paul n. kucera (phd, ba hons) · 1 curriculum vitae . paul n. kucera (phd, ba hons) . education....

1 Curriculum Vitae Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) EDUCATION 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology. Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History Thesis 1 : The Roman Military Presence in the Western Desert of Egypt 2002 B.A. Monash University, Archaeology with first class Honours. Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History Dissertation 2 : The Manichaean Threat to Roman Stability in Egypt: real or imagined? EMPLOYMENT AND ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2010 to present Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Archaeologist/GIS Specialist 2007 to 2009 Monash University, Research Assistant, Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History 2003 to 2006 Monash University, Sessional Teacher, Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History 1 Please note that in Australia research that is conducted and submitted in order to obtain a Ph.D., M.Phil. or M.A. postgraduate degree is termed a thesis. 2 Also in Australia, dissertation is the term used for research that is conducted and submitted for an undergraduate Honours degree.

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Page 1: Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) · 1 Curriculum Vitae . Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) . EDUCATION. 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology.Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History


Curriculum Vitae

Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons)


2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology. Centre for Archaeology and Ancient


Thesis1: The Roman Military Presence in the Western Desert of Egypt

2002 B.A. Monash University, Archaeology with first class Honours. Centre for

Archaeology and Ancient History

Dissertation2: The Manichaean Threat to Roman Stability in Egypt: real or



2010 to present Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Archaeologist/GIS Specialist

2007 to 2009 Monash University, Research Assistant, Centre for Archaeology and

Ancient History

2003 to 2006 Monash University, Sessional Teacher, Centre for Archaeology and

Ancient History

1 Please note that in Australia research that is conducted and submitted in order to obtain a Ph.D., M.Phil. or M.A.

postgraduate degree is termed a thesis.

2 Also in Australia, dissertation is the term used for research that is conducted and submitted for an undergraduate

Honours degree.

Page 2: Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) · 1 Curriculum Vitae . Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) . EDUCATION. 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology.Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History



GIS; remote sensing; 3D terrain modelling; geospatial data and its application in archaeology;

archaeology of the Egyptian oases (Western Desert); Roman Egypt; Roman army and

auxiliaries; Roman military architecture; Late Roman forts; Roman and Late Roman ceramics;

ceramic recording and illustration; ancient alum mining and exploitation.


2006 African Research Fund Mobility Scholarship, Arts Research Graduate School,

Monash University, $2,000

2004 Monash Graduate Research School Travel Grant, Monash University, $1,800

2003 Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Grant-in-Aid, University of Sydney, $500

2001 Inaugural Peter J. Bicknell Memorial Prize for the Best Fourth-Year Honours

Dissertation, Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History, Monash University


Peer Reviewed Book Chapters:

submitted Kucera, P., Filihia, M. and Scibilia, J., 'Revisiting Toolern Creek: New Perspectives

from recent investigations of Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register place

'Atherstone South 6'', in C. Spry, D. Frankel, S. Lawrence, I. Berelov, and S. Canning

(eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage Management in Victoria Volume 4

2014 Watson, B. and Kucera, P., 'Results of recent archaeological investigations along

Wallpolla Creek, northwestern Victoria, Australia', in C. Spry, D. Frankel, S.

Lawrence, I. Berelov, and S. Canning (eds), Excavations, Surveys and Heritage

Management in Victoria Volume 3, 33-42.

2013 Kucera, P., 'al-Qasr, the Roman Castrum of Dakhleh Oasis', in R. S. Bagnall, P. Davoli

and C. A. Hope (eds), The Oasis Papers 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International

Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, Oxbow Books, 305-316.

Page 3: Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) · 1 Curriculum Vitae . Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) . EDUCATION. 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology.Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

2007 Bowen, G. E., Dolling, W., Hope, C. A. and Kucera, P., 'Brief Report on the 2007

Excavations at Ismant el-Kharab', The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology

18, 21-52.

2006 Hope, C. A., Bowen, G. E., Dolling, W., Hubschmann, C., Kucera, P., Long, R. and

Stevens, A., 'Report on the Excavations at Ismant el-Kharab and Mut el-Kharab in

2006', The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 17, 23-67.

