people power: 2015 best workplaces in latin america

América Latina Las Mejores Empresas para Trabajar 2015

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Page 1: People Power: 2015 Best Workplaces in Latin America

1Great Place to Work®

América Latina

Las Mejores Empresas

para Trabajar 2015

Page 2: People Power: 2015 Best Workplaces in Latin America

2 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

People Power

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3Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® Releases its 12th Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List; Microsoft, Elektro Electricidade e Serviços, and Acesso Digital take top honors.

New analysis shows key experiences of workers at the best companies in Latin America include being treated as a person not just an employee, having managers who live up to their word and a “family” feeling at work.

Research also shows that employees’ willingness to give extra effort is closely associated with a cooperative, well-managed team.

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4 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Table of Contents:

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5Great Place to Work®


About Great Place to Work®

Background and Findings


The Great Workplace Era Takes Shape in Latin America

Company and Employee Profiles

Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

The List of the 100 Best Workplaces in Latin America











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6 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

IntroductionSome years ago, Brazilian power distribution company Elektro Electricidade e Serviços focused most of its investments on better technology. The human beings working at Elektro weren’t as high a priority. To a significant degree, they were treated as cogs in the machinery that delivered electricity to some 6 million people in São Paulo and neighboring areas.

That may explain why the company suffered roughly a dozen accidents a year in the late 2000s, including two workplace deaths in 2007.

Things changed, though, when Marcio Fernandes became president of the company in 2011. In effect, Fernandes reversed the polarity between technology and workers at Elektro.

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7Great Place to Work®

For many years we were focused on investing in machines,” Fernandes says. “After this, we decided to invest strongly in the people.”

That investment took the form of new career paths and development opportunities for employees, so that electricians, for example, could transform themselves into engineers. It also included increased commitment to the safety of its people. The company became one of the first in the Brazilian power industry

Marcio Fernandes – Presidente –

Elektro Electricidade e Serviços

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8 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

to embrace a Zero-Accident vision, meaning it expected to reduce its annual workplace injuries to zero.

To reach this goal, it adopted behavior-based safety training—a relatively new, data-driven approach to preventing workplace accidents.

So far, it looks as if Fernandes’ decision to flip the switch toward people has electrified Elektro’s results. The company of some 3,700 employees had just three minor safety accidents in 2014, and it had yet to record an injury as of early April, 2015. While accidents have dropped, profitability has soared. From 2012 to 2014, Elektro enjoyed a 31% jump in a key measure of earnings.1 What’s more, during the same two-year period Elektro’s service quality, measured by power outage duration, improved 15%.

Fernandes calls Elektro’s surge in recent years a “double success: the people first and secondly the company became more efficient, more productive.”


1 Elektro experienced a 31 percent increase in EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

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9Great Place to Work®

Elektro’s emphasis on people is part of a broader pattern among the best workplaces in Latin America. As Great Place to Work releases our 12th annual list of the region’s best workplaces, a new analysis shows that a key experience of workers at the best companies in Latin America is being treated as a person—not just an employee.

The examination of roughly 2.1 million employee responses to our Trust Index© survey also shows that management’s credibility and a “family” feeling at work closely correlate with overall workplace greatness.

Employees at great workplaces are more engaged, and this year we also studied what factors are associated with employee willingness to give

extra on the job in Latin America. We found that an above-and-beyond work ethos is likely to be found in companies with cooperative, well-managed teams.

These findings related to employee engagement and to making a workplace great in Latin America help provide a road map to business leaders in the region. In addition, the companies that have earned a place on this year’s regional list serve as successful role models. Topping this year’s list are Microsoft, in the category of the Best Multinational Workplaces; Elektro in the category of Best Large Workplaces (500+ employees); and Acesso Digital, a Brazilian information technology firm, in the category of Best Small & Medium Workplaces in Latin America (50-500 employees).

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10 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

These companies reflect a broader, worldwide movement. The best workplaces in Latin America, along with their counterparts in other regions of the globe, are leading the way into a brighter future. We call it the “Great Workplace Era.” It refers to a time when all people can expect to work at a company where they trust their leaders, take pride in what they do, and enjoy their coworkers. When work makes for a better world, one employee at a time.

The best workplaces in Latin America show there is power in empowering people. Power not just to lift the bottom line, but to elevate the human spirit.


“What is most important to us is the development of the people,” Fernandes says. “They are increasing their possibilities and they are changing their future.”

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11Great Place to Work®

and they are


their future.

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12 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

About Great Place to WorkGreat Place to Work® has conducted pioneering research on the characteristics of great workplaces for more than 25 years.

We believe all companies can become great workplaces, and our mission is to help them succeed. Our Great Place to Work model is recognized as the standard for assessing great workplaces. In more than 50 countries around the world, we are proud to:

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13Great Place to Work®

best workplaces for their achievements through our

international and national Best Workplaces lists.

