paw prints january 2010 issue

At the beginning of every New Year laws are put into place that strike people’s everyday “habits”. In 2008, bars and restaurants were instructed to forbid the use of tobacco products within fifteen feet of their doors by the Smoke Free Illinois Act. 2009 brought the new DUI laws, stating that anyone caught driv- ing under the influence will be required to install a breath alcohol interlock ig- nition device in their car. As of January 1, 2010, another law has been put into place. This law is focused more on the young- er generation and their at- tachment to mobile devices. The law states that “a per- son may not operate a mo- tor vehicle on a roadway while using an electronic communication device to compose, send, or read an electronic message.” ( Gov. Pat Quinn approved the law back in August of 2009, hoping that this re- striction on mobile messag- ing will lower the chance of distractions on the road. Some students here at Har- lem think that this will not resolve these problems of diversions on the road. “I do not think the law will keep people from texting while they drive,” Jessica P., Se- nior, said. “It is a good start, but there are a ton of flaws to it.” However, others take a different stance on the issue. “It is a good law,” Alex S., Senior, said. “Many people do get distracted when driv- ing and using a cell phone.” In fact, in 2009, there were 1,192 accidents that were classified as a result of driving distractions. These accidents caused 411 injuries and two deaths. “Many ac- cidents that occur are due to distractions, “Deputy Kemp, school resource office, said. “Cell phone distrac- tions are one of the leading causes of those accidents.” Deputy Kemp re- ported that there have been numerous accidents in our very own parking lot that could have been avoided if the driver was focused on the road, not on their cell phone. “Anytime your mind is not on the road, there is the potential for a problem,” Deputy Kemp said. How- ever, with this new law in place, more precautions will be taken to make sure these distractions are out of sight and out of mind. There will now be officers parked around the school zone that will be looking for offenders. Local authorities are not only watching the school zone around the high school, but are keeping a watchful eye all around the city. “Thus far, local offi- cers have already been is- suing warnings to make drivers knowledgeable of this new law. Immediate tickets have been given if the situation is serious,” Deputy Kemp said. Once the word is spread about the law, authorities will not be as lenient about the warn- ings and tickets. These ci- tations can vary anywhere from $75-$150, more if the judge suspects negligence. So next time your cruising around town, re- sist that urge to reach over to check your incoming text message. “Keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, and your mind on driving,” advises Deputy Kemp. After all, the cost of a citation might not seem that bad of a conse- quence, but the cost of a life is quite a different story. Paw Prints Vol. 2 Issue 2 Harlem High School, 1 Huskie Circle, Machesney Park, IL 61115 Thursday, January 28, 2010 What is inside? While the new lay may state that you can talk on your cell- phone using a handsfree device, it is illegal for teens under the age of 19 to use their phone in any way while they are driving. A new year brings new cellphone laws By: Hannah E. NEWS Page 2 Controversial Body Scanners Help to Haiti SPORTS Page 3 Ball and Stick Game Winter Olympics Page 4 Weight Room Royal Rumble ENTERTAINMENT Page 5 New Years Resolutions Top 4 Premieres Page 6 MetroCentre Bands OPINIONS Page 7 Ice Cream Man Murder Troops Getting Deployed Page 8 Runaway laws Crafty foods “We, Paw Prints Newspaper, a written publication at Harlem High School, wish to the community of students, parents, administrators, and staff with an of the world around them. As an open , we wish to serve as a creative outlet where students can express themselves freely, yet appropriately, without ridicule. We will strive to be a voice for all students at Harlem; to make every issue better than the last, and to bring back into the spotlight as a credible source for reliable facts and unbiased content.” The Paw Prints’ Mission Statement PROVIDE UNDERSTANDING KNOWLEDGE FORUM U N I F I E D JouRNaLiSM Can Do’s: • Text if traffic is stopped and your car is in park or neutral. • Text if you pull over onto shoulder. • Text if you’re reporting an accident or emergency. •Use GPS, even if it’s on your cell phone. Can’t Do’s: • Send or read a text mes- sage. • Send or read an e-mail. • Web surf. • Download ring tones. • Send an instant message.

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This is the newspaper of Harlem High School in Machesney Park, IL.


