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18th - 22nd June 2018 Edinburgh DIAGRAMS Keynote Speakers Professor Ah-Veikko Pietarinen, Tallinn University of Technology Professor Keith Stenning, University of Edinburgh Organisers General Chair Peter Chapman, Edinburgh Napier University Program Chairs Amirouche Moktefi, Tallinn University of Technology Gem Stapleton, University of Brighton Abstracts Chair Sarah Perez-Kriz, The MITRE Corporaon and George Mason University Graduate Symposium Chair Andrew Blake, University of Brighton Workshop and Tutorials Chair Renata de Freitas, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil Publicity Chair Atsushi Shimojima, Doshisha University Program Commiees Please see calls for the Main, Psychology and Philosophy tracks which contain details of their dedicated Program Commiees. Topics of Interest (Main Track) Conference topics include, but are not limited to: • applicaons of diagrams, • computaonal models of reasoning with, and interpretaon of, diagrams, • design of diagrammac notaons, • diagram understanding by humans or machines, • diagram aesthecs and layout, • educaonal uses of diagrams, • evaluaon of diagrammac notaons, • graphical communicaon and literacy, • heterogeneous notaons involving diagrams, • history of diagrammac notaons, • informaon visualizaon using diagrams, • nature of diagrams and diagramming, • novel technologies for diagram use, • philosophy of diagrams (special theme), • psychological issues pertaining to diagrams (special theme), • reasoning with diagrams, • semiocs of diagrams, • soſtware to support the use of diagrams, and • usability and human-computer interacon issues concerning diagrams. Dates The Diagrams conference runs from 18th June to 22nd June 2018. All submission categories: pre-submission of tle and descripve abstract due 16th November 2017 Long Papers and Short Papers categories: full versions due 23rd November 2017 Abstracts and Posters categories: full versions due 28th November 2017 Rebual phase: 12th January 2018 – 17th January 2018 Noficaon: 26th January 2018 Camera ready deadline: 16th February 2018 Proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Tutorial and workshop proposals are solicited. A Graduate Student Symposium will be accepng papers from current and recent research students. For all Paper, Abstract and Poster submission categories the tle and descripve abstract (i.e. a summary of the contribuon, up to 200 words) are required to be submied before the main submission deadline, to permit the allocaon of reviewers. Diagrams is an internaonal interdisciplinary conference series, covering all aspects of research on the theory and applicaon of diagrams. For more informaon visit: 18 Abstract-submissions, as well as Long, Short and Poster submissions: Abstract acceptance leads to a full oral presentaon. This new category is specifically targeted at disciplines where conference publicaon is not considered high status. Special Themes with dedicated submission tracks: Philosophy of Diagrams and Psychology of Diagrams. New for 2018 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Peter_Chapman_Poster copy.pdf 1 06/06/2017 16:05

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18th - 22nd

June 2018

E d i n b u r g hD I A G R A M S

Keynote SpeakersProfessor Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Tallinn University of TechnologyProfessor Keith Stenning, University of Edinburgh

OrganisersGeneral ChairPeter Chapman, Edinburgh Napier University

Program ChairsAmirouche Moktefi, Tallinn University of TechnologyGem Stapleton, University of Brighton

Abstracts ChairSarah Perez-Kriz, The MITRE Corporation and George Mason University

Graduate Symposium ChairAndrew Blake, University of Brighton

Workshop and Tutorials ChairRenata de Freitas, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil

Publicity ChairAtsushi Shimojima, Doshisha University

Program CommitteesPlease see calls for the Main, Psychology and Philosophy tracks which contain details of their dedicated Program Committees.

Topics of Interest (Main Track)Conference topics include, but are not limited to:• applications of diagrams,• computational models of reasoning with, and interpretation of, diagrams,• design of diagrammatic notations,• diagram understanding by humans or machines,• diagram aesthetics and layout,• educational uses of diagrams,• evaluation of diagrammatic notations,• graphical communication and literacy,• heterogeneous notations involving diagrams,• history of diagrammatic notations,• information visualization using diagrams,• nature of diagrams and diagramming,• novel technologies for diagram use,• philosophy of diagrams (special theme),• psychological issues pertaining to diagrams (special theme),• reasoning with diagrams,• semiotics of diagrams,• software to support the use of diagrams, and• usability and human-computer interaction issues concerning diagrams.

DatesThe Diagrams conference runs from 18th June to 22nd June 2018.

All submission categories: pre-submission of title and descriptive abstract due 16th November 2017Long Papers and Short Papers categories: full versions due 23rd November 2017Abstracts and Posters categories: full versions due 28th November 2017Rebuttal phase: 12th January 2018 – 17th January 2018Notification: 26th January 2018Camera ready deadline: 16th February 2018

Proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series.

Tutorial and workshop proposals are solicited.

A Graduate Student Symposium will be accepting papers from current and recent research students.

For all Paper, Abstract and Poster submission categories the title and descriptive abstract (i.e. a summary of the contribution, up to 200 words) are required to be submitted before the main submission deadline, to permit the allocation of reviewers.

Diagrams is an international interdisciplinary conference series, covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of diagrams.

For more information


• Abstract-submissions, as well as Long, Short and Poster submissions: Abstract acceptance leads to a full oral presentation. This new category is specifically targeted at disciplines where conference publication is not considered high status.

• Special Themes with dedicated submission tracks: Philosophy of Diagrams and Psychology of Diagrams.

New for 2018









Peter_Chapman_Poster copy.pdf 1 06/06/2017 16:05