period vi: 1865-1898 part 4: urbanization€¦ · the lure of the city • immigraon •...

Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization

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Page 1: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more


Page 2: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

TheLureoftheCity•  Immigra'on• Conveniences,entertainments,culturalexperiences• Privatesocialspace• Offeredmoreandbe;erpayingjobs• Newformsoftransporta'on

Page 3: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

Migrations•  Youngruralwomen•  Southernblacks–beginningsofTheGreatMigra'on•  Newimmigrants–largestsourceofmigra'onintotheci'es

Page 4: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

TheEthnicCity• Unprecedenteddiversity•  Formedclose-knitethniccommuni'es•  Re-createOldWorldintheNewWorld•  Easedpainofsepara'on

Page 5: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

AssimilationandExclusion•  “Americaniza'on”•  Especiallyprevalentamongsecond-genera'onimmigrants•  Supportedbypublicschools,na've-bornAmericans

•  Na'vism•  AmericanProtec'veAssocia'on•  Immigra'onRestric'onLeague

•  Limita'onsofimmigra'on:•  ChineseExclusionActof1882•  morerigorousmedicalexamina'onsandoppressivetaxes•  restric'onson“undesirables”–paupers,criminals,convicts,mentallyill

Page 6: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more
Page 7: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more
Page 8: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

UrbanLandscape•  Publicspace•  i.e.CentralPark,NYC–OlmsteadandVaux•  Buildings

•  Housing•  Well-to-do:mansions,suburbs•  Workersandpoor:rented,smallspace,“tenements”

•  JacobRiis:HowtheOtherHalfLives

Page 9: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more
Page 10: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more
Page 11: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

UrbanLandscape•  UrbanTransporta'on•  Streetcars,elevatedrailways,cablecars,electrictrolleys,subways

•  The“Skyscraper”•  Buildinginnova'ons,elevatorsmadepossible•  Steelgirderconstruc'on

Page 12: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more
Page 13: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

StrainsofUrbanLife•  FireandDisease•  Developmentofprofessionalfiredepartments

•  EnvironmentalDegrada'on•  Pollu'on–airandwater•  Newsewageanddrainagesystems•  1912–crea'onofPublicHealthService

Page 14: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

StrainsofUrbanLife•  UrbanPoverty•  TheSalva'onArmy–1879•  “streetarabs”–poorchildren

•  CrimeandViolence•  Resultofpovertyandcrowding•  Larger,moreprofessionalpoliceforces

Page 15: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

TheMachineandtheBoss•  Poli'cal“bosses”–winvotesforhisorganiza'on•  Employedtac'cstowinloyaltyofcons'tuents•  Rewardedfollowerswithpatronage

•  Infamousforgraaandcorrup'on•  WilliamH.“Boss”Tweed–TammanyHall

Page 16: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

ReasonsForBossRule•  Powerofimmigrantvoters•  Linkbetweenpoli'calorganiza'onsandthewealthy•  Structuralweaknessofcitygovernments

Page 17: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

TheRiseofMassConsumption•  Middleclassculture–risingincomes•  Newmerchandisingtechniques•  Ready-madeclothing–fashion•  Cannedfoods

•  Chainstoresandmail-ordercatalogs•  “FiveandTenCentStores”•  WardandSearscatalogs

Page 18: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

TheRiseofMassConsumption•  Departmentstores•  Macy’s,AbrahamandStraus•  Arrayofproductsunderoneroof

•  Womenasconsumers•  Primaryconsumers•  TheNa'onalConsumerLeague

Page 19: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

LeisureintheConsumerSociety•  Newconcep'onsofleisure•  Newrecogni'onofvalue•  Publicleisure–“goingout”

•  Spectatorsports•  Baseballbecomes“na'onalpas'me”-MLB•  Football–college•  Basketball•  Boxing•  Horseracing•  Closelyassociatedwithgambling

Page 20: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

LeisureandtheConsumerSociety•  MusicandTheater•  Ethnictheater•  Vaudeville

•  TheMovies(early1900s)•  TheBirthofaNa4on(1915)–celebra'onoftheKKK

Page 21: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

LeisureandtheConsumerSociety•  Working-classleisure•  Streetlife•  Importanceofthesaloon

•  TheFourthofJuly•  Oneoffewfulldaysofleisure

•  Privatepursuits•  DimeNovels•  Music–instrumentplaying

•  Masscommunica'ons•  Dailynewspapers•  WilliamRandolphHearst,JosephPulitzer(NewYorkWorld)

Page 22: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

HighCultureintheAgeoftheCity•  “Elite”culture•  SocialRealism•  StephenCrane–Maggie:aGirlintheStreets•  TheodoreDreiser–SisterCarrie•  UptonSinclair–TheJungle

• Readingclubs

Page 23: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

HighCultureintheAgeoftheCity•  Art•  AshcanSchool–portrayeddrearinessofurbanlife

•  becamemreprominentinthe1900s•  EdwardHopper,GeorgeBellows•  Beginningsofmodernismmovement

Page 24: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

TheImpactofDarwinism•  OntheOriginofSpecies-1859•  “NaturalSelec'on”•  Metwidespreadresistancebymany•  Becamemoreacceptedbyurbanprofessionalandeducatedclasses•  Schismbetweenurbanandruralsociety

Page 25: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more

Education•  Highdemandforeduca'on•  Spreadoffreepublicprimaryandsecondaryschooling•  Indianschools–“killtheIndian,savetheman”

•  Collegesanduniversi'es–MorrillLandGrant-1890•  Women’sColleges

Page 26: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more
Page 27: Period VI: 1865-1898 Part 4: Urbanization€¦ · The Lure of the City • Immigraon • Conveniences, entertainments, cultural experiences • Private social space • Offered more