personal branding online toolkit

IABC World Conference 2014 Presentation Toolkit Cyrus Mavalwala, ABC

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Post on 22-Nov-2014



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Cyrus Mavalwala's personal branding and social media presentation toolkit from the 2014 IABC World Conference in Toronto. This toolkit includes The Business Model to Promote & Protect Your Personal Brand Online. This toolkit from the Cracking the Code to your Personal Brand Online presentation highlights some of the key learnings. Should you have any questions regarding social media and/or personal branding please contact Cyrus Mavalwala, ABC at Advantis Communications. Hope you find this new model and slides helpful! Cyrus


Page 1: Personal Branding Online Toolkit

IABC World Conference 2014

Presentation Toolkit

Cyrus Mavalwala, ABC

Page 2: Personal Branding Online Toolkit


Cracking the Code to Your Personal Brand Online

Thank you for attending my Cracking the Code to Your Personal Brand Online presentation at the 2014 IABC World

Conference in Toronto.

If first impressions are so important, what have you done to strategically design your online personal brand to ensure

your future bosses, partners and employees are connecting with your authentic story? You’ve done your diligence and

know your personal brand, but how do you accurately and genuinely project your persona online? Specifically, what do

you do that that adds remarkable, measurable & distinctive value?

As promised during the presentation, in this toolkit you will find The Business Model to Promote & Protect Your

Personal Brand Online as well as additional resources for building and maintaining your personal brand online. Use

these tools as the first step in taking control of your personal brand online.

If you’d like to further your learning or want a personal branding and/or social media workshop presented to your

organization, I’d be happy to have a chat to see if there’s a fit. I only want to be involved if I can deliver tangible value to

you or your team. You can reach me at 416-848-1885 or at [email protected].


Cyrus Mavalwala Cyrus Mavalwala, ABC

Page 3: Personal Branding Online Toolkit

Table of Contents

The Business Model to Promote & Protect Your Personal Brand Online …..

Sampling of Audit Tools…..………………………………….……………………

Be Your Own Community Manager……………………………………………...

Social Cleaning Apps……………………………………………………………...


Six Step Content Creation Process………………………………………………

Additional Resources……………………………………………………………...

Parting Words (but let’s not make this good-bye!) .…………………………....









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The Business Model to Promote & Protect

Your Personal Brand Online


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Be Your Own Community Manager

If you wouldn’t want to see it as a headline, don’t publish it

Remove it yourself

Ask the publisher to remove it

Label it as spam

Request help from the platform

Bury it

Use a white-washing service


Page 7: Personal Branding Online Toolkit

Social Cleaning Apps



For Facebook, Twitter and Google+ – Has a predetermined list of questionable

phrases and presents you with posts and photos that could compromise your

personal brand. Easy delete so you don’t have to go back to the platforms to delete

the posts – you can do it right from persona.


For Facebook and Twitter – Use their predetermined list of questionable phrases or

search for your own terms. Does not have easy delete.

Socially Clean

For Facebook only – No custom search but has several predetermined lists – you

can search/delete political posts, party posts, racy posts, etc.

AJAX Social Wipes

For Facebook and Twitter – Helps clean up your liked pages on Facebook and

spam accounts on Twitter.


For Twitter only – Search and delete Tweets based on keywords, hashtags or date.

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Advantis Communications’ Six Step

Content Creation Process

Target Audience

Business Objectives

Key Messages

Compelling Content

Distribute & Market

Best Channels


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Additional Resources

Books, Blogs and Guides

Ditch, Dare, Do: 3D Personal Branding for Executives (William Arruda and Deb

Dib, 2013)

Reinventing You (Dorie Clark, 2013)

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World (Michael Hyatt, 2012)

Branding Yourself (Erik Deckers and Kyle Lacy, 2012)

Personal Branding for Dummies (Susan Chritton, 2012)

Me 2.0 (Dan Schawbel, 2010)

Personal Branding Blog –

Tao Leadership Development –

Grande Guide to Personal Branding –



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About Advantis Communications

In addition to teaching social media strategy and communications

management at the University of Toronto School of Continuing

Studies, Cyrus leads a seasoned team at Advantis Communications.

Advantis is an award-winning public relations and content marketing


We help companies grow by developing and implementing integrated

communication campaigns and we build all the content (like

producing videos) that enables the campaigns to come to life.

We also share our knowledge gleaned from working with

organizations across North America through our training for

communicators services.

Combine our savvy expertise with our methodical, integrated

communications approach and you’ve got the most effective way to

reach and connect and motivate your audiences.

For the most up-to-date news, check out

our blog, LinkedIn or Twitter pages.

For a quick, thought provoking

conversation, reach out and say

hello – don’t be shy;-)

Cyrus Mavalwala, ABC


[email protected]