Page 1: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

At the beginning of every New Year laws are put into place that strike people’s everyday “habits”. In 2008, bars and restaurants were instructed to forbid the use of tobacco products within fifteen feet of their doors by the Smoke Free Illinois Act. 2009 brought the new DUI laws, stating that anyone caught driv-ing under the influence will be required to install a breath alcohol interlock ig-nition device in their car. As of January 1, 2010, another law has been put into place. This law is focused more on the young-er generation and their at-tachment to mobile devices. The law states that “a per-son may not operate a mo-tor vehicle on a roadway while using an electronic communication device to compose, send, or read an electronic message.” (www.dr iv inglaws .o rg) Gov. Pat Quinn approved the law back in August of 2009, hoping that this re-

striction on mobile messag-ing will lower the chance of distractions on the road. Some students here at Har-lem think that this will not resolve these problems of diversions on the road. “I do not think the law will keep people from texting while they drive,” Jessica P., Se-nior, said. “It is a good start, but there are a ton of flaws to it.” However, others take a different stance on the issue. “It is a good law,” Alex S., Senior, said. “Many people do get distracted when driv-ing and using a cell phone.” In fact, in 2009, there were 1,192 accidents that were classified as a result of driving distractions. These accidents caused 411 injuries and two deaths. “Many ac-cidents that occur are due to

distractions, “Deputy Kemp, school resource office, said. “Cell phone distrac-tions are one of the leading causes of those accidents.” Deputy Kemp re-ported that there have been numerous accidents in our very own parking lot that could have been avoided if the driver was focused on the road, not on their cell phone. “Anytime your mind is not on the road, there is the potential for a problem,” Deputy Kemp said. How-ever, with this new law in place, more precautions will be taken to make sure these distractions are out of sight and out of mind. There will now be officers parked around the school zone that will be looking for offenders. Local authorities

are not only watching the school zone around the high school, but are keeping a watchful eye all around the city. “Thus far, local offi-cers have already been is-suing warnings to make drivers knowledgeable of this new law. Immediate tickets have been given if the situation is serious,” Deputy Kemp said. Once the word is spread about the law, authorities will not be as lenient about the warn-ings and tickets. These ci-tations can vary anywhere from $75-$150, more if the judge suspects negligence. So next time your cruising around town, re-sist that urge to reach over to check your incoming text message. “Keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, and your mind on driving,” advises Deputy Kemp. After all, the cost of a citation might not seem that bad of a conse-quence, but the cost of a life is quite a different story.

Paw Prints Vol. 2 Issue 2 Harlem High School, 1 Huskie Circle, Machesney Park, IL 61115 Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is


While the new lay may state that you can talk on your cell-phone using a handsfree device, it is illegal for teens under the age of 19 to use their phone in any way while they are driving.

A new year brings new cellphone lawsBy: Hannah E.

NEWSPage 2

Controversial Body ScannersHelp to Haiti


Ball and Stick GameWinter Olympics

Page 4Weight RoomRoyal Rumble


New Years ResolutionsTop 4 Premieres

Page 6MetroCentre Bands


Ice Cream Man MurderTroops Getting Deployed

Page 8Runaway lawsCrafty foods

“We, Paw Prints Newspaper, a written publication at Harlem High School, wish to the community of students, parents, administrators, and staff with an of the world around them. As an open , we wish to serve as a creative outlet where students can express themselves freely, yet appropriately, without ridicule. We will strive to be a voice for all students at Harlem; to make every issue better than the last, and to bring back into the spotlight as a credible source for reliable facts and unbiased content.”

The Paw Prints’ Mission StatementPROVIDE



Can Do’s:

• Text if traffic is stopped and your car is in park or neutral.

• Text if you pull over onto shoulder.

• Text if you’re reporting an accident or emergency. •Use GPS, even if it’s on your cell phone.

Can’t Do’s:

• Send or read a text mes-sage.

• Send or read an e-mail.

• Web surf.

• Download ring tones.

• Send an instant message.

Page 2: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

NEWS 2Thursday, January 28, 2010

2Controversial Body Scanners

By: Alex S.

Many have heard of the attempted terrorist at-tack recently, and most airports have heightened their security to make sure that it does not hap-pen again. One of the machines the govern-ment is debating on using as a standard procedure in airports is the full-body scanner. Similar to the walkthrough scanner, the full-body scanner de-tects any metal objects a person may be conceal-ing; the only complica-tion is that the scanner can see through clothing. It produces images with very basic outlines; nothing detailed, but ac-curately shows hidden objects. But, some have a problem with privacy issues. One opinion is that innocent people can

be seen nude through the images produced. They may feel that their privacy is being invaded simply by being in an airport that allows the use of these scanners. On the other hand, some may point out that it is simply a mat-ter of security. They would rather be safe, and do not feel offended or threatened by the fact that the scanners pro-vide images of semi-nu-dity. “I think it is a great idea. Normally, people can hide things easily, but not anymore.” says Austin B., sophomore. The images produced are not in depth and do not illustrate full body outlines, they pre-cisely pinpoint objects that may be dangerous

such as guns, weapons of any kind, even met-al-based illegal drugs.Primarily, these scanners are being used in for-eign countries, on flights that are entering the U.S. The attempted terrorist attack has caused a na-tional uproar stating that

security may not be as “secure” as we were pre-viously told. In order to provide the citizens with a more thorough, reli-able scan, they created the full-body scan. Many find it is a revolutionary advance in the modern technology of the U.S.

