perkembangan isu mitigasi dalam negosiasi - · pdf fileperkembangan isu mitigasi dalam...

Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI) Jakarta, 30 Oktober 2012

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Page 1: Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi - · PDF filePerkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI)

Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi

Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi

Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI)

Jakarta, 30 Oktober 2012

Page 2: Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi - · PDF filePerkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI)

Tantangan 1: Menerawang Kompleksitas dalam membangun Kerangka Institusi yang “robust” dengan “roadmap” yang jelas

• Bagaimana aspek politik dan teknis ditempatkan dalam suatu kerangka kelembagaan sehingga transisi kelembagaan menuju suatu rezim dapat disepakati.

• DOHA: – Kyoto Protocol: 2nd Commitment Period, 5 atau 8 tahun, 14% dari total emisi,

“rule based”, “top-down”

– LCA: “bottom-up”, “diversity” of NAMAs, fleksibel, tamat di 2012.

– ADP: ambisi mitigasi di 2020 dan post 2020

• “Top-down” versus “Bottom-up”: adequacy, comparability of efforts, effectiveness, efficiency

• Mean of Implementation yang didorong diperluas: Market dan non-Market; UNFCCC dan non-UNFCCC

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Tantangan 2: “Level of Ambition” dan kerangka waktu

• Institusionalisasi hasil perundingan global ke tingkat nasional dan sub-nasional karena terbatasnya waktu nasional (2012-2014), internasional (2012-2015) – Pengelolaan “knowledge management” secara sistematik

– “Proof of Concept” di berbagai sektor

– strategic policy measuresdan peningkatan kapasitas dalam merespon berbagai dinamika kelembagaan

– Skema keterlibatan (Stakeholder engagement)

• Level of Ambition: “Proof of Concept” -> “leadership by examples”-> “scaling-up”

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B35SB36 COP18/SB37 SB38


B39SB40 COP20/SB41 SB42


B43SB44 COP22/SB45 SB46 COP23/SB45





Domestic MRV




Prepare BUR

and NC

Response to





2015 2016 20172011 2012 2013 2014



MRV agency



1st BUR

(by 2014/Dec)

2nd BUR

as a part of NC

(by 2016/Dec)

Funding for the

preparation of BUR?

1st round of ICA Revised

ICA MP?2nd round of ICA

Submission of views on the

composition, modalities and

procedures of the team of technical

experts (by 5 March 2012)

Develop a prototype

by secretariat

FinalizeStart operation

Establish MRV agency Develop the BUR

preparation plan

Define and allocate

specific roles and

responsibilities between

government agencies

Collect the related information

from ministries

Submit to


Submit to


Establish data flow and

system from other


Develop general GL for domestic

MRV of domestically supported


Design and develop

domestic MRV system

in accordance with

general MRV GL

Improve the national

system based on the

experiences of the 1st BUR


Compilation and finalize 1st


Verify the data/information


Manage 1st BUR preparation


Collect the related information

from ministries

Compilation and finalize

2nd BUR in 3rd NC

Verify the data/information


Manage 2nd BUR in 3rd NC

preparation process

Improve the BUR

preparation plan

Improve the national

system based on the

experiences of the 2nd BUR


Improve the BUR

preparation plan

Develop GHG inventory

preparation plan

Choose method and data

Collect activity data and emission factors

Estimate GHG emissions/removalsSubmit to the MRV

agency the draft GHG


Prepare GHG inventory including NIR

Prepare the draft GHG

inventory section of

1st BUR

1st BUR 2nd BUR

/3rd NC

draft GHG



GHG inv

Submit to the MRV

agency the draft

GHG inventory

Prepare the draft

GHG inventory

section of 2nd BUR

Choose method and data

Collect activity data and

emission factors

Estimate GHG


Prepare GHG inventory

including NIR

Improve GHG




Check the summary report

by technical expert team

Participate in the facilitative

exchange of views in SBI

Check the summary report

by technical expert team

Participate in the facilitative

exchange of views in SBI

Improve GHG






and data


Contoh: BUR, ICA, GHG Inventory


Page 5: Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi - · PDF filePerkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI)


Page 6: Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi - · PDF filePerkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI)

Shared Vision • Bagi Indonesia, SV merupakan suatu integrated approach dalam mendefinisikan bukan hanya tujuan

global penurunan emisi GRK (mitigasi), namun juga menerjemahkan pentingnya keempat building blocks lainnya, yaitu adaptasi, alih dan pengembangan teknologi, capacity building dan pendanaan secara berimbang dan komprehensif.

