performance monitoring at spreadshirt

Performance Monitoring at Spreadshirt

Upload: martin-breest

Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Performance Monitoring at Spreadshirt

Performance Monitoringat Spreadshirt

Page 2: Performance Monitoring at Spreadshirt

Why is performance relevant?

Page 3: Performance Monitoring at Spreadshirt

Performance has an impact on conversion rate ...

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… and other business metrics

● bounce rate

● cart size

● revenue

● time on site

● page views is Money, The Business Value of Web Performance, Tammy Everts

● user satisfaction

● user retention

● organic search traffic

● brand perception

● productivity

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How can performance be measured?

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Core Metrics Overview

time to first byte

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Core Metrics Overview

time to first byte start render time

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Core Metrics Overview

time to first byte start render time

above the fold time

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Core Metrics Overview

time to first byte start render time

above the fold time page load time

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Metric Detailstime to first byte start render time page load time fully loaded

above the fold time

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Metric Detailsbackend frontend

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Metric DetailsDNS lookup

Init TCP connectionServer processing

Content download

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Metric DetailsNumber of resources and transfered bytes +

order of resources

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Which performance tools can be useful in software development lifecycle?

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Software Development Lifecycle

Lifecycle image taken from SOASTA tool overview

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Data Analysis &Optimization Tools

Synthetic Performance Monitoring &Real User Monitoring (RUM) &

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Load Testing & Optimization Tools

Performance Tools

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Performance Tools at Spreadshirt


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Performance Tools at SpreadshirtData Analysis

Synthetic Performance Monitoring

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Grafana/GraphiteApplication PerformanceMonitoring (APM)

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Why do we have anApplication Performance Monitoring tool

and why isn’t it enough?

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Application Performance Monitoring (APM)


Monitoring Server

Monitoring Data

Send Metrics

Write Monitoring Data Read Monitoring Data and Aggregations


Developer Request

Send Metrics



Monitoring Website/


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● Good overview on performance of monitored machines and services

● Machine level information on cpu, memory, disk usage

● Service level information like JVM heap usage, number of threads, etc.

● Resource level information on response times, throughput, error rates

● Analysis tools allow to quickly find performance problems

● End-to-end drill down on a per request basis allows to quickly find root cause of


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● Complex to set up in a microservice environment as each service and machine needs

to be monitored with an agent

● No information on how pages load in real browser environments

● No information on how my DNS provider or CDN works

● No information on how 3rd party libraries behave in browser

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Application Performance Monitoringprovides view on internal service and

machine performancesynthetic and real user monitoring

and why do we need both?

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What is the difference between Synthetic and Real User Monitoring

and why do we need both?

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Synthetic Performance Monitoring


Monitoring Server

Monitoring Website

Monitoring Data

Poll Page

Write Monitoring Data Read Monitoring Data and Aggregations

BrowserDeveloper Request

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● Provides information about page load times in real browsers

● Controlled test environment

● Defined test locations

● Defined frequency

● Traffic independent

● Allows to check availability, speed, errors

● Allows to monitor 3rd party libraries, DNS provider and CDN

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● Only information about configured pages

● No information about speed, errors on different customer environments like○ browser

○ device

○ country

○ operating system

○ ...

● No information about traffic distribution

● No connection to business metrics (like conversion rate)

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Real User Monitoring (RUM)



Monitoring Data

Request Page

Write Monitoring Data

Read Monitoring Data and Aggregations

BrowserDeveloper Request



Send Beacon

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● Runs on end users browsers and collects information about speed and errors on

different○ browsers

○ devices

○ countries

○ operating systems

○ …

● Allows to track real user traffic in real time

● Allows to track business metrics (conversion rate) in connection to performance


● Allows to track 3rd party libraries, DNS provider and CDN

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● Provides data on pages with traffic only

● Uncontrolled environment

● Monitoring Javascript needs to be added to each page

● Single page apps (SPA) need to be monitored individually

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Synthetic and Real User Monitoringcomplement each other

and provide outside view on performancesynthetic and real user monitoring

and why do we need both?

