peninsula warrior feb. 8, 2013 air force edition

3HQLQVXOD :DUULRU Air force EDITION February 8, 2013 Vol. 4, No. 5 Published in the interest of personnel at Joint Base Langley-Eustis J O I N T B A S E L A N G L E Y - E U S T I S SUPPORT AF Assistance Fund focuses on helping families — Page 6 CHILDCARE FCC home program offers personal alternative — Page 14 REOPENING Anderson Field House showcases renovations — Page 8 $UP\ 1HZV For more online content, check out Langley Orthopedics is ‘Bad to the Bone’ – Page 12

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Langley Air Force Base edition of the Feb. 8, 2013 issue of Peninsula Warrior


Page 1: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

Air force EDITION

February 8, 2013Vol. 4, No. 5

Publ ished in the in te res t o f personne l a t Jo in t Base Langley-Eus t is • www.pen insu lawar r io

J O I N T B A S E L A N G L E Y - E U S T I S

SUPPORTAF Assistance Fund focuses

on helping families— Page 6

CHILDCAREFCC home program offers

personal alternative— Page 14


Anderson Field House showcases renovations— Page 8

For moreonline content,


Langley Orthopedics is‘Bad to the Bone’

– Page 12

Page 2: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

2 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Page 3: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 3


Sequestration is a “huge concern for us,”said Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F.Chandler III.

If sequestration kicks in, a lot of programscould be affected, he told about 50 sergeantsmajor who attended a new legal orientationcourse at The Judge Advocate General’s Le-gal Center and School on the University ofVirginia campus, Jan. 29.

Sequestration, part of the Budget Con-trol Act of 2011, includes deep cuts to de-fense that could begin March 1 if Congresscannot come to agreement on budget cutsrequired by their vote last year.

“Everything is on the table,” Chandlersaid, from a reduction in permanent change-of-station moves and new construction tocutbacks in professional military educationand temporary duty assignment funding,even for programs like the Department ofthe Army’s Best Warrior Competition. Armycivilians could be affected as well, he added.

“The last thing we want to do is to fur-lough employees,” but it is being consid-ered, he said.

There’s a lot of tradeoffs to consider andthe Army is going to have to figure outwhat stays and what goes, he said, “but[Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odi-erno’s] top priority is on the warfighter.” Se-nior Army leaders have also repeatedly ex-pressed strong commitment to woundedwarriors and Army families.

The continuing resolution is anotherconcern, Chandler said.

Since Congress did not approve an Ap-propriations Act for fiscal year 2013, the De-fense Department has been operating undera continuing resolution and will continue todo so at least through March 27.

Because most operating funding wasplanned to increase from fiscal year 2012 tofiscal year 2013, but instead is being heldat fiscal 2012 levels under the continuingresolution, funds will run short at currentrates of expenditure if the continuing reso-lution continues through the end of the fis-cal year in its current form, according to aJan. 10 DOD memorandum.

The continuing resolution prevents theArmy from transferring money, Chan-dler said. “So you’ve got a lot of moneyin OCO, or overseas contingency opera-tions, but because we’re under a CR, wecan’t spend it where we need to. We don’thave the flexibility we need. So that means

if you’re not a deployed unit or a next-de-ploying unit, we’re going to ramp backyour money and go from there.”

Army leaders “are right now in a placewhere their backs are up against a wall,”he said.

“There are three [valves] that can beturned,” he explained. “One is force struc-ture, how many people we have in theArmy. The next one is readiness, and thenmodernization.

“We’ve turned the modernization onedown about as far as we can go. We’ve ei-ther killed programs, or we’ve extendedprograms. And so we really can’t do muchmore in the modernization arena.

“Then you’ve got readiness,” he said,which includes training. “We’ve got a fis-cal restraint memo that the Army sent outsaying we’re going to cut way back onabout everything we can do over the nextseveral months” in the way of readiness.

These include curtailing temporary dutiesand professional training that are not mis-sion critical.”

“And then the other one is force struc-ture,” he said, meaning the total numberof Soldiers in all Army components. “De-pending on which direction Congress goesis really going to determine how large ofan Army we have or how ready an Armywe’re going to have. We just don’t have ananswer right now.”

Chandler then called on the sergeantsmajor to take action individually; urgingthem to answer their elected officials ifthey ask how sequestration will affect mili-tary members that they represent.

“[Tell them] ‘we’re in a pretty bad hurtbox that we just really can’t change. It’s outof our control. We really need your help.’And that’s going to carry weight.”


Planning for sequestrationis the practical thing to do anddoesn’t indicate a lack of confi-dence in Congress, Deputy De-fense SecretaryAshton B. Cartersaid yesterday in an interviewon “This Week in Defense Newswith Vago Muradian.”

Though Congress voted ear-lier this month to delay untilMarch 2 the implementation ofabout $500 billion in across-the-board defense spending cutsover 10 years, Carter explained,the threat still looms and thePentagon must be ready.

Complicating matters is thatthe Defense Department – asis all of the federal govern-ment – is still operating undera continuing resolution, “whichmeans we are stuck with thebudget of last year, category bycategory,” he added. The con-tinuing resolution is set to ex-pire March 27, unless Congressapproves a new appropriationsact for fiscal 2013.

Preparing for this conflu-ence of events requires a del-icate balance between actingtoo early and planning toolate, Carter said.

“The reason not to make ad-justments too early is these arenot desirable things to do,” hesaid. “They’re not good fordefense, so you don’t want todo them until you have to.”

For example, Carter said, theDefense Department normallyhires about 1,000 people eachweek to maintain a stable num-ber of personnel. “However,”he continued, “if I worry thatI’m going to run short of mon-ey later in the fiscal year, I’d bet-ter stop hiring.”

Secretary:Sequestrationplanning willrequire balance

Photo courtesy U.S. Army

“Depending on which direction Congress goes is really going to deter-mine how large of an Army we have or how ready an Army we’re goingto have. We just don’t have an answer right now.”

— Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III (above)speaking to a group of U.S. Army sergeants major


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4 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

On Jan. 10, Carter issued a memo au-thorizing defense components to imple-ment measures that will mitigate the ef-fects of fiscal uncertainty, including hiringfreezes, termination of temporary em-ployees and cancelling certain equipmentmaintenance contracts.

“Now that’s not a good thing,” Cart-er said. “That’s jobs – 44 percent of thepeople we hire are veterans. And we careabout hiring veterans. And of course,most importantly, we care about gettingthe work done.”

When he talks about DOD civilians,Carter said, he’s not talking about bu-reaucrats in Washington. “These are ship-yard workers – these are people who aredoing important things,” he added.

The memo requires defense componentsto submit their plans to Carter’s office, hesaid, to ensure their efforts are balancedand to provide components with an oppor-tunity to learn from each other’s approach-es. Meanwhile, he said, the department istaking prudent steps now in case the con-tinuing resolution is extended for the whole

year or the sequestration cuts take effect.“What we’re trying to do is take

steps that are reversible,” he explained.“They’re harmful if they last the wholeyear. But if I take them now, I’ll be betteroff later in the year.”

For now, he said, these are steps thatcan be quickly undone.

“Later in the year, I’m going to have todo things that are irreversible -- that doirreversible harm,” Carter said, includingfurloughing federal employees and re-ducing military training.

“Obviously, I don’t want to do that. ... Ifit goes on long enough, we will do dam-age to readiness that will be difficult andtake years to reverse,” he said.

Preparations have been ongoing forsome time, Carter said.

“We’ve been doing that quietly,” hesaid, “because we haven’t wanted to actas though sequestration or any of thesethings was either inevitable or, certainly,something that we could manage withease. These are damaging, destructivethings to do.”

Following his visit with the sergeants ma-jor at the Judge Advocate General’s LegalCenter & School, Chandler visited about 50Soldiers who were attending the Noncom-missioned Officer Academy there.

During a question-and-answer ses-sion with noncommissioned officers, orNCOs, a sergeant asked Chandler aboutthe impact a reduced budget might haveon the retention of “professional NCOs.”Chandler replied that the Army will con-tinue to retain the best qualified Soldiersand will continue to challenge them. Hehad a warning, however.

Chandler told the NCOs that in thesetimes of fiscal uncertainty, they must ex-ert leadership and initiative.

