peoplesoft benefits administration and ebenefits

Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved. PeopleSoft Benefits Administration and eBenefits July 24, 2013 RECONNECT 2013 Session 101160 9:00am 9:50am (Rosemont 1) Brian McIntyre, President [email protected] Rebecca Roberts, Senior Consultant [email protected]

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Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

PeopleSoft Benefits Administration and eBenefitsJuly 24, 2013


Session 1011609:00am – 9:50am (Rosemont 1)

Brian McIntyre, President [email protected]

Rebecca Roberts, Senior [email protected]

2Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

WorkStrategy Profile

• HR Technology Firm Based in Columbia, Maryland

• eComp MD Co-Development Partner

• Staff of HR Practitioners and Oracle HCM Consultants

• Technology Deployment Analysis (PS HCM vs. SaaS Fusion vs. Taleo )

• Focus: Talent Management and Succession

• 9.2/8.53 Upgrade Planning, Upgrade Analysis, Remote Lab and Delta Training

• ePerformance, eComp, Total Rewards

WorkStrategy Licensed PeopleSoft Modules

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• Overview:

o Base Benefits vs. Benefits Administration

o Implementation Tools

• What’s new in releases 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2 for:

o Benefits

o Benefits Administration

o eBenefits

• Configuration Updates

• Guidelines

4Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Base Benefits vs. Benefits AdministrationFunctionality Base Benefits Benefits Administration

Automated Processing No – Manual (Program Type)Recordkeeping/Administrator Input

Yes - Automated (Program Type)Automated Process

Eligibility Rules:- Program- Benefit Plan/Option

No – Manual

Entered in Human ResourcesAdministrator Determination

Yes – Set at Program and Option Level

Derived by Benefits AdministrationDerived by Benefits Administration

Event Rules: - Default Processing- Proof of Insurability- Waiting Periods- Coverage Begin/End- Deduction Begin/End- Collect Dep/Ben Data- Collect Fund Allocations

No - Manual Yes - Set at Plan Type Level

Employer Credits:- Rate Tables:--- Coverage--- Salary

- Program- Plan- Option- Employee Price

Price OffsetBase Benefits Tables:--- Flat, Age-Graded, and Service --- Salary Percentage (annual)Not availableNot availableElection Based – elected optionPrice = Total Premium - Employer CostNo Credit

Total Compensation Base Benefits Tables:--- Flat, Age-Graded, and Service --- Salary Percentage (annual)Global/Upfront – all employeesGlobal/Upfront – all options in a planElection Based – elected option/creditPrice = Total PremiumCredit = Employer Cost

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Base Benefits vs. Benefits Admin, continuedFunctionality Base Benefits Benefits Administration

Enrollment:- Calc Options/Prices- Enrollment Form- Election Entry- Enrollment Monitoring- Confirmation Stmt- Deduction Processing- Carrier Interfaces- Leave Accruals

YesNoYes (‘Use’ Menus/open by plan type)No NoDeduction Calculation (DEDCALC)Yes – Base BenefitsYes – Base Benefits

YesYes (SQR: BAS004)Yes (‘Data Entry’ panels/scroll to plan)YesYes (SQR: BAS005)Benefits Administration (PSPBARUN)Yes – Base BenefitsYes – Base Benefits

eBenefits Self Service Benefits Inquiry Benefits InquiryLife EventsBenefits Enrollment

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Implementation - Benefits Plan Matrix

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Implementation - Event Status Change Matrix

8Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Benefits Functionality

Enhance and Extend Existing Functionality

• Release 9.0

o Expanded Dependent Administration

o Changes to Base Benefits Configuration

• Release 9.1

o Bundle 8: Reporting Compliance with HIPAA 5010

o Feature Pack 2: Total Rewards Statement

• Release 9.2

o Common Features – Health Care Analytics, Keyword Search, Embedded Help

o Paycheck Modeler – Earnings/Deductions

o Enhanced Life Events/Workflow with Document Upload

9Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Functionality: Dependent Age Limits – 9.0

• New Rule Available to Set Dependent Age Limits by Plan (DEP_RULE_TBL)

• Program Linkage at Plan Type Level, not Benefit Program

10Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Dependent Workflow (Optional) – 9.0

• Benefits Administrator will receive email notification reporting online changes to key Dependent information

