paterson murder the first honor€¦ · george, lay dying wlthin a atone's thii/vr »>f thm conrt...

V0LXVIIIN0 7 KICHMOND, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1901 PRICE 5 CEJsTS THE PATERSON MURDER Full Penalty Inflicted on the Slay- ers of Jennie Bosschieter. THIBTY YEARS FOR THREE MEN, .While Kerr, the Foarth Meaaher ef *->.> Gaaat. Gets Off With Flfteea Tfara-laa'i Dlasraee Ia Kllllng Kerr'a Father. Pateraon, N. J., Jan. 30..Walter C. licAiiater, William A. Death and An¬ drew Campbell. who were found gullty of murder ln the second degree for tha killlng of Jennie Bosschieter on Oet. 18. 1900, by the administration of chloral and subaequeot rape, together with George J. Kerr, who pleaded non vnlt contendre to a charga of rape, were sentenced yesterday by Judge Dixon. McAlister, Campbell and Death were each sentenced to 30 yeara* im- prlBonment at hard labor and Kerr to 15 yeara' lmprisonment at hard labor. The Bentencee of all the men are tha full terms of lmprisonment whlch the law provides. but ln the caae of Kerr a flne of $1,000 might have been added. The 30 year sentencaa will be reduced by good behavior to 20 yeara. and Kerr'a sentence will be reduced to 11 yeara. The time off for good behavior ia arranged on a sliding acale and in- creasea each year. The prlBonera made a statement to the publlc yesterday in whlch they an- nounce their intention to earn the commutation for good behavior. They aay further: "We feel that we have been vlctlms. to a great extent, of the unreaaoning oatside opinion, whieh was based upon the wild and lnflammatory re¬ porta prlnted ln the metropolltan pa- pers to satisfy a morbid taste." While Judge Dixon was sentenclng the prisoners Hugh Kerr, the father of George, lay dying wlthin a atone's thii/vr »>f thm conrt house. Mr. -Kerr la dying because of the disgrace of his aon. George did not know until last nlght that his father waa ao ill. Equally Ignorant of the son's Bentence will the father remain. He does not want to hear of the case at all. THE SITUATI0N DISASTR0US. Amerlcana Menaced by the Inanr- .renta ln Veaeanela. Port of Spain, Trlnidad, Jan. 30.. According to advices recelved yester¬ day from Caracas a trustworthy en¬ gineer. who has arrived there from Pitch Lake, reporta that the altuation la disastrous. He says that 150 En- gllsh negroes who were employed to do police duty fled, when the insur- gents began flrlng, into- the Jungles. only 25 Amerlcans being left to pro- tect the property and livee of Ameri¬ can famlliea. The messenger from the Lake Implored the Unlted Statea legatlon at Caracas to afford protec- tlon, saylng that the llvee and prop¬ erty of Amerlcans were exposed to guerilla attacks. flrlng around the lake going on nightly, and the Amerlcans being too few to hold out long. United States Minlater Loomla, ac¬ cording to the same advices, replied that these reporta were posslbly ex- aggerated, but that they eould not be lgnored and that he would wlre the facta to Washington. Tho revolutlon ln eastern Vene- auela, near the asphalt depostts, is ln- creasing, but the dlsturbances are re- tnote from Caracas, whlch remalus tranqull. To I'rolill.K Vae of Gaaollae. Toledo, Jan. 30..State Oil Inspectora Frank I. Baird, of Toledo, and John R. Mallow, of Columbus, yesterday is- aued a posltive mandate that all man- nfacturers of gasollne lamps in the state must discontinue sueh manufac- ture and use at once. There are sev¬ eral large factories in Ohio, and many thousand users. It is intended to serve notlce on all at flrst and if the order la not obeyed in reasonable time radi- 4*aJ measures will be inaugurated. It la antlcipated that the manufacturers will fight the matter through the 450urts. The statutes of Ohio are very poeltlve on the subject, but have never been made effectlve by former state OU Inspectora. A Mam-noth Coal Order. Pittsburg, Jan. 29..Probably the largest order for coal ever taken for ahlpment through a elngle purchaser haa Juat been consummated by the lionongahela River Conaolidated Coal and Coke company aelling to a New Orleans agent and shipper 200 coal boata. averaglng 25,000 bushels of coal each, whlch ia for export trade. The total amount of 5.000,000 bushels was taken at a price one cent a bushel higher than the average prevalllng price of last year in tha >"ew Orleans market. Eaglaul't ConiTaerelal Decadeno*. London, Jan. 30..The Times, in an adltorlal dealiug with an "Important and perplexlnf questlon of true alg- niacance".the excess ln value regu- larly axhlblted by England'a lmporta over her exports, especially looking to the fact that during the last three and a half years the Unlted States have ex- ported over £400.000,000 more mer- chandlse, gold and sllve* than they im- ported.says: 4,It ls not easy, jet it ls a matter of the utmost moment, to aficertain whether as a natlon we are atlll saving and living withln our ln- eome, or whether we are beglnnlng to Uva on the accumulated aavlnga of - Ume8,', West End Newsy I aroa-Lady Ch >ak- On the 8i . The Seoodrel Eaeap ed.Inatantl} Ki led. Thuradav evening. Jan. 24'h about 7:80 Mibb Edmonia Brown, age about 19 waa returning