“People are going to feel invaded no matter what happens, but something needs to be done to make everything safer.” says Audrey D., sophomore. Therefore, the con-troversy still stands; invasion of privacy or right of security?

A man is getting scanned through an international airport on the newly released full-body scanners. The outlines are dulled and un-detailed, but the machine circles in red possibly-dangerous items a person may be concealing.

Help goes to HaitiThe troops are go-ing over to the Haiti after they have just gone through a cata-strophic earthquake hit them on Tuesday January 12, 2010 just before five at night. Starting on Thursday January 14, 2009 help will be going over to Haiti from the United States. They will be going over to Haiti to help with bring food to the people that have survived the earth-quake. They are trying to find the people who may be in the ruins of the buildings that have fallen. The horrible re-

alization is that there are many dead from the earthquake. The dead are lined up and down the roads. The American troops have been trying to help with the best that they can by bringing water. The people over in Haiti are trying to deal with the earthquakes after affect. People are sleeping in the outside of hotels and hearing the moans of the in-jured and dying every night. The people in Haiti are still giving hope that they will find their loved ones alive. The rescuers are

trying to find the fam-ilies that are trapped in family homes and other areas in town. People that are over in Haiti are trying to live on with the fact that the people may still be a live and that they can still save them. The families are not giv-ing up hope and the people trying to save them are not either. Everyone believes that they are going to be able to save a lot of the people that still may be alive. The only thing that is hitting everyone really hard is that the death toll

is over 70,000 dead. The death in this area is hard for the people to deal with. Water is the only thing that people are trying to get but there just hap-pens to not be very much of it. The next

thing that they need is to have care that will help those people who get saved can be taken care of better. It is a slow process but the people are all confident that it will be getting better.

Water is the most valuable thing in Haiti at this time. They need it to survive and there is not very much of it.

By: Allison B.

Page 3: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

SportS 3Thursday, January 28, 2010


Girl’s Varsity Basketball

2/3 Belvidere 7:00 PM

2/5 Guilford 7:00 PM

2/9 @Boylan Catholic 7:00 PM

2/12 @Freeport 7:00 PM

1/15 IHSA Regional TBA

2/22 IHSA Sectional TBA

Boy’s Varsity Basketball

2/5 @Guilford 7:00 PM

2/9 @Belvidere 7:00 PM

2/12 Freeport High School 7:00 PM

2/19 Auburn 7:00 PM

2/20 @East 7:00 PM

2/26 Boylan Catholic 7:00 PM

Boy’s Varsity Swimming

2/2 @Jefferson vs. Boylan 4:45 PM

2/13 NIC-10 ConferenceTBA

2/20 IHSA SectionalsTBA

Upcoming events

*All dates and locations subject to change. Ball and stick game: The NHLOne of the most aggres-sive sport played on ice is Hockey. Hockey has been around for hundreds of years and has also been known as the “ball and stick” game. In the ear-lier years it was played for fun among children, now there is an organized pro-fessional league known as the NHL. There are many different arguments about where hockey orig-inated from, but modern hockey, without a doubt, originated from Canada. Its popularity has grown in the United States, but it is adored in Canada. The game consists of two opposing teams on the ice, with six players on each team. For each team this includes two defenders, three forwards, and one goalie. There is a right defender and a left defender and they may

or may not choose to ro-tate. There is a right wing, center and left wing when it comes to forwards. The goal-ies job is to prevent the puck from pass-ing into the net that he or she is block-ing. The way a goal is scored is if one team gets the puck past the opposing teams’ goal line and into the net. There are many rules to the game of hockey. The games start with a face off. This is when the two centers come to the center of the ice rink and fight for the puck. At the end of the game, whichever team has scored more goals wins. This game can be fun and challenging at the same time, but take it slow and do what you can. “It’s going to be tough at

first, but practice as hard as you can and you’ll see

the improve-

ment” Dylan A., junior said. Many children in the area play hockey, if you are interested there are many places people can go to sign up or just learn about the game. The Rockford Park Dis-tricts Carlton Ice Arena offers many classes for all ages. Anyone can join an organized team or just take a class that teaches the basics of hockey. It is

a great way to stay physi-cally active and have fun. “My team is based out

of Madison, WI and we travel all over the country” Lawrence C., senior said. He has been playing for nine years and he re-ally enjoyed playing when he was young-er. It has been some-thing that has stuck with him. Hockey helps you interact

with others. “I think hock-ey is a team sport because if you try to do it yourself you won’t win” Jagger C., sophomore said. Many good things come out of playing hockey, just like any sport. So if inter-ested in wanting to join a league or just learning the basics, check it out and have some fun with it!

