people & places quarterly newsletter

& Places People A Quarterly Newsletter of Plant Operations Summer 2010 Plant Operations University of Houston

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Newsletters containting updates of UH Plant Operations programs and services.


Page 1: People & Places Quarterly Newsletter

&PlacesPeopleA Quarterly Newsletter

of Plant Operations



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Plant Operations University of Houston

Page 2: People & Places Quarterly Newsletter


Cougar Vi l lage, the freshmen housing project along Wheeler Street next to Moody Towers, was completed on t ime for the planned Grand Opening on

August 16th. The 1132-bed faci l i ty was ful l upon opening with a large wait ing l ist, a nice anecdote to our record enrol lment this year. Complimenting the bui lding is

the pedestr ian bridge connecting it to the newly-renovated Moody dining faci l i t ies.

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02Plant Operations Newsletter


IssuePersonnel ChangesPromotions/Job ChangesRetirementsNew Hires

Main ArticleCampus Landscaping/Hurricane Ike Improvements

Plant Operations Departmental UpdatesFaci l i t ies Information & Information Technology Faci l i t ies Management Safety TrainingBi l lable Rates

Program Updates / Employee SpotlightsBui lding Coordinator Program Update – Jacquie VargasMetro Project Update – Keith IvyProject Controls & Inspections – Gary Al leySpace Management Program – Camil le Porter

Project HighlightsFleming Bui ldingCentral Plant ExpansionProject Del iveryMaster Plan Design Specif icationsInfrastructure Master Plan

BlurpsOutage Pol icyPlant Ops Website

Kudo’s SectionLabor Shop – Roy Johnson & Curt is RobinsonSki l led Trades – Jorge Rivera & Miguel FernandezFaci l i t ies Management – weekend dutyUti l i t ies – Robert DawsonSki l led Trades – Theron Mathis








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Personnel ChangesPromotions / Job Changes

L isa Bourque Myr l in Braz i l Migue l E l izondo Otu Inyang Johnn ie K ing Cynth ia Ramos Michae l Sharkey Neal Smi th Tuan Tran Eno Udoh Steve Wr ight

Admin is t rat ive Coord inator , Bus iness Serv icesSuperv isor , Labor & Garage MaintenanceLead, Sk i l led Trades Env i ronmenta l Heal th & Safety ManagerSuperv isor , So l id Waste & Recyc l ingExec. Admin. & Pro jects Ass is tant , Fac i l i t ies Mgmt Admin is t rat ionWortham House Maintenance & GroundsManager, Centra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCoord inator for F leet , Auto & Equ ipment Repai rR isk Manager, Env i ronmenta l Heal th & SafetyManager, Sk i l led Trades

Employee T i t le - Department


Gladys GoinsJames MaidenCal l is tus Nnabui feV ictor ReyMartha Sal inasAnton io Hino josaBas i l io Mart inezEnr ique CardenasMartha EscalanteAngelo SalazarI Inocenc ia Gut ierrez

04/01/10 36 years04/01/10 18 years04/01/10 30 years05/01/10 39 years05/31/10 29 years06/01/10 22 years06/14/10 26 years07/31/10 25 years08/31/10 29 years08/31/10 6 years08/31/10 29 years

Ret i ree Ret i rement Date Years of Serv ice

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Plant Operations Newsletter


New Hires

James Bal loweRhoda Danie lsJack ie BarnesTr in idad Rodr iguezE lsa AmadorT imothy DixonMike Dav isMar ia VazquezCami l le PorterMike CoppingerAv inash RahurkarSamantha CrosbyIsaac SemontB lake Wr ightRuth Hulet tJacqu ie VargasVictor RamirezMar ia GuzmanAna VazquezRosal inda MendozaGary A l leyKei th IvyPatr ic ia JamesErwin Eno jadoLark in BuechmannMichae l Wetze lBen jamin Mark inV incent S immondsBennie LopezAnna WiesmanRichard OrtegaJames Regan JR

