perins parents · 2018. 12. 14. · >>>1 december 2018 perins parents friday 14th december 2018...

>>>1 December 2018 Perins Parents Friday 14 th December 2018 Christmas concert The Perins School annual Christmas concert is on 20 th December at 6pm in St Johns Church, Alresford. The event is always a lovely round off to the year with a fantasc showcase of talent, led by the Music department. Aendance is free for all – we hope to see you there! Welcome to our new staff…….. This week we are welcoming our new English teacher Myra Kilpatrick. I was born in Scotland and studied French, German and Greek Civilisaon at Glasgow University. Inially, I worked in Southern Germany, Luxembourg and Sweden before returning to the UK to take up a teaching post in Coventry. In 1990, I moved with my family to Hampshire where I worked as Head of Modern Foreign Languages in Basingstoke. The lure of A Level teaching took me to All Hallows Catholic school in Farnham where I took up a similar but more extensive role in 2004. I have been teaching English over the course of the last 4 years, thoroughly enjoying this new challenge. It is a real pleasure to work with the English Department staff members at Perins School, and I have already benefied much from their experse. Last Day of Autumn Term Plans are in place for a 12:00 midday finish on Friday 21 st December. Arrangements have been made with contract bus companies to collect early, ready for a 12:10 departure. Students who take the number 67 public bus will be allowed to leave school slightly earlier. Those who travel in the Winchester direcon will be able to catch the 11:14 service and those travelling towards Petersfield will be able to catch the 11:29. Students are welcome to wait in E7 where they can be supervised if they are unable to leave at 12:00.

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  • >>>1 December 2018

    Perins Parents

    Friday 14th December 2018

    Christmas concert

    The Perins School annual Christmas concert is on 20th December at 6pm in St John’s Church, Alresford. The event is always a lovely round off to the year with a fantastic showcase of talent, led by the Music department. Attendance is free for all – we hope to see you there!

    Welcome to our new staff……..

    This week we are welcoming our new English

    teacher Myra Kilpatrick.

    I was born in Scotland and studied French,

    German and Greek Civilisation at Glasgow

    University. Initially, I worked in Southern

    Germany, Luxembourg and Sweden before

    returning to the UK to take up a teaching post in


    In 1990, I moved with my family to Hampshire

    where I worked as Head of Modern Foreign

    Languages in Basingstoke.

    The lure of A Level teaching took me to All Hallows

    Catholic school in Farnham where I took up a

    similar but more extensive role in 2004.

    I have been teaching English over the course of

    the last 4 years, thoroughly enjoying this new


    It is a real pleasure to work with the English

    Department staff members at Perins School, and I

    have already benefitted much from their


    Last Day of Autumn Term

    Plans are in place for a 12:00 midday finish on Friday 21st December. Arrangements have been made with contract bus companies to collect early, ready for a 12:10 departure.

    Students who take the number 67 public bus will be allowed to leave school slightly earlier. Those who travel in the Winchester direction will be able to catch the 11:14 service and those travelling towards Petersfield will be able to catch the 11:29.

    Students are welcome to wait in E7 where they can be supervised if they are unable to leave at 12:00.

  • >>>2 December 2018

    Pen Recycling

    Perins School has become a drop off centre for a pen recycling scheme. Boxes are located in reception and tutor groups for contributions of any used pens, felt tips, highlighters, marker pens, whiteboard pens, correction fluid pots, correction tape, mechanical pencils and eraser pens. Wooden pencils, chalk, glue sticks, erasers

    and rulers are not accepted. As well as helping the environment, Perins will receive a small amount per item recycled.

    Wireless Speakers

    Please be advised that wireless speakers are not permitted at school. If you know that your child may bring one to school, please would you advise them that they must stay at home.

    As we approach the end of the Autumn term, there is an understandable change in students’ energy levels and behavioural patterns. This often means that students pay a little less attention to our school uniform rules and expectations.

    We feel that the Perins School uniform positively impacts our students by breaking down barriers in learning and social interaction, and creating a unified school experience. Our staff are increasingly vigilant in maintaining our uniform standards and continue to challenge students who we see not meeting the uniform requirements.

    With Christmas approaching, would we like to take this opportunity to remind parents about the School’s jewellery and piercing policy. Students are permitted to only wear one stud in each ear lobe and nowhere else in the ear, unless for medical reasons. No other jewellery is permitted.

    Full details of the requirements are available on our website here and we thank all parents for your continued support in maintaining standards.

    Uniform Message

    We need your help! If you shop online, please

    would you sign up to easyfundraising to support

    Friends of Perins Association (our PTA).

    It’s a really easy way to raise money for Perins

    School – you just use the easyfundraising site to

    shop online with more than 3,300 well known

    online stores.

    Want to get involved with Friends of Perins? Email

    [email protected] . Or contact Caroline

    Cleaver at Perins on 01962 737232. Thank you!

    Flute Tuition Vacancies

    We are delighted to announce that we have a small number of spaces for students to take up flute lessons with Perins School in the new year! If you are interested in finding out more about this exciting opportunity please email finance

    Second Hand Perins Uniform for Sale

    We have a selection of second hand uniform for

    sale and have set up an online shop through

    Jumblebee. All profits will go to Friends of Perins

    and to help support our school. You can see what

    is available here.

