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A definition of A definition of performance management performance management A process which contributes to the effective A process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational to achieve high levels of organisational performance’. performance’. Source: CIPD Source: CIPD

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A definition of A definition of performance managementperformance management

‘‘A process which contributes to the effective A process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational achieve high levels of organisational performance’. performance’.

Source: CIPDSource: CIPD

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“ “ There is nothing more useless than doing efficiently that which need not be done There is nothing more useless than doing efficiently that which need not be done at all”at all”

Peter Drucker Peter Drucker

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“ “The greatest danger for most of us is not that The greatest danger for most of us is not that

our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is

too low and we reach it”too low and we reach it”

Michelangelo Michelangelo

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Two principles of assertionTwo principles of assertion

You You don’t getdon’t get what you don’t get ask for what you don’t get ask for

You get You get a lota lot of what you do ask of what you do ask for for

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Efficiency is doing things rightEfficiency is doing things right

Effectiveness is doing the right thingsEffectiveness is doing the right things

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Three aspects of objectives Three aspects of objectives PerformancePerformance

specifies what should be donespecifies what should be done


specifies how and under what conditionsspecifies how and under what conditions


specifies minimum acceptable measuresspecifies minimum acceptable measures

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Three determinants of performanceThree determinants of performance

Task clarityTask clarity


ConfidenceConfidenceSource: MarkhamSource: Markham

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Four aspects to performance managementFour aspects to performance management





Source: Cicek et alSource: Cicek et al

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Four parts to the STAR performance modelFour parts to the STAR performance model

S S ituationituation

T T argetsargets

A A ctionsctions

R R esultsesults


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Four part performance management modelFour part performance management model





Source: MorettiSource: Moretti

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Four personal life needsFour personal life needs





Source: Nash and StevensonSource: Nash and Stevenson

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Four performance management questionsFour performance management questions

What do I do well?What do I do well?

What needs to improve?What needs to improve?

What are the barriers to improvement?What are the barriers to improvement?

How can the barriers be overcome?How can the barriers be overcome?

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Four challenges for organisationsFour challenges for organisations

Developing rewards, recognition, and career opportunities Developing rewards, recognition, and career opportunities

for specialistsfor specialists

Creating unified vision in an organisation of specialistsCreating unified vision in an organisation of specialists

Devising the management structure for an organisation of Devising the management structure for an organisation of

task forcestask forces

Ensuring the supply, preparation and testing of top Ensuring the supply, preparation and testing of top

management peoplemanagement people

Peter Drucker 1988Peter Drucker 1988

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Four pivots of ethical thinkingFour pivots of ethical thinking

Ethical awarenessEthical awareness

Moral intentMoral intent

Principled judgementPrincipled judgement

Responsible action Responsible action

Source: StainerSource: Stainer

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Four signs of high performance peopleFour signs of high performance people

Motivated to proactively execute their authorityMotivated to proactively execute their authority

to fulfil their responsibilitiesto fulfil their responsibilities

Stimulated to perform their work and achieve superior Stimulated to perform their work and achieve superior resultsresults

Inspired to communicate their progress and resultsInspired to communicate their progress and results

Willing to accept responsibility for those resulWilling to accept responsibility for those resultsts

Source: Graeme DobsonSource: Graeme Dobson

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Four parts to the STAR performance modelFour parts to the STAR performance model

F F ocusocus

A A ccelerate ccelerate

S S trengthentrengthen

T T ie it all togetherie it all together

Kotter et alKotter et al

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Four stages to business process Four stages to business process managementmanagement



Monitor and analyseMonitor and analyse

Take corrective actionTake corrective actionSource: FrolickSource: Frolick

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A knowledge management modelA knowledge management model





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Four ways to create high moraleFour ways to create high morale

Make people feel truly importantMake people feel truly important

Give people real responsibilityGive people real responsibility

Let people experience and enjoy successLet people experience and enjoy success

Provide strong management supportProvide strong management support

McNutt and WrightMcNutt and Wright

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Four career patternsFour career patterns

Transitory Transitory




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Four essentials for performance Four essentials for performance managementmanagement

Be clear about what is meant by performance Be clear about what is meant by performance

Understand what the organisation is and needs to be in its performance Understand what the organisation is and needs to be in its performance culture culture

Be very focused on how individual employees will benefit and play their Be very focused on how individual employees will benefit and play their part in the process part in the process