Manager, Centra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesDirector , Pro ject Account ing & ContractsF i re A larm Tech 2Custod ian 1Custod ian 1Custod ian 1Pro ject ManagerCustod ian 1Lead, Fac i l i t ies Space Coord inatorSr . Pro ject ManagerManager, E lectr ica l & E levator SystemsFaci l i t ies Pro jects & Admin. Coord inatorGroundskeeper 1Groundskeeper 1Admin AsstFac i l i t ies Serv ices Coord inatorCustod ia l Superv isor 2Custod ian 1Custod ian 1Custod ian 1Pr inc ipa l Pro ject ManagerSr . Pro ject Manager Sk i l led Trades Tech 2Sr . Pro ject ManagerFac i l i t ies Pro ject InspectorSk i l led Trades LeadFaci l i t ies DispatcherRefuse Dr iver/Col lectorF i re A larm Tech 2Fac i l i t ies Serv ices Coord inatorFac i l i t ies InspectorFac i l i t ies Inspector

Employee T i t le

Centra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesBus iness Serv icesUt i l i t iesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesMinor & P lanned Pro jectsCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionUt i l i t iesFac i l i t ies ManagementCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionFac i l i t ies Management Admin is t rat ionCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionFac i l i t ies Management Admin is t rat ionSki l led TradesFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionSki l led TradesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesCentra l Fac i l i t ies Serv icesUt i l i t iesMinor & P lanned Pro jectsFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ionFac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ion


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Main Art ic le

We are current ly making ef for ts to improve the campus landscaping and to repai r damaged trees and p lant ings lef t by Hurr icane Ike. Beaut i f icat ion measures inc lude removal and rep lacement of lean ing and damaged trees, rep lacement and improvements to landscape p lant ings and repai r/ rep lacement of i r r igat ion systems to support those p lant ings. The pro ject wi l l be pa id for wi th Ike damage insurance funds. The removal of p lant ings and i r r igat ion wi l l s tar t in June. There wi l l be a few bare spots around campus as p lant ing wi l l be de layed unt i l fa l l , beg inn ing in September, conduc ive wi th good hort icu l ture pract ices. Improvements wi l l be throughout the campus wi th spec ia l cons iderat ions g iven to the centra l quad area, the east per imeter a long Spur 5, and Univers i ty Dr ive . The pro ject drawings were prepared by Clark Condon Assoc iates, Inc . — a loca l landscape arch i tectura l des ign f i rm, in bus iness s ince 1985, spec ia l iz ing in pub l ic , inst i tu t iona l and commerc ia l pro jects .

Landscape Art has been h i red to prov ide landscape p lant ing insta l la t ion and i r r igat ion work. They have been in bus iness in Houston more than 25 years and have a respected reputat ion as a commerc ia l landscape contractor .

Campus Landscaping/Hurricane Ike Improvements

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Campus Landscaping/Hurricane Ike Improvements

Concurrent wi th th is landscape pro ject , the ex is t ing oak trees f rom Scot t Street pr ior to METRO improvements . For ty- f ive t rees wi l l be saved and re located to areas throughout the campus. Env i ronmenta l Des ign wi l l handle the i r re locat ion. They have been in bus iness near ly 30 years and are known throughout the US for the i r expert ise in t ransp lant ing of large t rees. Root prun ing and preparat ions wi l l beg in th is summer. The actua l t ransp lant ing wi l l occur th is fa l l - ‘when the sap fa l ls ’ .

We are mov ing r ight a long toward becoming a T ier One Univers i ty !

For quest ions re lated to th is pro ject p lease contact Mel issa Rockwel l at 713-743-8750 or mrockwel@centra l .uh .edu.

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Departmental UpdatesFacilities Information & Information Technology

Changes in IT Informat ion Technology and Space Informat ion Changes:P lant Operat ions has been work ing wi th Centra l IT to perform a rev iew of serv ices, st ructure and de l ivery methods in re lat ion to Space Informat ion and Informat ion Technology.

They have carefu l ly stud ied structure ef f ic ienc ies, staf f ing leve ls and integrat ion of core serv ices. As a resu l t a reorgan izat ion has taken p lace and Fac i l i t ies In format ion and Informat ion Technology has been formed under the d i rect ion of D i rector , L i l l ian Wanjag i .