to her home 1218 Cbaffin tit from ber aervioe plaee. In oider to euter tha front door ahe had to aaeend long atepa (rom the atreet. Juat aa ahe attempted to go up, a tall,atout man with a big hat pulled down over hia facj Bprang upon her from behind, graaped her bj the throat nnd ohoked ber aimoat inaensible. Her aoreaaQB aroased ker mother and oider aiater who ruahed to her relief. Io the mean time the neighbors next door and across tha atreet eame eut and tbe aeonndrel diisppeared in tha derkness making his *soape towards Kando.'ph at. siiaa Brown waa muoh frightaned and qoi e aeriously hurt. Owmg to the exiitement aod dark. neaa the aassi aot oouid not be fully ioentifl-d. Mr. Brown. her brother eame home sbort'y after the oeo rrenea aod msde evr-ry tffortto eapiure the man but without suceeaa. This family has recently mored into that neighoorhcoi and are among our best snd most respeoted oiticna, and muoh sympathr and regret are enter- taioeJ ana ezpreaeed for the young ladv and her family. A few nights ago some one made an attempt to break into a house aoroas the B'.reet but waa unBueeesaf 1 beipg frighten.d away by a young man iu the house who flred several shots. k bout Chtiitmsa robbers entered the home of MrB. Brook and atole nearly all her provisions. The party or per- tieB entered by catting the aia'.a of the wit dows. Besides taking away half a barrel of Hour, pr* .ervea, oooked bread and meats, they also took wood aad eeal. Mrs Brook ie a wldow lady w.t i Beversl ohildren, ail airla. Bhe haa atruggled htrr' to educste and p-oper- ly oare for her ohildren and feel. very keanly her less, but pre.sea oa and beara up like ihe Chriatian lady whieh ahe ia known in the oommunity to be. It ia q-.l'e dark along that St ard all pera na ehould be on vhtir guard wh-n paasina. or around their homes. Mr Richard Winston wbb inatantly killed >aat Haturday abiut 7:30 p m. near tbe new reaervoir. Winsion wa. driving a horse tn a Dayton wsgon be- longing to Mr. Ed Wiili. when the hurae beeame suddenly frightened at tha approseh of an elee'rio car. Io running aftt-r the horse W.naton waa eaught between the rehiele and a tree His forehead in strikina the tree was eruBhed in. He ia a brotber of R?v. Philip Winaton of Wea<wood, Htnrieo Co., and Rev. Morton Winaton of Ger- mantowo, Pa. It aeems that one of the ''Sanetifled" brethren had too muoh "holy flre" at the 5th churoh last eommunion. The good deacons tried to eoex him to ait down dnring tha oovenant exeroisea but fsiling in their attempt they tried to sing him dowo, but not until he had noured hot shot into a leader at whom he waa aaid to have been aiming. Aa he left we heard him exolaim: "It takes your big 'D. DV to handle me." Prof. SimpBon of the Union Univer- aity admioiatered the Lord'a Supper at Riverview Baptiat Churoh laat Sunday. The house was erowded and the aer- vioea were eharming. Thia churoh ia moving on nieely in paj ing for their new houae. It was annouooed that Mrs. L. A. Colea would auperintend the orgaoizi- Hon of the B. Y. P. TJ at Riverview isaptist Churoh laat VYedneaday night. Sister Colea ia very aciive in oburob work I hat reporSer who wrote up the io- augurstion was a sort of 'rough rider' but we are pleased to note that that commitwe went over dry Bhod. The exp anation of the Timea waa appro- priate and graceful. So let it be. We bear nothing but praiae for our editor for the able, logioal, replete and dignified answer to the qieation a.ked by the oorreapondent ot ihe New York 'tribune. Tbat anawer waa gilt edge. Let the diacuaaion go on. our editor ia at home, give ua a fair ahow ia all we ask. AJA.X Fulton Notea. Things are going on fairly well in thia Bection deapite tbe wintry blaets. Churehea and Sunday Schools aeem to be in a proBperous condition. Rev. F. W. Williama faeda hia flock eontfncally with food divine. He preaohed a most gloriouB aermoo laat Sunday a. m. At8 o'clock p. m, Rev.JO. C. Boone who is to sail in a few montfcs as misaionary to Afrioa, preaohed a moat profoond and toucJ- irg miaaionary aermon. Servioea at tbe Mouot Calvary and Union Level Baptiat Ohurchea were very good laat Sunday. Rev. A. Ferguaon will adminiBter the Lord'a Supper at 8:80 p. m. next Sunday. Rev. F. W. Williama will preach the annusl aermon of the Blooming Lily Club No. 1 Knighta of Pythiaa next Sunday at 8 p. m at the Riaing Mount Zion Baptiat Churoh. Oeacon Thoa. Sprsdley, Busan A, Jones, Olivia Daniel, John Huoley are on the aick liat thia week. A Knighta of Pythiaa Aaaooiation waa organized at Mr. W. H. Scott's reaidenoe, No. 839 Nioholaon Sc, Rev. F. W. Williama, chairman, W. H. Soott Treasurer; Jss. O. Dawaon and R. W. Whiting, Seeretarioa. Meeting next SuBday at aame place at 5 p. m. Go jd mary Knighta were down aod attend¬ ed the laaeeting. Namea will be given in the next iaaue. THE FIRST HONOR PUP1LS. eart endsohcool. 6 h Grammar.J. Andrew B iwler, taaehei. Eatelle Barrett, E la Ciota. Daiay Gilliam Roaa Taylor, Carter Jcnea. Junioa Iaw's, Robert W.lder. 8rd Grammer, Mias Roaa B Taneey, teaeher.Roaa Moae. 2nd Grammar, Miaa Roaa.B Mnody, teaeher.Amanda Gain»-B, Mattie Jonea E«tel1e Kelley, Liizie Robinaon. Wil¬ aon TinBlry. Lee White. lst Grammar, Mias Luey V, Bolling teacher.Otwsy Steward, Meli-a Brown and Ethel Chriatian 8th Primary, liisa Annie lf Jaekaon teaeher.Vlargaret Barrett, Mary Gravaa. 