , 244; John Venier , 204; Jim Oliver , 191; Dot Lewis , 178 (458); Mary Skelaney, 177; Ginnie Koman , 177; Elsie Mis- ehuch , 1(59; Gretta Rizzi , 167; Joan Burgess, 100. Patchogue Bowling Cente r Wins Suffolk' s ASA Title AC A I ^HAIVFPQ are tnese members of the Patchogue JADr x ^rLrvLVlr O Bowling Center team. Local team beat ErttenmanrTs of Bay Shore, 7-2, for Suffolk Count y softball cham- pionship. Patchogue now enters Metropolitan ASA tournament , meeting Glen Cove in firs t round. In front row, left to right , Bob Gilman , Leo Lomangino, Bill Cockerill , Bob Brooks, Pat Tecarr , Al Rocklein and seated in front of group is Harry Wise. Back row , 1. to r., are Art Rate, Red Carsten, Frank Voyack , Mike Stephani , Norris Gilman , Billy Lanyi , Mike Savlno and Joe Antonacci. Not present when picture was taken is Jack Ciarraputo. ACCEPTING TROPHY«ft t J"ia champion Patchogue Bowling Center is Joe Antoivacci , extreme right. Team was presented trophy by ASA Commissioner Charles Boccia , center. At left is ropresenative of Bay Shore team , accepting trophy for runner-up spot. Pat- chogue Bowling Center won ASA final Sunday, 7-2, beating Enlcnmann ' s of Bay Shore. Jones Beach Roller Skating Show Slated For Sunday at 9 p.m. The third of this season ' s series of roller skating exhibitions . will bo held at the Jones Beach State Park Roller Skating Rink Sun- day, starting at 9 p. m. All Jones Beach State Park roller skating exhibitions feature singles routines b y both men and women, pairs , mixed pairs and fours , intricate dance arrange- ments and novelty skating demon- strations. All performers are na- tional , sectional and state cham- pions or contenders for these top titles. These skating exhibitions at Jones Beach are fre e of charge and sanctioned by the L' nitod States Amateur Roller Skating Association and under the direc- tum of the president of the asso- ciation , George Apdale. Haven 't heard much about Peep- ing Toms lately. Maybe they don 't have to peep anymore. If il's news you 'll find it in The Patchogue Advance. BRIDGE NOTES The South Shore Bridge Club held its weekly duplicate game Friday night at its regular club room in the VFW hall on Ed- wards Street , Pa tchogue. It was a charity master point game and there were eight tables in play in the Mitchell movement. The winners in the North-South position were : First , Mrs. Bernice Sorg and Mrs. Dorothy Bertrand , both of Islip; second , William Rate of Patchogue and Hamilton Slechta of Bellport; third , Mrs. Bert Gordon of Patchogue and Eugene Blau of Manorville. Winners in the East-West posi- tion were : First , Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Katz of Bay Shore ; se- cond Mrs. Gertrude Barteau of Babylon and Raymond MacLean of Bell port; third. Charles Geddes and son of Bay Shore. L. W. TERRELL GUCI I Fuel Oil OilEiLLi Kerosene Tel. GRover 5-0210 Chapel Ave. & L.I.R.R., Patchogue ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »«ir* *¦¦¦ «¦«¦¦¦ »». ! HOT WATER H EAT I [ COMPLETELY INSTALLED Complete Price { ¦ Price Includes: j f* jm- ^m± mm « I New Boiler Burner 5 Copper N ML. (j C ¦ ; Radiators Controls Circulator Q ^ W Zj ! J 200 ft. of Radiation Domestic Hot *mW JkT tmW ¦ ¦ Wate r Coils 275 gal. Fuel Tank _ , . . ¦ S 5 YEARS TO PAY CALL J I THRIFTY OIL SERVICE ! t 86a West Main Street 296 East Main Street ! I SMITHTOWN PATCHOGUE ¦ S BRentwood S-3555 GRover 5-1230 ¦ ^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦MMMMMMIIMJMMMJWIIMBlMHlMMWiaa ilUIMMmMlimiM. ^ HMESLuL g ljUL fit&fSrirf&fiW ^+ifiL WWIMVllWl ) 4 ><i ><V'0« i 'v > \X'<«<vN- > # FACTORY 9 I DOUBLE I A LIFETIME X H GUARANTEED g | GUARANTEED I A GUARANTEED' -> A against doltctlvs X |» 1 yr. against wear a y unconditionally <> X material and K ¦ and msl-out. > y (eit.cpl tor y X workmanship for X » . lite ot car ownership | % accidental damage.) $ « life ol car ownership! <* g against mle. delects! I % 'life of rat ownership. V w*s*««<«*s<«««# \m&. -+*m+. ' m+!**#* ^\v»>>xvx\\\\5 TT - DE LUXE ¦ and no SUPER ^^ .ind un uirrUMf ¦ and mi 'I •Iluicli-S 'ftiVftQ 14.50 •Iluick-S 'B4- 'BC 16.30 •llnicli-S •fii. 'nff I Ford •JH- 'Si) 7.80 Font , 4II- '6.1 «.»:» IMnl |' . l-T,3 9..M1 | Font 'lir.- 'fiH |g) 10.85 Font 1K1 IZ.D.' i '. ' .;.. " M 1N1 14.211 I y Chcv '4»- 'r>il .... 