Understand that it is a tool for line managers and its success will Understand that it is a tool for line managers and its success will depend on their ability to use it effectivelydepend on their ability to use it effectively

Source: CIPDSource: CIPD

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Four rules for performance Four rules for performance managementmanagement

Measure current performance, set targetsMeasure current performance, set targets

Appraise behaviours against goalsAppraise behaviours against goals

Take action to meet goals set and address issuesTake action to meet goals set and address issues

Monitor performance and re-appraise if neededMonitor performance and re-appraise if needed

Source: Team technologySource: Team technology

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Four key counselling skills Four key counselling skills AttendingAttending

Receiving: listening and lookingReceiving: listening and looking

Responding: statements and questionsResponding: statements and questions


Intervening: suggesting and confrontingIntervening: suggesting and confronting

Concluding: resourcing and supporting Concluding: resourcing and supporting

Source: John Hughes Source: John Hughes

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Four things a job should haveFour things a job should have





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Four characteristics of counsellingFour characteristics of counselling

Counselling is:Counselling is:

… …both person-centred and problem-focused both person-centred and problem-focused

… …concerned to detect deeper issues concerned to detect deeper issues

… …knows its limitsknows its limits

… …hard-headed as well as warm-heartedhard-headed as well as warm-hearted

Source: John HughesSource: John Hughes

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Intention to stay

The ACAS motivation Model



HighCommitment to achieve

Free-loader Eager beaver


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Four rules of praiseFour rules of praise

Be specific - for Be specific - for whatwhat exactly? exactly? Be direct - from you, face to faceBe direct - from you, face to face

Say it first - don’t wait for a promptSay it first - don’t wait for a prompt

Do it often - overcome the awkwardnessDo it often - overcome the awkwardness

Praise don’t patronisePraise don’t patronise

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Four things we must understand Four things we must understand when motivating peoplewhen motivating people

You cannot motivate anyone, you can ‘only’ create a situation in which s/he feels motivated.You cannot motivate anyone, you can ‘only’ create a situation in which s/he feels motivated.

People at work are motivated by a unique set of unsatisfied needs.People at work are motivated by a unique set of unsatisfied needs.

People with fully satisfied needs cannot be motivated.People with fully satisfied needs cannot be motivated.

To motivate you ‘only’ need to make people feel good.To motivate you ‘only’ need to make people feel good.

Source: Andrew Gibbons Source: Andrew Gibbons

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Four types of employee before, Four types of employee before, during and after redundancyduring and after redundancy

Happy stayersHappy stayers

Unhappy stayersUnhappy stayers

Happy leavers Happy leavers

Unhappy leavers Unhappy leavers

Source: Andrew Gibbons Source: Andrew Gibbons

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Four ethical principlesFour ethical principles

Respect for the individualRespect for the individual

Mutual respectMutual respect

Procedural fairnessProcedural fairness

Transparency of decision makingTransparency of decision making

Source: Winstanley and Coulson-ThomasSource: Winstanley and Coulson-Thomas

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Four questions to help work on Four questions to help work on pperformance shortfallserformance shortfalls

What should or could be happening?What should or could be happening?

What is happening?What is happening?

How can the desired performance be measured?How can the desired performance be measured?

What is the performance gap between What is the performance gap between what what is and is and what should be?what should be?

Source: Graeme DobsonSource: Graeme Dobson

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Four rules for performance managementFour rules for performance management

Learning never endsLearning never ends

Prepare people for challengesPrepare people for challenges

Demonstrate real and enduring confidence Demonstrate real and enduring confidence

Reward excellent performanceReward excellent performance

McNutt and WrightMcNutt and Wright

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Four signs of a performance cultureFour signs of a performance culture

People feel comfortable talking openly about performancePeople feel comfortable talking openly about performance

Individuals know how what they are doing makes a difference Individuals know how what they are doing makes a difference

People show commitment to achieving shred objectivesPeople show commitment to achieving shred objectives

When there are problems, people work together to resolve themWhen there are problems, people work together to resolve them

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Four drivers of motivationFour drivers of motivation

The drive to acquireThe drive to acquire

The drive to bondThe drive to bond

The drive to comprehendThe drive to comprehend

The drive to defendThe drive to defend

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Four criteria for management Four criteria for management succession planningsuccession planning