7- h Primary, Miaa Nannie O. Wyatt teaeher.Ethel Gwathmuy, Annie Cary, Sarah Brazton, Lillie Flippin Isabel JoSnaon, Joanna Williavma An¬ nie Johnson. 6 h Primary. Miaa L A. Willia teaeh¬ er.Earle Harria, Hea'er Brax o\ Bertha Holeomb Mattie Barnea. Mary Ohriatie, Ruby daiborne, Liiy Brown. Mabel HarriB Kiehard Brax ton, Mary A'kinson, Llly Wo>d-on. 6h Primary. MiaB M *rj E. Willia teaeher.Emma Hill, Mary B. Taneil, Judetta Temple. Beatriee Chriatian, Wm. Anderaon, Oornelia Austin, Viola Cheatham, L«*lia MeAiiater. 4th Primary, Misa Maud B. Mundin, teaeher.Martha Thomaa. Ida Thomp aon, Henry Jam^a, Ad*le Johnaon. Ophelia Seott, Ethel Gordon. Eatelle Smith. 3 d Primary. Mias Annie S. Keene teaeher.Liaaie Biand. Roaa White. Aurelia Hunter, Olivia Rwott, WiUiam Langley, IV arl Morton, Frank Morton Luei e BrookB, Robert Jaekaon, Oleo- patra So.itt. l.onnie Burton, B rtha Anderaon, Uarrie P-teraon. B anohe Robinaon, Thomas Brandon. Mamie cmith. Bt-nnie Bland, Willie Sauodera, Thomaa Stark, Fann; Manning, Henry Roas, 2nd Primary, MiaB Lula G. Haskins, t .acher.Melinda Harria, Julia Atkir- Bon, Beraie Kirby. Ruby Macklin. Bea¬ aie Seott, Faonie Wr ght, R^beoea Hood Lawrenee Page, Felix Gwath mey, Samuel Hubbard* Ssmuel John¬ aon, George Motley, Willie Morton Clare* ee Robinaon. Robert Tbompaon. David Walker, John Tay'.or, Eidie Washinarton. Firat Primary. Miss Lula G. Haakint. teacher--Peroy Saylea, Jamea Oole- man. Peroy Brown, Ularibei Anderaon, Bertha Jonea, Bertha Johnaon. Eva rJteward, Either Ooyle, Roaa Howard, Lub?rta Somerville, Beaaie Allen, Lu- berta Aahton, Della Turner, Peroy Evana, Alma Thompaon. Bettie Andar son, Mary Iviaon, Virginia Williams. Floyd Sprigga. Erneat Warwiek, Aleek BroGks, Frank Norman, Rnth Storra. FUlTON 8CH00L. Nelaon Williams, Ir., Primary.Willie Atkins, Riohard Jamea. Charlia Hill, Harry Slaughter, Luey Jonea, Jannie Kimbreth, Rath Manning, Willnette Robinaon. i*ai Primary.Clara Berkley, Adei R binaon, Heleater t-lmmB. 8rd Primarj.Jamei Barber, Ilufflo Hoimea, JameB U idervood, Olara Minnis. Viola Glsrke, E*tehe J.mea, M «udt- Jt-ff<*raon Mary Yatea 4th Primary.Julia Hill, R >Da Hill, Golotta White. MOORE 8GHOOL. Week Ending January 26th, 1001. 6th Grammar.Mattie Reid, Alberta Smith Lillie Htrwirt, Eatelle Tinaley. Elaie Wyatt, Mary Morria. 6th Grammar.Pearl Bland, Mattie Graene. 4 a Grammar.Frank Oarter Harry Gray, Oaroline Jones, Rooert Preaton, Eatelle Wooldridge. 3rd Grammar.Willie Booker, Sam- nel Carter, Nelaon Washington, Willie Broek, Beaaie Haneoek, Bertha Hud- Bon, Virginia Wilaon. Netta Wool¬ dridge, Lila Minea. Lena Booker. 2od Grammar.Irene Williams, Janie Williama, Walter Johnaon, Martha Mil- an. AMce Johnaon. Marie Allen, Lewia Wingfleld, Mary Jaaper. lat Grammar- Beaaie Anderaon, Rob¬ ert Gole, Willie Jamea, Elaia Carter, Pauline Funn, Oliie Frazier, Lea Hen- ley, Beaaie Robinaon, Laura Steward. Sih Primary.Milton Sampaon, Ben- Jamin Deane, Emma Oraig, Maude HayeB, Suaie Jones, Sarah Tinaley, Al¬ ma vv athiaston, Mary Baaaette, Sallie Johnaon. Martha Montague, Ellen Brown, Kate Milla. 7th Primarj.Thomas Braneh, AI- fred Mason, Minnie Booker, Arnell Fraaier, Ollle Genrrant, Leon Holmea, Sarah Hilion, Virginia Jaekaon, Al¬ berta Jonea, Maggie Mayo.Oelia Minor Elr.ora Johnaon, Alberta King, Roaa Patteraon. 6th Primary.Henry Johnaon, Wor- tham Paryear, Elaie Mitehell, Martha Hill, Lula Gray, Plorenoe Lockley, Daiay Mbbob. 6th Primary B. Della Booker, Adele Oouflint, John Goodtnan, Stewart Hob- aon, Katie Cox, Emma Gross, Roaa Lewia, Sallie Reader, Eva Stedd.. 5th Primary.Aahby Lusat, Ruth Dsvii. N-llie Fox. Amanda Baylea Katie Booker. 4th Primary.Walter Harria. Pearl Aodera n Florenee Booker, Clara Jobna n. Martha Tl onoaa. E ter Young John Jackaon, John Djor, Mary Ed¬ warda. 8H Prfmsry A .LiHia Jackaon. An¬ nie Jasper Lottle Miekena, Nora Jack¬ aon Marv Oreige, Marie Cora Bvrri, John Robinaon. Pam Lee, Thos. Harria, Earnest Braneh. 8rd Primary B.Pinkev F-inn. Dai.y Hill, Helen Johnaon Mary Morton, Daliy O'Neal. Virginia Riehard.on, Minnie MiekenB. 2nd Primary.L«e Fras^r. I*v.n W.llis. Beatriee Pryor, Rebecea Wm- ston, Helan Soott. Mary Smith. lat Primary A -Freeman Harria. Ar¬ thur Glover. Loyd Glover. Henry Joho stoo, Ma B i ker. Nanaic Jaekaon. Ger'rode Johnaon, Viraie Smith, Lis- sie Hughes lat Primary B.Tamea Barreet. 8. Bolling. Robert Carter. Willie Ellia, Riehard Jasper L*roy Johnaon Willia Kenny, Willie Logan. James Raodolph Hallie Braneh Melissa Byrd Mary Oarter, E'it» Gorralry. Mary Gray. Tda Kenny, Msrgaret Riohardson, Rosa Kenny, Bettie Mayo. MONROK SCHOOL. ls* Orimnir-Peter Hudson. Rosa Brooke, Eva Dandridge, Gertrude Tay¬ lor. 8 h Primary.Marv Austin. Elvire Ford, Lotti* L'wrence. Irene Wood son, Miss Florenee K. Yates. teaeh«r. 7 h Primary -Lilliaa FosUr, Aliee Mosly. Loey Winaton 6'h Primary, Mamie Bagney, Fannie Brax'on. 6 h Prim%ry.Frank Epps. Parey Holmes Monroe Johnaon. Marion Par. Tee Olivi-r T/omtin, Be.aie Allen E»- telle Rraneh rtettie Clarke JulietOar- .