performance management ppt

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Performance Management

Performance management is the continuous observation and influence of employee performance throughout the year. It includes:Coaching Mentoring Feedback Positive reinforcement Role modeling Work-related counseling and advising Recognition and rewards for top performance Formal written performance appraisals

Purpose of Performance Evaluation Program

Promote communication Assure employees goals are aligned with supervisors and Institutes goals. Assess past performance. Assure position description is up to date. Set objectives and goals.

Benefits of Effective Performance Management

Relevant, concise performance feedback and balanced performance appraisals position employees for success and future growth. When expectations are clear, objective measures are agreed upon, and coaching is consistent and ongoing, employees will own their performance and professional development. Managers will be seen as helpful and candid resources that guide and direct their employees performance.

Communication will improve: The ongoing coaching and feedback that enhances your employees work performance and professional development will increase trust and respect. Managers will be perceived as leaders with fair and high standards. With objective measures, problem performance is quickly noticed and can be more easily managed. Behavior that results in exceptional performance can become a model for others.

Observing performance patterns over time gives managers strategic information about individual and team potential, persistent performance gaps, and future priorities. Performance is aligned with Office objectives, providing a sense of direction and focus for employees at all levels.

Employee skill and motivation will increase, ultimately improving employee morale and reducing turnover.

The Performance Management Cycle

Phase I: Performance PlanningPerformance planning is the first step in the performance management process. It is a dialogue between a manager and employee to:

Align job expectations with overall strategic plans, department goals, and the job description for the position Establish and agree upon performance expectations and goals Clarify and document the evaluation criteria that will be used in Phase III Performance Evaluation Set the stage for ongoing feedback and coaching throughout the year Create a partnership based on two-way communication

Objective setting: Be sure its S.M.A.R.T.

Specific Measurable Achievable Results Oriented Time bound

Phase II: Ongoing Coaching, Feedback, and Documentation

Coaching is an ongoing process of communication between the manager and employee focused on improving current performance and building capabilities for the future. The person being is given the resources necessary to enhance his/her skills, where intelligent and responsible risk-taking is not just tolerated but encouraged, where barriers to selfimprovement are eliminated and where job assignments are designed to create a learning experience.

5 Coaching StepsBoth agree on successes and where a problem may exist & what it is. 2. Discuss solutions. 3. Agree on plan of action. 4. Plan follow-up. 5. Positive reinforcement on action items or schedule more coaching.1.

Examples of Couching Activities

Providing hands-on instruction or demonstration Directing and focusing the employees efforts Listening to employee concerns and ideas and providing encouragement Suggesting action plans that match the employees learning style Engaging in problem solving to identify and discuss challenges that are preventing the employee from achieving goals


Serve as memory aids to recall past events or incidents Provide instant documentation when writing the performance appraisal Support the coaching and feedback processes by providing specific examples

Guidelines for documentation

Be accurate; focus on objective and supported facts Be balanced and fair Focus on job performance and goal accomplishment rather than personality issues or non-work related aspects of the employee Document incidents that describe all levels of performance, not just unsatisfactory or outstanding

Phase III: Performance ReviewThe performance review consists of two parts:


A completed Performance Appraisal form that outlines expectations of the employee and reviews performance against these expectations. This document should summarize critical goals and the results achieved, as well as establish an overall summary rating for the employee.


Meeting A formal face-to-face meetingbetween the manager and the employee to review the last years performance, plan goals and work priorities for the coming year, and identify key areas for future professional development.

The key to good performance dialogue.

This meeting needs to be a two way conversation. The supervisors message needs to be clearly communicated. The conversation needs to be kept on track.

Tips During Meeting Aim for consensus, but do not force it

Focus on performance, not personality Manage the emotional level Conclude on a positive note Look at the whole picture No surprises! Know your limits