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Performance Nutrition

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Performance Nutrition

Completing the Puzzle





What InfluencesAthletic Ability?

Genetic Endowment

Optimal Training

Good Nutrition

No “secret” ingredient!

Performance Nutrition Means…

Fueling to boost activity performance on a daily basis

Fueling to decrease the risk of injuries, recover fully after workouts and stay healthy

Fueling with foods that taste good, foods you enjoy, foods that can be prepared easily, and foods you feel confident eating

Consequences of Poor Nutrition

Weight loss Strength loss Lethargy Chronic Fatigue Soreness, joint pain Micronutrient Deficit Respiratory Infections Diminished

Performance “Overtraining


Physical Activity Factor Varies Widely

Examples Female Olympic Gymnasts

1900 kcal/day

Tour de France Cyclists 7,000+ kcal/day

College Football Players (in wt gain mode) 7,500-8,500 kcal/day

Marvin Austin Jordan Hasay

6’3”, 312 pounds 5’1”, 98 pounds

21 years old 19 years old

4.69 40 yd dash 4:42.21 mile

Energy Needs

Basic Calorie Requirement:

Calorie Needs for Athletes

Rule of Thumb:Walk or run 1 mile = 100 kcals burned

Calories Consumed


Energy Needs Calories/# 120# 160#


LOW - sedentary 1560- 1800 2080-2400 3120-3600

ACTIVE (30-60min) 1920-2160 1880-2560 3840-4320

MODERATE (1-1.5hr) 2280-2520 3040-3360 4560-5040

HIGH (1.5-2hr) 2640-2880 3520-3840 5280-5760

VERY HIGH (2-3hr) 3000-3600 4000-4800 6000-7200

Carbohydrates (CHO) Fuel Muscle

A muscle is like a sponge

Keep muscles full of fuel Carbohydrates reach muscles quickly Substrate used to form Glycogen Glycogen is the PRIMARY energy


The Effect of Diet on Physical Endurance

Maximumendurance time:

Normal mixed diet

57 minFat and protein diet

167 min

114 min

High-carbohydrate diet


THE CHALLENGE? Maintain CHO supply to muscles and slow

it’s depletion by using fat as fuel

Carbohydrates = FUEL

Carbohydrate Needs: 30 minutes moderate exercise: 4-6 gm/kg

(1.8-2.7 gm/#) 1 hour intense training/day: 7gm/kg

(3gm/#) 1-2 hours intense training/day: 8-9 gm/kg

(3.5-4gm/#) 2-4 hours intense training/day 9-10gm/kg

(4-4.5 gm/#) Ultra endurance athlete: >12gm/kg

(5.5gm/#)150-lb student who does Aerobics classes:

300 gm/day

165 Pound Soccer Player:

675 gm/day

Sample Athlete

Male soccer player Training 2-3

hours/day 165 lbs = 75kg 9gm CHO/kg =

675 gm CHO

What does 675gm of CHO mean to an athlete?

2 large bagels 70g

2 cups cereal 90g

2 slices bread 30g

2 cups milk 25g

1 cup fruit yogurt 45g

2 cups pasta/sauce100g

1 cup beans 45g

2 pc fruit 50g1 cup fruit juice

30g2 starchy veggies

60g4 cups Sport Drink

60g20oz Soda



ProteinRole in Exercise? Muscle growth and repair Supplies 10% of fuel when glycogen stores are

low Supplies 5% of fuel when glycogen stores are

high Aids in repair/recovery following muscle damage

Individuals with Higher Protein Needs

New training program Energy Restriction

Diet or extreme expenditure Vegetarians Disease Injury rehab Young or old athletes

These aren’t thepeople typically

using proteinsupplements!

Protein for Tissue and Muscle Building and Repair

Some research supports up to 2 gm/day Protein intake and timing of protein intake are both

important for increasing lean muscle mass Eating protein several times a day may enhance

availability of amino acids during workout Going into strength workouts well nourished may

enhance strength gains and decrease protein losses Refueling immediately after workouts with a

carbohydrate/protein mix is essential for strength gains

Protein Needs: 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg (0.5 – 0.8g/#)

Vegetarian Athletes

Vegetarian athletes (like others) must learn to complement proteins

Vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and zinc

Eating enough calories can be difficult Vegetarian diets are in bulk & in


Nutrition MISTAKEThinking that….

All vegetarian athletes are healthy eaters Some vegetarian athletes suffer less

heart disease, cancers, high BP, and DM – but studies show it is more likely to be from a generally healthier lifestyle

Vegetarian diets can be unhealthy if meat and other animal products are not substituted by nutritionally appropriate foods

Vegetarian athletes need to pay particular attention to iron intake because iron from plant sources is more difficult for the body to absorb!