In Latin America we publish 12 national lists and

worldwide we publish lists in roughly 50 countriesRecognize


Helpcompanies create and sustain great workplace cultures through our advisory

services. Our data collection tools (e.g. the Trust Index© employee survey, focus

groups, 360-degree professional development tool); educational workshops and

training programs; action planning system; and strategic advisory services support

the transformation process within any organization. Great Place to Work’s unique

access to best workplace data allows us to offer unparalleled benchmarking

opportunities, best practice information, and transformation insight for our

consulting clients.

resources, best practices, and research through

our events and education services. These

include peer networking groups, workshops,

conferences, and publications, which enable

organizational leaders to learn directly from

each other, as well as benefit from our wealth

of knowledge and lessons learned from best

workplaces and our clients.

Latin America offices:

ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilCentral America and the CaribbeanChile


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14 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Background and FindingsIt was a dispiriting year of difficult economic conditions in much of Latin America in 2014. And 2015 doesn’t look much better. “Another Year of Subpar Growth,” was the title of a recent blog by Alejandro Werner, Director of the Western Hemisphere Department of the International Monetary Fund.2

“Worries dominate across much of Latin America and the Caribbean today, as 2015 marks yet another year of reduced growth expectations,” Werner wrote. “Regional growth is projected at just 1¼%, about the same low rate as in 2014 and almost 1 percentage point below our previous forecast.”


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15Great Place to Work®

The grim outlook, driven in part by low commodity prices, makes it more important than ever to develop a great workplace culture. That’s because best workplaces have proven, in Latin America and worldwide, that they outperform competitors. While Brazil’s overall economy grew just 0.9% in 2012 and 2.5% in 2013, the Best Workplaces in Brazil saw revenues jump 18.2% in 2013. Or consider the results of a study of telecommunication giant Atento in Brazil: a 12% increase in employee satisfaction levels on the Trust Index at Atento from 2010 to 2013 corresponded with a 13% jump in client satisfaction.

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16 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

A recent study by Great Place to Work® Mexico found there is a positive correlation between high levels of employee trust, commitment and collaboration and business productivity measured in terms of revenue per employee. And these connections between excellent workplaces and excellent business results are found around the globe. For example, a paper published last year by the European Corporate Governance Institute studied data from 14 countries and concluded that higher levels of employee satisfaction—reflected by earning a spot on a best workplaces list generated by Great Place to Work®— corresponded to stock market outperformance in countries with high levels of labor market flexibility, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.3

Great Place to Work has found that the core elements of trust in managers, pride in the job and camaraderie with co-workers are central to great workplaces around the world. But outstanding workplace cultures take on the flavor of their particular country and region. To help companies in Latin America get a better understanding of how to get better and become great, we studied factors associated with workplace greatness this year. We also studied factors that correlate with employee willingness to give extra effort.

In the first place, we examined which of the 58 statements on the Trust Index employee survey were most closely associated with the overall average Trust Index score for best workplaces in Latin America. We

3 Alex Edmans, Lucius Li, Chendi Zhang, “Employee Satisfaction, Labor Market Flexibility, and Stock Returns Around The World,” European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) - Finance Working Paper No. 433/2014, July 2014, papers.cfm?abstract_id=2461003 .

Background and Findings

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17Great Place to Work®

4 For our study of factors associated with workplace greatness, we used the squared correlation coefficient method to calculate “r2” values for different Trust Index statements in different regions. The larger the r2 value, the more variability in the statement explains variability in the overall Trust Index score of the best workplaces from a particular region..

found that great workplaces are most likely to be found in cultures that emphasize the human touch, where leaders live up to their word and where a “family” feeling permeates the company.4 See Figure 1.

We also compared the findings from Latin America to those of other regions, and discovered a number of similarities and differences.5 In particular, we found that a family feel in the workplace and effective coordination of talent is associate with workplace greatness in Latin America especially. See Figures 2-4.

5 In our region analysis, we considered 100 Best Workplaces from North America, Europe and Latin America. For Asia, we considered the 60 companies on the list of Asia’s Best Workplaces.

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18 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Figure 2. Top Factors Associated with Workplace Greatness in North America

Figure 1. Top Factors Associated with Workplace Greatness in Latin America

Management shows a sincere interest in me as a person, not just an employee.

Management shows a sincere interest in me as a person, not just an employee.



















r2 v


r2 v


Management delivers on its


Management’s actions match

its words.

Management’s actions match

its words.

We’re all in this together.

There is a “family” or

“team” feeling here.

Management delivers on its


Management does a good job of assigning

and coordinating people.

People look forward to coming to work here.