6.91) CUvv. '4<t-T.a S..1. ' , I' h.-v '4!I- 'M III .1. ' , I Cliev T)4- '67 .... 9.75 Chcv Til-T,? 12.(10 OII - V ' .VI-7.7 1.1 7:, I Ply '4!l- '(j8 l(l | 8.8K fly ' I' . i- 'M 11.1 Kl.ti:, I'lv '4'.i.T,s ,r, i 12 »r, I •Ply TiS- 'SR IH) 9.J5 'Ply T>r,.T,8 1H1 ll.lir.j M'ly •fc.Vr .* IM 13.LT, I Stud-Ch- p '411- '54 4.44 Stiid-t h' p •4»- , M 6.66: Nlu.l < "h' p ' 4!lT. 4 7.77 // Cart 'f,2- 'f,fi |HH) 6.7 8 Cnil '62-66 lltUI 8.7:>, fnil Ti 'J. 'Mi iltlll S.7U // •Oualcuhaillt systems slifihlly higher. Phone noaipst statmnloi puces on all rJisni<t listed. NOW! SHOCKS mtfg FREE "DOUBIE ACT,°N" jfc ft |- HfEIIME GUARANTEED - % Airplane type CUb N,w "'00 , 000 mil* " 4 *i /1C •hoik absorbers . ¦ ¦ finest hebvy-duty shocks. I 1 Super volue. V E " > life pi ca , ownership. o eea JL Cork (t^a^ BK^B lilll33l l !3 * tJHH Blk I f^BHel ^BBgjS »ff!Bffi^^ F i WTWTfW pB^^ BROOKLYN: 9 Convenient JAMAICA: 1781 Coney Island Ave. V>D0 locations Qui ens Ulvd . between Hillside & Bet. Aves. N and 0 OEwey 9.9f,4n l»"mi .1 Ave.s RE a-9700 **?" ' , „. J -tf^^lfi. Woodluven Blvd. R Atlantic Ave. , Ul Bruckner Blvd DA 3 6162 y ¦ \ < l Vliiin n 6 »660 * (156th St.) J| n.a.m.n I "EEPORT: »"«'"" " "™ 738 Soutficrn Blvd OA 3-8177 IX " g'eei-e L 1JJ f. Sunnse Highway (LeggettAve.) »V Vf fRceport 8 9089 FlUIHIHG. *ftST» > ' BELIP0RI, 152-12 Northern Blvd. ynNk : Vn« H'EhW*V ATI,n"l: '""" fl ».»67» . |N . J.«5l IHSTANf CMOIT vX 5 B%adw»y VOhkets 9 9004 target! it oik in NY MUFflEHi 1AIIPIPCS fXHAUtt JVST" e "MS •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuiiiiiaiij* - ^^^W^ I |ST0CK CAR RACING ! « Riverhead Raceway S 5 Every Sat. Nite 8:30 S S ROUTE 58 S tiiiiliiiii niiiiiiiiiiniii iiB POSTERS PRINTED RAPID SERVICE MODERATE COST ©Jje JJatrliflijit? A&uattn? West Babylon Aces Trounce Rookies Twice The West Babylon Aces beat the Patchogu e Rookies twice Sun- day, 7-1 and 3-2 at West Babylon. The Aces are 19-2 in Suffolk Coun- ty Baseball League action. The Aces took the opener in easy fashion , having iced the game w ith a four run first inning. A walk , base hits by Frank Schaefer and Joe Petriello , a double by Tommy Rielly, another single and a sacrifice fl y accounted for the runs. In the third inning, Petriello hit for the distance. The Aces added two more in the fi fth . Bob Mc- firath homered for Patchogue , preventing the locals from being shut out. The 3-2 score in the nightcap was considerabl y closer. A sing le by Albrecht , with two outs in the seventh inning drove in two runs and proved the edge needed by the Aces. Patchogue took the lead in the fourth when C h a Hie Siebert homere d with a man on base . But the thref run rally in the .seventh b y West Bab y lon was the differ- ence. Patchogue 000 001 0—1 W. Babylon 40 1 020 x—7 Patchogu e ' 000 200 0—2 W. Babylon 000 > 000 0—3 By Bill Clendennen Patchogue Bowling Center is the Suffolk County softball champ ion. The Patchogue entry in the Ama- teur Softball Association won the right to the coveted title by beat- ing Entenmann ' s of Bay Shore , 7-2, in the ASA final at Patchogue Sunday night. The local team will travel to Glen Cove August 8-11 to play the regional championshi p team from Westchester County as part of the Metropolitan New York tournament. Sunday ' s action saw Bay Shore jump to an early 2-0 lead in the second inning. A single, sacrifice bunt, another single , a stolen base and a double pushed across the two tallies. Patchogu e evened the count in the bottom of the second when Art Rate drove a home run to deep right-center field , scoring Mike Savino , who had singled. Patchogue Takes Lead The local nine went ahead by two in tin' fourth on back-to-back singles by Antonacci and Savino , a costl y error by the visitors ' left fielder , Hubbard and a double by Lanyi. Winning pitcher Bob Brooks led off a three-run insurance rall y in the bottom of the fifth with a well placed drag bunt. Cockerill followed with another bunt single. With two on and none away, Te- carr singled scoring Brooks and sending Cockerill to third . Anto- nacci then bounced a run-scoring single through the hole at short that spelled doom for starting pit- cher Powell. Tecarr , trying to score from second on the hit , was thrown out