*¦ Mabel Di kersoi. Robert Johnaon. Emily Lewi», Irene Me'>ee. 6us;e Moa roe. Fannie Partee, Fannie Taylor ErhH Thompaon MisB Minnie M Braneh. teacher. 4 h Pr«mary. ^a'ter Liggons. John M sjraa, Rrthert Poindexter. Columbia ^amuel. Edward Thomp°on. Lilli* Barraft. Irma F elds "ioreno« Hamn- ton Msry Har.oher. E*felle Johnaon, NelMe Jonea, Martha Li.gnns, Emma pmndexter, Lottie Walker. Annie Tuekar. 8rd Primary.Arthur G jodman, Jas. Harris. Mnrelle Johnaon, Willie Mob br, Lillie Bates, Mary Clarke. Beasie, Cary, Cora DourIip. Florenee Douglas, Sarsh Floyd, Mary Palmer.Liddy Rob- ers >o, Edna Stewart, Roaa B. Spark- er. 2id Primary--F'oyd Goode, Wilsoo Poindexter, Bennie Thomaa. Lealie Wood.J <brn:e Epps. Amerioa Ammore Helcn Clarke, Lillie Green, Fannie Jackson, Martha Langborn. Annie Moaby. Annie Phillipa. Carry Towne let Primary.John Barlow Lealie Eldridge.fGeorge Green. ThoB, JrfT-r- .on.Ernest Johnson, Willi.m Morria, Q ieen Esther Braneh. Lula Bransh. Lillie Brooka, Amy Franklin, Susie MstthewB, Joaephisa Shelton, Laura Williama. HIGH AND NORMAL SCHuOL. Seaior A Grade.Eu'.alia Whittle. A Visit to New York City. Editor of the Plakbt, Richmond Va., Dear 8ir:- l'iease allow bjbbj spsce in your valuable paper for the following : 1 vis ted New York during the X nas ho,;daya upon speeial invica ion ex- tend d by Kev. B. H. W ilfeer, pastor of the Mr. Gilead Baptis Chureh or that ei y If- waa a very enj lrab'e trip aad ajpli^aBin*. v ait. My acay in Near York waa one of pleaaure and of profi I waahighly and roy.lly entertaiaed by Rev Walker snd his good people. I was not in want for anything, money, comfort and fri*nda. 1 preaohed of eu to hia oongregation in the beginning of hia revival and the proape.rts ftr a good harveBt were very god aud en- eoursging. I muat Bay psstively. hon- eatly, and eooaoientioualy that Rev B, H. walker ia a kind bearted, open heartod and Chriatian hearted brother miniater. He know* how to treai com¬ pany and he alao knows how to handle hia eorgresjation. G >d bless Rev. Walker and hia people. One of the sad or depiorable condi¬ tion about New York ia that they can never own much churoh property in that city, Real eatate ia too dear. Three of my ehurohes are very large- ly repreaented in New York city. I was the reoipientof many preaeota, (oiae preaeota.) The laat night I praached in the Mt. Gilead Chureh it waa paoked. I preaehed that night in my humble way on the "Day of Woodera" which aer¬ mon seemed to have been enj >ved by all preaent. After tbe aermon a collec- tion wbb lif ted for the writer from Vir¬ ginia The aum oolleeted amounted to $33 00 waa given the writer. Also I was promiaed a auit of elotbea by tbe pastor of Mt. Gilead, but unfortun- ately the auit waa oot fioiahed when I left the city. I hope to get it Juat the aame. Gifta in maoey amounted to about $50.00 and in preaenta to about $20. I bid Rev. Walker and hia peo¬ ple God-apeed. "God be witk you *t.l we aeet again." B. J. Flbtchbb. Wi return thanka for an invltation to atiend a aooial given by Free Will Counoil, 176.1. O. of 8k. Luks, Jan. 81, Lavibia Goowib, W. O ; Sauia B. Jobksob, Reoordiog Secreta¬ ry Y. M. 0. A. Notea. Everybodv eni >yed the explanation on the Sunday Sehool leaaon last *»at urday. I' waa extremely interesting and helifil The meetinga in the almshnnBe last Sunday were rery impreaaiva* A large erowd of boye gathered at our room* laat Sunday to hear a ap«e- ial addreaa by Mr. Peter Coleman. Subjeet. "The Boy that Bueseed*." Tbe boya were helped in every way by thia addreaa and were eneouraged to atiek to that whieh is r-'g t. The men were happy over the moat inatruetlv- addreaa whieh waa deHver- ed by Rev. D. W. Davla .». M., Sobjeet 'TheCimpaee of the North." Some very praetieai lesaona were reeeived whieh will be of great he p if put, into Jireetiee. The mnsia by the qoartette r.m Sixth Mt. ZioB Btptist Chureh aesosapanled by Mr. Joaeph Williams, waa flaited to the oesaaion. ExplaoaMon on the Sunday Sehool leasoo Saturday. 5 o. tn. at our room*. Rible Study for boya Sunday 4 p. m Spjpoial paper¦ will be read. Dr' W F. Graham, paator of the 6th St. Baptiat Chureh will addreaa tbe men Sunday 5:80 p. cn. at our rooms. Subjeet, "Diligent man." Bpeeial So- loa ano Quartestea wili be reniered. For men only. Every mother aad Biater ia reqneated to Ir v te fathera and brothera to thia meeting. - e i a - OUR PHILADELPHIA LETTER. A Noted Man. Pbilaobipbia, Pa., Tan. 2f 1901. There <8 n-t a time that Bome of our peopl* are not th<nking. Behind all the great mtvements of our timea, whieh atartle the nationa, are the arost w ulders of thought. The poet aaya "A amall drop or ink f*lling like dew upon the pap»r. prndaees that whfeh causes thouaands, yea, milliona to think." Perhsp* the inciient I am about to relate orill eauseaome ot our people to think more than ever. It ie the think- mg people tha* makes th<* world re- volve. It waa G*lileo. who by eon- atant 'hinking, invenfed the p«ndu- Iuti | Watia, the a'eam-nngine; Morae, the telegraph ; Whitney th-* cottin gin ; Howe, the aewing maehine; Ediaoni