2005 Kucera, P. N., 'The Late Roman fort at Qaret el-Toub in Bahariya Oasis: towards a

contextual understanding', The Artefact 28, 23-34.

Book Chapters:

2009 Hope, C. A., Kucera, P. and Smith, J., 'Alum Exploitation at Qasr el-Dakhleh in the

Dakhleh Oasis', in S. Ikram and A. Dodson (eds), Beyond the Horizon: Studies in

Egyptian Art, Archaeology and History in Honour of Barry J. Kemp, vol. 1, Supreme

Council of Antiquities Press, Cairo, 165-179.

Cultural Heritage Reports:

2015 Filihia, M., Kucera, P. and Flemming, K., Old Mail Road, Road Rehabilitation Works

Stage 9 - Yelta and Wargan. Archaeological Salvage Report, Report to Mildura Rural

City Council and the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.

2015 Scibilia, J., Filihia, M., Kucera, P. and Kiddell, H., Toolern Creek, Melton South.

Archaeological Surface Collection and Excavation of Victorian Heritage Register Place

'Atherstone South 6' VAHR 7822-3328. Combined with the Results of the Surface Salvage

of: 'Atherstone South 1' VAHR 7822-3322, 'Atherstone South 2' VAHR 7822-3323,

'Atherstone South 3' VAHR 7822-3324, 'Atherstone South 4' VAHR 7822-3325,

'Atherstone South 5' VAHR 7822-3326, Report to Lend Lease.

2014 Flemming, K., Kucera, P., Watson, B. and Filihia, M. (Cultural Heritage Advisors:

Clark, V. and Flemming, K.), Old Mail Road, Road Rehabilitation Works, Stage 9 -

Yelta and Wargan, CHMP 12799, prepared for Mildura Rural City Council.

2014 Anderson, W. and Kucera, P., Coe's Timber Yard and Canal, 260 Nelson Place,

Williamstown. Archaeological monitoring at Victorian Heritage Inventory site H7822-

0547, Report for the Royal Victorian Motor Yacht Club.

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2012 Clark, V., Kucera, P. and Flemming, K., Archaeological Surface Salvage of Victorian

Aboriginal Heritage Register Place 7822-1335 ‘Melbourne Airport SE 3’, Tullamarine,

Report to Australia Pacific Airports (Melbourne) Pty. Ltd. and the Office of

Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.

2012 Clark, V., Kucera, P. and Flemming, K., Geelong Ring Road Section 4C. Report of the

Salvage of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places VAHR 7721-0896 and 7721-0939, Report

to VicRoads and the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.

2011 Kucera, P., Anderson, W. and Cox, J. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Clark, V., Howes,

J. and Noble, A.), Bourkes Road, Western Interchange Road Construction, Bourkes Road,

Darley (West Bacchus Marsh), CHMP 11495, prepared for John Holland Group Pty.


2010 Anderson, W., Kiddell, H. and Kucera, P. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Clark, V.,

Howes, J. and Noble, A.), Survey in advance of road maintenance: Bourkes Road and

Western Highway, Darley (west Bacchus Marsh), Heritage Victoria Project Number:

3839, Report to Heritage Victoria.

2010 Kucera, P. and Howes, J., Area for Review between Bourkes Road and Western

Highway (West Bacchus Marsh), Cultural Heritage Due Diligence Assessment, Report

to John Holland Group Pty. Ltd.

GIS and Mapping for Cultural Heritage Reports:

in prep. Minos, R. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Minos, R. and Anderson, W.; GIS and

mapping: Kucera, P.), Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham - Stage 2, CHMP

13494, prepared for Vicroads.

in prep. Anderson, W. (GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), Hanging Rock East Grounds.

Archaeological Excavations at Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register 7823-0311, report

to Macedon Ranges Shire Council.

in prep. Oataway, K. and Minos, R. (GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), Lyndhurst Inland Port and

Industrial Hub: Stage One. Archaeological hand salvage at Victorian Aboriginal

Heritage Register places: 'Lyndhurst Inland Port 1' VAHR 7921-1146, 'Lyndhurst Inland

Port 3' VAHR 7921-1148, 'Lyndhurst Inland Port 7' VAHR 7921-1152, 'Lyndhurst Inland

Port 9' VAHR 7921-1219, Report to Salta Properties.