Are you ready for the competition and the suspense? The time is here, The Winter Olym-pics of 2010. The 2010 Winter Olympics is the 21st Winter Olympics that will be held on February 12-22, 2010 in Vancouver, Co-lumbia, British and Canada. The Win-ter Olympics will be hosted by Canada. Canada hosted the 1976 Summer Olym-pics in Montreal and the 1988 Winter

Olympics in Calgary. The Canadian Olym-

pic Associ-

ation chose Vancou-ver as the Canadian candidate city. There will be 15 sports be-ing played by 97 na-tions. The Olympics is a time where people around the world can

come and show what they got and may even end up winning some medals. Not everyone watches the Olympics but some do. Everyone has an opinion of the Olym-

pics. “I think they’re interest-ing and fun to watch. It’s cools

to see all the coun-try’s best athletes come together.” Amy B., Junior said. Some people may only watch the Olympics to watch their favor-ite player, some may

watch it if they know someone. Watching the Olympics could make people want to be in the Olympics. Questions all the time are asked would you want to go to the Olympics. “That would be amazing.” Danielle K., Junior said. Olympics take strength, patients, and the determina-tion to put 100 per-cent into it. The 2010 Winter Olympics will be held on Feb-ruary 12-22, 2010 be sure to watch!

Winter Olympics take place in Vancouver

By: Arcadia M.

By: Danielle W.

The country’s best athletes come to-


-Amy B. ”

Practice as hard as you can, and you’ll see the improvement.

-Dylan A.

Page 4: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

After school ends for many Har-

lem High School stu-dents, many students go home, go to work, or have a sport event to attend. There are many other students though, that want to get some-thing else accom-plished in their school day. Those students go to the weight room. The weight room is supposed to be open after school ends until 5 o’clock. Many stu-dents get changed and walk up to the weight room, but later find out that no one is their to unlock the door. They wait for as long as they think is necessary and then make there deci-sion to try and find a

ride home. “I have not been able to get into the weight room a lot of times because no one is up there to unlock the door and su-pervise us.” Evan A., Sophomore said. There has been up to almost 20 students waiting in the hallway to see if some-one is going to come up and unlock the door for them. “If I do not get into the weight room then I end up having to call my mom or dad to come get me earlier than I had asked them to pick me up and they weren’t to happy about that because their plans get all messed up be-cause of me.” Kai S., Sophomore said. The

students that have wait-ed before have asked why they cannot just get into the weight room

by themselves other than have to have somebody watch them up there. People that have supervised before have told them that it is because students h a v e misused t h e i r privileg-es of us-ing the w e i g h t

room in the past by messing around and misusing the equip-ment. “The worst you see people doing [in the weight room] is getting side tracked and talking

too much.” Brad M., Sophomore said. All that the students want to do is to work out

but they can not do that because they do not have access to their school’s weight room.

SportS 4Thursday, January 28, 2010


Girl’s Varsity Bowling

2/6 IHSA SectionalsTBA

2/12 IHSA StateTBA

2/13 IHSA StateTBA

Girl’s Varsity Track

2/18 @Hononegah Invite4:30 PM

2/24 @Hononegah Invite5:00 PM

Varsity Wrestling

2/6 IHSA RegionalTBA

2/13 IHSA SectionalTBA

2/19 IHSA StateTBA

2/20 IHSA StateTBA

Upcoming events

*All dates and locations subject to change.By: Sarah S.

Harlem students try to get a lift in

Get ready to rumbleBy.: Bob S.

On January 31, the WWE (World Wrestling Entertain-ment) has a big event coming up; The Royal Rumble. For decades this PPV event has happened and changed many WWE superstars such as John Cena, The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Batista, and Triple H. The way that this event changed their careers is win-ning the Royal Rumble. The Royal Rumble is a match that 30 superstars come to the ring and they have to eliminate their op-ponents. To do that, you have to throw your opponent over the top rope and they have to have both feet touch the floor to be eliminated. The last per-son standing is the winner and will be in the main event at the biggest and greatest event ever; Wrestlemania. Since 1988 the Royal Rumble is the biggest Pay Per View to start the new year. “What’s so cool about the WWE is the great moves and upsets,” Hunter W., # 1 WWE fan, said. The most popular su-perstar in the WWE right now

