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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Reading is an important skill in a second language, particularly in English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL) learning. Reading is necessary when students want to continue from elementary school until university level. They need good reading skill for acquiring knowledge and learning new information. As Krashen (1983:131) stated that reading is one of English language skills which can serve as an important source of comprehensible input and may take a significant contribution to the development of overall proficiency. Over the past few years, the teaching of reading in Indonesia has been raised to be a crucial thing. Huda (1997:149) states that reading becomes the main point in curriculum 1994 in Indonesia that has to be mastered by students. She explains, “The objective of teaching is the 1

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1.1. Background

Reading is an important skill in a second language, particularly in English as a second

or foreign language (ESL/EFL) learning. Reading is necessary when students want to

continue from elementary school until university level. They need good reading skill

for acquiring knowledge and learning new information. As Krashen (1983:131) stated

that reading is one of English language skills which can serve as an important source

of comprehensible input and may take a significant contribution to the development

of overall proficiency.

Over the past few years, the teaching of reading in Indonesia has been raised

to be a crucial thing. Huda (1997:149) states that reading becomes the main point in

curriculum 1994 in Indonesia that has to be mastered by students. She explains, “The

objective of teaching is the development of communicative ability in English

embracing four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) with an

emphasis on reading ability” (p.149). She further stated that the order of language

skills to be taught has been changed from reading, listening, writing and speaking to

reading, listening, speaking and writing. Reading skill is still given a first priority.

As mentioned above that in the language teaching there are four skills that

have to be mastered by students, reading is integrated in the teaching and learning

process. Students must have the ability to read in a wide range of English texts


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because it is useful for them in following written directions both in the classroom and

in common everyday experience. Meanwhile, Students have to follow the

examination in the school which demands them to answer the questions in the

examination as a requirement for them to graduate from school. They need reading

skill that helps them to know the instruction of the text and the content of reading

task. Therefore, teacher has to emphasize in reading rather than other skills.

Furthermore, Bond (1984:10) states that the importance of reading is to obtain

the information which can be used to solve problem and for pleasure, particularly in

the elementary and intermediate levels. Students need to read to confirm their spoken

language and to be able to acquire other skills like listening, speaking and writing. So,

it is clear that reading becomes the essential point that has to be emphasized in

teaching of language in Indonesia.

Although the techniques of teaching reading have already been developed by

the experts, but in fact there are still many students who are poor in their reading

comprehension. One of the problems leads to the poorness of students’ reading

comprehension is the inappropriate technique that teacher uses in presenting material.

So, students fell boring in teaching and learning process.

The English teacher has an important role in teaching learning process. The

teacher must work hard to improve the students’ achievement and improve their

achievement in reading comprehension. Therefore, the teacher are hoped to use a

good technique and method in reading English and improve their motivation in

learning. besides, based on researcher’s observation in SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo on


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Friday, January 29th 2010, it seemed that the teaching of English reading in that

school is still facing difficulties. The researcher observed that most students got

difficulties when doing task that related to reading text. It is supported by students

score in daily test in which the mean score of the result of reading test from 23

students is only 63 which is categorized poor (see on Appendix 12). So, the writer

gave a reading comprehension test and the result of students’ mean value is 50,9 (see

on appendix 13). On the other hand, the researcher also got some information that

reading is difficult for students, so that they feel difficult to express ideas and the

students are also difficult to make a good question and sentence in good grammatical

structure. In addition, the students difficult to comprehend report text either general

structure or language feature.

Besides, in teaching and learning process especially in teaching reading, the

English teacher said that the students at the class XI IPA in learning reading were still

difficult to comprehend a reading text (see on appendix 1). It is because the students

at class XI IPA have poor motivation and interest in learning English. From above

problem, the researcher tried to overcome the problem by applying KWL (Know-

Want-Learn) technique. KWL technique was designed as a strategy to develop

reading comprehension by helping students create a connection between their prior

knowledge and what they read, hear, or view. In this case, KWL technique can be

beyond students’ ideas.


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Actually, there were some researchers who have conducted study about

teaching of reading under KWL technique; they were Malik (2009), Haofu (2002),

and Dharmawati (2009). They had been trying to investigae the effectiveness of KWL

technique in teaching and learning reading with quasy experiment design. They just

found the effectiveness of KWL technique by comparing pre-test and post-test after

doing the similar treatment without any improvement or what the weakness happened

in each meeting. However, their entire previous researcher found a good result in

their study. They stated that KWL technique is effective in improving students

reading ability.

1.2. Research Question

Research question of this study is can KWL technique improve students’ reading

achievement at class XIIPA of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo?

1.3. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to improve students’ reading achievement through

KWL technique at class XIIPA of SMA Negeri I Amonggedo.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The significant of this study are as follows:

1. To become a reference for the English teachers in applying KWL technique for

increasing the students reading achievement.


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2. To become one of information resource for further studies who want to conduct a

research by using KWL technique.

3. To increase the students’ reading achievement through KWL techniques at SMA

Negeri I Amonggedo class XIIPA.

4. To be a source input to the English teacher particularly at SMA Negeri I

Amonggedo in increasing learning and teaching process in the classroom to the

increasing of students’ reading achievement.

1.5. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on content of reading text to get students’ reading comprehension.

To make more specific, the researcher limits the comprehension on literal and

interpretive comprehension. . Genre of text for reading material in this study is report


1.6. Definition of Term

To avoid some misunderstanding about this study, the researcher will give some

definitions of term are as follow:

1. According to Ogle (1987: 626-631), KWL is an instructional reading strategy that

is used to guided the students through a text. in other words, it could means very

helpful to assisst comprehension toward reading passages. K - stands for helping

students recall what they KNOW about the subject, W - stands for helping

students determine what they WANT to learn, and L - stands for helping students

identify what they LEARN as they read.


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This chapter contains the theoretical framework to support this research. It covers; the

nature of reading, Reading Comprehension in EFL Context, the concept of KWL

Technique in tecahing Reading, schemata theory, teaching procedure of applying

KWL technique, review of related study.

2.1. The Nature of Reading

Reading plays an important role in learning a language. By reading, language learners

can absurd knowledge and information. Walker (1996:87) states that, “reading is an

activate process (not product like history) in which reader shift between sources of

information (what they know and what the text says) elaborate meaning and

strategies, chek their interprettation (revising when appropriate) and use the social

context to focus their response”. This means that reading is a process performed and

used by the reader to grasp message being dellivered by the writer in the medium of

words and writen language. In addition, with Nunan in Nasrudin (1998: 7) points out

that “reading is an interactive process between what a reader already knows about a

given topic/subject and what the writer writes. One success in reading if sh or he has

ability to extract and comprehend the writer’s message”. Thus, reading is not only to

identify or spell words but also to have better comprehension of ideas coming from

the words.


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Furthermore, Haffer and Jally in Rusli (1982: 28) said that “Reading is a

process of looking writen language and symbols, converting into overt speech

symbols and manipulating them so that both the direct (overt) and implied (convert)

ideas intended by the authors may understood”. Regarding from those theories, we

can say that reading is not only an activity of calling out the words but also it must

involve the essensial thing in reading that is grasping meaning of the reading in other

words reading with comprehension. Another definition of reading which sound

similar to the expression above is given by Nunan who says, “Redaing is an

interactive process between what the reader already knows about a given topic or

subject and what the writer writes”. (Nunan in Nasrudin, 1998: 7). In dealing with the

teacing reading, Lado defines “toread is to grasp language pattern from their


From the explanation above, the writer concluded that comprehension refers

to comprehend the written language (reading) related with the intellectual and mental,

so that the reading comprehension factors is the ability to acquire ideas of reading

materials and to understand the whole information of the text. the aim of reading is to

grasp the writers’ message, not only to identify or spell words but also to have better

comprehension of ideas coming from the words. There is always a medium, namely

written or printed material. So, reading activity only takes places when there is a

written or printed material. There is an indirect communication between the readers

and the means that, the reader can understand what the wriiter’s aim in his



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Reading also can be interpreted as a method of communication with our

selves and sometime with the other or communication with written and implies

symbols. Even, there is the supposed that reading stability to see on written symbols

and then to change them by process to understand the implied or written ideas of the

text. the correlation degree between meaning to be written by writer and the reader

interpretation determine the practice of the raeding process.

2.2. Reading Comprehension in EFL Context

All reader when they read some reading materials are aimed to get a complete

understanding of what the.y have already been read or what the author has written.

Naswia (2008:18) states that reading comprehension involves process of specific

thinking. Comprehension occurs as a result of reading slowly, because our short term

memory can only retain information for a few second. (p.18). In addition, Betty

(1978:144) says reading comprehension is process that occurs in the brain, which

cannot be seen. Although the students can discuss about the reading content, answer

questions based on the text and express their answers, but the process of actual

meaning cannot be observed.

Betty (1978) further explains:

“Reading comprehension is processing written language to get ideas, relating ideas to experiences, organizing ideas, evaluating ideas, and utilizing ideas. Therefore, the reader must have some basic intellectual equipment in order to comprehend. The reader must have intelligence, language and experience”. (p, 145).


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So, when students try to comprehend the text, they have to interpret the

written idea and connect what they have interpreted to their experiences until they can

use that idea.

Similarly, Redway (1992) has stated reading comprehension is a process to

know the ideas by predicting and relating them to others ideas in written language. As

a result, in reading comprehension, reader not only has to understand the material but

also they have to analyze, evaluate and connect what they have already read with

their experience. It is because of reading comprehension is reader’s activity in

understanding the meaning of material in written language or implied meaning (as

cited in Nadjili,2002.p.18) .

Therefore, reading comprehension aspects involved the ability to understand

words, sentence structures, sentence patterns, the ability to note and remember

significant details or find answer to specific questions and the ability to make a

relationship between his/her experience and the meaning written language.

2.2.1. Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension

Pamungkas (1992) says that reader’s factor is important to do reading

comprehension. He said that there are five aspects, which influence reading

comprehension, they are as follow: firstly is reader’s background experience.

Reader’s background experience means that the ability to comprehend the text is

different between one person and another. One of the important factors is reader’s

background experience. They will understand well the passage prepared when they


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have background knowledge about it. This background experience is of course

emphasized by the educational level.

The second is the ability to use language either by written or orally. The

ability in using language is very important for students. If the students have disability

in using language, it can influence or obscure the comprehension of reading material.

The reader will not catch what is the message of the reading when they have low

ability of language. This is also influenced by language component such as

vocabulary and grammar. When the reader has enough vocabulary and good

grammatical skill, so he/she will understand well what she/he is reading.

The third is thinking ability. Thinking ability refers to the reader’s ability of

thinking. This is different between one and another because it is closely related with

level of intelligence of each person. Betty (1978:155) states that some factors

contribute to development of thinking skills as follow: (1) the reader should

concentrate completely on the content they are reading. (2) The reader should

understand what means to demand meaning from reading. (3) The reader should be

interest and have stimulated to the reading materials.

