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  • 8/22/2019 Personnel Handbook 15Oct08 en-1



    Extracted from the QU Human Resources Polic ies

    October 2008

    Produced by

    Office of Institutional Research and Planning

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    Personnel Handbook October 2008



    This Personnel Handbook provides a quick reference and guide to Qatar University(QU) employees in order to recognize their rights and responsibilities. All policies andprocedures contained therein apply to all staff Faculty and Non-Faculty at QU. Anyof the faculty rules, regulations and/or approved governing framework that areestablished (approved by President and/or Board of Regents), shall override theattached policies and procedures.

    Though the intent of this Handbook is for internal use, it may become accessible tointerested applicants and third parties; meanwhile, the full contents of the HumanResources Policies and Procedures Manual are confidential and are intended forinternal use only. Such manual is available for deans, directors and higher Universityadministrators. Under no circumstances, the confidential contents of the HR manualbe revealed to third parties without the express written permission of the HR Director.

    The HR manual will be updated from time to time; therefore, the QU employee shallcontact the HR department for the latest updates of the HR manual and for furtherinformation about policies enclosed in this handbook.

    The HR Director is the controller of the HR Policies and Procedures Manual, and isresponsible for addressing all enquiries and matters relating to this Handbook.

    The entire contents of this document are copyrighted to Qatar University (QU) with all

    rights reserved. Reproduction or use in any manner without permission is p rohibited.

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    Personnel Handbook October 2008


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    Personnel Handbook October 2008


    Table of Contents

    Introduction 1

    Planning 5

    PL-HRM-PLA-003: Manpower Capacity Planning 5

    At taining 6

    PL-HRM-ATT-001: Recruitment & Selection 6

    PL-HRM-ATT-004: Employment Contract 6

    Integration 8

    PL-HRM-INT-002: Probation/Confirmation 8

    Retaining 9

    Performance Management 9

    PL-HRM-RET-001: Competencies 9

    PL-HRM-RET-002: Performance Development 9PL-HRM-RET-003: Promotions & Incentives 10PL-HRM-RET-004: Training Policy 12

    Compensation 14

    PL-HRM-RET-005: Salary Structure 14PL-HRM-RET-007: Overtime 14PL-HRM-RET-010: Loans and Advances 15

    Leaves 17

    PL-HRM-RET-011: Annual Leave 17PL-HRM-RET-012: Sick Leave 18PL-HRM-RET-013: Hajj Leave 20PL-HRM-RET-014: Maternity Leave 20PL-HRM-RET-015: Compassionate Leave 21PL-HRM-RET-016: Special Leave 21PL-HRM-RET-017: Leave of Absence 23

    Al lowances 24

    PL-HRM-RET-018: Hiring Allowance 24PL-HRM-RET-019: Housing Allowance 25PL-HRM-RET-020: Furnishing Allowance 26

    PL-HRM-RET-021: Childrens Education Allowance 27PL-HRM-RET-022: Transportation Allowance 27

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    PL-HRM-RET-023: Telecommunications Allowance 28PL-HRM-RET-024: Annual Air Tickets Allowance 28PL-HRM-RET-026: Hazardous Allowance 29PL-HRM-RET-027: Qatari Nationals Allowance 29PL-HRM-RET-028: End of Service Allowance 30PL-HRM-RET-029: Repatriation Allowance 30

    Employee Relations 32

    PL-HRM-RET-030: Business Travel & Expenses 32PL-HRM-RET-031: Attendance Control 38PL-HRM-RET-032: Working Hours 38PL-HRM-RET-033: Recognized Holidays 40PL-HRM-RET-037: Safety and Accidents 40PL-HRM-RET-038: Disciplinary Policy 43PL-HRM-RET-039: Grievance Policy 47PL-HRM-RET-040: Visas 47

    Separation 50

    PL-HRM-SEP-001: Resignation 50PL-HRM-SEP-002: Termination 50PL-HRM-SEP-003: Retirement 51PL-HRM-SEP-004: End of Service Payment 51

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    Personnel Handbook October 2008



    PL-HRM-PLA-003: Manpower Capacity Planning

    The University of Qatar is committed to ensuring that key roles within the Universityare occupied by suitable qualified individuals including appropriate planning in theevent that such individuals are not available.

    1 To achieve the QU objectives, all decisions made in connection with theorganization structure development and management should be incorporatedinto an organization capability plan. The organization capability plan includesUoQs requirements for employees skills, competencies, numbers, andtimeframes for hiring or displacing employees.

    2 The organization capability plan defines the staff complement, skills sets andcompetencies required by all employees in a department and any hiring ordisplacing timeframe of employees that may be required in any department for agiven year. The plan addresses both the maintenance and growth of existingemployee numbers.

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    PL-HRM-ATT-001: Recrui tment & Selection

    The University recognizes its staff as being fundamental to its success. A strategicand professional approach to recruitment helps the University to attract and appointstaff with the necessary skills and attributes to fulfill its strategic aims, and supportthe Universitys values. The University is therefore committed to ensuring that therecruitment and selection of staff is conducted in a manner that is systematic,efficient, and effective.

    1 All recruitment shall be done based on the approved organization capabilityplan. QU exercises a preference to select employees from within QU,

    wherever possible. This is to encourage and motivate existing employees toachieve their personal development objectives. Thus, for an existing vacancythe Department Director shall first examine the possibility of an internalpromotion or transfer.

    2 If no suitable candidates are found internally, the HR Director recruits throughexternal sources. For managerial and specialized positions, the HR Directormay decide to recruit from external sources without advertising internally.

    3 All candidates undergo the selection process recommended by the HRDirector and relevant Department Director/Dean. The HR Director and therelevant Head of Department/Dean specify the selection criteria and theselection tools to be used such as psychometric tests, technical tests,

    interviews, and assessment centers. They also recommend the assessors forspecific vacancies and at different stages in the recruitment and selectionprocess. Candidates are selected only if they are found to match the jobrequirements.

    4 Qatari nationals candidates are given preference for all vacancies if the jobrequirements are met.

    PL-HRM-ATT-004: Employment Contract

    Employment contracts and the employee registration process is an integral part ofensuring a systematic process of employment with a focus on clear and completeinformation documented and understood by both the University and the employee.

    All employees of QU should have a mutually agreed and defined employmentcontract.

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    Personnel Handbook October 2008


    1 UoQ has the following types of employees:

    Employee Type Academic Non-Academic

    Full Time 3


    Part Time 3 3Contractor 3 3

    Visiting Faculty 3 2

    1.1 QU has two categories of contracts. These are as follows:

    Nationals; and Expatriates

    1.2 QU signs employment contracts with all its employees. Employment contractsare for an initial period of 3 years. Employee contracts are renewed upon themutual consent of both parties.

    1.3 The decision to renew the contract is made by the Vice President. A letterconfirming renewal of contract will be given to the employee before thecompletion of the contract. This letter will take into account the notice period forthe grade. The employment contracts will cover major terms and conditions ofthe contract such as:

    Title; Responsibilities; Salary grade;

    Benefits; Date of conclusion and date of effectiveness of contract;

    Employment duration; Location; Working hours;


    Leave; Point of origin;

    Termination conditions (including notice periods); Visa entitlement for employee and/or family; Confidentiality agreement; and

    Qatar Labor Law applicability and any other employment rules that maybe applicable from time to time.

    1.4 QU and the employee shall honor all the terms and conditions of the contract.

    1.5 Once a contract is signed, an employee is not allowed to work for otherorganizations, part time (morning or afternoon) without a written approval fromthe University from the relevant Dean for Academic Staff and the HR Director for

    Non-Academic Staff.

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    PL-HRM-INT-002: Probation/Conf irmation

    QU is committed to ensuring that both new hires and QU are able to evaluate eachother during the initial employment period. The probation policy provides a fairopportunity for the new employee to understand the organization; the standards ofperformance required and are given the guidance and support to be effective in his orher new post. Probation also allows time for the manager of newly appointed staff tomake a realistic assessment of their overall performance and ensure theircompetence in the new post.

    All employees serve a six month probationary period (one year for academicfaculty) as specified in the employment contract. During this period ofprobation, either party may terminate the contract with 7 calendar days notice.

    The Department Director or Head of Section In special cases- mayrecommend the extension of probation period for a maximum of three or sixmonths.