• SV juga diharapkan dapat merefleksikan tanggung jawab seluruh pihak dengan tingkat kewajiban yang

berbeda dalam mengatasi perubahan iklim sesuai dengan prinsip CBDR. Dalam kaitan ini, negara maju harus mengambil peran kepemimpinan dalam mitigasi dan negara berkembang akan melakukan aksi sejenis secara sukarela sesuai dengan kemampuan.

• Indonesia juga berpandangan bahwa SV harus dapat menyepakati global goal dengan angka mitigasi jangka panjang sesuai dengan rekomendasi ilmiah dengan menetapkan tahun referensinya. Namun, Indonesia juga menekankan bahwa kurangnya data hasil penelitian (lack of science certainty) tidak boleh menjadi alasan tidak dilakukannya aksi (no action. Sejalan dengan submisi RI tahun 2009, Indonesia mengusulkan penurunan emisi global paling sedikit sebesar 50% dari tingkat emisi 1990 pada tahun 2050 dengan harapan kenaikan temperatur rata--‐rata dunia tidak melebihi 2oC dibanding dengan temperatur pada masa revolusi industri.

• Terkait dengan kerangka waktu pencapaian nilai puncak tingkat emisi GRK global (time frame for

peaking), Indonesia menekankan basis dari penentuan ini adalah agar kenaikan temperatur rata--‐rata global tidak melebihi 2oC terhadap sebelum periode industrialisasi.

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NAMAC Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions and Commitment

• Indonesia memandang perlunya peningkatan level of ambition negara maju pada jangka menengah (2013--‐2020) dan jangka panjang (2020--‐2050) baik target maupun komitmen. Hal ini digambarkan dalam suatu workplan untuk merespon adanya emission gap. Workplan yang dimaksud akan diintegrasikan ke dalam berbagai track negosiasi (AWGKP, AWGLCA dan ADP).

• Workplan ini harus sejalan dengan review yang akan dimulai pada tahun 2013 dan selesai pada 2015

yang diharapkan akan memanfaatkan informasi dari laporan IPCC terbaru (IPCC 5th Assessment Report, IPCC AR--‐5) sebagai salah satu sumber informasi penting dalam memberikan kejelasan dari ambition gap terhadap pencapaian tujuan utama berupa stabilisasi konsentrasi GRK global. Isi dari workplan harus menggambarkan: (i) peningkatan pledges penurunan emisi, (ii) common accounting framework untuk menjamin transparansi dan (iii) pengurangan untuk menutup kesenjangan yang ada. Indonesia menekankan pentingnya workplan diputuskan dalam COP18 di Doha.

• Indonesia meminta penerapan suatu mekanisme pemantauan, pelaporan dan verifikasi (monitoring, reporting and verification--‐MRV) yang konsisten dan dapat diperbandingkan di antara berbagai negara maju dengan tetap mempertimbangkan kondisi nasional masing‐masing.

• Indonesia meminta di tahun 2012 semua negara maju menyusun workplan mengenai Low Emision Development Strategies (LEDS), yang memberikan gambaran jangka panjang tentang aksi mitigasi yang akan dilakukan.

• Indonesia mengusulkan penyusunan technical paper yang menggambarkan keseluruhan target paska

2020 yang didasarkan pada basis ilmiah untuk menjadi dasar negosiasi ADP. Penyusunan technical paper dmulai pada tahun 2013.

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NAMAS Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions

• Indonesia menilai pentingnya negara berkembang untuk memberikan klarifikasi mengenai pledges penurunan emisi termasuk yang terkait dengan proyeksi referensi Business as Usual (BAU) serta memberikan klarifikasi mengenai NAMAs yang diajukan,meliputi: (i) NAMAs unilateral, (ii) NAMAs dengan bantuan internasional (internationalseeking support) maupun (iii) yang menghasilkan kredit pengurangan emisi yang dapatdiperdagangkan (creditable).