2015 Filihia, M. and Scibilia, J. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Filihia, M. and Scibilia, J.; GIS

and mapping: Kucera, P.), Point Cook South P-9 Proposed School Site, CHMP

13442, prepared for the Department of Education and Training, State of Victoria.

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2015 Anderson, W. and Oataway, K. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Anderson, W.; GIS and

mapping: Negus-Cleary, M. and Kucera, P.), Mernda South Primary School,

Mernda, CHMP 13445, prepared for the Department of Education and Training,

State of Victoria.

2015 Oataway, K. and Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Oataway, K.; GIS and

mapping: Kucera, P.), Mernda Central P-12 Proposed School Site, Mernda, CHMP

13444, prepared for the Department of Education and Training, State of Victoria.

2015 Clark, V., Flemming, K., Filihia, M. and Oataway, K. (Cultural Heritage Advisors:

Clark, V. and Flemming, K.; GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), Dargo Region Mineral

Exploration Licences EL 5495 and 5422, CHMP 13299, prepared for One Corporation

Pty. Ltd.

2015 Scibilia, J. and Anderson, W., Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham.

Archaeological Salvage Works at Fulham 1 (VAHR 8321-0452) and Fulham Dam IA

(VAHR 8221-0214), Report to Vicroads.

2015 Watson, B. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Watson, B.; GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.),

Calder Highway/Calder Alternative Highway Interchange, Ravenswood: Cultural

Heritage Management Plan, CHMP 12884, prepared for VicRoads.

2014 Anderson, W. and Kiddell, H. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Anderson, W. and

Kiddell, H.), Brunswick Cycling Pavillion, Roberts Reserve, Brunswick East, CHMP

13263, prepared for Moreland City Council.

2014 Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Anderson, W.; GIS and mapping: Kucera,

P.), Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham, CHMP 13212, prepared for VicRoads.

2014* Anderson, W. and Flemming, K. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Anderson, W. and

Flemming, K.; GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), Palmers Road Corridor (Western

Freeway to Calder Freeway): Desktop, Standard and Complex Assessment Report, CHMP

12662, *draft prepared for VicRoads.

2014 Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Anderson, W.; GIS and mapping: Kucera,

P. and Negus-Cleary, M.), Woolpack Road Upgrade, Bacchus Marsh, CHMP 13040,

prepared for VicRoads.

2014 Watson, B. and Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Watson, B. and

Anderson, W.; GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), NP13 MBN21 Uprate Lake Cullulleraine,

CHMP 12615, prepared for Powercor Australia Ltd.

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2014 Flemming, K. and Clark, V. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Flemming, K. and Clark,

V.), Geelong Ring Road Section 4C Additional Areas, Mount Duneed, CHMP 12965,

prepared for VicRoads.

2014 Clark, V., Noble, A. and Filihia, M., Victorian Heritage Inventory Sites: H7822-2026 -

Stork Hotel, H7822-2027 - 51-55 Therry Street, H7822-2034 - 496-498 Elizabeth Street.

Archaeological Excavations. Heritage Victoria Consents C844, C846 and C847, Report

to Brady Vision Pty. Ltd.

2014 Anderson, W. and Minos, R., (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Anderson, W. and Minos,

R.; GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), Hanging Rock Essential Infrastructure

Development. South Rock Road, Woodend, CHMP 12871, prepared for Macedon Ranges

Shire Council.

2014 Scibilia, J. and Kiddell, H. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Clark, V.), Mallacoota Narrows

Walking Track, Croajingolong National Park, CHMP 12616, prepared for Parks


2014 Watson, B., Further Archaeological Excavations at Aboriginal Place 7523-0252

Trawalla 1, Mount Emu Creek, Western District of Victoria, Report to the Office of

Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.

