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Page 1: PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Wolff K Wolff K Wolff K. Wolff K · PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 1. Ali K, Rossor T, ... Marshall, EJ, Wolff K. (2012) Substance misuse amongst healthcare



1. Ali K, Rossor T, Bhat R, Wolff K, Hannam S, Rafferty GF, Peacock JL, Greenough A (2015)

Antenatal substance misuse and smoking and new-born hypoxic challenge response.

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2015 Aug 19. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2015-

308491. [Epub ahead of print]

2. Vella A, Ventura CS, Wolff K (2015). A Demographic Overview of a 10-year

Retrospective Study of Substance Misusing Pregnant Women. March 2015 Euro J

Obstet & Gynae, 2015 Oct 14:1-5. [Epub ahead of print] 3. Bailey MJ, Bradshaw R, Francese S, Salter TL, Costa C, Ismail M, P Webb R, Bosman I,

Wolff K, de Puit M (2015) Rapid detection of cocaine, benzoylecgonine and methylecgonine in fingerprints using surface mass spectrometry. Analyst. 2015 May 15. [Epub ahead of print]

4. van der Heide S, Garcia Calavia P, Hardwick S, Hudson S, Wolff K, Russell DA. (2015) A competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative detection of cocaine from banknotes and latent fingermarks Forensic Sci Int. 250:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.02.008. Epub 2015 Feb 16.

5. Wolff K & Perez-Montejano R. (2014) Opioid Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: controversies and implications for practice. Current Drug Abuse Rev. 2014;7(1):44-58.

6. Ali K, Wolff K, Peakcock J, Hanam S, Rafferty GF, Bhat R, Greenough A. (2014) Ventilatory response to hypercarbia in newborns of smoking and substance misusing mothers. Annals Am Thorac Soc. 11:993-8 online 01 Jul 2014 as DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS. 2014 03-124OC.

7. Carhart-Harris RL, Murphy K, Leech R, Erritzoe D, Wall M, Ferguson B, Williams L, Brugger S, De Meer I, Tanner M, Tyacke R, Wolff K et al. (2014) The effects of acutely administered MDMA on spontaneous brain function measured with arterial spin labelling and BOLD resting-state functional connectivity. Biological Psychiatry, Biol

Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 10. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.12.015. [Epub ahead of print] 8. Crookes A., Wolff K. (2015) Prevalence of the tobacco product Dohka among High

School students in Dubai. Substance Use and Misuse Early Online 1-4 2014 DOI 10.3109/10826084.2014.901388

9. Wang M, Shen J, Deng Y, Liu X, Li J, Wolff K, Finch E. (2014) Association of higher-risk alcohol consumption with injecting paraphernalia sharing behaviours in intravenous drug users. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 40:137-42. doi: 10.3109/00952990.2013.861844. Epub 2014 Feb 12.

10. Wolff K, Johnston A. (2013) Cannabis use: a perspective in relation to the forthcoming UK drug driving legislation. Drug Test Analysis. Invited review. published online: 11 DEC 2013, DOI: 10.1002/dta.1588.

11. Perez-Montejano R, Finch E, Wolff K. (2013) A national survey investigating methadone treatment for pregnant opioid dependent International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction. 2013 Online first (DOI) 10.1007/s11469-013-9447-0

12. Wang M Finch E, Wolff K. (2013) Psychiatric co-morbidity among subjects with heroin and cocaine use disorders and its association with HCV infection. doi:10.3109/14659891.2013.784370 [Published online 17th July 2013]

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13. Robson NZ, Bond A, Wolff K. (2013) A comparison of smoking behaviour characteristics between Caucasian and Malay Smokers. Preventive Medicine S8-S10. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.04.010.

14. Aitchison KJ, Tsapakis, EM, Huezo-Diaz, P., Kerwin, RW Forsling, ML Wolff K (2012). Positive association of CYP2D6 and COMT variants with MDMA-induced changes in water homeostatic measures. J Psychopharmacology, 26(3); 408-18. Epub Feb 1

15. Gross, SR., Marshall, EJ, Wolff K. (2012) Substance misuse amongst healthcare workers: national survey of occupational physicians. Occupational Medicine (Lond), 62 (4); 254-60.