• Dalam hal Indonesia, Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (RAN-GRK) tidak sama dengan NAMAs. RAN--‐GRK merupakan potensi berbagai kegiatan mitigasi domestik, baik bersifat unilateral maupun dengan bantuan internasional, yang mungkin dapat lebih jauh dikembangkan menjadi NAMAs.

• Indonesia menilai bahwa negara berkembang perlu mengembangkan strategi pembangunan rendah karbon (low emission development strategies) sebagai dasar untuk mendorong perencanaan jangka panjang. Proses penyusunan strategi pembangunan rendah karbon tersebut menunjukan suatu upaya yang bersifat country driven process dan tergantung pada kapasitas serta dukungan yang diterima dari negara maju serta kondisi nasional di masing--‐masing negara berkembang.

• Indonesia berpandangan bahwa negara berkembang yang sudah siap untuk mengajukan NAMAs, dapat memberikan submisi sebelum COP18. Dengan demikian dapat diperoleh gambaran mengenai timeline,

baseline, expected emission reduction, expected cost dan indicative support yang akan dibutuhkan.

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Bahan Presentatsi pada 1st Autumn School on MRV, International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV,, Berlin, 15-23 November 2012

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Farhan Helmy Secretary of Mitigation Working Group

National Council on Climate Change -Indonesia (DNPI)

1st Autumn School, 15-23 October 2012

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INDONESIA NAMAs: Submission: Proposed NAMAs to be implemented in Indonesia, (FCCC/AWGLCA/2011/INF.1)

Indonesia is the first developing country in the world to voluntary reduce its GHG emissions up to 26 per cent by 2020.

The emission reduction would be achieved through, inter alia:

– Sustainable peat land management;

– A reduction in the rate of deforestation and land degradation;

– The development of carbon sequestration projects in forestry and agriculture;

– The promotion of energy efficiency;

– The development of alternative and renewable energy sources;

– A reduction in solid and liquid waste;

– Shifting to low-emission modes of transport.

To translate this commitment, Indonesia is now working on national emission reduction action plan, aimed at achieving the aforementioned emissions reduction, would be equipped with a measurable, reportable and verifiable system in order to ensure that each action receives the necessary level of funding

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NATIONAL ACTION PLAN. Indonesian emission is expected to increase from 1.72 to 2.95 GtCO2e (2000-2020). Proposed National Action Plan on GHG Emission Reduction(RAN-GRK) consist of 70 programs distributed among various sectors .


Emission Reduction Plan (Giga ton CO2e)


26% 15% (total 41%)

Forestry and Peat Waste Agriculture Industry Energy and Transportation











Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Environment Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment Ministry of Industry Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Energy and Mining, Ministry of Public Works

0.767 0.422

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Climate Change Policy Dynamics

• Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011 on Forest Moratorium.

Development of REDD+ schemes including Indicative Moratorium maps

• Presidential Decree No. 25/2011 on National Task Force for REDD+

REDD+agency and related institutional development (finance and MRV)

• Presidential Regulation No. 61/2011 on National Emission Reduction Plan (RAN-GRK)

Covering 70 programs for 26/41% emission reduction plan across five main sectors(agriculture, forestry and peat, energy and transportation, industry, waste and other supporting activities)

• Presidential Regulation No. 71/2011 on National GHG Inventory System

Regular information on th level, status and trend of GHG emission change and absorption, including national, and subnational carbon stock as well as GHG emision reduction

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Key Features of Envisaged MRV Agency

• The proposed MRV Agency should have the technical and

management capabilities to undertake planning and management of MRV processes, and overall QA/QC of the MRV components. It should coordinate and carry out its functions without conflict of interest.

• The proposed MRV Agency will coordinate the activities related to various MRV components, but will not actually perform the elements of MRV, especially taking measurements or estimating emissions. Rather, the Agency will function in an oversight capacity, streamlining and collating the various activities related to MRV.