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Which features do the available monitoring tools provide and how do

they work?

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Application Performance Monitoring light with Grafana/Graphite

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Grafana/Graphite Features

● Available on resp.

● Light version of Application Performance Monitoring

● Allows to track all kinds of metrics (not only performance related ones)

● Allows to create custom dashboards

● Allows to visualize metrics in different ways (time lines, numbers, tables, ...)

● Allows to run more complex analysis with the available Graphite functions (like top

10 slowest resources, ...)

● Allows to define and visualize thresholds

● Does not allow to define alerts yet

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Grafana Dashboard

Favorite dashboards Available dashboards

Search dashboard Create new dashboard

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Grafana Shopping Overview

Throughput metric as number

Response time metric with exceeded threshold

Linked to dashboard with details (on click)

Add panel

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Grafana UMP Details

Response time metric p99 as timeline

Response time metric mean as timeline

Stacked throughput as timeline

Edit panel

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Grafana UMP Details Configuration

Response time p99 metric

Response time mean metric

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Synthetic Performance Monitoring with Rigor

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Rigor Features

● Available on

● Allows to configure uptime, real browser and even selenium-style checks

● Allows to measure from different locations with different frequencies

● Allows to define thresholds on measured metrics

● Provides dashboards to visualize performance data

● Provides http archive on measurement and visualization as waterfall diagram

● Collects all kinds of performance metrics

● Allows to create and distribute performance reports

● Provides tags to be used in dashboards and for conducting actions

● Allows to alert via e-mail, phone, sms, chat, web hook

● Provides status page

● Provides API

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Rigor Dashboard

Real browser checks Access check

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Rigor Real Browser Checks

Add check

Configure check Access check

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Rigor Real Browser Configuration

Configure URL

Configure frequency

Configure alert

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Rigor Real Browser Check Configuration

Configure locations

Configure thresholds

Configure tags

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Rigor Real Browser Check Dashboard

Switch view

Access measurement

Adjust timeDisplay events

System event

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Rigor Real Browser Check Page Performance Dashboard

Select metric

Access measurement

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Rigor Real Browser Check Domain Performance Dashboard

Select metricAccess measurement

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Rigor Real Browser Check Waterfall Diagram

Open details

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Rigor Executive Performance Dashboard

Access check

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Rigor Operations Performance Dashboard

Access check

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Rigor Custom Tag Performance Dashboard

Select tag

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Rigor Custom Tag Performance Dashboard

Access check

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Rigor Status Page -

Current load time


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Rigor Custom Report Configuration

Select checks

Select date range

Select metric

Configure E-Mail

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Rigor Custom Report Visualization

Access check

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Rigor E-Mail Alert

Access check

Current state

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Rigor E-Mail Report

Access check

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Rigor Rocket.Chat Integration

Access check

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Real User Monitoring with SOASTA mPulse

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SOASTA mPulse Features

● Available on

● Allows to configure applications per domain (e.g. for

● Allows to configure page groups, metrics, timers and dimensions

● Collects performance metrics available to browsers

● Displays real-time performance data

● Provides dashboards to visualize performance data for different roles

● Allows to create custom dashboards

● Allows to filter data by all kinds of dimensions, e.g. browser, device, country

● Provides means to visualize complex correlations

● Allows to integrate data from other sources, like Rigor

● Allows to create and distribute reports

● Allows to alert via e-mail, chat, web hook …

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SOASTA Applications

Create application

Access application

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SOASTA Application Configuration

Access page groups

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SOASTA Page Group Configuration

Configure page groups

Test page

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SOASTA Metrics Configuration

Configure metric

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SOASTA Timers Configuration

Configure timer

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SOASTA Dimensions Configuration

Configure dimension

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SOASTA Javascript Plugin

Add Boomerang Javascript

Add custom Javascript code for handling SPA

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SOASTA Javascript Beacon

Loaded Boomerang Javascript

Sent beacon

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SOASTA Dashboards

Pre-built dashboards

Custom dashboards

Add dashboard

Access dashboard

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SOASTA Summary DashboardFilters for drill down