tha phonograph Theae invention* have almost revolationised the world of thinking people In all raees w* hava lawyera.'doatora, preaehers. ete., and we alao have io- ventora. Theae are aome of moat pro- found thinkera. Not long aince your eorreBpondent had the pleaaure of viaiting a m«.n of our raee who will Bhortly be introduc- ed to the world. Heia unaasuming in manners and bears the demeanor of one who haa spent many qiiet hours in thonghful Beelosion. Hia nime ia Mr AshtyWiae. He haa very nearly eomp'eted an invention that will revo- lutionize the world. It is the neareet maebine to perpetu- al motion we have noted. It it a mi- chine that runt by weight alone and will run ib long bb the weights are in a eertain poaition It will run up grade at well aa on a level. In the near fu¬ ture our readers will know more of this promiaing irventor. Miss Emma Coutina haa been viait¬ ing frienda in Richmond, Va. Dr. Alexander G irdon, in oonneetion with Elder Roberaon, ia eondueting a great apiritual meeting. Many eon verts arereported. B shop T . J CopplB, D. D., left laat week for S »uth Africa where haa been aent by the Bi'hopry to eatabliah s college for the nat'vea. Mra. FEW. darp-r, our poet and author. gave a bar-q iet to our flrst eol¬ ored sehool miatreaa at her h >m» on B .inbridga St. Qaite a number were preaent. If we ever expeet to amount to any thing aa a raee we get together. The only aolu ion of tbe aoealled race prob- lem dependa upin union. We muat Bupport our own enterprieea, our own buaineBB and profesaional men, The folloving apprjpriate little poem ia taken in part from the Tbibume : Stick Togethar. Siisk together, Negro men, Do that whieh you thina ia right ; If you're ealled uoon to fl <h-, then Juat fight with all your might. In our buaineaa enterpriaea, In our objeots and aim, In ourendeavora and advice Let each Negro'a be the same. When a man ia trying hard To do buaineaa for the raee Juat you help him and regard To aaaiBt him in the pace. Colored men, let me tell you You can never riae above Your eonditiona, unless you be true To youraelf, and hay raee lova. In the fair or rair.y weather, Stiak together just the aame ; Stick togr ther, atiek together, Let thia motto be our aim. -Alex. C. Davia. The main points of the poem euggeet united eJert. "Iu union there it atrength." Let ua oontinue from thii on "Stick together." GOBREBPOBDBNT. WANTBD.A Cook and House Girl Apaly at 108 East Oary St. Philadelpbia. Pa.. Jan 28 1901 ENNI8. Mra Jennie L. E«oi* de parted thia life at Women'. Hospita] January 21-<t in full triomnh of fsi h She waa a memb»r of Z »n Baptist Churoh R v. E. W Moore, pa«tor. She lea»eB to mourn their losa. a daughter and flve S'stere She waa formerly of Hanover Co . Va I a/oo'd not live alwaye, no weloome the tomb, Sinoe JesuB haa lain their I dread not ita gloom; There sweet be my reat till he bid. ni> ariae, To haii him io triomph deaoending the akies. "Gone but not forgotten." Her dauarhter. Flobbncc Ehbis. ROBIHSON.Died at the home of her p.rwnta. 1022 N. 2nd St , January 28 h 1901, at 9 o'c'ook a. m,. Fannie U^erther, the infant daughter of Petev Robinaon and Marian wjmmi, age 14 mentbB and 25 daya. Ftnnie, thou to God hss*: gone, Look for me, I will eureiy come. Her Mother. Mra. Baylor of Ashland, Va. Dead. Mra, Jane Baylor depsrted this .Jif<* Friday morning, January. 4tb, 1901, 8 o'clock a. m. : *he lesves a husband, three aons three grand-ehildren and a host of friends to mourn their loae. "May ah. reat in psaee." - ¦!¦ FULCHER.Departed thia life Wed- neaday murning. Jan. 80lh 1901 R H. Fuloher, after a brief bat Bever* illne.a. He bore hi* illneaa with pa- tienne and waa reaigned to his death which he met oalmlv He waa a niem- b«»r of St Joaeph Couneil, I O. of St. Luke He waa a devoted husband, beloved father, peacable aeighitor, b loved by all who knew him. He leave. a wife, two aons, one daughter, Biater. adept- ed daughter and a hosi of relativea and friends to mourn their Iobf. ajj, DeareBt Uuab.rd, thou hsst Jeft ua. We our Iobb most deeply feel; But 'tis God who hast b-reft ub, He can all our sorrows heal. Sleep on dear father, Bleep and take you- reet, Lay down your head upon thy Sar- iour'a breaat. Done by order of hia wife, Martha A. Fulohbb. Would Not Be Without lt. Kbabbbytillb, W. Va. Jan. 25, 01 Mr. Editor; Dear 8ir:.Enoloaed flnd $1 50 for aubscription to your able and wor- thy paper, tbe Plabbt, aa it aeema an impoBaibility for me to be without it. Hoping you suoceaa in your efforta to atamp out lynehing, I remain four bumble servant, R a. MoDabibl. EEV. M08U1RE TO LEAVE. Rbv. Al«xahdbe McGoibb, the able rector of St. Philip'a P. E. Chureh haa aeoepted acall to St. Thomaa P. E Chureh of P litadel.hla. It ia ona of ?he largest churohes among ooiored Enieoopalians. Rev. McGuire haa aueeeeded in build- ing up the work here to a remarkable extent and his change of fie'.d will be generally regretted. Diaowned Hia Daughtera.Remember ed Hia White Friends. PurriLK, Va., Jan 30th.The re- maons of Dumpsey Hare, Nansemoud'a riehe»t ooiored man. were thia after¬ noon borne to the graveby white pall- bearera There waa no