Serv ices in th is st ructure are noted be low for reference.For quest ions regard ing these changes p lease contact L i l l ian Wanjag i at 713-743-5541 orlwanjag i@centra l .uh .edu.

Facilities Information

Lillian Wanjagi

Sheree Pearce (Technology Support)

Khanh Hodges(Information Systems)

Space Information (Shared)

- All Desktop Management and Support (Software and Hardware)- Software License Management- Security Administration- File Share Admnistration (P Drive) - Server Administration (with UIT)-Sharepoint-IT Training

-Application Management and Support

(FME, Active Docs, ACCESS (EHRM))

-FAMIS level 1 Support and Functional

Analysist for Facility Management

-Database Administration - FME, Adept

and Active Docs (until Sunset)


- IT Training

-Web Development

-Web Content Publishing

-FAMIS (Space) Level 1 Support and

Functional Analyst - Camille Porter

- AutoCAD functional Analyst - Eva Lyon

-Adept Application Administrator -

Chad Thome

-Adept Level 1 support and Functional

Analyst - Chad Thome

-Sharepoint for FPC - Chad Thome

Plant Operat ions

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Facilities Management Safety Training

Safety Tra in ingMany of the Univers i ty ’s sk i l led t rade, maintenance and custod ia l employees use chemica ls and have potent ia l exposures to b loodborne pathogens. Dur ing the month of Ju ly 2010 the Env i ronmenta l Heal th and Risk Management Department t ra ined more than 200 Fac i l i t ies Management employees in an ef for t to educate employees regard ing proper precaut ions to prevent occupat iona l re lated in jur ies and to comply wi th State requ i rements . Ind iv idua l sk i l led t rade and maintenance shops were assessed for hazards and commonly used chemica ls pr ior to the t ra in ing c lass in an ef for t to customize each c lass.

The f i rs t c lass was Hazard Communicat ions which informed employees about the need to inventory chemica ls in the i r work areas, in terpret warn ing labe ls and to access/read mater ia l safety data sheets (MDDS), which prov ide extens ive in format ion about hazards of chemica ls , how to work wi th them safe ly and necessary f i rs t a id procedures.

The second c lass was Bloodborne Pathogens which informed employees about potent ia l exposures to B loodborne pathogens and how employees can protect themselves.

Seven (7) t ra in ing sess ions were of fered to accommodate day and 3rd sh i f t employees. Spanish t rans lat ions

serv ices were prov ided by vo lunteers f rom F inance, P lann ing & Construct ionand Plant Operat ions Customer Serv ice Center . We are g lad to report a 100% pass ing rate for a l l sess ions taught .

For in format ion /quest ions regard ing safety t ra in ing p lease contact EHRM at 713-743-5858.

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The b i l lab le rates for serv ices for FY 2011 have been publ ished. B i l lab le rates are now based on the average sa lar ies and benef i ts for the f ie ld representat ive performing the b i l lab le tasks.Th is change wi l l now prov ide a un i form rate for a l l work be ing performed based on serv ice and not staf f ass ignment .

For quest ions re lated to th is rate p lease contact L isa Castro at 713-743-5710 or lcastro5@centra l .uh .edu.

The new rates are be low:

Billable Rates

ServiceAuto Serv ice

Craf t Serv icesRegular

Overt ime

Techn ica l Serv icesRegular

Overt ime

Genera l Support Serv icesRegular

Overt ime

RateActua l mater ia l costs

$30.02/hr $45.03/hr

$32.91/hr $49.36/hr

$19.69/hr $29.53/hr

ExamplesAl l Auto Repai rs

Sk i l led TradesCarpentry, Exter ior , P lumbing, Pa int ing, Lock (above normal schedule )

HVAC, EMECS, E levator , E lectr ica l , Mechanica l ,F i re A larm, Genera l Ut i l i ty Support

Custod ia l , Grounds, Cement,So l id Waste/Recyc l ing, Labor,Moves, Events Setup

The chart above represents LABOR rates on ly . Maintenance & Operat ions (M&O) wi l l be b i l led at cost as appl icab le .

