pesach 5775 - (shiur 2) eating to fix

ב"ה פסח תשע"הk’Zayis, k’Beitzah, k’Tikkun: Fixing to eat, Eating to Fix מצוות פסח ותיקון האכילה1 [email protected] 1. R. Avaraham Yitzhak ha-Kohen Kook, Shemonah Kevatzim; 2:65 Just as the lofty Tzadikim do not relate to the concepts of neutral (= permitted) or frivolous activities, and their trait of holiness is above all telos, it goes without saying that the(ir) eating is eating in order to be able to learn and to pray and be involved with Mitzvos - things of this nature, [but] that is only a novice level; rather the very eating, and so too their speech, all their movements and emotions are holy and filled with light, even more so when it comes to [involvement] with the wisdom of the world, eso- and exoteric, pure and impure - - to him they are all directed inward, personally, and anything of that knowledge that he 2 encompasses, is raised to great heights. However, in reality, no person will be able to attain this trait, and the Torah created eternal boundaries and restrictions for all, however, that which relates to the realm of thought, there is no ceiling, no boundary, and no evil spirit or Satan there... 1 נעבד ונערך עפ"י מאמרו של הר"ר שג"ר, "כזית פסח: ליל הסדר כתיקון האכילה" בתוך זמן של חירות: דרשות לחג הפסח.105114 ' עמ(2010 :אפרתה) 2 , שלכאו' סמך לרעיון הידוע שמדבר הרב("היינו "דידהו) אל היחיד("היינו, "צדיקים) והבן שכאן משנה מרן הרב זצ"ל מהכללי על חוייתו הרוחנית(2013 :בר אילן)"ביוגרפי. ראה עוד ספרה של פרופ' סמדר שרלו, "צדיק יסוד עולם אודות עצמו באופן אוטו אישית שנראה מתוך כתבי הראי"ה.1

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Shiur for Honor's Haven Program, Pesach 5775______Eating is such a huge part of culture, Jewish culture in particular. How are the Mizvot of Pesach designed to teach us how to (spiritually) eat right?{Based on an essay of R. Shagar}


  • ""

    kZayis, kBeitzah, kTikkun:Fixing to eat, Eating to Fix

    [email protected]

    1. R. Avaraham Yitzhak ha-Kohen Kook, Shemonah Kevatzim; 2:65

    Just as the lofty Tzadikim do not relate to the concepts of neutral (= permitted) or frivolous activities, and their trait of holiness is above all telos, it goes without saying that the(ir) eating

    is eating in order to be able to learn and to pray and be involved with Mitzvos - things of this nature, [but] that is only a novice level; rather the very eating, and so too their speech,

    all their movements and emotions are holy and filled with light, even more so when it comes to [involvement] with the wisdom of the world, eso- and exoteric, pure and impure -

    - to him they are all directed inward, personally, and anything of that knowledge that he 2encompasses, is raised to great heights. However, in reality, no person will be able to attain this trait, and the Torah created eternal boundaries and restrictions for all, however, that which relates to the realm of thought, there is no ceiling, no boundary, and no evil spirit or Satan






  • 2. R. Moshe Sofer, Resp. Hatam Sofer; 5:196 [errata]

    ...and one who is careful to avoid even a miniscule amount [of Hametz] will be able to escape sin the entire year; The positive commandment of eating the Shmura Matzah on the night of Pesach is the only one of the [many] Mitzvot of eating that exist for us nowadays from the entire Torah - - we have no Pesach, nor Kodshim, Terumah, Maaser Sheini - - just this one Mitzvah from year to year and we must ensure that it is done completely properly by us...

    3. R. Nahman of Breslov, Likkutei MoHaRaN; Tinyana, no. 74 3,,


    After Purim, we read Parshat Parah, which is in preparation for Pesach, because we read this Parsha in order to be reminded of the necessary purification from the impurity of death, to be

    pure in order to properly fulfill the Pesach [sacrifice]... because Purim as well is for sure a pathway and lead-up to Pesach his lips are as lilies,

    dropping with flowing myrrh, his lips is an aspect of PeSach = Peh (mouth, lips)/Sach (speaking, conversing)... therefore, this amalgam of Purim and Pesach is hinted to in the verse: seven days you shall eat Matzot as I have commanded you on the occasion of the spring month,

    for then you have left Egypt, and you shall not see my face empty-handed... forming the acronym Purim, because Purim is the way that leads to Pesach, so that we might be able to protect

    ourselves from Hametz because at the outset, all beginnings derive from Pesach, and so all the Mitzvot are a remembrance of the Exodus...



  • 4. R. Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbica, Mei ha-Shiloah; likkutim, vol. 1, pp. 278-279

    R. Bunim of Przysucha zl said in the following language [that] all the Humrot that Jewish people are strict in for Pesach are [like] jewelry for holiness and this is the heart of the matter that

    we are strict on Pesach, because the neck/throat is the conduit for eating, and while eating it is necessary to have as many stringencies as possible to do, even though there really isnt

    that much place for them, [but] Pesach represents the clarification of all eating...

    All enjoyment, all taking in and assimilation, is eating, or rather: eating is

    nothing other than assimilation. All spiritual pleasure can be expressed

    through eating. - Novalis, quoted in An Interview with Jacques Derrida

    on the Limits of Digestion, 2/15/91

    5. b. Pesachim 85b with Commentary of Rashi


  • Rav said: the rooftops and the attics were not sanctified. Is this really true? For didnt Rav say in the name of Rebbi Hiyya: a bit of Pesach, and then Hallel would raise the roof!?