is John Cena. Cena has been in the WWE since 2002 and has accomplished many of his goals during his 8 year career. In 2004, at Wrestlemania 20, John Cena faces the Big Show for the United States Championship. It all ended when Cena lifted the Big Show who weighed 500 pounds and did his finisher the Attitude Adjustment to win his first champion-ship. Triple H and Under-taker have done the same thing in their careers. Un-dertaker has a never been defeated at Wrestlemania. Since his Wreltemania debut, The Undertaker is 17‐0 and every-one has tried to kill his streak. This year one half of the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Shawn Michaels will face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26 at Phoenix. Last year Mi-chaels faced The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25 and was defeated by The Undertakerkeeping his streak alive. “My least favorite superstar is The Undertaker,” Erica H., sopho-

more, said. Next is The Game, Triple H. Triple H is the other half of the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions with Shawn Michaels and together they are D‐Generation X (DX). He is a 12 time WWE champion and will like to make it 13. Rey Mysterio is also a big star at the WWE. “The disadvantages

is that people

get hurt,” Brooke W., sophomore, said. He has won the Royal Rumble match and has won some cham-pionships such as the World Heavyweight, Cruiserweight and the Tag Team Champion-ships. All of these superstars will be in the Royal Rumble

match but only one will be vic-torious and try to make their ca-reer spectacular as we start the Road To Wrestlemania but they have to defend their champion-ships first. After defeating John Cena at TLC to win the WWE Championship, Sheamus will defend against a former cham-pion known as the Legend Kill-er, and The Viper, Randy Or-ton. After defeating Batista in a bone crushing cage match on Smackdown, Rey Mysterio will face The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Champion-ship to determine if The Dead-

man will be champion until Wrestlemania. Also, DX will defend their Unified Tag Team Cham-pionships against CM Punk and Luke Gallows. The only question is:

who will still be champion and who will win the Royal Rumble. Find out on Sunday January 31 live only on Pay Per View.

There is no one up there to super-vise us.

-Evan A. ”“

My least favorite superstar is The Un-


-Erica H. ”

Page 5: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

ENtErtaiNmENt 5Thursday, January 28, 2010


One Tree Hill (CW) Janu-ary 18th, 8 p.m. - One Tree Hill returns to finish off their 7th season. Unfortunately two of the main characters have left the show, Peyton and Lu-cas. With such a big part of the

show gone it will be interesting to see how the show develops. Be sure to tune in and find out for yourself. “I love the show. I just like all of the charac-ters and how funny the show is,” Courtney D., junior said.

By Nicole Ware

Burn Notice (USA) Janu-ary 21st, 10 p.m. - Burn No-tice is back to finish their 3rd season. Michael Weston was altering his way of life in the last episode aired; he was stub-bornly fixated on becoming a spy again until Fiona, his lively

girlfriend, was thrown into the mix. Will Michael finally give up his dream of working with the CIA again-is his life with Fiona and his family more sig-nificant? Be sure to check it out. “[Burn Notice] is pretty tight,” Drake S., senior said.

The Vampire Diaries (CW) January 21st, 8 p.m. - The Vampire Diaries is a supernatu-ral-fantasy television series that just emerged onto the screens in 2009. The show is based off the books series written by L.J. Smith in 1993, way before Twi-light. The show revolves around

a teenager named Elena who is torn between two vampire brothers-one good, one evil. The brothers are battling for Elena’s soul, her families’ souls, and the little town they live in. The show is on the rise to some-thing great, be sure to watch it!

Smallville (CW) January 22nd, 8 p.m. - Soaring into its ninth season, this unique show is a modern retelling of the super-man legend. Its traditional char-acters continue to blend realism, action, and emotional depth to reveal a new analysis of the long-term myths. This season,

as Metropolis’ clock tower tolls our characters’ darkest hour, we find Clark Kent finally making his first attempts to embracehis calling as a superhero. Tune in and watch. “The previews for this season look pretty good,” Zack D., senior said.

Above is three cast members from the Vampire Diaries: Elena and the two vam-pire brothers Stefan and Damon, Stefan being the good one, Damon the evil.

New Year’s Resolutions; why they almost never fall through

By Nicole Ware

Top four premieres in 2010

A requirement for this fun holiday is a clock to count down to midnight!

“My New Year’s Resolu-tion is to bring my grades up!” Danielle R., senior,


“My New Year’s Resolution is to try new things I normally wouldn’t,” Courtney D., junior, said.

“My New Year’s Resolu-tion is to get another job,”

Trisha F., senior, said.