The fourth is reading purpose. Reading purpose is the process to understand

or comprehend reading material. It is influenced by the aim of reading, such as

reading to gain knowledge, information or reading for pleasure. The last is

motivation, attitude, interest, conviction and feeling. Other factors like motivation,

interest, conviction and feeling means that the reader’s knowledge about knowledge

or language ability is important thing; because it can give positive effect for the


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readers in comprehend the text. Those aspects refer to the reader. If the reader has

high motivation and interest, he can easily to understand the meaning in context

besides thinking ability and his experience and his language knowledge.

Thus, the successes in comprehending a text depends on students' language

ability and language difficulty level that used by the writer. Thereby, reading material

or text should be selected based on students’ language ability. This is important in

considering that students will be more motivated to read a text which they can


2.2.2. Level of Reading Comprehension

Betty, et al (1978) divided reading comprehension in four levels; they are literal

comprehension, interpretive comprehension, evaluative (critical) comprehension and

creative comprehension. Those levels of reading comprehension will be elaborated on

paragraphs below:

The first level is literal comprehension. Literal comprehension is concerned

with ideas that directly stated in the text. It includes identification and recall of main

idea and details what is necessary to comprehend for this level is understand of word

meaning, sentence meaning and paragraph meaning. The questions can be answered

by quoting the content of the text. In the types of literal comprehension there are

characteristic, such as: recognizing and recalling main ideas, recognizing and

recalling details, recognizing and recalling sequences, following direction and

recognizing cause and effect. Test in this category are objective test dealing with true/


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false, multiple choice and fill- the blank questions. Common question can be used to

this type of comprehension are who, what, when, and where questions.

The second level is interpretive comprehension. Interpretive comprehension

concerned with deeper meanings. The reader should try to understand what the

author means by the words he or she has written. Readers must arrive at

understandings that are not stated in test. They should synthesize information from

their experience with information from reading context. The characteristics of

interpretive comprehension are recognizing the author purposes drawing conclusions,

making generalizations. Common question can be used in this type of comprehension

are like why if, what caused, and how.

The third level is critical comprehension. In this level, the readers make

judgments about the quality, value and validity of the content of the text. It depends

on the ability to read well in the literal and interpretive level. The critical reader must

be able to differentiate fact from opinion. In order to read critically the reader must

begin with an understanding about what the author has said. The general

characteristics of this type of reading comprehension are the readers have to analyze

or synthesize information and apply it to other information. Example of common

questions can be used in this type of comprehension are which one is true, which one

is not true, why is…? etc.

The fourth level is creative comprehension. This level of comprehension is

similar with critical comprehension because it comprehends beyond the lines of print.

However, there is difference between them, where in creative level the reader read to


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find new ways of viewing ideas, incidents or characters that may stimulate the new

production of ideas. Thus creative comprehension occurs after the reader has read and

understood idea, a new story, a design, a painting, can improve product or method or

an invitation. Creative comprehension can be encouraged through using stimulating

content and questions. The examples of common questions usually used in this level

are (example the question after read a story): paint, draw, sketch, or model the way

you visualize…? Rewrite this story setting in modern times!, reread the introduction

to the story and analyze how the story would have changed it….!

So, the writer can restate that the critical comprehension and creative

comprehension levels are depend on the readers’ ability in literal and interpretive


2.3. Achievement in learning

There is an opinion said that a person will experience the change by learning, like

increasing the knowledge, understanding, attitude, habitation, etc. From the case of

course the condition of a students has learned is not same again with his condition

before doing learning. Its relationship with learning achievement is the changing of

the behaviour or the changing of knowledge that has been experience by a student

who has learned, and achievement is the result of that.

According to W.S.Winkel (1994: 102) points out that:

“Prosess belajar yang dihasilkan oleh murid menghasilkan perubahan-perubahan oleh murid dalam bidang pengetahuan, keterampilan, nilai dan sikap. Adanya perubahan itu tampak dalam prestasi belajar yang dihasilkan oleh murid terhadap pertanyaan atau persoalan/tugas yang diberikan oleh guru”


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Hence, the change of the happened to a student who has studied visible

become an achievement via questions or evaluation that gaven by the teacher on tests

form, and then, we can see the achievement.

Another words W.S.Winkel points out that “Prestasi adalah bukti keberhasilan

usaha yang didapat”

So, in these cases, we can say that achievement is the indicator of changing

level that has reached by a student who has done the learning activity and directly to

knowledge authority capability/skill, and attitude that has been reached.

The teacher’s role towards students’ achievement here is very ascertain. The

teacher’s job is how to initiative in helping their students to reach the change as much

as possible. Therefore, a teacher must know about the factors that influence of

teaching and learning process.

2.4. Reading Achievement

By more specific field of achievement, Winkel (1987: 189) stated that students’

achievement is the level of improvement that is obtained in relation to the certain

lesson. In relation to reading, it can be said that reading achievement is the students’

level of improvement that is obtained in reading. In this case, Djiwandono (1996: 63)

states that “sometime reading achievement needs to be measured through reading

test”. For that reason, the writer will use reading test in obtain the data of this study.

So, the students’ reading achievement will be determined through their score that

obtained after doing reading test.


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2.5. The Concept of KWL Technique in Teaching Reading

Conner (1990) states that KWL is an instructional reading strategy that is used to

guide students through a text. Students begin by brainstorming everything they Know

about a topic. This information is recorded in the K column of a KWL chart. Students

then generate a list of questions about what they Want to Know about the topic. These

questions are listed in the W column of the chart. During or after reading, students

answer the questions that are in the W column. This new information that they have

Learned is recorded in the L column of the KWL chart.

Provides an opportunity for students to expand ideas beyond the text. Here,

students begin by brainstorming everything they know about a topic. This

information is recorded in the K column of a KWL chart. Students then generate a list

of question about what they want to know about the topic. These questions are listed

in the W column of the chart. During or after reading, students answer the questions

that are in the W column. This new information that they have learned is recorded in

the L column of the KWL chart. Step of KWL are explain as follow:

1. K (What Students Know)

One of the most important tasks of teaching is to help students activate their

prior knowledge. Brainstorming accomplishes this by having students generate,

discuss and categorize their association on a topic. Malik (2009) states that

brainstorming is a great way to begin a reading lesson because engages students


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including the more silent ones may not be talking, but are in fact listening to their


As students brainstorming, the teacher and students record these association in

the K column of their chart. To make students be more active, teacher may ask some

questions to help students brainstorming their ideas, for example: tell me everything

you know about the topic. It is for stating the lesson. Then, the teacher may ask an

advance question like : “what do you think about that?” to encourage the students to

explain their associations. This is especially important for those associations that are

vague or usual.

2. W (What Students Want to Know)

The second part of KWL formula is helping the students what they want to

learning. In this case, the teacher and the student list the question in W part of KWL

chart before reading the test. Malik (2009) states that it is the most effective way to

do this. When they begin to read, they will confirm of verify any of their questions.

While reading, the students have to think about what is read, monitor their learning

and perhaps generate additional questions to guide their reading.

In this step, teacher may contribute to give an alternative question for

generating ideas for the W column “What do you want to know from this topic?”, or

“what would you like to learn about this idea. If students respond with statements,

teacher can turn them into questions before recording them in the W column.


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However, in this stage, it is better if the teacher is not add too many of his/her


3. L(what Students Have Learned)

In this step, students should look for the answer to the questions in their “W”

column while they are reading. Students can fill out their “L” column either during or

after reading. Because, this is the last step of KWL technique, the lesson should help

the students become aware of what they have learned as they reflect on their reading

in a fun and engaging way.

By seeing the steps of strategy KWL above, we may concude that this strategy

can engage students right away so that they will be much more active in the lesson.

2.6. Schemata Theory

Related with KWL technique, we have known that the purpose of this technique is to

activate students’ prior knowledge. What students will understand about new content

and concepts is heavily dependent on the knowledge they possess prior to

encountering the new information. Prior (or background) knowledge refers to what is

already known by the student which ought to be activated to get him ready for

encountering the new ideas. We know from research that the greater a student's

background with a topic, the easier and more successfully he/she will learn the new

content. Unfortunately, if we stop there, then we will perpetuate a practice whereby

we let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


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Schemata is a general knowledge and also called prior knowledge. It is

talking about any experience of someone. Nunan (1992) stated that a good reader is

able to relate the text and their own background knowledge efficiently. Schemata

theory is particularly significant for second language learners. Many reading passages

can only be adequately comprehended if the readers have the relevant cultural


A schema is one of important thing in grasping meaning in reading process.

Nunan says that: “Reading is as an interactive process between the reader already

knows about a given topic or subject and what the writers”.

Based on above definition we can interpret that reading is an activity of

grasping a text meaning that consists of the combination of the reader’s schemata

related to the reader’s intellect and emotion. Therefore, reading is a process in order

to get the meaning of the text that the researcher writes by involving the reader’s

schemata or prior knowledge.

In teaching English reading through KWL is one of technique that has three

basic cognitive steps required, they are accessing what I Know, determining what I

Want to learn and recalling what I have Learned as a result or reading


2.7. The Teaching Procedure of KWL technique

Teacher are expected to be able to encourage the students to exposure with their

English. Teacher can ask the students to work in group or individually while the


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teacher monitoring the students activity. The teaching of reading under KWL

technique can be used in class (Conner: 1990):

1. Choose a text.

2. Create a KWL chart. The teacher should create a chart on the whiteboard. In

addition, the students should have their own chart on which to record information

3. Ask students to brainstorm words, terms, or phrases they associate with a topic.

The teacher and students record these associations in the K column of their

charts. This is done until students run out of ideas. Engage students in a

discussion about what they wrote in the K column.

4. Ask students what they want to learn about the topic. The teacher and students

record these questions in the W column of their charts. This is done until students

run out of ideas for questions. If students respond with statements, turn them into

questions before recording them in the W column.

5. Have students read the text and fill out the L column of their charts. Students

should look for the answers to the questions in their W column while they are

reading. Students can fill out their L columns either during or after reading.

6. Encourage students to research any questions in the W column that are not

answered by the text.

7. Discuss the information that students recorded in the L column.


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2.8. Review of Related Study

Allen (2000) in Reading History says: “In my classroom, I often tried using a KWL

approach at the beginning of a unit or the study of an historical event. I usually met

with an amazing lack of success. I would ask my students what they knew about a

topic and they would say, ‘Nothing.’ When I asked them what they wanted to know,

they would say ‘Nothing.’ I finally realized that KWL was going to work with my

students only if I did something to build background and create an emotional

connection to the topic that we were going to study”.

In addition, Malik(2009) with the title “A cooperative study of the teaching of

reading to the second year students of SLTPN 1 Mowewe under K-W-L and Three

Phases Technique”. The resulf of his study was K-W-L Technique was superior than

Three Phases Technique . And, the reason of the researcher is In K-W-L Students do

not only use the information from the text but also use their own prior knowledge to

interpret a message in text. Haofu (“A Study of the Teaching of Reading

Comprehension under K-W-L and Three Phases Technique at the Third Year

Students of SLTPN 2 Raha. The result of his study was K-W-L Technique was

superior than Three Phases Technique. And, the reason of the researcher was in K-W-

L Students use their own prior knowledge to interpret a message in text. and

Dharmawati (2009) “A comparative study of reading achievement under K-W-L and

MURDER techniques of year X of SMA Negeri 2 Kendari”. The result of her study is

K-W-L Technique was superior than MURDER techniques, and the reason of the

researcher was Both MURER and K-W-L involve prior knowledge. However, in


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MURDER, students need more speaking ability than in K-W-L which students need

writing ability more than speaking.