at home on a fine throw from center fielder Schultz. Savino greeted reliever Bailey with a single that sent Antonacci to third and set up the game ' s final tally. On the first pitch to Lanyi , Savino broke for second and Bay Shore catcher Feinman overthrew into short center field. Antonacci scored easily. Laughlin , covering second on the piny, fell over the sliding Savino and when the two commenced to scuffle both dugouts emptied in an attempt to separate the com- batants and prevent any further demonstration. Umpires Faulkner and Brown soon had the situation well in hand , however , and nothing more came of the sudden flare-up. Bay Shore Threatens Bay Shore threatened in the seventh, as shortstou Dromerhau- ser doubled to left and Powell , now p laying center field, drew the visitors ' third base on balls of the came. But Brooks bore down , striking out Feinman and trettine: pinch-hitter Flood to ground into a game-ending double play, Savino to Ciarraputo to Lanyi. Brooks , in chalking up his most important victory thus far in the season, struck out ei ght and is- sued three passes. The contest , originally schedul- ed for Jul y 30, was postponed a day due to wet grounds following Saturday 's storm. Trophies Presented Charles Boccia , Suffolk Count y Commissioner of the ASA Tour- ney, presided over the trop hy pre- sentations following the game ' s final out. Pat Rooney presented the Pat- chogue nine with the first-place trophy, while Dewey Moon of the Northport Observer awarded the Bay Shore squad the runner-up statuette. Tony Fusaro , Suffolk County assistant commissioner , then presented Mike Savino of Patchogue the tournament' s Most Valuable Player trophy. In the championshi p game , Savino went three for th ree , scored twice and batted in another run. Bay Shore (2) iPatthoiuc (7) AB R H AB R H Feinman .e 3 0 l|Cockeri]!.8b 2 I 1 LnuKhlin.2b 3 0 OITecari- .lf 8 0 1 a-Flood 1 0 0| » 2 2 McLnurin .Sb 3 0 0'Savino . ss 3 2 :i 3 0 ll.nnyi . lb 3 0 1 Hubbard.If 3 0 OjKaUMf 3 1 1 Schulta. rf 3 1 l|Ci:ivrnputo,2b 3 0 0 Smith .cf 1 0 OiSH-phani.e 3 0 U BniU'y.p 1 0 OMJrmiks .p 3 11 Drnm ' .ser . ss 3 1 21 Powi'll ,i> ,cf 2 0 1| Totals 20 2 0! Totals 20 ~ , 10 a-Crounded into double play for Laugh- lin in seventh. Score by innings : Hay Shore 020 000 0—2 G 3 Patchoitue 020 230 x—7 10 . 2 K-Feinrmm (21. Smith . Tecarr . Hate. RMI -- Dromerhauser , Powell , Tecarr. Antonacci , Savino , Lanyi, Hate <2|; 2B— Powell, Dronierbauser. Lanyi : HR—Rate ; SH—Dromei hauser. Smith . Savino i2); DP—Snvino-Cinrraputo-Lanyi : LOB—Bay Shore 0. Pan-houe 2; Hits oft* : Brooks . 0 in 7—Powell. 9 in 4 1 .1—Bailey, 1 in 1 2/3; Slruck out by. Brooks , 8 in 7— Powell, i in 4 1.3—Bailey 4 in 1 2/3 ; lill olf : Brooks, :i in 7—Powell . 1 in 4 1/3 Builey. 0 in 12, 3. Umpires : Plate . Frank Faulkner; Bases , Hal Brown ; Olli- cial Scorer: Frank Andrisani. R head Track To Guarantee Race Purses "During the month of August ," said promoter Ed Hawkins, "we 'll offer a guaranteed purse of $1, 000 each Saturday ni g ht for the stock- car racing shows at Riverhead Raceway. " Hawkins also announced that he 'll grant one week of grace to the "relfel" drivers who , he said , ignored his ban on running at thi- ne w W e s t h a m p t o n Speedway. "We 'll give them all one more chance ," Hawkins said. "If they race at Westhampto n Friday nig ht , they 'll be finished at Riverhead for the balance of the season. " Saturday, Riverhead will offer the jalop ies , sportsmen and modi- fied cars , in addition to some- thing new—a team demolition derby. In the "demmo ," Jim Ma- lone will captain a team of five drivers from the Hamptons against five Riverhead drivers led by Charlie Tu rbush. "This ," said Hawkins , "has been in the making for some time and it should be a dill y." With Jimmy Malone ready to resume h/s assault on the River- head Raceway point records in the sportsman and modified classifica- tions, Bert Hedges has / revealed he is returning to action in the new Shamrock Special. Hedges , the defending champion in both classes , has been sidelined while Frank McGee of Water Mill re- built the car. The drivers will also be prep- ping for the big 50-lap mid-Sum- mer championship to be staged at Riverhead on Thursday, August IS.