“I challenge you as a leader, and youas a leader can challenge your subor-dinates,” he said. “Even in tough timesyou can be creative, adaptive and agile asleaders and inspire your Soldiers to wantto stay as part of the team. Leadership isthe key ingredient.”

He cited examples of things NCOsmight do if they have a limited budget,

which he categorizes as “getting back tothe basics,”such as physical readinesstraining, language skills that aid deploy-ments, and warrior tasks and battle drills.

“These are low cost, but important squad-level training events that maintain somelevel of readiness in our units,” he said. “Ihave full faith and confidence that our Sol-diers and leaders will rise to this challenge.”



“I challenge you as a leader,and you as a leader can challengeyour subordinates. Even in toughtimes you can be creative, adap-tive and agile as leaders and in-spire your Soldiers to want tostay as part of the team. Leader-ship is the key ingredient.”

— Sgt. Maj. of the ArmyRaymond F. Chandler III

talking to a group of sergeants majors

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6 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

By Airman 1st Class Victoria Taylor633RD AIR BASE WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Celebrating this year’s Air Force Assis-tance Fund campaign with a 5k run Feb.22, Langley Air Force Base is set to run itsprogram from Feb. 4 to March 16.

The Air Force Assistance Fund raisesmoney on active duty military installa-tions for charitable partners that endowsupport to Air Force families in need.

“The AFAF is a fundraiser where pro-ceeds are distributed between four dif-ferent charities that provide for Airmenand their families,” said 2nd Lt. Francis-co Guzman, installation project officerfor the AFAF.

The first of these charities, the AirForce Villages program, was foundedby the Air Force Officers Wives’ Clubsin 1964. The program offers a comfort-able and affordable retirement commu-nity for widowed spouses of retired AirForce officers.

“The AF Villages program not onlyprovides a home and financial help,but is also big in health care, which is acommon trend in all four affiliations,”said Guzman.

The Air Force Aid Society, created in1942, is an official charity providing emer-gency assistance, educational aid and com-munity programs to Airmen and families.The AFAS works hand-in-hand with theAirman and Family Readiness Center, andis one of the most well-known programsto Airmen because of the substantial ben-efits it provides.

The General and Mrs. Curtis E. Le-May Foundation is another affiliate ofthe AFAF. This program helps both offi-cers and enlisted widows and widowersthrough financial grants.

“The foundation is selective in terms ofwho gets assistance, but they care most-ly about what situation the widows andwidowers are in, and not why or howthey got to the point of needing the helpthey are asking for,” Guzman said.

Lastly, The Air Force Enlisted Villageis a program founded in 1967 to providea safe, secure and dignified place for fi-nancially-challenged surviving spousesof retired Air Force personnel, enlistedand officers.

These programs rely on volunteers, whichcome from all corners of the Air Force.

“We are asking for volunteers to helpfor all of our events throughout the pro-motion time,” Guzman said. “This iswhere we can get people who mighthave been in the same situation andhave been helped to reach out and havea chance to give back.”

Air Force Assistance Fundfocuses on helping families

For more information on how to donate to the Air Force AssistanceFund or how to volunteer on base, visit

The Air Force Assistance Fundraises money on active duty

military installations for charitablepartners that endow supportto Air Force families in need.

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Page 7: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 7

By Senior Airman Jason J. Brown633RD AIR BASE WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Across the country, millions of Servicemembers and their families are collect-ing their financial records to crunch num-bers for annual income tax filing season.While some people may know their wayaround a Form 1040 fairly easily, othersbreak into a sweat when it comes to prop-erly filling out the bevy of forms, maxi-mizing their refunds, managing deduc-tions, and avoiding an audit.

The U.S. military prides itself on tak-ing care of its people, and the Joint BaseLangley-Eustis Tax Centers serve as aprominent example.

The centers, open at both Langley AirForce Base and Fort Eustis, employ ap-proximately 30 volunteers, including Sol-diers, Airmen and civilians, as tax prepar-ers. These volunteers receive training andcertification through the Internal Reve-nue Service’s Volunteer Income Tax As-sistance, or VITA program.

The JBLE Tax Centers provide free taxpreparation service for the military com-munity, including active duty Service mem-bers, retirees and their dependents.

U.S.Air Force Capt. Charles Grotewohl,the JBLE Tax Center officer in charge, said

the goal is to minimize the cost and stressof tax preparation on military membersand families.

“A lot of people get nervous when itcomes time to file their taxes. Whether it’ssomething they’ve always had a parentor spouse do in the past, or they’re justnot sure how to file properly while get-ting the best possible refund, we are hereto assist them,” the captain said. “Ourvolunteers are well-trained, and will helpour customers sift through the paper-work to finish the process.

“Our Service members work extreme-ly hard every day, and our family mem-bers continue to make sacrifices to help uscontinue to be successful,” he continued.“Getting them through this process andsaving them time and money is the leastwe can do to give back to them.”

The centers’ volunteers echoed the cap-tain’s sentiment, saying they enjoy the op-portunity to help fellow Service members.

“Doing taxes is something everyone hasto do. Being able to be here and get to knowmembers of the community on a more per-sonal level is very rewarding,” said U.S.Army Spc. Racie Hutchins, a volunteer taxspecialist at the Fort Eustis tax center.

Ever since Hutchins made costly errorswhile filing her taxes years ago, she was

determined to volunteer her efforts tohelp people avoid similar mistakes. Shebegan volunteering with the VITA pro-gram eight years ago, serving the last fiveof those years in the Army.

“The IRS isn’t the big bad guy peoplesometimes make them out to be. When Ineeded help with my taxes, they broughtme in and helped me out,” she explained.“VITA gave me the opportunity to helpout other people who needed a handwith doing their taxes, and I continue totake advantage of that opportunity.”

The JBLE Tax Centers offer services byappointment only. The centers will oper-ate weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., throughApril 18. The Langley AFB center is locatedat 402 Helms Ave. To schedule an appoint-ment, call 225-5777. The Fort Eustis center islocated at 2733 Madison Avenue. To sched-ule an appointment, call 878-2343.

For a list of documents to bring to yourappointment, directions to the centers, andmore information, visit

Photo by Airman First Class Victoria Taylor

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Holden Smith, 633rd Air Base Wing Judge Advocate para-

legal, assists Senior Airman Terrence Eaton, logistics readiness squadron vehicle main-

tenance journeymen, in filling out a form at the Langley Air Force Base tax center, Feb.

5. When filing taxes the documents needed are a social security card, photo ID, a blank

check for direct deposit, and aW-2 form.

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8 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013



After seven months and more than $3.6million invested into a much-needed up-grade, renovations at Fort Eustis’ Ander-son Field House are complete.

The 50-year-old historic building’s doorsopened the morning of Feb. 4 to welcome Ser-vice members, military families and civiliansto enjoy the new, state-of-the-art equipment.

“Anderson Field House definitely has anew look,” said William Vonohlen, chief ofthe 733rd Force Support Division’s sustain-ment services branch. “There were manyareas that were renovated, such as lock-er room facilities, basketball courts andbleachers, weight room, exercising room

and even classroom spaces. We also addeda new heating and cooling system.”

According to Vonohlen, the facility pro-vides services for more than 2,500 peo-ple, daily. In addition to providing primeworkout space for the Fort Eustis com-munity, Anderson Field House supportsspecial events, including changes of com-mand and deployment and homecomingceremonies for the post’s units.

“A lot of people come here often, andwith the added upgrades we should expectmore as time progresses,” Vonohlen said.

Renovations also included a new lob-by, bathrooms, utility rooms, break room,main entrance and equipment issue room.

“Sofar,we’vereceivedgreat feedback.Peo-ple really like what has been done,” he said.

“I enjoy playing volleyball and today wasmy first time back using the facility. The newcourts and equipment are really nice,” saidPat Teifer, U.S. Army Training and DoctrineCommand Resource Management.

Retired Army Staff Sgt. Everett Glover,a patron, said the new renovations will,“certainly improve the quality of life.”

“We’ve needed these upgrades for along time,” said Glover. “Not only will thisbenefit the Soldiers and their families, butwe have a lot of retirees who come in anduse the facility as well.

