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Personal Soul Sign / Life Purpose Sample Report

Your Name Will Be Here Your birth date, time and location will be here

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Introduction Read this first, it will help you to understand and get the most from your report. Soul Astrology is the name given to forms of astrology that draw upon psychological astrology, transpersonal psychology and esoteric astrology, to create a model of the Universe and how we fit into it. Soul Astrology is a tool for personal and spiritual development that can:

• Assist deeper systemic change whether it be your work or family • Be used in a coaching relationship for deeper exploration • Give a sense of where you fit in to the bigger picture • Give you a frame of reference to be used in your daily life.

How To Use Soul Astrology To work with Soul Astrology as an effective tool for our personal and spiritual development we first need to know at least three things:

• Our Ascendant (Rising Sign) • Our Sun Sign and • Our Moon Sign

When we have these three things, we have a powerful tool for personal and spiritual development, at our fingertips. Next we need to understand how they relate to each other, and then to us personally. This is all outlined below.

Our Ascendant = Our Soul Sign The Ascendant is our Soul Sign and the potential for our highest expression in this lifetime. It is the most important sign in Soul Astrology. Our Ascendant (Rising Sign), indicates our Soul’s journey. This is the sign that was ‘rising’ on the horizon at the time of our birth and marks a very important occasion: the dawning of our whole life!

From Aries at the beginning through to Pisces at the end, the whole Zodiac can be viewed as developmental stages in human consciousness. What happens when a Soul reaches the end of the Zodiac (the twelfth sign of Pisces) and thus completes a cycle? It begins again at the first sign of Aries, progressing upwards through an endless spiralling, unfolding, blossoming, of human consciousness. The Soul is a vehicle for our spiritual energy, and so our Soul Sign indicates our innate core essence. It is the essence of who we really are, and our true nature as a spiritual being, but this all remains latent while we are identified with, and driven by, the needs of the personality. Our spiritual development involves realizing this core energy and expressing it into the world. Becoming a fully Soul-centered individual. A Fully Integrated Individual A Soul_Centered individual is fully integrated*. This means they have integrated

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their Soul and Personality and can access and fully express the highest octave (vibration) of each sign. They will no longer experience polarity (a necessary learning environment), so they can express the highest octave of Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, and so forth. (for an explanation of polarities see ) Our Personality Signs Like the black and white yin/yang symbol, our personality has two sides. One which is in the light, so we are aware of it, the other is hidden, so we are less aware, if at all. In Soul Astrology these two aspects of our personality are represented by our Sun and Moon Signs. For most of us our everyday experience is shaped, received and perceived through the filters of our personality. The simplest definition of “ego-personality” is when our mind is thinking about itself.

It is how we experience ourselves and who we believe ourselves to be: our tendencies, pre-dispositions, habits, gifts, talents, urges, reactions, beliefs and opinions. It is our overall feeling of “there’s a ME in here” (usually swiftly followed up by an ongoing story of what that ME is all about!).

It is the sum of all our learned behaviour, from this and past lives, our self-image and our self-concept. It is both the mask we show to the world and the window through which we see and experience the world. All of this might feel very real to us now, yet it has all been picked up along the way and added to our underlying true nature.

In Soul Astrology this collection of habits and reactions is symbolised by our Sun and Moon signs. They represent our habitual (learned) ways of thinking and acting. The Sun is that aspect of our personality which we are aware of, conscious of; it is in the light. The Moon is that which we are unaware of. It is in the dark - our shadow personality.

The learned behaviour of our Sun and Moon signs is so powerful that we identify with it. We feel as though it is “who we are.” Our spiritual path involves dis-identifying from these personality traits and reactions by changing our behaviour patterns and by recognizing that while we might have those tendencies and abilities, we are also so much more than that.