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Page 1: Patchogue Bowling Center Wins Suffolk's ASA · SECOND PLACE '"SMK KS Zimmerman , Jr., shown adjusting sails

Stormy Weather UpsetsRace Week's Competition

SECOND PLACE '"SMK KSZimmerman, Jr., shown adjusting sails prior to

start of Race Week day at Bellport. Firstplace went to Robert Matteson.

—Advance Photo

Tropical tempest Brenda blew a s tormy finish to the I 960 Cruise Weekcompetition of the Great South Bay Yacht Racing Association. Due to inclem-ent weather and high winds, two of the scheduled six days of racing were can-celled. Winners were determined on the basis on their showings in the events offWesthampton , Monday; Bellport , Tuesday ; Point O' Woods, Thursday and BayShore, Friday.

The Babylon Yacht Club , head-quarters for the planned finale,was the scene of winds of galeforce, a running sea spotted withwhitecaps and spume. Skippersand owners hasti ly beached theirsailing vessels to prevent damageor destruction at the hands of thestorm. The wind and sea dashedtwo boats of the Nnrvnsketuckclass against the rocks, nearlydestroying them. A dozen othercraft were similarly disabled , whi lemore than n few boats capsizedor were swamped.

Saturday 's beach was litteredwith the frail craft , stripped ofsails and sailors , whi le the un-relenting grey seas washed overthe shallow docks and vigorouslyrocked the larger power-drivenyachts moored to the piers. Thewind was steady and unwavering.Boat owners, skippers , crow mem-bers and racing officials gatheredin groups, an t ic ipa t ing cancella-tion of the day 's activities as racetime drew near.

Once the wash-out was madeofficial , the posting of the in-dividual winners and f inal placestandings seemed ant i -cl imatic tothe excitement aroused by the day 'sweather.

Fair weather and slight breezeshad characterized the races thatwere held earlier in the week. OnFriday, the races had to bo de-layed because of the dead calmthat prevailed on the bay at racetime.

Two Boats UndefeatedThe four-day competition saw

only two boats, Robert Matteson 'sPolycter and Cand y lieukhnrt'sYes Indeed register perfect scores

of 400 points (100 first-placepoints for each of 1 races) .

Winners repeating their l'.W.tCruise Week class tr iump hs wereDill Ludhim 's sni pe , Ever Reign ,Doug Westin 's Old Smuggler inthe thist le class , and Kd I.avlano 'sblue inv, Wanda Lea. II. Hast ingsReddall' s Fly ing Fox , I'.ifi'.i ravenclass champion , f in ished t ied .'orfirst in this year 's competit ionwith K iuite Lee 's Eel.

Protests DismissedTwo protests were considered

Saturday af ternoon by the RegattaCommittee , beaded by John 0.Zimmerman. Both protests , one inthe Blue Jay Open class and onein the Narrnsketuck class , weredismissed.

Mr. Z immerman s assistant onthe commit tee was John Boinert .Committee members included FredBecker , Barrio Ferguson , Dr. Mer-rill Foote, Bryan Lawrence, RolfMirhclson, C. Barron Ot i s , Mr.Wil l iam Parke , Howard Peterson ,Thomas Sheppard and Gardiner.Sillies.