preaoher, but a whire layman read the burial service A handaome o> flin, vaalt and monu- ment had been p-epared by Hare be fore his death There has been no pub¬ lic readiog of ihe will, but it ia under atood that Hare's vaat raal te'ete go*a toState'a Attorney Elward E. rdol lant. of Suffok. and Dr. Joha G. Hol- land.o/ Nanaemond Oo. Laura Ann White, Hare's only daughter, wbom he had reared for a white man'a wife, and who incurred hia diapleaaure by msrrying a colored man, is out off wich ten doliara. Fulton O.hi No. 1, K. of P. Sunday evening, Jan. 27tth, 1901, 25 of Fulton's best men aaaembled at the residence of Mr. W. H. Soott. Fulton's popular tonaorial artiat and formed tbemselv 'B into a olub to ba known aa Fulton Club, No 1 objee*. of which ia tojfouni a lodge of K. of P. They were inatruoted by D. G C. F. Lueaa Sir KnightB S. S. Baker and Dr. E. R. Jefferson. The following offioers wera elaotcd and members enrolled: Rev. F. W. Williama, Chairman; John O Dawaon. Seoratary: W. H Scott. Treaaurer; R H. Wbiting. R* G. Porter, Thomaa Page. Jamda C x* Chas. Harria, Roland Yaney. Wm! Hewell, Philip Hilliard, Joaeph Brown Wiliie Hill, Wm. Robinaou, Howard Smith, St. Paul Henley, Leroy Morria Thomaa Nelaon, ' a ?l^tingJ?"xt Buad»* afternoon, Fcb 8,1901, 5;80 p. m. TERRIBLE CRIME INJJAMES^CITY. A Mystery Cleared Up By Circumstantial Evidence. WOMAN MUtDERS HEB HUSBAHD She Ib Ab*? s'ed by Another Man.They theBrdy a Milein a Bo ee it on the Railroad Ti To Bide Their Crime. ["Take tbe Brdy a Milein a Boat and Plaee it on tbe Railroad Traek Tcavo, Va., Jan. 80 .One of the moat darmg mnrdera ever eommitted in Vir¬ ginia took plaee laat Monday night near Dlaaeund S'ation, Jamea Oity enunty. when Jamea Beaeh (eolored> wbb killed ii hia own houae by hia wife and a eolored man who had taken up with her. After they had killed Beaeh they put the body in a biat. the houae being on a creek, and went up the creek a di*tanee of ot e mile, to the Cheaapeake and Ohio railroad where they larded their victim'a body. Here they plaeed the body on the railroad' traok, feeling aatiafl-'d they had done their work and that they would aever be suspeeted of the murder of jamea Beaoh E irly Tueaday mornirg when Mr. Rawle*, oeotion master at Diaacund, went to hia work, he found pieoea of the dead man'a body eeattered along the railroad trask a d atanoa of thirty yards. Ao east boun I trai i had r traek it. Mr. Rawlee notiflMl Mr. E. T. Gate wood, a mngiatrate of having found a d-ad rn'in on hia traek. Mr. Gatewood aummoned sx nr.en to aet aa j ircrs. »>eaara P. T. OowleB. G. W, Tyree. R. V Timberlake, W T. Hayoea, R. L, Hioka ard M. L. Cottrell, with C. P. Maraton aa Bpeoial onatable. Upon their inveatigation they found witnout a doubt that Beaeh was murdered aa above stated, ani hia wife Sarah Beaeh and her aceomp'ice, Roland Holmea were aent on to the grand j iry, Blood in the bottom of the boat and blood leading to the dead man's house along with cinfuaing atoriea told by the woman led to the discovery of the murder. MODERN LULTTJRE MAGAZINE. Gontenta For F-bruary, 1901. A R man St. Valentine'a.Day .by William Wsrner Biahop. L-ve'a Little Diary by Edgar Faw oett andlliff M. Simpaon. Soulpture at the Pan-Amerioan Bx- poaition by N. Hudaon Moore. Glimpaea of Life in the Phllippinea.¦. II. by Saia D nton Wilaon In our County.II: The Big Reviva n Pine Creek by Marion Harland. Tha CireuB in Winter Quartera by W. Henry Sheak. Aaron Burr by Alioe B. Morriaon. Beyond the Pale.I by Leo Warren. Amerioan Arobiteeture by G. Merser Adam. Drifting on the Mediterranaan.III by Bella Hieki Haaaetr. A Royal Bride by Robert C Auld. Waahington'a Ableat Ally by William Barrett Millard. The Houae Behind the Cedara.VII' Chaa. W. Cheanutt The Domestic Life of Shakoapeare Time. VI, by Sidney Lanier. Current Eventa by The Editor. 1 From a Qaiet (Jorner by Alioe E. Hanacom. The Literary World by Ellen A Vin- ton A A E H. The Reading Club by .Thomaa Wal- ton. aa-w t!T BBBa DBPABTMBBTB. MuaiOj and Drama.Folk Muaio^.by Franeia L. Robinaon. Woman and the Home.The Miasion of the Studv Club by ^E!la Oaroline Lapham. Around the^Table.Ah! by Edwin L. Sabin. , i A Book-Worm'a Dream by H. W. B. in the "Ioterlude." me. ^; 4 The B <aton Baby by Jamea Buok- ham. Title Page and Index. Stole The Bridle. Capt. Thob. M. Cbump, Managar)'of the Southern Aid Sooiety at'.ended Ja meeting of the Ex*elaior Court, .No. 117. at the Pythian Caatle Hall, N >. 611 N. 8rd St , and while he waa inaide some one took the bridle from" the head of tha horse. tied the weigh» Btrap around its neek and left tha ani mal. M The blanket and a sutt ef olothea"iu the buggy were not disturbed. " af Mr. Crump had to borrow a bridle from Mr. Price before he eould reaoh the Btsble. w .Mrs. M J. Reid of 309 E Grase'St. haa been confl iei to her bed for* the last two weeka with La Grippe but Ia now a httla better. Her manyfriends will be glad to hear that ahe ia tlowly improvtog. .. Ex-C)onoilman Benlamin Jaek aon ia quite ill. -Mr. O. M. Steward la q lite^siok -Prof. J. Hugo JohBBton, Preai dent of the Va. N. AO. L, ealled on ua; Ha reporta hii work aa proaparing.