    We will be adding new items as we receive them,

    so please have a look whenever you need to buy

    uniform. Items ordered through the Friends of

    Perins shop can be collected and paid for at the

    School Office. Please try items on before paying as

    we will be unable to process refunds.

    If you are looking for something specific and can’t

    see it in the shop, please email. We would be

    grateful for any donations of current Perins

    uniform that you no longer need. They can be

    donated via the School Office. Thank you for your

    support.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]

  • >>>3 December 2018

    Year 11

    Year 11 Revision Support continues and a

    timetable is available here

    Year 10 Year 10 Literature set exam texts – 19th Century

    During GCSE Literature exams, students are no

    longer permitted to use an ‘open text’. In

    preparation for the exam, it is useful for students to

    annotate a copy of the exam text.

    All Year 10 students will be studying ‘The Strange

    Case of Jekyll and Hyde’ - if you would like to

    purchase a copy of the recommended edition of this

    text please see here for further information. Please

    place orders by 21st December.

    The History department’s Parent Help sheet is still

    available here.

    Please email us if this is something you’d like to see

    from other subjects. [email protected]

    Lost Property

    There are still several unnamed PE kits in lost property. Please note that lost property is cleared out once a term and unnamed uniform will be given to Friends of Perins.

    Thursday 20th December Tracking reports sent home

    Thursday 20th December Christmas Concert

    Friday 21st December Last Day of Autumn Term

    Monday 7th January First Day of Spring Term

    You can find a full parent calendar on our website

    Calendar Dates

    We are looking for some passionate parent musicians to perform Bernstein’s phenomenal score in Perins Youth Theatre’s production of West Side Story. We have a huge orchestra pit to fill!

    If you are an accomplished orchestral player who would relish the challenge of a fiendish orchestral score (or know anyone who might be interested), please email Miss Cotton for more details. We are looking for all orchestral instruments, but have a particular need for brass and strings. We do not currently need a percussionist – we have that one covered!

    Please note you must be available to perform in the evening performances of 16th – 20th July 2019, and undertake our DBS checks.

    Calling all Musicians!

    Next week is Week 1 for the menu - available here

    Current Vacancies

    Careers Adviser

    Nursery Practitioner

    Gym Manager

    Optional PE Kit Ordering – the next opportunity to order optional PE kit opens on 6th December via SCOPay. The orders close at the end of the Autumn term and deliveries are due at the end of January 2019.

    All Sports Clubs (lunchtime and after school clubs) will not be running during the last week of the Autumn term.

    All Sports Clubs will resume on Monday 7th January 2019, with the exception of trampolining and rowing, which will commence the following week.[email protected]://[email protected]://

  • >>>4 December 2018

    Sports News


    Congratulations to Josh W (Year 9) and Kieran C (Year 10), who have been selected for the Hampshire Central Regional Performance Centre.

    Rachel K, Heather C and Lottie H in Year 10 have recently been selected as members of the Hampshire County Cricket Girls U15 winter training squad.

    The East Hampshire Volunteer awards recently took place, and Lottie H was recognised for her volunteering within cricket, being awarded Young Person of the Year. Lottie is a junior coach with Central District U11 squad, Ropley girls junior section, supports Help for Heroes cricket training as well as umpiring/scoring across Hampshire County Cricket girls festivals.

    The KP Cup

    Perins won a closely fought KP Cup (Kings v Perins), which took place on an unusually warm December morning last Saturday.

    Wins for the Y7 Boys, Y8 Boys, Y9 Boys, U15 Girls and U16 Girls were enough to edge us ahead of Kings.

    Well done all teams for producing some exciting rugby. Thank you to everyone who helped to create the special atmosphere – cake makers, The Alresford Sandwich Shop (refreshments), referees, supporting staff, supporting pupils and Alresford RFC – your support was greatly appreciated.

    Indoor Rowing

    Florence N (Year 9) and Abi N (Year 10) competed in the British Rowing Indoor Championships last Saturday. Florence came joint 16th overall in her 500m sprint and 25th overall in her Year 9 four minute race. Abi came 25th overall in the Year 10 five minute race, beating her PB by 42m.

    Abi also finished 11th overall in the 500m sprint. Olympic and Paralympic GB rowers competed at the event. Watching them was hugely inspiring for the girls.

    Alumni News

    2018 Leaver George Wickens has settled into life as a premier league footballer. One term into being a part of the Fulham First Team Squad, he has already played for the Premier League 2 (U23) team, including an appearance against Oxford Utd in the Checkatrade Trophy.

    George has also been first choice goalkeeper for

    the U18 team this season. George’s official profile

    can be seen here:


    2016 Leaver James Tillotson is training full time with the GB Rowing World Class Start programme. He is based at Reading Rowing Club, training six days per week.

    2009 Leaver Joash Clarkson, a Sub Lieutenant Navy Officer (engineer), played rugby for his ship against the Chilean Navy in Chile last week.