    The Department Director, Head of Section or Unit observes the employee forwork-related, ethical and moral issues.

    In the case of unacceptable behavior or unsatisfactory performance, theemployee may be dismissed within the probationary period without anywarning, however a notice period of 30 days may be granted at the discretionof the University. In this case the employee is not entitled to any end ofservice benefits.

    If the employees performance is found satisfactory on all the above counts,the employee is confirmed in employment in writing.

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    PL-HRM-RET-001: Competencies

    QU is committed to incorporating competencies into its hiring, selection andperformance management processes.

    Competencies are measurable and observable skills, abilities and qualities thatcontribute to success in a job. Competencies are defined as something that a person

    is capable of doing or being that enables one to effectively perform the activities of agiven occupation or function to the standards expected in employment.

    The following competencies identify the skills, abilities and qualities appropriate foreach staff member employed in administrative positions throughout QU. Severalspecific outcomes are expected with this new competency-based assessment:

    Higher standards for delivering service.

    Reduction in administrative costs through improving and standardizingqualifications and competencies.

    Better service for customers through more stable support and servicesystems.

    Improved professional ethics and standards.

    Higher morale and more motivated employees.

    PL-HRM-RET-002: Performance Development

    QU is committed to evaluating the performance of each staff member at regularintervals to ensure training needs and eligibility for promotion are assessed in atimely manner. The appraisal process identifies job accountabilities and performanceobjectives and measures results against expectations.

    1.1 The Department Director assigns appraisers for employees. In most cases thisis the immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor is responsible for settingobjectives, discussing and agreeing expectations for the day to day duties of theemployee. This shall be done at the beginning of the year and progress againstthese objectives shall form the basis of the review at the end of the year. It is

    recommended that new joiners also discuss objectives with their DepartmentDirector, Head of Section or Unit within one month of joining QU.

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    1.2 The employee needs to be proactive during the year to discuss the progress

    against objectives, related issues, support required and seek any general adviceand counseling that he/she may need to optimize his/her contribution to QUgoals and plans. Thus the employee or the Department Director, Head of

    Section or Unit may seek periodic reviews of the performance against objectivesset at the beginning of the review period.

    1.3 Department Director, Head of Section/Unit are responsible for providing theappraisal rating and the HR Director determines the increment in conjunctionwith the Department Director based on the guidelines set by the QU ExecutiveManagement Team.

    1.4 If an employee is rated as below expectations as part of annual performanceappraisal for two continuing years, the University reserves the right to terminatehis/her employment contract.

    PL-HRM-RET-003: Promot ions & Incentives

    Annual Mer it Increments

    1.1 All employees are subject to the performance appraisal process. Theperformance appraisal process normally assesses the performance of anemployee for a period of one year.

    1.2 If the employee has joined QU in the middle of the year and has completed aminimum of 6 months service, he/she is given an annual merit increment basedon his/her performance and contribution to the Department and QU. In the caseof employees who are still in probation at the end of the year, the performanceappraisal process is conducted in the following review cycle and no annual meritincrement is given.

    1.3 Based on the results of the performance appraisal process and subject to theabove timescales, employees may be individually recommended for an annualincrement. This is effective from the beginning of the next academic year(September) for staff that will continue with QU.

    1.4 If the performance is assessed by the Department Director, Head of Section/Unitas below the minimum standard expected in the job, the employee is not grantedan annual increment.

    1.5 When an employee is at the maximum of his/her salary grade or when his/herannual salary increase exceeds the maximum of the salary grade, he/she willinstead receive an increase to take him/her to the maximum. In addition, therewill be a one-time bonus for the unused increase portion calculated as follows:

    Unused increase x 12 = One-time Bonus

    This bonus shall not be considered part of the individuals basic salary.

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    Personnel Handbook October 2008


    1.6 Qatari National employee who will be retired prior to the annual salary reviewswill receive a salary increase effective on the day immediately prior to the date ofretirement. The increase will be calculated and in proportion from the date andbudget amount percent of the last annual review. If he/she were at the maximumof his/her salary grade, then he/she will be given a retirement bonus equivalent

    to the salary increase amount x 12.

    1.7 Faculty/supporting academic staff that are newly hired (even if they are still onprobation) or have returned from approved leave in the first semester of theacademic year are eligible for consideration of an annual performance review.Meanwhile, faculty/supporting academic staff that are hired or have returnedfrom approved leave in the second semester of the academic year or duringsummer time will be eligible for review in the next academic year. However, theDirector/Dean may decide to pro-rate their increase or award no increase aftercomparing their salaries to other Department employees.

    1.8 Faculty/supporting academic staff that is on long-term academic programs inQatar or overseas must present progress report from the academic supervisor inorder to be eligible for the annual salary increment.

    Merit Award Program (Bonus)

    1.1 The merit award program allows the University President to reward academicand non-academic staffs who carry out important project or task, withperformance level exceeding expectations, achieved significant contribution orcost saving, and/or enhanced the image of the University.

    1.2 Nomination forms must be filled with justifications by the Director/Dean tonominate the employee with significant achievement and approved by thecorresponding Vice-President.


    1.1 An employee is promoted if a suitable vacancy at a higher salary grade exists,the employee has the requisite skills and competencies to perform the new job,and the performance appraisal proves consistently high achievement levels.

    1.2 In such a case, the employee is promoted if the Department Director, Head of

    Section or Unit recommends him for an existing vacancy at a higher salary gradewithin the department.

    1.3 A promotion is also given if the existing job increases in content, scope or levelof responsibility and is re-evaluated at a higher grade level.

    1.4 The employee may also apply in writing for an internal vacancy when anotification is issued.

    1.5 The employee goes through the normal selection process as prescribed by theHR Director.

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    1.6 A promotion is given at any time during the year and is not linked to the timing ofthe appraisal process. All promotions are effective from the date of thepromotion decision.

    1.7 Employees promoted from one salary grade to another receive a minimum

    salary increase as specified in guidelines set by the HR Director; however, thenew starting salary must not be less than the employees last salary. In thiscase, the employee will receive a 10% increase in the basic salary. This mayvary in exceptional circumstances with the consent of the President.

    1.8 All recommendations for promotions shall be co-ordinated with DepartmentsDirector and/ or HR Director. Promotions for staff at Head of Unit level andbelow must be recommended by the relevant Department Director andsubsequently approved by HR Director; while promotions for staff higher thanHead of Unit are to be approved by the Vice President based on therecommendation of the HR Director and that of the relevant department directorin the case of section head and that of the relevant Department for SectionHeads.

    For Academic Staff Only

    When a faculty/supporting academic staff is promoted to a higher job grade (oracademic rank), his/her basic salary will be adjusted by a 10% increase of the basicsalary or the minimum basic salary of the next salary grade, whichever is greater.However, promotion to the rank of Professor will not grant the faculty member asalary adjustment unless suitable salary grade vacancy for such academic rankexists. Qatari nationals are not limited to this condition, for the University iscommitted to develop Qatari human resources, therefore, new salary gradevacancies may be created for promoted Qatari faculty members.

    PL-HRM-RET-004: Training Policy

    QU is committed to the support and promotion of staff development and trainingbased on a vision of continuous improvement.

    1.1 It is the responsibility of the HR Director to co-ordinate with the DepartmentDirectors and/or relevant academic staff (Deans, etc) to determine the training

    requirements at both an individual and departmental level. EachDepartment/College shall have a training budget based on the assessed trainingrequirements. The annual training plans (including type of training required,training periods, training objectives, costs, etc) and budget are developed oncethe departmental training requirements have been identified and collated into anannual organizational training plan. The Vice President (with feedback from thePresident as necessary) shall approve the training budget as per the overallbudget approval process.

    Training Needs Analysis

    1.2 The training needs of employees are based on the following criteria:

    Requirements of their present job;

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    Possible promotions and transfers; and Skills gaps that may have been identified through the performance

    appraisal process or during the course of work.

    1.3 The employee must be proactive in identifying training needs and seeking thesupport of his/her immediate supervisor. All such requests for training must beaccompanied with a justification explaining the positive impact that such trainingis likely to have on the employees performance, and how this would benefit theUniversity.

