periodico final

1 THE APPROVAL OF LOMCE THE VISIT OF EDUCATION MINISTER SCHOOL NEWS AND EDUCATION The endorsement of LOMCE has caused a big commotion since it was official. From school we do not think that this law is for the improvement of educative quality Parents have already shown complaint with manifestations, educative strikes… Because with the “cheque- libro”, parents had an important saving each September but with this law now is necessary to buy new books in addition the material that each year is require. We think that this new law has not benefits to families. The government should make the educative process easier now that the education is one of bases of any country. because profits to the society and education are non-existent. This law was approved by Partido Popular against all parties that they did not this law. Yesterday, 22 November was produced the awaited visit of education minister to our school. There was a group that tell off for the reduction in education but they were rapidly stopped by the police. During the visit, the minister walked through the common rooms, any classroom, meeting room and the sports instalations. Also he saw a piece of a classrooms in real time. “I’m surprised” he said. In following press conference, he answered to many questions. When he was asked for the leaks found in many classes, he said “ I will put in charge about this topic personally in days. This school deserve the best.”

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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The endorsement of LOMCE has caused

a big commotion since it was official.

From school we do not think that this

law is for the improvement of educative

quality Parents have already shown

complaint with manifestations, educative

strikes… Because with the “cheque-

libro”, parents had an important saving

each September but with this law now is

necessary to buy new books in addition

the material that each year is require.

We think that this new law has not

benefits to families. The government

should make the educative process easier

now that the education is one of bases of

any country. because profits to the

society and education are non-existent.

This law was approved by Partido

Popular against all parties that they did

not this law.

Yesterday, 22 November was produced

the awaited visit of education minister to

our school. There was a group that tell off

for the reduction in education but they

were rapidly stopped by the police.

During the visit, the minister walked

through the common rooms, any

classroom, meeting room and the sports


Also he saw a piece of a classrooms in real

time. “I’m surprised” he said. In

following press conference, he answered

to many questions.

When he was asked for the leaks found in

many classes, he said “ I will put in

charge about this topic personally in days.

This school deserve the best.”

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From 20-November to 25-Novemeber,

fill out the form, sign up free to live an

ecological experience with us.

In our center, it is very important for us

to transmit our student’s important

values. It is why we have decided to

organize this workshop.

We are going to learn many different

resources that are going to help us to

raise awareness and adopt

environmental friendly habits.

Click here to access the questionnaire





Fill in your details to participate in

these school days (Paper-version):


Name and Surnames:


Age: ______


What do you know about the Rule


It is based on the three previous

concepts: reduce, recycle and reuse.

Reduce the amount of waste generated,

the paper used, consumed water…

Recycle all possible materials, from

paper to garbage through toys.

Reuse all household objects giving

them a new use. The TV box can be a

perfect trunk to store toys; with an old

shirt to make a puppet.

Telephone contact: __________________

E-mail: ____________________________


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This workshop taught by APA is aimed

to help parents to be more confident in

using computers at home, when used

by parents or children, especially when

the children do not know the risks of of

it, especially in Internet . ( See also

paragraph children 's Internet and tools

to monitor our children on the Internet

and web browsers for the kids).

The main idea is that our children may

not know more than us regarding

computer use (mainly using Internet)

As this is an uphill battle to overcome (

for obvious reasons of generational

change , you can devote time to this

subject, etc ..) , there are some basic

rules , tips , programs,

recommendations , etc .. that allow

parents we well control computer

usage that make our children, without

deep knowledge of computers, and at

least until they reach a reasonable age

at which they are sufficiently aware of

the risks go online .


workshop for



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-Masculine and Feminine football

league: Each grade will play with their

same grade, you will have to make

your teams with your class mates and

then you will play against your same

grade. All players will be given medals

at the end of the league, first, second,

and third teams will get medal cups.

-How to participate: You will make a

list of all the players in your team and

then hand it to your sports teacher

- VIP participants: So that the parents

can participate in this activity, mums

and dads can make their teams and one

Saturday of the month they can play.

-Take place: The matches or games will

take place in the playground; there will

be one match a day (depending on the


Photos: last year’s winners



Volleyball will have the same

conditions as football.

Photos: last year’s winners


Extra sports: provided from the

school Center this year will be a trip to

Sierra Nevada (parents came come as

well) to ski or snowboard, it will take

place on the first Saturday of

December, you will be provided with

information more to the time.

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A special Christmas

This Christmas the children will enjoy

an activity organized by the school, in

which they will have to make a gift to

the partner they want.

First, parents and teachers will decide

who will be santa, then a list will be

made with the names of students and

their gifts and finally on the 15th of

December, santa surprise the students

in class, and give them their gifts.

School wants that parents form part of

this activity to improve its integrity

within the school and so they can offer

assistance while the children enjoy.

Moreover, this activity aims to surprise

children at the same time that they have

to interact more with their friends and

know their preferences.

Ecological garden

This proyect is focus on improve

student's knowledge about


The project consist on that students

have to plant (tomatoes, lettuce,

potatoes …) with the help of teachers.

The project will take place over 5

weeks, students will have to cultivate

the seeds, water them, i.e, have

responsibility for the garden.

Parents also can go to school and offer

help, or just see what made their


Finally, when they get the products,

these products will be distributed

among the students so they can teach

them from the rest of the school's

students and encourage them to do the



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Grandparents and children. This proyect consist on that students

have to visit a residence of old people along with their tutor.

The project will be carried out for a

month, every friday children have to go

and do activities with them, play to

games like domino, parcheesi, puzzles,

and tell stories and jokes.

The objective of this project is that

children interact and meet people from

other generations,share ideas with

more people,learn to play in groups

and make other people happy.

Finally, children must summarize what

most liked about the experience and

what they have learned.

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If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color

blood does a blue bug bleed?

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if

you wish the wish of a witch, I won't wish the

wish you wish to wish.

Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch

switches. Which switched witch watches which

Swatch watch switch?

If you understand, say "understand". If you don't understand, say "don't understand". But if you understand and say "don't


How do I understand that you understand?

JOKE Coffee and a Fly

A customer ordered a cup of coffee in a restaurant!

The waiter served the coffee. The customer found a

fly in the coffee. He called the waiter.

Customer: How do I drink this coffee!

Waiter: Don’t you know how to drink a coffee?

Customer: Waiter, see, there is a fly in my coffee.

Waiter: Oh yes sir, you are right! There is a fly in

your coffee.

Customer: Waiter, I said, there is a fly in MMY

coffee (He stressed the word MY)

Waiter: Oh don’t worry sir, the fly won’t drink


Customer: Waiter, it is swimming in my coffee.

Waiter: Sir, do you want me to get a lifeguard for

the fly sir?

(Annoyed) Customer: the fly dead, it’s irritating!

Waiter: I guess, it doesn’t know how to swim


Customer: How do I drink this coffee?

Waiter: Don’t you know how to drink? I will teach


He drank the coffee! And said, this is how you should

drink a coffee.

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[email protected]





Antonio Lozano Sánchez

Liam John Graves

Guillermo Cuevas Arroyo

Amanda Heredia Pérez

Isabel Madueño de la Cruz