pater means father

7/18/2019 Pater means father 1/21 Lesson 14 (The root word pater) Written by Puneet Biseria Category: category4  Published: 18 o!e"ber #$14  %its: 11&  Today we will talk about the word which is pertaining to father. The Latin word which is pertaining father is pater. The Hindi equivalent of which is पत  | If you see any word which has pater in it, understand that it has something related to father.  ow go through the list of the words.   Paternal  

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contains the etymology of the word father


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Lesson 14 (The root word pater)

Written by Puneet Biseria

Category: category4

 Published: 18 o!e"ber #$14

 %its: 11&


Today we will talk about the word which is pertaining to father.

The Latin word which is pertaining father is pater.

The Hindi equivalent of which is पत  |

If you see any word which has pater in it, understand that it has something related

to father.

 ow go through the list of the words.



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!f or related to fatherly care.

"elonging to the father#s family.

 पत    व 


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 Paternal Uncle / Aunt 

$ather#s brother 


$ather%s sister 

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&ule of father.

$rom 'reek word arkhein which means to rule.

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( patriarch is a man who is the head of the family.

 समज   पजस   म    पत   ग    हथ    क    वपम    समझजत   ह



Holding father as the center of all thoughts or activities.

)entric means pertaining to center.

 पत     क पद    त 



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( name derived from the name of father.

$rom the 'reek word onoma which means names.


The marriage in which the wife lives with the family of her husband.

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$rom the Latin word locus which means place.

 शदपजसम न  अन   पत   क पवक सथहतह।



*roperty inherited from one#s father or ancestors.




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+omeone or something which serves as a role model.

a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organiation, or cause.

( distinguished person who takes an honoraryposition in a charity.

( customer of a shop, restaurant, etc., especially a regular one.

The patronage is the support given by a patron.

*atroness a female patron.


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This word is taken from the same word pater.

To be more precise it is taken from the word patron.

$rom the -iddle nglish word patron which means something serving as a model,

thus parent model.( particular thing / design which is repeated.



'ive financial or support

"ut this word has a negative meaning also, which means to treat someone as if he

or she were less intelligent or knowledgeable.


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The male head of a family or household.$rom the Latin word familia which means household servants.



( person who killsone#s father.

It also denotes an act of killing.$rom the Latin word )ide which means to kill.

 पत    ह 


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some thing / quality / disease inherited or derived from father#s family.

$rom the Latin word clinare which means towards.



!f or related to father#s line of family.

$rom the Latin word linea which means ancestry. 


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Love for one#s father.

$rom 'reek phelien which means to love.

 पत    क    प!"    # 




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Hate for one#s father.

$rom 'reek word misos which means to hate.

 ज$   अन   पत   स   %    &   कत   ह



( person who loves his country ealously.

*atriotism is the loyalty for one#s country. 

Compatriot !ne who is of the same country with another.

$rom the Latin word com0 which means together with.



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To force someone to leave one#s native country.

$rom the Latin word de0 which means off / away from.



To be outside one#s native country.

$rom the Latin word e10 which means out.

It means to send somebody or something outside one#s country.

It also means to live outside one#s country.


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To return to one%s own country$rom the latin word re0 which means back.



$ear from father.

2ust imagine if your father were (mrish *uri...333

$rom the 'reek word phobia which means fear of.

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To worship one#s father.

$rom 'reek word 4latreia which means to worship.

It actually means a an e1cessive devotion to one#s country.


These are the terms hich you ha!e studied"


The 'reek word ar#hein means to rule.

The 'reek word onoma means name.

The Latin word locus means place.The Italian word alma means soul .

The Italian word dura means hard .

The Latin word familia means household ser!ants.

The Latin word cide means to #ill .

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The Latin word clinare means toards.

The Latin word linea means ancestry.

The 'reek philein means to lo!e"

The 'reek word misos means to hate.The 'reek word lateria means to orship.

The 'reek word phobia means fear of .

The Latin word com$ means to%ether ith

The Latin word de$ means off / aay from

The Latin word ex$ means out 

The latin word re$ which means bac# . 

 &o to consummate your learnin% rite don the meanin% of 

these ords"














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 Misopatrist  Patriot 








 Related Terms 

*osthumous father 4 father died before children were born.

+perm donor 4 ( father who has donated his sperms. This person is the biological

 biological father .

(doptive father 4 the father who has adopted a child

+tepfather 4 a non0biological father who has married to a woman who has children

from the previous marriage.

(bsent father 4 father who does not spend time with his children.

+tay0at0home 0 the father who stays at home and looks after the children. 5ifeearns money.

$atherless 6 "eing without father.

$atherlike 6 like a father. +omeone who is as kind and protective as father.

$ather0in0law 0 the father of your spouse

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$atherhood 6 the state or condition of being a father.

$atherly / $(TH&LI++ 6 like a father 

$ather%s 7ay 6 Third +unday in 2une

$ather confessor 6 ( priest who hears confessions.$ather figure 6 ( man who elicits the emotions usually reserved for a father.

$ather surrogate 0 a man who takes over all the functions of the real father 

5hat is the meaning of patradelphy8

$ather#s brother.



 'dioms and Phrases66666666666666666


Child 's (ather )f The Man

*roverb. *eople%s personalities are formed when they are children.

*oot ke paanv paalney mein hi dikh 9aate hain


 Experience 's The (ather )f *isdom

*roverb. The more that happens to you, the more you will learn.


(ather +omethin% )n +omeoneto regard someone as the author or originator of something.


 ,i#e (ather- ,i#e +on

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*roverb. $athers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend to do what their 

fathers did before them.


*hen +omebody *as A Mere Tin#le 'n Their (ather.s Eyeat a time before someone was born


The (ather )f 

a very large, severe, etc, e1ample of a specified kind.


End of  