Both of Malik and Haofu concluded that KWL technique is superrior than

three phases technique. Therefore, Darmawati concluded that KWL technique in

superior than MURDER.


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In this chapter the researcher presents the methodology of the study which is about

design of the study, subject of the study, procedure of the study, instrument of the

study, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.

3.1. Design of the Study

This study used an action research design that its focus was on improving students’

reading achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo. It consists of four steps that

suggested by Kemmis model namely planning, action, observation and reflection. It

can be seen in following scheme:



Figure 1: Action Research Protocol after Kemmis (cited in Hopkins, 1985)

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3.1.1 Planning

The activities being conducted in this stage are:

1. The writer and teacher would determine action alternative through teaching

problem at SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

2. The writer and teacher would make the lesson scenario for action by using the

model of cooperative learning type KWL that develop the aspect of


3. The writer and teacher would prepare the instrument namely observation sheet

for each meeting and reading test to collect the data.

4. The writer and teacher would prepare test that will be used to know the

students’achievement before action and during action or cycles.

5. The writer and teacher would prepare the material for teaching.

3.1.2 Action and Observation

In this session the writer and teacher would apply the action based on the planning

that have been arranged before. It means that this action would be apply the model

of KWL that appropriate with scenario which had been developed,included:

A. Pre Activity

1. Introduction (include introduction of the technique)

2. Explained the indicator of reading comperence


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B. While Activity

1. Prepared a text. The teacher took a reading text and wrote the topic of text

on the board

2. Created a K-W-L chart. The teacher should create a chart on the white/black

board. In addition, students should have their own chart on which record


3. Asked the students for brainstorming words, terms, or phrases they associate

with a topic. The students recorded these association in the K column of

their charts

4. Asked the students what they wanted to learn about the topic. The students

recorded this question in the W column of their charts

5. After the students had read the text and fill out the L column of their charts,

students should look for the answer to the question in their W column while

they were reading. Students could fill out their L column either during or

after reading

6. Discussed their information that students recorded in the L column

7. Encouraged students to research any question in the W column that were not

answered by the text

C. Post Activity

1. Teacher and students reviewed the material that has been learned

2. Teacher asked the students if there’s something they didn’t understand

3. Teacher and students gave conclusion


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4. Teacher gave homework

5. Closing

In the observation session, the researcher would do an action step, the researcher

would observe both students and teacher related apllying KWL technique.

3.1.3 Reflection

In this session, the writer and teacher worked collaboratively to find out the failure

during the implementation of action. And also decided the appropriate ways to be

applied for the next cycle. This is intended to solve the problem of the students

performance in the previous cycle by analysing the data that has been taken during

the action.

The strengthness and weakness were being found in the first cycle would

become the input for the teacher to revise again the planning for the next meeting

and it would be contiued untill target is achieved.

3.2. Subject of the Study

The subject of this study was conducted at class XI IPA of SMA Negeri 1

Amonggedo who enrolled in 2010/2011 academic year. The total number of this class

is 29 students.


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3.3. Instrument of Study

The instrument of study that would be used were the observation sheet, field notes

and reading test

a. Observation sheet.

Observation sheet was used to observe the application of teaching reading under

KWL technique. Observation through teacher activity was vocused to implement of

KWL technique and students’ observation sheet to evaluate students’ activity during

teaching and learning process.

b. Taking notes

Note taking used for taking the data during teaching and learning process. The

observer will take notes about how the implementation of KWL (Know-Want-Learn)

technique in teaching reading.

c. Reading Test

This instrument would be done to measure students reading comprehension in action

for each cycle.

3.4. Indicator of Success

The success of this classroom action research if the students activity achieve good

category and the result of the students’ study attain individual completness ≥66 and

percentage ≥75%.


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3.5. Data and Technique of Collecting Data

Kinds of data that were gotten were quantitative and qualitative data. Those data were

gotten from students’ result that had been taught under KWL and observation sheet

a Data related with situation in teaching and learning process was gotten by using

observation sheet.

b Data related with students’ result in learning was gotten by using test of learning


c Data related with students’ activity wass gotten by using observation sheet.

So, in this cases, quantitative data was taken through reading test. Therefore,

qualitative data was taken from observation sheet and field note.

3.6. The Technique of Data Analysis

These data in this research would be analyzed by using statistic descriptive for giving

description about the result of students’ English learning that had been learned under

KWL technique. The formula that is used as follow:

a. Scoring the Result of Students’ Learning

Scoring students’ achievement to describe the achievement that had been achieved by

every student by step was make data tabulation in the form of score of achievement

every item test on the appendix. Scoring would be done by weighting as follow:

Score = x 100 (Arikunto, 1998: 69)


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b. Determining of mean value

X =∑ X i


where : X = mean value

xi = score every student

N = the total of students

(Sudjana,1996: 67).

c. Determining of study completeness

%= npn

x100 %

Where : np = total of students who success

n = total of students

For determining the result of students’ learning, so we can categorize

them as follow:

80 – 100 : very good

66 – 79 : good

56 – 65 : moderate

46 – 55 : marginal

0 – 45 : poor (Sudjana, 1996)

d. Determining of students’ presentation who failed in joining test

%= x 100% (Arikunto, 2005).


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This chapter presents findings and discussions of the research. This finding consist of

activities of each cycle stars from cycle 1, 2, 3, result of students’ reading

achievement and discussion of the results.

4.1. Results of the Research

4.1.1. Activities in the first cycle

A. Planning

Based on the main problem that researcher found in the pre observation, that student

had difficult to comprehend the content of reading. So, the researcher and the tecaher

tried to solve the problem by using KWL technique. The teacher and the researcher

planned the first cycle conducted in two meetings, which the teacher focused on the

comprehension of the content of reading text and the students can express their ideas.

To make teaching and learning process run effectivelly, the researcher made

lesson plan for each meeting. As standard assessment to see the students

comprehension, the researcher and the teacher put score minimally 75% of students

as subject of the study get standard score 66. To collect the data during teaching and

learning process, the researcher used observation sheet and note taking.


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B. Applying Action and Observation

First meeting

This cycle consisted of two meeting. The first meeting was held on Friday, July 30 th

2010. The first cycle, the researcher took place as a teacher. Firstly, the teacher

explained about the indicator that would be achieved. After that, the teacher gave

some question about the last material. then, the teacher asked some question related

with students understanding such us; what do you know about chair, what do you

know about table, etc. it became a strategy for the teacher to identify the students’

basic understanding about the technique that would be learned.

Then, the teacher explained to the students concern with KWL (Know-Want-

Learn) technique in teaching reading clearly. The teacher gave the clear explanation

related the procedure of KWL (Know-Want-Learn) technique namely step K, step W

and step L.

After that, the teacher gave an example of KWL (Know-Want-Learn)

technique related to the topic, namely ojek; such as; “what do you know about ojek?”,

“what do you want to know from ojek”, etc. In process of learning, the teacher

instructed the students step by step about ojek by KWL (Know-Want-Learn)

technique. First, the teacher asked the students to record K column by what the

students know about ojek.

After the students had recorded what they knew, the teacher asked the

students to continue their activity by recording W column with what they want to

know from ojek. It means that, the students set their purpose after they studied. In


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these cases, the students listed some question in W column before reading the text.

So, the teacher guided the students by explained simple present. It was aimed to make

the students didn’t difficult to make WH-Question.

After that, the students looked for the answer to the question in their W

column. They read the text while filled out their L column. Then, the teacher asked

the students to collect their worksheet. The teacher guided the students to identify the

sentences that tell about the description and the general classification of the text.

Finally, the teacher asked the students to see the text. The teacher guided the

students to identify the characteristic of text. And then, the teacher and the students

gave conclusion about the text.

In this time, some students still shy and were not brave to deliver their opinion

in front of class. So, the teacher motivated them not be shy and arose their braveness

to give their answer. In addition, before the teacher close the activity, the teacher

remembered the students to bring the dictionary in the next meeting.

Second Meeting

In this meeting, the teacher continued the lesson in the previous meeting. The

teacher re-explained about Ojek. After that, the teacher gave reading test. The teacher

remembered the students about the characteristic of report text by guiding the

students to find out it either description of text, general classification of text or

language features. Before that, the teacher didn’t forget to explain about the indicator

that would be achieved.


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Next, The teacher explained about how to get the meaning of the text. This is

by using guessing the meaning. And also the teacher asked the students to make a list

about difficult word. At the end, the teacher asked the students to find out the

meaning. After that, the teacher explained more about how to identify the main idea

in paragraph. When the teacher explained about them, the students paid attention to

the teacher explanation. The teacher gave some example to make the students easy to

understand the material. Sometime, the teacher asked some question and the students

tried to answer. The teacher never be angry with her students when her students made

a mistakes. And also, the teacher gave some advice to the students who laugh their

students who made a mistake. it made the students enthusiast to answer the teacher’s


Finally, the teacher asked the students to give some question, if there were

something that the students didn’t understand. And then, the teacher and the students

concluded the lesson. After that, the teacher gave reading test. While students

worked, the teacher and the researcher observed them to make sure they work

individually. Around 20 minutes later, the teacher asked them to submit their work.

Finally, the researcher closed the meeting.


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C. Reflection

Based on the process of action that had been conducted in two meetings, the

teacher found that, the students had understood about;

1. The characteristic of report text.

2. The main idea in paragraph.

Those problems had been solved because in the first cycle, the teacher focused

to explain the characteristic about report text and how to identify the main idea in the

paragraph. Description and general classification about the topic are one of

characteristics of report text. It made those problems had solved.

Based on the process of action that had been conducted in two meetings, the

teacher found that, there were some grammatical errors. The students cannot make a

good sentence. It was based on the students’ worksheet, especially, when they made

question. On the other hand, when the students answered reading test for cycle I, most

of students cannot make a complete answer. Such us, the question was “what do

people call the largest kangaroos?” most of the students answered “the Great

Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo”. Even thought the complete answer is “people call

the largest kangaroo is the Great Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo”. Next, In

addition, The students result was still very low, it showed the mean score of cycle I

was 55,96. In addition, the percentage of completeness was only 34,61%. Therefore,

the percentage as classical was 75%.

Dealing with this reflection, the researcher and the teacher needed to discuss and

made a plan for the next lesson plan in the cycle two.


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Table 4.1.1. Summary of Students’ problem in the first cycle.

No Problems Strategy to solve the problem1.




Grammatical errors especially to make WH-question, simple present.

Cannot make a complete answer

Students had difficulty to get the meaning of the reading text.

Difficult to identify some words that refers to

The teacher explain more about how to make a good sentence especially question

The teacher explain how to make a good sentence

The teacher taught the students how to guess the meaning of unfamiliar word in a sentence.

The teacher explain about how to identify some words that refers to

In addition, in this cycle, some students still noisy because they didn’t had many

vocabularies, and they didn’t pay attention to the teacher explanation.