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Building Coordinator Program Update-Jacquie Vargas

Bui ld ing Coord inator Program UpdateBui ld ing Coord inator Program UpdateA p lann ing commit tee cons is t ing of representat ives f rom Fac i l i t ies Management, Publ ic Safety, Env i ronmenta l Heal th & Safety, Academic Af fa i rs and var ious co l leges has been work ing for the past few months to deve lop the Bu i ld ing Coord inator Program and i ts key components . Program implementat ion is s lated for January 1, 2011 . The commit tee meets month ly wi th coord inat ion lead by Jacquie Vargas, Fac i l i t ies Serv ices Coord inator . Jacqu ie is new to the Univers i ty and jo ins us wi th over twenty years exper ience in h igher educat ion spec i f ica l ly in student l i fe serv ices. She ho lds a Masters of Sc ience degree

f rom Texas A&M Univers i ty . For fur ther in format ion regard ing th is program please contact Jacqu ie at 713-743-1679 / jvarga5@centra l .uh .eduor v is i t the Bu i ld ing Coord inator Program webpage lantops/bu i ld ing-coord inator-program.

Program Updates/Employee Spotlights

Metro Project Update-Keith Ivy

METRO Pro ject UpdateConstruct ion has begun on Houston’s new METRO Rai l l ines inc lud ing one r ight here in our communi ty – South East l ine . METRO has contracted wi th Houston Rapid Trans i t (HRT) to handle

a l l aspects of construct ion. Construct ion work on the South East corr idor borders Un ivers i ty of Houston on the south s ide of campus.

The major i ty of the work th is summer has focused on ut i l i ty re locat ions and upgrades in preparat ion of the new l ight ra i l l ines a long Wheeler Street . Work so far inc ludes:

+ Water , e lectr ic , communicat ion, and gas ut i l i ty work has commenced a long Wheeler Avenue between MLK Boulevard on the east and Scot t Street on the west . + E lectr ica l power drop for Chi ld Care Center + Upgrade of san i tary l ine for Cameron bu i ld ing.

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Power drop at Chi ld Care: Af ter complet ion of the des ign and invest igat ion work ear l ier in the summer, construct ion began in the p layground area south of the Chi ld Care Center on August 7th . Excavat ion and e lectr ica l re locat ion work wi l l cont inue af ter hours to min imize d isrupt ion to Chi ld Care Center operat ions.A l l work is scheduled to be completed before school reopensfor the fa l l semester .

Cameron Sani tary Pro ject : UH and Houston Rai l Trans i t (HRT) subcontractor worked jo in t ly to complete the san i tary l ine work near the Cameron bu i ld ing. Th is pro ject is expected to reso lve ongoing san i tary issues exper ienced h is tor ica l ly at the Cameron bu i ld ing. Wi th the except ion of the removal of an ex is t ing manhole, a l l upgrade work is now complete and the system is work ing very wel l .

Next UH and METRO/HRT wi l l f ina l ize the deta i ls of fo l lowing bet terment pro jects which inc ludes pedestr ian l ight ing, widen ing of s idewalks, pedestr ian safety upgrades, sound wal l insta l la t ion for Chi ld Care Center , etc .

Ke i th Ivy, Sen ior Pro ject Manager is oversee ing th is pro ject a longs ide Sameer Kapi leshwar i , D i rector Ut i l i t ies, Energy & Techn ica l Systems. Ke i th recent ly jo ined the un ivers i ty br ing ing wi th h im over 5 years of des ign and pro ject management exper ience in the Houston area re lat ing to ut i l i ty re locat ions, dra inage, s i te deve lopment, t raf f ic and transportat ion. He is a l icensed c iv i l eng ineer and earned h is degree f rom the Univers i ty of Texas.

P lease free to contact e i ther Ke i th at 713-743-9262 / kmivy2@centra l .uh .edu or Sameer at 713-743-5797 / SAKapi leshwar i@centra l .uh .edu wi th quest ions re lated to th is pro ject .

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Project Controls & Inspections – Gary Al ley

Plant Operat ions would l ike to in t roduce Cami l le Porter , a new addi t ion to the Off ice of Fac i l i t ies In format ion department . Cami l le jo ined P lant Operat ions in June of 2010 in the ro le of lead fac i l i t ies space coord inator which is a newly created pos i t ion wi th in Fac i l i t ies P lann ing and Construct ion.