Background and Findings

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19Great Place to Work®

Figure 4. Top Factors Associated with Workplace Greatness in Asia

Figure 3. Top Factors Associated with Workplace Greatness in Europe

Management delivers on its


Management delivers on its




















r2 v


r2 v


Management’s actions match

its words.

Promotions go to those who best deserve


Management involves people in

decisions that affect their jobs or work


If I am unfairly treated, I believe I’ll be given a fair shake if I appeal.

Management genuinely seeks and responds to suggestions and


Management’s actions match

its words.

Everyone has an opportunity to get special recognition.

I can ask management

any reasonable question and get a

straight answer.

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20 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Figure 5. Top Five Correlations with a Climate of Extra Effort in Latin America

correlation coefficient

You can count on people to cooperate. 0.82

Management does a good job of assigning and coordinating people. 0.81

We’re all in this together. 0.80

People look forward to coming to work here. 0.80

Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work. 0.78

6 Analysis is based on a linear correlation of Trust Index statements with the statement “People here are willing to give extra to get the job done”. Positive correlation exists when the correlation coefficient, or R value, is larger than .05. The closer it is to one, the stronger the correlation.

7 In this analysis of top correlations with a climate of extra effort by region, we considered 100 Best Workplaces from North America, Europe and Latin America. For Asia, we considered the 60 companies on the list of Asia’s Best Workplaces.

Great Place to Work research has demonstrated that employees at great workplaces are more engaged. To build on this insight, this year we also studied what factors are associated with employees’ willingness to go above and beyond expectations in Latin America’s best workplaces. In particular, we studied correlations between statements on the Trust Index and this statement: “People here are willing to give extra to get the job done.” We found that extra effort by employees is likely to be found in companies with cooperative, well-managed teams. See Figure 5.6

Again, we compared these findings with those of other regions. And again, management’s competence at assigning and coordinating the workforce stands out in Latin America.7 See Figures 6-8.

Background and Findings

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21Great Place to Work®

Figure 7. Top Five Correlations with a Climate of Extra Effort in Europe

correlation coefficient

You can count on people to cooperate. 0.82

Everyone has an opportunity to get special recognition. 0.75

People here are given a lot of responsibility. 0.75

Management genuinely seeks and responds to suggestions and ideas. 0.74

We’re all in this together. 0.73

Figure 6. Top Five Correlations with a Climate of Extra Effort in North America

correlation coefficient

Management hires people who fit in well here. 0.81

You can count on people to cooperate. 0.81

People look forward to coming to work here. 0.80

Management is approachable, easy to talk with. 0.74

We’re all in this together. 0.73

Figure 8. Top Five Correlations with a Climate of Extra Effort in Asia

correlation coefficient

People care about each other here. 0.82

Management hires people who fit in well here. 0.80

Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work. 0.80

You can count on people to cooperate. 0.79

People avoid politicking and backstabbing as ways to get things done. 0.77

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22 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List


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23Great Place to Work®

This emphasis on effective coordination of talent may have to do with the way many Latin American employees work longer hours than employees in more developed countries.8 Jaime Bárcenas, Senior Manager at professional services firm EY and a professor at Pontifical Xavierian University (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) in Bogota, Colombia, points to demanding hours in the consulting field in particular, and to changing attitudes about work.

Jaime Bárcenas - Senior Manager at EY

Barcenas sees younger employees in business consulting chafing against the traditional expectation of long workweeks in the region. “They are less willing to tolerate extra hours,” he says. “They think it is related to poor planning.”

Because work days can be so long, and are often exacerbated by long commutes, Millennials in consulting firms may be especially appreciative of effective work coordination that leads to fewer hours on the job, Barcenas says.

8 See Figure 6 in “Working time in the twenty-first century,” International Labour Organization, 2011, p. 20.

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24 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

The importance of a family feel to a great workplace in Latin America is not surprising to Giancarlo Raicovi, Assistant Manager of Recruiting and Selection at Peruvian financial services firm Interbank. Family ties are central to the culture of Latin America, Martin says. And when Interbank, which ranks as the 18th best large workplace in Latin America this year, studied its own workforce not long ago, it discovered that employees want the company to be part of their family.

Giancarlo Raicovi - Assistant Manager of Recruiting and Selection - Interbank

“That’s exactly what we try to do,” Raicovi says. “Employees feel that this company is an extension of their other family.”

The workplace as a family also describes the culture at Diverza, a provider of electronic billing and tax services located in Monterrey, Mexico. Diverza, which ranks as the 13th best small and medium workplace in Latin America this year, makes employees feel at home through birthday celebrations, parties around holidays, open communication with senior leaders and an informal dress code—which stands out given the typical expectations of business attire in Mexico. “I can wear jeans every day,” says Alba Romero, who oversees facilities, internal communications and recruitment at Diverza. “It’s a little thing that makes a difference.”