16. Wolff K, Tsapakis EM, Pariante CM, Kerwin RW, Forsling ML, Aitchison KJ (2012) Pharmacogenetic studies of change in cortisol on ecstasy (MDMA) consumption J Psychopharmacology, Special Edition, 26; 419-28. Epub 2011 Oct 3

17. Hazarika P, Jickells SM, Wolff K, Russell DA. (2010) Multiplexed detection of metabolites of narcotic drugs from a single latent finger mark. Anal Chem. 2010 Nov 15;82(22):9150-4. Epub 2010 Oct 22

18. Igboekwu J & Wolff K. (2010) Methadone maintenance therapy and feto-maternal outcomes of pregnancy. Heroin Addict Related Clin Prob; 12(4):17-22

19. Poulopoulos C & Wolff K, (2010) Staff perceptions about stress and staff burn out in Drug Treatment Organisations: A comparative qualitative study in Greece and the UK with implications for training. Therapeutic Communities Journal 2010;31(3)

20. Groucher E, Kicman A, Smith N, Wolff K Jickells S (2010) Hydrophilic stationary phases; a practical approach for the co-analysis of compounds with varying polarity in biological matrices. Journal of Separation Science 33 (6-7); 955-965

21. Boland, W, Mitcheson, L, Wolff, K. (2010) Lhermitte’s sign, Electric shock sensations and high dose ecstasy consumption: preliminary findings. J Psychopharmacology 24; 213-220: OnlineFirst Feb 24 2009 (Impact Factor 4.06).

22. Buisman-Pijlman F, Loos M, Wolff K, White J. (2009) New online international masters of science in Addictions Studies: A joined effort to improve learning and access to training. Drug Alcohol Review 28A7-A7

23. Senbanjo R, Wolff K, Marshall EJ, Strang J. (2009) Persistence of heroin use despite methadone treatment: poor coping self-efficacy predicts continued heroin use. Drug & Alcohol Review 28, 608-615: DOI: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00064.x

24. Gross, SR., Wolff, K, Strang, J and Marshall, EJ (2009) 'Follow-up of Provision of Inpatient Treatment for UK Healthcare Professionals with Alcohol Dependence: Snapshot of a Pilot Specialist National Health Service', Substance Use & Misuse, 44: 13, 1916 — 1925, DOI: 10.3109/10826080902961609.

25. Robson NH, Bond AJ, Wolff K, (2008). Adverse reaction to nicotine gum. J Smoking Cessation. 3 (2) 144-147 DOI 10.1375/jsc.3.2.

26. Robson NH, Bond AJ, Wolff K, (2008). Adverse reaction to nicotine gum in a Malay female smoker: A case report. International J Ment Health Addiction, 6:564-567.

27. Hazarika P, Jickells SM, Wolff K, Russell DA. (2008) Imaging of latent fingerprints through detection of drugs and metabolites, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47 (52): 1067-1070

28. Jacob S, Jickells S, Wolff K, Smith N. (2008) Drug Testing by Chemical Analysis of Fingerprint Deposits from Methadone-maintained Opioid Dependent Patients Using UPLC-MS/MS. Drug Metabolism Letters. 2:245-247.

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2299.. RRaaoo TT,, WWoollffff KK,, MMaarrsshhaallll JJ ((22000088)) AAllccoohhooll uussee iinn oollddeerr ssuubbjjeeccttss:: aa pprreevvaalleennccee ssttuuddyy

ccoommppaarriinngg EEnngglliisshh aanndd IIrriisshh ddaayy cceennttrree rreessiiddeennttss lliivviinngg iinn tthhee UUKK,, JJ SSuubbssttaannccee MMiissuussee,,

1133 ((11)):: 1177--2266..

3300.. HHaasskkeeww MM,, WWoollffff KK,, DDuunnnn JJ,, BBeeaarrnn JJ.. ((22000088)) PPaatttteerrnnss ooff aaddhheerreennccee ttoo oorraall

mmeetthhaaddoonnee:: iimmpplliiccaattiioonnss ffoorr PPrreessccrriibbeerrss.. JJ SSuubbssttaannccee AAbbuussee TTrreeaattmmeenntt 3355:: 110099--111155..

3311.. SSeennbbaannjjoo,, RR,, WWoollffff,, KK,, MMaarrsshhaallll JJEE ((22000077)).. EExxcceessssiivvee AAllccoohhooll CCoonnssuummppttiioonn iiss

aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh rreedduucceedd QQuuaalliittyy ooff LLiiffee aammoonngg MMeetthhaaddoonnee PPaattiieennttss,, AAddddiiccttiioonn 110022,,

225577--6633 ((IIPP 44..2244)).. 3322..

