peru by sarah brown population: 30,475,144 area: 1,285,126 km2 capital city lima: 12.04 degrees s,...

Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W

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Page 1: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W


By Sarah


Population: 30,475,144Area: 1,285,126 km2

Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W

Page 2: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W


Peru is located in South America, it is bordered by the countries Ecudor and Columbia (north) Brazil ( east) Bolivia (southeast) Chile ( south) and in the west lies the Pacific OceanPhysical features: Andes Mountain range, Lake Titicaca , Peru shares 13% of the Amazon rainforest

Man made features: Machu Picchu, Nazca Lines, Valley of Pyramids, Cathedral in Lima, Aqueduct Cumbe Mayo

Machu Picchu: a breathtaking climb to reach the top, Ancient ruins, Incan lost city, Historical sight, built on a one way seeing mountain

Page 3: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W


Elevation map of Peru

Climograph of Lima, Peru

The capital Lima lays along the coastline and has a Mediterranean Climate. The Andes mountain range is very cold due to high elevation

Page 4: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W


1197- Manco Capac established city-state of Cuzco, built by the Inca

1438 to 1473 Construction of Machu Picchu

1980- Maois T guerilla group Shinning path attempted a brutal overthrow of the government

July 12th, 1821 -Jose de San Martin proclaims the independence of Peru

Nov.16 1532- Battle of Cajamarca

Page 5: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W

Archaeology For the high Inca society pottery was made out of gold. The Inca focused more on geometric shapes /patterns and heads on animals. They used a potters wheel and the finest clay they could find

This instrument is called a Zampona ( panpipe) it is made out of 11 reed tubes and is bound by textiles. Percussion and wood instruments found date back to pre- Inca times

Boleadoras were used weapons that binded the legs of enemies, they were lassos with stones attached to the ends of them. The Inca had the most powerful army at the time. Other weapons/protective gear archaeologists found were bronze tipped swords, helmets and shields

Page 6: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W


Machu Picchu was built in the 1430’s by the Inca people. It was believed to be a religious sight and there are roughly 200 buildings in the city

Inca textiles were made out of cotton or soft wool of the alpaca or llama. The Inca used dyes from animals and plants to colour the fabric. Textiles were used in trade, fashion and tax collecting

Page 7: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W

Political Science/ Sociology

Government: Presidental representive democratic republic ( democracy)President: Ollanta Humala, president elected every 5 yearsElection: People have to be 18 years old to voteMulti party system1945 dictatorship evolving into a democracyThe military cracked down on civilian human rights Peru is a party of the American Convention of Human Rights and Peruvians have freedom of thought and expression

Education: Best education system in Latin America Free in public primary and secondary schools, also free for University students who can’t afford tuition and have an adequate academic performance

Medical: Two insurances, public and privateFree government health system for the poor although there is still a problem of cost of medicines

Police: National police force and Municipal police force National police deals with nations land, sea and air territories Preserves domestic and public order and national security Peru has a fairly good social welfare system, the government cares about the Education and medical problems of the people of Peru

Page 8: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W


Natural Resources: copper, silver, gold, timber, fish, iron ore, coal, phosphate, potash, natural gas

Top 5 trade partners: U.S., China, Switzerland, Canada and Japan

Top 3 Banks: Banco de Credito del Peru, MiBanco and Interbank

Money: Neuvo SolPeru uses a tax system of progressive taxation on a personal income and a flat rate tax on business VAT ( Added Value Tax) is 18% in Peru

Page 9: Peru By Sarah Brown Population: 30,475,144 Area: 1,285,126 km2 Capital city Lima: 12.04 degrees S, 77.02 degrees W

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