    ,,,,, .,,



    6. Deuteronomy 16:11, 16-17 ,,,...,,,,


    And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy maid-servant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are in the midst of thee, in the place which the LORD thy God

    shall choose to cause His name to dwell there Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which He

    shall choose; on the feast of unleavened bread, and on the feast of weeks, and on the feast of tabernacles; and they shall not appear before the LORD empty;

    every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which He hath given thee

    7. R. Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (ShaGaR), Zman Shel Herut: Derashot lHag ha-Pesach; p. 107


  • From these verses, as Hazal have interpreted them, it is evident that the Simcha of the holiday that is mentioned in the Torah is [also] a Mitzvah. The Simcha isnt just the result that God promises to the Jewish people who follow His path and fulfill His Mitzvot (and thus God will

    reward them with goodness of heart and happiness), but rather [Simcha] is itself a description of the ideal, the value as such. The Simcha is one of the foundational values of the TaNaKh:

    Covenant, Blessing, Fertility, Faith (in the sense of loyalty), Trust in God, and Benevolence; Simcha is the ideal manifested as a Mitzvah which fashions the Torah way of life.

    8. Maimonides, Hil. Yom Tov; 6:16-19 ,,



    ,The men: eat meat and drink wine, as there is no Simcha unless in meat and no Simcha unless in wine. And when he eats and drinks, he must also give to the converted, orphaned, and widowed

    [so it should not be] a Simcha of his belly rather than of Mitzvah and even though eating and drinking on the Festivals is of course a positive commandment, it should not be done all day long...


    9. R. Yisrael Baal Shem Tov (BeShT), Keter Shem Tov; 1:194 5

  • ,,",,",',,,',,



    This is what is meant by [and I will] afflict you and [I will] cause you hunger, because the Manna

    was very spiritual and the simpletons were not entirely satisfied with it, and for this reason they complained: our souls are tired of this, and so it is written I have given you Manna to eat, which

    is a very spiritual food, bread of the lords that the Ministering Angels eat - rather, it became clothed in physicality somewhat so that there can be some relation between it and Man, in order

    to teach us that even in the time when we make it into the Land of Israel and eat actual bread, that we should prioritize the honor of our souls over the honoring of our bodies, raising all from physicality to spirituality, for not on bread alone does Man subsist:

    meaning, in the time when he alone is in physicality without any spiritual uplift, in that moment especially he should become a Man - the body (called Adam) and the soul (which is called

    Ha-Adam, with the signifying Hei) should both subsist on every utterance of the Mouth of God, because when you enunciate the name of God with intention through the blessing you make

    on [the food] - through this you elevate [the food] to spiritual heights, and from this a person lives, that his soul is nourished [as well] from the locked spirituality in food...

    10. Rashi, b. Beitzah 16a

    An extra/additional soul: expansiveness of heart for resting and Simcha, in order to be open to the horizons/spirit and to eat and drink in a manner that a persons soul does not tire of it. 4

    11. Deuteronomy 27:7; 8:10, 12-14




  • .,,And thou shalt sacrifice peace-offerings, and shalt eat there; and thou shalt rejoice before the

    LORD thy God.


    And thou shalt eat and be satisfied, and bless the LORD thy God for the good land which He hath given thee


    lest when thou hast eaten and art satisfied, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein;

    and when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied;then thy heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God, who brought

    thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; 6

    12. b. Pesachim 109a

    Our Rabbis taught: a man must ensure that the members of his household are bSimcha during the festival, as it says you shall rejoice in your festivals. With what do we achieve this? With wine. R. Yehuda said: men, with that which is fitting for them. Women, that which is fitting for them. Men -

    fitting for them is wine, and R. Yehuda b. Beteira said: in the time that the Temple is standing, there is no Simcha unless through [eating] meat when the Temple is not

    standing, there is no Simcha unless through [drinking] wine... I can't get no satisfaction

    'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try 5'.""',""




  • - The Rolling Stones

    13. Zman Shel Herut, p. 113-114

    The goal of the eating, is not, therefore, an overcoming of desire/appetite alone - a satisfaction of the needs that is attendant with the hesitation to enjoy eating; like the Novardhiker who drinks

    his glass in one gulp, so as not to enjoy it at all. Rather, the goal here [eating on Festivals/Pesach. JR] is the opposite! The Torah commands us: enjoy! satisfy yourself! - - a

    satisfaction that brings you to rejoice. So too with the Mitzvah of eating the Korban Pesach and the Afikoman which is eaten as a remembrance of the Pesach, the Mitzvah is that it should be

    specifically eaten after already having been satisfied/on a full stomach.

    ...the taste of the food [is actually] the holiness within it. The satisfaction is a divine blessing, one that brings with it Simcha. Accordingly, R. Nahum of Chernobyl expounded: Taste and see that

    God is good, which means to say that which you are tasting and seeing as good - that is God, for He is the holy spark within that item.

    Therefore, the pleasure of food by a Jewish person is actually pleasure in/of God, and it is expressed through the blessing that he makes and you shall eat, be satisfied, and bless God and in the Hallel and praise (through the mouth) of the Seder night. This is, as we have explained, the relationship between eating through the mouth and the Peh-Sach (speaking mouth), the eating

    which brings with it the rectification of speech, as Chassidus has taught us. 7



  • .p ,2 .lov ;omolhS terefiT ,ksmodaR fo zciwonibaR nehoK-ah omolhS .R .418 752

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