Cami l le oversees a l l the un ivers i ty space report ing and the maintenance and management of the fac i l i t ies/space database. She is respons ib le for a l l requ i red fac i l i t ies re lated report ing. She wi l l be an in tegra l part in d i rect ing the ef for ts of implement ing FAMIS, the newly procured integrated workp lace management system for space management . She wi l l serve as the admin is t rator for space management funct iona l i ty .Cami l le is a UH a lumna wi th a BS in industr ia l eng ineer ing. She was most recent ly a sen ior rep len ishment analyst for a major reta i l cha in where she was respons ib le for data analys is and forecast ing inventory leve ls . Her background a lso inc ludes pro ject management and process improvements .

Cami l le may be reached at 713-743-1337 or cnporter@centra l .uh .edu and her of f ice is located in Room 214 in the Genera l Serv ices Bu i ld ing.

Space Management Program – Camil le Porter

Gary Al ley has recent ly jo ined Fac i l i t ies P lann ing and Construct ion as Pr inc ipa l Pro ject Manager of Pro ject Inspect ions and Contro ls . Gary br ings 25 p lus years in commerc ia l construct ion exper ience, f rom serv ing as a Pro ject Super in tendent to Pro ject Manager in addi t ion to a BS in Civ i l Eng ineer ing Technology from UH. Most recent ly , Gary consu l ted on pro jects at our very own Energy Research Park. H is port fo l io inc ludes the Hobby Center , UTMB in Galveston, Sam Houston State Un ivers i ty , and the George R. Brown Convent ion Center Expans ion. Gary ’s focus wi l l be deve lop ing and lead ing the inspect ions team that wi l l prov ide inspect ions for both the major and minor pro jects on the Centra l Campus, but a lso a l l major pro jects throughout the Univers i ty of Houston System. Regard ing Pro ject Contro ls , much of h is concentrat ion wi l l be on implement ing too ls for the pro ject management and bus iness serv ices staf f to bet ter contro l and manage our many d iverse construct ion pro jects .

P lease contact Gary d i rect ly wi th any quest ions in regards to th is area at 713-743-9612 or gmal ley@centra l .uh .edu.

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Fleming BuildingF leming Teach ing Lab Bui ld ingThe F leming Teach ing Lab Bui ld ing wi l l be a new $31 mi l l ion four-story fac i l i ty located at the south corner of Entrance 14 and Cul len B lvd. Th is state of the ar t st ructure wi l l inc lude: undergraduate b io logy teach ing laborator ies undergraduate chemistry teach ing laborator ies future research fac i l i t ies

Th is is the f i rs t pro ject assoc iated wi th the renovat ion of the ent i re Sc ience Complex. The ex is t ing labs wi l l vacate Old Sc ience and F leming so those two bu i ld ings may be renovated.

What th is means for the un ivers i ty

Upgrading the Univers i ty ’s sc ience bu i ld ings is cr i t ica l to obta in T ier One status. The ex is t ing undergraduate b io logy and chemistry laborator ies are s ix tyyearso ld and have rece ived on ly minor renovat ions and upgrades. As a resu l t , the bu i ld ing lacks updated safety standards. The new laboratory bu i ld ing wi l l conta in f i rs t c lass teach ing labs equ ipped wi th b iosafety cabinets and chemica l fume hoods. The laborator ies wi l l a lso cons is t of fu l l mul t i -media capabi l i t ies des igned to enhance the learn ing exper ience. A new chemica l stockroom on the f i rs t f loor wi l l supply the bu i ld ing wi th i ts da i ly use of ingred ients for student exper iments . The bu i ld ing wi l l cont inue to foster learn ing and co l laborat ion by hous ing gather ing lounges on each f loor where students and laboratory instructors can casual ly meet between c lasses. The top f loor of the bu i ld ing ( to be completed at a future date) wi l l be dedicated to T ier One research.

Hoar construct ion has teamed wi th the arch i tecture f i rm of PGAL to des ign and bu i ld th is new addi t ion to campus. The pro ject is scheduled for complet ion in fa l l 2011 .