    Functional and Skills Training

    1.4 The training needs analysis identifies the specific training requirements infunctional, inter personal and management skills areas. These requirementsmay arise from performance reviews or at any time during the year.

    Training Evaluation

    1.5 All training programs from both external trainers as well as internal personnelshall be evaluated to assess if they have met the training objectives. Externaltrainers shall in addition be vetted for the quality of their training programs andthe competency of their trainers. Repeat training shall be carried out only if thetraining course has added value, and the objectives of the training have beenmet.

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    PL-HRM-RET-005: Salary Structure

    An employees salary shall be within the salary range that is assigned to the positionbased on the position's duties and responsibilities.

    1.1 The job evaluation process determines the salary grade of the job/new recruit.Where the employee is placed on the salary grade structure is dependant onmany factors such as technical skills and experience as evaluated during theselection process. The HR Director is responsible for assigning the salarygrade, compensation and benefits for the new joiner.

    PL-HRM-RET-007: Overt ime

    The University is responsible for paying employees consistent with the terms andconditions of their employment. Effective management of resources includesaccurate accounting of hours worked.


    1.1 Employees in grades 115 and lower are eligible to be paid overtime worked,

    when it has been appropriately authorized.

    1.2 As a matter of routine, employees are expected to complete their work within theregular working hours. During times when this is not possible, the priorauthorization of their immediate supervisor is necessary before overtime can beworked and overtime hours are calculated.

    Overtime Rates

    1.3 Overtime is recorded and paid for in units of one hour worked in excess of the

    established work schedules. No payment is made for periods of less than 1 hour.

    1.4 The maximum overtime allowed is three hours on a working day and 9 hours ona rest day for each employee.

    1.5 In cases where the employees are on variable hours per day/week, overtimemay be calculated for a cumulative period where overtime is the number ofhours worked in excess of the normal number of working hours.

    1.6 Unauthorized absence is deducted from overtime calculations.

    1.7 Overtime is paid at the following rates (only after 40 hours worked in a week)Overtime riyal value may not exceed 50% of employees basic salary for a

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    month and is only for staff on grade 110-115 (minimum amount of QAR25). Atleast 1 continous overtime hour per day for a claim to be valid).

    Overtime Rate

    For overtime hours worked on normalworkdays.

    The basic hourly rate + 25% for each hourworked.

    For all hours worked on Fridays, Saturday and

    public holidays.

    The basic hourly rate + 50% for each hour


    For shift workers, hours worked on a rest day. The basic hourly rate + 25% for each hour


    For shift workers, hours worked on a public


    The basic hourly rate + 50% for each hour


    The hourly rate is calculated as follows:

    Basic hourly rate = Annual basic salary during period in which overtime was worked

    Standard weekly hours*52

    PL-HRM-RET-010: Loans and Advances

    The University employees are highly valued and the University is committed to

    ensuring appropriate support is available where feasible.

    Al l Employees

    1 New University employees (faculty and non-faculty) are granted a loanequivalent to 1-month basic salary repayable over 3 months. The employeewill send a written request to the HR Director who is responsible for attainingapproval from the Vice President.

    2 An interest free car loan, payable monthly over three years may be granted tothe University employees once only for a regular contract; and every four

    years for a rolling contract after paying off the previous loan, during theiremployment at the discretion of the Vice President & CFO.

    Qatari Nationals Only

    1.1 Interest free loan may be granted at the discretion of the Vice President to Qatariemployees as the result of an unplanned emergency.

    1.2 A Marriage loan may be granted to Male Qatari employees at the discretion ofthe Vice President once only during their employment with the University,repayable within 5 years. If employee leaves prior to the 5 years, the loanbalance will be due at the time of departure.

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    1.3 Another interest free car loan after four years from the approval of the previouscar loan, given that the previous car loan has been recovered.

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    Personnel Handbook October 2008



    PL-HRM-RET-011: Annual Leave

    1.1 Employees in grades 110-119 are entitled to annual leave of 40 calendar daysper year. The employee is not entitled to any earned leave during periods ofunpaid absence.

    1.2 Earned leave does not include public holidays (Independence Day, Eid Al-Fitr,Eid Al-Adha, or any other official holiday declared by the government or theBoard of Regents). An employee can start or finish his/her leave only on aworking day. i.e. public holidays lying within the period of employee leave are notdeducted from the employee vacation balance.

    1.3 All leave entitlements are calculated based on an employees appointment date.

    1.4 Leave entitlements for a part of the year is calculated as follows:

    Annual earned leave = Annual leave entitlement * No. of days employed in the year365

    No. of days employed in the year are inclusive of weekends and public holidays.

    Sickness during annual leave

    1.5 If an employee is hospitalized during his/her annual leave and produces a valid

    medical certificate, these days spent in the hospital count as sick leave and arenot deducted from the annual leave entitlement. The HR Director verifies theauthenticity of the medical certificate whenever necessary.

    Rate of pay

    1.6 Leave pay is calculated as basic pay plus allowances. Allowances paid becauseof work or responsibilities such as temporary position substitution allowance andother such allowances, are not paid. Reimbursement for all other allowancessuch as housing, furniture, transport, education, utilities and travel tickets are notaffected.

    Leave salary is calculated as follows (assuming a month is 30 days):

    Daily rate = Monthly salary including cash allowances (less specified allowances)30 days

    Leave salary for the month = No. of days during leave period* Daily rate.

    Advance pay for earned leave

    1.7 Leave pay is paid in advance in monthly amounts only if:

    1 Leave period is not less than 26 days; and2 Leave application is submitted at least one month in advance of

    commencement of leave.

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    Rolling forward and encashment of annual leave

    1.8 Employees are encouraged to utilize their earned leave subject to work

    commitments during the year.

    1.9 Subject to work requirements and approval of the immediate supervisor, hisdepartment director and the HR Director, a Qatari employee may encash 100%of the total annual leave entitlement and may take the balance once in acalendar year.

    1.10 In the case of expatriate employees, if leave is not taken during the year, itlapses after two years, unless the employee is asked by the University in writingnot to take leave because of extenuating work circumstances. In order to carryleave forward to the next year, the employee must have the advance writtenapproval from the Vice President, based on a recommendation from theDepartment Director.

    1.11 The employee is responsible for planning his/her leave dates and obtaining thenecessary approvals for encashment or carrying leave forward.

    1.12 Leave encashed is paid at the basic rate of pay only. For Qatar nationals thisencashment is at basic pay plus National allowance.

    Special Circumstances

    1.13 The University may require an employee to forgo some annual leave days inorder to address job responsibilities that may arise. In this event, the employeemay encashed the annual leave balance. This is based on approval from theVice President and CFO.

    PL-HRM-RET-012: Sick Leave

    o If an employee falls sick during the probationary period, he/she mustprovide a medical certificate and the probationary period may beextended for the relevant number of days at the discretion of theimmediate supervisor.

    o An employee is entitled to sick leave (certified) not exceeding 45 daysper calendar year. Sick pay during this period is calculated as follows:

    Period Salary payable

    15 days Full pay

    Next 30 days Half pay

    Any subsequent days No payment

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    o The number of days of sick leave taken may be continuous orinterrupted.

    o Sick leave entitlements for a part of the year are prorated as follows:

    Part sick leave entitlement =

    (15/30/45 days)*No. of days employed in calendar year (incl. weekends and public holidays)


    o The employee or their representative should notify their immediatesupervisor on the first day that they are absent from work. If theillness continues for two days or more, the employee must provide amedical certificate from the relevant doctor specifying:

    I. The nature of the illness;II. Confirmation that the employee is too ill to perform full or partial dutiesof his/her job; and

    III. Indicating the expected return to work of the employee.

    Failure on the part of the employee to furnish such verification of illness from hi/herrelevant doctor shall disqualify the employee from receiving sick pay.

    o A maximum of 3 days may be allowed as uncertified sick leave in ayear and not more than 1 day on an occasion.

    o In the case of a long period of sickness, it is the responsibility of theemployee to inform his/her immediate supervisor of the dates of sickleave and return to work.