Final StandingsFinal Cruise Week standings , by

class , are as follows:Raven class: 1 ( t i e ) . Flying Fox ,

H. Hastings Reddall—Eel , KnutcLee; 2. Tornoremo , David Balch.

Class A Handicaps: 1. Misal-liance , Ted Naught on; 2. Ellen R-4, John Mclnerney; 3. Oasis, SusanWhits.

Mobjack class: 1. No. 100, RogerMoorman; 2. Socko, Whitey Thav-er; 3. Fiddler 's Green , "CharlesRaynor.

Star class: 1. Her Ladyship VI,Peter Paige; 2. Wnssuni , Bill King

and John Sneduker. (Only two con-testants)

Thistle class: 1. Old Smuggler ,Doug Westin; 2. Stinge r , RalstonHayden; 3. More Mischief , BillParke.

Narrnsketuck : 1. Teaser , CharlesA x t m a n n ; 2. Ariel , F.. C. A rink.:i Snap II . Dick Ileidelberger.

C o t t o n t a i l class: 1. Polyester.Robert Matteson; 2. Shark II I , TedZimmerman; 3. Peter , NormanHelden.

L igh t in g class: 1. Mistress . Ro-ller! David; 2. Black Orchid , Wil-l iam E. Thomas; 3. Grctchen ,Daniel Winkoop.

Class B Handicap: 1. Whisper ,Owen Brooks ; 2. Movette , DonaldGardner: .'). Jov. John Wagoner.

Cape Cod class: 1. White Cap,Peter and Brandt Ris ing; 2. Bon-nie Lass, Bonnie Obrig; 3. Reject ,F. J. Angliss.

Jet-M class: 1. Cantie , JohnRemmer; 2. (tie) Duchess, DaveBeebe and Saltv Pete , Peter andSally Oakes.

Snipe class: 1. Ever Reign, BillL t i d lum; 2. Just Yellow , RandyRichards; 3. Tequila , Harold Bebe-i inn ,

S. R. class: 1. Ye Old Sour , Ro-land Sillies'; 2. Bounty, Alex Nagle;3. Little Andre , Robert Murray.

Blue Jay class , Open division: 1.Wanda Lea , Ed Laviano; 2. Phoe-nix , Gordon Baldwin; 3. Tango ,Snnford Hague.

Blue Jay class, Junior division :1. Dolphin II, Kirk Roeser; 2,Dixie Belle , Ted Benton; 3. TheOars, Stephen and Molly Orr.

Blue Jay class. Midget division:1. Lit t le Dipper , Stuart Bravshaw;2. Scoot , liobbv Locke; 3." Nite-mare , Paul Tooker.

Beetle Cat class ,»0pen division :1. Lit t le Gull , Marshall Picket!;2. Rebel , B r u c e Ferguson; 3.Cricket , Betty Martin.

Beetle Cat class. Midge t divi-sion: 1. Hot Cat , Bryce Suydam;2. Snap, Johuath an Ileidelberger;3. Bobcat . Rob Strong.

Tech nighv class: 1. Yes In-deed , Candy Benkhart ; 2. No. 14,Carol Lynch ; 3. EI-A1, JohnMorris.

Seaford Skiff class: 1. Goodbye,Robert Anderson; 2. Chiclet , BruceKennedy: 3. Scallop. D. and J. VanNostrum!.

Sailf ish class , ( large) : 1. FortyFour Too . Edward V. Ketchum ;2. Oops , .t ack Danes; 3. PetiteBateau . John Ruppe .

Sai lf ish class , ( s m a l l ) : 1. Que-y p ) . Jerry E c k f e l d t ; 2. Skipper ,Noel Sanborn; 3. Sngelu , H. C.I mines.


Patchogue RecreationTuesday Men's League

League leader: Bennett Homes,23 >it -9Mi .

High game: Ed O'Brien , Jr., 247.High series: Ed O'Brien , Jr.,

572.Hi gh team: Sleepers, 936.High series: Sleepers, 2,540.Games over 199: Ed O'Brien ,

Jr., 247; Bob Bouteher, 234 ; JoeLamont, 212; Ken Hodge, 206, 199 ;Joe Bianca , 201; Charles Barron,199.

* • »

Wednesday Men's LeagueLeague leader: Team 1, Trotter ,

25-15.High game: John Connelly, 238.Hi gh four game: John Connelly,

793.High team: Team 1, Trotter ,

573.High four game: Team 4, Roeck-

lein , 2093.Games over 200: John Connelly,

238, 200; Joe Trotter , 230, 202;Mike Kelly, 225; Fred Lang, 220 ;Al Burrough , 211; Joe Novick ,202; John Roeckloin , 213, 205;Roy Robinson , 204.