2013 Anderson, W., Scibilia, J., Oataway, K., Kiddell, H. and Kucera, P., Harp of Erin

Hotel, Burrumbeet. Victorian Heritage Inventory H7623-0324, Report to John Holland

Group and VicRoads on works conducted under Heritage Victoria consent nos. C819 and


2013 Noble, A. and Filihia, M., Melbourne Airport, Tullamarine, Melbourne. Airport Drive

and Business Park Development, Heritage Victoria Project Number: 4204, Report to

Australia Pacific Airports (Melbourne) Pty. Ltd.

2013 Noble, A. and Filihia, M. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Noble, A.), Airport Drive and

Steele Creek North Business Park Development, Melbourne Airport, Tullamarine, CHMP

12498, prepared for Australia Pacific Airports (Melbourne) Pty. Ltd.

2013 Anderson, W. and Filihia, M., Trawalla. Archaeological Excavations Beside Mount Emu

Creek, Western District of Victoria. Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register numbers

7523-0252, 7523-0254 and 7523-0260, Report to the Office of Aboriginal Affairs


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2013 Noble, A., Healey, E. and Kiddell, H., with contributions by Kucera, P., Privitera, S.

and Flemming, K. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Noble, A.), Princes Highway

Duplication, Traralgon East to Kilmany, CHMP 11503, prepared for VicRoads, South

Eastern Projects.

2013 Watson, B. and Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Clark, V. and Watson, B.;

GIS and mapping: Kucera, P.), Western Highway Project. Burrumbeet to Beaufort

Duplication: Additional Areas, CHMP 12244, prepared for John Holland Group Pty.


2012 Watson, B. and Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Watson, B.; GIS and

mapping: Kucera, P.), Western Highway Project. Burrumbeet to Beaufort Duplication:

Trawalla Quarry, CHMP 12318, prepared for John Holland Group Pty. Ltd.

2012 Noble, A., with contribution by Kucera, P., Lollypop Creek, Wyndham Vale

Archaeological Salvage of VAHR 7822-1850, Report to City West Water.

2012* Anderson, W. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Anderson, W. and Clark, V.), Bulla Bypass

and Melbourne Airport Link to Outer Metropolitan Ring: Desktop and Standard

Assessment Report, CHMP 11935, *draft prepared for VicRoads.

2012 Flemming, K. and Kiddell, H. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Flemming, K.), 2 Finch

Road, Werribee South. Residential Development, CHMP 12387, prepared for Sarbjit

Singh Brar, Rupinder Singh Brar, Pawandeep Singh Aulakh, and Sukhdeep Singh.

2012 Watson, B., Brisbane Ranges National Park, Lower Stony Creek Reservoir, Cultural

Heritage Survey, Report to Parks Victoria.

2012 Anderson, W., Mount Alexander Aboriginal Sites Survey, Report to Parks Victoria.

2012 Watson, B. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Watson, B. and Clark, V.), Melbourne -

Lancefield Road, Bolinda to Monegeetta. CH. 28.25KM - 30.90KM (Site B) Cultural

Heritage Management Plan, CHMP 12024, prepared for VicRoads.

2012 Watson, B. and Smith, A. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Watson, B. and Clark, V.),

Melbourne - Lancefield Road, Clarkfield. CH. 21.70KM - 24.70KM (Site A) Cultural

Heritage Management Plan, CHMP 11822, prepared for VicRoads.

2012 Anderson, W., Surface artefact collection at Burrumbeet and Trawalla. VAHR numbers

7523-0263, 7623-0174, -0175, -0176, -0177 and -0186, Report to the Office of

Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.

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2011 Anderson, W., Burrumbeet to Beaufort. Historical archaeology investigation along the

Western highway, Victoria, Heritage Victoria Project Number: 3888, prepared for


2011 Anderson, W., Kiddell, H. and Watson, B. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Clark, V.

and Howes, J.; GIS and mapping: Negus-Cleary, M. and Kucera, P.), Western

Highway Project. Burrumbeet to Beaufort Duplication, CHMP 11481, prepared for


2011 Clark, V. and Kiddell, H. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Clark, V.), Ocean Access Boat

Ramp. Bastion Point, Mallacoota, CHMP 10047, prepared for East Gippsland Shire


2011 Smith, A., Noble, A., Kiddell, H. and Watson, B. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Clark,

V.), Malmsbury Common: Walking Track, Landscaping and Revegetation. As part of the

Malmsbury Village - People and Places Project, CHMP 10890, prepared for Macedon

Ranges Shire Council.

