petition 172k - exoneración judicial

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  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Filed 04/13/2009 Page21 of 33All redactions made on this page pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    : : .RADUCCION


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Docum ent 68-7 Filed 04/13/2009 Page 22of 33

    1 File: No. 557.139.-4Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment P9-1 All redactions made on this

    page pursuant to exemptions(b)(6), (b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C),





    Interlocutory Resolution No.164

    Santiago de Cali, September Sixteen (16) Two Thousa nd and Five (2005)


    This office is engaged on deciding the legal basis to enforce what is set forth on

    art 327 of the Penal Code of Procedures issuing an inhibitory writ withinthe

    preliminary inquiry herein carriedout against

    |, for a presumptive unlawful conduct againstthe social economic



    2) It w as Mr. himself, who in |

    | , requested the Sectional Prosecutor's Officeto determine if

    the f i r m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H COMISIONISTA DE BOLSA (stock broker firm) had

    links with organizations dedicated to the traffic of ESTUPEFACIENTES , given its

    inclusion in the so called "Clinton List" by the Treasury Department of the United

    002224V TVi -I

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    All redactions made on thispage pursuant to exemptions(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 File w he re th e co mp an y

    and its partners, who in turn are partners

    of a company that is a pa rtner o f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H is underscored (lines 4 to 14).

    A copy is attached of the leasing agreement with purchase option dated August

    13, 2001 between ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ B " ' professionals in

    purchase-sale of foreign currency, represented byI

    as the LEASING PARTY and ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H representedby

    I, as LEASE E (lines 15 to 24 and 25 to 28).

    A co py is attached of a rescission agreem ent of the dation in payment of shares,

    dated February 14, 2003, entered into by

    | , representing

    I, and the trust estates ^ ^ ^ H J ^ ^ H H and I

    |002225T-.-. i ..~-- r_ ,

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Filed3File: No. 557.139.-4Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment

    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    P9-3TR U ST m ana ged by Fiduciaria Alianza S.A. On one part, and by

    |on the other, by means of which the rights of the latter

    are rescinded (lines 29 to 30 and 31 tos shareholders o


    The above gives grounds to assign the writ to a specialized Prosecutor (Fiscal

    Esp ecializado), and on April 14 of 2003 the fourth office arranges for theproce dure of prior inquiry and to comm ission the CTI to determ ine: the partners

    o f ^ m ^ ^ H ^ ^ H ' , the legal representation registered at the Chamber of

    Commerce and at the Superintendence of Industry and Trade, the economic

    profile to establish if

    the firm, and because of this they are also requested to determine their

    background (line 37).

    On February 19, 2004, it is arranged to hear the account of the partners of

    I, of its legal representative

    (line 41).

    thOn February 26, 2004, the undersigning takes over as deputy of the4

    specialized office.

    Trsniuao ru e luwrni^ie OticiaILJc Alia JusnciA^^Bde Juaio2

    de 1981


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Filed

    4File: No. 557.139.-4Accused: {Offense: Illegal enrichment

    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    P9-4Expert's opinion 4 30 00 -6^ 43 3 wa s rendered by a judicial expert from CTI who

    acted as a judicial accountant expert; it concluded that there was a capital

    increase of m ^ m between 1993 and 1994 pursuant to the income

    statements of H ^ B H ^ H L

    capital increase of ^ | ^ ^ ^ B w a s found pursuant to the financial

    statements certified for that period that had to be justified; therefore the capital

    increase to be explained amounted to ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M lines 44 to 6 0).

    The Report stated that the Specialized Prosecutor's Office No.9 UNAM from

    Bogota was investigating

    I for asset laundering,

    It was arranged to summon Mr.

    present his deposition on

    61 and 67).

    Th e Specialized Prosecutor's Office 9 UNAIM reports that they had not done an

    investigation against ^ H ^ B ^ ^ ^ H H ^ H H I H H I ^ I ^ H I i l ^ ^ ^ lbut upon consulting the system it w as

    established that National Unity Against Asset Laundering -UN CLA- of Bogota,

    within file ^ | investigated and accused ^ B ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ I H ^ Ion

    I(Line 70).

    iT 'J>.-jiluc/or-J -i." Intcrpreie 'JiiruJ002227de 1ZS7

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Filed 04/13/2009 r-i *-\r> -x noAll redactions made pursuato exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)

    5File: No. 557.139.-4Accused:O ffense: Illegal enrichment


    Specialized Prosecutor's Office 9 from UNCLA reports that it investigated against

    because of certified true copies from file 095

    L.A. carried out by the same agency against the extinct ^ ^ m | ^ ^ ^ m |

    who, through his money exchange office SERVICHEQUES with see

    in Calf, received considerable amounts of money from several accounts

    throughout the national territory whose origin was the proceeds of illegal drug

    dealing - ^ ^ ^ ^ H I H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H i -T h a t a g a i n s t]an accusation was pronounced that was appealed at the

    this decision also affected:!

    accomplice) . Lines

    72 to 73).

