perry central school district academic intervention

Perry Central School District Academic Intervention Services Plan 2021 – 2022 Learning, Leading and Serving

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Perry Central School District Academic Intervention Services Plan

2021 – 2022

Learning, Leading and Serving

Page 2: Perry Central School District Academic Intervention


Table of Contents

ResponsetoInterventionModel 3

IndependentReadingLevelAssessmentFramework(IRLA) 4

Kindergarten 4

1stGrade 4

2ndGrade 4

3rdGrade 5

4thGrade 5

5thGrade 5

6thGrade 6

7thGradeELA/Math 6

Grade9-12English 8

Grades9-12Mathematics 8

Grade7-8SocialStudies 9

Grade9-12SocialStudies 9

Grade7-8Science 9

AcademicInterventionServicesPhilosophyStatementSeniorHighSchoolScienceDepartment 10

9thGradeScience 10

10thGradeScience 11

11thGradeScience 11

StudentEngagementandMotivation 12

SuperintendentStatementofAssurances 13

AppendixA:AcademicInterventionServices(AIS)EntryLetter 14

AppendixB:AcademicInterventionServices(AIS)DiscontinuationLetter 15

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Response to Intervention Model

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Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA)












9 & 10

11 & 12

RTM 1-3Y 1G 2G 1B 2B 1R 2R Wt Bk Or Pu 1Br 2Br Si Gl

Kindergarten Kindergarten students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. Entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. However, AIS decisions are not made for kindergarten students until at least the second trimester. Kindergarten Assessments Kindergarten Benchmark Language Screener Concepts of Print Checklist Fluharty Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum Report card assessments Common Assessments

1st Grade First grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. Entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. Grade 1 Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum Common Assessments

2nd Grade Second grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. Entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. Grade 2 Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum Common Assessments

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3rd Grade Third grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. In addition to the following building-level common assessments, students in Grade 3 begin taking New York State Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. As per annual cut point determinations by NYSED on NYS Assessments, some third grade students may be eligible to receive AIS as a result of their score on such assessments. In other AIS determinations, entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. Grade 3 Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum Common Assessments

4th Grade Fourth grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. In addition to the following building-level common assessments, students in Grade 4 take New York State Assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. As per annual cut point determinations by NYSED on NYS Assessments, some fourth grade students may be eligible to receive AIS as a result of their score on such assessments. In other AIS determinations, entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. Grade 4 Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum Grade 3 NYS Assessments (English Language Arts, Mathematics, & Science – performance/written) Common Assessments

2021 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests Median Scale Score between Level 2 and Level 3

English Language Arts – 592 Mathematics – 593

A student may remain in AIS even though they scored at an acceptable level on the state assessment if they are demonstrating that they are still weak in particular areas of ELA.

5th Grade Fifth grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. In addition to the following building-level common assessments, students in Grade 5 take New York State Assessments in English Language Arts & Mathematics. As per annual cut point determinations by

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NYSED on NYS Assessments, some fifth grade students may be eligible to receive AIS as a result of their score on such assessments. In other AIS determinations, entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. Grade 5 Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum Grade 4 NYS Assessments (English Language Arts & Mathematics) Common Assessments

2021 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests Median Scale Score between Level 2 and Level 3

English Language Arts – 593 Mathematics – 595

A student may remain in AIS even though they scored at an acceptable level on the state assessment if they are demonstrating that they are still weak in particular areas of ELA.

6th Grade Sixth grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. In addition to the following building-level common assessments, students in Grade 6 take New York State Assessments in English Language Arts & Mathematics. As per annual cut point determinations by NYSED on NYS Assessments, some sixth grade students may be eligible to receive AIS as a result of their score on such assessments. In other AIS determinations, entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. Grade 6 Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company i-Ready Diagnostic (Reading & Math) Perry Developmental Writing continuum STAR Math 6 (advanced placement students only) Grade 5 NYS Assessments (English Language Arts & Mathematics) Common Assessments

2021 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests Median Scale Score between Level 2 and Level 3

English Language Arts – 601 Mathematics – 598

A student may remain in AIS even though they scored at an acceptable level on the state assessment if they are demonstrating that they are still weak in particular areas of ELA.