2011 Clark, V. and Cameron, A. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Clark, V.), Mallacoota Scenic

Coastal Reserve Walk. Mallacoota, East Gippsland, CHMP 10490, prepared for Parks


2011 Watson, B. and Kiddell, H. (Cultural Heritage Advisors: Watson, B. and Howes, J.),

Merri Creek Shared Path. Blyth Street, Brunswick East, CHMP 11465, prepared for City

of Moreland.

2011 Mialanes, J., Cox, J. and Kiddell, H. (Cultural Heritage Advisor: Clark, V.), Lyndhurst

Inland Port and Industrial Hub, CHMP 10652, prepared for Salta Properties.

2010 Watson, B., Toolern Creek Regional Park, Melton South. Archaeological Surface Salvage

at Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register Place 7822-2093, Report to Parks Victoria.

2010 Mialanes, J., Clark, V. and Kiddell, H. (Dr Vincent Clark and Associates) and

Howell-Meurs, J. and Matthews, D. (Andrew Long and Associates), Geelong Ring

Road, Section 4C, Surf Coast Highway Connection, Waurn Ponds, CHMP 10692,

prepared for VicRoads.

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2015 Leemhuis, F. and Kucera, P., Qasr Dakhleh Project: research and restoration season


2013 Leemhuis, F., Kucera, P. and Matkowski, M., Qasr Dakhleh Project: research and

restoration season 2013

2012 Leemhuis, F., Kucera, P. and Matkowski, M., Qasr Dakhleh Project: research and

restoration season 2012,

2009 Leemhuis, F., Kucera, P., Łyżwa-Piber, A. and Peters, R., Qasr Dakhleh Project:

research and restoration season 2009,

2008 Leemhuis, F., Kucera, P. and Obrecht, J., Qasr Dakhleh Project: research and

restoration season 2008,


2015 Kucera, P., Qasr Dakhleh Project: new insights from the 2012-2013 excavations. Paper

presented at the 8th International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project.

Archaeology of the Egyptian Western Desert: New Ideas and Concepts, Jagiellonian

University, Kraków, Poland, 6-8 July.

2015 Kucera, P., Filihia, M. and Scibilia, J., Revisiting Toolern Creek: New perspectives from

recent investigations of 'Atherstone South 6' VAHR 7822-3328. Paper presented at the

Victorian Archaeology Colloquium 2015, Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia,

6 February.

2014 Watson, B. and Kucera, P., Wallpolla 3: documenting a complex archaeological

landscape in the Murray River Corridor, northwestern Victoria. Paper presented at the

Victorian Archaeology Colloquium 2014, Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia,

7 February.

2012 Kucera, P., Excavating a pixelated past: 3D animation of a late Roman fort. Paper

presented at the 7th International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project: New

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Developments in the Archaeology of the Egyptian Western Desert and its Oases,

Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands, 20-24 June.

2009 Kucera, P., Al-Qasr, the Roman castra of Dakhleh Oasis. Paper presented at the DOP

Sixth International Conference: New Perspectives on the Western Desert of Egypt,

Universita del Salento, Lecce, Italy, 20-24 September.

2009 Kucera, P., El-Qasr, the Roman castra of Dakhleh Oasis and the Roman military

presence in the Western Desert of Egypt. Paper presented at the ACYE (First

Australasian Conference of Young Egyptologists), Monash University, Melbourne,

Australia, 4-6 September.


2013 Kucera, P., Trip to Khufu Hill (Radjedef’s water mountain) 23 February 2013. Seminar

presentation for staff and post-graduate (HDR) students of the Centre for

Archaeology and Ancient History, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 9


2009 Kucera, P., The Roman Army in the Western Desert. Lecture delivered to students

and staff of ISAW, New York University and excavation team members of the

Amheida Project, Ayn al-Gindi, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, 12 February.