2,500 kcal Vegetarian Meal Plan

Breakfast: 1 cup iron-fortified cereal (5mg) 1 cup skim milk or soy milk 12oz Orange Juice (vitamin C)

Lunch: Spinach Salad w ¼ c sunflower seeds & Drg

(7mg) Veggie Burger w cheese on bun (3mg) 1 fruit yogurt (vit C)

Snack 2 oatmeal raisin cookies (3mg)

Dinner Tofu/Broccoli stir fry or 2 slices cheese pizza

(6mg) 1 cup rice (1mg) 1 cup ice cream

Iron from plant


Contains 25 mg


Vitamins & Minerals Which Are Most Important?

Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin

Sodium & electrolytes

Antioxidants – A,C,E Blood-building

nutrients (folic acid, B12, iron)


Nutrition MISTAKE

Thinking that…. Vitamins and minerals give athletes extra

energy they need to compete

Act as co-factors to unlock the chemical energy stored in food

Meals rich in grains, vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy give athletes energy

Multi vitamin/mineral supplement may be necessary for some as an “insurance policy”

Iron & Calcium

Both: Increased small losses in athletes in sweat &


Calcium: Increased risk of stress fractures (stress fractures account for 15% of all running

injuries*) Decreased bone-mineral content & density

Most girls age 12-19 consume ~790mg/day

50% of adult women consume < 700mg

*(Exercise Sport Science Review, 2006)

Popular Vitamins for Athletes

“Mega Men” 20 vitamins & Minerals listed 11 in amounts > 100% US RDA 3 in amounts > 1000% US RDA 18 other substances

Some interact with corticosteroids, anti-coagulants, & antiplatelet agents

Vitamins for Athletes Look for no more than

100% USRDA of any one vitamin or mineral

Take only one each day



Components of Muscle

75% Water


5% other

Fluids & Hydration

Males - 60% body wt.Females - 50% body wt.

Cardiovascular function Thermoregulation Injury prevention Performance Recovery

Sweat losses during 2 hours of exercise can = 2 liters or


Physiological Effects of Dehydration

sweat rate blood volume & heart rate

core body heat

cardiovascular function -less O2 and nutrient-rich blood to muscles -more reliance on anaerobic system

Slower removal of wastes cramping, fatigue

Impaired Performance!

Muscle strength Speed Stamina Energy Cognitive


Risk of Injury 95% of muscle cramps are due to dehydration!

Sweat Loss and Fatigue Sweat loss in athletes 1-12 quarts/day!

Sweat Rate Equation:

2 hour workout….. Pre weight 180.0# Post weight 178#

Fluid Intake: 32oz of water and sports drink

140-138=32 ounces of fluid lost + 32 ounces consumed = 64 ounces of sweat loss per 2 hours or 32 ounces loss per hour!

This is an example to drink at least 8 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes or double current intake

When Should You Drink?


2 hr before exercise 2-3+ cups

15 minutes before 1-2+ cups

Every 15 minutes DURING 1-1.5 cups

After Activity 2-3 cups for every lb


*ACSM Position Paper, 2006

What you already know…

Don’t rely on thirst Already 1-2% dehydrated

Drink before, during & after 2 hrs before 14-24 oz 20-36 oz/hr or 5-12 oz every 15 mins. drink ~150% or 24oz / # lost

Water is fine for <1 hr; sport drinks > 1 hr 4-8% carb, 0.5-0.7 g Na+/L pop, fruit juices or fruit drinks >10% may


DehydrationPlanned rehydration is necessary

typically only 1/3 to 2/3 of the volume lost is replaced voluntarily

Hockey player ave. loss of 3-5% 1 # weight loss = 16 oz. of fluid

160 # player loses 5% ~ 8 # 8 # requires 128 oz of fluid to equal

loss ~6 20 oz sport bottles = 128oz [3.8L] actually recommend 150% ~ 10 20oz-sport bottles [5.9 L]

Nutrition MISTAKE

Thinking that…. Sports drinks are only needed for

exercise lasting more than an hour Not always true if the activity is intense

& occurs in hot, humid conditions Sports drinks actually drive thirst Very easy way to improve performance,

fight dehydration, and decrease recovery time

Sport Drinks – per 8 oz serving

All Sport HFCS 20g 8% 80 mg Na+

Power Ade HFCS 19g 8% 55

Gatorade sucrose/ 15g 6% 110glucose

PR*Solution fructose 30g 12.5% 50

maltodextrins/ Succeed Ultra sucrose/ 14g 6% trace

maltodextrins Red Bull sucrose/ 28g 12% 215

glucose Coke HFCS 27g 11% 35 Orange juice fructose/ 29 12% trace


Energy Drinks?