Past and current performancePast and current performance

Potential and ambitionPotential and ambition

Opportunities for executive developmentOpportunities for executive development


Source: Van CliearfSource: Van Cliearf

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Four ethical principlesFour ethical principles

Respect for the individualRespect for the individual

Mutual respectMutual respect

Procedural fairnessProcedural fairness

Transparency of decision makingTransparency of decision making

Source: Winstanley and Stuart-SmithSource: Winstanley and Stuart-Smith

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Five key behaviours for working well with your bossFive key behaviours for working well with your boss

Compatible work stylesCompatible work styles

Mutual expectationsMutual expectations

Information flowInformation flow

Dependability and honestyDependability and honesty

Good use of time and resourcesGood use of time and resources

Source: Keller et alSource: Keller et al

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The ADKAR performance modelThe ADKAR performance model AA awareness of the need for changeawareness of the need for change

D D esire to participate and supportesire to participate and support

K K nowledge on how to changenowledge on how to change

A A bility to apply new skills and behavioursbility to apply new skills and behaviours

RR einforcement to sustain the changeeinforcement to sustain the change

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The classic SMART target The classic SMART target setting modelsetting model

SS pecificpecific

M M easureableeasureable

A A ttainablettainable

R R elevantelevant

TT ime-basedime-based

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Five feelings and beliefs to create for positive Five feelings and beliefs to create for positive performance managementperformance management

A sense of personal competenceA sense of personal competence

A sense of personal choiceA sense of personal choice

A sense of having an impactA sense of having an impact

A sense of value or meaning in the activityA sense of value or meaning in the activity

A sense of trust or securityA sense of trust or security

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Five steps of six sigmaFive steps of six sigma

Define the process to be improved or controlledDefine the process to be improved or controlled

Measure the performance of the processMeasure the performance of the process

Analyse the data collected from the measuringAnalyse the data collected from the measuring

Improve the process based on the analysisImprove the process based on the analysis

Control the process at near to zero error/defect rates following the improvementControl the process at near to zero error/defect rates following the improvement

Source: StopperSource: Stopper

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Five qualities of an intrapreneurFive qualities of an intrapreneur


Political and business savvyPolitical and business savvy



Risk takerRisk taker

Source: Beverley HamiltonSource: Beverley Hamilton

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Five things to do when behaving ethicallyFive things to do when behaving ethically

Obey the lawObey the law

Be honestBe honest

Be fairBe fair

Be concernedBe concerned

Be courageousBe courageous

Source: WilliamsSource: Williams

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Five parts to the performance Five parts to the performance management cyclemanagement cycle

Establish mutual expectationsEstablish mutual expectations

Observe and measureObserve and measure

Problem solve, coach and developProblem solve, coach and develop

Evaluate, feedback and documentEvaluate, feedback and document

Recognise and rewardRecognise and reward

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Five phases of performance managementFive phases of performance management






Source: Graeme RobsonSource: Graeme Robson

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Five things empowered people seekFive things empowered people seek

A chance to be tested, to make it on their ownA chance to be tested, to make it on their own

A chance to take part in a social experimentA chance to take part in a social experiment

A chance to do something wellA chance to do something well

A chance to do something worthwhileA chance to do something worthwhile

A chance to change the way things areA chance to change the way things are

Source: David BerklowSource: David Berklow

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The The OSCAROSCAR performance model performance model OO outcomes: to be achievedoutcomes: to be achieved

S S ituation: whats the current position?ituation: whats the current position?

C C hoices: what are our options?hoices: what are our options?

A A ctions: what do we need to do next?ctions: what do we need to do next?

RR eview: how will progress be checked?eview: how will progress be checked?

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Five musts for measuresFive musts for measures

What does each of my customers want?What does each of my customers want?

How can we design systems and processes that can respond quickly to what they How can we design systems and processes that can respond quickly to what they want?want?