2008 Kucera, P., Discovering Ancient Egypt and Tour of the Tomb of Tutankamun. Seminar

presentation and presentation of IBM Eternal Egypt Kiosk for students of Newstead

College (Launceston, Tasmania), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 1


2007 Kucera, P., Roman Exploitation of the Western Desert, Egypt. Seminar presentation

for staff and post-graduate (HDR) students of the School of Geography and

Environmental Science and Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History

(Archaeology Group Meeting), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 21


2006 Kucera, P., The Roman Army in the Western Desert. Public lecture delivered to the

Egyptology Society of Victoria, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 30 May.

2005 Kucera, P., Roman Forts in the Western Desert of Egypt. Public lecture delivered at

the Meet the Monash Archaeologists Event (National Archaeology Week), Monash

University, Melbourne, Australia, 22 May.

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2004 Kucera, P., Dakhleh Oasis: constituents of a Roman frontier in Egypt’s south western

Desert. Public lecture delivered to the Archaeological and Anthropological Society of

Victoria, Melbourne Museum (Museum Victoria), Melbourne, Australia, 1 April.


Curr.-2007 Qasr Dakhleh Project (Director: Prof. Dr Fred Leemhuis), al-Qasr, Dakhla Oasis,

Egypt; Deputy Director, Co-Investigator.

2014-2012 Pietramarina Archaeological Project, Commune di Carmignano and Monash

University (Director: Dr Maria Chiara Bettini; assisted by Dr Andrea Di Castro),

Pietramarina, Italy; Co-Instructor, Assistant Field Director.

Curr.-2012 Dakhleh Oasis Project Bioarchaeology Team, University of Central Florida

(Directors: Assoc. Prof. Tosha Dupras, Dr Lana Williams and Dr Sandra Wheeler),

Ismant al-Kharab (Kellis) Cemeteries, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt; Ceramicist.

2013-2002 Dakhleh Oasis Project, Monash University (Directors: Assoc. Prof. Colin Hope and

Dr Gillian Bowen), Ismant al-Kharab, Mut al-Kharab and Dayr Abu Metta, Dakhla

Oasis, Egypt; Site Supervisor.

2009-2005 Monash 3D Group, Monash University, Faculty of Information Technology

(Coordinator: Dr Tom Chandler); Advisor.

2014 Mission archéologique d'El Deir, Université de Limoges (Director: Dr Gaëlle Tallet),

al-Dayr, Kharga Oasis, Egypt; Archaeologist.

2015 South Abydos Mastaba Project, Middle State Tennessee University (Director: Assoc.

Prof. Dawn McCormack), Abydos, Egypt; Ceramicist.


2015 Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham - Stage 2, CHMP 13494, Dr Vincent Clark

and Associates Pty. Ltd., Fulham, Australia; Archaeologist.

2015 Hanging Rock East Grounds. Archaeological Excavations at Victorian Aboriginal

Heritage Register 7823-0311, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Woodend,

Australia; Archaeologist.

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2015 Atherstone Bridge Construction, Bridge Road, Melton South. Archaeological Salvage

Program of Victorian Heritage Register Places: 'Toolam Toolern 1' VAHR 7822-3573,

'Toolam Toolern 2' VAHR 7822-3574, 'Toolam Toolern 3' VAHR 7822-3575, 'Toolam

Toolern 4' VAHR 7822-3576, 'Bridge Rd' VAHR 7822-0220, and 'Bridge Rd 2' VAHR

7822-0260, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Melton South, Australia;


2007-2015 Qasr Dakhleh Project, Research and Restoration, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt (2007-2009,

2012-2013 and 2015; February-March).

2015 Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham. Archaeological Salvage Works at Fulham 1

(VAHR 8321-0452) and Fulham Dam IA (VAHR 8221-0214), Dr Vincent Clark and

Associates Pty. Ltd., Fulham, Australia; Archaeologist.