Its that time of the year again, New Years! 2009 has ended and 2010 is here; people are reflect-ing on the past year and plan-ning the upcoming one. Many will make a resolution or two; whether its to lose weight, end a bad relationship, quit bad habits, or be more generous with their fortune. What better thought to relieve ones mind than they get a clean slate January first. If only the slate stayed clean lon-ger than the month of January.It seems as if everyone falls short of fulfilling their resolu-tions. Perhaps its due to the

fact that many lack true motiva-tion and/or commitment. Sure its exciting to sit down for ten minutes and produce a little list of wishes you want for the New Year. But in all reality, many of those changes people long for require months of preparation to get the right mind set and then many years to follow of pure commitment. “One big excit-ing change usually isn’t enough to change our behaviors that we have taught ourselves over a period of many years,” Michael Dylan, Entrepreneur and Busi-nessman, said. Just as people

developed their current way of thinking over years, it will take just as many to fully change it.Anyone whose serious and

wishes to dedicate time and hard effort towards their New Year’s resolution needs to strive for self-motivation and the true desire to accom-

plish whatever it may be; we all know how easy it is to fall back into old habits, their what were comfortable with. So in order to achieve your resolu-tion you have to really want it and you must obtain some amount of self-motivation.Make a New Year’s resolution that will last longer than Janu-ary, better yet that will last lon-ger than the New Year, and stick to it. “If you are truly commit-ted to achieving your new year’s resolution you will forget about calling it a new year’s resolu-tion! It needs to be a constant

living resolution that you arecommitted to achieving.” Mi-chael Dylan, Entrepreneur and Businessman, said. Re-mind yourself daily why you want/need the change in the first place and commend to it.

Page 6: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

ENtErtaiNmENt 6Thursday, January 28, 2010


Three chart-topping bands come to rock the Metro


Mosh pits, laser lights, and towers of blaring speakers: many teens would agree this is the high point of their young adult lives. What better way to kill a few brain cells than bang-ing your head at a 110 decibel rock concert? Well if you feel you are long overdue to hear that ringing in your ears, then you are in luck! On Sunday, Jan-uary 24, three of today’s most popular bands are coming to put the rock back in Rockford. Headliner Three Days Grace will be sharing the stage with co-headliner Breaking Benja-min. The lineup will also be featuring special guest, Flyleaf. Three Days Grace entered the rock scene back in 1997. The band originates from Ontario, Canada and consists of Adam Gontier (vocals, guitar), Brad Walst (bass), and Neil Sander-son (drums), and Barry Stock (lead guitar). The band was still in high school when they started playing throughout their hometown of Norwood. They would play anywhere and every-where would give them a gig - even if that meant opening for a movie. Their small hometown

inspired much of their material for their first self-titled album. The song that brought them to the top of charts was “(I Hate) Everything About You” back in 2003. Fans quickly picked up on their deep lyrics and their music that crosses many generations. “Their songs are not directed towards a certain group of peo-ple,” Britney V., Senior, said. “It is more about emotions felt by all people.” Their current top singles from their album re-leased in 2009, Life Starts Now, include “Break” and “The Good Life” ( Breaking Benjamin cannot say they are familiar with the same small-town inspiration, coming out of Wikes-Barre, Pennsyl-vania. The band was formed in 1998 and currently include members Benjamin Burnley (vocals, guitar), Aaron Fink (lead guitar), Mark Klepaski (bass), Chad Szeliga (drums), who all have the band’s sym-bol tattooed on various parts of their bodies. The band will be promoting their recently re-leased album from 2009, titled Dear Agony. You may have heard some of their recent

singles, “I Will Not Bow” or “Give Me A Sign”, which was released the 5th of this month ( This tour will also be featur-ing Flyleaf, who has only been in the public eye since 2004. The band members included Lacey Mosley (vocals), Sameer Bhattacharya (lead guitar), Jar-ed Hartmann (rhythm guitar), James Culpepper (drums), and Pat Seals (bass), all from Texas. “I have been a fan of Flyleaf for a couple of years,” Nick W., Senior, said. “I saw their music videos on MTV and loved the band’s inspiring lyrics.” Back in November of 2009, they re-leased their sophomore album, title Momento Mori. The album title is the Latin meaning of “Be mindful of death,” remind-ing us to not take this life for granted. “The vocalist’s voice is very unique and powerful,” Britney V., Senior, said. “It is music you can get lost in.” The album was number eight on the Billboard Top 200 when it de-buted. “Again” and “Beautiful Bride” are some singles from their new album you may have heard on local rock stations

( is not the first time these bands have toured. In 2004, Fly-leaf toured with Breaking Ben-jamin, as well as, Skillet, Strain, and 3 Doors Down. In 2007, they shared the stage with Three Days Grace. Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace were first brought together with Seether in early 2008. “These bands are some of the best I have ever seen in concert, especially to-gether,” Ashlee A., Senior, said. “I feel these bands speak to all age levels. My parents listen to them too. In fact, my mom has seen them in concert before.”So if you happen to be a fan of any of these groups, be sure to come on down to the Metro Centre on January 24 at 7 PM. Tickets are just $37.25 for ei-ther general floor admission or reserved seating. Call the Metro Centre box office at (815) 968-5600 or go to for additional information. Come see three spectacular bands for the price of one. You may discover some new music to fill up the empty space on that iPod you got for the holidays.