Measures must help understanding and performance of the systemMeasures must help understanding and performance of the system

Measures must relate to what customers valueMeasures must relate to what customers value

Measures must be in the hands of the people doing the workMeasures must be in the hands of the people doing the work

Source: SpitzerSource: Spitzer

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Five principles of performance Five principles of performance managementmanagement

Give personal, dedicated responsibilityGive personal, dedicated responsibility

Refresh and communicate strategyRefresh and communicate strategy

Cascade and manage strategyCascade and manage strategy

Improve performanceImprove performance

Manage and leverage knowledgeManage and leverage knowledge

Source: PaladinoSource: Paladino

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needsMaslow’s hierarchy of needs

Physiological needsPhysiological needs

Safety and security needsSafety and security needs

Social needsSocial needs

The need for self-esteem and respectThe need for self-esteem and respect

The need for self-actualisation The need for self-actualisation

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Five ‘A’ qualities for counsellingFive ‘A’ qualities for counselling AwarenessAwareness





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Six stress risk factorsSix stress risk factors





Blood fat levelsBlood fat levels

Lack of exerciseLack of exercise

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Six methods to counter resistance to Six methods to counter resistance to changechange

Education and communicationEducation and communication

Facilitation and supportFacilitation and support

Manipulation and co-optationManipulation and co-optation

Participation and involvementParticipation and involvement

Negotiation and agreementNegotiation and agreement

Explicit and implicit coercionExplicit and implicit coercion

Source: John KotterSource: John Kotter

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Six ways to manage performance Six ways to manage performance managementmanagement

Focus on outcomes that meet business objectives, rather than outputsFocus on outcomes that meet business objectives, rather than outputs

Manage performance by cascading down from the top and building bottom-upManage performance by cascading down from the top and building bottom-up

Define and use measures that evolve over timeDefine and use measures that evolve over time

Use a mix of short and long term measures, and select measures that link cause and Use a mix of short and long term measures, and select measures that link cause and effecteffect

Measure effectiveness (doing the right things) and efficiency (doing things right) in Measure effectiveness (doing the right things) and efficiency (doing things right) in parallelparallel

Relate individuals' reward and remuneration to achievement of outcomesRelate individuals' reward and remuneration to achievement of outcomes

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Six transitions for successful succession Six transitions for successful succession planningplanning

From annual review to continuous process From annual review to continuous process

From short term replacement to long term development and retentionFrom short term replacement to long term development and retention

From who we’ve got to what we needFrom who we’ve got to what we need

From position blockage to turnover where needed From position blockage to turnover where needed

From insufficient bench strength to a pool of potential talentFrom insufficient bench strength to a pool of potential talent

From subjective evaluation to an emphasis on resultsFrom subjective evaluation to an emphasis on results

Source: PopoffSource: Popoff

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Six performance management key related issuesSix performance management key related issues

Organisational health and robustnessOrganisational health and robustness

Strategic objectives and making these knownStrategic objectives and making these known

Managerial interpersonal skills and credibilityManagerial interpersonal skills and credibility

Systems and processes for review and reward or… Systems and processes for review and reward or…

Succession planningSuccession planning

Knowledge management and retention Knowledge management and retention

Source: GibbonsSource: Gibbons

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Six things empowered people achieveSix things empowered people achieve

Doing something that makes them feel good aboutDoing something that makes them feel good aboutthemselves themselves

A chance to accomplish something worthwhileA chance to accomplish something worthwhile

The opportunity to learn new skillsThe opportunity to learn new skills

The chance to gain knowledgeThe chance to gain knowledge

The freedom you need to do your job wellThe freedom you need to do your job well

The chance to focus on the things you do bestThe chance to focus on the things you do best

Lawler and Renwick Lawler and Renwick

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Six things empowered people wantSix things empowered people wantDoing something that makes them feel goodDoing something that makes them feel good

Accomplishing something worthwhileAccomplishing something worthwhile

Learning new skillsLearning new skills

Opportunity to use and develop the new skillsOpportunity to use and develop the new skills

Freedom to do their job to their own high standardsFreedom to do their job to their own high standards

A chance to do the things they do bestA chance to do the things they do best

Source: Lawler and RenwickSource: Lawler and Renwick

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Six cornerstones of elite performanceSix cornerstones of elite performance

Focus on what you can controlFocus on what you can control

Love the pressureLove the pressure

Fixate on the long termFixate on the long term

Use the competitionUse the competition

Reinvent yourselfReinvent yourself

Celebrate victoriesCelebrate victories

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Six types of managerial obsolescenceSix types of managerial obsolescence Abrupt Abrupt






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Jack Welch’s six rules Jack Welch’s six rules

Control your destiny or someone else will Control your destiny or someone else will

Face reality as it is, not as you wish it wereFace reality as it is, not as you wish it were