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Lizette Alalú – COO Great Place to Work® Peru

Lizette Alalú, Chief Operations Officer of Great Place to Work® Peru, also calls attention to the significance of leadership in forging a great workplace in the region. “It is important to note that four out of five of the key drivers for workplace greatness in Latin America have to do with management,” Alalú says. “This supports the fact that leaders and their relationship with employees day in and day out is what defines a great workplace.”

Indeed, a personal relationship with managers is one of the things Interbank cashier Adrian Jimenez appreciates about his workplace. Jimenez, 23, is close to finishing a university degree in business. He was impressed that his supervisors worked with him to plan out his next move at the bank once he gets his degree.

“They said, ‘We will find you another job,’” Jimenez says. “They make me feel important.”

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26 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

The Great Workplace Era Takes Shape in Latin America

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27Great Place to Work®

Overall, companies like Interbank and other best companies in the region maintained a similar level of workplace excellence in the eyes of employees this year. The Trust Index benchmark for Latin America’s best workplaces—that is, their average score on the Trust Index—dipped slightly compare to last year. But the trend over the past decade is clear: Latin America’s best are getting better. See Figure 9.

Trust Index Benchmark of the 100 Best in Latin America, 2006 - 2015

2006 2008 20102007 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 201580











t In





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28 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Great Workplace

Era9 Ver

The Great Workplace Era Takes Shape in Latin America

Latin America’s best workplaces are part of a broader, worldwide movement. The best workplaces throughout the globe have been getting better and are leading the way into a brighter future.9

We call this new economic age the “Great Workplace Era,” and it refers to a time when all people can expect to work at a company where they trust their leaders, take pride in what they do, and enjoy their co-workers.

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29Great Place to Work®

A variety of forces are propelling businesses toward better cultures. Among them:

Millennials Innovation





They want balance and meaning at work.

Individual employees are more likely to risk sharing novel ideas in a climate in which they feel a measure of security and are proud of what they do. In addition, collaboration, which is increasingly central to effective innovation efforts, is fueled by friendships among co-workers.

Increasing visibility into the inner workings of organizations is rewarding good employers and punishing less-than-good ones.

The global push by people for greater physical, emotional and spiritual health is forcing companies to make their workplaces better.

The data has become clear that great

workplaces crush the competition.

There’s greater recognition

among business leaders that trust and culture

are paramount to business success.

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30 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Elektro is a good example of this last point. It is among the companies that is taking worker wellbeing to heart—in an industry that is fraught with life-threatening health risks such as electrocution and lethal falls. Josiane Souza, an electrician at the company, appreciates the way Elektro has come to accept nothing less than a perfect safety record. Each day before her shift, Souza’s manager gathers his team to discuss safety as it relates to the specific projects under way.

Josiane Souza, electrician, Elektra

The Great Workplace Era Takes Shape in Latin America

The company also has a policy that anytime an employee feels a job is unsafe or they don’t feel well enough to do it safely, they can—and should--refuse to do the task. This isn’t an empty policy, says Souza, who has been at the company about two and a half years. Nor do Souza and her colleagues feel they need to rush to complete jobs if an unexpected obstacle slows them down. Instead, managers trust team members to do the best they can each day.

““They’re not going to punish us for not meeting the schedule,” Souza says.

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31Great Place to Work®

Tiago Souza, electrician, Elektra

But working at Elektro is about much more than staying safe and avoiding reprimands for Souza. It is about charging up the career possibilities of both her and her husband Tiago, also an electrician at the company. Both Josiane and Tiago are currently enrolled in an electrical engineering program at a local university, and both have applied to Elektro for a scholarship to help cover the costs. Josiane made the leap into college after noticing that Elektro colleagues were progressing from the position of electrician to electrical engineer—with the company’s support.

“Elektro inspired me to go after a college degree,” she says. “I never thought I would get one. I saw that if a person studies, they have the opportunity to grow in the company.”

Just like their CEO Marcio Fernandes, the two Souzas believes the most powerful part of the electric company is the people. Tiago’s words apply to workplaces throughout Latin America and the entire globe. “Technology is important,” he says, “But if you don’t have the people, you don’t have anything.”

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32 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Company and Employee Profiles

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33Great Place to Work®

Diverza#13 Best Small & MediumElectronic invoice processing may sound dull. But Monterrey, Mexico-based Diverza makes work in this field fun. And the informal, playful, participatory culture has charged up the firm’s business results.

How zany does Diverza get? Just visit on Halloween, when virtually every employee dresses up in a costume. Two years ago, Sales Manager Fernando Marcos came to work as a “killer clown.” The fact that Marcos is 6’ 6’’ made the outfit scarier than your typical scary clown. And the facilities managers at Diverza’s office building cooperated to heightened the spooky excitement.

“They turned out the lights in the elevator because they knew I was trying to scare people,” he recalls. “I stayed in the elevator like 20 minutes trying to scare people.”

