people cope

PEOPLE Cope Piranha Elite Ordinance Pyrite Legislated Edict Codified elusive people eaters STUTTER Solitary Tier Unscrupulously Three Tier Elites Romans 13 e facto  1

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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Page 1: PEOPLE Cope

8/13/2019 PEOPLE Cope 1/5


Piranha Elite Ordinance Pyrite Legislated Edict Codified elusive people eaters


Solitary Tier Unscrupulously Three Tier Elites Romans 13e facto



Page 2: PEOPLE Cope

8/13/2019 PEOPLE Cope 2/5




/n +nstance 0on*intended Truth


3 Tiersit

+nfinite Tears

http!"")1$1&$12$'&"a%out($html 4c.rauds

4anipulative conspirators .iduciary responsi%ly accounta%le usury demonstrate schematics


Page 3: PEOPLE Cope

8/13/2019 PEOPLE Cope 3/5

5There #ere no dates in this history6 %ut scra#led this #ay and that across every page #ere the #ords

enevolence Righteousness and 4orality

 7 finally + %egan to ma8e out #hat #as #ritten %et#een the lines$The #hole volume #as %ut a single phrase6

Eat People9

e :ure

One Tier Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1$ The Canadian Charter of Rights and .reedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it su%:ect only to

such reasona%le limits prescri%ed %y la# as can %e demonstra%ly :ustified in a free and democratic society$

)$ Everyone has the right to life6 li%erty and security of the person and the right not to %e deprived thereof e;cept inaccordance #ith the principles of fundamental :ustice$

12$ <1= Every individual is e>ual %efore and under the la# and has the right to the e>ual protection and e>ual %enefit

of the la# #ithout discrimination and6 in particular6 #ithout discrimination %ased on race6 national or ethnic origin6

colour6 religion6 se;6 age or mental or physical disa%ility$

31$ 0othing in this Charter e;tends the legislative po#ers of any %ody or authority

3'$ <1= This Charter applies<a= to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters #ithin the authority of Parliament

including all matters relating to the ?u8on Territory and 0orth#est Territories@ and

<%= to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters #ithin the authority of the legislature

of each province$

Reality is the Truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perceptionTruth that #hich #ould %e o%served %y -od #hether or not Ae e;ists or #hether or not one %elieves Ae e;ists


Simply Reality Sanely ealt Bith

United Perception Sanity

UPSUltimate Potential Society

.air pay conducive to fair %usiness #e say


Page 4: PEOPLE Cope

8/13/2019 PEOPLE Cope 4/5

De facto'$ Everyone has the follo#ing fundamental freedoms!

<a= freedom of conscience and religion@

<%= freedom of thought6 %elief6 opinion and e;pression6 including freedom of the press and other media of


<c= freedom of peaceful assem%ly@ and <d= freedom of association$

-O-old Oil ollars eh

T-+.Than8 -ood +s .riday


,ustice Aour 

1(&' Dueen Confirmed


2'$ <1= The Constitution of Canada is the supreme la# of Canada6 and any la# that is inconsistent #ith the

 provisions of the Constitution is6 to the e;tent of the inconsistency6

of no force or effect.


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OBLER One Bhite Lie Earns Reciprocity
