pension benefits administration

Pension Benefits Administration Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * Article 3 Police Pension Funds Article 4 Firefighters’ Pension Funds

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Pension Benefits Administration. Article 3 Police Pension Funds Article 4 Firefighters’ Pension Funds. Illinois Public Pension Fund Association Certified Trustee Program . Presented by Allison R. Barrett , Partner. Pension Benefits Administration. Calculation of Benefits (tab 1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Slide 1

Pension Benefits AdministrationLauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comArticle 3 Police Pension FundsArticle 4 Firefighters Pension Funds110/7/2010Illinois Public Pension Fund Association Certified Trustee Program Presented byAllison R. Barrett, Partner

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits (tab 1)Service Purchases (tab 1)IRS Reporting (tab 2)Contributions (tab 3) QILDROs (tab 3)

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits - COMPONENTSBenefit is a percentage of salaryRetirement: percentage is determined by length of creditable serviceDisability: percentage is fixed, regardless of length of serviceSalary = Pensionable Salary (see IDOI webpage)Includes - base salary attached to rank, longevityExcludes clothing or car allowances, spikes??? Holiday pay, overtime Creditable ServiceGive to Get theory Excludes some unpaid leaves of absence Felony convictionLauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits CALCULATOR

IDOI web page Requires input of componentsExceptionsDependent benefits for Fire (Duty or Occupational Disease Disability) Conversions

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOW

Tier 1 versus Tier 2Member FIRST HIRED by a pension fund under this article after 01/01/11 = Tier 2Subsequent slides reference Tier 1

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPOP QUIZ!! Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comQ: TRUE or FALSE?

You must be 50 years old and must have completed 20 years of active service to beeligible for a retirement pension

710/7/2010Pension Benefits AdministrationA: False Police 8 19 years of serviceAge 60 Fire10-19 years of serviceAge 60Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPOP QUIZ!! Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comQ: TRUE or FALSE?

A line of duty disability pension is granted at 65% of pensionable salary

910/7/2010Pension Benefits AdministrationA: False GREATER OF 65%, or The retirement amount the member is eligible for at time of disability (max 75%)REMEMBER First 65% is tax-free; anything above 65% is taxable Fire: Additional benefit paid for dependentBenefit paid directly to member butReport on IDOI report under dependent

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOW

Nonduty Disability Pension50% of pensionable salary TaxableLauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOWInitial IncreasesRetirementEffective: Later of month after turn 55 or month after retired for one yearAmount: (1/12) of (3% of original benefit) times (# of full months between retirement date and effective date of initial increase)DisabilityEffective: January 1st after reach age 60 Amount: (3% of original benefit) times (# of full years between disability date and effective date of initial increase)Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOWSubsequent Increases (COLAs)RetirementEffective: Every January 1st after the initial increase has been received Amount: 3% compounded DisabilityEffective: Every January 1st after the initial increase has been received Amount: 3% of original benefit

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOWCOLAsSpousal NONE!Dependents for Fire Duty or Occupational Disease Disability3% compoundedEvery January, regardless of age of pensioner

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOWSurvivor benefitsEligible SpousePolice married at time pension beganFire married at least one year prior to deathDependent Child(ren)Under age 18Legally handicapped (mentally or physically) for lifeDependent Parent(s)Estate if pension withdrawn is less than contributions madeLauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits THINGS TO KNOW

Minimum Gross Benefit Police - $1,000 (01/01/01)Fire - $1,159.27 (07/01/08) Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCalculation of Benefits CONVERSIONS

Disability Pension OptionRequirementsAge 50 20 years of service (active or active+disability)Initial benefit should be calculated using statute in effect at time of disabilitySALARY???? - if at least 20 years of active service, use salary at time of conversionCalculator not available - ask IDOI for assistance Consider taxability (gross may be more but net may be less)Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPOP QUIZ!! Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comQ: TRUE or FALSE?