Be candid with everyoneBe candid with everyone

Don’t manage, leadDon’t manage, lead

Change before you have toChange before you have to

If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t competeIf you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete

Source: Jack WelchSource: Jack Welch

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Six basic job needsSix basic job needs Tell me what you expect from meTell me what you expect from me

Give me the opportunity to performGive me the opportunity to perform

Let me know how I am getting onLet me know how I am getting on

Give me guidance where I need itGive me guidance where I need it

Reward me according to my contributionReward me according to my contribution

Let me know what’s going onLet me know what’s going on

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Six factors that determine Six factors that determine performanceperformance




Rewards Rewards

ClarityClarityTeam commitmentTeam commitment

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Six guiding principles of behaviourSix guiding principles of behaviour

Don’t be conceited, boastful or self-righteousDon’t be conceited, boastful or self-righteous

Don’t provoke one anotherDon’t provoke one another

Don’t envy one anotherDon’t envy one another

Carry one another’s burdenCarry one another’s burden

Be humbleBe humble

Don’t make comparisonsDon’t make comparisons

Source: Low Sui PhengSource: Low Sui Pheng

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Six signs of an empowered personSix signs of an empowered person

Accepts and welcomes responsibilityAccepts and welcomes responsibility

Wants more responsibility and accountabilityWants more responsibility and accountability

Sees responsibility as a challengeSees responsibility as a challenge

Does not see responsibility as something imposed Does not see responsibility as something imposed as a painful dutyas a painful dutySees responsibility as a free choiceSees responsibility as a free choiceSees responsibility as an opportunity for further Sees responsibility as an opportunity for further personal developmentpersonal development

Source: Claus MollerSource: Claus Moller

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Seven things to accept when Seven things to accept when managing redundancy managing redundancy

The message must be clear honest and consistentThe message must be clear honest and consistent

Past history and perceptions are importantPast history and perceptions are important

Understand the thirst for informationUnderstand the thirst for information

The message will be corrupted and hard to controlThe message will be corrupted and hard to control

A little sensitivity goes a long wayA little sensitivity goes a long way

You will never it anywhere near 100% rightYou will never it anywhere near 100% right

It’s not over when it’s overIt’s not over when it’s over

Source: Andrew Gibbons Source: Andrew Gibbons

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Stress – related issuesStress – related issues Personal time management Personal time management

Interpersonal and assertion skillsInterpersonal and assertion skills

Ability to empower and delegateAbility to empower and delegate

Motivation and commitment levelsMotivation and commitment levels

Job designJob design

Relationships with colleagues Relationships with colleagues

Decision making abilitiesDecision making abilities

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The RESOLVE model of managing performance

R esearch the facts

E xplain immediately

S pecificy the unacceptable performance

O bserve the response

L ink the impact of performance to business need

V olunteer your feelings directly and honestly

E valuate the employee’s commitment to rectify

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The seven habits of highly The seven habits of highly successful peoplesuccessful people

Be proactiveBe proactive

Begin with the end in mindBegin with the end in mind

Put first things firstPut first things first Think win/winThink win/win

Seek first to understand, then to be understoodSeek first to understand, then to be understood

Synergise Synergise

Sharpen the saw Sharpen the saw

Source: Dr Stephen Covey Source: Dr Stephen Covey

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Seven components of a pSeven components of a performance erformance management culturemanagement culture








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Seven sources of stress at Seven sources of stress at work work

Intrinsic to the jobIntrinsic to the job

Role in the organisationRole in the organisation

Relations within the organisationRelations within the organisation

Career developmentCareer development

Being in the organisationBeing in the organisation

Organisation interface with outsideOrganisation interface with outside

Intrinsic to the individualIntrinsic to the individual

Source: Cary CooperSource: Cary Cooper

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The seven P career modelThe seven P career modelPurposePurpose







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Seven dangers in implementing Seven dangers in implementing performance managementperformance management

Consumes excessive management timeConsumes excessive management time

Demands considerable financial investmentDemands considerable financial investment

Perceived as bureaucratic – too many measuresPerceived as bureaucratic – too many measures

Discourages entrepreneurial intuitionDiscourages entrepreneurial intuition

Confuses over where organisational priorities lieConfuses over where organisational priorities lie

Forces managers to continually review performanceForces managers to continually review performance