    Rate of Sick Pay

    o Sick leave full pay is basic pay plus allowances. Allowances paidbecause of work or responsibilities such temporary positionsubstitution allowance and other such allowances other than thosementioned below, are not paid. Reimbursement for allowances suchas housing, furniture, transport, education, utilities and travel ticketsare not affected.

    o Sick leave at half pay is calculated by reducing the basic pay to half.

    o Unpaid sick leave is calculated by reducing the basic pay to nil.

    o No compensation is payable if the illness is the result of theemployees misconduct.

    o In the absence of a medical certificate the HR Director with input fromthe relevant Department Director/Dean may use discretion to treat theentire period as unauthorized absence.

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    Illness Certificate Requirements

    o The Doctors certificate must be issued from Hamad Hospital or othergovernment clinics that issues a health certificate accepted by the

    government health body and must include the following information:

    Nature of illness;

    Confirmation that employees illness hampers performance of duties or iscontagious; and

    Specifies estimated length of illness.

    PL-HRM-RET-013: Hajj Leave

    1.1 Hajj Leave is granted to Muslim employees for performing pilgrimage aftercompleting a minimum of one year of continuous service. It is granted onceduring their entire service with full pay including allowance for 14 calendar days.

    1.2 The leave is sanctioned based on the approval of the employees relevantsupervisor and tracked by the HR Department to ensure it is only granted once.

    PL-HRM-RET-014: Maternity Leave


    1.1 Female employees are eligible to apply for maternity leave only after they havecompleted one (1) year of service. If the employee has not completed one (1)years service, the employee will be entitled to maternity leave at half pay.

    1.2 Annual earned leave may be added to the maternity leave. The employeecannot claim sick leave during the maternity leave.

    1.3 The employee may be granted a maximum of 100 days unpaid maternity leaveunder special circumstances based on medical advice in writing.


    1.4 Female employees are entitled to 60 days maternity leave (at full pay includingallowances). This includes the period preceding and the period followingconfinement.

    1.5 Within the 60 days, the employee has the discretion to decide the number ofdays to be taken before and after delivery.

    1.6 Female employees are entitled to two hours daily directly after Maternity leavefor nursing infants up to a period of one year for each new born. It is the

    employees decision when to take such leave during the day(morning/afternoon).

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    PL-HRM-RET-015: Compassionate Leave

    1.1 Due to reasons that cannot be foreseen or documented in advance, employeesmay apply for leave on compassionate grounds. The HR Director makes adecision on such applications on a case by case basis with input fromemployees immediate supervisor. The employee must provide the appropriatedocumentary evidence.

    1.2 Compassionate leave is granted in the case of:

    Death of immediate relative (spouse, parents, and children) 7 calendardays;

    Death of other relative (brother, sister and grandfather) 3 calendar days;and

    Eddah Leave - four months and ten days granted to a female Muslimemployee in the event of her husbands death

    PL-HRM-RET-016: Special Leave

    Special Medical Leave1.1 Special Medical Leave may be granted for an employee for medical treatment

    inside or outside Qatar and it will be based on the decision of the treatinghospital/clinic. Such leave will be at full pay and cannot exceed a period of 365calendar days for Qatari employees and 90 calendar days for non-Qatariemployees (both subject to Vice President approval). This is to be supported byboth local medical records as well as confirmation from the treatinghospital/clinic outside Qatar. This will also need to be certified by the relevantQatar embassy indicating actual period of stay and nature of illness. Otherdocuments may be requested at the discretion of the University.

    Marriage Leave

    1.2 Employees (Qatari or Non-Qatari) who complete the probation periodsuccessfully with the University are entitled once during their period ofemployment to Marriage Leave. Such leave is at full pay and is for a period of14 calendar days.

    Special Childcare Leave

    1.3 Female Qatari employees are entitled to Special Childcare Leave in the case ofhaving a new born child with special needs or disabilities for a maximum periodof 2 years at full pay.

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    1.4 If special childcare leave is required for a second time, it will be at basic salary(plus housing allowance if applicable) only for a period of 2 years at thediscretion of the Vice President provided a minimum of four years has elapsedsince any previous childcare leave being granted.

    Casual Leave

    1.5 Employees are entitled to Casual leave that is not more than 7 days in acalendar year (and not more than 3 consecutive days per time) which is grantedby the Department Director. Casual leaves cannot be carried forward to the nextfinancial year.

    Working on weekends

    1.6 Employees may work during weekends due to work circumstances (based onprior approval). The number of days worked will be accrued, but resultant timeoff during regular working hours must be taken within one month of the initialperiod of weekend work. The Director is responsible for keeping records of thehours worked on weekends. Days accrued may not be combined with Annualleave.

    Medical Accompanying Leave (Qatari employees sponsored by Healthauthorities only)

    1.7 Medical accompanying leave (employee accompanying any of his/her relative fortreatment outside Qatar) is granted as follows:

    For immediate relatives (father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, sister,

    brother), employee is entitled for a maximum period of 1 year at full pay (lesstransportation). This is to be supported by both local medical records as wellas confirmation from the treating hospital/clinic outside Qatar. This will alsoneed to be certified by the relevant Qatar embassy indicating actual period ofstay and nature of illness. Other documents may be requested at thediscretion of the University. In exceptional cases, the employee may beentitled for a maximum period of 3 years based on the approval of an internalcommittee comprising the President, the VP & CFO, the Legal Counsellor,and a technical advisor from the employees department.

    Other Special Leave1.8 In special unforeseen circumstances, an employee may request special leave,

    which is granted at the discretion of the Department Director. This is amaximum of 20 working days per calendar year. Such leave cannot be greaterthan 5 consecutive days per request.

    1.9 All special leave requests should be supported by relevant documentation thatare provided at the requesting stage or on return from leave.

    1.10 Examples of special leave include:

    Study leave; Examination leave; and Any other as approved by HR Director.

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    PL-HRM-RET-017: Leave of Absence

    Leave of Absence Without Pay

    Leave of absence without pay is applied in the following situations:

    Author ized leave of absence without pay

    1.1 Leave of absence without pay is not normally granted. In exceptional cases,when an employee has exhausted the annual leave entitlement and unforeseencircumstances require additional leave to be taken, a maximum of 7 days leavewithout pay may be granted. This is determined on a case by case basis.

    Application for unpaid leave must be approved (by immediate supervisor) inadvance and follows the same procedure as applying for annual leave.

    1.2 During the period of the unpaid leave, basic salary and all work relatedallowances are not paid to the employee except the housing allowance whichwill not be affected. For any period beyond the seven days, basic salary and allallowances are not paid. Such extensions need approval from DepartmentDirector (with input from HR Director) if less than 3 weeks and from the VicePresident if longer

    1.3 Based on the approval of the president, an employee may be granted a leavewithout pay for a specific period, which must be reviewed annually.

    Unauthorized leave of absence without pay

    1.4 An employee who takes time off without prior approval or returns late from anauthorized leave of absence, shall have all such time deemed as unauthorizedand shall not receive pay for such time unless the employee can verify that suchabsence was beyond the employees control.

    1.5 Any unauthorized time off shall be subject to disciplinary action up to andincluding termination from employment unless the employee can verify that such

    absence was beyond the employees control.

    1.6 An employee who does not report to his/her work after 14 days have elapsedfrom the designated date of reporting back, the University has the right toterminate his/her employment.

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    PL-HRM-RET-018: Hiring Allowance

    1.1 Faculty and non-faculty employees joining the University from outside Qatar, areentitled to a joining package as specified below:

    J oining passage

    1.2 One way air ticket from the city of residence registered at the time of joining orlocation of residence at the time of recruitment to Doha, Qatar for self, spouseand a maximum of 3 children up to the age of 18 years; and

    1.3 The universitys contribution to reallocation through baggage allowance shall befrom the location of residence at the time of recruitment to Doha, Qatar and is asfollows:

    Grade Allowance Maximum Amount



    1. 300 Kgs of unaccompaniedbaggage (airfreight) for theemployee; and

    2. 200 Kgs of unaccompaniedbaggage (airfreight) for thespouse.

    1. Equivalent of USD1,500 in Qatari Riyal

    2. Equivalent of USD1,000 in Qatari Riyal



    1. 150 Kgs of unaccompanied

    baggage (airfreight) for theemployee; and

    2. 100 Kgs of unaccompaniedbaggage (airfreight) for thespouse.