Our Sun Sign This is one half of our personality: the part that we are aware of because it is in the light. It is our ‘modus operandi’ (M.O.), in other words, our main way of perceiving the world, relating to it and navigating our way through it. It is how we make sense of, and interact with, our world. For example, by default: Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), think their way through life; Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) feel their way forward; Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) focus on taking action and

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Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) want all the practicalities organized and the physical resources and infrastructures in place. It’s not that we don’t cross over into other areas, we all do, but in times of stress and challenge we rely on and trust our default M.O. more than the others. Our Moon Sign This is the other half of our personality. It is our shadow, or the side of our personality that is most difficult for us to see because it is in the dark. Until we do some deeper personal and spiritual development work, this will be our blind spot. The Moon sign indicates our innate emotional state and who we become in relating with others. The Moon reflects our past, our karma. The accumulation of good and bad traits in our personality, or consciousness, inherited over many incarnations. It equates with the shadow side of our personality, our sub-conscious: in other words the side of our nature that we would rather not look at, and are largely unaware of.

In contrast to our Sun-sign, which is still an accumulation of character traits acquired over many lifetimes, but they are in the ‘sun’ – in the light, and so we are very much aware of them, it is when others push our buttons that we get to see our Moon-nature: this ‘hidden’ aspect of ourselves. It is revealed to us in our reactions to others. We then have the opportunity to heal, or purify, these negative patterns from our consciousness.

In this sense it is really true that the most difficult people are our wisest teachers. They will push our buttons and illuminate our shadow, so we can see which aspects of ourself we need to work on, if we are to become fully integrated, healed and whole (holy) as a congruent and integrated Soul/personality. Personality Types We can already see the combinations of personality types that are possible. For example if our Sun is Gemini and Moon is Cancer, our M.O. will be thinking/feeling. We will basically be a thinking/feeling type. The combinations are many depending upon the various Sun/Moon signs, such as thinking/thinking; thinking/feeling; thinking/action; thinking/practical; feeling/thinking; feeling/feeling, feeling/action, practical/action and so forth. You get the idea. Our personality is how we mainly operate out in the world, in our relationships, and it is learned behavior. To find out what energy wants to be expressed in the world through us, we need to look deeply at our Soul Sign. This is our inner light, that wants to shine!

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Your Personal Soul Sign / Life Purpose Sample Report Prepared for (Your Name) by Ruth Hadikin. Your birth date, time and location will be here The following report outlines your Soul's essence, and potential. It is a tool to support you in familiarizing yourself with your own energy field: your personal Mandala!

It begins by giving your personal birth chart so you have the Astrological information that this report is based upon. Then it describes your essence as your Soul Sign, and discusses the meaning of your lunar North Node – which is like a spiritual prescription pointing you towards activities that can help you to align with your Soul’s essence. The characteristics and energy dynamics of your Sun and Moon sign are described to help you understand both sides of your ego-based personality, and what you can do to change habitual limiting patterns so you become free to align with your Soul’s essence. Finally there is information on transcending your personality signs and working with the Zodiac through the seasons. By observing shifts in your energetic field throughout the year you will come to a deeper understanding of the energetic relationships involved.

Your Ascendant is Libra Your Sun Sign is Cancer and

Your Moon Sign is Aries.

The path of your ego-personality (Sun/Moon), with its unique joys and challenges, is your own individualized pathway to spiritual awakening and Soul integration (Ascendant).

In describing and defining yourself, experiment with using your Ascendant first and see how it feels. So it would sound something like this:

“I’m a Libra Soul with a Cancer/Aries personality”. This description sums up your individual spiritual path: the challenge to release identification with your personality traits, and lead with your Soul’s essence, purpose and qualities.

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Your Birth Chart and Planetary Positions Your birth chart is given here so that you can see the information this report is based upon, and explore in greater depth if you wish. The numbers of the houses are indicated by the small grey numbers on the inner wheel, running anti-clockwise, and the key to the symbols is given below. Tropical Zodiac; house system: placidus. Positions of the Planets in the Zodiac Signs: Ascendant: 16º Libra 07’13” Medium Coeli: 19º Cancer 06’53” Sun: 05º Cancer 15’35” Moon: 22º Aries 31’47” Mercury: 07º Cancer 52’40” Venus: 20º Leo 38’37” Mars: 25º Gemini 45’57” Jupiter: 11º Aries 58’03” Saturn: 26º Virgo 16’34” Uranus: 09º Cancer 24’13” Neptune: 16º Libra 45’16”R Pluto: 18º Leo 10’04” North Node: 12º Pisces 32’08”R South Node: 12º Virgo 32’08”R Chiron: 29º Sagittarius 23’24”R

Your Birth Chart – Your Personal Mandala: Your Birth Chart is a 2-dimensional representation of your multi-dimensional energy field. It shows which energies you are working with in this lifetime. Whether you express the lower or higher octaves of those energies, depends upon where you focus your attention throughout your life.