Dealing with this reflection, the researcher and the teacher needed to discuss and

made a plan for the next lesson plan in the cycle two.

4.1.2. Activities in the Second Cycle

A. Planning

Based on reflection in the first cycle, the researcher and the teacher planned some

changes for improvement in the second cycle. The strategy to solve the students’

problem like the teacher explain how to make a good sentence especially how to


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make question, the teacher motivated students to more active to answer teacher’s

questions, it can make them familiar in using English, and the teacher taught the

students how to guess the meaning of unfamiliar word in a sentence and how to

identify some words that refers to.

In this section, the teacher motivated the students to make teaching and

learning process ran effectively, it was planned to make lesson plan. The lesson plan

being made for the second cycle was to improve what have been made in the lesson

plan for the first cycle.

Besides, the researcher and the teacher planned some new topics that would

be used in the teaching and learning process. The topic was “Mikrolet and becak”.

While in collecting the data during teaching and learning process, the researcher used

observation sheet and note taking. As standard assessment to see students

improvement of their reading comprehension, the researcher put minimally 75% of

students get standard score 66. It was written in chapter III about the criteria of

success of study. In second cycle, the session would divide into two meeting. In this

cycle, the students would be understand about the text and identify the main idea on

the text.

B. Implementing Action and Observation

First Meeting

This cycle consisted of two meetings. The first meeting was held on Friday, August

6th 2010. The topic was different with the first cycle. It was used “mikrolet” as the

topic in reading activity.


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Teacher started the teaching and learning process by asking the students about

the previous topic that had been discussed in the last meeting. The students were gave

the response very well because had a little improvement and they started felt free to

speak also they were excited to practice English. The teacher did not forget giving

motivation at the beginning of the class, which was to raise students’ intention to

express their ideas.

After that, teacher explained simple present, and how to make a good question

(WH-Question) to remind students about the structure. It was aimed in order same

mistakes did not happen anymore. Then, the researcher asked students about mistakes

were done by the students in step of K column and W column in previous meeting.

The responses were good. Students mentioned some mistake arose. It was aimed to

bring the students to remember those mistakes and hoped that would not be repeated.

After that, the teacher started by re-explains about the step of KWL technique.

After explain briefly, the teacher checked their understanding. At the moment,

students responded well to the teacher’s question. To make it sure, the teacher came

along to the students who sat in the back and asked them to retell what had been

explained. Students responded and gave well explanation.

In step K column, the students recorded their prior knowledge related with

mikrolet. To make students more active, the teacher asked some questions to help

students brainstorming their ideas for example; tell me everything that you know

about the topic. In W column, the teacher contributed to give an alternative question

for generating ideas for the W column “What do you want to know about mikrolet?”


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to help the students to record W column, the teacher guided the students by

explaining more about simple present tense especially WH-Question. In addition, in L

column, the teacher asked the students to look for the answer to the question in their

“W” column while they were reading. In those step, the students worked by their self.

After that, the teacher collected the students’ worksheet.

After the students collected their worksheet, the teacher explained about how

to get the meaning of text by guessing the meaning. After that, the teacher asked the

students to record their opinion on KWL column in the white board. So, when the

students still had a mistake, the teacher asked their friend to give a correct

grammatical structure. It was aimed to know students understanding about

grammatical structure that had been taught and the other students had given a good


Second meeting

In second meeting was held on Saturday, August 7th 2010. In this session, the

teacher taught about how to identify such words that refer to, and how to make a

complete answer. The topic was “Becak". The teacher didn’t forget to rememberred

the students about KWL technique. After that, the teacher guided the students to

record KWL column.

Next, The teacher asked the students to pay attention to the reading passage.

In this case, the teacher took some words in reading passage such as “these”, “they”,

etc and asked the students to identify such words that refer to. And the students didn’t


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respond well. So, the teacher explained more about anaphoric. After that, the teacher

wrote some words that was found in the first cycle, and asked the students to change

the wrong sentence became right sentence based on students’ understanding from the

teacher explanation. The result actually the students could do it well. It seemed that

they had understood about the using of simple present and how to make WH-


In addition, the teacher gave understanding about how to make a complete

answer. The teacher guided the students by asking their name, their address, etc. If

the students gave a short answer, the teacher always gave error correction. Besides,

the teacher guided the students to guess the meaning of the text and prepared some

vocabulary test to make the student easy to get the meaning of sentences.

At the end, the teacher and the students gave conclusion about the lesson. And

then, the teacher gave evaluation test to get how far students had understood about the


C. Reflection

After applying the second cycle by re-explains about the procedure of KWL

(Know-Want-Learn) technique, the researcher found there was improvement of

students active in learning process, as follow:

The teacher found that the students had understood about:

1. How to make WH-question. Because to solve those problems, the teacher

explained about simple present tense either positive form, negative form or


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interrogative form. In this case, the teacher gave them the formula of structure and

gave some example. So, it made the students easy to record KWL column.

2. How to get the meaning of the text. In this case, the teacher guided the students to

guess the meaning of text.

Based on the evalution test, the students’ result was enough, it showed the

mean score of cycle II was 68,70. In addition, the percentage of completeness was

74,07%. Therefore, the percentage as classical was 75%.

In addition, in this cycle, some students had activated in teaching and learning

process and they gave attention to the teacher explanation. Dealing with this

reflection, the researcher and the teacher needed to discuss and made a plan for the

next lesson plan in the cycle three

Table 4.1.2. summary of students’ problem in the second cycle

No Problem Strategy to solve the problem1


Some students still cannot make a complete answer

The students had similar mistake to identify word that refers to

the teacher explained more about how to made a complete answer

The teacher explained more about pronoun, etc that can solved the students poblem

4.1.3. Activities on the Third Cycle

A. Planning

Some problem that had been found in previous cycle became the plan in the next

cycle that supposed to be solved afterwards. In this section, the teacher and the

researcher still cooperatively arranged the lesson plan that reflected to the first cycle.


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Also researcher prepared the same instruments to observe again the process of

teaching reading under KWL (know-want-learn). Based on the second cycle, the

teacher still found some problem. They were:

1. The students still could not make a complete answer

2. The students had similar mistake to identify word that refers to.

Based on the reflection of the first cycle and second cycle, it found that the

students still had problems with students reading achievement. So, the researcher and

the teacher overcame it by looking the strong and weakness in previous cycle.

Therefore, the teacher and researcher revised plan as follow:

1. The teacher re-explained about such words that refer to. Such as, the teacher

explained more about possessive pronoun, possessive adjective, subject, object,


2. The teacher explained more about how to make a complete answer.

3. The researcher still prepared students worksheet, observation sheet, field note and

reading test as the instrument and use” Dump Truck” as the topic for reading


4. In this session, it was focused on understanding such words that refers to. The

teacher didn’t forget to encourage students more active and asked them to take

notes about the important information that they got from the teacher or their



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B. Applying Action and Observing.

In this action was done on Friday, September 3 th 2010. The topic was “Dump Truck”.

In this cycle, the teacher asked the students about the last material. Such as, “the

formula of present tense, who can make a good question”. After that, the teacher gave

the indicator that would be achieved. In the main activity, the teacher guided the

students to record K column, W column, and L column. The teacher remembered the

students about the structure that would be used and how to make a good question in

W column. The teacher asked them to see the text and then asked some students

about such words that refer to, such as: “these in paragraph two refers to?”

In addition, the teacher explained how to make a complete answer. In this

case, the teacher asked some question one by one to know students understanding

about the material and the students’ respond to answer the teacher’s question by using

a complete answer.

Then, the teacher asked them about the last material. Started from the

meaning of report text until understanding about such word refers to. In this meeting,

the students were very enjoy to study because the teacher gave the students

opportunity to give some question and they were not shy to deliver their opinion,

because the teacher had determined that when their friend gave incorrect answer, they

could not laugh. It meant that they were confidence and high motivation to join the



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In this meeting, the atmosphere of class was more quiet that previous meeting.

While the teacher monitored the class, she also informed that all students to be

serious and participate well. The students gave attention to the teacher explanation.

C. Reflection

After conducting three cycles and applied KWL (Know-Want-Learn) technique. It

seemed like the problem generally were treated well in each cycle.

In this cycle was actually not significant problem that was found since the

solution from the teacher and the researcher were usefully useful to the students. All

the students had understood about report text, the characteristic of it, how to identify

the main idea, how to make WH-question, the structure of present tense, and

understand about such words that refers to. They were also enthusiast when the

teacher asked them to record their writing on KWL column on the white board.

However, the point that considered getting good improvement of reading

achievement was how the students related their prior knowledge and the topic. In this

cycle students mastery was 75% that could be seen on the result of their reading

achievement. Therefore, there was no more cycle because it had been proven that

students’ good mark related to their prior knowledge in reading.

4.2. Result of Students’ Reading Achievement

This session is description about the result of students’ reading achievement

on each cycle and analysis data of mean score.


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Table 4.2.1 Data Distribution of Score about Students Reading Achievement Cycle I

Total score (X) Result of students score Students (F) Percent (%)

13 100 1 3.8411 84.61 1 3.8410.5 80.76 1 3.8410 76.92 2 7.7 9 69.23 4 15.38 8.5 65.38 3 11.53 8 61.53 3 11.53 7.5 57.69 2 7.7 7 53.84 2 7.7 6.5 50 2 7.7 6 46.15 3 11.53 5.5 42.30 2 7.7

Total  26 100Mean score 55.96

% Completeness 34.61The data above shown that there are 26 total of students in the class who had

followed the test. Three of them were not coming. On the cycle I the result total of

mean is 55.96 which categorized low. The highest score was 100 and the lowest score

was 42.30. In this cycle only one students who got the total of correct answer was

(13), (11), and (10.5) (3.84%). Then, two students who got the total of correct answer

was (10), (7.5), (7), (6.5), (5.5) (7.7 %), then three students who got the total of

correct answer was (8.5), 8, 6 (11.53%), one students who got the total of correct

answer was four (15.38%). From the result of students score, there are 65. 39 students

who had not achieved the minimum standard of achievement is ≥ 66.


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Table 4.2.2 Data Distribution of Score about Students Reading Achievement Cycle II

Total Score (X) Result of students score Students (F) Percent (%)12 100 2 7.1411 91.66 2 7.1410.5 87.5 2 7.1410 83.33 3 10.719.5 79.16 2 7.149 75 4 14.38.5 70.83 4 14.38 66.66 2 7.147.5 62.5 2 7.147 58.33 1 3.576.5 54.16 2 7.145.5 45.83 2 7.14

Total 28 100Mean score 68.70

% completeness 74.07

The data above shown that there are 28 total of students in the class who had

followed the test. One of them was not coming. On the cycle I the result total of mean

is 68.70 which categorized moderate. The highest score was 100 and the lowest score

was 45.83. In this cycle only one students who got the total of correct answer was (7)

(3.57%). Then, two students who got the total of correct answer was (12), (11),

(10.5), (9.5), (8), (7.5), (6.5), (5.5) (7.14 %), then three students who got the total of

correct answer was (10), (10.71), four students who got the total of correct answer

was (9), (8.5) (14.3%). From the result of students score, there are 25.93 students who

had not achieved the minimum standard of achievement was ≥ 66.