* * *Thursday Mixed League

League leader: Kurt's CoffeeShop: 15-9. Team 2, Brand , 15-9.

High game: Men: Bob Maggio,208; Women: Barbara Brain!, 165.

High series: Men: Bob Maggio,552; Women , Barbara Brand , 444.

Hi gh team: Team 2. Brand , 664.High series: Kurt 's Colfee Shop,

1867.Gnmes over 200 : Men : Rob

Maggio . 208; Charles Barron , 205;Herman Brand , 200.

Games over 150: Women: Bar-bara Brand, 165; Ruth Cook , 152.

* * * .Monday Mixed League

League leader: Team 2, Vonne ,19-11.

High game: Men: George Brush ,230; Women: Jo Thompson, 211.

High nerleii : Men: George finish ,032: Women: Jo Thompson , 530.

High team : Team 8, Lindgren ,043. *

High series: Team 8, Lindgren ,2693.

Games over 200: Men: GeorgeBrush , 230, 214; John Roeckleln,208; AVnold Benson , 200.Games over 160; Jo Thompson,

211 . 177: Mike Mavhew . 192 , 171;Dot Birmingham, 170; Eve Roe ;k-lein , 162; Alice Keller, 166 , 165.

* * *Sunday Mixed League

League leader: Comets, 18 1*;-8%.

High game: Men: Ken Hod ge,224 : Women: Alice Keller, 406.

High team : Hesitators, 616.High series : Hesitators , 1848.Games over 190: Men : Ken

Hodge, 221; Charles King, 199; JoeMarch , 219; Joe Jankowski , 190.

Games over 155: Women: FloPorter, 177; Alice Keller , 171, 155;Dolores Lee, 157; Ruth Jankow-ski , 155.

Patchogue Bowling CenterFriday Mixed Handicap

Frank Rignola , 243, 193 (615);Dick Lindstrom , 220; Llovd Park -er, 215 (576); Connie Price , 209,193 (581); Dave Strullcr , 203;Charles Rogers , 202; Earle Ko-man , 194 ; Jim Kell y, 192: DotDioguardo, 183; Virginia Wurm ,178, 156 (159); Ani ta Becker , 178;Terry Van Schaick . 170, 168 ( 156);Rose Felice. 167; Lee Gorman , 100and Ethel Menrisky, 100.

Monday Ladies ' Handicap

Dotv Podlaski , 222 , 196 (528);Denise Price , 205 ( 4 9 1 ) ; GinnieKoman , 180; Mildred Natalias ,179; Carole Lento , 177: Paul ine LaBarbara. 171; Helen Knshatn . 166,161 ( 17( 1); Marguerite Romaine ,166.

* * *Monday Ladies' Handicap

(July 18)

Mary Perrier , 192 (459); LeeGorman , 178, 177 ( 187); RuthCook , 177 (471) ; Barbara Gamier ,176, 160 (481); Mary Oliver . 170(485); Denise Price , 169; RuthBackes , 168; Rose Marie Micueci ,168; Harriet Monahan , 167; ElsaGeddc. 165.

* * *Friday Mixed Handicap (July 22)

Joe Backes, 244; John Venier ,204; Jim Oliver , 191; Dot Lewis,178 (458); Mary Skelaney, 177;Ginnie Koman, 177; Elsie Mis-ehuch , 1(59; Gretta Rizzi , 167; JoanBurgess, 100.

Patchogue Bowling CenterWins Suffolk's ASA Title

A C A I^HAIVFPQ are tnese members of the PatchogueJADrx ^rLrvLVlr O Bowling Center team. Local team beatErttenmanrTs of Bay Shore, 7-2, for Suffolk County softball cham-pionship. Patchogue now enters Metropolitan ASA tournament,meeting Glen Cove in firs t round. In front row, left to right,

Bob Gilman, Leo Lomangino, Bill Cockerill, Bob Brooks, PatTecarr, Al Rocklein and seated in front of group is Harry Wise.Back row, 1. to r., are Art Rate, Red Carsten, Frank Voyack, MikeStephani, Norris Gilman, Billy Lanyi, Mike Savlno and JoeAntonacci. Not present when picture was taken is Jack Ciarraputo.

ACCEPTING TROPHY«ft tJ"iachampion Patchogue Bowling Center is JoeAntoivacci , extreme right. Team was presentedtrophy by ASA Commissioner Charles Boccia,

center. At left is ropresenative of Bay Shoreteam, accepting trophy for runner-up spot. Pat-chogue Bowling Center won ASA final Sunday,7-2, beating Enlcnmann's of Bay Shore.

Jones Beach RollerSkating Show SlatedFor Sunday at 9 p.m.