“Many years ago when I was active-du-ty, I remembered the old wooden floors,”recalling the way the gyms used to look.“But today it looks great, and I think it’sgoing to get a lot of use.”

Anderson FieldHouse is open 7 daysa week; Mondaythrough Friday from5 a.m. to 10 p.m., andSaturday and Sundayfrom 9 a.m. to facility is openon holidays, exceptThanksgiving, Christ-mas and NewYears.

Photos by Staff Sgt. Ashley Hawkins

Customers enjoyAnderson Field House’s aerobic equipment during re-opening

day at Fort Eustis, Feb. 4.The gym opened its doors after a seven-month, $3.6

million renovation project which introduced new equipment, renovated rooms

and a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

ABOVE:WilliamVonohlen, 733rd Force Support Division Sustainment Branch chief, (left),

gives U.S.Army Col.Thomas R.Wetherington, 733rd Mission Support Group commander,

a tour of a separated classroom area ofAnderson Field House.

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Gamers fire virtual bullets with hand-held controls from the safety of their homesfor entertainment. At Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., Service members en-gage targets with real weapons using sim-ilar virtual bullet technology but with avery different purpose in mind.

As part of their mobilization training forworldwide deployments, reserve-compo-nent service members use the EngagementSkills Trainer 2000, a visual weapons sim-ulator computer system involving com-pressed air to replicate a rifle’s kick.

The system saves resources includ-ing ammunition while it allows servicemembers to become familiar with dif-ferent weapons systems. Using the EST2000, service members can train on sev-eral small arms and squad weapons sys-tems including the M-9, M-4, and M-2.

The simulated environment and weap-ons-fire images project onto a large screen

inside a dark room, creating the atmo-sphere similar to an oversized arcade arena.

“At first I didn’t think that it would be ef-fective,” said Air Force Staff Sgt. BrandonWalker, a cyber-systems operator with the352nd Special Operations in Mildenhall,U.K. “I heard that it was like a video game.”

Virtual trainer saves time,money, increases skills

Photo by Capt. Antonia Edwards

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Katura Moorer, trainer and mentor with the 174th Infantry Bri-

gade, First Army Division East, discusses shot placement and grouping with Staff Sgt.

Stephanie Pham, from San Francisco who is heading to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan in

February to assist an Explosive Ordinance Disposal team.


The Engagement Skills Trainer2000 system saves resources,

including ammunition, while itallows Service members to become

familiar with different weaponssystem. Using the EST 2000, servicemembers can train on several smallarms and squad weapons systemsincluding the M-9, M-4, and M-2.

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Page 10: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

10 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

By Senior Airman Jason J. Brown633RD AIR BASE WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

U.S. Army Pfc. Carl Gahry, a transpor-tation management coordinator assignedto Fort Eustis’ 689th Rapid Port OpeningElement, 833rd Transportation Battalion,597th Trans. Brigade, said he’s fortunateto have found a career path in the U.S.Army – a calling,” as he puts it.

The 24-year-old Michigan native said heloves his career, but that it took time to findhis path. Gahry attended Western Mich-igan University prior to enlisting in 2011.While he found no difficulty attendingschool, he had “no idea” what he wantedto do with his life, and left school to work.

“I was spending upwards of $15,000 ayear in college costs, and didn’t know whatI wanted to do. That wasn’t working out,”he said. “I tried working a full-time job, buteven that wasn’t sustainable.”

Ever since he was a freshman in highschool, Gahry said he thought about serv-ing in the military but was nervous aboutthe commitment. After college and the

workforce left him with no better grip onhis future plans, he decided to take the oath.

Following his inquiry into careers inthe U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, Gahrydecided to enlist in the Army, travelingto Fort Benning, Ga., for Basic CombatTraining. Upon graduating, he attend-ed Advanced Individual Training at FortLee, Va., before receiving orders to FortEustis to serve as an Army logistician.

As a transportation management Sol-dier, Gahry is responsible for planning,coordinating and tracking the move-ment of people, goods and equipmentaround the globe.

“We track things being moved using[radio-frequency identification] tags onitems, which lets us provide in-transitvisibility through the Army’s RF-ITV sys-tem,” he explained.

Gahry chose logistics as a career becausehe believes his new skills will translatesuccessfully in the private sector and helphim better prepare for a civilian career.

“Logistsics is everywhere; everythingis moving all the time,” he said. “There’s

always going to be a need for people thatcan keep those processes moving, keepgoods and passengers in transit and keeptrack of them. Many shipping companiesuse tracking technologies nearly identicalto what we use in the Army.”

Gahry said he enjoys everything abouthis new career, including the basic tenetsof being a Soldier such as Warrior Tasksand Battle Drills, and the camaraderiethat comes with it.

“There’s never a dull moment. I justfeel like I fell in love with the principlesthe Army stands for,” said Gahry. “I real-ly bought into the Army values. It’s likeplaying sports – that brotherhood, thatfamily mindset.

“I think I have some of the best leader-ship in the Army,” he continued. “Thereare great people that have groomed me as aSoldier, taught me to become better. I’m al-ways asking questions and seeking adviceto help me move along through my career.”

Sgt. 1st Class Tomekia Branch, Gahry’splatoon sergeant, and Sgt. ChristopherHitchman, the assistant platoon sergeant,

called Gahry “a self-motivator,” admir-ing his drive to succeed and his desire tofind work to do.

“He does normal operations withoutbeing told to do so. He takes initiative ev-ery day, and can do his job with little tono direct supervision,” Hitchman said.“He backtracks, checks his work and un-derstands very clearly what he needs todo before he does it.”

“He always comes to me looking forthe next step in his career,” said Branch,proudly. “He hasn’t even put on special-ist yet, but he’s already looking down theline to sergeant.”

Gahry’s success and satisfaction withhis career has caused him to think differ-ently about his future, shedding light onwhat was once mired in uncertainty.

“I enlisted to serve four years and getout, hoping to find a job outside with abetter understanding of what I wantedto do,” he said. “But now that I’m here,I’ve found my niche. Everything happensfor a reason, and I feel like I’ve found mycalling with the Army.”


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FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 11

Once the Warner Robins, Ga., native heard the in-structors’ explanations of the training and its benefits,he said he learned new information and techniques toimprove his firing.

The EST 2000 provides Service members the abilityto work on the fundamentals of marksmanship beforeheading to the weapons range. This results in saving themilitary valuable resources, time, and money.

“It gives immediate downrange feedback used togroup and zero [a weapon] prior to going out on a live-fire range,” explained Sgt. 1st Class David George, a na-tive of Burleson, Texas. “It’s cost effective.”

George, EST 2000 trainer and mentor assigned to 1stBattalion, 314th Infantry Regiment, 174th Infantry Bri-gade, explained the system benefits the service mem-bers because the downrange feedback shows themevery small mistake they make and how that affectstarget precision.

The simulation displays a very clear representation ofthe users’ shot patterns, said George. After firing threeshots to zero the weapon, the system produces a card foreach shooter that shows their shot-group – much like thepaper targets they would see on a live-fire range.

Walker said he likes having that tangible shot card.“I like to see something that you can take back and go

over,” he explained.In addition to shooting targets, Service members can

engage in realistic combat situations. This training is use-ful, even for those who have deployed multiple times.Air Force Tech. Sgt. Carrie Todd, who is preparing for herthird deployment, agreed.

“I think I am more so prepared than [for] my other de-ployments, because now I know what to expect,” saidTodd, native of West Bloomfield, Mich., and a paralegalwith the 355th Fighter Wing, Office of the Judge Advo-cate at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. “They gaveus a lot of knowledge on what we could encounter [in the-ater].”

The EST 2000 allows Service members the opportuni-ty to train and receive valuable weapons marksmanshipfeedback without ammo restrictions.

“There is no waste if you need to [fire] multiple times,”Walker said. “You have the ability to shoot infinitely.”

Virtual ranges like the EST 2000 and other virtual andsimulated training systems provide an economically effi-cient way to train.

Once Service members are familiar with their designat-ed weapons systems and have practiced the fundamen-tals of marksmanship, they head for a real, live-fire rangeand qualify on their deployment weapons.