By Hannah Eddy

Page 7: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

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Local Area Man Tried in Murder of Ice Cream Man

On January 4, Michael C. Jen-nings pled guilty to first-degree murder of Isidro Duran. Jen-nings, who faces 20 to 60 years behind bars, will be tried in court on March 12. Jennings’ two ac-complices in the murder of Mr. Duran were Justin L. Dismuke and Rafael E. Santos Jr. The two men have already been charged and sentenced to serve time at the Winnebago County Jail. On July 15, 2007, Isidro Duran, a local area ice cream man, was serving a man and his daughter some ice cream on 700th block of Loomis Street, in Rockford. At around 6:20 p.m. Mr. Du-ran was approached by a group of three men. One of the ap-proaching men pulled out a gun and started shooting Mr. Duran in the back and leg. Duran then ran into a nearby apartment building where he collapsed. Isidro Duran, a resident of Woodstock, Illinois, had been

serving ice cream to the Rock-ford community for many years. Police say robbery was the motive behind his murder. Duran’s death sparked a large reaction from the Rockford peo-ple. The thought that an inno-cent man, an ice cream vendor, would get murdered for money was unbelievable. Signs went up across the city saying “Stop. Killing. People.” People protest-ed the increasing murder rate by carrying these posters around Rockford and voicing their con-cerns about the safety of them-selves and their loved ones. Isidro Duran’s death not only rattled the people of Rockford, but Harlem students as well. “Finding out that someone as innocent as an ice cream vendor can get murdered makes me want to go hide in my closet, scared,” Samantha G., sophomore, said. Andrew R., a resident of the Rockford area for 16 years, feels

that the ever increasing crime and murder rate in Rockford needs to be stop. “After hear-ing about Isidro Duran’s death, I was appalled. You hear about these kinds of things happening in big cities, but you don’t expect them to occur right here in your own town,” Andrew R. said. As the Rockford Register Star’s Chris Green put it, “The slaying of the 47-year-old man, better known in the community as the neighborhood ice cream man, marked a new level of violence in the city.” The killing of an in-nocent man helped send a warn-ing sign to the Rockford people about the drastic increase in crime rate throughout the city. Rockford citizens are hop-ing for justice to be served on March 12, in the trial against Michael C. Jennings, one of three people who were involved with Isidro Duran’s murder.

By Leah Raffety

Who knew that something as harmless as ice cream would lead to the death of an innocent man?

In the next few weeks, the people in this area will be go-ing over seas to fight for their country in Iraq. The families of these soldiers are starting to get ready for them to be going over to Iraq. The soldiers that are go-ing over to Iraq are happy that they will be soon fighting for their country. How are the peo-ple in the family going to cope with the fact that their loved ones are going to be over there? This means that they will not be able to see their loved ones for a year. How would people have a chance to deal with it? This is something that most people have a hard time deal-ing with. Having a loved one in the army is a very stressful time. With the families having to stay home and hope that their loved one will come back it is a very hard time for them. There are other families that have loved one over in Iraq for quite a long time and they have been coping with it. Having a loved one over

sea makes a life a little harder to live. The others who can deal with the fact that their loved one is over in Iraq Know that it is what they wanted to do. Most people will miss their families but they try to keep that in mind every time that they think of them and that fact that they are gone. “I think that if I knew someone in the army that I would feel horrible if they left to go to Iraq.” Sarah C., fresh-man, said. The thing with hav-ing a loved one is that it is going to be hard for the first time that they leave. It does get better as time goes and you do thing like e-mail or even write letters for them to read. These things helps people deal with the fact that they are not with the family or loved on is not with them at the time. Trying to stay in con-tact with your loved one is easi-er to feel better that they will be coming home sooner or later.

Troops getting deployedBy Allison Brewer

This is a symbol of our country and when most families get these that means they have lost some-one who was or is in the Army. Most families take proud in having one of these in their family.


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Laws change for teen runaways By Leah Raffety

Many teenagers often threaten their parents that they will run away. However, most of the time their threats are empty and do not get carried out. This is not the case for some teens though. Some teens may come from abused or bro-ken homes where they are not safe. In these cases, running away from home is a very real option. For this reason, among others, state legislators are changing teen runaway laws to help keep teens in danger safe.