Fernando Marcos - Sales Manager at Diverza

Marcos as scary

clown on Halloween

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34 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Besides costumes at Halloween, Diverza employees enjoy a casual dress code, birthday celebrations and fitness classes after hours.

All the fun has a serious side, though. It contributes to an egalitarian spirit with powerful effects, company leaders say. Once a month, CEO Jose Luis Ayala holds a town hall meeting to share company progress—and this open communication keeps everyone aligned with the company’s strategy. Diverza also has developed a system for employees to submit suggestions for new products and services. “Every single employee has access to innovation, to sharing ideas,” says Victor Monroy, Diverza’s Chief Planning and Project Officer. “This is different than others in the Mexican market.”

Company and Employee Profiles

Victor Monroy - Chief Planning and Project Officer at Diverza

It’s not surprising, then, that Diverza was quick to jump on a new business opportunity. The Mexican tax authority recently began working with private-sector companies for the purpose of collecting tax filings. Diverza has been accepted as one of these private-sector partners and expects the new business line to fuel significant revenue growth.

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35Great Place to Work®

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014








Already, Diverza has been growing quickly. Revenues at the firm soared from MXN $13 million in 2010 to MXN $98 million in 2014. During the same time frame, its customer base climbed from 60,560 to about 319,114.

With results like these, Diverza has established itself as a significant player in the button-down financial services world. But employees at the company say the business success feels like a side-effect of a people-focused culture. “They want us to be happy,” Marcos says. “It feels like a large family.”





% growth(2010-2014)


Diverza. Revenues

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36 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Adrián Jiménez

Adrian Jimenez could feel like a cog in the machinery of a big bank. But as a cashier at Peru-based Interbank, he feels more like a key player.

“It’s a serious job. I work with customers’ money,” says Jimenez, who has been at Interbank about a year. “If I do something wrong it could be bad for the customer. It’s a big responsibility.”

What is it about Interbank that connects the 23-year-old Lima resident to the bank’s goal of good customer service? For one thing, Jimenez loves the family feel of his team. Not long ago, he sent out an email to colleagues asking them to contribute cash to a charity project of his. In 20 minutes, his four teammates had committed the equivalent of US$170. “In my other jobs, we were not so close,” he says.

Jimenez also appreciates the way his supervisors take a personal interest in him. That started with job interviews, when not only his boss but his boss’ boss met with him. And the individual attention has continued with discussions with his supervisors about Jimenez’s career path. Jimenez hopes to graduate soon from a local university with a business degree,

Company and Employee Profiles

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37Great Place to Work®

and his managers have been talking with him about promotions he might be eligible for with the credential.

Then there are the fundamental issues of pay and hours. Jimenez says he earns a good salary without having to put in extreme hours. And even though he works a part-time schedule of 30 hours a week, Jimenez was given a portion of the company’s profit-sharing payment to employees. “Other jobs don’t consider the part-timers for the earnings bonus,” he says.

The way his careful work translates into customer gratitude also makes his day. This past Christmas, a customer brought him and his colleagues a cake and a card. “They said thank you for a good year,” Jimenez says.

It all adds up to a work experience that makes Jimenez feel valuable as he counts up customers’ money.

““Being a cashier sounds like a not-serious job, but it is,” he says. “I feel grateful to be here.”

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38 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List38

Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

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39Great Place to Work®

Participation and Overall List Data

LatAm Data Point 2015 2014 Difference Percentage Change

Great Place to Work® countries contributing to list makers

20 20 0 0.0%

# of participating companies in the contest:

2,294 2,094 200 9.6%

# of employees represented in the competition:

3,929,593 3,634,467 295,126 8.1%

# of valid surveys received 2,058,119 1,855,462 202,657 10.9%

# of employees represented by the 100 companies:

671,551 656,730 14,821 2.3%

Number of Participant Companies, 2010-20152015Distribución por industria de las empresas reconocidas en la lista 2015

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1,400 1,900 2,036 2,218 2,094 2,294

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40 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Country Distribution for Companies on 2015 list

Argentina, 5%

Ecuador, 2%

El Salvador, 3%

Honduras, 1%

Guatemala, 4%

Nicaragua, 1%

Mexico, 14%

Panama, 3%

Paraguay, 1%

Peru, 11%

Puerto Rico, 1%

Uruguay, 1%Venezuela, 2%

República Dominicana, 2%Bolivia, 1%

Brazil, 24%

Chile, 8%

Colombia, 9%Costa Rica, 3%

Central America andthe Caribbean (one

operation), 1%


Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

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41Great Place to Work®

Industry Distribution for Companies on 2015 list

Retail, 9%

Construction & Infrastructure, 11%

Health Care, 5%

Education & Training, 3%

Manufacturing & Production, 14%

Hospitality, 5%

Media, 1%

Mining & Quarrying, 1%

Non-profit and Charity Organizations, 2%

Financial Services & Insurance, 21%

Industrial Services, 1%

Professional Services, 7%

Information Technology, 11%

Telecommunications, 1%

Transportation, 3% Aerospace, 1%

Social Services & Government Agencies, 1%

Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals, 3%

41Great Place To Work®

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42 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