7th Grade ELA/Math Seventh grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple

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assessments. In addition to the following building-level common assessments, students in Grade 7 take New York State Assessments in English Language Arts & Mathematics. As per annual cut point determinations by NYSED on NYS Assessments, some seventh grade students may be eligible to receive AIS as a result of their score on such assessments. In other AIS determinations, entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. 7th Grade Assessments Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) – American Reading Company STAR (Reading & Math) Teacher Recommendations Grade 6 NYS Assessments (English Language Arts & Mathematics)

2021 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests Median Scale Score between Level 2 and Level 3

English Language Arts – 596 Mathematics – 598

Additional sources of student support such as 10th period or study halls are at the discretion of the teacher. Exit Criteria ▪ The student scores an acceptable level on NYS assessment and demonstrates performance through multiple measures that indicates that a student is meeting or likely to meet, State standards and is no longer in need of Academic Intervention Services. A student may remain in AIS even though they scored at an acceptable level on the state assessment if they are demonstrating that they are still weak in particular areas of ELA. 8th Grade ELA/Math Eighth grade students are assessed on a regular basis throughout the year on a variety of assessments. The determination for placing a student in AIS services is dependent upon the student’s performance on multiple assessments. In addition to the following building-level common assessments, students in Grade 8 take New York State Assessments in English Language Arts & Mathematics. As per annual cut point determinations by NYSED on NYS Assessments, some eighth grade students may be eligible to receive AIS as a result of their score on such assessments. In other AIS determinations, entry and exit from AIS will be fluid at this grade level. 8th Grade Assessments STAR (Reading & Math) Teacher Recommendations Grade 7 NYS Assessments (English Language Arts & Mathematics)

2021 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Tests Median Scale Score between Level 2 and Level 3

English Language Arts – 599

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Mathematics – 599 Additional sources of student support such as 10th period or study halls are at the discretion of the teacher. Exit Criteria ▪ The student scores an acceptable level on NYS assessment and demonstrates performance through multiple measures that indicates that a student is meeting or likely to meet, State standards and is no longer in need of Academic Intervention Services.

A student may remain in AIS even though they scored at an acceptable level on the state assessment if they are demonstrating that they are still weak in particular areas of ELA.

Grade 9-12 English Assessments High Intensity Moderate/Low Intensity No AIS –monitored as

part of RTI level 1 8th grade NYS ELA

Assessment Below 593 cut point

Level 3 and 4

English Final Exam Grades 9 & 10

Below 65

English 11 Regents Below 55% Between 55% - 64% An exit criterion in grades 9 & 10 is a final exam score above a 65%. A passing score of a 65% on the Grade 11 Regents will also exit a student from AIS.

Grades 9-12 Mathematics Assessments High Intensity Moderate/Low Intensity No AIS –monitored as

part of RTI level 1

8th grade NYS Math Assessment

Below 603 cut point Teacher

recommendation based on daily work and/or

report card grades

Level 3 and 4

Algebra Regents

Below 65 Teacher

recommendation based on daily work and/or

report card grades

Teacher recommendation based on daily work and/or

report card grades

Quarterly average, grades 9-11

Below 55% Teacher

recommendation based

Between 55% - 64% Teacher

recommendation based

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on daily work and/or report card grades

on daily work and/or report card grades

A passing score of a 65% on the Algebra Regents will exit a student from AIS. Quarterly averages higher than 65% can also exit a student from AIS.

Grade 7-8 Social Studies Assessments High Intensity Moderate/Low Intensity No AIS –monitored as

part of RTI level 1

Report Card Grades 7 - 8 Social Studies average is below 60 for 2 or more


Report grade between 61 -70

Teacher recommendation

based on daily work and/or report card grades

Teacher recommendation based on daily work

and/or report card grades

Exit criteria in grades 7-8 are a final exam score above a 70% and classroom grades above a 70% for 3 or more quarters.

Grade 9-12 Social Studies Assessments High Intensity Moderate/Low Intensity No AIS –monitored as

part of RTI level 1 8th grade Social Studies

final exam Below 55% Between 55% - 64%

Global History 9 parallel assessment Below 55% Between 55% - 64%

Global History Regents Grade 10 Below 55% Between 55% - 64%

US History & Government Regents Below 55% Between 55% - 64%

Quarterly average Below 65%

Teacher recommendation

based on daily work and/or report card grades

Teacher recommendation based on daily work

and/or report card grades

Exit criteria in grades 9 -11 is a final exam score above a 65%. A passing score of a 65% on the Global 9 parallel assessment, the Global History Regents, or the US History & Government Regents may also exit a student from AIS.