2012-2014 Archaeological Fieldwork in Tuscany: Introduction to the Etruscan civilisation

(ATS2344/3344), Monash University, Pietramarina and Prato, Italy (2012 and 2014;


2014 Princes Highway East Duplication, Fulham, CHMP 13212, Dr Vincent Clark and

Associates Pty. Ltd., Fulham, Australia; Field Surveyor.

2014 Calder Highway/Calder Alternative Highway Interchange Ravenswood: Cultural

Heritage Management Plan, CHMP 12884, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd.,

Ravenswood, Australia; Archaeologist.

2013-2014 Old Mail Road, Road Rehabilitation Works, Stage 9 - Yelta and Wargan, CHMP 12799,

Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Wargan to Neds Corner, Australia;

Project Manager.

2013-2014 Lyndhurst Inland Port Facility Salvage, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd.,

Lyndhurst, Australia; Archaeologist.

2002-2013 Dakhleh Oasis Project, Monash University Excavations, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt (2002-

2009 and 2011-2013; December-January).

2013 Coe's Timber Yard and Canal, 260 Nelson Place, Williamstown. Archaeological

monitoring at Victorian Heritage Inventory site H7822-0547, Dr Vincent Clark and

Associates Pty. Ltd., Williamstown, Australia; Archaeologist.

2013 NP13 MBN21 Uprate Lake Cullulleraine, CHMP 12615, Dr Vincent Clark and

Associates Pty. Ltd., Lake Cullulleraine, Australia; Archaeologist.

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2013 Victorian Heritage Inventory Sites: H7822-2026 - Stork Hotel, H7822-2027 - 51-55 Therry

Street, H7822-2034 - 496-498 Elizabeth Street. Archaeological Excavations. Heritage

Victoria Consents C844, C846 and C847, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd.,

Melbourne, Australia; Archaeologist.

2013 Hanging Rock Essential Infrastructure Development. South Rock Road, Woodend, CHMP

12871, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Woodend, Australia;


2013 Palmers Road Corridor, CHMP 12662, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd.,

Taylors Hill, Australia; Field Surveyor, Archaeologist.

2012-2013 Toolern Creek, Melton South, Archaeological Surface Collection and Excavation of

Victorian Heritage Register Place 'Atherstone South 6' VAHR 7822-3328, Dr Vincent

Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Melton South, Australia; Archaeologist.

2012 Atherstone (South of Bridge Road), Residential Development, Melton South, CHMP

12056, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Melton South, Australia;


2012 Airport Drive and Steele Creek North Business Park Development, Melbourne Airport,

Tullamarine, CHMP 12498, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Tullamarine,

Australia; Archaeologist.

2012 2 Finch Road, Werribee South. Residential Development, CHMP 12387, Dr Vincent

Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Werribee South, Australia; Archaeologist.

2012 Archaeological Surface Salvage of Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Register Place 7822-

1335 'Melbourne Airport SE 3', Tullamarine, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty.

Ltd., Tullamarine, Australia; Archaeologist.

2012 Lollypop Creek, Wyndham Vale Archaeological Salvage of VAHR 7822-1850, Dr Vincent

Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Wyndham Vale, Australia; Archaeologist.

2012 Geelong Ring Road Section 4C. Salvage of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places VAHR

7721-0896 and 7721-0939, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Waurn Ponds,

Australia; Archaeologist.

2011-2012 Harp of Erin Hotel, Burrumbeet. Victorian Heritage Inventory H7623-0324, Heritage

Victoria consent nos. C819 and C833, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd.,

Burrumbeet, Australia; Archaeologist.

Page 14: Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) · 1 Curriculum Vitae . Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) . EDUCATION. 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology.Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History


2011-2012 Princes Highway Duplication, Traralgon East to Kilmany, CHMP 11503, Dr Vincent

Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Traralgon to Kilmany, Australia; Archaeologist.

2011-2012 Bulla Bypass and Melbourne Airport Link to Outer Metropolitan Ring, CHMP 11935, Dr

Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Bulla, Australia; Archaeologist.

2011 Atherstone (Stone Ridge Stages 1-6), Residential Development, Melton South, CHMP

11840, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Melton South, Australia; Field


2011 Merri Creek Shared Path. Blyth Street, Brunswick East, CHMP 11465, Dr Vincent Clark

and Associates Pty. Ltd., Brunswick East, Australia; Archaeologist.