Confuses users with over-complicated measuresConfuses users with over-complicated measures

Source: Kennerley and MartinezSource: Kennerley and Martinez

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Seven disempowering leadership Seven disempowering leadership behavioursbehaviours

How I see things is correctHow I see things is correct

Keep separate from those you leadKeep separate from those you lead

Never admit to mistakes or show weaknessNever admit to mistakes or show weakness

Be consistent to the point of rigidityBe consistent to the point of rigidity

Overwork and sacrifice - and expect the sameOverwork and sacrifice - and expect the same

Criticise, manipulate and coerceCriticise, manipulate and coerce

As leader, pursue power over purposeAs leader, pursue power over purpose

Adapted from Nixon 1995Adapted from Nixon 1995

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SevenSeven ethical measures ethical measures

Integrity Integrity






Not inequity or nepotism Not inequity or nepotism Source: HoianSource: Hoian

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Seven questions for high pSeven questions for high performanceerformance

What are my roles and responsibilities? What are my roles and responsibilities?

What standards are expected of me?What standards are expected of me?

Who is going to give me feedback?Who is going to give me feedback?

How will this feedback be given?How will this feedback be given?

How am I doing? How am I doing?

Where do I go from here?Where do I go from here?

How do I get there?How do I get there?

Source: OWL AssociatesSource: OWL Associates

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The eight deadly demotivatorsThe eight deadly demotivators Politics that creates confusing messages Politics that creates confusing messages

Unclear expectationsUnclear expectations

Unproductive meetingsUnproductive meetings

Inconsistency between words and deedsInconsistency between words and deeds


Constant and destabilising changeConstant and destabilising change

Withholding informationWithholding information

Low quality standardsLow quality standards

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Eight issues in criticising constructivelyEight issues in criticising constructively

Your personal credibility with the other/sYour personal credibility with the other/s

Be specific about the reason to be criticalBe specific about the reason to be critical

Have the right motives - why are you doing this?Have the right motives - why are you doing this?

Give support and encouragementGive support and encouragement

Choose the time and place with careChoose the time and place with care

Anticipate retaliationAnticipate retaliation

Give feedback on behaviour - don’t make judgements Give feedback on behaviour - don’t make judgements

Get commitment to the agreed changed behaviourGet commitment to the agreed changed behaviour

Source: Andrew GibbonsSource: Andrew Gibbons

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Eight key issues for leadersEight key issues for leaders

Identify core valuesIdentify core values

Build alliancesBuild alliances

Have a visionHave a vision


Build trustBuild trust

Bring in the right peopleBring in the right people

Allow those hired to do their jobsAllow those hired to do their jobs

Get resultsGet results

Source: Steven SampleSource: Steven Sample

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The eight subordinate’s dilemmasThe eight subordinate’s dilemmasAllianceAlliance or Competition or Competition

Clarify expectations or Second guessClarify expectations or Second guess

Initiative or DependenceInitiative or Dependence

Competence or InferiorityCompetence or Inferiority

Differentiation or IdentificationDifferentiation or Identification

Relating personally or Relating impersonallyRelating personally or Relating impersonally

Mutual concern or Self interestMutual concern or Self interest

Integrity or DenialIntegrity or Denial

Source: Neilsen and GypenSource: Neilsen and Gypen

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Eight fundamental concepts of excellenceEight fundamental concepts of excellenceResults orientationResults orientation

Customer focusCustomer focus

Leadership and constancy of purposeLeadership and constancy of purpose

Management by processes and factsManagement by processes and facts

People development and involvementPeople development and involvement

Continuous learning innovation and improvementContinuous learning innovation and improvement

Partnership developmentPartnership development

Corporate social responsibilityCorporate social responsibility EFQMEFQM

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Eight payoffs of performance managementEight payoffs of performance management

Focuses attention on organisational prioritiesFocuses attention on organisational priorities

Drives improvement to the businessDrives improvement to the business

Improves customer satisfactionImproves customer satisfaction

Increases productivityIncreases productivity

Aligns operational performance/corporate objectivesAligns operational performance/corporate objectives

Increased employee satisfactionIncreased employee satisfaction

Encourages focus on performance improvementEncourages focus on performance improvement

Improved organisational reputation Improved organisational reputation

Source: Kennerley and MartinezSource: Kennerley and Martinez

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Eight features of effective Eight features of effective appraisal schemesappraisal schemes

All participants are briefed and preparedAll participants are briefed and prepared

Paperwork is simple and understoodPaperwork is simple and understood

An agreed and positive action planAn agreed and positive action plan

Tangible top management commitmentTangible top management commitment

Centred on developmental not money issues Centred on developmental not money issues

Truly negotiated – nothing hiddenTruly negotiated – nothing hidden

Relationships are strengthenedRelationships are strengthened

Agreed actions are followed up and happen! Agreed actions are followed up and happen!

