persuasive writing week 5

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  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Persuasive WritingWeek 5

    Citing Sources

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Last week, we learned:- How to read sources critically- Where to find sources- How to enhance your searching

    This week, we will cover:- APA and MLA documentation- Why we cite?- Parts of an APA Essay

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5



    - This is the week you will do peer reviews of at least 2 essays.See the instructions for this in Blackboard!

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5



    There are several different styles to cite sources, (APA, MLA,

    Chicago, etc.), but for our essays, we will focus on citing in APAStyle.

    APA: (American Psychological Association) style is mostcommonly used to cite sources within the social sciences.MLA: (Modern Language Association) style is most commonlyused to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts andhumanities.

    Chicago: used in both the humanities and the social sciences.

    A bit more complex than either the MLA or the APA, it offerstwo approaches for documenting sources:

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Please take a look in the APA Style Help folder under"Course Documents" in Blackboard. It will provideadditional sites and tips for citing sources in this style.

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    Why are we going to focus on APA?

    Most of you have probably covered APA Style or have used itin high school classes.

    I'm choosing this style because:

    - it's common for college writing- the formatting is consistent- it allows your readers to cross-reference your sources

    APA Style, more than likely, has changed since the last timeyou have used it, due to the advent of the internet. You cannow cite "Kindles." Make sure your citing is up-to-date!

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    Why do we have to cite our sources?

    We need to appropriately identify the source of our information.

    In most styles, the information needed is the same, but the waythey are formatted is different.

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    Discussion 5.1

    Read the article "Why Cite" on The Writing Center page forYale University, and answer the following.

    1. What reason to cite (out of the four) is most important toYOU? For example, if a person was using YOUR work in apaper, why would you want him or her to cite it?

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Comparing APA and MLA

    Here are a few differences between APA and MLA


    Use author's last name, first Initial. Use author's last name, first name.

    Date follows name. Place date in(parentheses).

    Date goes with publicationinformation.

    Capitalize only thefirst wordof anytitle or subtitle.

    Capitalize every important wordintitles of books, articles and journals.

    Italicize titles of books, journals,magazines and newspapers.

    Underline or italicize the titles ofbooks, articles and journals.

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    How are the styles the same?

    - Reference pages are done in alphabetical order.

    - Second lines (or more) are indented one-half inch (fivespaces).


    Matczak, J. (2008). Everyone should try cheese curds atleast once . New York: Green and Gold Press.

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Discussion 5.2

    Go to the APA Style FAQ page.

    Read the tips on "Punctuation" and "Grammar and WritingStyle."

    In the board, share one of these tips (questions) with the this tip important to mention (Is it not well known? It is acommon mistake?) Is there anything else you can add to it?

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Citing Sources:

    What do you need to document in your writing?

    1. Any direct quotation 2. Any idea that has come from someone else's work

    3. Any fact or statistic that is not well known

    But what is common knowledge? How do I know ifit's something not "well known?" When in doubt, citeit!

    * The checklist for documentation on page 205 of TIA is veryhelpful!

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Citing Sources

    At one time, footnotes were used to cite sources: these wereplaced at the "foot" of the page.

    Now, it's recommended you use in-text documentation.

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    In-Text Documentation

    APA Style In-Text Documentation:

    - emphasizes the author and date of publication, and pagenumbers where it's appropriate (abbreviated with p. or pp.)

    - Page numbers are used with a quotation.

    (whereas MLA places more emphasis on the author and theauthor's work)

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Citing Sources:One author:

    Matczak (2008) said that cheese curds are made with high-quality whey.Work by Two authors:Cheese curds made with high-quality whey will sell for a higher

    price (Matczak and Smith, 2008).

    Electronic source: This is done the same, author-date style.

    The OWLS at Purdue site is a great resource for this!

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    General APA Guidelines for youressays

    - Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1" margins on all sides.

    - You should use 10-12 pt. Times New Roman font or a similar


  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    General APA Guidelines for youressays

    Your essay should include fourmajor sections: the Title Page,Abstract, Main Body, and References.

    The example in your Harbrace Handbook on pages 641 - 650 ishow you should model your essays!

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    Title Page

    The title page should contain the titleof the paper, theauthor's name, and the institutional affiliation.

    Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER

    (This should not be longer than 50 characters!)

    Pages after the title page should have a running head thatlooks like this (flush right):TITLE OF YOUR PAPER page number

    (See page 641 in Harbrace!)

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    Your abstract page should already include the page header

    (described before). On the first line of the abstract page, centerand the word Abstract."Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of thekey points of your research. (Do not indent.)

    Your abstract should contain at least your research topic,research questions, and main ideas of your essay. It should bea single paragraph, double-spaced.Your abstract should be

    no longer than 120 words. (see pg. 642)

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    Main Body of Essay

    - title is centered

    - double space is used throughout the paper

    - margins are 1 inch on both sides

    See Harbrace, pages 643 - 649.

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    Reference Page

    - Center the title- Entries are alphabetized on author's last name

    - subsequent lines are indented 5 spaces

    - Remember: There is no period after a URL

    - Personal communication (interviews, emails, etc.) are cited inthe text, but do not appear in the reference list.

    See example of Reference Page in Harbrace, page 650.

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Discussion 5.3Go to the Athabasca University APA Quiz site. a pen and paper and take the quiz (starting after

    Appendix B, question 1).

    - Answer all 26 questions.

    - Check your answers.On the Discussion Board, talk about a question or two that you

    got wrong.The purpose of this exercise is to point out common mistakesin reference pages. Hopefully you won't make these in youressays!

  • 8/13/2019 Persuasive Writing Week 5


    Great job!

    Keep up the great work! We're almost halfway through thesemester!The midterm is next week! See the midterm prep folderunder "Course Documents."

    Don't forget to to answer the Discussion questions and reviewtwo essays from your peers. You also have a journal entrydue.

    Contact me if you have questions or need [email protected], (920) 606-0886