Project High l ights

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Central Plant Expansion

Centra l P lant Expans ion and Renovat ion

The expans ion of the UH Centra l P lant invo lves approx imate ly $40 mi l l ion upgrade to the ex is t ing equ ipment .

The scope of work for th is pro ject inc ludes: Expand the west s ide of the Centra l P lant bu i ld ing by insta l l ing addi t iona l bays for the rep laced 3000Tons ch i l ler , add three new ch i l lers 2700Tons each, and one new cool ing tower ce l l Replace a l l ex is t ing coo l ing towers 1 to 4 Replace two 66,000 lb/hr bo i lers wi th low NOx h igh ef f ic iency bo i lers Modi fy ex is t ing p ip ing, e lectr ica l and contro ls systems to accommodate new equ ipment and modi f ied ex is t ing equ ipment

What th is means for the un ivers i ty Th is pro ject is cr i t ica l for T ier One and campus expans ion and has a number of goals . F i rs t , the Centra l P lant ’s ex is t ing equ ipment is past i ts manufacturer recommended l i fe which makes i t increas ing ly expens ive to mainta in, therefore rep lacement is cr i t ica l . Secondly, o lder equ ipment causes our current p lant to be energy inef f ic ient and not as c lean when compared to new state-of- the-ar t techno logy—a major prob lem in an a i r qua l i ty non-at ta inment zone l ike Houston. The federa l government and EPA have mandated that we rep lace ex is t ing equ ipment wi th new lower po l lu t ing equ ipment as part of the d i rect ive that ca l ls for Houston to meet c lean a i r requ i rements . Th i rd, wi th the increased ef f ic iency we wi l l reduce energy usage by 3-4%; we’ l l save s ign i f icant money and dramat ica l ly reduce the un ivers i ty ’s carbon footpr in t . F ina l ly , th is pro ject wi l l increase the Centra l P lant ’s capaci ty to serve future bu i ld ings that are needed to support our Campus Framework P lan, house T ier One research, increase on-campus hous ing, and add extra instruct iona l and student support space.

Shah Smith & Assoc iates managed the pre-des ign and a lso completed the construct ion documents . Th is mass ive pro ject is scheduled for complet ion by spr ing 2014. Vaughn Construct ion was awarded the construct ion contract af ter compet i t ive ly b idd ing th is pro ject .

For quest ions regard ing F leming or Centra l P lant expans ion pro jects p lease contact Ke l ly Bueh ler , Pro ject Manager, at 713-743-9637 orkbueh ler@centra l .uh .edu.

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Project Delivery

PROJECT DELIVERY PROGRAMPlant Operat ions is work ing d i l igent ly to a l ign a l l serv ice areas to bet ter support our pro ject de l ivery serv ices and c l ients . Over the last e ight months P lant Operat ions core management team has ident i f ied cr i t ica l pr ior i t ies and restructured wi th the in tent to create one serv ice de l ivery organ izat ion wi th two major components, (1 ) Major Capi ta l Pro jects and (2) Minor and Planned Pro jects that support and share both techn ica l and bus iness serv ice support st ructures.

The pro ject de l ivery program wi l l be deve loped wi th the u l t imate goals of becoming a pro ject de l ivery organ izat ion ba lanc ing arch i tecture, operat ions, techno logy, and successfu l fac i l i ty t rans i t ion and operat ions.The pro ject wi l l be completed by ear ly 2011 and wi l l be t ransparent and v is ib le to the un ivers i ty communi ty .

The magni tude of work requ i red ass is tance in the form of procur ing the serv ices of Broaddus and Assoc iates. Broaddus and Assoc iates are proven experts in the f ie ld of pro ject de l ivery serv ice programming and have completed th is process at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center , Texas State Un ivers i ty , Texas A&M Univers i ty , Methodist Hospi ta l and the Univers i ty of Texas. Broaddus and Assoc iates wi l l ass is t in assess ing current pract ices as wel l as in t roduce processes which wi l l estab l ish and streaml ine the de l ivery program as our f ina l product . Program deve lopment is cont inu ing and is est imated to conc lude in February 2011 .

The Pro ject De l ivery Program wi l l estab l ish a standard to bet ter communicate how a pro ject is phased, in i t ia ted, p lanned, procured, managed, c losed out and trans i t ioned to mainta ined and susta ined.