WWiillkkiinnssoonn CC,, DDyyeerr KKRR,, MMiittcchheellll TT,, IIlleetttt KKFF,, WWoollffff KK.. ((22000077)) AA nnoovveell mmaattrriixx ffoorr

tthheerraappeeuuttiicc ddrruugg mmoonniittoorriinngg iinn mmeetthhaaddoonnee mmaaiinntteennaannccee ppaattiieennttss.. AArree oorraall fflluuiidd

mmeetthhaaddoonnee lleevveellss uusseeffuull?? TThheerraappeeuuttiicc DDrruugg MMoonniittoorriinngg,, 2299,, 448811--448822

33. Wolff K, Biological Markers of Drug Use (2006) Addiction Psychiatry, 5:439-441

34. Biological markers of alcohol use. Addiction Psychiatry Wolff K & Marshall J.

12/2006; 5(12):437–438. DOI:10.1053/j.mppsy.2006.10.013 35. Chong MS, Wolff K, Wise K, Tanton C, Winstock A, Ennis M, Silber E. (2006)

Cannabis Use in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 12 (5), 646-651 36. Wolff, K, Tsapakis, EM, Winstock, AR, Hartley, D Holt, D, Forsling, ML, Aitchison KJ.

(2006) Vasopressin and oxytocin secretion in response to the consumption of ecstasy in a clubbing population, J Phychopharmacology, Special Edition, 20,[3] 400-410.

37. Wolff K & Winstock (2006) Ketamine: From medicine to misuse. Review Article, CNS Drugs, 20:199-218

38. Wolff K, Boys A, Hay AWM, Raistrick D. (2005) Changes in Clearance during Pregnancy, Euro J Clin Pharmacol, 61:763-768. Online publication available October 29 2005

39. Tsiboukli A & Wolff K (2003) Using Focus group interviews to understand staff perceptions from training in the Therapeutic Community Model. J Drug Education, 33:143-157.

40. Wolff K, Biological Markers of Drug Use Addiction Psychiatry, Psychiatry, The Medicine Pub Co Ltd, Editors, Marshall EJ, Farrell M, 2003, 2, pp 16-18

41. Tsiboukli A & Wolff K (2003) Staff Training in Greek Therapeutic Communities for Drug Addicts. International Journal for Therapeutic & Supportive Organisations, 24:63-76

42. Wolff K. (2002) Characterisation of Methadone Overdose: Clinical considerations and the Scientific Evidence, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 24; 457-470.

43. Winstock A, Wolff K, Ramsey J. 4 –MTA (2002): A new synthetic drug on the dance scene. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 67; 111-115.

44. Tacke U, Wolff K, Finch E, Strang J (2001). The effect of tobacco smoking on subjective symptoms of inadequacy ("not holding") amongst opiate addicts in methadone maintenance treatment. Addiction Biology, 6; 137-145..

45. Winstock AR, Wolff K, Ramsey J. (2001), Ecstasy Pill Testing: Harm minimisation gone too far. Addiction, 96; 1139-1148.

46. Aitchison KJ, Jann MW, Zhao J, Sakai T, Zaher H, Wolff K, Makoff AJ, Collier DA, Kerwin RW, Gonzalez FJ. (2000) Clozapine pharmacokinetics studied with CYP1A2 knockout mice. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 14, 353-359.

47. Wolff K, Banbery J, Raistrick D. (2000) Dihydrocodeine; A useful tool in the detoxification of methadone maintained patients. Journal of Substance Misuse Treatment, 19, 301-305.

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48. Wolff K, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Hay AWM, Raistrick, Calvert R, Tucker GT (2000). Population-based pharmacokinetic approach for methadone monitoring of opiate addicts: potential clinical utility. Addiction 95(12):1771-83

49. Wolff K, Farrell M, Marsden J, Monteiro RA, Ali R, Welch S, Strang J (1999). A review of Biological Indicators of Illicit Drug Misuse, Practical Considerations and Clinical Usefulness, Addiction, 94, 1279 -1298.

50. Rostami-Hodjegan A, Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D, Calvert R, Tucker GT. (1999) Population pharmacokinetics in opiate users: characterisation of time-dependent changes. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 48, 43-52.

51. Wolff K, Welch S, Strang J. (1999) Specific laboratory investigations for assessments and management of drugs problems. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 5,180-191.