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Your Soul Sign is Libra.

With Libra Rising, Sun in Cancer, and Moon in Aries, you are a Libra Soul, with a Cancer/Aries personality, and your life purpose is:

“to harmonize the opposites and choose the middle path”1 As a Libra Soul, you have an innate sense of harmony. Does this mean you always have beauty and balance in your life?

On the contrary, you may often find yourself in very disharmonious situations, so that your Soul can learn how to restore balance and harmony, and what that really means. Your Soul is learning the process of harmonization: what it means to bring opposites together in synergy and harmony, and the ability to do this across all dimensions: all the systems of one human body, or in all human systems: Nations or Corporate systems, or ecological systems, or even Universes. At Soul level you are a 'systems balancer'. Whereas the Libra personality (often unfairly) has a reputation for being indecisive, you understand that ethical decision making is vital. The end does not justify the means. For you, understanding the process of decision making, and ensuring we arrive at the right decision is vital. How do you know when it is a right decision? It will be the most harmonious, for all systems, on all levels. Nothing less than total harmony will do. Your Soul Sign is your highest self. It is an energy that wants to be expressed in the world. Creating ways for this expression is your Life purpose. Your Soul’s light will shine in your life once you release the habitual patterns, limiting beliefs and behaviors of your lower self (your Cancer Sun and Aries Moon).

Then the highest octaves of Cancer and Aries will be used to express your Libra soul’s purpose of harmonizing opposites and leading the way of balance through the middle path.

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Your Soul Keynote The Soul Keynote (from “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey) is something for you to contemplate. It has layers of meaning that will be revealed as you progress along your path. As you return and contemplate it from deeper levels within your own consciousness you will see new meaning in the words.

"I cannot too strongly reiterate the constant necessity for you to think

in terms of energies and forces, of lines of force, and energy relationships…

The whole story of astrology is, in reality, one of magnetic and magical interplay

for the production or externalization of the inner reality…"

--Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology

Your Soul Keynote is:

“I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force”2

The more you contemplate and meditate upon your Soul Keynote, the more its esoteric (inner) meaning will be revealed to you. It will awaken your Soul’s


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The Moon’s Nodes

Your Lunar North Node is like a prescription for changing your past-life conditioning. Your Rising Sign (Ascendant) is your Soul’s Essence, while your North Node is like the North Star indicating a possible pathway that supports your Soul’s development by breaking the patterns of past-life conditioning (your South Node). Your North Node is not your Soul’s essence, but rather a spiritual path of choice.

Your North Node is: Pisces

With a lunar North Node in Pisces, you would benefit greatly from spiritual and/or psychological methods which give you a personal experience of oneness and deep connection with Divinity. This might mean using visualization and meditative techniques that bring you to an understanding of the power of your imagination to change your feeling state, and thereby your perception of reality. The highest teaching of Pisces is that our feelings are real, even though the root causes may be illusory. Deep meditative techniques that allow you to to distinguish between imagination and real spiritual truth through personal experience are highly beneficial. You would benefit from devotional practices that lead to a greater personal experience of bliss, oneness and Divine Union. Your North Node is inviting you to go deeply within: follow your inner guidance, discover the reality of your own Soul, by exploring your inner world. In this way you come to recognize the Divine, both within and without, as a living reality. Your Pisces North Node is offering you a pathway to that end. Being more 'chaotic' and less orderly, in your everyday life, opens you up to the greater fluidity and the ocean of possibilities that Life would like to show you. Trusting the perfection of each natural unfolding moment, rather than trying to control your day to make it fit a man-made mental concept of perfection. The North Node is known as the ‘path of resistance’ because it doesn’t come easily. This will be new territory for you, however, Life always brings us teachers and guides to support us in taking up this new direction. The South Node is known as the path of least resistance. It indicates a well-worn and familiar path for you. The only problem with sticking with what is familiar, is that we never break away from the old habits, and therefore we lose an opportunity to evolve.