First Army Division East uses virtual trainers to repli-cate vehicle convoy training, crew team react-to-contacttraining, and even simulate vehicle rollovers. Each virtu-al training range helps make better use of mobilizationtraining time, money and resources by negating the needfor ammunition and other training resources.

The skills acquired here keep us from sending needlessrounds downrange, agreed George. Time spent pullingtriggers on video games can earn gamers higher scores.Time spent pulling triggers on the EST 2000 can helpbring these Service members home safely.


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12 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013 FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 13

By Airman 1st Class R. Alex Durbin633RD AIR BASE WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

The shrill whine of the saw filled the room, asa latex-gloved hand held the tool tightly, prepar-ing to make the first cut.

Nothing could be heard over the sound of theblade as the technician held the man's arm firm-ly and continued to cut. When the work was done,the technician lay the saw aside, and a loud, crack-ing noise abruptly replaced a momentary silence.

A few moments later, the patient left the Or-thopedic Clinic, located inside the Multispe-cialty Surgical Clinic at U.S. Air Force HospitalLangley at Langley Air Force Base, Va., relievedhis time wearing a cast was over.

Orthopedics is the branch of medicine focusedon conditions involving the musculoskeletal sys-tem. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical andnonsurgical means to treat musculoskeletal trau-ma, sports-related injuries, degenerative diseas-es, infections, tumors and congenital disorders.

According to the American Academy of Or-thopedic Surgeons, orthopedic complaints topthe reasons patients seek medical care, and or-thopedic injuries are responsible for more than 7million hospitalizations each year.

“The Orthopedic Clinic offers comprehensivecare,” said Dr. [Maj.] Michael Tompkins, 633rd Sur-gical Operations Squadron orthopedic surgeon.


Growing to meLangley Orthop

Photo by Senior Airman Teresa Aber

U.S.Air Force Maj. MichaelTompkins, M.D., 633rd Surgical Operations Squadron orthopedic surgeon, uses screws to ensure proper placement

of a metal plate in a patient’s ankle during a procedure at LangleyAir Force Base, Feb. 5. Orthopedic surgerons use both surgical and nonsurgi-

cal means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, sports-related injuries, degenerative diseaes, infections, tumors and congenital disorders.

Photo by Airman 1st Class R

U.S. Air Force Dr. (Maj.) Michael Laidlaw, 633rd Surgic

tions Squadron, director of orthopedic services, exami

ray at the Orthopedics clinic inside the new multi-specia

center at U.S.Air Force Hospital Langley at LangleyAir Fo

Jan. 31.The orthopedic surgery clinic has a staff of five o

surgeons and two physician assistants who provide a w

of services, including treatment of sports-related injurie

placements and acute musculoskeletal care.


Photo by Airman 1st Class R. Alex Durbin

U.S.Air Force Staff Sgt. Diana Soare, 633rd Surgical Op-

erations Squadron medical technician, shapes a fore-

arm cast inside the new multi-service clinic, Jan. 31.

The multi-service health center not only provides an ef-

ficient space to treat patients, but also fosters a unique

environment for medical providers to work closely with

professionals in other specialties to ensure patients’

needs are met in an efficient, thorough manner.

Photo by Airman 1st Class R. Alex Durbin

U.S. Air Force Maj. MichaelTompkins, M.D., 633rd Surgical Operations

Squadron orthopedic surgeon, operates on a patient’s fractured an-

kle at Langley Air Force Base, Feb. 5. Langley Hospital’s new Orthope-

dic Clinic will assist between 7,500 and 10,000 patients per year. The

orthopedic surgery clinic has a staff of five orthopedic surgeons and

two physician assistants who provide a wide range of services, includ-

ing treatment of sports-related injuries, joint replacements and acute

musculoskeletal care.

“We have a group of highly trained professionalsto treat a wide variety of orthopedic cases.”

The Orthopedic Surgery Clinic boasts a staff offour orthopedic surgeons, one podiatrist, and twophysician's assistants who provide a wealth ofknowledge to offer a wide range of services, includ-ing treatment of sports-related injuries, joint replace-ments and acute musculoskeletal care to all mem-bers of the Joint Base Langley-Eustis community.

While the clinic assists between 7,500 and10,000 patients per year, it focuses on personal-ized care and puts emphasis on a patient-centricapproach to medicine.

The clinic also offers cutting-edge facilitiesand care to patients. As a testament to this, con-struction of a new in-house radiology suite is setto be complete in the near future. The new suitewill give the orthopedic patients a more seam-less transition, negating the need to leave theMultispecialty Clinic while receiving care, ulti-mately reducing wait times.

“The new facility offers clinic space which al-lows providers to adequately assess and treat pa-tients,” said Dr. [Maj.] Michael Laidlaw, 633rdSurgical Operations Squadron Director of Ortho-pedic Services. “We know everyone's time is pre-cious, so we try to treat patients in a timely man-ner while giving them the best care possible.”

The Multispecialty Surgical clinic not only pro-vides an efficient space to treat patients, but it also

fosters a unique environment for medical provid-ers to work closely with professionals in otherspecialties to ensure patients' needs are met in anefficient, thorough manner.

“This clinic is the first of its kind in the AirForce,” said Laidlaw. “It affords medical pro-fessionals the ability to call on colleges in oth-er sub-specialties to provide personal, compre-hensive care for each patient.”

Even while sharing space with other spe-cialties, the clinic offers more room for or-thopedic professionals to triage andtreat patients, including a newcast room featuring fivebeds to tend to acuteorthopedic in-juries in atimelyfashion.

“You dohave a choice when it comes to your healthcare,” said Laidlaw. “The new MultispecialtySurgical Clinic not only gives patients the op-portunity to receive high-quality care, but tobe treated in an environment that puts the pa-tient first.”

Editor’s note: This story is part of a series high-lighting the ongoing changes at U.S. Air Force Hos-pital Langley.

eet your needs:edics is ‘bad to the bone’

. Alex Durbin

cal Opera-

ines an X-

alty health

orce Base,


wide range

es, joint re-

Photo by Senior Airman Teresa Aber

U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Ryan Donaldson, 633rd Surgical

Operations Squadron surgical technician, verifies proper screws

are being used before handing them to the orthopedic surgeon

during a procedure at Langley Air Force Base, Feb. 5. Orthope-

dic surgerons use both surgical and nonsurgical means to treat

musculoskeletal trauma, sports-related injuries, degenerative

diseaes, infections, tumors and congenital disorders.

“This clinic is the first of its kindin the Air Force. It affords medicalprofessionals the ability to call oncolleges in other sub-specialties toprovide personal, comprehensivecare for each patient.”

— Dr. (Maj.) Michael Laidlaw633rd Surgical Operations Squadron

Director of Orthopedic Services

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14 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013


While many factors may impact a Servicemember’s ability to accomplish a mission,one of the most significant can be the safetyand well-being of their children.

The Family Child Care program at Lang-ley Air Force Base, which augments theChild Development Center and SchoolAgeprograms, provides a way to become childcare providers through extensive trainingand qualifications.

The providers of the FCC program areable to offer the same care that child de-velopment centers can, but with a moreone-on-one focus, as providers can onlysupervise a maximum of six children, in-cluding their own.

The program requires applicants to be-come certified and licensed for in-homecare, and once accepted, they undergoinitial orientation training.

“The training is a three-day orientationcovering everything from becoming CPRcertified to learning applicable Air Force

regulations,” said Nancy Hass, FamilyChild Care Office child care chief.

When the applicant completes the ori-entation, they go through additional train-

ing and certifications, just to be considereda candidate. Once these are accomplished,Hass may then recommend the candidateto the final selection board.

Even after the provider is hired, the train-ing doesn’t stop. Providers must completeregular refresher courses and maintain alllicensing qualifications.

“Monthly training, background andreference checks, and yearly license re-newals are required for a certified care-taker,” said Hass.

These qualifications are essential in or-der to provide the best benefit to Servicemembers, including extended-duty careand returning-home care.

Active duty military personnel, reserv-ists on active duty orders, DOD civil-ians and DOD contractors, living eitheron or off base are eligible to receive carethrough the program

“Any family with children betweenages two weeks and 12 years is eligible,”said Hass.