52. Wolff K, Strang J. (1999) Therapeutic drug monitoring for methadone: scanning the horizon. European Addiction Research, 5, 36-42.

53. Sherlock K, Wolff K, Hay AWM, Conner M. (1999) Analysis of illicit ecstasy tablets: implications for clinical management in the accident and emergency department. Journal of Accident & Emergency, 16, 194-197.

54. Sherlock K, Hay AWM, Wolff K, Conner M. (1999) Validating the Consumption of MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in an examination of the behavioural effects of "ecstasy" amongst recreational users. Addiction Research & Theory 7, 1, 47-62.

55. Strang J, Bearn J, Farrell M, Finch E, Gossop M, Griffiths P, Marsden J, Wolff K. (1998) Route of drug use and its implications for drug effect, risk of dependence, and health consequences: Review Drug and Alcohol Review 17, 197-211.

56. Wolff K, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Shires S, Feely M, Hay A, Calvert R, Raistrick D, Tucker GT. (1997) The pharmacokinetics of Methadone in healthy subjects and opiate users. British J Clinical Pharmacology 44:325-334.

57. Wolff K, Garretty D, Hay AWM. (1997) Micro-extraction of commonly abused benzodiazepines for urinary screening by liquid chromatography. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 34:61-67.

58. Garretty D, Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D. (1997) Benzodiazepine misuse by drug addicts. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 34:68-73.

59. Wolff K, Hay AWM, Vail A, Harrison K, Raistrick D. (1996) Non-prescribed drug use during methadone treatment by clinic- and community-based patients. Addiction 91:1699-1704.

60. Raistrick D, Wolff K, Hay AWM. Methadone treatment and tuberculosis treatment. (1996) British Medical Journal [Lesson of the week] 313:925-6

61. Wolff K, Hay AWM, Sherlock K, Conner M. Contents of Ecstasy. (1995) Lancet 346: 1100-1101

62. Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D, Calvert R. (1993) Steady-state pharmacokinetics of methadone in opioid addicts. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 44: 189-194.

63. Wolff K, Sanderson MJ, Hay AWM, Barnes I. (1993) Evaluation of the measurement of drugs of abuse by commercial and in-house horizontal thin layer chromatography. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 30: 163-168.

64. Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D, Feely M. (1993) Use of very low-dose Phenobarbital to investigate compliance in patients on reducing doses of methadone. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 10: 453-458.

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65. Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D. (1992) Plasma methadone measurements and their role in methadone detoxification programmes. Clinical Chemistry 38: 420-425.

66. Wolff K, Hay A, Raistrick D. (1991) High-dose methadone and the need for drug measurements in plasma. Clinical Chemistry 37: 1651-1654.

67. Wolff K, Hay A, Raistrick D, Calvert R, Feely M. (1991) Measuring compliance in methadone maintenance patients: Use of a pharmacological indicator to 'estimate' methadone plasma levels. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 50: 199-207.

68. Wolff K, Sanderson M, Hay A, Raistrick D. (1991) Plasma methadone concentrations and their relation to drug dosage. Clinical Chemistry 205-09.

69. Wolff K, Shanab M, Sanderson M, Hay A. (1990) Screening drugs of abuse; the effect of heat-treating urine for the safe handling of samples. Clinical Chemistry 38: 908-10.

70. Wolff K, Sanderson M, Hay A. (1990) An in-house HPTLC method for screening drugs of abuse. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 27: 482-88

Published Letters/Case Studies

1. Wolff K, Aitchison K. (2013) MDMA can increase cortical levels by 800% in dance clubbers J Psychopharmacol. 27(1):115-6. doi: 10.1177/0269881112455288.

2. Acuna G, Santis R, Wolff K. Cocaine dependence: phenomenological considerations. Case Study provided from Addiction Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, April 2006.

3. Wolff K, Sherlock K, Hay AWM, Conner M. (1995) Contents of "Ecstasy". Lancet [Letter] 346:145-146.

4. Wolff K, Hay AWM. Methadone treatment for heroin addiction. (1995) British Medical Journal [Letter] 310:463-464

5. Wolff K, Hay AWM. (1994) Plasma methadone monitoring with methadone maintenance treatment. Drug & Alcohol Dependence [Letter] 36:69-71.

6. Wolff K, Hay A, Raistrick D. (1994) Methadone maintenance treatment: Treatment should be tailored for each patient. British Medical Journal [Letter] 309 (6960):997-1001.