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What Energies Are You Working With In This Lifetime? In Astrology energy is described in terms of it’s quality (either Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) and element, for example: Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Each Zodiac sign has a unique combination of quality and element, and therefore has a unique energetic signature, characteristic and purpose. Cardinal energy has a creative quality to it. It is the energy of Spring and creation. Cardinal signs usher in new ways of doing things, and carve out new pathways. Going ‘where man has never gone before’, exploring new frontiers, being at the forefront of evolutionary processes is a quality of cardinal consciousness. The challenge for cardinal signs is they may experience restlessness if they have to stay with one idea, plan, job or project too long. Fixed energy has a stabilizing quality to it. It is the energy of Summer: a place-holder energy that stabilizes forms for the duration of their lifespan. Fixed signs have the ability to create structures and hold them in place. If water needs to be channelled from A to B we need a structure, a canal, to get it there. This ability to create structure, channels, frameworks etc. is a hallmark of fixed consciousness. The challenge for fixed signs is change, getting stuck in a rut or fixed way of thinking is a possibility, and stubbornness can be a problem. Mutable energy has a dissolving, changing, quality to it. Mutable signs are agents of change. It is the energy of Autumn, as old forms are broken down to release their energy. Flexibility, changeability, movement and adaptability are qualities of mutable consciousness. The challenge for mutable signs is to create structure and stick at something to completion. The four elements:

• Fire signs are about Mastery of Action. • Water signs are about Mastery of Emotions. • Earth signs are about Mastery of the Physical. • Air signs are about Mastery of the Mind.

With Sun in Cancer (cardinal, water), Moon in Aries (cardinal,

fire) and Libra Rising Sign (cardinal, air) you are mainly working with cardinal energy. This means you are here to lead, inspire

and pioneer new initiatives.

You do this through mastery of emotions (Cancer), whereby you use empathy and your great sensing capacity to understand

other’s needs, and mastery of action whereby you inspire others with innovative intuitive ideas (Aries).

The highest octave of Libra which relates to harmonizing

systems through Right Human Relations, wants to be expressed through you.

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Your Personality Type (Cancer Sun/ Aries Moon) is feeling/action. Sun in Cancer means you move forward into the world primarily through sensing and feeling your way forward. You are highly empathic, sensitive, and are able to keenly sense what other people are feeling. The challenge in modern society is that people are incongruent, meaning they speak and act in ways contrary to how they are feeling. This may have led you to doubt what you were sensing when you were a child, but you have come to learn that your sense is really very accurate and can be relied upon. Because of your ability to sense people’s true feelings, you are able to sense what they need often before they realize it themselves. You trust your ability to sense truth and you are usually right. You are motivated by meeting people’s needs and excel in careers from nursing, to sales, to managing an emergency room or a tea room! You are brilliant anywhere where you can predict and meet human need. With Moon in Aries it’s likely that you back up your feelings with inspired, spontaneous action. As the cardinal fire sign, Aries is all about inspiration in action. Aries is one of the most intuitive signs. As the first sign of the Zodiac Aries is often said to be ‘closest to God’. It’s as though you have a hotline to the Divine and Aries intuition often shows up as ‘spontaneous knowing’. You don’t know how you know things, but you do. You can just ask a question and the answer drops in. Most of all you love inspiring others with your ideas. Your Soul-light wants to be expressed through the 'lens' of your Cancer-Aries personality. For this to happen you need to first 'clean' the lens by clearing away the so-called negative, or lower-ego, patterns of those signs which are fear-based and can keep you stuck in a lower expression of who you really are. Through deep self-exploration you realize that these behavior patterns are not your true essence, and you begin releasing your identification with those traits. This frees you up to align with your Libra Soul's highest vibration of balance and harmony. The lower octave of any sign is fear-based, the higher octave is love-based. It is important for you to understand the lower fear-based vibrations of both Cancer and Aries, and to know that the key to moving into the higher octave of each lies in accessing the energy of their opposite signs: Capricorn and Libra respectively, and then fully integrating these four energies. This then creates a clear ‘lens’ through which your Soul-light of Libra can harmonize and balance world systems, through you. With Cancer being the cardinal water sign, as you transcend the fear-based expressions of this sign and reach it’s highest expression, you will be pioneering new ways of understanding and relating to our emotions, bringing unconditional love and the highest compassion to the planet. The highest expression of Cancer is compassion through emotional intelligence. You will bring new information to the world about the deeper meaning, and spiritual potential, of our emotional language. The fully integrated Libra Soul knows that all Universal Laws utilize the fundamental law of harmonics: that all harmony happens through right relationship. Just as musical notes become a beautiful symphony when played in right relationship to one another, then so do entire Universes become harmonious when all their parts are in right relationship. Your lunar North Node in Pisces supports you in rising to the highest octave of Libra, by inviting you to expand your awareness so you become very familiar with transpersonal and higher dimensions of consciousness.