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Table 4.2.3 Data Distribution of Score about Students Reading Achievement Cycle III

Total Score (X) Result of students score Students (F) Percent (%)

9 100 3 11.118 88.88 8 29.627.5 83.33 5 18.517 77.77 5 18.516.5 72.22 1 3.706 66.66 3 11.115.5 61.11 1 3.704.5 50 1 3.70

Total  27 100Mean Score 75.85

% Completness 92.59

The data above shown that there are 28 total of students in the class who had

followed the test. One of them was not coming. On the cycle III the result of total

mean is 75.85 which categorized high. It proves the students reading were achieved in

the third cycle so target is achieved. In this cycle The highest of total score was 9 and

the result of score was 100 and the lowest of total score was 4.5 with the result of

score was 50.

From the data, the graphic of the students result was follow:


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Cycle 1 Cycle 2 cycle 30









Graphich of Mean Score of Students’ Result in Every Cycle



n Sc


of S





4.3. Discussion

Related to some problem that researcher found in SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

as field of this study, the researcher arranged some planning to solve those problem

that applied in the classroom. As lesson plan had been planned, the teaching and

learning process was conducted by using one of individual learning techniques

namelly, KWL (Know-Want-Learn) technique. After implementing KWL (Know-

Want-Learn) technique on teaching reading for three cycles, researcher found that

there was improvement of students’ reading achievement. The improvement of

achievement was good from cycle to cycle.

In the cycle I after applying KWL (Know-Want-Learn), the researcher and the

teacher evaluated the students to find the students’ achievement. If related with the

result in cycle I under KWL (Know-Want-Learn), we got the describing of the

strong and the weakness of cycle I. Based on the process of action that had


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been conducted in two meetings, the teacher found that the students had

understood about the characteristic of report text and the students had understood

about the main idea in the paragraph. Both of the problems had been solved because

the teacher focused on the general structure of the text.

On the other hand, the students still had some weaknesses. They were:

The first, some students could not make WH-Question. It was based on the

students’ worksheet, especially, when they made question in W column. For example;

“why becak no wear machine?”. It should be “why does becak not wear machine?”.

The second, when the students answered reading test for cycle I, most of

students cannot make a complete answer. Such us, the question was “what do people

call the largest kangaroos?” most of the students answered “the Great Kangaroo and

the Red Kangaroo”. Even thought the complete answer is “people call the largest

kangaroo is the Great Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo”.

The third, the students were difficult to get the meaning of the reading text. It

was showed that there were many students always opened the dictionary to get the

meaning. The students were difficult to identify some words that refer to.

And the last, the students were difficult to identify some words that refer to.

Those problems happened because the teacher didn’t explain more about

grammatical structure especially present tense that is used of the text. The teacher

think that, the students had understood about grammatical structure but the fact show

that, the students still made some mistake. In addition, the students still used their

habitual action. It is short answer when they answer some question from the teacher.


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Therefore, the students had poor vocabulary that made them difficult to get the

meaning from the text.

So, the researcher continued in cycle II and used into cycle I as standard to

prepare the condition to applying KWL (Know-Want-Learn) technique as the purpose

that planning can be achieved. In reading the most important aspect should be

considered is prior knowledge. If students lack of prior knowledge, it is difficult for

the students to beyond their ideas and understanding the topic. To solved those

problems from the first cycle, the teacher re-explained about the principle of KWL

technique, the teacher explain more about how to make a good sentence especially

how to make WH-Question. In this case, the teacher explained the formula of simple

present tense in form of positive, negative and interrogative. In WH-question, the

teacher didn’t forget to explain about the using of do/does, to be, etc. Therefore, to

solve the problem about the students were difficult to get the meaning of the text, the

teacher prepare some difficult word related to the text that would be learned and the

teacher explain more about how to guess the meaning of the text. In addition, the

teacher explained more about possessive pronoun, personal pronoun to solve the

problem about some words that refer to.

In fact show that, in cycle II, the students had understood about how to make

WH-Question and how to get the meaning of the text. On the other hand, this cycle

also still had weakness. They were; the students still cannot make a complete answer

and still had similar mistake to identify some words that refer to. Because, they still

didn’t understood about that. In addition, short answer is their habitual. So, it is hard


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for them to change. And the students still difficult to differentiate about the using of

these, that, this, etc. So, they were confused them. So, the teacher planned in the next


In the third cycle, the students had understood about how to make a complete

answer and identify some words that refer to. Because, the teacher always asked the

students some question and the students answered the teacher’s question by using a

complete answer. When the students used a short answer, the teacher always

remembered the students to used complete answer. For example; the teacher asked

the students about “what is your name?”. Some students answered; “rita suryawati”,

“Adi Gunawan”, etc. So, the teacher explained again about how to make a complete

answer. It means that, the teacher always guided the students to make a complete

answer such us; “my name is Rita Suryawati” or “my name is Adi Gunawan”.

So, in the cycle III, there were no problem that was found. It means that, those

problems had been solved at the cycle III.

From the result of the action in the first and the second cycle, the researcher

will compare with other researcher about KWL classroom in teaching reading has

been conducted by some research. Fisrt is Malik (2009) who studied about “A

cooperative study of the teaching of reading to the second year students of SLTPN 1

Mowewe under K-W-L and Three Phases Technique”. He used true experimental

design. The resulf of his study was K-W-L Technique was superior than Three Phases

Technique . And, the reason of the researcher is In K-W-L Students do not only use


Page 50: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

the information from the text but also use their own prior knowledge to interpret a

message in text.

The second is Haofu. His study about “A Study of the Teaching of Reading

Comprehension under K-W-L and Three Phases Technique at the Third Year

Students of SLTPN 2 Raha.”. the design of his study was experimental design. The

result of his study was K-W-L Technique was superior than Three Phases Technique.

And, the reason of the researcher was in K-W-L Students use their own prior

knowledge to interpret a message in text. The third is Dharmawati (2009). Her study

is “A comparative study of reading achievement under K-W-L and MURDER

techniques of year X of SMA Negeri 2 Kendari”. The design od her study was true

experimental design. The result of her study is K-W-L Technique was superior than

MURDER techniques, and the reason of the researcher was Both MURER and K-W-

L involve prior knowledge. However, in MURDER, students need more speaking

ability than in K-W-L which students need writing ability more than speaking.

From explanation above the sriter conclude that teaching english reading

through KWL technique can imrpove students’ reading achievement because students

solve their problem by theirselves. .


Page 51: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul



5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of analysis data and discussion of the result of classroom action

research by applying KWL (Know-Want-Learn) technique at SMA Negeri 1

Amonggedo class XI IPA can be conclude that the mean score of students

achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo under KWL (Know-Want-Learn)

technique in every cycle as follow: the mean score of students’ reading achievement

on the cycle I was 55,95, the mean score of students’ reading achievement on the

cycle II was 68, 70 and the mean score of students’ reading achievement on the cycle

III was 75,85.

Based on the result, after analyzing the data that had be done applying KWL

(know-Want-Learn) technique can improve students’ reading achievement at SMA

Negeri 1 Amonggedo class XI IPA

5.2. Recommendation

Through the findings of this study, there are some recommendations from the


1. KWL (Know-Want-Learn) technique can be used by the English teacher in

teaching reading because this technique can help students SMA Negeri 1

Amonggedo class XI IPA in increasing their reading achievement.


Page 52: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

2. For school, especially SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo to be carefully to use the model

of learning because for determining the result of students’ achievement is the

appropriate between the lesson, the students’ condition and the model of learning.

3. For the English teacher, based on the result after conducting this research, the

researcher found that there were two students who had not achieved KKM.

Because, they were lazy. So, the researcher suggests to give them motivation or

more attention to them.


Page 53: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul


Allen, J. (2000). Reading history. Retrieved on December 25th, 2009. From Reading/RDG0016.html.

Arikunto, S. (1998). Dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Arikunto, S. (2005). Dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Betty, R., dkk. (1978). Reading instruction in the secondary school. Houngthoin Mifflin Company: London.

Bond,G. (1984). Reading difficulties. Their diagnosis and correction. New Jersey :Practice Hall,Inc.

Conner, J. (1990). Instructional reading strategy: KWL (Know-Want to Know-Learned). Retrieved on April 16th, 2010. From: l517/KWL.htm

Dharmawati. (2009). A comparative study of students’ reading achievement under K-W-L and murder techniques at the year X of SMA Negeri 2 Kendari. Kendari: FKIP Unhalu Unpublished Undergraduate thesis

Haofu, Ld. (2002). A study of the teaching of reading comprehension under K-W-L technique and three phases technique at the third yeard students of SLTPN 2 Raha” Kendari: FKIP Unhalu Unpublished Undergraduate thesis

Hopkinds, D. (1985). A teacher guide classroom research. Open University Press: Philadelphia

Huda, N. (1997). Language learning and teaching, Issues and Trend. Malang: Universitas Negeri malang.

Krashen,S. (1983).The natural approach. Language acquisition in the classroom. Sanfransisco: Alemany Press

Malik. (2009), A comparative study of the teaching of reading to the second years students of SLTP Negeri 1 Mowewe under K-W-L and three phases technique” Kendari: FKIP Unhalu Unpublished Undergraduate thesis


Page 54: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Nadjili.(2002). The effect of group work in increasing students’ achievement in reading comprehension at the second year of SLTP Negeri 2 Tomia: Kendari: FKIP Unhalu Unpublished Undergraduate thesis

Naswia.(2008). The effect of murder technique on students’ reading acvhievement at second years students of SLTP Negeri 6 Kendari. Kendari: FKIP Unhalu Unpublished Undergraduate thesis

Nunan, D. (1992). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Australia: Cambridge University Press

Ogle, D. (1987). K-W-L Plus: A strategy for comprehension and summarization. Journal of reading. vol. 30. pp. 262-631.

Pamungkas, D. (1992). Faktor –faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan baca. Retrieved on January 1 st,2010. From:

Pathways. (1986). K-W-L. North central regional education laboratory. Retrieved on March 5th, 2010. From: /learning/lrlkwlh.htm,.

Redway, M. K. (1992). Membaca cepat metode mutakhir menambah kecepatan membaca dan meningkatkan pemahaman. Jakarta: Pustaka Binoman Pressindo.

Sudjana. (1996). Metoda statistika. Edisi ke-6. Bandung: Tarsito


Page 55: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul


Day/Date: Friday, February 5th and Saturday, February 6th 2010A. For the teacher

No Aspect of Observation

Presence NotesFirst Meeting Second Meeting

Very Good

Good Poor Very Poor

Very Good

Good Poor Very Poor

1 Generates students’ interest to start the learning process

2 Does apperception and brainstorming

3 The teacher explain the topic

4 Does teacher use a techniquein teaching and learning process

5 Aska students to identify some difficult words, then provides some words to be mathches theirsynonym and antonim

6 The teacher monitors and observes the students’ activity

7 Ask students to ask about the material that is not clear yet

8 Theacher concludes the material

9 Teacher involves all students in learning process


Page 56: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

B. For studentsNo Aspect of

ObservationPresence Notes

First Meeting Second MeetingVery Good

Good Poor Very Poor

Very Good

Good Poor Very Poor

1 Students pay attention and respond to the teacher question

2 Students ask question of what they do not understand yet

3 The circumstance of students are learning

4 Students do the task that given by the teacher

5 Do students’ undersand the material?




1. Interview with the English Teacher of SMA Negeri 1 AmonggedoThe interview was on Friday, January 29th 2010. At the time, the researcher was interview the English teacher who taught english subject at class XIIPA. The researcher asked some questions are in the following: Based on your experience which class in the second grade who has problem in

comprehending the reading text? What is students’ problem in comprehending the reading text? How are they in teaching and learning process?