Grade 7-8 Science Assessments High Intensity Moderate/Low Intensity No AIS –monitored as

part of RTI level 1

Report Card Grades 7 - 8 Science average is below 60 for 2 or more quarters

Report grade between 61 -70

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Teacher recommendation

based on daily work and/or report card grades

Teacher recommendation based on daily work

and/or report card grades

Exit criteria in grades 7-8 are a final exam score above a 65% and classroom grades above a 65% for 3 or more quarters.

Academic Intervention Services Philosophy Statement Senior High School Science Department

Academic Intervention Services (AIS) has been defined as “additional instruction and/or student support

services which supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assist students in meeting the

State learning standards.” To be successful in meeting the State learning standards for science, students must

not only be proficient with the science content, as set forth by the various core curriculums for each science

discipline, students must also be competent readers, writers and mathematicians. A student may very well gain

knowledge in science concepts yet struggle with communicating that information in writing or fail to

understand what is being asked of them on an exam. Because of this, the science department believes to truly

“assist students in meeting the State learning standards” AIS should be provided by the district in reading and

writing in addition to the science areas. Being able to communicate successfully and comprehend written

material are essential skills that students first need to master in order to excel in science.

9th Grade Science Grade Level/Grade

Level Group: End of Grade 8 Standards Area: Science

Ia. Procedures to Determine AIS Instructional Need/AIS Discontinuance Multiple Measure(s) Entrance Criteria Progression Exit Criteria State Assessment

Class Performance

Levels 1 or 2 on State Science Exam and overall average for 8th Grade Science less than 65%


Reading/Writing AI

Living Environment A Final Exam above 80% and Pass course

and/or Teacher Recommendation

Levels 3 or 4 and overall average less than 65%

LEA/LEB (Entrance is a 2-

year commitment to

A.I. Track) Or

Living Environment A Final Exam above 80% and Pass course


Teacher Recommendation

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Earth Science (per teacher

recommendation) Teacher/Principal Recommendation Low Intensity Teacher Recommendation

Ib. Description of Level of Intensity Need High Intensity – LEA Course + Reading/Writing AI Moderate Intensity – LEA Course Low Intensity – Reading/Writing AI

10th Grade Science Grade

Level/Grade Level Group:

End of Grade 9 Standards Area: Science

Ia. Procedures to Determine AIS Instructional Need/AIS Discontinuance Multiple

Measure(s) Entrance Criteria Progression Exit Criteria

State Assessment and

Class Performance

Failed Earth Science Course and Earth Science State


Summer School and August State Exam LEA/LEB

with Reading AI or Living Environment (teacher recommendation) with

Reading/Writing AI

Living Environment A Final Exam 80% and Pass course

and/or Teacher Recommendation

Fail Summer School/Did not attend � Repeat Earth Science

Pass Earth Science Course and Pass Earth Science State Exam

State Assessment

Fail Earth Science State Exam

Retake Earth Science State Exam in August

Pass Earth Science State Exam

Teacher Recommendation � LE with Reading/Writing AI

Pass Living Environment State Exam

Teacher Recommendation � LEA with Reading/Writing

Living Environment A Final Exam 80% and Pass course

and/or Teacher Recommendation

Class Performance

Fail LEA Course Repeat LEA and Teacher Recommendation for Reading/Writing AI

Living Environment A Final Exam 80% and Pass course

and/or Teacher Recommendation

11th Grade Science Grade Level/Grade

Level Group: End of Grade 10 Standards Area:

Science Ia. Procedures to Determine AIS Instructional Need/AIS Discontinuance

Multiple Measure(s)

Entrance Criteria Progression Exit Criteria

¾¾ ®¾IfPass ³



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State Assessment Class Performance

Fail LEB Course and Fail Living Environment State Exam

Summer School and Living Environment State Exam in


Overall average for course 65% and

Pass Living Environment State

Exam Fail Summer School/Did not attend

Fail August Exam/Did not take Living Environment Course and Living Environment State Exam

in January

Overall average for course after 20

weeks 65% and Pass Living

Environment State Exam

Failed Living Environment State Exam and Failed Earth Science Exam

Reading/Writing AI; Science AI; Audit Living Environment


Pass Living Environment State

Exam Fail Living Environment Course and

Fail Living Environment State Exam Summer School and Living Environment State Exam in