    1. Equivalent of USD

    750 in Qatari Riyal

    2. Equivalent of USD500 in Qatari Riyal

    110-111 None. None

    1.4 This allowance is applicable to expatriates and their spouses, working andresiding outside Qatar at the time of recruitment;

    1.5 The employee shall support the claim for this allowance with relevant invoices

    showing the actual amount paid (with the maximum amount mentioned in theabove table), and in all cases it cant be settled for personal invoices on claims(i.e. issued by employee).

    1.6 This allowance shall be paid in advance and once only based on the maritalstatus of the employee at the time of joining QU;

    1.7 The above allowance of excess weight is applicable to airfreight, while in thecase of land freight or sea freight, the Maximum Amount applies (not theweight).

    1.8 The university reserves the right to ask the prospective employee to submit more

    than one estimate.

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    1.9 J oining passage of employee and family is based on actual purchase of ticketsor a prepaid ticket advice. Cash equivalent is not paid to employees, unlessauthorized by the Vice President

    1.10 All claims for reimbursement should be settled within 90 days from the date ofthe invoice.

    Immigration documents

    1.11 QU is responsible for preparation, submission and payment for documents to therelevant authorities for obtaining visas for the employee and their immediatefamily (wife/husband and 3 children).

    PL-HRM-RET-019: Housing Allowance

    Temporary accommodation on arrival/departure/transfer

    1.1 Temporary accommodation is provided to the employees who arrive at the placeof work from outside Qatar. This may be a furnished apartment or hotelaccommodation nominated by QU. The temporary accommodation is providedfor a maximum period of 2 weeks.

    1.2 On joining, housing allowance is payable to the new employee only after he/shemoves out of the temporary accommodation.

    1.3 QU reserves the right to either allocate suitable housing or paying a housingallowance as per the employee's contract.

    1.4 Employees are entitled to a monthly housing allowance according to thefollowing scheme and subject to the conditions listed below:

    1.4.1 If an employees spouse is employed in a government department,government owned or an organization with substantial governmentshareholding (minimum 40%) and receives housing/housing allowance,the non-National QU employee will not be eligible for this allowance orhousing from the university; however, the National employee will beeligible for single status allowance.

    1.4.2 A divorced female employee is entitled to a married type housingallowance if she is responsible for supporting her children (subject to courtcertificate).

    1.5 Housing allowance is applicable to all staff based on their position's grade.However if husband and wife are employed at QU, only the one with the highestentitlement receives an allowance.

    1.6 If the employee has leased accommodation above the maximum limit, QU is notaccountable and the employee is responsible for covering all additional costs.

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    1.7 This allowance will not be paid if the employee is provided with a house (villa,apartment and/or hotel accommodation) by QU..

    PL-HRM-RET-020: Furnishing Allowance

    1.1 Based on the conditions of the contract, employees are paid a one time furnitureallowance upon joining QU.

    Notes: This allowance shall be paid in advance once only at the time of joining QU

    (only for new staff and not for renewal of contract or agreeing to a newcontract if an existing employee of the University), any subsequent changesin employee grade, will not trigger further payment;

    The allowance shall accrue to the employee on a monthly basis and shall beamortized over 48 months;

    The QU at its discretion may provide suitable accommodation. If suchaccommodation is furnished then the employee is not eligible for thisallowance, however if the employee is asked to vacate Universityaccommodation such allowance may be payable; and

    If an employees spouse is employed in a government department,government owned or an organization with substantial governmentshareholding (minimum 40%) and receives furnishing allowance, the QUemployee will not be eligible for this allowance.

    Single employee is entitled to 50% of the furniture allowance.

    1.2 The initial furniture allowance is accounted for over a period of four years. The

    furniture belongs to the employee. If the employee leaves before the completionof four years, he/she is required to repay a proportion of the furniture allowanceas follows:

    On completion of 1 year of service, 25% is written off and 75% is repaid toQU;

    On completion of 2 year of service, 50% is written off and 50% is repaid toQU;

    On completion of 3 years of service, 75% is written off and 25% is repaid toQU; and

    On completion of 4 years of service, 100% is written off and no repayment

    needs to be made to QU.

    1.3 Repayment for part of a year is prorated. The amount to be repaid is deductedfrom the end of service benefits or recovered from the employee.

    1.4 The university does not take back or buy any furniture from employees orfaculty.

    1.5 An employee who worked for the university before and left & is rejoining theuniversity again, is eligible for the furniture allowance, given that the allowance

    has been accounted for.

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    1.6 An employee who was employed in a governmental department, governmentowned organization or an organization with substantial governmentalshareholding, and is joining the university is entitled to the furniture allowance.

    PL-HRM-RET-021: Childrens Education Allowance

    1.1 Based on the terms of the contract, employees may be entitled to a childreneducation allowance as follows (Exceptions only by the President):


    Children's Education

    U G118-119Director

    Maximum amount of 45,000 Q.R. per child per year - (max 3 childrenunder 18).

    114 117For Non-Arab


    Maximum amount of 30,000 Q.R. per child per year - (max 3 childrenunder 18)

    1.2 If the actual school fees are more than the maximum permissible limit for thegrade, the employee is responsible for paying the balance.

    1.3 As a guideline, the allowance covers only the following:

    School fees (including registration fees); Required school books as prescribed by the syllabus; and

    School transport if used by the child.

    1.4 The allowance is paid against actual original invoices (including originalreceipt of payment from school) and is authorized by the HR Director. If thereis any doubt as to whether an expense is payable or not, clarification shouldbe sought from the HR Director.

    1.5 QU pays the children education allowance from the first grade up to 18 years.

    The first allowance is claimable for the term when the child enrolls for the firstgrade and the last being the end of the academic year in which the childcelebrates his/her 18th birthday.

    1.6 If both husband and wife are working in QU, only one parent is entitled tochildren education allowance.

    1.7 The employee must provide the relevant invoices for school fees paid peryear. If the employee leaves QU before the completion of the year for whichfees have been paid, then the proportionate amount will be recovered fromthe employee.

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    1.8 Married female employees are entitled to children education allowance if theirhusbands are not entitled to this allowance in their place of work. In such acase the female employee is required to obtain a letter from the husbandsemployer stating that he/she is not entitled to children education allowance.

    All such employees also have to give a declaration that they will inform QU ifthere is a change of status. If false information is provided and a claim forreimbursement of fees is made on incorrect grounds, the employee is liablefor disciplinary proceedings and the amount thus claimed must be paid backto QU.

    PL-HRM-RET-022: Transportation Allowance

    1.1 Employees who are not assigned a University transport, are paid a monthlytransport allowance to travel to and from their place of work as specified in their


    1.2 All local travel within Doha is expected to be covered from the monthly transportallowance as applicable.

    1.3 The following standard mileage allowances can be obtained in case of traveloutside Doha using personal vehicles QAR 0.50/km.

    PL-HRM-RET-023: Telecommunications Allowance

    1.1 Employees who require mobile telephones for business needs (onlypositions/jobs declared as field jobs by the H.R. Director) shall be provided byapproval of the Vice President (through a request from Department Director) ofan allowance equivalent to actual telephone bill or QAR 400 whichever is lower.

    PL-HRM-RET-024: Annual Air Tickets Allowance

    1.1 Based on the terms of the contracts, eligible employees after probation period(and immediate family resident in Qatar) are provided with annual air tickets onthe completion of every year of service (Academic year for faculty staff) to thepoint of origin specified in their employment contract, and validated by theirpassport. Standard direct flight rates on the relevant class on Qatar Airwaysshall apply. The allowances are as follows:

    Qatari Nationals

    1. 1.5 months basic salary

    Non-Qatari Nationals

    Directors and faculty members in administrative positions such as

    deans and higher: Business class return tickets for self, spouse and a

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    maximum of 3 children up to the age of 18 years for the city of residenceregistered at the time of joining or approved at a later date by the V.P.

    Al l other employees: Economy class return tickets for self, spouse anda maximum of 3 children up to the age of 18 years for the city ofresidence registered at the time of joining or approved at a later date by

    the V.P./CFO; and Grade 110-111: Economy class return tickets for self. In order to be eligible for air ticket allowance, the employee must take

    his annual leave based on University decision.

    Notes: This allowance shall accrue to the employee on a monthly basis.

    1.2 For non Qatari staff, if both the husband and the wife are working for QU, theallowance is provided to the employee with the higher entitlement.