Data Point 2015 2014 2013Average Age of Company 49 37 35

Oldest Company 183 years old (Scotiabank)

304 years old (RSA Seguros)


Growth by Number of Employees 23% 19% 18%

New Jobs Created since Last Year 21,411 19,254 20,471

Women in Executive Management Positions

28% 30% 24%

Voluntary Employee Turnover 13% 16% 14%

Median Voluntary Turnover 7% 8% 8%

Max Application Rate 486% (Microsoft Mexico – 200,000

applications and they have 514


263% 344%

Average Number of Training Hours 83 73 78

% Increase in Revenues since Prior Year 12% 15% N/A

Absenteeism 4% 12% N/A

% of Companies that support employees with classes not related to work

46% 54% N/A

% of employees who answered positively to the overall statement “Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work.”

91% 92% 91%

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43Great Place to Work®

by Gender

by Age

Employee Distribution

by Job Type

Female Employees;

45,8%Male Employees; 54,2%

25 years or younger; 33,4%

55 or older; 2,8%

35 to 44 years; 20,6%

45 to 54 years; 9,8%

26 to 34 years; 33,4%

% Staff (Non-Management); 79,0%

Executive/Senior Managers; 3,3%



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44 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Trust Index ResultsOverall Trust Index Score – Historic Development of the Latin

America 100 Best (2010-2015)











2008 20102007 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 201580











t In





Trust Index Results by List Category (2013-2015)2013 - 2014 - 2015

Top 50 PyMEs Top 25 Large Top 25 MNCs









90 89







Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

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45Great Place to Work®

Trust Index Dimension Score by List Category (2015)










86 87






FairnessRespect Pride Camaraderie



















t In





Top 50 PyMEs Top 25 Large Top 25 MNCs TI Average

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46 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Trust Index Score by Industry (2015)

84 85 86 87 88 89

Construction & infraestructure

Professional Services

Financial Services & Insurance


Information Technology


Manufacturing & Production

Health Care









Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

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47Great Place to Work®

Trust Index Dimension Scores by Region

LatAm 100 Best 2015

Asia 60 Best 2015

EU 100 Best 2014

Fortune 100 Best 2014









8786 86 86 86 86

84 84




89 89


89 8989 89

87 87 87 87 87

Credibility FairnessRespect Pride Camaraderie Trust Index Score

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48 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Most Improved Statements, 2006 vs. 2015

2006 2009 20132007 2010 20142008 20122011 2015


















t In





People are encouraged to balance their work life and their personal life

Managers avoid playing favoritesPromotions go to those who best deserve them

People avoid politicking and backstabbing as ways to get things doneI want to work here for a long time

Fast Facts about the Best 100 Workplaces in Latin America 2015

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49Great Place to Work®

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50 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

The List of the 100 Best Workplaces in Latin America

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51Great Place to Work®

25 Best Multinational Workplaces in Latin America 2015

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

1 Microsoft Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia,

México, Perú

Tecnologías de la Información


2 Telefónica•Telefónica (Argentina,

Centroamérica, Perú)•Telefónica Movistar

(Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Venezuela)

•Vivo (Brasil)•Terra Mexico (México)•Telefónica Global

Solutions (Perú)

Argentina, Brasil, Centroamérica (One

Central Operation), Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México (2), Perú (2),


Telecomunicaciones 11

3 JW Marriott•JW Marriott (Brasil,

Mexico, Perú)•Renaissance São Paulo

Hotel (Brasil)

Brasil (2), México, Perú Hospitalidad 4

4 Accor Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México, Perú

Hospitalidad - Hotel 5

5 McDonald's•Arcos Dorados

Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, Panamá, Perú,


Hospitalidad 6

6 Dell Brasil, México, Panamá Tecnologías de la Información


7 Cisco Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, México

Tecnologías de la Información


8 Diageo Brasil, Centroamérica y Caribe (One Central

Operation), Chile, México

Manufactura y Producción


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52 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

The List of the 100 Best Workplaces in Latin America

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

9 BELCORP Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,

México, Perú

Cuidado de la Salud 8

10 Monsanto Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, México

Biotecnología y Farmacéutica


11 Edenred•Ticket (Brasil)

Argentina, Brasil, México Servicios Financieros y Seguros


12 MARS Brasil, Centroamérica y Caribe (One Central

Operation), Chile

Manufactura y Producción


13 BBVA•BBVA Bancomer Banco

(México)•BBVA Bancomer

Seguros y Multiasistencia (Mexico)