Pension benefits should be paid monthlyat any time during the month

1810/7/2010Pension Benefits AdministrationA: FalseDepartment of Insurance written opinionFiduciary responsibility not to prepay benefitsShould be paid on last business day of month for the month (August benefits paid 08/31) Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase Disability Buy Back Up to 3 years of disability timeMust pay contributions that would have been withheldUsing salary at time of disabilityInterest 6% compounded from each missed pay date to repayment date Must return to active service for a period of time equal to the time being purchased Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase Military Service (after hired) Can purchase up to 5 years (if hired before 07/01/73, no limit) Must pay full contributions due as if remained active employee Employer pays difference between full wages and military wagesEmployer can withhold full contributions, partial contributions, or no contributions NO INTEREST!

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase Military Service (before hired) Can purchase up to 24 monthsMust pay full amount of new unfunded liabilityUse salary at date of hireEmployee AND Employer contributions, using Percent of Total Normal Costs from tax levy Interest Reserve time? Document procedures in your Rules & Regs!!!Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase PORTABILITY (police only)Article 3 to Article 3 Moves service timeMust have at least 2 years of service with Prior Fund Unless left due to lay-offUnless left prior to 08/17/97 Must transfer 100% of service time

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase PORTABILITY (continued)3 calculations Repay contribution refund, plus 6% interest (Prior Fund does)Prior Fund sends to Current Fund (Prior Fund does)A. Employee contributionsB. Interest calculation 6% from date of each payroll deduction to date of transfer (THIS IS NOT THE SAME INTEREST CALC AS #1 ABOVE!)C. Match of A and B True Cost calculation (by certified actuary) (Current Fund does) Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase PORTABILITY (continued)If True Cost is greater than amount from Prior FundOption #1Officer pays difference to Current Fund (within 5 years)Receives credit for 100% of Prior Fund service Option #2Officer pays nothing to Current FundReceives partial credit (amount from Prior Fund divided by Total True Cost)

If True Cost is less than amount from Prior Fund, Current Fund keeps differenceLauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase PORTABILITY (example)Option #1 example Prior Fund service time 4 years, 2 months, 18 days Prior Fund sends $63,800True Cost is $145,000

Balance due to Current Fund from officer $145,000 $63,800 = $81,200Lump sum or installments (within 5 years)Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase PORTABILITY (example)Option #2 example Prior Fund service time 4 years, 2 months, 18 days (= 50.6 months)Prior Fund sends $63,800True Cost is $145,000

63,800 / 145,000 = .44.44 x 50.6 months = 22.27 monthsAdditional service granted of 1 year, 10 months, 8 daysNo additional cost to officerLauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase RECIPROCITY (fire only)Article 4 Combines service time does not moveMust have at least 1 year of service with Prior Fund(s)Must have at least 3 years of service with Final FundMust be 50 years old and have at least 20 years of service between fundsIf hired after 07/01/04, must notify funds of intent within 21 months

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase RECIPROCITY cost to member 3 calculations Repay contribution refund (to all Prior Funds)Plus 6% interest 10 years to repay Additional 1% contribution (to all Prior Funds)6% interest Lump sum / installments Additional 1% contribution (to Current Funds)6% interest prior to Declaration DateEmployer withholds additional 1% from paycheck as of Declaration Date

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase Reciprocity PENSION BENEFITRetirement Prior Fund(s)1/12 of 2.5% of final monthly salary for each month of service in that fund(s)Final FundCalculate benefit as if ALL service was with this fund, using salary of this fundSubtract amount(s) paid by prior fund(s) Mutliple 1099R forms

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchase Reciprocity PENSION BENEFITNonduty Disability, Duty DisabilityFull benefit paid by Current Fund

Occupational Disease DisabilityBenefit paid by all funds to whom payment has been completedEach fund pays a prorated share based upon length of service

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationService Purchases Final Thoughts Credit received once all payments made by all parties Good record keeping is a must!Deductions made from payroll for purchase of service must be AFTER-TAX (even if regular contributions are pre-tax)Update Department of Insurance ReportStatusHire DateLength of Service

COST PROHIBITIVE!!Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationHELPS (Healthcare Enhancement for Local Public Safety)Effective January 2007Reduce taxable earnings by $3,000/yearInsurance premiumsDeducted from pension checkPaid directly to provider Do not withhold pre-tax (limits pensioners filing options on their 1040 form)DO NOT REFLECT ON 1099R FORM!!!!

