peter hoef kens

Slide 1/19, PTE 2008, 17.04.2008 | Peter Hoefkens Str eaml in in g yo ur B agg age Hand li ng Process Peter Hoefkens Business Development Baggage Handling Vand erl and e Ind ust ri es 17 Ap ri l 2008

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Streamlining your Baggage Handling Process

Peter Hoefkens

Business Development Baggage Handling

Vanderlande Industries17 April 2008

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• Need for Change

• Solutions

• Practical Experiences

• Conclusions

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Goal : Overcome Industry Challenges

1. Substantial increase number of bags handled per operator 

2. Improving ergonomics

3. Improving performance and service level

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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Background - Necessity

1. Substantial increase number of bags handled per operator 

Scarcity of spaceShortage of right people (like in Western Europe)

Efficiency, cost savings

2. Improving ergonomics

Less drop outs by injuries

Less injury related costs

3. Improving performance and service level

Mishandled bag rate (IRRATE) too high. Especially Transfer 

Demand for better tracking & tracing (e.g. security, A380 arrival)

Less non-performance related costs

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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Generic Solutions – Holistic View

• Use operators more efficiently with better working condit ions

•  Apply process and system innovations where profitable

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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Pre-requisites for successful innovations

• Business Case clear 

• Technology ready

• Users ready : Air line, Airport & Handlers working together 

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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Some examples of industry efforts

 A. Mechanised (un)loading of carts and containers

B. Handling baggage according priority

C. RFID applications to improve tracking & tracing

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

Holistic view of overall BH process should be leading

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 A: Mechanised (un)loading example AMS

• Robotized loading trials as part of 70MB Program

1. Reduction of handling costs2. Improve employee working conditions

3. Improve process quality

• Six integrated Robots will handle 50% of baggage

volume new South terminal

• Mechanized unloading of carts/containersprototyped

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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 A: Results Robotized Loading at AMS


1. Store individual bags in crane/racking2. Plan batches and pull baggage on request

3. Load by robots into carts/ULDs

• Tireless continuous loading. From push to pull !

• Operators for supervision and exception handling

• Operation tested in existing BHS by AAS/KLM

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions



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 A: Results Robotized Loading at AMS


• Production / efficiency by peak shaving:- Increased capacity / m2

- Increased capacity / operator

• Filling rates:

- Carts 100%

- ULDs up to 90%

• Ergonomics: Improved working conditions (NIOSH < 2)

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions


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B: Handling bags according priority


• Time (STD, late check-in, late inbound)

• Passenger Class (Economy, Crew, Business, Premium)

•  Appearance/size (OOG, difficult to handle, manual)

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

Differentiated product


Differentiated process

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B: Results - Handling bags according priority

• More systems with dedicated handling for time priority bags

- Fast Drop check-in- Dedicated Quick Transfer Units

- High Speed inter-terminal connections

- Exception handling for time-critical baggage

• Routing and sorting bags based on Class, Status e.g. Authorised To Load

• Better use of system capacity by buffering non-priority bagse.g. in Early Bag System

• Less system down-time by preventing difficult bags creating

problemsNeed for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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B: Example Peak shaving by early build

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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C: RFID Applications

•  Applications for bags

- Identification- Routing & Sorting

- Reconciliation

- Tracking & Tracing

- Writing security status

• Resulting in:

- Elimination of scanner misreads less risk on delay and inconvenience

- Better tracking and tracing improved Baggage System efficiency- Improved Security and Customer Service

World-Wide implementation of IATA RP 1740c standard by industry

partners i.e. airl ines, airports, handlers and suppliers

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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C: Results RFID trials at AMS


• Additional to barcode reading• No need for curtains through smart tunnel design

• No special changes to existing baggage lines


• GEN2 tags used for read (no write)• Compact tunnel for easy integration LWH = 1000 x 1259 x 900 mm

• Read-rate target 99.5%

• Line capacity up to 3600 bph

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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 Automation vs Operator dependency

Operators remain essential

• Face-to-Face service (certain groups of PAX)• Flexibility at exceptions/emergencies (handling queues)

• Supervising automation


• Finding the right operators, role will change

• Creating satisfied passengers

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

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1. Integrated innovative Technology and Systems will beessential to handle growth in volumes and peaks

- Efficient

- Reliable

- Predictable

While meeting ergonomic needs of operators

2. Staff will make the difference for the passenger experience.Their role will change from executing to supervising

Need for Change Solutions Practical Experiences Conclusions

Innovations are being pushed by leading companies:

• seeing the holistic view (airl ine-handler-airport process)

• willing to invest, take risks and profit from the spin-off !

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Pre-view of future

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