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    THE PATERSON MURDERFull Penalty Inflicted on the Slay-

    ers of Jennie Bosschieter.

    THIBTY YEARS FOR THREE MEN,.While Kerr, the Foarth Meaaher ef

    *->.> Gaaat. Gets Off With FlfteeaTfara-laa'i Dlasraee Ia KllllngKerr'a Father.

    Pateraon, N. J., Jan. 30..Walter C.licAiiater, William A. Death and An¬drew Campbell. who were found gulltyof murder ln the second degree for thakilllng of Jennie Bosschieter on Oet.18. 1900, by the administration ofchloral and subaequeot rape, togetherwith George J. Kerr, who pleaded nonvnlt contendre to a charga of rape,were sentenced yesterday by JudgeDixon. McAlister, Campbell and Deathwere each sentenced to 30 yeara* im-prlBonment at hard labor and Kerr to15 yeara' lmprisonment at hard labor.The Bentencee of all the men are thafull terms of lmprisonment whlch thelaw provides. but ln the caae of Kerra flne of $1,000 might have been added.The 30 year sentencaa will be reducedby good behavior to 20 yeara. andKerr'a sentence will be reduced to 11yeara. The time off for good behavioria arranged on a sliding acale and in-creasea each year.The prlBonera made a statement to

    the publlc yesterday in whlch they an-nounce their intention to earn thecommutation for good behavior. Theyaay further:"We feel that we have been vlctlms.

    to a great extent, of the unreaaoningoatside opinion, whieh was basedupon the wild and lnflammatory re¬porta prlnted ln the metropolltan pa-pers to satisfy a morbid taste."While Judge Dixon was sentenclngthe prisoners Hugh Kerr, the father of

    George, lay dying wlthin a atone'sthii/vr »>f thm conrt house. Mr. -Kerrla dying because of the disgrace of hisaon. George did not know until lastnlght that his father waa ao ill.Equally Ignorant of the son's Bentencewill the father remain. He does notwant to hear of the case at all.

    THE SITUATI0N DISASTR0US.Amerlcana Menaced by the Inanr-

    .renta ln Veaeanela.Port of Spain, Trlnidad, Jan. 30..

    According to advices recelved yester¬day from Caracas a trustworthy en¬gineer. who has arrived there fromPitch Lake, reporta that the altuationla disastrous. He says that 150 En-gllsh negroes who were employed todo police duty fled, when the insur-gents began flrlng, into- the Jungles.only 25 Amerlcans being left to pro-tect the property and livee of Ameri¬can famlliea. The messenger fromthe Lake Implored the Unlted Statealegatlon at Caracas to afford protec-tlon, saylng that the llvee and prop¬erty of Amerlcans were exposed toguerilla attacks. flrlng around the lakegoing on nightly, and the Amerlcansbeing too few to hold out long.United States Minlater Loomla, ac¬

    cording to the same advices, repliedthat these reporta were posslbly ex-aggerated, but that they eould not belgnored and that he would wlre thefacta to Washington.Tho revolutlon ln eastern Vene-

    auela, near the asphalt depostts, is ln-creasing, but the dlsturbances are re-tnote from Caracas, whlch remalustranqull.

    To I'rolill.K Vae of Gaaollae.Toledo, Jan. 30..State Oil Inspectora

    Frank I. Baird, of Toledo, and JohnR. Mallow, of Columbus, yesterday is-aued a posltive mandate that all man-nfacturers of gasollne lamps in thestate must discontinue sueh manufac-ture and use at once. There are sev¬eral large factories in Ohio, and manythousand users. It is intended to servenotlce on all at flrst and if the orderla not obeyed in reasonable time radi-4*aJ measures will be inaugurated. Itla antlcipated that the manufacturerswill fight the matter through the450urts. The statutes of Ohio are verypoeltlve on the subject, but have neverbeen made effectlve by former stateOU Inspectora.

    A Mam-noth Coal Order.Pittsburg, Jan. 29..Probably thelargest order for coal ever taken for

    ahlpment through a elngle purchaserhaa Juat been consummated by thelionongahela River Conaolidated Coaland Coke company aelling to a NewOrleans agent and shipper 200 coalboata. averaglng 25,000 bushels of coaleach, whlch ia for export trade. Thetotal amount of 5.000,000 bushels wastaken at a price one cent a bushelhigher than the average prevalllngprice of last year in tha >"ew Orleansmarket.Eaglaul't ConiTaerelal Decadeno*.London, Jan. 30..The Times, in anadltorlal dealiug with an "Importantand perplexlnf questlon of true alg-niacance".the excess ln value regu-larly axhlblted by England'a lmporta

    over her exports, especially looking tothe fact that during the last three anda half years the Unlted States have ex-ported over £400.000,000 more mer-chandlse, gold and sllve* than they im-ported.says: 4,It ls not easy, jet it lsa matter of the utmost moment, toaficertain whether as a natlon we areatlll saving and living withln our ln-eome, or whether we are beglnnlng toUva on the accumulated aavlnga of

    - Ume8,',

    West End Newsy I aroa-Lady Ch >ak-On the 8i . The Seoodrel Eaeap

    ed.Inatantl} Ki led.

    Thuradav evening. Jan. 24'h about7:80 Mibb Edmonia Brown, age about19 waa returning to her home 1218Cbaffin tit from ber aervioe plaee. Inoider to euter tha front door ahe hadto aaeend long atepa (rom the atreet.Juat aa ahe attempted to go up, a

    tall,atout man with a big hat pulleddown over hia facj Bprang upon herfrom behind, graaped her bj the throatnnd ohoked ber aimoat inaensible.Her aoreaaQB aroased ker mother and

    oider aiater who ruahed to her relief.Io the mean time the neighbors next

    door and across tha atreet eame eutand tbe aeonndrel diisppeared in thaderkness making his *soape towardsKando.'ph at. siiaa Brown waa muohfrightaned and qoi e aeriously hurt.Owmg to the exiitement aod dark.

    neaa the aassi aot oouid not be fullyioentifl-d. Mr. Brown. her brothereame home sbort'y after the oeo rreneaaod msde evr-ry tffortto eapiure theman but without suceeaa.This family has recently mored into

    that neighoorhcoi and are among ourbest snd most respeoted oiticna, andmuoh sympathr and regret are enter-taioeJ ana ezpreaeed for the youngladv and her family.A few nights ago some one made an

    attempt to break into a house aoroasthe B'.reet but waa unBueeesaf 1 beipgfrighten.d away by a young man iuthe house who flred several shots.

    k bout Chtiitmsa robbers entered thehome of MrB. Brook and atole nearlyall her provisions. The party or per-tieB entered by catting the aia'.a of thewit dows. Besides taking away half abarrel of Hour, pr* .ervea, oooked breadand meats, they also took wood aadeeal. Mrs Brook ie a wldow lady w.t iBeversl ohildren, ail airla. Bhe haaatruggled htrr' to educste and p-oper-ly oare for her ohildren and feel. verykeanly her less, but pre.sea oa andbeara up like ihe Chriatian lady whiehahe ia known in the oommunity to be.