    1.3 Payment of air tickets allowance will be based on Qatar Airways J une rates. Thiswill include ticket taxes, etc. and paid cash to the employee.

    1.4 For Qatari staff, if husband and wife are working for QU, they are both entitled toreceive the equivalent of 1.5 of monthly basic salary

    1.5 Newly hired employees during their first year of employment and after theprobation period may receive early payment of leave airfares (in specialcircumstances approved by the Vice President), however if employee leaves theUniversity employment earlier than a one year period, the value of the airfareswill be recovered on a pro-rata basis.

    1.6 All travel tickets accrue to the employee on a prorate basis. If the employee

    leaves then the cost of the tickets will be recovered on a pro-rata basis.

    PL-HRM-RET-026: Hazardous Allowance

    1.1 A hazard allowance may be paid based on the approval of the Vice President(based on request from relevant Department Director) to employees undertakingresponsibilities within the University that are of a hazardous nature.

    1.2 Applicable only to the positions/jobs declared as hazardous by the H.R.Director.

    1.3 The value of the allowance is QAR 500.

    PL-HRM-RET-027: Qatari Nationals Allowance

    The following allowances apply to Qatar Nationals only.

    National allowance

    1.1 Qatar nationals with proof of Qatar nationality are granted a National Allowance.

    The National Allowance is paid monthly according to the job grade and maritalstatus, as long as the nationality is retained.

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    Note: If a married employee's spouse employed in a government department,government owned or an organization with substantial governmentshareholding (minimum 40%) and receives this allowance, the UoQ employeewill be eligible for a "single" allowance.


    1.2 All pension entitlements are as per Qatari Governments Pension Scheme andrelated regulation.

    PL-HRM-RET-028: End of Service Allowance

    1.1 Employees (faculty and non-faculty) are entitled to receive a gratuity sum at theend of their service, based on the duration of their employment (with a maximumof 10 years) in accordance with prevailing Qatari law.

    1.2 The end of service allowance shall be equal to 1 months basic salary for eachyear of service on a pro-rata basis for a maximum of 10 years;

    Notes: This allowance shall accrue to the Non-Qatari employee on a monthly basis;

    and Qatari employees end of service benefit is governed by the Qatar General

    Retirement and Pension Authority rules and regulations.

    1.3 After the completion of one year of service, gratuity for an incomplete year ofservice is paid on a pro-rata basis.

    1.4 End of Service Allowance shall be paid when the employee is leaving QU andnot on contract renewal or change of employee status.

    1.5 If the last salary due to an employee at the time of his/her departure from QU isnot sufficient to recover the dues to QU in the form of loans, notice pay,loss/damages then the remaining amount may be recovered from his/her gratuityentitlements.

    1.6 If the employee leaves without giving notice, then one months salary in lieu ofnotice period may be deducted.

    PL-HRM-RET-029: Repatriation Allowance

    1.1 Based on the terms and conditions of the employment contract, faculty and non-faculty employees are entitled to a repatriation package as specified below:

    1.2 Based on the terms of the contract, all eligible employees and families areprovided with an air ticket to the hometown/location of recruitment from Doha.

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    The family is defined as the spouse of the employee and children (up to amaximum of 3) up to the age of 18 years. The allowance shall be as follows:

    Grade Allowance Maximum AmountOther



    300 Kgs of unaccompaniedbaggage (airfreight) for theemployee; and

    200 Kgs of unaccompaniedbaggage (airfreight) for thespouse.

    1. Equivalent of USD1,500 in Qatari Riyal

    2. Equivalent of USD1,000 in Qatari Riyal.



    1. 150 Kgs of unaccompaniedbaggage (airfreight) for theemployee; and

    2. 100 Kgs of unaccompanied

    baggage (airfreight) for thespouse.

    1. Equivalent of USD 750in Qatari Riyal; and

    2. Equivalent of USD 500in Qatari Riyal.

    110-111 None. None.

    1.3 This applies to employee and spouse who are returning to their home country. Ifa no objection certificate is given and the employee is taking up employmentwith another organization in Qatar, he/she may not claim the repatriationpackage. This also applies to the cases of unacceptable resignation ordiscontinuation of work.

    1.4 Repatriation of employee and family is based on actual purchase of tickets or aprepaid ticket advice. Cash equivalent is not paid to employees.

    1.5 If a female/male employees husband/wife is entitled to repatriation for the familyfrom his/her employer, then QU does not provide repatriation.

    1.6 When an employee is married to another member of staff and both aresponsored by QU, only one joining and repatriation package is provided.

    1.7 The university reserves the right to ask the employee to submit more than oneestimate.

    1.8 All claims for reimbursement should be settled within 90 days from the date ofthe invoice

    1.9 The above allowance weight is applicable to airfreight, while in the case of landfreight, or sea freight, the Maximum Amount applies not weight

    1.10 This contribution toward repatriation shall be paid based on actual invoices andcant be settled for individual invoices or claims (i.e. issued by the employee).

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    PL-HRM-RET-030: Business Travel & Expenses

    The University appreciates the efforts of those who travel on University business.Travellers should be comfortable while travelling, understand all travel-relatedpolicies, and obtain reimbursement for their business travel expenses on a timelybasis. An individual travelling on University business should neither gain nor losepersonal funds as a result of that travel.

    Travel should always be arranged to serve the best interest of the University.Employees should use the most direct route and the most economical transportation,taking into consideration travel time, expense, absence from campus, andconvenience. Business travel expenses will be paid by the University only if they arereasonable, necessary and in accordance with this policy. Travellers must submit

    reimbursement requests with required supporting documents within ten businessdays of return from travel.

    1. General

    1.1 All business travel must be approved in writing through the TravelAuthorization Form (TAF). In emergencies, verbal approval for travel may begiven but must be supported in writing as soon as possible afterwards.

    1.2 QU pays (through the travel allowances) the following:

    Transport to and from the destination by the most direct and cost effectiveroute;

    The cost of accommodation, meals and other costs integral to thebusiness journey as well as incidental costs such as taxis and personaltelephone calls (included in daily allowance);

    Visa and immunization costs of foreign travel.

    1.3 The employee undertaking business travel is responsible for ensuring thatthey are in adherence with the travel and expenses policy.

    1.4 No employee may approve a business travel for himself.

    1.5 The Employee Relations Section is responsible for issuing tickets orarranging for issuing them with travel agents.

    2. Policy Section Mode of Travel

    )delegation requires approval by President(DelegationsAir tickets for Official

    2.1 All senior employees representing QU in international and regional

    gatherings/conferences, i.e. Directors, Deans, and above: First class returntickets.

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    2.2 For the rest of academic and non-academic grades: Business Class return

    tickets. However may be upgraded to First Class if traveling as part of adelegation which has staff of higher seniority.

    :Other Business Trips/Training Programs

    2.3 Qatar Airways is to be utilized whenever available. Class of travel will bebased on employee grade as follows:

    President, VP, AVP, & U,A Grades: First Class Grades B-D & 118-119 (Directors Only): Business Class Grades 110-117, Economy Class.

    Upgrading Provisions

    2.4 An upgrade at the expense of the University will not be reimbursed unlessapproved by the Vice President. Upgrades may be permitted by the VicePresident only under the following circumstances:

    If the authorized travel classification is unavailable;

    If travel in economy class would result in uneconomic delay or hamperbusiness schedules;

    If a higher travel classification is warranted due to compelling healthreasons; or

    If the University employee is traveling on a common business trip with one

    or more representatives from an external organization or with seniormembers of the University who are traveling at a higher airfareclassification.

    2.5 No more than two heads of function or three department members are totravel on the same flights unless authorized by the President.

    Change of Class or Route

    2.6 Employees may choose to travel at an airfare classification, and or by a routeother than the ones authorized by the University. The University will however,

    limit the airfare payment to the authorized rate and classification of travel thatthe employee is eligible via the most direct route. The excess fare charge willbe borne by the employee.

    2.7 If an employee requests a lower travel classification than is authorized by thepolicy, there will be no payment or credit to the requesting employee for thecost difference.

    Frequent Flyer Programs

    2.8 The University does not reimburse travelers for tickets purchased withfrequent flyer miles. Travelers must always select flights that are the lowest-

    priced available for their business trips; frequent flyer membership should nottake precedence in the choice of airline.