The th i rd of this season 's seriesof roller skat ing exhibit ions .willbo held at the Jones Beach StatePark Roller Skating Rink Sun-day, s ta r t ing at 9 p. m.

All Jones Beach State Parkroller ska t ing exhibi t ions featuresingles routines by both men andwomen, pairs , mixed pairs andfours , intricate dance arrange-ments and novelty skating demon-strations. Al l performers are na-t ional , sectional and state cham-pions or contenders for these topt i t les .

These ska t ing exhibi t ions atJones Beach are free of chargeand sanctioned by the L'nitodStates Amateu r Roller Skat ingAssociation and under the direc-tum of the president of the asso-ciation , George Apdale.

Haven 't heard much about Peep-ing Toms lately. Maybe they don 'thave to peep anymore.

If il's news — you 'll find it inThe Patchogue Advance.

BRIDGE NOTESThe South Shore Bridge Club

held its weekly duplicate gameFriday night at its regular clubroom in the VFW hall on Ed-wards Street, Patchogue.

It was a charity master pointgame and there were eight tablesin play in the Mitchell movement.The winners in the North-Southposition were : First, Mrs. BerniceSorg and Mrs. Dorothy Bertrand ,both of Islip; second , WilliamRate of Patchogue and HamiltonSlechta of Bellport; third , Mrs.Bert Gordon of Patchogue andEugene Blau of Manorville.

Winners in the East-West posi-

tion were : First, Mr. and Mrs.Mortimer Katz of Bay Shore ; se-cond Mrs. Gertrude Barteau ofBabylon and Raymond MacLeanof Bell port; third. Charles Geddesand son of Bay Shore.

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- ^ ^W I

|ST0CK CAR RACING!« Riverhead Raceway S5 Every Sat. Nite — 8:30 S

S ROUTE 58 Stiiiiliiiii niiiiiiiiiiniii iiB



©JjeJJatrliflijit? A&uattn?

West BabylonAces TrounceRookies Twice

The West Babylon Aces beatthe Patchogue Rookies twice Sun-day, 7-1 and 3-2 at West Babylon.The Aces are 19-2 in Suffolk Coun-ty Baseball League action.

The Aces took the opener ineasy fashion , having iced the gamewith a four run first inning. Awalk , base hits by Frank Schaeferand Joe Petriello , a double byTommy Rielly, another single anda sacrifice fl y accounted for theruns.

In the third inning, Petriello hitfor the distance. The Aces addedtwo more in the fi fth . Bob Mc-firath homered for Patchogue,preventing the locals from beingshut out.

The 3-2 score in the nightcapwas considerabl y closer. A singleby Albrecht, with two outs inthe seventh inning drove in tworuns and proved the edge neededby the Aces.

Patchogue took the lead in thefourth when C h a H i e Sieberthomered with a man on base. Butthe thref run rally in the .seventhby West Baby lon was the differ-ence.

Patchogue 000 001 0—1W. Babylon 401 020 x—7

Patchogue ' 000 200 0—2W. Babylon 000 > 000 0—3

By Bill Clendennen

Patchogue Bowling Center is theSuffolk County softball champion.The Patchogue entry in the Ama-teur Softball Association won theright to the coveted title by beat-ing Entenmann 's of Bay Shore,7-2, in the ASA final at PatchogueSunday night.

The local team will travel toGlen Cove August 8-11 to playthe regional championshi p teamfrom Westchester County as partof the Metropolitan New Yorktournament.

Sunday 's action saw Bay Shorejump to an early 2-0 lead in thesecond inning. A single, sacrificebunt , another single, a stolen baseand a double pushed across thetwo tallies. Patchogue evened thecount in the bottom of the secondwhen Art Rate drove a home runto deep right-center field , scoringMike Savino , who had singled.

Patchogue Takes LeadThe local nine went ahead by

two in tin' fourth on back-to-backsingles by Antonacci and Savino ,a costly error by the visitors ' leftfielder , Hubbard and a double byLanyi.

Winn ing pitcher Bob Brooks ledoff a three-run insurance rall y inthe bottom of the f i f th wi th awell placed drag bunt. Cockerillfollowed with another bunt single.With two on and none away, Te-carr singled scoring Brooks andsending Cockerill to third . Anto-nacci then bounced a run-scoringsingle through the hole at shorttha t spelled doom for starting pit-cher Powell. Tecarr , t rying toscore from second on the hit , was

thrown out at home on a finethrow from center fielder Schultz.

Savino greeted reliever Baileywith a single that sent Antonaccito third and set up the game'sfinal tally. On the first pitch toLanyi , Savino broke for secondand Bay Shore catcher Feinmanoverthrew into short center field.Antonacci scored easily.