    It ia q-.l'e dark along that St ard allpera na ehould be on vhtir guard wh-npaasina. or around their homes.Mr Richard Winston wbb inatantly

    killed >aat Haturday abiut 7:30 p m.near tbe new reaervoir. Winsion wa.driving a horse tn a Dayton wsgon be-longing to Mr. Ed Wiili. when thehurae beeame suddenly frightened attha approseh of an elee'rio car. Iorunning aftt-r the horse W.naton waaeaught between the rehiele and a treeHis forehead in strikina the tree was

    eruBhed in. He ia a brotber of R?v.Philip Winaton of Wea flin, vaalt and monu-ment had been p-epared by Hare before his death There has been no pub¬lic readiog of ihe will, but it ia underatood that Hare's vaat raal te'ete go*atoState'a Attorney Elward E. rdollant. of Suffok. and Dr. Joha G. Hol-land.o/ Nanaemond Oo.Laura Ann White, Hare's onlydaughter, wbom he had reared for awhite man'a wife, and who incurredhia diapleaaure by msrrying a colored

    man, is out off wich ten doliara.

    Fulton O.hi No. 1, K. of P.

    Sunday evening, Jan. 27tth, 1901, 25of Fulton's best men aaaembled at theresidence of Mr. W. H. Soott. Fulton'spopular tonaorial artiat and formedtbemselv 'B into a olub to ba known aaFulton Club, No 1 objee*. of which iatojfouni a lodge of K. of P. They wereinatruoted by D. G C. F. L» LueaaSir KnightB S. S. Baker and Dr. E. R.Jefferson.The following offioers wera elaotcdand members enrolled:Rev. F. W. Williama, Chairman;John O Dawaon. Seoratary: W. HScott. Treaaurer; R H. Wbiting. R*G. Porter, Thomaa Page. Jamda C x*Chas. Harria, Roland Yaney. Wm!Hewell, Philip Hilliard, Joaeph BrownWiliie Hill, Wm. Robinaou, HowardSmith, St. Paul Henley, Leroy MorriaThomaa Nelaon, '

    a ?l^tingJ?"xt Buad»* afternoon, Fcb8,1901, 5;80 p. m.


    A Mystery Cleared Up ByCircumstantial Evidence.


    She Ib Ab*? s'ed by Another Man.TheytheBrdy a Milein a Boee it on the Railroad Ti

    To Bide Their Crime.

    ["Take tbe Brdy a Milein a Boat andPlaee it on tbe Railroad Traek

    Tcavo, Va., Jan. 80 .One of the moatdarmg mnrdera ever eommitted in Vir¬ginia took plaee laat Monday nightnear Dlaaeund S'ation, Jamea Oityenunty. when Jamea Beaeh (eolored>wbb killed ii hia own houae by hia wifeand a eolored man who had taken upwith her. After they had killed Beaehthey put the body in a biat. the houaebeing on a creek, and went up thecreek a di*tanee of ot e mile, to theCheaapeake and Ohio railroad wherethey larded their victim'a body. Herethey plaeed the body on the railroad'traok, feeling aatiafl-'d they had donetheir work and that they would aeverbe suspeeted of the murder of jameaBeaohE irly Tueaday mornirg when Mr.

    Rawle*, oeotion master at Diaacund,went to hia work, he found pieoea ofthe dead man'a body eeattered alongthe railroad trask a d atanoa of thirtyyards. Ao east boun I trai i had r traekit. Mr. Rawlee notiflMl Mr. E. T. Gatewood, a mngiatrate of having found ad-ad rn'in on hia traek. Mr. Gatewoodaummoned sx nr.en to aet aa j ircrs.»>eaara P. T. OowleB. G. W, Tyree. R.V Timberlake, W T. Hayoea, R. L,Hioka ard M. L. Cottrell, with C. P.Maraton aa Bpeoial onatable. Upontheir inveatigation they found witnouta doubt that Beaeh was murdered aaabove stated, ani hia wife Sarah Beaehand her aceomp'ice, Roland Holmeawere aent on to the grand j iry,Blood in the bottom of the boat and

    blood leading to the dead man's housealong with cinfuaing atoriea told bythe woman led to the discovery of themurder.


    Gontenta For F-bruary, 1901.A R man St. Valentine'a.Day .by

    William Wsrner Biahop.L-ve'a Little Diary by Edgar Faw

    oett andlliff M. Simpaon.Soulpture at the Pan-Amerioan Bx-

    poaition by N. Hudaon Moore.Glimpaea of Life in the Phllippinea.¦.

    II. by Saia D nton WilaonIn our County.II: The Big Revivan Pine Creek by Marion Harland.Tha CireuB in Winter Quartera by

    W. Henry Sheak.Aaron Burr by Alioe B. Morriaon.Beyond the Pale.I by Leo Warren.Amerioan Arobiteeture by G. Merser

    Adam.Drifting on the Mediterranaan.III

    by Bella Hieki Haaaetr.A Royal Bride by Robert C Auld.Waahington'a Ableat Ally by William

    Barrett Millard.The Houae Behind the Cedara.VII'

    Chaa. W. CheanuttThe Domestic Life of Shakoapeare

    Time.VI, by Sidney Lanier.Current Eventa by The Editor. 1From a Qaiet (Jorner by Alioe E.

    Hanacom.The Literary World by Ellen A Vin-

    ton A A E H.The Reading Club by.Thomaa Wal-


    aa-w t!T BBBa DBPABTMBBTB.MuaiOj and Drama.Folk Muaio^.by

    Franeia L. Robinaon.Woman and the Home.The Miasion

    of the Studv Club by ^E!la OarolineLapham.

    Around the^Table.Ah! by Edwin L.Sabin. , iA Book-Worm'a Dream by H. W. B.

    in the "Ioterlude." me. ^; 4The B . 611N. 8rd St , and while he waa inaidesome one took the bridle from" thehead of tha horse. tied the weigh»Btrap around its neek and left tha animal. MThe blanket and a sutt ef olothea"iuthe buggy were not disturbed. " afMr. Crump had to borrow a bridlefrom Mr. Price before he eould reaohthe Btsble. w

    .Mrs. M J. Reid of 309 E Grase'St.haa been confl iei to her bed for* thelast two weeka with La Grippe but Ianow a httla better. Her manyfriendswill be glad to hear that ahe ia tlowlyimprovtog.

    ..Ex-C)onoilman Benlamin Jaekaon ia quite ill.-Mr. O. M. Steward la q lite^siok-Prof. J. Hugo JohBBton, Preaident of the Va. N. AO. L, ealled on ua;Ha reporta hii work aa proaparing.