7. Wolff K, Hay A. (1992) Methadone concentrations in plasma and their relationship to drug dosage. Clinical Chemistry [Research Letter] 38;438-439.

8. Wolff K, Hay A, Raistrick D. Methadone in Saliva. Clin Chem. 1991 [Letter] Jul;37(7):1297-8.

Published extracts of scientific meetings/Abstracts/Reports:

1. Kamal Ali, Thomas Rossor, Ravindra Bhat, Kim Wolff, Simon Hannam, Gerrard F Rafferty, Anne Greenough. Ventilatory responses to hypercarbia in infants of smoking and substance abusing mothers at the high risk age for sudden infant death syndrome. European Respiratory Society International Congress, 2015. European Respiratory Journal 09/2015; 46 (suppl 59):PA1862. DOI:10.1183/13993003.congress-2015.PA1862

1. Lodhi R, Wolff K, Tsapakis, EM, Forsling, ML, Aitchison, KL. Baseline oxytocin levels predict change in anxiety post-clubbing. CCNP June, 2014

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2. Marshall J, Gross S, Wolff K. Pathways of care for healthcare professional accessing treatment for Substance Use Disorders: a review of referrals to a specialist service in London, England, EAPH Conference, April 11-12th 2013

3. Robson NZ, Bond A, Wolff K. A comparison of smoking behaviour characteristics between Caucasian and Malay smokers, National Public Health Conference, APCEEBM, Kuala Lumpur, July 2012

4. Ali K, Bhat R, Hannam S, Rafferty GF, Wolff K, Greenough A. Impaired Chemoreceptor sensitivity in infants of smoking mothers, Neonatal Society, UK, 2012.

5. K. Wolff, E.M. Tsapakis, M.L. Forsling, K.J. Aitchison (2011) Effects of ecstasy consumption on water homeostasis and secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin: a pharmacogenetic study. European Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 21, Supplement 3, September 2011, Pages S222-S223 s23.03

6. R. Perez-Montejano, E. Finch, K. Wolff. An evaluation of service provision by community drug treatment services for opioid dependent pregnant drug users in England and Wales. European Psychiatry - 2011; 26:1826-1826. DOI:10.1016/S0924-9338(11)73530-1

7. Walsham NE, Gross S, Wolff K, Marshall J, Keaney F, Sherwood RA. ‘Determination of carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) half life’ Association Clinical Biochemistry National Meeting, April 2007.

8. Tsapakis, EM,. Wolff K, Huezo-Diaz, P., Winstock, AR, Kerwin, RW Forsling, ML Aitchison KJ. (2006) Positive association of CYP2D6 and COMT variants with MDMA-induced changes in water homeostatic measures. Amer J Med Genetics Part B-Neuropychiatric Genetics 141B (7) 789-789.

9. Tsapakis, EM. Wolff K, Huezo-Diaz, P., Winstock, AR, Kerwin, RW Forsling, ML Aitchison KJ. (2006) MDMA: Stress regulation, cortisol, 5-HTTLPR and COMT polymorphisms. Amer J Med Genetics Part B-Neuropychiatric Genetics 141B (7) 789-790.

10. Tsapakis EM, Wolff K, Winstock, AR, Hartley, D Holt, D, Forsling, ML, Aitchison KJ. (2006) CYP2D6 variants and ‘ecstasy’ induced changes in neurohypohysiological hormones, European Neuropsychopharmcology, 16, 533-533 Suppl.

11. EM Tsapakis, K Wolff, P Huezo-Diaz, AR Winstock, D Hartley, D Holt, ML Forsling, KJ Aitchison, CYP2D6 Variants and ecstasy-induced changes in Neurohypophysial hormones Pharmacogenomics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting in Cambridge, UK, September 2005.

12. Wolff K, Winstock A, Hartley DE, Forsling ML. The physiological responses to the use of MDMA whilst clubbing: posterior pituitary function and fluid balance. Phsyiological Society meeting, 2004

13. Julien A, Lintzeris N, Wolff K, Misuse of methadone, buprenorphine and other medications by clients in substitution treatment in South London. Presented at the SSA conference, Nov 2004, Published Addiction Biology

14. Wolff K, Chong Ms, Wise K, Tanton C, Winstock A, Ennis M, Silber Cannabis Use In Patients With Multiple Sclerosis, Addiction Biology, SSA conference, Nov 2004, pp 103-104.