One benefit the Family Care Center pro-vides is to ensure children are cared for, no

matter the time of day. The program offersproviders with varying availability to en-compass often unconventional the sched-uling needs of Service members.

Price is another significant benefit of theprogram. Rates for care are set comparablywith the prices of the CDC. The rates arebased on of the family’s income, and can besubsidized by the Air Force, said Hass.

While Service members may not feelcomfortable leaving their children in some-one else’s care, Hass said they can be reas-sured that steps are taken to regularly mon-itor the caregivers.

“The providers are closely monitoredwith monthly visits that include observ-ing how the provider interacts with thechildren, fire and safety issues and train-ing,” said Hass. “The program offers quali-ty, dependable child care, allowing Servicemembers to do the Air Force mission with-out worrying about your child.”

If interested in applying to become a fam-ily child care provider or utilizing the pro-gram at Langley call Nancy Hass at (757)771-7470 for Fort Eustis call (757) 878-5584.

Photo by Airman Kimberly Nagle

The Family Child Care program at LangleyAir

Force Base, which augments the Child Devel-

opment Center and School Age programs,

provides a way for military-affiliated people

to become child care providers. Families liv-

ing on or off base are eligible to receive care

through the program, including active duty

Service members, reservists on active duty

orders, DOD civilians and DOD contractors.

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Page 14: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 15


New copayments for prescription drugs covered byTRICARE will go into effect February 1. The Fiscal Year2013 National Defense Authorization Act requires TRI-CARE to increase copays on brand name and non-for-mulary medications that are not filled at military clinicsor hospitals. There is no increase to copays for genericmedications.

TRICARE Pharmacy copays vary based on the classof drug and where beneficiaries choose to fill their pre-scriptions. The copay for generic medications stays at$5 when a prescription is filled at a network pharmacy.There is no co-pay when generic prescriptions are filledthrough TRICARE Home Delivery. The new copay for a30-day supply of a brand name medication purchased ata retail network pharmacy will be $17, up from the cur-rent $12. Beneficiaries using TRICARE Home Deliverywill pay $13 for brand name drugs, up from $9. Howev-er, the Home Delivery price is for a 90-day supply.

The greatest change in copays applies to non-formularymedications. The $25 copay for these drugs increases to$44 at retail pharmacies and $43 through Home Delivery.The TRICARE Uniform Formulary is a list of all the medi-

cations TRICARE covers.For fiscal 2014 and beyond, the new law directs that

copays increase annually by the same percentage as re-tiree cost-of-living adjustments. In years when a COLAincrease would total less than a dollar, it will be delayeda year and combined with the next adjustment so in-creases will always be $1 or more.

Pharmacies at military hospitals and clinics will con-tinue to provide medications with no copays. Visit for more details.

New prescription copayments forsome TRICARE pharmacy customers

Graphic by Senior Airman Luis Loza Gutierrez

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Page 15: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

16 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013


As of Jan. 27, merchants in the United States and U.S.Territories are permitted to impose a surcharge on anycredit card transaction that uses a MasterCard or Visabranded card, which includes the Government TravelCharge Card, both Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs)and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs).

This surcharge is permitted to be charged in all states ex-cept California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas,Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma and Texas.

While some merchants may elect not to charge this ad-ditional fee, those that do are required to notify custom-ers before they make an actual purchase – at the storeentrance and at the point of sale – or in an online environ-ment, on the first page that references credit card brands.The surcharge will be included in the total transactionamount and will be listed separately on the sales receipt.

This new surcharge has been authorized reimbursableexpense while on official travel. The Joint Federal Trav-el Regulations (JFTR) and the Joint Travel Regulations(JTR) have been updated accordingly, effective 27 Jan-uary 2013. If a traveler is charged this surcharge, theyshould add it as a separate expense under the Non-Mile-age Expense section of their voucher, ensuring that theadditional surcharge is not also included in the total of

the related expense.Additionally, signs must be posted at merchant store

fronts disclosing any fee at point-of-sale terminals. Theseparticipating merchants must also provide a 30-day no-tice to the card associations, prior to assessing the sur-charge. If a surcharge is assessed by the merchant, it willbe included in the transaction amount posted – and thesales receipt will list the surcharge separately.

For additional information about this new surcharge, goto:

New surcharge on Visa purchases

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Page 16: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 17


Department of Defense and Air Forceofficials are encouraging Airmen to re-view their personal data in the Defense En-rollment Eligibility Reporting System, orDEERS, and accomplish personnel transac-tions before the service upgrades the Mili-tary Personnel Data System in March.

Personnel actions accomplished us-ing MilPDS such as reenlistments, enlist-ment extensions, promotions, unit trans-fers, discharges and retirements should becompleted before the MilPDS upgrade inMarch to avoid processing delays with mil-itary pay and benefits eligibility issues. Air-men are encouraged to access the milCon-nect website at to review their personnel informationprior to March. Airmen can use milConnectto check personnel information listed inDEERS as well as view their TRICARE cov-erage, Post 9/11 GI Bill education benefits,life insurance coverage, and other benefits.

“milConnect is an excellent tool available24/7 for Airmen to review and update cer-tain DEERS data at any time,” said MaryDixon, Defense Manpower Data Centerdirector. “milConnect will be particular-ly valuable to assist Airmen in ensuringtheir records are up-to-date if changes oc-cur during the shutdown period.”

DMDC receives over one million trans-actions each year from the Air Force andabout 66,000 represent new enlistments inthe Air Force, Air Force Reserve, or Air Na-tional Guard. Information sent to DMDCalso determines TRICARE eligibility foralmost one million sponsors and familymembers and plays a critical role in med-

ical, dental, and pharmacy claims pro-cessing. Data sent to DMDC and DEERSsupports the transfer of Post 9/11 GI Billbenefits for more than 87,000 active duty,Guard and Reserve Airmen.

The upgrade project is scheduled to takeabout 23 days to complete while the AirForce Personnel Operations Agency hereupgrades and transfers MilPDS to the De-fense Information Systems Agency’s De-fense Enterprise Computing Center. Duringwhich time, MilPDS will not be available.

MilPDS is the records database forpersonnel data and actions that occurthroughout every total force Airman’s ca-reer. MilPDS is also used to initiate Air-man pay actions, maintain Air Force ac-countability and strength data. MilPDSalso supports a host of interactions withother active duty, Air Force Reserve andAir National Guard systems and process-es that rely on this personnel data.

“milConnect is an excellent toolavailable 24/7 for Airmen to reviewand update certain DEERS data atany time. milConnect will be par-ticularly valuable to assist Airmenin ensuring their records are up-to-date if changes occur during theshutdown period.”

— Mary DixonDefense Manpower Data Center director




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18 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

LAFBCommunity Submit LAFB Community announcements to [email protected]

Company Grade Officer Council

The Joint Base Langley-Eustis Compa-ny Grade Officer Council meets regularlyon the third Thursday of the month at 4:30p.m. at the Nose Dive Bar. All CompanyGrade Officers interested are encouragedto attend the meetings. JBLE CGOC pro-vides opportunities for networking, profes-sional development, and social activities.

For more information or to be added tothe distribution list, please send your infor-mation to [email protected].

TMOTip: Headed to Germany?

Do you have an upcoming PCS to Ger-many? Upon arrival into the country, petswill be examined by the veterinarian nearthe passenger terminal baggage claimarea. These examinations are conductedby the county veterinary office for the Ger-man General Customs. An examinationfee of 55 Euro per pet will be implement-ed Feb. 1, for all non-EU citizens. More in-formation can be found on this website,

For more information, contact TMO at(757) 764-4171 or 764-7868.

AFAF Fundraiser

The Air Force Assistance Fund Commit-tee is holding donuts, coffee and gift certif-icates fund raiser. Orders will be sold fromFeb. 4 to 15, and will be available for pick-up from the Community Center Feb. 20.Contact your squadron representative fororder forms.

The prices for the orders are as follows:coffee $8; dozen donuts $10; partnershipcards $12; donut gift certificates $7.

For more information, contact 1st Lt.Ashley Scott at [email protected] call (757) 225-5204.

Angels with RedTails

Celebrate Black History Month with theLangley Winds on Feb. 10 at 2:30 p.m. atthe American Theatre in downtown Phoe-bus. The venue is premiering a piecethat tells the story, through music, of theTuskegee Airmen.