Page 57: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Related to those question, the english teacher said that from two clasess in the second grade, class XIIPA indicated has difficulty to comprehend the reading text. It was because students at class XIIPA have luck of vocabulary and grammatical aspect. So it can make the students must always open the dictionary to look at the meaning of words. While those aspects have big contribution to comprehend the reading text. In addition, in terms their attitude in teaching and learning process most of students seemed passive even there were some of them who were active. When the teacher asked them a question most of students just keep silent.

2. Giving reading comprehension test.After conducting interview with the english teacher, the researcher and the teacher arranged to give a reading comprenesion test at class XIIPA. It was aimed to see students’ reading comprehension before conduction the action. The test was multple choices that is consist of 10 items. The test was taken on Friday, February 12th 2010. The result of students comprehension test was the means score was 50,9, while the percentage of students score ≥ 66 only 13,63% who success in teaching and learning process. In addtion, based on students’daily examination mean value is 63. It means that only 50% are success in teaching and learning process. While, based on Sudjana Nana(1990) points out that one indicator of the successfulness in teaching and learning process is minimall 75% of total students get minimum score. The result of this test categorized that students reading comprehension at class XIIPA was still low and not achieve the indicator of the successfulness.

3. ConclusionAfter conducting the second pre-observation found that students’ at class XIIPA of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo have difficulty to comprehend the reading text. The information got from the english teacher who taught English subject at class XIIPA

through interview, reading comprehension, and questionare. Beside that, it also proof by giving a reading comprehension test. It was aimed to see their reading comprehension before conducting the action. As the reult students reading comprehension at class XIIPA was categorized low.


Page 58: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Appendix 2


School : SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : XI IPA / I

Times : 2 x 45 minute

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Meeting : I

I. Standard of competency:

Understanding the meaning of functional text and simple essay in the form of

report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily activity.

II. Basic of competency

Understanding and responding the meaning on the monolog text or essay that is

used written language varieties as accurately, fluently in the form of: report,

narrative and analytical exposition.

III. Indicator

a. To Determine specific information in reading text

b. To determine detail information in reading text

c. To determine words refers to of the text


Page 59: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

IV. Objectives of Study:

Students are expected to be able to:

a. Determine specific information in reading text

b. Determine detail information in reading text

c. Determine words refers to of the text

V. Sub topic /lesson:


VI. Material :

1. Reading text

2. Source: English SMA/MA grade XI Natural Science and Social Science

Programmes by Utami Widiati (Ed.)

VII.Teaching Technique: KWL

VIII. Teaching and learning activity


Pre Activity

1. Introduction the material (including introduction the technique)

2. Explained the indicator and the purpose of study

1. Students paid attention to the teacher explanation


Main Activity

1. Informed the method that students are going to use in the main activity

2. Explained about KWL technique clearly3. Created a KWL chart on the white board4. Wrote the topic that would be learned5. Gave modeling about studying in KWL

technique6. Gave students work sheet

7. Asked students to brainstorm words, terms, or phrases related with the topic

8. Explained about simple present tense

1. The students paid attention to the teacher explanation

2. The students took the students’ worksheet

3. Recorded all of word, terms, or phrase in K column

4. Paid attention to the



Page 60: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

9. Explained about WH-Question10. Asked students what they want to learn about

the topic.

11. Gave the reading text12. Asked the students to record L column.

13. Guided the students to Identify the sentences that tell about the description and the general classification of the text based on the text

14. Encouraged students to research any questions in the W column that were not answered by the text.

teacher explanation5. Set the purpose after

studying the topic on W column

6. Read the text7. Answered the question

based from W column on the reading text and recorded them on the L column

8. Identify the sentences that tell about the description and the general classification of the text based on the text

9. Searched some question that had not answered

Post Activity

1. Concluded the material2. Asked the students if there was something

that didn’t understand3. Gave information about the next material

1. Concluded the material2. Gave some question

3. Write the topic for next material


IX. Evaluation:

a. Test: essay test

b. Assessment guidance

No Aspect Score







The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is not correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not correct

Does not answer the question








Page 61: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Kendari, 2010

Teacher, Researcher

Sri Hartati, S.Pd JumriaNIP:1976011020012 2 003 A1D2 06 033

Approved by,Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

L a s a, S.Pd NIP. 19670210199404 1 001


Page 62: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul


School : SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : XI IPA / I

Times : 2 x 45 minute

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Meeting : II

I. Standard of competency:

Understanding the meaning of functional text and simple essay in the form of

report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily activity.

II. Basic of competency

Understanding and responding the meaning on the monolog text or essay that is

used written language varieties as accurately, fluently in the form of: report,

narrative and analytical exposition.

III. Indicator

a. To Determine specific information in reading text

b. To determine detail information in reading text

c. To determine words refers to of the text


Page 63: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

IV. Objectives of Study:

Students are expected to be able to:

a. Determine specific information in reading text

b. Determine detail information in reading text

c. Determine words refers to of the text

V. Sub topic /lesson:


VI. Material :

1. Reading text

2. Source: English SMA/MA grade XI Natural Science and Social Science

Programmes by Utami Widiati (Ed.)

VII. Teaching Technique: KWL

VIII. Teaching and learning activity


Pre Activity

1 Explained the indicator and the objectives of study

2 Brainstorming about the last material

1. Gave attention to the teacher explanation

2. The students answer the teacher’s question related with the previous material


Main Activity

1. Re-explained about the topic of last meeting

2. Re-explained about how to identify the sentences that tell about the description and the general classification of the text based on the text

3. Gave reading text about last meeting

1. Paid attention to the teacher explanation

2. Took the reading text



Page 64: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

4. Explained about how to identify the main idea

5. Explained about how to get the meaning of the text

6. Explained about how to make a complete answer

7. Gave some example about which sentences as description and general classification of the text

8. Gave some example how to identify the main idea based on the text

9. Gave some example about how to guess the meaning of the text

10. Asked the students if there was something that didn’t understand

3. Paid attention to the teacher explanation

4. Make a summary about the teacher explanation.

5. Asked some question related the material

Post Activity

1. Concluded the material2. Gave a reading test for cycle I

3. Gave information about the next material “Mikrolet”

1. Concluded the material2. Did reading test as

cycle I3. Wrote the material for

the next meeting


IX. Evaluation:

a. Test: essay test

b. Assessment guidance

No Aspect Score







The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is not correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not correct

Does not answer the question








Page 65: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Kendari, 2010

Teacher, Researcher

Sri Hartati, S.Pd JumriaNIP:1976011020012 2 003 A1D2 06 033

Approved by,Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

L a s a, S.Pd NIP. 19670210199404 1 001


Page 66: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul


School : SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : XI IPA / I

Times : 2 x 45 minute

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Meeting : III

I. Standard of competency:

Understanding the meaning of functional text and simple essay in the form of

report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily activity.

II. Basic of competency

Understanding and responding the meaning on the monolog text or essay that is

used written language varieties as accurately, fluently in the form of: report,

narrative and analytical exposition.

III. Indicator

a. To Determine specific information in reading text

b. To determine detail information in reading text

c. To determine words refers to of the text

IV. Objectives of Study:

Students are expected to be able to:

a. Determine specific information in reading text

b. Determine detail information in reading text


Page 67: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

c. Determine words refers to of the text

V. Sub topic /lesson:


VI. Material :

1. Reading text

2. Source: English SMA/MA grade XI Natural Science and Social Science

Programmes by Utami Widiati (Ed.)

VII. Teaching Technique: KWL

VIII. Teaching and learning activity

Activities TimeTeacher Students

Pre activity

1. Asked the students about the characteristic of report text and how to identify the main idea on the paragraph

2. Explained the indicator and the purpose of the study

1. Explained about the characteristic of report text and how to identify the main idea on the paragraph

2. Paid attention to the teacher’s explanation


Main activity

1. Re-explain the step of KWL technique

2. Write the topic on the white board3. Explained more about how to make

WH-Question4. Explained more about possessive

pronoun, personal pronoun, etc.5. Wrote some words as difficult word

related the text.6. Created a KWL chart on the white

board7. Wrote the topic that will be learned8. Gave students’ work sheet

9. Asked students to brainstorming

1. Paid attention to the teacher explanation

2. Paid attention to the teacher explanation about the material.

3. Took the students’ worksheet

4. Recorded all of word,



Page 68: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

words, terms, or phrases related with the topic in K column

10. Asked students what they wanted to learn about the topic.

11. The teacher explained simple present and how to make a good question (WH-Question)

12. Gave reading text to the students13. Guided the students to record L


14. Guided the students to search some question that had not been answered in W column

terms, or phrase in K column

5. Set the purpose after study the topic in W column

6. Paid attention to the teacher explanation about present tense

7. Read the text8. Answered the question

based on the reading text and record them on the L column

9. Searched some question that had not answered

Post Activity

1. Asked the students if there is something that didn’t understand

2. Gave information about the next material “Becak”

1. Gave some question

2. Wrote the next material


IX. Evaluation:

a. Test: essay test

b. Assessment guidance

No Aspect Score







The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not


The answer is not correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not


Does not answer the question








Page 69: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Kendari, 2010

Teacher, Researcher

Sri Hartati, S.Pd JumriaNIP:1976011020012 2 003 A1D2 06 033

Approved by,Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

L a s a, S.Pd NIP. 19670210199404 1 001


Page 70: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul


School : SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : XI IPA / I

Times : 2 x 45 minute

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Meeting : IV

I. Standard of competency:

Understanding the meaning of functional text and simple essay in the form of

report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily activity.

II. Basic of competency

Understanding and responding the meaning on the monolog text or essay that is

used written language varieties as accurately, fluently in the form of: report,

narrative and analytical exposition.

III. Indicator

a. To Determine specific information in reading text

b. To determine detail information in reading text

c. To determine words refers to of the text

IV. Objectives of Study:

Students are expected to be able to:

a. Determine specific information in reading text

b. Determine detail information in reading text


Page 71: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

c. Determine words refers to of the text

V. Sub topic /lesson:


VI. Material :

1. Reading text

2. Source: English SMA/MA grade XI Natural Science and Social Science

Programmes by Utami Widiati (Ed.)