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationSocial SecurityWindfall Elimination Provision Spousal / widow benefitsContact local SSA office (calculator)

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits - REPORTINGNew pensions first paid after 12/31/97

Replaces Safe Harbor Method with Simplified MethodDivide total after-tax contributions by the number of months of life expectancyNumber of months provided by one of two IRS tables (marital status)

Pension Fund responsible for reporting taxability on 1099R form

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits - REPORTING

Taxability of pension transfers to spousal pension

Tax-free pensions should not be reported to the IRSKilled in the line of duty65% duty/occupational disease disabilityIf awarded for cancer (4-110.1) IS taxable

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX FORM #1

SS-4 Application for Employer Identification NumberIRS needs to know pension fund is a separate entity from municipality/

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX FORM #2

W-4P Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments Determines the amount of federal tax to withhold from pension checkMarital status / number of exemptions Cannot request a flat dollar amount!

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX FORM #3

945 Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax Pension Fund lists tax liability dates and amounts dueIRS uses to reconcile against tax deposits to determine if paid timely Due February 945-A may be required

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX FORM #4

1099R In lieu of W-2 Taxable pension paymentsContribution refundsDue January 31st to payee; due February 28th to IRS

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX FORM #5

1099MISCVendor payments All legal services All medical servicesAll non-incorporated vendors to whom paid at least $600 during the calendar yearDue January 31st to payee; due February 28th to IRS

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX FORM #6

1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information ReturnsCover page Use with 1099R and 1099MISC forms Due February 28th to IRS

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationTaxability of Pension Benefits TAX NOTES

Circular E (Publication 15)Federal tax withholding tablesDeposit schedule (safest pay taxes on pay day!)EFTPS ( liabilitiesFederal withholding tax yesIL withholding tax noOther state withholding tax maybeSocial Security / Medicare no

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationCoalition for Qualified Plan Status AFFI / IGFOA / ILFOP / IMTA / IPFA / IPPFA / MAP (IDOI, Lauterbach & Amen)To maintain Qualified Plan status with IRSTax-free pension benefitsPre-tax contribution deductions / roll-oversNo tax due on interest from investments IRS grants Determination Letter5-year cycleIDOI webpageCost savings As individual pension fund = $40,000+As part of Article 3 or Article 4 = $400 (did you contribute?)Annual review of IL statutes to ensure compliance with IRS code

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationContributions EMPLOYER PICK-UP PLAN Option presented by IRS in mid-1980sPre-tax contribution deductions (increases net pay)Employer ResolutionDetermination Letter covers FundIrrevocableNot required for employer, but if implemented, mandatory participation by employees

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationContributions Rates Police9.91%Effective 01/01/01Fire9.455%Effective 07/01/04Additional 1% for reciprocityPensionable earnings ONLY

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationContributions RefundsAfter-tax contributionsPaid directly to member No taxes withheld Pre-tax contributions Paid directly to memberMust withhold 20% in federal taxIRS notification of potential penalties / taxes when file 1040Roll-over to another Qualified PlanNo tax withheldPayable and sent to Qualified Plan (not member) Reflect refund on 1099R

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationQILDRO

Qualified Illinois Domestic Relations OrderEffective 07/01/06 Only applicable against contribution refund or retirement pension3 piecesAll must be filed in courtHave Board Attorney review before implementingAvailable on DOI webpage (with reference manual)

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationQILDRO Components QILDRO Order Names parties Allocates benefit as a percentage of the marital portion of the pension Consent To Issuance form Required if hired prior to 07/01/99Calculation FormCompleted by member, ex-spouse, their attorneys Cant be completed until creditable service is done

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationQILDRO Taxability

1099R ReportingAlternate Payee List benefit as fully taxable MemberGross benefit (Box 1) - no effectTaxable benefit (Box 2a) reflect QILDRO paid in this box Gross less QILDRO (less recovered after-tax contributions)

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 * www.lauterbachamen.comPension Benefits AdministrationQILDRO Cessation

If Alternate Payee dies

If Member diesNot applicable to survivor pension

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 630.393.1483 *

Allison R. BarrettLauterbach & Amen, LLP27W457 Warrenville RdWarrenville, IL 60555

630.393.1483 / [email protected]