personal development programme (pdp)

Personal Development Programme (PDP) for University of Southampton Marketing MSc students Lisa Harris 28/9/2010

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Introduction to 21st century study skills :-)


Page 1: Personal development programme (pdp)

Personal Development Programme (PDP)for University of Southampton Marketing MSc


Lisa Harris28/9/2010

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What is a PDP?

• An online diary (blog) where you write up your reflections on set tasks, and agree the necessary follow up action points with your Personal Tutor. The blog will then form a record of your progress and achievements throughout your course.

• You are welcome to add additional posts and features to your blog – it can ‘showcase’ your work to prospective employers, business partners etc

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Why is it important?

• A place to address any minor issues or concerns before they have the chance to develop into major problems

• Employers are seeking high level skills of communication and networking in their potential employees

• To develop your digital identity that enables you to demonstrate your skills and ‘stand out from the crowd’ in the job market

• Useful feedback for tutors on what you like/dislike about your programme

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Video: The Networked Student

• The Networked Student (5 mins)

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The world is changing…

• Educators are no longer the ‘gatekeepers’ of knowledge

• Acquiring information is no longer the issue – critical evaluation is the key skill

• Contributing effectively to your community• Educators and students are learning together• “Sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”

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21st Century Careers (JISC, 2009)

• Competition for employment in a global knowledge economy

• increased levels of self-employment and portfolio working• growth of multi-disciplinary teams focused on specific

tasks whose members might be physically located anywhere in the world

• life within a networked society • blurring of boundaries between ‘real’ and ‘virtual’, public

and private• increasingly ubiquitous use of digital technologies.

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Production and consumption is now...

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“Life-wide” and “life-long” learning

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How social media has helped my work

• Developing new contacts • Sourcing newly published articles, calls for papers and relevant

events to attend• Tracking and commenting on the blogposts of key contributors

to the field• Keeping in touch, real time, with project participants and other

key contacts–––––

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Potential scope of the PLE

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Dare you Google yourself...?

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Getting started

• To post to your PDP blog, you will need to visit

• There are separate documents posted on Blackboard (in the MANG6184 Introduction to Marketing folder) showing you – ‘Welcome’ and ‘Learning Together’ presentations– The PDP tasks and deadlines for Semester 1

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Linchpin by Seth Godin

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