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The ego challenge for Cancer is fear itself. Because of your acute sensing ability, you are able to tune into mass consciousness, which is largely fear-based. If you identify with this fear, you could mistakenly spend a life feeling fearful, avoiding risks, staying home and playing it safe. The solution is for you to keep your attention on others, realize that it is often not your fear that you are picking up on, and move to the highest octave of Cancer which is unconditional love. When you remember your love of people, and keep your attention on what you can do to make a difference in the world, this lifts you out of fear and into action. Remember Cancer is a cardinal sign and you are here to take empowered action. If you succumb to fear, you will feel dull and depressed. Compassion in action, knowing that you are making a difference, is essential for your well being. A note of caution here too: it is important for you to remember that compassion begins at home. Don’t allow others to take advantage of you. It is not good for either of you and leads to unhealthy relationship patterns. Self-care and a support network for yourself are essential for your own health and well-being. You are not here to pander to others’ whims to the point of exhaustion, but rather to find a way to make a difference, that is for the highest and best good for all concerned, and that includes you. Aries is actually a sign of the mind and the highest octave of Aries is a direct connection to Higher Mind. The ego-trap for Aries is to churn out a multitude of ideas so fast that you have little time to follow through on them. You can’t possibly implement all of your ideas – you have so many. So prioritising them and choosing which ones are worthy of implementation will be a challenge for you. Aries is a Cardinal sign and loves to initiate new projects. You are not a ‘finisher’ by nature and may get bored with the steps that need to happen next to bring your ideas to fruition. You may also have a tendency to give up on projects before they are established enough for someone else to take over. Aries is also a sign of leadership and your preferred role is to stay in the place of ‘idea’s person’, so it is important that you align with people who can bring your ideas to completion. With Moon in Aries, you may also find you have difficulty being ‘noticed’ in relationships. You may find you feel invisible and that your partner doesn’t notice you. It is part of your healing work in this lifetime to make yourself feel special. Others also may then see how special you are and even if they don’t it doesn’t matter to you! From this higher perspective all the gifts and talents of your personality signs will be used for your Soul's individual expression, resonating the highest octave of Libra: making your unique contribution by harmonizing systems that benefit humanity and our planet.

As a Libra Soul you are here to bring higher expressions of balance and harmony into the world and you do this through unconditional love and

compassionate action (Sun in Cancer) and inspiring others with pioneering, innovative, ideas (Moon in Aries.)


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What next? Start LIVING your Soul Astrology!

Living Soul Astrology means using your horoscope as a living tool to support your spiritual journey. In supporting your understanding of all the energies at play in your natal chart, what stage of development your Soul is at, and the challenges that your personality signs create, Soul Astrology becomes a valuable tool that supports your process of integrating personality and Soul.

Learn more about the habitual behavior patterns of your Sun and Moon signs, how they can keep you stuck in the lowest expression of your self, and start work on changing them, so you can live fully in the highest expression of your Self: in full alignment with your Soul’s expression and your life purpose.

Further Reading: “Libra:Aries: Think About It, There Must Be Higher Love” at

“Cancer-Capricorn: The Conscious Journey Home” at

“Aries-Libra: From Creation To Humanity, With Love” at Follow your ‘spiritual prescription’: Explore specific spiritual practices that align with the energy indicated by your North Node. This will open up new channels and pathways for you, in terms of your spiritual growth and development.

Try this exercise:

(Although this sample is blank, the complete text will be in your actual report)


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Transcending our Personality Signs (Although this sample page is blank, the complete text will be in your actual report)                                                                                


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The Zodiac Through The Seasons (Although this sample page is blank, the complete text will be in your actual report)                                                                                  