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Metrics/MRV Update (as of October 2012)

• Indonesia Carbon Accounting System (INCAS, Ausaid) – Land/Use Cover Maps (1990-2011)

• MRV for REDD+ (LOI Indonesia-Norway)

• One Map initiative – One Reference, One Standard, One Database, One License

• MRV under proposed Bilateral Offset Mechanism (BCOM, Japan-Indonesia) – 32 feasibility studies

• MRV under CDM Programs

• Peatland and Peatland Mapping under Indonesia Climate Change Center (, Indonesia-US)

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4.2. Workflow of MRV components: A gap exists in the third party review of the MRV components.














Line Ministry A

Line Ministry B

Local Government X


Ministry of Home








Line Ministry A

Line Ministry B

Local Government X


? (QA)

Line Ministry A

Line Ministry BBAPPENAS,

Ministry of



Ministry of



Ministry of

Economic Affairs

? (QA)

? (QA)



Page 18: Perkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi - · PDF filePerkembangan Isu Mitigasi dalam Negosiasi Farhan Helmy Sekretaris Kelompok Kerja Mitigasi Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim (DNPI)

4.5. Gaps and needs: there is a need to designate or establish an agency/department to be responsible for oversight of the MRV

processes and overall QA/QC

• Mitigation actions

– human resources and

technical capacity.

• GHG inventory

– institutional issues

– human resources and

technical capacity

• Support

– Clear Agency responsible for

support is unclear

• Overall/Crosscutting

– planning and management of

the MRV components (the


– Overall QA/QC

An Agency should be clearly appointed to be responsible for compiling the support information for the BUR.

Existing Departments should strengthen the institutional capacity to manage the Mitigation actions/GHG inventory preparation


An Agency/department should be designated or established to be responsible for oversight of the MRV processes and overall QA (independent review)/QC (internal check)


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Proposed Feasible Options

MRV-Agency (MRV oversight Agency)


National focal point

MRV-Agency (MRV oversight Agency)


National focal point

Minister of KLH

MRV-Agency (MRV oversight Agency)


National focal point

Minister of BAPPENAS

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Establish a new independent MRV Agency in charge of oversight of BUR, NC process and the overall responsibility of V (or QA/QC)

Establish a new MRV Agency under KLH

Establish a new MRV Agency under BAPPENAS

KLH BAPPENAS Notes: National Focal Point: National Council on Climate Change KLH: Ministry of Environment BAPPENAS: National Planning Agency

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B35SB36 COP18/SB37 SB38


B39SB40 COP20/SB41 SB42


B43SB44 COP22/SB45 SB46 COP23/SB45





Domestic MRV




Prepare BUR

and NC

Response to





2015 2016 20172011 2012 2013 2014



MRV agency



1st BUR

(by 2014/Dec)

2nd BUR

as a part of NC

(by 2016/Dec)

Funding for the

preparation of BUR?

1st round of ICA Revised

ICA MP?2nd round of ICA

Submission of views on the

composition, modalities and

procedures of the team of technical

experts (by 5 March 2012)

Develop a prototype

by secretariat

FinalizeStart operation

Establish MRV agency Develop the BUR

preparation plan

Define and allocate

specific roles and

responsibilities between

government agencies

Collect the related information

from ministries

Submit to


Submit to


Establish data flow and

system from other


Develop general GL for domestic

MRV of domestically supported


Design and develop

domestic MRV system

in accordance with

general MRV GL

Improve the national

system based on the

experiences of the 1st BUR


Compilation and finalize 1st


Verify the data/information


Manage 1st BUR preparation


Collect the related information

from ministries

Compilation and finalize

2nd BUR in 3rd NC

Verify the data/information


Manage 2nd BUR in 3rd NC

preparation process

Improve the BUR

preparation plan

Improve the national

system based on the

experiences of the 2nd BUR


Improve the BUR

preparation plan

Develop GHG inventory

preparation plan

Choose method and data

Collect activity data and emission factors

Estimate GHG emissions/removalsSubmit to the MRV

agency the draft GHG


Prepare GHG inventory including NIR

Prepare the draft GHG

inventory section of

1st BUR

1st BUR 2nd BUR

/3rd NC

draft GHG



GHG inv

Submit to the MRV

agency the draft

GHG inventory

Prepare the draft

GHG inventory

section of 2nd BUR

Choose method and data

Collect activity data and

emission factors

Estimate GHG


Prepare GHG inventory

including NIR

Improve GHG




Check the summary report

by technical expert team

Participate in the facilitative

exchange of views in SBI

Check the summary report

by technical expert team

Participate in the facilitative

exchange of views in SBI

Improve GHG






and data


5.4. Proposed timeframe for MRV Agency establishment


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On Finance – Defining Climate Finance

