patent scenario

Patent Scenario 1 Running head: Patent Scenario Patent Scenario Patrick F Bigler BIOL301

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Running head: Patent Scenario

Patent ScenarioPatrick F BiglerBIOL301

AbstractThis document is to answer the required questions from the professor for the patent scenario assignment.Patent ScenarioQuestion 1: The components of a physical examination consist of five main steps. Before beginning the five main steps, a physician should conduct the first step in diagnosis which is gathering information about the patients medical history as well as their history of symptoms. The physician should make sure they include questions that include their biological background as well as their lifestyle choices because disorders can relate to a patients biological and lifestyle background. After gathering information on the patients symptoms, history and asking a multitude of questions pertaining to a patients biological background and lifestyle choices, the physician would begin the physical examination. The first step to a physical examination should be looking for any visual signs of disease. Examples of what a physician would be looking for includes: how they carry themselves, if they are aware of their surroundings, abnormal coloring of the skin, body language, their ability to move around and responses to the environment. Next, the physician would check a patients breathing and heart rate, temperature and blood pressure which all correlate to the patients vital signs. The physician then accesses their prior knowledge of what the range should be and if it is abnormal. When the physician is done checking the patients vital signs, he or she moves on to the following component which is a procedure called auscultation (Katcher, 2015). When a physician conducts auscultation, they listen to a patients heart, lungs, and bowel movement because the difference between a heathy and unhealthy heartbeat sound different when there is damage to a valve. Furthermore, a physician would use the procedure percussion by tapping on the chest and abdomen to look for a certain sound that becomes apparent when there is nothing wrong, unless there is unwanted air or fluid present, the sound is different (Katcher, 2015). Sometimes, a doctor will tap on orientation lines to figure out the lung size and how much is affected by a possible disease but this is not very common. Lastly, a physician will conduct palpation which is a when the fingers push on different areas of the body to find certain regions and organs inside the regions. When a doctor pushes on the different organs, he or she can figure out if it is irritated, has an abnormal feeling or size, which leads to figuring out if an organ could potentially have something wrong.Overall, a physical examination begins with a collection of data based on a patients history and symptoms and has five main steps. The five main steps are observing, taking vital signs, conducting auscultation, percussion, and palpation. These steps have various aspects to them that detect and determine the possibility of something being wrong with the patient. These five steps help narrow down the potential disease or disorder in the patient and help a physician with the diagnoses process before conducting further procedures.

Question 2: A medical provider can take or measure blood pressure with either an automatic machine or manual machine. When measuring with a manual machine, it begins with a cuff wrapped around a persons upper arm. This cuff has an inflatable bag made of rubber that inflates over the brachial artery. The cuff that is used to put around a persons arm is fabric, rubber and Velcro that lets it be adjustable. The cuff is attached by tubing to a manometer that shows the amount of pressure on the artery. When enough air pressure is pumped into the cuff so the artery is closed, then the air pressure is released by opening the thumb valve. When the pressure in the cuff is equal to the pressure in the artery, the artery opens and the blood begins to return to the part of the artery that was closed (Pulse and Blood Pressure Procedures, 1993). When blood is back in the artery, a pulse sound begins. The sounds are heard through a stethoscope that is put on the brachial pulse point. The sound keeps going while the cuff is deflating and then gets too quiet to hear. When the medical professional hears the first pulse sound, the systolic blood pressure is apparent. When the last sound is heard, it is the diastolic blood pressure. The arterial blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the wall of a blood vessel as the heart pumps (Pulse and Blood Pressure Procedures, 1993). The systolic blood pressure (top number) is the force when the heart is contracting and the diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) is the force when the heart is relaxed. The top number is always higher than the bottom number. Mr. Smiths blood pressure was 160/100 and according to American Heart Association, the AHA recommendation healthy blood pressure for men age 60 is less than 150 over 90. Mr. Smiths blood pressure is in the High Blood Pressure (hypertension) stage 2 category. He is above the normal range for men at age 60. Question 3. The potassium (K+) test measures how much potassium is in the blood. Having abnormal K+ levels can potentially indicate the presence of a disease. Many diseases have symptoms that are not visible or noticeable by the patient which is why this test is performed. Testing was likely ordered because of Mr. Smiths abnormally high blood pressure. K+ testing is often performed in the presence of hypertension because it can often indicate that something else might be wrongQuestion 4. The potassium (K+) levels are lower than the typical range. Having a low potassium level can indicate the patient could one or several additional conditions. The most easily remedied condition being that the patient is simply not eating enough foods that contain potassium. But it can also be caused by Cushing syndrome, diuretics, Hyperaldosteronism, renal artery stenosis, and more.Mr. SmithNormal RangesLevel Value

K+2.6 mmol/L3.8-4.9mmol/LBelow Normal

Hb7.3 g/dl13.8 to 18.2 g/dLBelow Normal

Hct20.4%45-52%Below Normal

Platelet Count20x10 /L150-400x109/LBelow Normal

HCO338 mmol/l22-26 mmol/LAbove Normal

Urinary K+70 mmol/L/24 hr25-120 mmol/L/24 hrNormal Range

Blood Glucose460 mg/dl64.8-104.4 mg/dLAbove Normal

Serum Aldosterone1 ng/dl2-9 ng/dlBelow Normal

24 hour Urinary Aldosterone8.4 mcg/24 hr2.3-21.0 mcg/24 hrNormal Range

Renin2.1 ng/ml/hr0.65-5.0 ng/ml/hrNormal Range

ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)1082 pg/ml9-46 pg/mlAbove Normal

Cortisol155.5 microg/dL0-25 microg/dLAbove Normal

Question 5Mr. Smith underwent two different imaging procedures, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and the Computed Tomography (CT) scan. Each of these procedures uses a different method to see inside the body. Both the MRI and CT scan can produce very detailed 3D images from the body. The CT scan is more similar to traditional X-Ray technology than the MRI. A CT scanner will use x-rays to detect certain types of tissue. CT scanners are very good at producing imaging from dense tissues in the body such as bone, and cancerous masses. A downside to CT scanning is that it does introduce a fairly large dosage of radiation to patients. CT scanning should not be repeated often due to this danger.A MRI scan however creates an image from what is essentially a giant electro magnet. The sensors on the MRI detect a special dye that is typically injected into the subject. While an MRI typically does not have the image fidelity that a CT scan has it is much better at producing images from soft tissues from the GI tract or the brain. MRI scans have no documented complications in patients and are very safe.Mr. Smiths MRI scan results did reveal cancer in his osseous tissue and the CT scan showed an obstruction in his intestine. The obstruction appears to be caused by his enlarged adrenal glands.

Question 6.Hypertension was detected while checking Mr. Smiths blood pressure. Hypertension is caused by having high blood pressure. The high blood pressure is caused by a heart pumping blood too fast into arteries that are too narrow for the pressure being applied. Hypertension can lead to further health complications, particularly heart disease and even stroke or heart attack. The high blood pressure damages blood vessels. The best way to imagine this is to think about what would happen if you tried to hook up a regular garden hose to a fire hydrant. The resulting pressure would likely be far too much for the garden hose to handle and it would end up rupturing. While this is an extreme example the principle is the same.

ConclusionThis document has fulfilled its required purpose of answering the six questions.


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Patent Scenario 5