VII. Teaching Technique: KWL

VIII. Teaching and Learning Activity

Activities TimeTeacher Students


1. Asked the students about how to make WH-Question and how to get the meaning of the text

2. Explained the indicator and the purpose of the study

1. Explained about how to make WH-Question and how to get the meaning of the text

2. Paid attention to the teacher explanation


During Activity

1. Re-explain the step of KWL technique

2. Write the topic on the white board3. Created a KWL chart on the white board4. Wrote the topic that will be learned5. Gave students’ work sheet

6. Asked the students to brainstorming words, terms, or phrases related with the topic and recorded them on K column

7. Asked students what they wanted to learn about the topic. It recorded on the W column

8. Explained simple present and how to make a good question (WH-Question)

9. Gave reading text to the students

1. Paid attention to the teacher explanation

2. Took the students’ worksheet

3. Recorded all of word, terms, or phrase in K column

4. Set the purpose after study the topic

5. Paid attention to the teacher explanation

6. Read the text



Page 72: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

10. Asked the students to record L column by answering the question from

11. Guided the students to find out some words as possessive pronoun to look at that word refers to

12. Asked the students about their identity and the students answered by using a complete answer

7. Answered the question based on the reading text and record them on the L column

8. Found out some words as possessive pronoun to look at that word refers to

9. Answered the tearcher’s question by using a complete answer

Post Activity

1. Asked the students if there is something that didn’t understand

2. Gave evaluation test

3. Giving information about the next material “dump truck”

1. Asked some question that the students didn’t understand

2. The students answered the evaluation test

3. The students wrote the next material


IX. Evaluation:

a. Test: essay test

b. Assessment guidance

No Aspect Score







The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not


The answer is not correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not


Does not answer the question








Page 73: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Kendari, 2010

Teacher, Researcher

Sri Hartati, S.Pd JumriaNIP:1976011020012 2 003 A1D2 06 033

Approved by,Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

L a s a, S.Pd NIP. 19670210199404 1 001


Page 74: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul


School : SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

Subject : English

Class/ Semester : XI IPA / I

Times : 2 x 45 minute

Aspect/Skill : Reading

Meeting : V

I. Standard of competency:

Understanding the meaning of functional text and simple essay in the form of

report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily activity.

II. Basic of competency

Understanding and responding the meaning on the monolog text or essay that is

used written language varieties as accurately, fluently in the form of: report,

narrative and analytical exposition.

III. Indicator

a. To Determine specific information in reading text

b. To determine detail information in reading text

c. To determine words refers to of the text

IV. .Objectives of Study:

Students are expected to be able to:

a. Determine specific information in reading text


Page 75: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

b. Determine detail information in reading text

c. Determine words refers to of the text

V. Sub topic /lesson:

Dump Truck

VI. Material :

1. Reading text

2. Source: English SMA/MA grade XI Natural Science and Social Science

Programmes by Utami Widiati (Ed.)

VII. Teaching Technique: KWL

VIII. Teaching and Learning Activity

ACTIVITIES TIME Teacher Students

Pre Activity

1. Asked the students about how to get the main idea in paragraph

2. Explained the indicator and basic competence

1. Explained about the main idea in paragraph

2. Paid attention to the teacher explanation


During Activity

1. Asked the students about the last material

2. Explained more about possessive pronoun, personal pronoun, etc.

3. Gave some question and hoped the students gave a complete answer

4. Created a KWL chart on the white board

5. Wrote the topic that will be learned6. Remembered the students about the

structure that would be used and how to make a good question in W column.

7. Gave students’ work sheet

1. Answered the teacher question related the previous material

2. Paid attention to the teacher explanation

3. Answer the teacher’s question with complete answer

4. Remembered the structure that would be used in W column

5. Took the students’



Page 76: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

8. Asked students to brainstorming words, terms, or phrases related with the topic

9. Asked students what they wanted to learn about the topic. It recorded in W column

10. Gave the reading text11. Guided the students to record L


12. Asked the students to identify some words that refer to.

13. Gave the students opportunity to give some question

worksheet6. The students record all of

word, terms, or phrase in K column

7. Set the purpose after study the topic

8. Read the text9. Answered the question

based on the reading text and record them on the L column

10. Identified some words that refer to.

11. The students gave some question

Post Activity

1. Concluded the material2. Gave evaluation test

1. Concluded the material2. Answered the evaluation test


IX. Evaluation:

a. Test: essay test

b. Assessment guidance

No Aspect Score







The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is correct, and spelling is not correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is correct

The answer is correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not


The answer is not correct, grammar is not correct, and spelling is not


Does not answer the question








Page 77: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Kendari, 2010

Teacher, Researcher

Sri Hartati, S.Pd JumriaNIP:1976011020012 2 003 A1D2 06 033

Approved by,Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo

L a s a, S.Pd NIP. 19670210199404 1 001


Page 78: Perbaikan Skripsi Yang Akan Dikumpul

Appendix 2: Students’ Worksheet for K-W-LA. Students’ Worksheet 1

OjekOjek “motorcycle taxis” began appearing in Jakarta after becak were banned

in 1994. Ojek service began as a people's initiative to provide a transportation options for people who used to use becak from main roads into housing complexes. There is no government licensing for or control over ojek.

By law all motorcycle passengers should wear helmets, so ojek drivers should have a spare for you to wear. Ojek tend to congregate at t-junctions on main roads and near smaller roads that are not serviced by bus routes. Ladies have a careful balancing act if wearing a dress and must sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle.

Nama : S.W.Class :XI IPA

K (What I Know) W (What I Want to


L (What I’ve Learned)

1. A motorcycle taxi

driver will generally

return to his station

after delivering you to

your destination

2. The motor cycle taxi

drivers will usually

not cruise around

looking for passengers

but gather in groups at

various stations

around the city.

3. There are one

passenger of

motorcycle taxi.

1. Where we can find


2. How many passenger

that is needed?

1. There are one passenger of

motor cycle taxi

2. Ojek drivers should have a

spare for you to wear.

3. We feel the risk are too high to

use ojek regularity for cross city

journeys on main roads

4. Ladies have a careful balancing

act if wearing a dress

5. Ladiest must must sit sidewise

on the back of the vehicle.


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B. Students’ Worksheet 2BECAK

Becak were banned within the Jakarta city limits in 1994 due to their propensity to cause traffic jams. Former President Soeharto (and others) also wanted to eradicate becak from the city streets because they felt the work to be degrading to the drivers. Becak are widely missed by people who live in housing complexes off the main roads and small roads which are not serviced by bus routes - as their sheer numbers in the city prior to the crackdown attests to how widely they were used. It used to be a common site in Jakarta to see becak drivers taking children to school each morning, and women home from the pasar (traditional market).

However, you can still find a few becak drivers ignoring the ban in certain locations within the city limits - like behind the luxurious Plaza Indonesia. Outside city limits becak are still found at the junctions of main roads and smaller country lanes that don't have smaller bus routes. Models of becak are different in each city they are found in across Indonesia.

Becak fit two passengers comfortably and possibly even more, depending on the size of the passenger. There is some protection from the sun ... and a plastic sheet that comes down over the front helps protect passengers during rainstorms. Bargain before you get in ... ! And don't expect the driver to have change for large bills.

Nama :Y.R.Class : XI IPA

K (What I Know) W (What I Want to


L (What I’ve Learned)

1. Becak is transportation who

already be since former.

2. Becak can come across in

the city

3. Becak only can into ascend

by or twopeople

4. Becak have three whells

1. Where can we meet


2. How many people

did becak bring the


1. In aisle who or in

big city

2. In city of in village

3. Bring passenger and

woman home from

the market

4. There are two or

more passenger.


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C. Students’ Worksheet 3


The Mikrolet is Mikrolet are mini buses which operate on fixed routes and also a kind of shared taxis — mix of a private transport and public. These vehicles can take you even to the remotest corners of Indonesia.

They carry four to twelve passengers and charges per person vary with the distance. The fare of this public vehicle is 1000 Rupiahs for minimum and 4000 Rupiahs for maximum. Never pay more than 4000 Rupiahs. Don’t forget to pay attention on your pockets and wallet. Put them in your bag and always put it touching your body. Never let anything misdirects you. Never trust anyone (bad guys usually pretending to puke or sick or get kram leg or giving you massages service). They are all fake. Snap the ceiling twice with your finger or your nail to stop or by saying "kiri" (pronounced 'kee ree'). It means left (vehicles in Jakarta always stop on the left side). It is much better not to sit too far from door because it is difficult to get out when the car is fully loaded.

Nama :JSClass :XI IPA

K (What I Know) W (What I Want to


L (What I’ve Learned)

1. Mikrolet have many


2. The window can be wished


3. Win can come and out

4. When the mikrolet have little

passenger, we can sit free.

1. How many passenger

that is needed?

2. What time mikrolet

star and finished?

1. Mikrolets carry out

four to twelve


2. The mikrolet mix s

private transport and

public bus

3. Mikrolet areminibus

which operate on

fixed routes.

4. Mokrolet carry four

to twelve passenger


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D. Students’ Worksheet 4

Dump Truck

Some vehicle manufacturers offer chassis cabs that can be made into small dump trucks. Such dump trucks are perfect for construction and landscaping companies that are just getting started. Dump trucks this small are easier to maneuver and are easier on the pocketbook as well.

Larger dump trucks for larger companies with bigger loads are usually made by companies that strictly deal in commercial trucks. These are a major investment for any company. The strain on your wallet can be lifted, though, by seeking out a used dump truck. eBay Motors is a great place to start looking for a used dump truck.

Just like with passenger cars, dump trucks lose some value as soon as they're driven off the lot. Many companies look to upgrade to larger trucks relatively soon after they've purchased a new truck, so you're likely to find a fairly new truck without that new truck sheen and sticker price. Dump trucks, and many other commercial trucks, are typically in high demand, so you're likely to get a good price for your dump truck when you're ready to sell.

Most of them can also be easily converted into other types of commercial trucks. If you're looking for a moving van or a wrecker, some types of them just need the dump bed removed from the chassis to become virtually any kind of truck you need. This may be a good option if you run across a dump truck that is being sold cheaply because of a damaged dump bed or lift.

Nama:RWClass:XI IPA

K (What I Know) W (What I Want to


L (What I’ve Learned)

1. Dump Truck is transportation

is used for to carry about some

sand, store, and rubbish

2. A large portion of the goods

that people use every day must

be transported by truck at

some point

3. Truck drivers are essentially in

most country

1. How many types

of truck?

2. What types of

truck are many in


3. What is the

advantages of

dump truck?

1. Truck driver recruiting can

begin at the educational level

2. Metal is used to build body

of pick up trucks which is

quiet strong

3. Larger dump truck used

truck are considered as the

best economic deals


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Appendix 3.

Reading test: Cycle 1

Name :

Class :

Read and understand the following text.

A Kangaroo

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller

relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also

in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and

very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping.

Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap

across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45

kilometers per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo.

Adult grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an

external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born,

and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

Answer the questions based on the text

1. Are kangaroos and wallabies indigenous animals of Australia?

2. What do people call the largest kangaroos?

3. Where do you find the pouch of the female kangaroo?

4. Which paragraphs tell you about the description of the kangaroo's appearance?

5. Which paragraphs tell you about the general classification of the kangaroo's appearance?


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Appendix 4.

Reading test: Cycles 2

Name :

Class :

Read the following information on animal feed. Find the answers to the

following questions.