    A certificate of the chamber of commerce for

    I is entered into record , wh ereby by means pu blic

    deed No 1511 of April21, 2003, of Notary sixth of Cali registered at the chamber

    on April 25, 2003 the partnership was declared to be dissolved and in a state of

    liquidation, | H ^ ^ ^ ^ H H H H ^ I ^ I ^ Hw a s aPP ointed tn e principal

    liquidator,and H ^ ^ ^ ^ H H ^ ^ ^ H H I ^ ^ ^ Has nis al ternate- t n e

    Oficia'c Junio

    Tntductora e J/irILJc. Min Justicia


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 File

    6File: No.Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment pg-6external auditing would be done by BKR FERNANDEZ & ASOCIADOS

    INTERNATIONAL LIMITADA (lines 78 to 79).

    The deense counse for Mr. m m m i m enered

    into record documentation that he was going to forward to the judicial accountant

    expert for his analysis and for the opinion extension. (Line 80).

    Mr. | | ^ H | ^ | | [ | ^ H ^ H i m ^ m in his version states that herequested the sectional director of the Prosecutor's offices in Cali to investigate

    the firm he represents in relation to its illegal and unfair inclusion on the

    Clinton List to demonstrate the complete AMENIDAD both of the partnership and

    himself of any criminal deed. That since it was established in ^ | ^ | ^ ^ | ( t e n

    years) the partnership had the same shareholders; in that year Dr.

    established two trusts in l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m placing

    the shares of his family g r o u p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 and his own

    shares in the name of t h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V T RU S T S which have as

    beneficiaries h i s i m m and thus the new shareholder composition is

    as follows: 1. ^ | ^ ^ | ^ | ^ ^ H H ^ B 3. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^H

    ~^^^^"" 4. j ^ ^ H H ^ ^ H ^ ^ H and 5.HIHHIIn the year of 2001, the shares of the first two are

    sold by ^ | | H H ^ | H ^ ^ H | ^ | ^ | ^ |w ' th authorization the

    Superintendence of Securities of and under its surveillance since they did not

    have any legal issue, and H were purchased by

    v TraLtuflora ? Imerarert Ofinial

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 File

    7File:Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment

    /ho worked at

    since August 5, 1991 and the remaining

    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    That pursuant to Resolution No. 08 of the year 2000 issued by the Banco de la

    Republics (Central Bank of Colombia), the stock broker firms received approval

    to operate in the exchange market to increase controls on asset laundering.

    Since the foreign currency that came into the country through drafts made by

    Colombians from abroad constituted the second most important item, it became

    an interesting business that attracted many, and therefore from the second

    semester of the year 2000 people came to offer to work in a partnership in order

    to be able to participate in the exchange business, in some cases a pre

    agreement was reached, but because of the delay of the Superintendence of

    Securities the prospective partners declined their intent to become partners.

    Tow ards the m iddle of 200 1, acting as legal representative of

    the partners of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H w h i c h at that time was an

    authorized money exchange office under surveillance of the superintendence of

    banks, requested to become a partner because although they were authorized to

    work in the exchange market, they had to increase their capital by $3,500 million

    to be able to continue to operate, therefore after several conversations with f/^^

    whom Iknew f romj j^^^^Jand ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J t h e

    legal representative from ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l an agreement

    was reached w h e r e b y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H would lease all of their assets in such a


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Filerr ' " '1 "0 ' ? . " "0 -. vr-.All redactions madeon this page

    i-.~~ or> ~ * oo

    SFile: No.Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichmentmanner that

    pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A)(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    ;ould go into the marketand |

    continue w ith the business within this strategic alliance, all according to

    the legal requirements. As of2001 ^ H f l ^ ^ ^ ^ H j j ^ J ^ ^ U ^ Hc e a s e sto operate. In October of that same year, approval was requested from the

    Superintendence of Securities for the partners ofl

    to become partners of ^ H | ^ ^ ^ ^ | therefore they were investigated and

    approved as partners in October 2002, and the shareholder composition


    I ( 1 3 .2 8 % ) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ B 1 2- 6 % ) I


    (13.80%), so that 69% of the shares went to the extinct money

    exchange office and31 % to the traditional (shareholders) from

    T hat on t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H months after having received the first

    authorization from the Superintendence of securities and 4 months after having

    joined as partners with the authorization of the Superintendence of Securities,

    the Treasury Department of the USA included fl|^^|^^^^^^^H|^^|

    and some of its partners in the Clinton List and o n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ | t h e y also

    i n c l u d e d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hon the list because among its partners it had partners

    who were partners f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | w ' t n t n e consequence of

    not being able to perform their corporate purpose, which led to a cease of

    activities , about which the Superintendent of Securities and the Stock Exchange

    were notified.



    t'raiiuciora c jiii'

    Lie MJn Jwflift;i... .