• Dependent Certification Pass and/or Fail

• Dependent Data Updates for selected fields

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Benefits Personal Data – 9.1

• Medicare A, B & D information may be tracked for employees• HIPAA Medicare Eligibility Reason: Age, Disability, End Stage Renal Disease

12Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Employee/Dependent Information – 9.1

• HIPAA Medicare Eligibility Reason: Age, Disability, End Stage Renal Disease

13Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Refresh Benefit Snapshot – 9.1

• Added ‘Use Runtime Date’ checkbox for automatic Process Scheduler run control definitions

• Snapshot data will support both the 4010 and 5010 versions of the file

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Create HIPAA EDI 834 File – 9.1

• Run Control Expanded to Include Benefit Plan and Group Number Criteria

• Users Select Which Process to Run, 4010 or 5010

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Component Keyword Search (Grid) – 9.2

Grid View

16Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Component Keyword Search (List) – 9.2

List View

17Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBenefits Dependent/Beneficiary – 9.2

• Consolidated Dependents and Beneficiaries into one grid and added columns

18Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Health Plan Enrollment Statistics – PS 9.2

• Delivered Pagelet for Administrators to display Medical Plan enrollments by Benefit Plan

• Click the Health Enrollment Details link to drill into the query results and download to Excel

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Embedded Help

• Embedded Help text has been added throughout the applications to assist Administrators

20Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Embedded Help – Message Catalog

21Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paycheck Modeler - Earnings (Credits, Imputed Income)

22Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paycheck Modeler- Deductions (Benefit/General)

23Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Configuration: Plan/Attributes Updates 9.0

• Health Care (1x) – Separate Domestic Partner Plans Not Necessary

o Coverage Codes Added for Covered Dependents

o Rate Tables Expanded for Multiple Tax Classes

• Life Insurance (2x/3x) – Life and Disability coverage calculations have been expanded by providing more formula options

• Savings (4x) – Improved limit processing as well as employer contributions enhancements

• Leave (5x) – No updates

• Spending Accts (6x) – No updates

• Simple Plans (Ax) – Elective Plans with Deductions (LTC, Legal Plans,....)

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Configuration: Relationship Codes

• Simplified Relationships Across HRMS

• Upgrade Converts All Tables that Contain ‘Relationship’

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Covered Person Type

• Dependent’ Relationships More in Line with Covered Person Types

• Covered Person Types Used for Health Care (1x) Plans

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Dependent Relationships Table

• Identify ‘Dependent’ Relationship; All Others Assumed ‘Beneficiary’

• Added Edits to Enforce Relationship Attributes

o Age Limit Flag

o Gender Validation

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Dependent Age Limits• New Rule Available to Set Dependent Age Limits by Plan (DEP_RULE_TBL)

• Program Linkage at Plan Type Level, not Benefit Program

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Review Employee Benefits• Expanded with More Information

29Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Health Care Dependents – Coverage Code Table

• Expanded Health Care Coverage Codes (12 and 14)

• Linkage to ‘Covered Person Type’ for Definition Flexibility

o Identify Eligible Relationships

o Limit Allowable Number of Dependents

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Life/Disability Coverage Calculations

• Attribute Page Expanded...Coverage Type and Insured Person

31Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Savings (4x) Enhancements

• Improved Savings Management Processing

o 402(g), 457 and 401(a) Limit Extensions (Using Check Date)

o Contribution Suspensions

32Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Simple Plans (Ax)

• Generic plan type for benefits that have no attributes other than an election (examples: Legal Plan, LTC, EAP, Fitness Center, Car Insurance, etc.)

• Allows “deduction only” plans to be available in Self Service

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Rates & Rules

• Calculation Rules - Restructured to Retain Fields for Rate Calculations

• Coverage Formulas

• Benefit Rates

o Old Rate Structures Replaced; Same Calculation Process

o PS Delivered ‘Benefit Rate Type’ ― Provides Additional Criteria

– Salary Bands

– Number of Covered Persons

― New Types Define Rate Table Structure and Criteria

o Rate Tables Expanded― Old: Employee and/or Employer Rates

― New: Tax Class

– Employee: Before or After Tax Deductions

– Employer: Non-Taxable or Taxable (Imputed Income) Premiums

34Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Calculation Rules

• Retained Rules related to the calculation of Rates, not Coverage

• Calculation Rules define age, service and benefits salary (multiple ABBRs)