For quest ions regard ing th is pro ject p lease contact J im Norcom, Sr . Pro ject Manager at 713-743-5404 / jgnorcom@centra l .uh .edu or Gary A l ley, Pr inc ipa l Pro ject Manager at 713-743-5541 / gmal ley@centra l .uh .edu

Master Plan Design Specif ications The Univers i ty of Houston has h i red Ph i lo Wi lke Arch i tects to strengthen the current UH Campus Des ign Guide l ine Standards that are used in p lann ing, des ign ing, construct ing and mainta in ing campus fac i l i t ies . The Master Construct ion Spec i f icat ions wi l l be a ser ies of documents perta in ing to a l l CSI Master Format d iv is ions that wi l l ref lect how each type of fac i l i ty on campus is to be des igned, constructed, and/or renovated. Th is new too l wi l l he lp us ach ieve h igher leve ls of qua l i ty , s impl i fy inspect ion and maintenance, and lower l i fe cyc le fac i l i ty costs .

The new Master Construct ion Spec i f icat ions wi l l complement, but be much more deta i led than current Campus Des ign Guide l ines, which are ava i lab le on the P lant Operat ions webs i te . A Master Construct ion Spec i f icat ions Deve lopment and Rev iew Commit tee has been formed wi th 24 members of our P lant Operat ions staf f who wi l l be lend ing the i r spec ia l expert ise in ass is t ing Ph i lo Wi lke Arch i tects wi th the preparat ion of the documents .

Work is expected to be complete by December 15, 2010.

Master Plan Design Specifications

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Infrastructure Master Plan

Ut i l i ty In f rastructure Master P lann ingTh is is an exc i t ing t ime at the Univers i ty of Houston. S ince 2005 we have increased our gross square footage (GSF) by approx imate ly 3,000,000 GSF. Th is increase is due to recent bu i ld ing addi t ions such as Calhoun Lof ts, Cemo Lecture Hal l , Cougar V i l lage, Sc ience Eng ineer ing and Research Center (SERC), M. D. Anderson L ibrary Expans ion, a long wi th the acqu is i t ion of the Energy Research Park located a long I -45 near Te lephone Road. We expect the growth t rend to cont inue for the next few years as we cont inue our pursu i t of T IER ONE status.

In order to meet growth demands, P lant Operat ions has commenced a Centra l P lant Expans ion and Renovat ion pro ject . Th is pro ject wi l l ensure ava i lab i l i ty of adequate and re l iab le ch i l led water for coo l ing and steam for campus heat ing needs. The pro ject des ign and the contractor se lect ions have been completed. Construct ion is scheduled to commence dur ing the lat ter part of August 2010.

Shah Smith & Assoc iates, a des ign and consu l t ing eng ineer ing f i rm, was h i red to study the capaci ty and d is t r ibut ion of the campus ch i l led water , steam, and e lectr ica l ut i l i ty in f rastructures to meet the current/ future campus demands and make recommendat ions to address concerns.

The scope of th is study wi l l inc lude: E lectr ica l load and demand analys is Chi l led water and steam dist r ibut ion analyses Assessment of campus growth needs Ident i f icat ion of gr id bot t le necks and over loads Recommendat ions for poss ib le operat ing scenar ios Cost est imat ions for recommended opt ions a long wi th a des i red implementat ion schedule A draf t vers ion of th is report wi l l be ava i lab le near the end of the year .

S imi lar stud ies wi l l be conducted to address water ut i l i ty in f rastructure . Th is wi l l inc lude domest ic water , storm water , and san i tary water gr ids for the campus. Th is pro ject wi l l be d iv ided into two phases. The f i rs t phase of th is study wi l l inc lude survey ing of ex is t ing underground water ut i l i t ies . The subsequent phases wi l l address the d is t r ibut ion, future loads, and wi l l prov ide recommendat ions for improvements a long wi th est imates of probable costs . We wi l l a lso be work ing in partnersh ip wi th un ivers i ty IT to complete surveys to ident i fy IT re lated underground inf rastructure and ensure that for the un ivers i ty ’s 10 year capi ta l p lan a l l in f rastructures are proper ly p lanned.