For more information, contact RaymondLandon at [email protected] call (757) 225-3275.

JBLETax Center Opening

The Joint Base Langley-Eustis Tax Cen-tesr opened Feb. 4 at both Langley Air ForceBase and Fort Eustis. The hours will be 8a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Tax return preparation services will beprovided by Active Duty, Civilian and Re-tiree volunteers. Services will be provid-ed to Active Duty Members, Retirees andtheir respective dependents, with limit-ed availability for civilian and employeesand Guard/Reserve Members on Title 10orders. These tax return services are de-signed for basic to intermediate level tax-es. Those with simple tax returns (JuniorMembers) are encouraged to visit MilitaryOne Source or H&R Block as they alsoprovide free services.

To contact the Langley Tax Center, callSenior Airman Holden Smith at 225-5777;To contact the Fort Eustis Tax Center, call878-2343.

ACC Annual Awards Banquet

Headquarters Air Combat Command willhost its Annual Awards Banquet March 1at the Bayview Commonwealth Center atLangley Air Force Base. The evening willbegin with a social at 5:45 p.m., followedby dinner at 6:30 p.m.

The cost is $27 and will cover a mealwith multiple options, as well as individualmementos. This year’s theme, “Strengthand Excellence Through Diversity,” will beexpounded on by the guest speaker, Dr.Albert Mitchum Jr., Political Advisor to theACC Commander.

For more information contact SeniorMaster Sgt. JoAngela Porter at 764-2966orTech. Sgt. Lisette Spencer at 764-9960.

ANG opportunities briefing

The Joint Base Langley-Eustis Air Na-tional Guard In-Service Recruiter, MasterSgt. Tamika Covington, will be briefing in-formation about the “Palace Chase” and“Front” programs (to include the applica-tion process) and the opportunities avail-able within the ANG.The ANG briefing willbe held Feb. 12 at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. inthe Military Personnel Flight, building 15,second floor, room 203.

For more information, contact Coving-ton at [email protected] orcall (757) 764-9995.

Ski trip

The Langley Chapel Single Airman Minis-try is sponsoring a ski trip Feb. 15 though 17.Thetrip includesa two-nightstay,eighthoursof skiing, spiritual discussion, one meal, skiequipment and transportation. The trip cost$115 per person. Bring gloves, warm cloth-ing and money for all other meals.

For more information, or to register,

contact Larry Blakely at (757) 273-1033 oremail [email protected].

Dependent Scholarship

The Langley Officers’ Spouses’ Club hascollege scholarships available for qualifiedmilitary dependents of current military mem-bers as well as retirees. Applications are avail-able on the LOSC website: application deadline is March 1.

For more information, email the LOSCat [email protected].

Charity chase 5K /10K

The Langley Officers’ Spouses’ Club ishosting a 5k/10k run for charity March 2at 8 a.m. at the Air Combat Command Fit-ness Center. Participants 18 years of ageor older pay $25 while children pay $18.

Register by Feb. 15 online at or for thosewithout Common Access Cards or depen-dent IDs, and to win a free t-shirt. CACand dependent ID holders may register byFeb. 28 at or starting at7 a.m. on race day at the registration table.

For more information, go to

Engineering, Construction Camps

At the Society of American Military En-gineers Engineering and ConstructionCamps, high school students from acrossthe country learn engineering solutionsand skills from professional engineerswhile getting a taste of what it means towork for and with the military services.

Camp times and locations are as follows:U.S. Army Camp, June 16 - 22, Vicksburg,Miss.; U.S. Marine Corps, June 23 - 29, CampLeJune, N.C.; A.F. Academy Camp, June 27to July 3, Colorado Springs, Co.; SeabeesCamp, July 21 to 27, Port Huenerne, Calif.

Application deadlines are March 15 for theU.S. Army Camp and April 5 for the other lo-cations. Registration is $275 per student.

For more information, contact AmyDoye at [email protected].

Personal safety classes

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month.In an effort to reduce sexual assaults, the633rd Force Support Squadron is hostingfree, personal safety classes at both theShellbank and Air Combat Command fit-ness centers. Women can sign up for theclasses held April 1, 15, 22 and 29 from 4to 5 p.m. at the Shellbank Fitness Center.Men can also sign up for April 11 from 5 to6 p.m. at the ACC Fitness Center.

For more information, or to register, call(757) 764-3359.

Flag-football tournament

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Re-sponse office is hosting a flag-footballtournament every Wednesday and Fridayat 2 p.m. from April 3 to 19 at the Shell-bank Fitness Center. Eight teams will beparticipating, so come out and support.

For more information, call Vanessa Wil-liams at (757) 764-3359 or email [email protected].

SAPR road rally

The Sexual Assaualt Prevention and Re-sponse office is hosting a motorcycle roadrally April 26 at 9 a.m. All participants mustarrive at 7:30 a.m. for registration andsafety checks. Participants must RSVP.Theevent is free of charge.

For more information, call Vanessa Wil-liams at (757) 764-3359 or email [email protected].

AfricanAmerican Heritage meeting

Come join the Langley African-AmericanHeritage Council to help support holidayfunctions, host educational programs, pro-vide financial assistance and more. Meet-ings are held at the Langley Club “Enlist-ed Lounge” on the thirdThursday of everymonth at 11:30 a.m.

For more information, contact Mas-ter Sgt. Malukinah Mathis at [email protected].

EFM Forum/Resource Fair

The Joint Services Exceptional Fami-ly Member Forum and Resource Fair willtake place March 12-13 from 8 a.m. to 3:15p.m. at the Langley Air Force BaseTheater,Bldg. 246, 66 Nealy Ave. Conference pre-sentations will include Medicaid Waivers,Managing Behaviors, Special EducationLaws, Transition, Autism, Mental Health,and Appropriate Evaluation and MedicalManagement of ADHD.

Register online at

If you are unable to register online, youmay also register by contacting your branchpoint of contact:

■ Air Force, Ursula Santiago (757) 764-3990■ Army, Marlene Foster-Cherrye (757) 887-

1954■ Coast Guard, Kelly Beck, (757) 686-4025■ Marine Corps, Kimberly Carmon Stanley

(757) 953-2270■ Navy, Brenda Bollenberg (757) 322-9127.

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FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 19

EustisCommunity Submit Eustis Community announcements to [email protected]

Anderson Field House reopens

Anderson Field House has reopened.Hours of operation are 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6p.m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. TheAFH indoor pool has also reopened. Hoursof operation are 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday; 4 to 8 p.m. Monday throughWednesday; and noon to 4 p.m. Saturday,Sunday and holidays.

For more information, call 878-0013.

JBLETax Assistance Centers

The Joint Base Langley-EustisTax Assis-tance Centers are now open for business.Offices at Fort Eustis and Langley AirForce Base are serving customers on anappointment-only basis through April 30.The Fort Eustis center is located in Bldg.2733, Madison Ave. To make an appoint-ment, call 878-2343. The Langley centeris located in Bldg. 801, at 402 Helms Ave.To make an appointment, call 225-5777.Hours for both tax centers are 8 a.m. to 4p.m. Monday through Friday.

Tax return preparation services will beprovided by active duty Service members,and civilian and retiree volunteers. Servic-es will be available to active duty military,retirees, and their respective dependents(limited availability for civilian employeesand Guard/Reserve members on Title 10orders). These tax return services are de-signed for basic to intermediate level taxes.Individuals with simple tax returns (juniormembers) are encouraged to visit MilitaryOne Source or H&R Block as they also pro-vide free tax services.

Dinner for families of deployed

Military families experiencing deploymentor other duty-related separations are invitedto attend a free monthly dinner sponsoredby the Fort Eustis Chapel Community onTuesday from 5:15 to 7 p.m. at the Regimen-tal Memorial Chapel, Bldg. 923, Lee Blvd.

The schedule is: 5:15 p.m. – Welcomeand dinner is served; 6 to 7 p.m. – Craftand game time for children 3 and a halfyears and older.; 6:10 to 7 p.m. – Adult fel-lowship time (across the hall).

Free child-watch care is available after din-ner for kids 3-and-a-half years and younger.The next dinner will take place on March 12.

