perception and schizophrenia

Schizophrenia and Perception

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Schizophrenia and Perception



Some of the most common symptom of Schizophrenia is hallucination and delusions, disorganization, inappropriate emotions and reactions.

About 1% of the population will develop Schizophrenia. That risk increases if you have a relative with this illness.

Types of Schizophrenia

Paranoid Schizophrenia is when the person feels extremely suspicious, persecuted, grandiose, or experiences a combination of these emotions.

Disorganized Schizophrenia is when the person has disorganized speech, flattened or inappropriate emotion they also tend no to have hallucinations

Catatonic Schizophrenia is when the person is withdrawn, mute, negative and often assumes very unusual body positions.

Residual Schizophrenia a person is no longer experiencing delusions or hallucinations, but has no motivation or interest in life.



Dr. Daniel Pierce is a talented who is now a consultant to the F.B.I.

His hallucinations sometimes help him pick on clues that he may have overlooked to solve the crimes

Special Agent Kate Moretti is now an F.B.I. Agent and a former student of Dr. Daniel Pierce.

Dr. Daniel Pierce

Special Agent Kate Moretti


Another person on the team and in the photo is Max Lewicki, Dr. Daniel’s teaching assistant he lives with Daniel and helps him handle his schizophrenia at times.

The last person in the photo is  Natalie Vincent and she is Daniel’s imaginary friend that helps him figure out the cases at times.

She is his best friend and gives him advise when he needs it even when he just wants her to leave.

Natalie Vincent

Max Lewicki


I would never risk passing this on to a child. It's better not to be born than to be born with schizophrenia? There is no way you are dragging me into that philosophical

quagmire. Ooh.- What? The baby's kicking. You want to feel? This is too crazy, even for me. It's not crazy to consider what life would be like with a baby.

It's perfectly normal. Said the pregnant hallucination.

Hallucinations – seeing, feeling, tasting, hearing or smelling something that doesn’t really exist. The most common experience is hearing imaginary voices that give commands or comments to the individual.


In this episode there is a missing baby and this brings up emotions in Daniel.

Natalie shows up pregnant because Dr. Daniel is struggling with wanting to have a child. Even though Daniel knows that Natalie is only a figment of his imagination; however, he talks and acts like she’s a real person.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Case management helps people access services, financial assistance, treatment and other resources.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs are programs that help people regain skills such as: employment, cooking, cleaning, budgeting, shopping, socializing, problem solving, and stress management.

Self-help groups provide on-going support and information to persons with serious mental illness by individuals who experience mental illness themselves.

Drop-in centers are places where individuals with mental illness can socialize and/or receive informal support and services on an as-needed basis.


Along with the lecture notes and textbook

Used for quotes:

Information on perception:

Information on perception: