personal growth inventory - clover...


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Page 1: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth





Page 2: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

Introduction !

Almost everyone would agree that they want to grow spiritually. But for many of us, we’re not sure where to even start. !This personal growth inventory can help. After you take the inventory, you can use the materials here to help you identify what next step is best for you. !When you are ready to grow, turn the page and get started!

Page 3: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

Personal Growth Inventory !Instructions: The purpose of this inventory is to help you understand your personal spiritual life, and where you are on your journey. Reflect on each of these statements below. For each statement, indicate how well the statement describes you. Be honest with yourself.

Not Me Somewhat Me This is Me1.(G) I consistently give of my time and my resources to minister to others, often at great personal cost. !2.(G) I am currently doing my part to reproduce myself in the lives of others through sharing my faith and discipling people. !3.(P) I am making significant progress in my own spiritual maturity. !4.(P) I have developed deep, a c c o u n ta b l e a n d o n g o i n g relationships with other believers. !5.(L) I live a life of purity and obedience to God. !6.(L) I consistently apply biblical principles to my relationships. !7.(R) I understand and can explain deep doctrinal truths. !8.(R) I am consistently concerned with eternal things, and spend my life focused on what will last for eternity, not just for today.

1 2 3 4 5 !!!!1 2 3 4 5 !!!!1 2 3 4 5 !!!1 2 3 4 5 !!!1 2 3 4 5 !!1 2 3 4 5 !!1 2 3 4 5 !!1 2 3 4 5 !

Page 4: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

Chart Your Results !Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth inventory. Start at the top (line number 1) and put a dot on that line that matches your response to statement 1. Do the same for all 8 statements. When you have marked all 8 of your answers on the circle, then draw a line between each of your dots. You should end up with something that looks like an odd shaped circle.









5 !4 !3 !2 !1

5 !4 !

3 !2 !


5 !4

!3 !2 !1

5 !4 !3 !2 !1

5 !4 !3 !2 !1

5 ! 4 ! 3 ! 2 ! 1

5 ! 4 ! 3 ! 2 ! 1

5 !

4 !

3 !2 !


Page 5: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

Understanding Your Results !Once you have marked your results on the circle, you should end up with something like this:

!The way to understand your personal growth inventory is simple: the smaller your circle, the more room you have to grow. !!!

So What Do I Do Now? !Everyone has a NEXT STEP. Depending on how you responded to each statement of the inventory, your next step will be slightly different. Look at the following pages to determine what the best next step is for you. !

Page 6: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

If you marked mostly 1s and 2s !Your best next step is to join a GROWTH GROUP. At this point in your spiritual journey, one of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with other people who can help you grow. The best way to do that is to join a Growth Group. Growth Groups are small communities of people who gather each week for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and accountability. We have Growth Groups for people who are just starting out, and Groups that can help you understand the basics of Christianity. !To find out more or to sign up for a growth group, visit !While you are waiting to get connected to a Growth Group, another good next step would be to get involved in an ABF. Our Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) meet on Sunday mornings, and are organized around “life stage.” ABFs provide you a chance to meet other people in your same stage of life, and be equipped with excellent teaching on a variety of biblical topics. ABFs are held in tandem with our Sunday morning worship services. This allows you to participate in both the morning worship service and an ABF. Any Sunday is a good Sunday to join an ABF. All you need to do is just show up! !We have ABFs that meet during each of our Sunday morning services. Check the information stand or our website for our ABF schedule. !

Recommended Resources These books might help you kickstart your spiritual journey: What On Earth am I Here For? The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. !How Good is Good Enough? by Andy Stanley !Both books are available for free at Trinity’s Guest Services Center.

Page 7: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

!If you marked mostly 2s and 3s

!Your best next step is to join a GROWTH GROUP. At this point in your spiritual journey, one of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with other people who will help you identify spiritual goals and provide loving accountability as you work to achieve those goals. The best way to do that is to join a Growth Group. Growth Groups are small communities of people who gather each week for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and accountability. We have Growth Groups that are specifically designed to help people take their spiritual life to the next level, locking in healthy habits and forming deep relationships with others. !To find out more or to sign up for a growth group, visit !Another great next step is to SERVE. Studies have shown that serving in a ministry environment can be a huge key to a person’s spiritual growth. Also, it is a great way to meet other people at Trinity. You can serve in a variety of areas at Trinity. To find the area that best fits your talents and interests, visit our website: !

Recommended Resource This book might help you lock in some healthy spiritual habits: !The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg !

This book is available for free at Trinity’s Guest Services Center.

Page 8: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

If you marked mostly 3s and 4s !Your best next step is to join a GROWTH GROUP. At this point in your spiritual journey, one of the best things you can do is make sure you keep growing. The best way to do that is to join a Growth Group. Growth Groups are small communities of people who gather each week for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and accountability. Joining a Growth Group will surround you with people who are committed to helping you continue to take next steps in your spiritual journey. Also, joining a Growth Group will give you an opportunity to encourage others and help them grow. !To find out more or to sign up for a growth group, visit !Another great next step is to SERVE. As a person who is growing spiritually, you should be investing in other people, helping them to become wholehearted followers. Also, it is a great way to meet other people at Trinity. You can serve in a variety of areas at Trinity. To find the area that best fits your talents and interests, visit our website: !

Recommended Resources These books might help you at this point in your journey: !Spirituality for the Rest of Us By Larry Osborne !Accidental Pharisees By Larry Osborne

Page 9: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

If you marked mostly 4s and 5s !

Your best next step is to join a GROWTH GROUP. At this point in your spiritual journey, one of the best things you can do is invest in other people and help them grow. The best way to do that is to join a Growth Group. Growth Groups are small communities of people who gather each week for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and accountability. Joining a Growth Group will help you continue to grow, and will give you an opportunity to encourage others. !To find out more or to sign up for a growth group, visit !Another great next step is to DISCIPLE OTHERS. You clearly have a high level of spiritual maturity, and you should be investing in other people, helping them to become wholehearted followers. You can use the recommended resource below to get started. !!

Recommended Resource This book might help you as you invest in others: !The Lost Art of Lingering: Mutual Mentoring for Life Transformation by Rowland Forman.

Page 10: personal growth inventory - Clover Your Results ! Use this circle to chart the results of your personal growth

How Does the Inventory Work? !

The personal growth inventory measure’s your progress in four key areas. We call these areas the Four Lifelong Practices. These practices, taken from Scripture, are ways in which God expects every believer to be growing. The Four Lifelong Practices are: !Pursuing God through Holy Habits: This includes making God’s priorities your priorities. Utilizing tools such as prayer and reading the Bible on a consistent basis in order to grow spiritually. Renewing Your Mind: This practice involves skills such as meditation on and memorization of Bible passages, as well as understanding doctrines that reveal the truth about God and Jesus. Living a Transformed Life: If you are growing spiritually, your life will reflect it. You’ll see a change in behavior as you become increasingly God-focused and less self-oriented. Giving Away Your Time, Faith, and Money: This is perhaps the most tangible of the four practices. As followers of God, our lives should be increasingly marked by our desire to give and to serve and to share our faith with others. !The personal growth inventory asks you to evaluate statements that measure your progress in each of these four areas. The statements on the assessment are marked with a P, R, L or G, indicating which of the Four Lifelong Practices they measure. !As you look at the results from your inventory, you might notice that you are particularly strong or particularly weak in one of the practices. (If your circle is noticeably lopsided, that’s an indication that you are weak in one of these practices). !If you find that you need to give special attention to one of these practices, the best thing you can do is join a Growth Group. There, you’ll be surrounded by people who can help you grow, and give you some accountability for your growth in these four practices. !