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Nine responsibilities of a leaderNine responsibilities of a leader See clearly when you lookSee clearly when you look

Hear correctly when you listenHear correctly when you listen

Think clearly when you speakThink clearly when you speak

Inquire critically when you doubtInquire critically when you doubt

Show respect when you serveShow respect when you serve

Maintain calm when you are challengedMaintain calm when you are challenged

Consider consequences when you decideConsider consequences when you decide

Create desirable results when you workCreate desirable results when you work

Do what is right when you actDo what is right when you act

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Nine components of effective performance managementNine components of effective performance management









Source: Graeme RobsonSource: Graeme Robson

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Stress – key issues Stress – key issues What is it?What is it?







Managing the stressedManaging the stressed


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Ten facilitators of empowermentTen facilitators of empowerment

Real, demonstrable commitment by managementReal, demonstrable commitment by management

Few hierarchical layersFew hierarchical layers

Adequate training in teamwork and communication skillsAdequate training in teamwork and communication skills

Clear communication of the empowerment messageClear communication of the empowerment message

Sufficient meaningful personal feedbackSufficient meaningful personal feedback

A culture of openness, encouragement and trustA culture of openness, encouragement and trust

Awareness and interest in the ‘big picture’Awareness and interest in the ‘big picture’

Appropriate, fair rewards, built on individual contributionAppropriate, fair rewards, built on individual contribution

Mistakes are acknowledged and learned from positivelyMistakes are acknowledged and learned from positively

Taking the long term perspectiveTaking the long term perspective Adapted from: Smith and MoulyAdapted from: Smith and Mouly

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Ten uses of an appraisal scheme Ten uses of an appraisal scheme Identify development needsIdentify development needs

Develop working relationshipsDevelop working relationships

Seek and use feedback on performanceSeek and use feedback on performance

Agree key job competenciesAgree key job competencies

Set specific targets and objectivesSet specific targets and objectives

Discuss career plansDiscuss career plans

Review past performanceReview past performance

Plan future developmentPlan future development

Clarify roles and expectationsClarify roles and expectations

Praise and motivatePraise and motivate

Source: Andrew Gibbons Source: Andrew Gibbons

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Ten features of real leadersTen features of real leaders Work hard and focus wellWork hard and focus well

Develop and communicate a vision of successDevelop and communicate a vision of success

Do not ever consider failureDo not ever consider failure

Are very different to managersAre very different to managers

Balance strong self-esteem with flexibilityBalance strong self-esteem with flexibility

Never stop learning - especially from experienceNever stop learning - especially from experience

Possess and use courageous patiencePossess and use courageous patience

Are rarely seen, but can be found anywhereAre rarely seen, but can be found anywhere

Make strong friends and enemiesMake strong friends and enemies

Leave a lasting and positive sign of ‘being there’Leave a lasting and positive sign of ‘being there’ Source: Source:

Andrew GibbonsAndrew Gibbons

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Ten golden rules for giving feedbackTen golden rules for giving feedback

Give feedback on observed behaviour not perceived attitudesGive feedback on observed behaviour not perceived attitudes

Describe what you saw and felt, don’t make judgementsDescribe what you saw and felt, don’t make judgements

Focus on behaviour that can be changedFocus on behaviour that can be changed

Select and stick to the most important issuesSelect and stick to the most important issues

Ask questions rather than make statementsAsk questions rather than make statements

Set ground rules in advanceSet ground rules in advanceComment on positive issues not just the negativeComment on positive issues not just the negativeStick to specific behaviour, don’t waffle vaguelyStick to specific behaviour, don’t waffle vaguelyObserve everyone’s personal limitsObserve everyone’s personal limitsBefore offering feedback, consider its value to the receiverBefore offering feedback, consider its value to the receiver

Source: Wood and ScottSource: Wood and Scott

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Ten ‘right’s as a personTen ‘right’s as a person