Overall average for course 65% and

Pass Living Environment State

Exam Fail Living Environment Course Summer School

Overall average for

course 65% Retake Living Environment Overall average for

course after 20 weeks 65%

Fail Living Environment State Exam Retake Living Environment, Reading/Writing Science A.I. and

Science AI

Pass Living Environment State


Grade Level/Grade Level Group:

End of Grade 11 Standards Area: Science

Ia. Procedures to Determine AIS Instructional Need/AIS Discontinuance Multiple Measure(s) Entrance Criteria Progression Exit Criteria

State Assessment Class Performance

Have not met science requirements for


Student placement/recommendation

for summer school to be based on departmental


Has met science requirements for graduation; recommend

enrollment in science elective

Student Engagement and Motivation Seemingly capable students often struggle in school because of disengagement and/or a lack of motivation. Developing engaged and motivated students significantly increases academic performance. Examples of some of the interventions that are available are listed below. Under the umbrella of Response to Intervention (RTI) these additional student supports could be part of an AIS plan. Elementary School POEMS






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Junior High School Big Buddies Senior High School Learning Center

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Superintendent Statement of Assurances Perry Central School District District BEDS Code: 671201060000 The Superintendent of Schools certifies that: ● the RTI program is provided in a manner consistent with subdivision (ii) of section 100.2 of General School Requirements; ● the RTI program is made available at the grade levels and subject areas (reading/math) for which students are identified as eligible for AIS; ● all students who are otherwise eligible for AIS shall be provided such AIS services if they are not enrolled in the RTI program; and ● for the 2010-2011 school year, the school district shall submit to the Department, no later than December 15, 2010, a signed statement of assurance that the services provided in the RTI program meet the requirements of this paragraph; and for each school year thereafter, the school district shall submit to the Department no later than September 1st of such school year, a signed statement of assurance that the services provided under the district's RTI program meet the requirements of this paragraph. ______________________________ Signature, Superintendent of Schools ______________________________ Date

District Name: Perry Central School District BEDS Code: 671201060000

Superintendent of Schools: Daryl McLaughlin 33 Watkins Avenue

Perry, NY 14530 Phone: (585) 237 – 0270

Facsimile: (585) 237 – 6712 Email: [email protected]

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Appendix A: Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Entry Letter Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): The New York State Education Department requires schools to provide Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to students believed to be in jeopardy of not meeting grade level expectations. Students who have been identified as needing Academic Intervention Services are those students who are not meeting academic grade/course expectations in certain content areas. In the Junior-Senior High School, students who are not meeting academic grade/course expectations are placed in an Academic Intervention class, Learning Center, or provided additional supports through individualized education plans. Academic Intervention Services programming is supported by an AIS service provider, and is in addition to instruction in that course. Some required components of Academic Intervention Services involve informing parents/guardians of their child’s entrance/exit with AIS as well as their child’s progress during services. Your child’s progress will be indicated on their marking period reports. Upon receipt of this letter, your child is receiving Academic Intervention Services in the following areas: __________ Reading/Writing ___________ History __________ Mathematics ___________ Science Should you have any questions regarding Academic Intervention Services, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (585) 237-0270. Sincerely, Rebecca Belkota Secondary Principal Maura Gilsinan Elementary Principal Perry Central School District

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Appendix B: Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Discontinuation Letter Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): The New York State Education Department requires schools to provide Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to students believed to be in jeopardy of not meeting grade level expectations. Students who have been identified as needing Academic Intervention Services are those students who are not meeting academic grade/course expectations in certain content areas. Some required components of Academic Intervention Services involve informing parents/guardians of their child’s entrance/exit with AIS as well as their child’s progress during services. At this time it has been recommended that your child be exited from Academic Intervention Services. Upon receipt of this letter, your child is no longer receiving Academic Intervention Services in the following areas: __________ Reading/Writing ___________ History __________ Mathematics ___________ Science Should you have any questions regarding the change in Academic Intervention Services, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (585) 237-0270. Sincerely, Rebecca Belkota Secondary Principal Maura Gilsinan Elementary Principal Perry Central School District