Different from Sports Drinks Contain caffeine, other stimulants,

sugar, herbs and vitamins Safety concerns for athletes! Use nutrition, hydration, and lifestyle

changes to improve energy level

WHAT ABOUT…. 300mg caffeine!

Caffeine Facts


Fluid/electrolyte disorder that occurs when Na level in blood is below normal (<136 mEq/L)

Headache, malaise, confusion, swollen hands and feet, wheezy breathing

Can lead to seizures, coma, death in severe cases

Potential causes include: Excessive sweating, excessive Na losses in sweat, over drinking up to or during event, replacing sweat losses with only H2O, Intentional Urine Dilution (before drug testing)

Hyponatremia and Women

Women MAY be more susceptible than men although the data is inconclusive

Females are more diligent drinkers Female athletes are more likely to

heed advice (exceed?) from coaches, experts

One theory: Estrogen inhibits an enzyme responsible for helping the brain shed excess H2O

2007 Chicago Marathon Exceptionally hot

and humid day for October (88 degrees, 86% humidity at 10 am)

Race was stopped at 3 ½ hour mark

250+ racers hospitalized for heat related ailments

Water stations ran out of water early

Very limited sports drinks

Pre-Exercise Fuel

Pre-exercise fuel should:

Provide energy to working muscles Maximize blood sugar and glycogen

stores Provide a psychological edge Minimize hunger during play Maximize hydration Be individualized

Pre-Exercise Fuel

Meals should be 2/3 normal size Meals: 3-4 hours before competition Snacks: 1-2 hours before competition The closer they are to competition,

rely more on liquids and small snacks

CHO AMOUNT RECOMMENDED 1 hour before 0.5 gm CHO/# 2 hours before 0.5-1.0gm CHO/# 3-4 hours before 1.0-1.5gm CHO/#

Carbohydrate guidelines

Pre-event 1-2 g/kg 1-2 hrs prior or 4- 5 g/kg 3-4 hrs prior

During 1 g/min later in exercise or 40-65 g/hr or .5-1.0 g/kg/hr Sport drink

After .75-1.6 g/kg/hr

Timing of protein & carbohydrate

To enhance protein synthesis in muscle and replace glycogen stores…

Don’t exercise in fasted state Eat immediately after exercise [window

of opportunity] ~ 6-8 g protein + 1-1.5g CHO/kg BW

within 30 minutes [1 oz meat, 1 c milk, 1 Power Bar, OR 1/2c mac & cheese + ~ 50 carb]6-10g CHO/kg BW per 24 hours

Recovery Defined: Helping athletes

bounce back for future exercise bouts Considerations

Intensity of exercise When will athlete exercise


Nutrition Recovery Goals:

Glycogen restoration Fluid & electrolyte

replacement Muscle repair and


Refueling after Exercise

VERY Important for Athletes For those in multiple events in one day For those training daily

“Window” for Refueling First 30 minutes after exercise is critical Glycogen repletion occurs faster after

exercise Increased blood flow to the muscle Enzymes that produce glycogen are most


Refueling after Exercise

Facts: Muscles replace

glycogen @ 5% /hour 20-24 hrs post exercise

to maximally replenish glycogen stores

How? 0.5 g / kg CHO

immediately after activity

0.5 g / kg CHO in next 90 min.


Nutrition MISTAKE

Thinking that…. Sports shakes, bars, and drinks can

replace a balanced diet Sports foods can provide an effective,

convenient method for the athlete to boost his/her nutrient needs during training and competition.

Missing key nutrients including phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber.

Bigger and Stronger

1950 1975 2000

Average HeightOf pro BB player 6’3” 6’5”


Average weightOf pro FB player 209#

225# 244#Source: ESPN

In the recent media….

Over 50% of the 2100+ active NFL players were “obese” with a BMI over 30 (2004)

JAMA 2005 No body comp, data taken from websites

40% of top high school football recruits weighed in >300 pounds

Scripps Howard News Service 2006

Yet, What do we do for the BIG

Guys? EDUCATE them about increased risk

for heat illness, asthma, future obesity, cardiac death

Emphasize gain LBM Assess body composition,

performance parameters, injuries Teach that bigger is not necessarily

better (OK if genentics support) Make health a priority or at least on

the radar

First Things First…

Must eat breakfast everyday

Eat every 3-4 hours to keep blood sugar level

Stay hydrated through day

If we could give every individual the right

amount of nourishment and exercise, not too

little and not too much, we would have found the

safest way to health."

Hippocrates c. 460 - 377 BC