Lawmakers in 10 states have passed laws involving teen out-reach laws, and the opportunity for teen runaways to be able to stay in youth shelters. These efforts will help aid in giving shelter to teens that live in un-stable homes. The question is, how does one know that the youth shelters will not be abused by teenagers who are members of good households? “I feel that if the kid is get-ting beat up at home that the shelters are a good option, but

not for teens that are just mad at their parents,” sophomore, Melissa M. said. Fellow sopho-more, Jane S. also agreed with this statement. “Running away should not be illegal, per say, but frowned up in most cir-cumstances,” she observed. There are many cases in which teens try to get their parents attention, and they feel a good way to do that is by running away. However, there is a way in which this can be avoided. When a teen runs away, their

parents are supposed to issue a missing persons report. After this report is filed, a warning goes out to any local and na-tional shelters giving a descrip-tion and name of the missing teen. This makes it possible for parents and police to track down teens that are missing. If the teen is found, but in-sists they are not safe in their home, an investigation is put into play. If the home pass-es the investigation, the teen is forced to go back. If the

home does not pass the teen is placed into a foster care home. These shelters may result in a mixed opinion among parents. “I think that the shelters are a good idea, because they sup-ply a safe place for troubled teens to go,” Marla R., mother, said. These shelters can be a very good thing for teens in unsafe home situations, giv-ing them a safe haven to go to.

Legistlators from 10 differ-ent states are changing their laws to help teen runaways have a safe place to go if they are from unsafe homes.

Harlem gets crafty with foodBy Hannah Eddy

The looks of it would make most people’s stomachs churn. They go against all norms of society (and in some cases, nutrition). A million dollars could not convince some to try what looks so unappeal-ing and unappetizing. Yet, af-ter one bite, your taste buds agree that, actually… it is not that bad. In fact, this could be-come your new favorite treat. We all have our own quirky food concoctions that would appear disgusting to

most people. Yet some of the best combinations come from a little experimenting (surely people gave the guy who first put peanut butter and jelly on a sandwich weird looks). Here at Harlem, students are no ex-ception for allowing their curi-osity and appetite to intertwine. Melissa W. crafts her favorite side dish during her lunch period: mashed potatoes and ranch dressing. “[Every-one at my table] made fun of me for it and said it was gross,”

Melissa, senior, said, “but then they tried it and loved it.” Dan B. favors the deep fried side of life. “I’ve tried a French fry soaked in butter, grease, and pickle juice,” the senior said. “I was hungry, and I got paid a dollar for trying it. It did not taste too bad either.” An old time favor-ite for many is macaroni and cheese with a big dollop of ketchup. “My mac and cheese was a little dry one day, so I added some ketchup,” Alex S.,

senior, said. Since the childhood years, numerous students have taken part in this remedy for the best macaroni and cheese. There is sweet and salty, but what about sour and fruity? “I eat pickles and apple-sauce,” Austin B., sophomore, said. “A friend told me to try it. People thought I was crazy.” Cannot decide what you are hungry for? Just blend everything together. “I mixed about four ounces of blue-berry yogurt, pickle juice,

mustard, and something else I found in the fridge,” Al-yrica H., junior, confessed. Many indulge in a fa-vorite food for comfort, others for stress relievers. So after all the hard hours put into study for that tough chemistry or calcu-lus final, explore what is hiding amongst the kitchen cabinets. Who knows what new creations are waiting to be discovered?

Many people at Harlem prefer to eat the macaroni and cheese with a squirt of ketchup.


Page 9: Paw Prints January 2010 Issue

opiNioNS 9Thursday, January 28, 2010

9Greg Reilly - Adviser

Payton D. - Editor-in-Chief

Cong ra tu l a -tions to the Paw Print’s staff once again. We went through tight deadlines and a lot of hardwork to ensure a smaller, but fabu-lous January issue. Thanks for all your hard work! After our printed December issue Paw Print’s is trying to pull readers into reading our on-line issues. Keep up the hardwork staff! Readers, please con-tinue to read and spread the word about Paw Prints!

Hannah E. -Entertainment Editor

Leah R. - Opinions Editor

Danielle W. - Sports Editor

Alexandria S. -News Editor

A letter from the editor-in-chief

By: Payton D.


Allison B. - NewsBrandi C. - News & Editorials

Frankie G. - SportsAlyssa J. - EditorialsArcadia M. - Sports

Rachael P. - EntertainmentSarah S. - SportsBob S. - Sports

Brecken S. - EntertainmentNikki W. - Entertainment

Paw Prints

2010*Adviser*Greg Reilly

*Editor-in-chief*Payton D.

*News editor*Alexandria S.

*Sports editor*Danielle W.

*Entertainment editor*Hannah E.

*Editorials editor*Leah R.