Laughlin , covering second on thepiny, fell over the sliding Savinoand when the two commenced toscuffle both dugouts emptied inan attempt to separate the com-batants and prevent any furtherdemonstration. Umpires Faulknerand Brown soon had the situationwell in hand , however, and nothingmore came of the sudden flare-up.

Bay Shore ThreatensBay Shore threatened in the

seventh, as shortstou Dromerhau-ser doubled to left and Powell ,now playing center field, drew thevisitors ' third base on balls of thecame. But Brooks bore down ,striking out Feinman and trettine:

pinch-hitter Flood to ground intoa game-ending double play, Savinoto Ciarraputo to Lanyi.

Brooks, in chalking up his mostimportant victory thus far in theseason, struck out eight and is-sued three passes.

The contest , originally schedul-ed for Jul y 30, was postponed aday due to wet grounds followingSaturday 's storm.

Trophies PresentedCharles Boccia , Suffolk County

Commissioner of the ASA Tour-ney, presided over the trophy pre-sentations following the game'sfinal out.

Pat Rooney presented the Pat-chogue nine with the first-placetrophy, while Dewey Moon of theNorthport Observer awarded theBay Shore squad the runner-upstatuette. Tony Fusaro, SuffolkCounty assistant commissioner,then presented Mike Savino ofPatchogue the tournament's MostValuable Player trophy. In thechampionshi p game, Savino went

three for three, scored twice andbatted in another run.Bay Shore (2) iPatthoiuc (7)

AB R H AB R HFeinman .e 3 0 l|Cockeri] !.8b 2 I 1LnuKhlin.2b 3 0 OITecari- .lf 8 0 1a-Flood 1 0 0| » 2 2McLnurin .Sb 3 0 0'Savino .ss 3 2 3 0 l l . n n y i .lb 3 0 1Hubbard.If 3 0 OjKaUM f 3 1 1Schulta. rf 3 1 l |Ci:ivrnputo,2b 3 0 0Smith .cf 1 0 OiSH-phani .e 3 0 UBniU'y.p 1 0 OMJrmiks .p 3 1 1Drnm ' 3 1 21Powi'll ,i> ,cf 2 0 1|

Totals 20 2 0! Totals 20 ~, 10a-Crounded i n t o double play for Laugh-

lin in seventh.Score by innings :

Hay Shore 020 000 0—2 G 3Patchoitue 020 230 x—7 10 . 2

K-Feinrmm (2 1 . Smith . Tecarr. Hate.RMI - - Dromerhauser , Powell , Tecarr.

Antonacci , Savino , Lanyi , Hate < 2 | ; 2B—Powell, Dronierbauser. Lanyi : HR—Rate ;SH—Dromei hauser. Smith . Savino i 2 ) ;DP—Snvino-Cinrraputo-Lanyi : LOB—BayShore 0. Pan-houe 2 ; Hits oft*: Brooks .0 in 7—Powell. 9 in 4 1 .1—Bailey, 1 in1 2/3 ; Slruck out by. Brooks , 8 in 7—Powell, i in 4 1.3—Bailey 4 in 1 2/3 ;lill olf : Brooks , :i in 7—Powell . 1 in 4 1/3

Builey. 0 in 1 2 , 3. Umpires : Plate .Frank F a u l k n e r ; Bases , Hal Brown ; Olli-cial Scorer: Frank Andrisani .

R head TrackTo GuaranteeRace Purses

"During the month of August ,"said promoter Ed Hawkins, "we'lloffer a guaranteed purse of $1,000each Saturday ni ght for the stock-car racing shows at RiverheadRaceway. "

Hawkins also announced thathe 'll grant one week of grace tothe "relfel" drivers who, he said ,ignored his ban on running at thi-ne w W e s t h a m p t o n Speedway."We 'll give them all one morechance ," Hawkins said. "If theyrace at Westhampton Friday night ,they 'll be finished at Riverheadfor the balance of the season."

Saturday, Riverhead will offerthe jalop ies, sportsmen and modi-fied cars, in addition to some-thing new—a team demolitionderby. In the "demmo," Jim Ma-lone will captain a team of fivedrivers from the Hamptons againstfive Riverhead drivers led byCharlie Tu rbush. "This," saidHawkins , "has been in the makingfor some time and it should be adill y."

With J immy Malone ready toresume h/s assault on the River-head Raceway point records in thesportsman and modified classifica-tions, Bert Hedges has / revealedhe is returning to action in thenew Shamrock Special. Hedges, thedefending c h a m p i o n in bothclasses, has been sidelined whileFrank McGee of Water Mill re-built the car.

The drivers will also be prep-ping for the big 50-lap mid-Sum-mer championship to be staged atRiverhead on Thursday, AugustIS.