For more information, contact Carole Cark-huff at 218-0871, e-mail [email protected] or call the chapel at 878-1304/1316.

Valentine’s Dinner and Dance

The Fort Eustis Club will host aValentine’s

Dinner and Dance onThursday from 6 to 10p.m. at Bldg. 2123, Pershing Ave.The cost is$60 per couple, which includes dinner, des-sert, a bottle of champagne, and a rose foryour sweetheart. Music will be provided bythe Freestyle Band.

Call 878-5700 to make your reservations(prepaid reservations are required). Today isthe last day to make or cancel reservations.

Balfour Beatty Communities

■ Community Huddle – Join us at the“town hall” meeting onTuesday from 4:30to 5 p.m. at the Community Center, Bldg.126, Madison Ave. This is your opportuni-ty to bring your questions, comments andconcerns to the table at an open forum.

■ Valentine’s Kids Craft – Kids ages 3to 10 are invited to the Community Cen-ter on Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 decorate a special cupcake for your Val-entine. All supplies will be provided. Par-ents must escort and assist their children.RSVP’s are due by Monday.

■ Random Caller Contest – Residentsare invited to participate in our “The Kiss”Random Caller Contest on Feb. 22 from 2to 4 p.m. Call 369-8335, give us your verybest “kissing” sound, and you could win abasket of delicious chocolate.

■ Family Bingo Night – Residents canenjoy an evening of pizza and bingo withfamily and friends Feb. 27 from 4:30 to 5:30p.m. at the Community Center. Due to limit-ed space, please call 328-0691 to make yourreservations by Feb. 25.

■ Pet Food Drive – BBC staff will be col-lecting dog and cat food, cat litter, towels,blankets and other supplies throughout Feb-ruary. All donations will be given to the Isleof Wight Animal Shelter. Collection boxesare located in the Community Center.

The activities listed above are for BBCresidents only. For more information, call328-0691.

Career and Alumni Program

Army Career and Alumni Program class-es and briefings for February will include:

■ Career Expo – Feb. 20, 1:30 to 3 p.m.Employers, college recruiters and other tran-sition service providers are invited to comeand network with transitioners and theirfamily members. Job seekers should dressfor success and bring resumes. Prospectiveemployers will include Absolutely American,Lowe’s, Newport News Shipbuilding,Tapes-try Solutions, SCORE, VA Medical Center,Newport News Police Department, ECPI,Troops to Teachers, Wyotech, Busch Gar-

dens and McAllisterTowing.■ LunchtimeWorkshop – Wednesdays,

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Workshop topics will fea-ture the USAJOBS federal resume applica-tion process, and Social Networking andApplying for a Federal Job. Training will beprovided by ACAP and Civilian PersonnelAdvisory Center staff.

■ SCORE Seminar – Thursdays, 11:30a.m. to 1 p.m. SCORE seminars are heldon the firstThursday of each month to pro-vide transitioners with information on howto start their own business. A represen-tative from the Williamsburg SCORE of-fice will present information on businesstypes, business plans, marketing tips andtarget audience.

■ Transition GPS (TAPWorkshop) – Feb.11-15, and Feb. 25-March 1, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.This five-day workshop provides training fortransitioning Soldiers and their family mem-bers to prepare them to succeed with civil-ian employment and educational pursuits.Topics will include financial planning, re-sume writing, interviewing techniques, jobsearch tips,VA benefits (disability ratings, fil-ing claims, and vocational rehabilitation) andMOS Crosswalk.

■ VA ClaimsWorkshop – Feb. 19, 9 a.m.This workshop is held the second Mondayof each month (Tuesday if Monday is a hol-iday). A Department of Veterans Affairsrepresentative will provide information onvocational rehabilitation benefits and enti-tlements. Attendees will receive assistancein completing VA disability applications.TheVA representative will also accept complet-ed claims packets for processing.

Unless noted, classes and briefings willtake place in Bldg. 601, Training Room 127.For more information, call 878-4955.

National Prayer Breakfast

The Regimental Memorial Chapel’s UnitMinistry team will conduct the NationalPrayer Breakfast on Feb. 21 at 7:30 a.m. atthe Fort Eustis Club, Bldg. 2123, PershingAve.The breakfast is for Soldiers and civiliansto pray for our nation, its leaders and thosewho defend our freedom, and to strengthenspiritual resiliency in the Fort Eustis commu-nity.The guest speaker is Brig. Gen. CharlesBailey, U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Chaplains.

Contact your unit chaplain representa-tives for tickets. Suggested donation is $5(officers and civilians); and $3 (enlisted). Formore information, call 878-1316/1317.

Bridge replacement project

Preconstruction activities have begun

to prepare the Fort Eustis Boulevard NSXRailway overpass for construction. The ex-act lane closure dates will be determinedon or around March 1, but expect closuresto begin no later than March 15.

This construction will have an immedi-ate impact on traffic flow to and from FortEustis. Organizations are encouraged toimplement preplanned mitigation strate-gies to alleviate traffic congestion. Antic-ipate 15-24 months for completion of re-pairs to the bridge.

15th annual 10K Run

The 15th Annual Fort Eustis 10K Run willtake place on March 2 at 9 a.m. This is aPeninsula Track Club Grand Prix event andwill be run entirely on Fort Eustis. The racewill start at the corner of Lee Boulevard andDickman Street and end at Anderson FieldHouse, Bldg. 643, Dickman Street.

Registrations received on or before Feb.26 are $25 ($30 after). Race day registrationstarts at 7 Anderson Field House. On-line registration is available through Make checks payable to “FE Fit-ness” for registrations dropped off at AFH.Registrations may also be mailed to SportsBranch, P.O. Drawer E, Fort Eustis,VA 23604.There will be no refunds or rain date.

The course surface is 99 percent flatasphalt roadways. Ample parking, restrooms and shower facilities will be avail-able for use at AFH. Water points will beavailable at various locations along thecourse and at the finish.

T-shirts are guaranteed for pre-registeredrunners and to all others while supplies last.For more information, call 878-0013.

JBLE 2013 leave roll over days

Service members with more than 60days of leave at the beginning of fiscalyear 2013 are able to carry it into the nextfiscal year, due to the FY 2013 NationalDefense Authorization Act. The provisionis extending the maximum leave carryoverof 75 days through Sept. 30, 2015.

Soldiers contact the Fort Eustis MilitaryPersonnel Office at 878-5618 for more in-formation.

VirginianVeterans ID Cards

The Virginia Department of Motor Ve-hicles partnered with the Department ofVeterans Services to offer a Virginian Vet-erans ID card. The card costs a one-time$10 fee, and is convenient proof to receiveveteran rewards. For more information,visit

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20 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

OutsideTheGate Submit OutsideThe Gate announcements to [email protected]

Mid-Atlantic Sports and Boat Show

Bring the family and join us at the 60th annual Mid-AtlanticSports and Boat Show today through Sunday at the VirginiaBeach Convention Center, 1000 19th St., Virginia Beach. Ad-mission is $8 for adults and free for children ages 12 and un-der. Parking is free. Hours are noon to 9 p.m. today; 10 8 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

For more information, call 222-5377 or visit

Black History Month Film Fest

In celebration of Black History Month, the Virginia WarMuseum will host a film festival at 9285 Warwick Blvd.,Newport News. All films will start at 1 p.m. and are freewith each day’s paid admission.

■ Saturday – “The Bicycle Corps: America’s BlackArmy on Wheels.” In the 1890s, the U.S. Army believedthat it could replace horses with popular new “safety bi-cycles.” Testing this theory, the Army sent 20 African-American soldiers on a 2,000-mile ride from Fort Missou-la, Montana to St. Louis, Missouri.

■ Feb. 16 – “Men of Honor.” Starring Cuba Gooding Jr.and Robert DeNiro, this film was inspired by the life ofCarl Brashear, who dared to dream of becoming the firstAfrican-American Master Diver in the U.S. Navy.

■ Feb. 23 – “Proudly We Served: The Men of the USSMason.” This the true story of the USS Mason, the onlyAfrican-American sailors to take a U.S. Navy warship intobattle during World War II. The film interweaves the sto-ries of crew members with archival footage of the shipand crew produced by the Navy.