F ind ings f rom a l l the ut i l i ty master p lann ing stud ies wi l l be used in preparat ion and pr ior i t izat ion of future campus deferred maintenance p lans.

P lease contact Sameer Kapi leshwar i i f you have quest ions re lated to th is pro ject at713-743-5797 or SAKapi leshwar i@centra l .uh .edu.

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Outage Policy


Outage Pol icyFac i l i t ies Management recent ly re leased the Univers i t ies P lanned and Emergency Ut i l i ty Outage Pol icy . The po l icy was deve loped wi th support f rom mul t ip le const i tuents and commit tees to enhance bus iness cont inu i ty and improve un ivers i ty operat ions. The purpose of th is po l icy is to streaml ine current pract ices and procedures used to coord inate and/or communicate p lanned outages as wel l as restorat ion procedures to be used for emergency outages. For fur ther in format ion in regards to the Outage Pol icy or genera l quest ions about p lanned and emergency outages, p lease contact Sameer Kapi leshwar i , D i rector Ut i l i t ies, Energy & Techn ica l Systems at 3-5797.

Th is po l icy a long wi th presentat ion for outage procedures can be found at lantops/departments/ fm/ut i l i t ies- techn ica l -serv ices.

Plant Ops WebsiteWe are p leased to announce that the newly des igned Plant Operat ions webs i te went l ive in Ju ly 2010. Our webs i te has a weal th of fac i l i ty re lated informat ion and a l is t of serv ices of fered by Fac i l i t ies Management and Fac i l i t ies P lann ing & Construct ion. P lease v is i t the webpage to read more regard ing news and events, current programs and capi ta l pro ject updates. lantops

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Plant Operations Newsletter


Labor Shop – Roy Johnson & Curt is Robinson

Kudo’s Section

Skilled Trades – Jorge Rivera & Miguel Fernandez

Skilled Trades – Theron Mathis

Plant Operat ions employees str ive to prov ide the best serv ice to our campus customers. We apprec iate any and a l l feedback regard ing those ind iv idua ls that you have wi tnessed go ing above and beyond to ensure the pro ject that they are work ing on meets the customer ’s sat is fact ion.

We would l ike to g ive thanks to the fo l lowing Fac i l i t ies Management employees who exh ib i ted profess iona l ism and pos i t ive at t i tudes dur ing the i r pro jects:

To Roy Johnson and Curt is Robinson for the i r profess iona l ism dur ing the serv ice work they performed for the set-up of Offshore Technology Conference. (Feedback submit ted by Sharon Lahey, Market ing Manager )

To Jorge Rivera and Migue l Fernandez for the i r profess iona l ism and pos i t ive at t i tudes observed by staf f whi le complet ing pa int ing serv ices wi th in the Human Resource of f ices. (Feedback submit ted by Yvonne Norwood, Benef i ts Manager )

To Ronald Sampson, Ron Mart inez, Don Mart in , John Hancock, and Andrea Mart inez for the i r prompt response as wel l as the thorough c lean up serv ices performed dur ing weekend duty to repai r the Moore ’s School of Mus ic Opera House water leak. (Feedback submit ted by Br ian Lawrence, Pr inc ipa l Pro ject Manager )

To Robert Dawson who was very he lpfu l dur ing the inspect ion of the dust work in the Optometry Bu i ld ing. (Submit ted by Valer i Lansford, Laboratory Sales Consu l tant )

To Theron (Matt ) Math is whose extens ive knowledge of the campus i r r igat ion system and pass ion for h is job he lped in a successfu l co l laborat ive ef for t wi th contractor for UH Ike Recovery pro ject and campus i r r igat ion inventory . (Feedback submit ted by L indsay Landers, Clark Condon & Assoc iates) .

Each of these ind iv idua ls rece ived recogn i t ion and a smal l token of apprec iat ion for the i r outstand ing work ef for ts .

Thanks to a l l of you for your outstand ing serv ice and commitment to the un ivers i ty . You Are The Pr ide!

Utilities – Robert Dawson

Facilities Management – Weekend duty

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University of HoustonPlant Operations

4211 Elgin Suite 122Houston, TX 77204-1011