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    3. Policy Section Other Transportation

    Ground Transportation To and From Terminals

    3.1 Transportation to and from air and other terminals is covered within theemployees daily per diem allowance. Many hotels offer complimentary pickupand drop services that should be used when available.

    Limousine Car Services

    3.2 Private sedan or car services are covered within the employees daily perdiem allowance.

    Road travel:

    3.3 If road travel is required in Qatar for visiting University work related sites andas approved by the relevant Department Director or Head of Section/Unit, thefollowing rates apply:

    Private car based on mileage at the rate of QAR 0.50 per kilometer;and

    Taxi based on market rates (receipts required).

    4. Policy Section Lodging

    Stay in Hotels

    4.1 When traveling on work outside Qatar, employees stay in a hotel is coveredby the daily per diem allowance;

    4.2 In case accommodation is not covered by the employee, he/she qualifies forhalf the daily per diem allowance.

    Room Charges

    4.3 Room charges are covered by the daily per diem allowance

    Payments to Local Hotels and Transportation Services for University Guests

    4.4 If a guest is visiting the University for business purposes, and the Universityhas agreed to provide lodging, meals and local transportation, payment forsuch expenses should be made directly to the hotel or transportation service.

    The invitation or acceptance letter should outline in monetary terms the typeof charges that is covered by the university. It is the responsibility of the HRdirector to follow on this.

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    5. Policy Section Travel Time Allowance

    5.1 Travel time will be granted in connection with business trips as detailed in thetable below

    Travel Time Allowance


    Flight Duration Travel Time Benefits

    A flight lasting less than seven hours(either outward or return).

    Two days (total).

    A flight lasting more than seven hours(either outward or return).

    Four days in total.

    The travel time days will be paid at the business per diem rate as specified in the PerDiem Allowance Table in the following section.

    5.2 If the host is providing accommodation, the amount to be paid to theemployee would be 50 % of the daily allowance for the days covered by thehost; whereas the university provides the full daily allowance for the otherdays not exceeding duration of the business trip including the travel timeshown in the table.

    5.3 If an employee is traveling for up to or more than thirty consecutive days, QU

    provides him with an economy/excursion class ticket for his/her spouse. Noother expenses are paid.

    6. Policy Section Per Diems and Other Expenses

    Per Diem Allowance

    6.1 Employees required to travel outside Qatar are entitled to the following:

    Air tickets as specified;

    A flat unaccountable daily allowance for accommodation, meals and

    incidental expenses such as laundry, tips and taxis as specified in thetable below:

    Travel outside Qatar

    Flat unaccountable daily allowance for accommodation meals,transportation and any other expenses.

    Location Amount in QAREurope, North America, South America,

    Australia, J apan, Korea, Singapore,Malaysia and Similar Regions

    President: 4500VP, Deans, Directors: 3500

    B-G & 112-119: 2500Other countries President: 4000

    VP, Deans, Directors: 3000

    B-G & 112119: 2000Note: If the period of stay is one month or greater, 50% of the per diem is paid.

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    Telephone Expenses

    6.2 Telephone expenses are covered by the daily per diem allowance.

    Personal Expenses

    6.3 Personal expenses incurred while traveling on University business arecovered by the daily per diem allowance

    Other Business Travel Costs

    6.4 All other expenses incurred while traveling on University business arecovered by the daily per diem allowance

    6.5 In some cases and based on a prior or a past approval of VP, an employee

    may be reimbursed for other expenses such as business dinner, if that wasimportant for the business of the university; however the employee mustsubmit a request for that and settle it with invoices.

    7. Policy Section Travel Reimbursements

    7.1 To obtain the relevant per diem, the travel expenses reimbursement requestform, properly authorized, must be submitted within two weeks (10 businessdays) after the individual's return from travel.

    Advances (up front per diem)

    7.2 Employees can obtain the appropriate advance (based on estimated numberof days of travel) with the approval of their immediate supervisor.

    7.3 The authorization of travel is the responsibility of the Department Director.

    8. Policy Section Authorization of Travel Expenses

    8.1 All forms related to travel must be signed by the traveler and by theDepartment Director or designee with appropriate decision-making authority.The authorized signer is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policyand must verify that expenses are reasonable and meet the following criteria:

    - Information contained on forms and in accompanying documentation mustbe complete, accurate, and in accordance with this policy.

    - Expenses must be charged to the proper accounts.

    8.2 Travelers cannot authorize the reimbursement of their own travel expenses.

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    9. Policy Section Special Situations

    Consultants Traveling on University Business

    9.1 Consultants traveling on University business may be reimbursed forreasonable and necessary business expenses as provided in the respectiveconsulting agreements. If the provisions for reimbursement are not providedin the contractual agreement, they must be approved in advance by the VP.

    9.2 Consulting firms doing business with the University must provide a detailedlist of all expenses for which reimbursement is requested and attach it to aninvoice or bill for services. Such list must be separated by consultant anditemized by the following expense categories:



    Meals; and


    9.3 It shall not be necessary for the consulting firm to provide original receiptswith the invoice; however, the University reserves the right to inspect suchreceipts if necessary. A Department Director or other University employeeresponsible for the consultant must review the request to determine if it is

    reasonable and in accordance with both University policy and the consultingagreement.

    9.4 The invoice with reimbursement request must be submitted to AccountsPayable for payment.

    Non-Employees Traveling on University Business

    9.5 Non-employees traveling on University business, for example, students, guestlecturers, and job recruits, may be reimbursed for normal travel expenses as

    defined in this policy.

    9.6 To receive reimbursement the non-employee individual must provide thehosting department or faculty with an itemization, accompanied by originalreceipts, of all expenses for which reimbursement is requested. A DepartmentDirector or other University employee responsible for the individual mustreview the request to determine if it is reasonable and in accordance withUniversity policy before submitting the reimbursement request to AccountsPayable for payment.

    The signed request for reimbursement shall serve as the travelersauthorization for the request.

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    Business Travelers Accompanied by Family Members and Others

    9.7 The University does not provide reimbursement for travel and entertainmentexpenses of family members and other companions who accompanyUniversity employees on business trips and special functions.

    This policy however, does not preclude family members and othercompanions from accompanying employees on business trips provided thatall travel, meals, entertainment and other costs resulting from their presenceare borne personally by the employee or companion. In all instances, theconduct of University business shall be of first importance during businesstravel.

    Exceptions to Policy on Travel Involving Family Members and Others

    9.8 There are a limited number of instances when there is a bona fide businesspurpose for the presence of spouses and/or family members or other travelcompanions on University trips. Such exceptions are generally limited todeans and officers when they are hosting and/or representing the Universityat fund raising events and other important business functions.

    9.9 Exceptions should be discussed with the Vice President for Administration inadvance. Approved exceptions must be documented with respect to thebusiness purpose and communicated to the Head of Payables. The VP mayapprove tickets of the same class as the employee.

    PL-HRM-RET-031: Attendance Control

    1.1 Head of Section/Unit are responsible for controlling the attendance andpunctuality of employees in their sections/units. They should note late arrivalsand unauthorized absence during the day and informally counsel the employee,where appropriate;

    1.2 When an employee is late more than three times in a month, he/she will besubject to a verbal warning by the relevant Head of Section/Unit in consultationwith the HR Director;

    1.3 Disciplinary action may be taken against an employee who is repetitively lateand/or absent during working hours or has a high rate of unplanned/approvedabsenteeism. Informal counseling should be used first, where appropriate.

    PL-HRM-RET-032: Working Hours

    Regular Work Schedule

    The University adopts variable work schedules to suit operational requirements.Employees should respect these work schedules. However, the nature of the work issuch that there may, on occasion, be work requirements, which demand that theregular work hours be exceeded (Overtime is payable to the relevant grade as per

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    the overtime policy only when 48 hours have been exceeded in a week). The currentapplicable schedules, which may change at the Universitys discretion, aresummarized below:

    Working Hours/Day Hours/Week Days/Week Rest Days

    7 am to 2 pm 35 Hours 5 Days Friday and Saturday

    Shifts Work Schedule

    1.1 A number of employees are assigned to work on shift schedules as determinedby the nature of their work. Shift employees work according to the Universityapproved shift schedules that may require different rest days and working hours.

