peer observation of teaching ( mahdi) 2016

Peer Observation of Teaching

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Peer Observation of Teaching

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Peer Observation of Teaching

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Before we start How do you currently receive feedback on your practice?

How is feedback on your practice incorporated into your CPD?

If your practice ever been observed by a peer, what was the process and what were the positive/negatives of this?

If you have not had your practice observed, what is your initial reaction to this idea?

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• A form of peer review within teaching practice where colleagues observe each other's practice to provide feedback and discussion that will promote reflection into the teaching and learning process.

What POT is

Peer Observation of TeachingPOT

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What POT is

• is not evaluation• In not an inspection• Is not judgmental

What POT is NOT

• It is a form of out-of-body Feedback• Personal Development opportunity

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Why do we need POT • the Observee and the Observer with the

opportunity to mutually enhance the quality of their teaching practice by identifying strengths and developmental needs.

• an opportunity to share good practice amongst colleagues by sharing thoughts and experiences on teaching practice and skills.• It also Promotes self-Confidence / Reflection• & as an evidence of quality assurance

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How often

From once a semester to one every year

How does this fit in your plan ?

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A good beginning makes

A good ending

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Process of POT

• Select an observer• Agree what will be observed/ commented on• Observation • Reflection • Feedback• (Follow up)

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Selecting the Observer• Friend Or ………? (how much confidence do you have)

• How much experience? (more or less than you)

• What qualities /skills should observer have?

• Unilateral or mutual approach? ( one way or two way observation ??)

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Decide what will be observed / commented upon

• Ground rules (agree on a date, time, location, how big is the group,

type of lecture,/ any specific teaching method, particular strategies and

techniques/ observers’ role, where to sit / how to take notes / forms)

• General practice or Specific skills /behaviour

• How & when feedback will be given

• Any other Concerns?

1- Briefing Meeting

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2- The Observation: • Arrive in a good time( before the sessions), And decide

where to sit.• Explain to students that the observer is not here

to observe them • Observer takes no active role in the session

( shadow ghost), Record staff and student non-verbal Communication/ make a balance between Positive and Negative points. Check for whatwhohowwhy?

• How long should it last? ( whole session or one hour or…)

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• Level • Clarity • Handouts • Audio-visual aids • Pace and timing • Interaction • Innovation


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3- Feedback • preferably in 48 hours ( not more than Two

Weeks)• Private, Non-judgmental, Respectful,

Supportive but Challenging • Focus on the skill / behaviour not the person• Concentrate on Constructive Comments that

would enhance the practice• How will negative feedback be handled?

(sandwich technique )

• Recorded/ not recorded?

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Giving feedback

• Be realistic • Be specific • Be sensitive • Be non-judgmental • Balance positive and negative

Receiving feedback

• Be explicit • Be aware • Listen • Ask for clarification

3- Feedback

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4- Reflection • Where the observee has the opportunity to

reflect on the POT feedback session

• Observed person only? Or both parties?

• Plan for changes

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What we think

What we are afraid of

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Twelve tips for peer observation of teaching

• 1. Choose the observer carefully• 2. Set aside time for the peer observation• 3. Clarify expectations• 4. Familiarize yourself with the course• 5. Select the instrument wisely• 6. Include students• 7. Be objective• 8. Resist the urge to compare with your own teaching style• 9. Do not intervene• 10. Follow the general principles of feedback• 11. Maintain confidentiality• 12. Make it a learning experience

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Sites with Video that help

• Beginning Teacher Support & Assessment•

• Peer Review of Teaching•

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Any Questions About POT