2010 Bourkes Road, Western Interchange Road Construction, Bourkes Road, Darley (West

Bacchus Marsh), CHMP 11495, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Darley,

Australia; Archaeologist.

2010 Meredith Water Supply Pipeline Project, CHMP 11143, Dr Vincent Clark and

Associates Pty. Ltd., Meredith, Australia; Archaeologist.

2007 Archaeological Investigation: Clifton Springs Spa Resort, VHR No. H2088, Victoria,

Luebbers and Associates Heritage Consultants, Clifton Springs, Australia;


2007 Carlton Gardens (parterre 4 and scroll garden): Archaeological investigations, Matrix

Archaeological Services Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia; Archaeologist.

2007 Eastwood Estate Subdivision, Howitt Avenue, Bairnsdale, CHMP 10082, Dr Vincent

Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Bairnsdale, Australia; Archaeologist.

2007 Eastern View Subdivision, Eastwood Road, Bairnsdale, CHMP 10028, Dr Vincent Clark

and Associates Pty. Ltd., Bairnsdale, Australia; Archaeologist.

2007 Goldfields Superpipe, Bendigo to Ballarat. Archaeological Supervision during

Construction, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Bendigo to Ballarat,

Australia; Archaeologist.

2007 Goldfields Superpipe, Proposed Water Pipeline; Sandhurst Reservoir, Bendigo to White

Swan Reservoir, Ballarat. Realigned sections of the pipeline at Yandoit and Kooroocheang,

CHMP 10095, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Yandoit and

Kooroocheang, Australia; Archaeologist.

Page 15: Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) · 1 Curriculum Vitae . Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) . EDUCATION. 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology.Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History


2007 Goldfields Superpipe, Proposed Water Pipeline; Sandhurst Reservoir, Bendigo to White

Swan Reservoir, Ballarat, CHMP 10007, Dr Vincent Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd.,

Bendigo to Ballarat, Australia; Archaeologist.

2006 Northern Highway, Wallan to Kilmore. Cultural Heritage Investigation, Dr Vincent

Clark and Associates Pty. Ltd., Wallan, Australia; Field Surveyor.

2002 Casselden Place Archaeology Project, Heritage Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; Field




ATS2344/ Archaeological Fieldwork in Tuscany: Introduction to the Etruscan civilisation


ARY1010 Origins of Western Civilisation 1: the Bronze Age

ARY1020 Origins of Western Civilisation 2: Mediterranean World from 1200 BCE - 313 CE

ARY2580 The Middle Kingdom in Egypt: from collapse to recovery and foreign rule

ARY2970 The Early Dynastic Period and Old Kingdom in Egypt, 3050-2150


2006 Fourth-Year Honours Student Mentoring Program, Monash University, Centre for

Archaeology and Ancient History. Discussion chairperson.

2004-2006 Eras Journal, Monash University, School of Historical Studies. Editorial Committee



1988-curr. Volunteer, Committee of Management member and Association Secretary (2002-

present). Apostleship of the Sea, Stella Maris Seafarer’s Centre Inc., Melbourne,


Page 16: Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) · 1 Curriculum Vitae . Paul N. Kucera (PhD, BA Hons) . EDUCATION. 2011 Ph.D. Monash University, Archaeology.Centre for Archaeology and Ancient History


2008 Guest presentation on "Discovering Ancient Egypt and Studying the Roman Army

in the Western Desert" to students at St Mary's Coptic Orthodox College, Coolaroo,

Victoria, Australia, 20 April.

2006 Guest presentation on "Discovering Ancient Egypt" to students at St Mary's Coptic

Orthodox College, Coolaroo, Victoria, Australia, 22 May.

2004 Guest presentation on "Archaeology" to students at Sacré Coeur College, Glen Iris,

Victoria, Australia, 2 March.

2002 Guest presentation on "Archaeology" to students at St Bernard's College, Essendon,

Victoria, Australia, 15 November.


Archaeological and Anthropological Society of Victoria

Egyptology Society of Victoria