• Coverage definitions moved to Coverage Formulas

35Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

New Coverage Formula Table

• All Parameters Necessary for Coverage Calculation

o Coverage Salary and Source

o Calculation Including Rounding and Limits

• Age Reduction Schedules

• May be Copied Using Clone Utility

36Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Benefit Rates

• Retain existing types (Flat, Age Graded) plus new (Compensation Bands, Covered Person Type, Benefit Plan and Coverage Code)

• Retain existing Employee/Employer Rates (Composite Rates tab)

• Rates may now be defined by Tax Class (Detail Rates tab)

37Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Benefit Rates – Tax Class• Employee Rate = Before-Tax and/or After-Tax Rates

• Employer Rate = Non-Taxable and/or Taxable (Imputed Income) Rates

• Domestic Partners can be managed in a single plan and coverage code

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Ben Admin Configuration - Eligibility

• Added fields to track Medicare entitlements and enrollments

• Fields may be used within Benefits Administration Eligibility Rules

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Ben Admin Configuration - Events

• Retain Covered Dependents (with New Plan Election)

• Ignore Overage Dependents (Keep Existing Coverage)

• Electable Options - Ensure coverage changes are consistent with qualifying event

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eBenefits Configuration – Certification

• Enter Instruction and Agreement/Acceptance Text

• Define Question Type: Yes/No, Multiple Choice or Rating

• Enter Question Text and Available Responses

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Test Certificate

42Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBenefits Configuration - Certification

• Identify How Certification will be Used....Link Certificate ID

o Dependents – Partners

o Event Rules/Plans – Wellness

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Online Certification in eBenefits

• When adding an identified dependent relationship or plan/event, the certification will appear in eBenefits Self-Service

• If dependent certification fails, use as a Beneficiary only will be allowed

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Maintain Certifications

• Edit or Update Existing Certifications

• Add New Certifications

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eBenefits – Life Events – 9.2

• Enhanced configuration options

• Configurable Template

• Clone Utility for Life Event template

• Enhanced workflow so employees can complete benefit enrollment during a life event

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eBenefits – Life Event Welcome Page

• Life Event Welcome page text can be easily updated through Text Catalog

• Activity Guide on the left includes the steps for submitting the life event

• Activity Guide includes icons to track the status of each step

• Action buttons in the top right also guide the user through the process

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eBenefits – Benefits Enrollment

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eBenefits – Benefits Election Review

• PDF version of Benefits Enrollment Summary

49Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBenefits – Enrollment Statement Controls

• Organizations can control which sections should be displayed or hidden in the statement

50Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

eBenefits – Life Event Types

• Add or delete types

• Set notification requirements

• Specify if Proof is required

• Assign BAS action (Event Class) from Benefits Administration

51Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Benefit Clone Utility – Life Event Template

• Use the clone utility to copy an existing Life Event Template

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Life Event Template

• Use Text Catalog to Setup Welcome and Print text

• Hyperlink to set up associated Action Items

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Life Event – Action Items Table

• Review (delivered life events) and update the action items (steps) in the life event process – these action items will appear in the Activity Guide in Self Service

• Specify if an Action Item is required

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• Child Action Items are subset items that should be reviewed or completed such as Direct Deposit and W4 Tax Information

Life Event – Child Action Item

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• Dependent Action Items must be completed by the user prior to the current step

Life Event – Dependent Action Item

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• Change the Sequence Number to change the order in which the life events will appear in Self Service

• Change the Description of the Life Event that will appear in Self Service

Life Event – Event Category

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Upload Documents

• Employees can upload documents

• Administrators can approve documents

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Life Event Administration• Manage Life Events on-line

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Life Event Administration

• Review uploaded documents

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Benefit Upgrade Considerations

• Upgrade will Move All Current Configuration Forward Except....

o Relationship Code Consolidation

o Add Spending Account Parameter Defaults; different from HSA

o Rate Data Migrated to New Benefit Rate Table

o Split Calculation Rule to Create Coverage Formula

• All Other Benefits Configuration will Remain ‘As Is’

61Copyright © 2013 WorkStrategy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Q & A

• Attend Training

• Review this PPT

• Review the related PeopleBooks

• Project Considerations

o Project Planning

o Timing and Resources....

o Network....Who Has Experience?

o Meet at user groups and conferences

Brian J [email protected] cell

Rebecca RobertsSenior [email protected] x140