15. Rafnar B, Wolff K, Marshall Ej, Dunn J. Benzodiazepine Use In A Methadone Maintenance Clinic: Pattern Of Use, Motivation For Use And Knowledge Of Risk, Addiction Biology, SSA conference, Nov 2004, pp 99

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16. Gross SR, Wolff K, Marshall J. Inpatient Treatment for Alcohol Dependent Healthcare professionals, Addiction Biology, SSA conference, Nov 2004, pp 97

17. Abul S, Finch E, Wolff K, Marshall EJ. History of Deliberate Self-Harm In Clients Attending Two London-Based Drug Treatment And Testing Order (Dtto) Services, Addiction Biology, SSA conference, Nov 2004, 9:93-94

18. Zamudio J, Wolff K, Welch S, Churchill R Family Based Prevention For Substance Misuse In Adolescence: A Systematic Review, Addiction Biology, SSA conference, Nov 2003

19. Tsapakis EM, Wolff K, Winstock A, Kerwin RW, Aitchison KJ. Association study between the serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and cortisol response in ecstasy users American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric, 2003. 122B: 127.

20. Tsapakis EM, Wolff K, Winstock A, Aitcheson KJ K. Association study between the Serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and cortisol response in Ecstasy users. XIth World Congress in Psychiatric Genetics, Quebec 4-8th October 2003)

21. Ridout F, Wolff K, Winstock A, Hindemarch I. The effects of illicit drugs on performance related to car driving in a sample of clubbers, Cranfield Conference June 2003

22. Butcher M, Wolff K, Winstock A, Lee TD, Ramsey JD, Johnston DW, Holt. Which drugs do attendees at Dance Venues Take? 7th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology, Washington DC, USA, Sept 1-6, 2001,

23. Aitchison KJ, Jann MW, Wolff K, Sakai T, Makoff AJ, Collier DA, Gonzalez FJ, Kerwin RW. (2000) Clozapine pharmacokinetics studied with CYP1A2 knockout mice. Schizophrenia Research, 41 (1): B164 Sp. Iss

24. Wolff K (1999), A Review of biological indicators of illicit drug use, practical considerations and clinical usefulness. Symposium Abstracts; Society for the Study of Addiction, Addiction Biology, 1999; 4:229-243.

25. Garretty DJ, Wolff K, Hay AWM, Raistrick D, Calvert RT. (1999) To investigate compliance in patients following a detoxification regime for substance misuse. Symposium Abstracts; Society for the Study of Addiction, Addiction Biology, 1999;4:233-34.

26. Wolff K. Plasma Methadone Monitoring: An aid to dose assessment, monitoring compliance and exploration of drug interactions, Syva Monitoring Vol 3, Issue 6, Spring 2000-2001, pp 46-48.

27. Wolff K, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Shires S, Feely M, Hay A, Calvert R, Tucker GT. (1996) Single dose pharmacokinetics of methadone in healthy subjects. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology [Abstract] 42:670.

28. Wolff K and Hay A. (1994) Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) overdose: a case study. Proceedings of the ACB National Meeting [Abstract] C7:87.

Edited Books

Wolff K & White J. Sage Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies, Editor of Volume 2, Handbook commissioned May 2013

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Wolff K, Gross SS, Marshall EJ, Walsham N, Keaney F, Sherwood R. The Role of Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin as an Alternative to Gamma Glutamyl Transferase as a Marker of Continuous Drinking in High-Risk Drivers - Road Safety Research Report S. 104 (Paperback) 2010. Depart For Transport, ISBN 9781848640016

Wolff K, Substitute prescribing: Opioid specific Prescribing Ch2; Replacement prescribing Ch 5; Toxicological issues Ch 7. In Ed, Karch S, Addiction and the Medical Complications of Drug Abuse, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London 2008

Wolff K (Section Editor), Addiction Medicine, 3nd Edition. In Ed, Karch S, Handbook on Drug Abuse, CRC Press Inc, California, USA. (Nov 2006)

Wolff K (Section Editor), Raistrick D, Banbery J, Fraser D, Hay AWM. (1998) Addiction Medicine. In Ed, Karch S, Handbook on Drug Abuse, CRC Press Inc, California, USA.