    1.2 All employees assigned to shift duty that includes a night duty or extends up toor beyond midnight work 35 hours per week.

    Ramadan Month Work Schedule

    1.3 During the month of Ramadan, working hours are reduced to comply with thenotification received from the Qatari Government authorities. HR Director shallnotify the employees about the working hours during Ramadan.

    1.4 The Ramadan work schedule applies to all employees.

    1.5 Hours worked in excess of the Ramadan working hours shall be treated asovertime.

    Public Holidays

    1.6 All holidays declared by the Qatari Government authorities.

    1.7 If a public holiday coincides with an employee's annual leave schedule only, theholiday is added to the total entitlement.

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    PL-HRM-RET-033: Recognized Holidays

    Each year, the Human Resources department announces the specific calendar dayson which holidays will be observed. The university holidays are:

    National Day (18 December);

    Eid Al Fetr 4 days; Eid Al Adha 5 days; Any Emiri or Council of Ministers leave granted; and

    Any holiday approved by the Board of Regents.

    PL-HRM-RET-037: Safety and Accidents

    The University considers employees (and third partys) safety while working onsite to

    be of paramount importance. All Department Heads and Deans shall ensure thatadequate preventative measures are taken and that effective awareness are createdregarding safety issues. Further, they should ensure that procedures are establishedto ensure corrective measures are taken as and when required.

    1.1 It is QUs policy to take necessary steps to provide for the health and safety of allits employees. It is the duty of every employee to take care of their own healthand safety at work and to ensure that they do not do anything to compromise thehealth and safety of others or themselves.

    Third Party Contracts1.2 All contracts with third parties should contain a clause that workmens

    compensation is the responsibility of the third party and that QU has noresponsibility in the event of a safety incident to third party employees workingon QU property. A sample extract may be as follows:

    Except for any wilful misconduct or gross negligence by us, you agree toindemnify us to the fullest extent permitted by law against all liabilities, losses,claims, demands and reasonable expenses, including but not limited to legalfees and expenses and internal management time and administrative costs,brought against us by any party or person whatsoever, other than you, inconnection with or arising out of the assignment.

    Electrical apparatus1.3 No employee should interfere with any electrical apparatus in the workplace

    (other than in the line of performing their duties).

    Accidents or death on duty

    General1.4 If an employee dies or is injured during work, the University is to contact the

    Police immediately

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    1.5 The Police report should include the employees name, age, occupation,address, nationality and an explanation of the circumstances surrounding theincident including steps to treat the employee

    1.6 The Police is responsible for investigation which is recorded in the report,

    including witness statements and injured employees statement (if possible).The report is to include a section on the link between the employees duties andthe injury/death

    1.7 A copy of the Police report is to be sent to the University

    1.8 The injured employee is to receive appropriate treatment in line withrecommendations by the relevant health authority. This is fully paid by theUniversity

    1.9 If an employee sustains a permanent disability as a result of an employmentaccident or occupational disease, he/she shall be entitled to the samecompensation as in the event of death



    1.10 In the event of the death of an employee or an occupational disease results inthe death of the employee then the beneficiary as nominated by the employeeon joining and is entitled to the following payments:

    Compensation as per Islamic Sharia law and relevant Qatar labour laws;

    Terminal gratuity accrued during his/her employment with QU;

    Any outstanding salary, leave pay, or leave travel allowance due to theemployee at the time of death;

    Payment for transport of the personal effects of the deceased in a 20 footcontainer to their hometown by sea freight to nearest port;

    Payment for the cost of a coffin, embalming, transport and freight of theremains of the deceased to his/her hometown in their country of origin (ifapplicable); and

    Payment for the cost of repatriation of his/her spouse and up to threedependants under the employees sponsorship (if applicable).

    1.11 The above payments not normally made until a medical certificate approved bythe relevant health authorities has established the cause of death, and thebeneficiary is verified through the courts either in Qatar or their home country.


    1.12 If a work accident (including accidents occurring on the way directly to or fromwork) or an occupational disease has caused the employee to be absent from

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    work, then the employee is granted full pay including benefits for the length ofthe treatment or for a maximum period of six months. If treatment is required formore than six months, the employee receives only half of the pay until treatmentis complete or if ascertained that it is a permanent injury.

    1.13 Partial disability as well as compensation value is to be determined in line withrelevant Qatar National laws and regulations

    1.14 The above is not granted in the following circumstances:a. If the employee intentionally causes the injuryb. That the employee was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of

    the incident or death and that this was the reason for injury or deathc. That the employee did not adhere to occupational health and safety

    instructions in performing their dutiesd. If the employee refuses without acceptable reason medical examination or

    adhering to the treatment recommended by the specialist medical examiner

    Disputes1.15 If a dispute arises between the employee and the University in relation to the

    employees ability to resume work or for other medical matters related to theinjury, illness or required/current treatment, the case should be referred to thespecialist medical assessment of which decisions/recommendations would befinal

    1.16 The right to compensation is waived in the event of injury or death if 1 yearpasses from the medical reports date confirming injury or disability resultantfrom work duties or from the date of death.

    Compensation Timing1.17 The University is to pay compensation no more than five months from confirmingthe employees disability/injury or from the date of confirmation of investigationinto the disability/injury that it is the result of work duties

    1.18 The University is to pay compensation in the event of death within a period nomore than 15 days from the date of death or from the date of the investigationreport confirming death as a result of performing duties. The Qatari courts are todistribute compensation to the inheritors in line with Islamic Sharia law or as perapplicable laws in the inheritors country. Such compensation is to be lodged tothe Qatar government if not claimed within 3 years

    Death off duty1.19 If the death of an employee is not as a result of a work accident or occupational

    disease connected with their work in the University then the beneficiary isentitled to the following payments:

    Terminal gratuity accrued during his/her employment with QU; Any outstanding salary, leave pay, or leave travel allowance due to the

    employee at the time of death; Payment for transport of the personal effects of the deceased in a 20-foot

    container by sea freight to the nearest port in hometown;

    Payment for the cost of a coffin, embalming, transport and freight of theremains of the deceased to his/her hometown (if applicable); and

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    Payment for the cost of repatriation of his/her spouse and up to threedependants under the employees sponsorship (if applicable).

    1.20 The above payments are not normally made until the cause of death has beenestablished by a medical certificate approved by the relevant health authorities,

    and the beneficiary as declared by expatriates or as verified through the courtsin the Qatar for nationals. The beneficiary must produce documentationconfirming identity before the payment is made.

    Beneficiary in the event of death

    1.21 Expatriates joining the University have the option of signing a nomination namingthe beneficiary to whom all dues may be paid in the event of their death. Thedeclaration cannot however be acted upon if payment would contravene theprovisions of the law in Qatar at the time of death.

    1.22 In case the employee has no family in Qatar, a person should be nominated toaccompany the body of the deceased to the hometown.

    1.23 The HR Director is responsible for ensuring that nominations for a beneficiary inthe event of death are made on joining. The employee is responsible forupdating these when required.

    PL-HRM-RET-038: Discipl inary Policy

    The University of Qatar aims to provide a fair and disciplined work environment. It isexpected that employees adhere to the disciplinary guidelines provided of which a

    breach will be subject to disciplinary action.

    1.1 The maintenance of socially acceptable and ethically correct behavioralstandards are essential and in the best interests of QU and its employees.

    1.2 Where such standards are breached, the University has a right and responsibilityto initiate corrective action.

    1.3 The Universitys disciplinary code and disciplinary procedures are designed tomake clear the behavioral standards required of QU employees and to specifythe actions to correct unacceptable deviations from these standards.

    1.4 The dismissal of an employee may take place only where corrective action hasfailed or subject to the seriousness and nature of incidents

    The Discip linary Code

    1.5 QU aims to provide its employees with the contracted compensation, worthwhileemployment, competitive conditions of service and fringe benefits, in return of afair days work, acceptable behavior and adherence to the Universitys rules,regulations and standards of discipline.

    1.6 QU therefore looks to its employees to:

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    Carry out the duties and responsibilities for which they have been engagedor subsequently appointed, in a conscientious and energetic manner, withdue regard to the interest of the University and to other employees;

    Carry out instructions other than those considered to be unreasonable orillegal requests; and

    Maintain high standards of honesty with due respect for the property andpossessio