patient zero - questionnaire

 Questionnaire 1. Which a ctor lo oks most lik e an abu sed vic tim? 2. What typ e(s) of day wo uld you ex pect this ps ychot ic thrille r to be set? a) Dawn b) Day time c) Dusk d) i!ht ". Which costume !ives the best impression of a tortured and venerable person? #. $ut of the followin!% which name best suits our victim? &. 'i char d anni n! . *us &da ms +. Do b or kel D. ,e- +hi em  +. . &.

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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Page 1: Patient Zero - Questionnaire

8/19/2019 Patient Zero - Questionnaire 1/2

 Questionnaire1. Which actor looks most like an abused victim?

2. What type(s) of day would you expect this psychotic thriller tobe set?

a) Dawnb) Daytimec) Duskd) i!ht

". Which costume !ives the best impression of a tortured andvenerable person?

#. $ut of the followin!% which name best suits our victim?

&. 'ichard annin!. *us &dams+. Dob orkelD. ,e- +hiem




Page 2: Patient Zero - Questionnaire

8/19/2019 Patient Zero - Questionnaire 2/2

. Which scene represents% most closely% a room in which the/psychotic0 victim would be kept?


. ow should writin! to help explain the plot be displayed?a) Doctor0s reportb) ,ournal of victimc) 3ye4witness reportd) 5ext messa!e