Animal feed

Animals get food or energy from plants and from animals that feed directly or

indirectly on plants. However, animal differ greatly in their needs each kind of animal

has its own particular needs, and each individual must have a certain amount of the

righ kind of food.

A large range area is needed to give the sheep enough grass. The sheep eat

grass right down to the roots and time must be allowed for the grass to grow back

where they have grazed. Thus they must be moved to other grazing areas fairly often.

Goat also eats grass. Cattle need grass, hay, and grain for their food; of course they

are also fed other kind of food.

The best broiler breed is well known for its white feathers, yellow skin, and

fast growth. It grows well or a relatively small amount of food. Broiler chicks are fed

a mash mixed of ground corn, meat meal, fish meal, soybean meal, minerals, and

vitamins. With 7 pounds of this food a farmer can raise a 3-pound cross bred broiler.

No animal other than the chicken is so efficient in producing meat.


1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

2. Where do animals get food and energy?

3. What animals eat grass, hay or gain?

4. What does the word "they" in paragraph 2 refer to?

5. What is the conclusion about the topic?


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Appendix 5.

Reading test: Cycles 3

Name :

Class :

Read the text and answer the questions.

What Is Thunder and Lightning?

Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity between a cloud and the

ground, or from cloud to cloud. A lightning flash, or bolt, can be several miles long.

It is so hot, with an average temperature of 34,000° Centigrade, that the air around it

suddenly expands with a loud blast. This is the thunder we hear.

Lightning occurs in hot, wet storms. Moist air is driven up to a great height. It

forms a type of cloud called cumulonimbus. When the cloud rises high enough, the

moisture freezes and ice crystals and snowflakes are formed. These begin to fall,

turning to rain on the way down. This rain meets more moist air rising, and it is the

friction between them which produces static electricity. When a cloud is fully charged

with this electricity, it discharges it as a lightning flash.


1. What is meant by lightning?

2. When does lightning usually happen?

3. What does the word "this" in the last sentence of paragraph 1 refers to?

4. What does the word "it" in paragraph 2 line 4 refers to?


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Appendix 7.

Answer Key of Essay Test for Cycle I

1. Are kangaroos and wallabies indigenous animals of Australia? Yes they are

2. The people call the largest kangaroos are the great kangaroo and the red kangaroo.

3. The pouch of the female kangaroo is on the front of her body

4. The description of the kangaroo’s appearance on the second, third, and fourth paragraph.

5. The general classification of the kangaroo’s appearance is on the first paragraph.


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Appendix 8.

Answer Key of Essay Test for Cycle II

1. The main idea of the first paragraph is animals get food or energy from plants and from

animals that feed directly or indirectly on plants

2. Animals get food and energy from plants and animals

3. Animals eat grass, hay or gain is cattle

4. “They” in paragraph 2 refers to sheep.

5. The conclusion about the topic is how the animals get food and energy.


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Appendix 9.

Answer Key of Essay Test for Cycle III

1. The main idea of the first paragraph is Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity

between a cloud and the ground, or from cloud to cloud.

2. Lightning usually happen when a cloud is fully charged with his.

3. The word "this" in the last sentence of paragraph 1 refers to a loud blast

4. The word "it" in paragraph 2 line 4 refers to moist air rising.


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Appendix 10 .


Cycle I

1. For the test no. 1, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.

2. For the test no.3, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 3 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 2. If the students only answer one

point from two point, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong, so the

score is 0,5.

3. For the test no. 3, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.

4. For the test no. 4, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 4 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 3. If the students only mention two

point and not enough complete, so the score is 2. If the students only mention one

of the alternative answers from three, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is

wrong, so the score is 0,5.

5. For the test no. 5, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.


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Cycle II

1. For the test no. 1, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.

2. For the test no.2, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 3 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 2. If the students only answer one

point from two point, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong, so the

score is 0,5.

3. For the test no. 3, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.

4. For the test no. 4, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students only

mention the alternative answers from three, so the score is 1. If the students’

answer is wrong, so the score is 0,5.

5. For the test no. 5, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 3 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 2. If the students only mention the

alternative answer, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong, so the score

is 0,5.


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Cycle III

1. For the test no. 1, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.

2. For the test no.2, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 3 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’

answer not enough complete, so the score is 2. If the students only answer one

point from two point, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong, so the

score is 0,5.

3. For the test no. 3, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’ only

mention the alternative answer, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.

4. For the test no. 3, giving the score must be appropriate with the complete level of

students’ answer. Score 2 if the students’ answer is complete. If the students’ only

mention the alternative answer, so the score is 1. If the students’ answer is wrong,

so the score is 0,5.


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Appendix 5. The First Pre-Observation

C. For the teacher

No Aspect of Observation Presence NotesFirst Meeting Second Meeting

Very Good

Good Poor Very Poor

Very Good

Good Poor Very Poor

1 Generates students’

interest to start the

learning process

2 Does apperception and


3 The teacher explain the


4 Does teacher use a

techniquein teaching and

learning process

5 Aska students to identify

some difficult words,

then provides some

words to be mathches

theirsynonym and


6 The teacher monitors and

observes the students’


7 Ask students to ask about

the material that is not

clear yet


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8 Theacher concludes the


9 Teacher involves all

students in learning


D. For students

No Aspect of Observation Presence NotesFirst Meeting Second MeetingVery Good

Good Poor Very Poor

Very Good

Good Poor Very Poor

1 Students pay attention

and respond to the

teacher question

2 Students ask question of

what they do not

understand yet

3 The circumstance of

students are learning

4 Students do the task

that given by the


5 Do students’ undersand

the material?


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Appendix 6. The Result of Observation

4. Interview with the English Teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo


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The interview was on Friday, January 29th 2010. At the time, the researcher was interview the English teacher who taught english subject at class XIIPA. The researcher asked some questions are in the following: Based on your experience which class in the second grade who has problem in

comprehending the reading text? What is students’ problem in comprehending the reading text? How are they in teaching and learning process?Related to those question, the english teacher said that from two clasess in the second grade, class XIIPA indicated has difficulty to comprehend the reading text. It was because students at class XIIPA have luck of vocabulary and grammatical aspect. So it can make the students must always open the dictionary to look at the meaning of words. While those aspects have big contribution to comprehend the reading text. In addition, in terms their attitude in teaching and learning process most of students seemed passive even there were some of them who were active. When the teacher asked them a question most of students just keep silent.

5. Giving reading comprehension test.After conducting interview with the english teacher, the researcher and the teacher arranged to give a reading comprenesion test at class XI IPA. It was aimed to see students’ reading comprehension before conduction the action. The test was multple choices that is consist of 10 items. The test was taken on Friday, February 12th 2010. The result of students comprehension test was the means score was 50,9, while the percentage of students score ≥ 66 only 13,63% who success in teaching and learning process. In addtion, based on students’daily examination mean value is 63. It means that only 50% are success in teaching and learning process. While, based on Sudjana Nana(1990) points out that one indicator of the successfulness in teaching and learning process is minimall 75% of total students get minimum score. The result of this test categorized that students reading comprehension at class XI IPA was still low and not achieve the indicator of the successfulness.

6. ConclusionAfter conducting the second pre-observation found that students’ at class XIIPA of SMA Negeri 1 Amonggedo have difficulty to comprehend the reading text. The information got from the english teacher who taught English subject at class XIIPA

through interview, reading comprehension, and questionare. Beside that, it also proof by giving a reading comprehension test. It was aimed to see their reading comprehension before conducting the action. As the reult students reading comprehension at class XIIPA was categorized low.


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Appendix 7. Reading Test (Pre-Observation)


Read text carefully to answer the question number 1-7Cinderella

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called cinderella. She lived with her stepsister and stepmother. They were very bossy. She had to do all the housework.

One day an invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsister did not let her go. Cinderella was very sad. The stepsister went to the ball without her.

Fortunatelly, the fairy godmother came and helped her to get the ball. At the ball, cinderella danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with her, and then he married he. They lived happily ever after.1. Which of the following is not true according to the text?

a. Cinderella lived with her stepsisterb. Cinderella felt happy with her husbandc. Cinderella felt ennoyed with her stepsisterd. Cinderlla was helped by a fairy to get to the balle. Cinderella was helped by her stepsister todo all the housework

2. The communicative purpose of this text is to....a. Entertain the readers with a fairy taleb. Describe how cinderella went to the ballc. Persuade the readers to read the storyd. Inform the readers about Cinderella’s marriagee. Explain to the readers why Cinderella’s stepsister hated herso much

3. “They were very bossy.” (paragraph 1)The word “bossy” means....a. Furious d. Offensiveb. Arrogant e. Domineeringc. Sensitive

4. The type of the text above is about a...a. Report d. Descriptionb. Recount e. News itemc. Narrative

5. Who does help Cinderella to get the ball?a. Stepsister d. Stepmotherb. Her neighbour e. Fairy godmotherc. Her family

Rare Chance to Learn Nobel Secrets


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Five nobel laureates and world-renowned scientist will spend some personal time with 360 high school students from across Asia at the Asian Science Camp (ASC) 2008 in Sanur, Bali.

From this Monday until Saturday, 300 Indonesian students and 60 students from japan, China, India, and other Asian countries will have a chance to hear the Nobel winners, experiences and aspirations.

Chistopher Adrian, 16, a second-year student at a high school in Tangerang, Banteng, said he hoped the rare experience would help him win a Nobel Prize one day. “This place is filled with so many great scientist. It’ll be great to hear them share some of their knowledge,” he said.

Damar Parasdyaningtyas, 16, Cristopher’s schoolmate, expressed similar feelings. “I’ve always been interested in science. I want to know their (the Nobel laureates’) secrets so I can learn to bea good brain surgeon in the future,” she said.

Johannes Surya, who chairs the steering commitee of the Asian Science Camp, said he expected the event to guide the students toward a greater interest in science. “The whole event is designed to inspire Indonesia students to win a coveted Nobel Prize, or at least become more excited about science,” Johannes said.

The five Nobel winners attending the camp are Prof. David Gross from the united States (2004 Nobel prize in physics), Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba from Japan (2002 Nobel prize in physics), Prof. Douglas Osherroff from United Sates (1996 Nobel prize in physics), Prof. Richard Robert Ernest from Switzerland (1991 Nobel prize in chemistry), and Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee from Taiwan (1986 Nobel Prize in chemistry).6. Which countries outside Indonesia did NOT send their students to the Asian

science Camp in Bali 2008?a. Japan d. Chinab. India e. Malaysiac. Australia

7. Based on the text, what does the word ‘laureate’ mean?a. Prizes d. Participantsb. Students e. Scientistc. Winners

8. Who says that the Asian Science Camp helps somebody to win a Nobel Prize?a. Damar d.(b) and (c) are both correctb. Cristopher e. (a) and (b) are both correctc. Johannes Surya

9. How many Nobel laurates from Asian countries won the prizein physics?a. 1 d. 4b. 2 e. 5c. 3

10. Which statement is not correct?a. The ASC began on August 5th, 2008b. Damar’s ambition is to be a brain surgeonc. The article was taken from the Jakarta Post


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d. 60 non-Indonesia students came to the ASCe. Koshiba and asherroff are Nobel winners inphysics