Admission is $6 (adults); $5 (senior citizens 62+ and ac-tive-duty military with ID); $4 (children ages 7-18); and freefor children under age 7. Museum hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.

For more information, call 247-8523 or visit

Always ... Patsy Cline

The Peninsula Community Theater will present “Al-ways ... Patsy Cline” starting Feb. 22 through March 16 at10251 Warwick Blvd., Newport News. Performances willtake place Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.; and Sundays,

at 2:30 p.m. All seats are $16.The show is based on the true story of Patsy Cline’s

friendship with Houston housewife Louise Seger. Theymeet in 1961 when Cline went to Houston for a show.The women struck up a pen-pal friendship that lasted un-til Cline’s untimely death in a plane crash in 1963.

For more info, call 726-0166 or visit

Girl Scouts Samoa Soiree

Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast will host the fifth annu-al Samoa Soiree on Feb. 23 from 5 to 10 p.m. at the Mar-iner’s Museum, 100 Museum Dr., Newport News. Thisevent will feature the finest chefs in Hampton Roads asthey create original appetizers and desserts using a vari-ety of Girl Scout cookies as key ingredients. Live musicwill be provided by the Jim Newsom Band. Area celebri-ties will judge the culinary delights and guests are invit-ed to taste each creation and cast ballots for the People’sChoice winner. Tickets are $50 each.

For more information, call 547-4405, ext. 1269 or

Letters from the Battlefield

Letters from the Battlefield,” an exhibit of personal corre-spondence between those serving in the Armed Forces toloved ones back home, will be on display through Feb. 25 attheVirginiaWar Memorial’s Education Center, 621 BelvidereSt., Richmond.This event is free and open to the public.

From tissue-thin “V-mails” from soldiers and sailorsserving in Europe or the Pacific during World War II, to let-ters jotted in ballpoint pen in the steamy jungles of Viet-nam, to e-mails sent from our forces in Iraq and Afghan-istan, the often emotional words express the joys, fearsand loneliness of those men and women who are oftenfar from the comforts of home.

Situated on over four acres overlooking downtown Rich-mond and the James River, the Virginia War Memorial in-cludes the Shrine of Memory. the E. Bruce Heilman Amphi-theater, and the Paul and Phyllis Galanti Education Centerwhich houses military-related exhibits, programs, and the-aters showing the award-winning “Virginians at War” vid-eo series and the multi-dimensional film, “Into Battle.”

The education center is open Monday through Friday

from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. TheShrine of Memory and grounds are open from 5 a.m. tomidnight daily.

For more information, call (804) 786-2060 or visit

Virginia online travel show

The Virginia Tourism Corporation has launched “For theLOVE ofTravel,” a brand-new episodic travel show forYou-Tube. The webisodes are short vignettes that feature au-thentic destinations and local people who tell a personalstory about some of the lesser-known and newer travelexperiences in Virginia. Visitors to will also beable to watch the videos and get helpful maps, itineraries,travel packages and suggestions to book a trip to the plac-es featured in each webisode.

The debut webisode is available at Visit to book a trip or re-quest a free Virginia is for Lovers travel guide.

Technology assistance program

Military veterans living inVirginia with hearing or speechloss are now automatically eligible for adaptive telecom-munications equipment through the Virginia Departmentfor the Deaf and Hard of Hearing’sTechnology AssistanceProgram. Text and captioned telephones and other devic-es are available to veterans who are deaf, hard-of-hear-ing, deaf-blind or speech-disabled. Applicants must be Vir-ginia residents and meet income requirements based onhousehold income and family size. Equipment is providedto qualified individuals on a Loan-to-Own basis, allowingrecipients 30 days to decide whether to keep, exchange,or return the equipment.

For more information, call (800) 552-7917 or visit

MOAA educational loans and grants

Online applications are available for the Military OfficersAssociation of America Educational Assistance Programsfor the 2013-14 school year. Students can apply for inter-est-free loans and grants, which are awarded annually forup to five years of undergraduate study (or until a studentgraduates). Students under age 24, who are children of for-mer, currently serving, or retired commissioned or warrantofficers, and children of currently serving or retired enlist-ed military personnel are eligible to apply.

Applicants must be graduating high school seniors orfull-time college students working toward their first under-graduate degree. If a child served in a Uniformed Servicebefore completing college, his or her maximum eligibilitywill be increased by the number of years served (up to fiveyears). Qualified students with a grade point average of3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale will be considered for selectionbased on scholastic ability, participation in extracurricularand community activities, as well as financial need.

Students may apply online at application deadline is March 1 at noon. Active-du-ty, National Guard, Reserve, retired, and former commis-sioned officers and warrant officers of the seven uniformedservices are eligible for MOAA membership.

Hampton Roads Home and Garden Show

The Hampton Roads Home and Garden Show will take place todaythrough Sunday at the Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Colise-um Dr., Hampton. Sponsored by the Peninsula Housing and Builders As-sociation, the show offers gardening activities for everyone in the family.Come out and meet one of the country’s most famous “pickers” as MikeWolfe from the History Channel’s hit series American Pickers joins us at1 p.m. on Saturday.

Admission is $10 for adults and free for children ages 12 and under.There isa $2 discount for active-duty, retired military, and seniors 62+. Parking is free.Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

For more information about the Hampton Roads Home and GardenShow, call 315-1610 or visit

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FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 21


Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Brian G. Rhodes

U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to the 53rd Movement Control Battalion, 7th Sustainment Brigade, prepare to sling-load a

humvee to a Chinook helicopter during slingload training at Felker Army Airfield, Fort Eustis.



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Page 21: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

22 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Graphic by Senior Airman Jarad A. Denton

Air Force Reserve and Air NationalGuard members are not required to takeany immediate actions unless they arenotified by their MPS. MPSs will receivespecific instructions for active duty, AirNational Guard and Reserve on uniquepersonnel and pay processes related to ac-cessions, unit training assemblies and par-ticipation, mobilizations and activationsand casualties. Other personnel and payprocesses will be held during the cutoverperiod and processed once the upgradeis complete. Servicing MPSs will notifytheir affected members as soon as possi-ble of any required personnel follow-upactions. More information is available onthe ARPC public website at and the myPers website at

Air Force officials will continue to re-lease additional information and guid-ance to the Air Force’s manpower, per-sonnel, services and pay communitiesand total force Airmen to continue to ed-ucate them on how the service will per-form critical personnel and pay tasksduring the MilPDS upgrade. For moreinformation about DMDC, visit For more informa-tion about the MilPDS upgrade, visit themyPers website at

Editor’s note: This story is a part of a se-ries of articles, featured on, to inform and educate total force Air-men about personnel programs impacted bythe Military Personnel Data System upgradeoccurring in March.




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FEBRUARY 8, 2013 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • 23

DEADLINE:Reader & Display

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Babysitting & Childcare Automobiles for SaleMom’s Tot Spot Child Development Ctr. Fox Hillarea now enrolling ages 1-5 yrs. State license, CPRcertified. Contact 757-848-5984

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For Rent-House (All)Oak Wall Unit 137"(w)25(d)82.5(h) $1000757-867-8960

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• For active-duty, retired military, their eligible family members and active or retired civil service employees If you are retired military or retired DOD civilian, include current employer and work phone number on the application.

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Page 23: Peninsula Warrior Feb. 8, 2013 Air Force Edition

24 • The Peninsula Warrior - Air Force • FEBRUARY 8, 2013

2012 Heroes at HomeMilitary Spouse of the Year

TONI E. HALLSpouse of

CMSGT Ronald S. Hall Jr.,30th Intelligence SquadronJoint Base Langley-Eustis


All nominees will be recognized by our local business and military communities at the awards luncheon on

May 9th where we will announce the 10 finalists and the 2013 Heroes of Home Military Spouse of the Year!

The Heroes at Home Military Spouse of the Year will be chosen from nominees provided by active duty personnel

from all branches of the military, spouse support groups, charitable organizations, friends and family.

NOMINATE YOUR HERO TODAY!ALL NOMINEES will be honored by our local business and military communities at awards luncheon on May 9th where we will announce the 10 finalists and the 2013 Heroes at Home Military Spouse of the year!


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