I have a right to:I have a right to:

Be treated with respect as an equal person Be treated with respect as an equal person

Define my needs and ask reasonably for what I want and needDefine my needs and ask reasonably for what I want and need

Define my own limits and to say ‘no’Define my own limits and to say ‘no’

Express my feelings and opinionsExpress my feelings and opinions

Make my own decisions and to change my mindMake my own decisions and to change my mind

Seek clarification and understanding if something is not clearSeek clarification and understanding if something is not clear

Make mistakes without feeling guilty or made to look foolish Make mistakes without feeling guilty or made to look foolish

Hold my own set of values Hold my own set of values

Be listened to when I speakBe listened to when I speak

Refuse to take inappropriate responsibility for other’s issuesRefuse to take inappropriate responsibility for other’s issues

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Ten signs that a person has stress under Ten signs that a person has stress under controlcontrol

A diet low in caffeine, salt sugar and alcoholA diet low in caffeine, salt sugar and alcohol

Non smokerNon smoker

A true and realistic sense of purpose in lifeA true and realistic sense of purpose in life

Physically fit – feels healthy and energisedPhysically fit – feels healthy and energised

Expresses emotions including anger positivelyExpresses emotions including anger positively

Slim but not overweightSlim but not overweight

Sleeps well, and relaxes thoroughlySleeps well, and relaxes thoroughly

Manages time well and avoids overloadManages time well and avoids overload

Enjoys their accomplishmentsEnjoys their accomplishments

Has supportive, positive personal relationshipsHas supportive, positive personal relationships

From: Bob FerdinandFrom: Bob Ferdinand

Source: Cary CooperSource: Cary Cooper

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Eleven reasons appraisal failsEleven reasons appraisal fails Commitment is lackingCommitment is lacking

Preparation is inadequatePreparation is inadequate

Paperwork is too complicatedPaperwork is too complicated

Action plans are not actionedAction plans are not actioned

No incentive is feltNo incentive is felt

Appraisers are not competentAppraisers are not competent

It is linked to pay too soonIt is linked to pay too soon

It is used for the wrong thingsIt is used for the wrong things

The appraiser dominatesThe appraiser dominates

Expectations are unreasonably raisedExpectations are unreasonably raised

The process is not monitored or evaluatedThe process is not monitored or evaluated

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Twelve ways to win people to your way of Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinkingthinking

The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid itThe only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it

Show respect for the other person’s opinionsShow respect for the other person’s opinions

If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphaticallyIf you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically

Begin in a friendly wayBegin in a friendly way

Get the other person saying ‘yes yes’ immediatelyGet the other person saying ‘yes yes’ immediately

Let the other person do a great deal of the talkingLet the other person do a great deal of the talking

Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hersLet the other person feel that the idea is his or hers

Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of viewTry honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view

Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desiresBe sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires

Appeal to the nobler motivesAppeal to the nobler motives

Dramatise your ideasDramatise your ideas

Throw down a challengeThrow down a challenge

Source: Dale CarnegieSource: Dale Carnegie

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A view on management…A view on management…

““Ninety per cent of what we call managementNinety per cent of what we call management

consists of making it difficult for people to get consists of making it difficult for people to get

things done”things done”

Peter DruckerPeter Drucker

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Stress – a definitionStress – a definition

Stress is a term borrowed from engineering. Stress is a term borrowed from engineering. Its original use implies an inherent ability to stand up Its original use implies an inherent ability to stand up

to a defined amount of strain. If the loading is to a defined amount of strain. If the loading is exceeded, the structure distorts or fractures.exceeded, the structure distorts or fractures.

Each of us has a unique reaction to varying types of Each of us has a unique reaction to varying types of stress, and an individual, personal response and stress, and an individual, personal response and

tolerance when under pressure.tolerance when under pressure.

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““What gets What gets measured measured



Source: Tom PetersSource: Tom Peters

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You cannot You cannot

buy buy loyalty or commitmentloyalty or commitment

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AllAll behaviour, behaviour, including behaviour at work including behaviour at work

is is motivatedmotivated

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““Intelligent people Intelligent people prefer to prefer to agreeagree than to obey”than to obey”

Source: Charles Source: Charles HandyHandy

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All behaviour, All behaviour, Is directed to meeting a Is directed to meeting a

person’s person’s needsneeds