. Book Chapters

1. Wolff K & Latt N, Chapter 24 Special Populations: Pregnancy and the neonate. Pp 505-514 Editors Saunders JB, Conigrave KM, Latt NC, Nutt DJ, Marshall EJ, Ling W, Higuchi S, In Oxford Handbook of Addiction Medicine, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, London, ISBN 978-0-19-871475-0. In press January 2016

2. Wolff K, Pharmacokinetics (2015) pp 1-13. In Editor, Stolerman IP and Price LH, Encyclopaedia of Psychopharmacology, Second Edition, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Online ISBN 978-642-27772-6 December 2014. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27772-6_24-4. Print ISBN 978-3-642-36171-5, July 2015 pp 1918.

3. Wolff K, Substance Misuse: Substitution drugs (methadone and buprenorphine), Encyclopaedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine Edited by Jason Payne-James, Roger W. Byard, Tracey S. Corey and Carol Henderson, 2nd Edition, Elsevier: Oxford Copyright: In press August 2014

4. Wolff K, Ketamine: addiction causes and consequences, (2012) Ch 15, Editors, Verster JC, Brady K, Strain E Galanter M, Conrod P, In, Drug Abuse & Addiction in Medical illness, causes, consequences and treatment, Spi Global publishers, USA

5. Wolff K, Pharmacokinetics. (2010) pp 1002-1010, Vol 2. In, Editor, Stolerman I.P, Encyclopaedia of Psychopharmacology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, North America. ISBN Online 978-3-540-68706-1, print 978-3-540-68698-9; DOI 10.1007/978-3-540.68706-1-24

6. Wolff K, Walsham N, Gross S, Marshall EJ, Keaney F, Sherwood R. The role of CDT as an alternative to GGT as a biomarker of continuous drinking, Depart Transport (Published Jan 2010)

7. Wolff K & Latt N, Drug use in pregnancy. 2009: Ch 12, pp 312-319. Editors EJ Marshall, D Nutt, In Oxford Handbook of Addiction Medicine, Oxford University Press, London, ISBN: 0-199539332

8. Wolff K, Biological markers (drugs). In, Gilvarry E, McArdle P (Eds.), Alcohol, Drugs and Young People. Newcastle Upon Tyne, England: Mac Keith Press, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-898683-47-6

Page 9: PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Wolff K Wolff K Wolff K. Wolff K · PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 1. Ali K, Rossor T, ... Marshall, EJ, Wolff K. (2012) Substance misuse amongst healthcare


9. Wolff K, Welch S, Strang J. Specific laboratory investigations for assessments and management of drugs problems. Pp 123-128, Ch 11, In, Editor, Day E. Clinical Topics in Addiction. RCPsych Publications, London 2007 ISBN: 9781904671503.

10. Flannery, W, Wolff K, Marshall EJ. Substance Use Disorders in pregnancy. Psychiatric Disorders and Pregnancy: Obstetric and Psychiatric Care. Editors: Edited by Veronica O’Keane , Michael Marsh and Gertrude Seneviratne. CRC Press 2006, pp 197–222 Print ISBN: 978-1-84184-462-6, eBook ISBN: 978-0-203-43311-9, DOI: 10.1201/ b14475-12.

11. Wolff K, Substance Misuse: Substitution drugs (methadone and buprenorphine), Encyclopaedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine Edited by Jason Payne-James, Roger W. Byard, Tracey S. Corey and Carol Henderson, Elsevier: Oxford Copyright: June 2005, ISBN 0-12-547970-0

12. Ridout F, Hindmarch I, Winstock A, Wolff K. (Ch 9). The Effects of Illicit Drugs on Performance Related to Car Driving in a Sample of Clubbers. Editor: Dorn L Driver Behaviour and Training, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hants, England. 2003, pp 88-95. ISBN 0-7546-3835-9

13. Wolff K Plasma methadone monitoring: A new aid to dose assessment, monitoring compliance and exploration of drug interactions 2003;Ch 7, pp 67-77. In Ed, Tober G and Strang J. Methadone Matters: Evolving Community Methadone Treatment of Opiate Addiction. Md Martin Dunitz, Taylor & Francis, London, UK. 3 Apr 2003, ISBN 1-84184-365-2

14. Uchoa R, Wolff K, Patel Vikram, Rabe-Hesketh S, Strang J (Ch 22). Exploring the associations between social class, binge drinking and other risk behaviours among Brazilian Young People (2002). In Ed, Singh NN, Ollendick TH, & Singh AN, International perspectives on Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Elsevier, Oxford, UK. ISBN 008044105X; ISBN-13 9780080441054