Page load vs page views

Key metrics and timersFilter statistics

Page load by country

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SOASTA Summary Dashboard Configuration

Show available widgetsShow dashboard configuration

Drag & drop to add to dashboard

Select to configure widget

Configure widget

Configure default filter

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SOASTA Showcase Dashboard

Live beacons

Live page load and back-end time

Live statistics

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SOASTA DevOps Dashboard

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SOASTA Custom Revenue Dashboard

Business relevant timers and metrics

Revenue vs. bounce rate

Page views vs. page load


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SOASTA Custom Page Load Times Dashboard

Page load mean

Page load percentiles

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SOASTA Custom Shopping Team Dashboard

Backend time vs. frontend time vs. page views

Page load time by page type

Load times from Rigor (external data)

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SOASTA What-If Dashboard

Move sliders to see impact of improvements on revenue

Sessions with average load time vs.conversion rate per average load time

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SOASTA Waterfall Dashboard

Found beacons for selected filters

Resource timings for selected beacon

Access to beacon data

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SOASTA Waterfall Dashboard Performance Data

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SOASTA Waterfall Dashboard Request Data

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SOASTA Waterfall Dashboard Page Construction Data

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SOASTA Reports

Add report

Custom reports

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SOASTA Report Configuration

Configure schedule

Configure recipient

Drag & drop dashboard

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SOASTA Report E-Mail

Configured dashboard as image or link

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Add Alert

Custom Alerts

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SOASTA Alert Configuration

Configure data event

Configure recipient

Configure message

Drag & drop elements

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SOASTA Alert E-Mail

Link to dashboard that provides more details

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SOASTA Rocket.Chat Integration

Link to dashboard that provides more details

Alert from SOASTA

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What if there are more complex questions to answer?

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Questions like ...

● On which page groups do I have performance problems?

● What are the most used path through my application regarding the defined

conversion goal?

● Which page groups are relevant regarding my defined conversion goal (e.g. order)?

● On which environments do I have performance problems (devices, browsers,

countries, operating systems)?

● Which page resources on my site are slow?

● Which page groups should I optimize first?

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Data Analysis with SOASTA Data Science Workbench


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Data Science Workbench (DSWB)

Soasta DSWB


Monitoring Data



AWS Redshift Cluster

Page Data

Resource Data




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Data Science Workbench Features● Available on● Soasta DSWB is an environment that allows to analyze and visualize

performance data● Runs on AWS Redshift Cluster with Julia as programming language● Packages for Julia available to access databases, work with data, etc. ● Soasta DSWB provides additional packages for data analysis, drawing and


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Select running notebook

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Cell with default connection configuration for data

Execute selected cell (or Shift + Enter)

Tables with page and resource data for

Selected time frame


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SOASTA DSWB Page Load Co-occurrencesHistogram that shows page views vs. page load for selected time frame

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SOASTA DSWB Page Load Co-occurrences

Visualization of factors that influence load times

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SOASTA DSWB Page Load Treemap

Treemap that visualizes load times in relationship to page views for selected filter hierarchy

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SOASTA DSWB User Path Sunburst Chart

Visualization of all user click paths towards checkout success page (means measured conversion goal)

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SOASTA DSWB Conversion Impact Chart

Visualization of load time relevance of page group in order to reach conversion goal (means reaching checkout success page)

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SOASTA DSWB Conversion vs Load Time Chart

Visualization of average session load time for converted and unconverted sessions (means sessions that reached checkout success page or not) vs conversion rate for average session load time

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SOASTA DSWB Data AccessVisualization of plain beacon data for basedon an SQL executed against AWS Redshift Cluster

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So, which tool should I use for what again?

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● Use Grafana/Graphite (and Icinga) to get information about internal services like

response times, throughput and error rates

● Use tools like JProfiler to debug performance problems

● Use Rigor to get outside view on selected pages regarding page response times and


● Use SOASTA mPulse to get extended view on page load time behavior in real user


● Use SOASTA DSWB as planning tool to answer more complex questions regarding

performance and plan the next steps