• Indonesia Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap (ICCSR, Bappenas, 2009). Nine sectors of importance to Indonesia’s development were chosen as the focus of ICCSR: forestry, energy, industry, agriculture, transportation, coastal area, water, waste and health. The analysis in the document was aimed at providing input to the 5-year Medium-term Development Plan (RPJM) 2010-2014 and the subsequent national plans until 2030.

• Green Paper: Economic and Fiscal Policy Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation in Indonesia, Ministry of Finance and Australia Indonesia Partnership, (Ministry of Finance (2009), ) The Green Paper identifies economic and fiscal policy strategies for climate change mitigation – that is, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases – and how to do this in the most cost effective way. It lays out strategies for the Ministry of Finance for efficient and effective policies, both in the short term and the long term. The paper is grounded in economic principles, and applies emerging international experience to Indonesia’s circumstances.

• Indonesia's Green House Gases Cost Curve (DNPI, 2010). Analysis of the potential benefits and indicative costs of various GHG emissions abatement measures suggests that by 2030, Indonesia has the potential to reduce its GHG emissions by 2.3 Gt, representing a reduction of approximately 72 percent compared to the current trend. Thus, emissions in 2030 would be 67 percent lower than emissions in 2005. Such a reduction would be an important contribution to global efforts, amounting to some 7 percent of the total global reduction required by 2030 to reach the levels recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC ).

• Low Carbon Growths Strategy (LCGS) at provincial level (DNPI, 2010)

• Low Carbon Development Options (DNPI, Ministry of Finance and World Bank, 2010). potential mitigation activities and incentive framework in the areas of manufacturing industry, energy, forestry and transport.

• National Action Plan on Greenhouse Gases Emission Reduction: First Mitigation Fiscal Framework (ministry of Finance, October 2012).

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On Finance – Institutional Dynamics

• 2008 - Working Group of Financial Mechanism under the National on Climate Change (DNPI, The WG on Finance lead negotiation on finance for UNFCCC and other international forums elated to climate change. It helps Indonesia to bridge the progress and outcome of negotiation at the international level and the inputs and follow-ups at the national level.

• 2009. Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF, ICCTF aims at To achieve Indonesia’s goals of a low carbon economy and greater resilience to climate change.

• 2011 (?)Centre of Policy Development for Climate Change Financing and Multilateral Affairs(Ministry of Finance). CenterTo enable the GOI to increase the effectiveness and impact of its leadership and management in addressing climate change issues

• 2011 (?) Informal Forum.The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) which coordinates international development financing set up an informal, non-structural forum to facilitate better communication and coordination between donor countries and GOI represented by key agencies such as DNPI, Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment and line ministries. This forum meet twice a year and is co-chaired by the Vice Minister of National Development Planning and Head of Secretariat of DNPI.

• 2012. Fund for REDD+ in Indonesia, FREDDI, is a fund of funds. It is a fund that invests in other funds. It is being established using Presidential Decree No. 80/2011 on Trust Fund as a public trust fund. The funds underneath FREDDI, the subsidiary funds, can be special-purpose vehicle companies, fund managers, or collective investment agreements.

• 2012. Association of Indonesia Carbon Management (APKI), an independent entity comprising local companies of CDM project developers and individual experts in carbon market.

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On Finance: Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)

Source ICCTF (209)

Primary Sectors • Mitigation: energy and mining, and forestry • Adaptation: agriculture, coastal areas (including small island, marine life and fisheries) Secondary Sectors • Road infrastructure , water, health, waste management, transportation, industry.

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• Translating of global negotiations under convention to national/sub-national and vice versa due to limited time: national (2012-2014), international (2012-2015)

• Systematic knowledge management of the “lesson learnt”

• “Proof of Concept” in various potential sectors

• Developing strategic policy measures and capacity building to response the on-going institutional dynamics

• Stakeholder engagement i.e public-private scheme?