•BBVA Continental (Perú)

•Banco Provincial (Venezuela)

Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Perú, México

(2), Venezuela

Servicios Financieros y Seguros


14 3M Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Venezuela

Manufactura y Producción


15 MAPFRE Insurance•Group Segurador BB e

MAPFRE (Brasil)

Brasil, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,

Panamá, México, Nicaragua, Paraguay,

Rep Dominicana

Servicios Financieros y Seguros


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53Great Place to Work®

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

16 Scotiabank•Scotiabank Banco de

México (México)•Scotiabank Casa de

Bolsa (México)•Scotiabank Servicios

Corporatives (México)

Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, México (3),

Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico, Rep Dominicana

Servicios Financieros y Seguros


17 Atento Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, El Salvador,

Guatemala, México, Perú, Puerto Rico,


Servicios Profesionales 9

18 Novartis Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador

Biotecnología y Farmacéutica / Farmacéutica


19 Roche (Productos Roche S.A.)•Quimicos e

Farmacêuticos Ltd. (Brasil)

•Roche Diagnóstica (Brasil)

•Roche Farmacéuticos (Chile)

Brasil (2), Chile, Colombia, Venezuela

Biotecnología y Farmacéutica


20 Yanbal Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador

Manufactura y Producción


21 Hanesbrands El Salvador, Honduras, Rep Dominicana

Manufactura y Producción


22 DHL Colombia, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay

Transporte 4

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54 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

23 Excel Automatriz El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua,


Comercio Minorista 5

24 AES Corporation Panamá, Puerto Rico, Rep Dominicana

Comercio Minorista 3

25 Falabella•CMR Falabella

(Argentina, Chile)•Hipermercados Tottus

(Perú)•Saga Falabella (Perú)•Sodimac (Argentina,

Colombia, Perú)"

Argentina (3), Chile (2), Colombia (2), Perú (3)

Comercio Minorista 10

50 Best Small & Medium Workplaces in Latin America 2015 (50-500 Employees)

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

1 Acesso Digital Brasil Tecnologías de la Información


2 Zanzini Móveis Brasil Manufactura y Producción


3 VisaNet Perú Servicios Financieros y Seguros


4 Sacos del Atlántico Guatemala Construcción, Infraestructura e



5 SJ Administração de Imóveis

Brasil Construcción, Infraestructura e



The List of the 100 Best Workplaces in Latin America

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55Great Place to Work®

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

6 Pormade Portas Brasil Construcción, Infraestructura e



7 Hocol Colombia Manufactura y Producción /

Derivados del Petróleo


8 Dextra Brasil Tecnologías de la Información


9 Fondo Nacional de Garantías -FNG-

Colombia Servicios Financieros y Seguros


10 CARVAL Colombia Comercio Minorista 375

11 Apoyo Consultoría Perú Servicios profesionales 148

12 Seguros Universales Guatemala Servicios Financieros y Seguros


13 Diverza México Tecnologías de la Información


14 Radix Brasil Tecnologías de la Información


15 Special Dog Brasil Manufactura y Producción


16 Construcciones El Cóndor S.A.

Colombia Construcción, Infraestructura e



17 B&Q Energia Brasil Manufactura y Producción


18 Resuelve Tu Deuda México Servicios Financieros y Seguros


19 ABA Brasil Educación y Formación


20 JOST Brasil Brasil Manufactura y Producción


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56 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

21 Unicred Ceará Centro Norte

Brasil Servicios Financieros y Seguros


22 Real Plaza Perú Construcción, Infraestructura e Inmuebles -

Administración de la propiedad


23 Focus Chile Servicios profesionales 56

24 VIVA GyM Perú Construcción, Infraestructura e



25 PROCOLOMBIA Colombia Servicios Sociales y Agencias

Gubernamentales / Servicios de Negocio


26 Cofide Perú Servicios Financieros y Seguros


27 CENEGED Brasil Servicios profesionales 282

28 Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación

México Servicios Profesionales 96

29 Laboratório Leme Brasil Cuidado de la Salud 343

30 Terminal de Contenedores de Cartagena -Contecar-

Colombia Transporte - Paquetería y transporte de mercancías


31 Orange Investments México Construcción, Infraestructura e



32 IPOG Instituto de Pós-graduação e Graduação

Brasil Educación y Formación


The List of the 100 Best Workplaces in Latin America

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57Great Place to Work®

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

33 Grupo Agrisal Division Hotelera:•Holiday Inn San José


Costa Rica Hospitalidad 86

34 Agreca Guatemala Construcción, Infraestructura e



35 Sicoob Metropolitano Brasil Servicios Financieros y Seguros


36 Intéligo SAB Perú Servicios Financieros y Seguros


37 Moinho Globo Alimentos Brasil Manufactura y Producción


38 Inflection Point México Tecnologías de la Información


39 Colegio Inglés Hidalgo México Educación y Formación


40 Touch Tecnologia Brasil Tecnologías de la Información


41 Consórcio Luiza Brasil Servicios Financieros y Seguros


42 Unimed Ceará Brasil Cuidado de la Salud 113

43 Elogroup Desenvolvimento e Consultoria

Brasil Servicios profesionales 158

44 Compugraf Brasil Tecnologías de la Información



Colombia Construcción, Infraestructura e



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58 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

46 Asociación Programa Lazos IAP

México Organizaciones no-gubernamentales y



47 Transportadora de Gas Internacional -TGI-

Colombia Transporte de Gas 377

48 Maestranza Diesel Chile Manufactura y Producción


49 Algar Mídia S/A Brasil Medios de comunicación


50 Marelli Ambientes Racionais

Brasil Manufactura y Producción


25 Best Large Workplaces in Latin America 2015 (500+ Employees)

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

1 Elektro Electricidade e Serviços

Brasil Manufactura y Producción


2 BancoEstado Microempresas

Chile Servicios Financieros y Seguros


3 Transbank Chile Servicios Financieros y Seguros


4 Gazin Brasil Comercio Minorista 6.911

5 Interseguro Perú Servicios Financieros y Seguros


6 SAMA S.A. - Minerações Associadas

Brasil Minería y Cantera 734

7 Aseguradora Solidaria de Colombia Entidad Cooperativa

Colombia Servicios Financieros y Seguros


8 Magazine Luiza Brasil Comercio Minorista 24.277

The List of the 100 Best Workplaces in Latin America

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59Great Place to Work®

Rank Company name Countries Industry # employees

9 Grupo Vidanta: •Mayan Riviera Maya

México Hospitalidad 1.100

10 Embraer Brasil Aeroespacial 17.706

11 Laboratório Sabin Brasil Cuidado de la Salud 1.391

12 Losango Brasil Servicios Financieros y Seguros


13 Liverpool México Comercio Minorista 58.145

14 Banco de Crédito e Inversiones - BCI

Chile Servicios Financieros y Seguros


15 COOSALUD EPS Colombia Cuidado de la Salud 837

16 Gentera •Gentera (Mexico)•Compartamos


México y Guatemala Servicios Financieros y Seguros


17 CEMAR Brasil Servicios Industriales 1.167

18 Interbank Perú Servicios Financieros y Seguros


19 PromonLogicalis Brasil Tecnologías de la Información


20 Grupo Progreso - Progreso Guatemala Construcción, Infraestructura e



21 Ancar Ivanhoe Brasil Comercio Minorista 3.176

22 Fundación Teletón México México Organizaciones no-gubernamentales y



23 Grupo Ruba México Construcción, Infraestructura e



24 Supermercados Peruanos Perú Comercio Minorista 13.904

25 Grupo Security Chile Servicios Financieros y Seguros


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60 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

MethodologyA company must have appeared on a Best Workplaces list in at least one Latin American country in order to be a candidate for the regional list. During the 2014-2015 cycle, 775 companies appeared on national Best Workplaces lists in 19 countries in the region. Those companies were eligible to be considered for the regional list.

In 2015, the Best Workplaces in Latin America appear on three lists

Best Multinational Workplaces

Best Large Workplaces (more

than 500 employees)

Best Small & Medium Workplaces (between 50 and 500


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61Great Place to Work®

To come up with the three lists, candidate companies were divided into two groups, one for domestic, and the other for multinational companies. Additionally, domestic companies were divided further into two groups according to the number of employees in their workforce. This approach allows us to compare companies with similar profiles. Multinational companies were eligible for inclusion on that list if they met the following criteria:

• The company had at least 1,000 employees worldwide

• At least 40% of the company’s employees work outside the country where it is headquartered

• The company has been recognized in at least three national lists in Latin America

Great Place to Work® defines a multinational company as a company operating in at least 3 countries. A company operating in only two countries would compete on one of the two size category lists.

To create regional lists, workplaces are evaluated and win a spot using the same criteria that earns them the right to appear on a national list. However, companies competing within the multinational category receive extra points according to the number of countries in which they are represented on national lists in the region, as well as the total number of employees who participated to the survey process. Consequently, multinational companies receive credit for their efforts to become a great workplace if they survey employees in several countries. The more countries in which a company is represented on a national list, the higher the credit the company receives. When multinationals become part of a regional list because they qualified in several countries, they can only occupy one position on the regional list. The scores of these companies are averaged and weighted by the number of employees in each of those countries. Multinational scores are only averaged for companies that share a common culture between countries.

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El poder de la gente

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64 Annual Best Workplaces in Latin America List

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