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Fil9File: No.Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment

    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A),(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)


    T hat on ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H days after the inclusionin the Clinton list)a

    rescission agreement was executed among the former partners of

    |and the new partners - the ones coming from]

    |, that b rought eve rything back to October of the year 200 2, and thus

    the former partners recovered their share percentage in the Stock Brokerfirm.

    Since the corporate purpose could not be carried out, in April 2003 they voteda

    compulsory wind up, and in ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ Bt n e

    names of the partners of

    were included in the Clinton List, so they did not only wantto

    dam age th e firm but also with him and his family (lines 83 to 89).

    Report No. was entered into record, according to which

    presen ted cap ital increases explained by the appraisement

    of its investments and fixed assets during the period ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g a ndof

    $66,000,000 and $2,720,500,000 for theperiod ^ ^ ^ ^ H as a product of the

    subscription of shares and the merger with the partnership

    |(Lines 90 to 98).


    Article 322 of the Penal Procedure C ode establishes the objectives fora prior

    inquiry as follows: "In case of doubt about the legal basis to bring forth a pre trial

    hearing, the objective of the prior inquiry shall be to establishif the conduct that

    \ Traductiim c Jnt,Uc. I'Ain Justicia

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 FiledAll redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    10File: No.


    Offense: Illegal enrichment P9-10has become known to the authorities by whatever means has taken place,

    if it is described in the penal law as sanctionable, if the actions taken have

    been performed without responsibility,if it fulfils the requirement of being

    triable to bring forth a criminal action, and to collect the necessary evidence

    to be able to achieve individuaiization or identification of the authors or

    participator of the sanctionable condu ct", (boldnot in text)

    Article327 of the Penal Law Code sets forth that a writof waiver shallbe issued

    when the conduct under investigation has not existed, or if it is found to be

    atypical , that the criminal action can not be brought forth or that a motive of

    absence of responsibilityis demonstrated.

    In this case, the prior investigation occurs becauseit is the same person heard,

    th e one who requests an

    investigation of whether he or the company he represents, has links ori

    connections with illegal drug dealing, given the inclusion of

    land its partners in the well known "Clinton List" that

    pretends to disqualify natural or juridical persons that have any relationship with

    dealings in illegal drug dealing.

    Among the people in the list is Mrs. H J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H who was a

    partner of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |and who had legal, juridical

    connections with ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | under the supervision, control and

    002233 \ I'raduclonl-Lie MSn Juntjcnsi \

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Fiie< All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)1 File:No.Accused:

    Offense: Illegal enrichment P9-11authorization of the Superintendence of Securities and the Stock Exchange.The

    woman was investigated for money laundering, the same as others, by the

    Specialized Prosecutor's office of the National Unitfor Money Launderingof

    Bogota - UNCLA-for activities performed through SERVICHEQUE S.A. with

    venue in Cali, who were charged with an indictment that was the objectof an

    appeal at the Supreme Court of Bogota, and there is no knowledge about such

    recourse has been resolved.

    There is no knowledge that H l ^ m i ^ ^ H H I ^ H H ^ I I H or tnat tne

    entity he represents fl^^^|^^^H^^^^H^^HJj^^B nas been

    investigated for offenses related to illegal drug dealing or asset laundering.The

    decision to insert this firm or its partners was a unilateral action taken by the

    North American Government, throughthe Treasury Department, but not

    referenced or related to a decision of any judicial court w hatsoever.

    This prior inquiry brought forth against

    [, because of his petition to be investigated as was

    indicated above, motivates an economic study that in an initial report establishes

    capital differences to be justified fo r the period | ^ ^ ^ | The time that has

    elapsed since then, over ten years, is enough to declare the prescription of the

    penal ac tion, which m otivates the inhibition of the opening of thetrial, taking into

    account that it is a cause to impede the commencement of the penal action.

    However, the reason for the inhibitionis a different one, that of absolute non

    002234"^ Thstiucraat Interpret*: Otjcial

    JLic. Jblin JtitsMftt ri ?J rf.->

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-7 Filec12Fi!e:Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment P9-12specificity (atypicity), taking into account, that even thoughthe grounds for the

    inhibitionis a different one, thatof absolute atipicity, taking into account thatthe

    extension of the accounting report states that the capital increasefor the period

    of H | j ^ | ' s justified because of an appraisement not taken into account in .

    the initial report.

    A similar situation occurs withthe capital difference to be justified duringthe

    period of ^ H ^ H | determined by the first accounting reportofthe

    judicialexpert from CTI, because in an extension to the report, taking into accountthe

    documents furnished by the defense, the increase is completely justified with

    appraisements and with the subscription of shares, reversed later on by means

    of a rescission, because of the impossibilityto make the strategic alliance that

    pretended to bring in profits both t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ( which

    to be able to continue to operate had to increase its capital) and to

    which enabled it in turn to make it possible for it to come

    into the market, having,to do so, legal authorization from the Superintendence

    of Securities and the stock exchange, which means that the former,or some of

    its partners, did not have any estoppels whatsoever, and were not under

    investigation then, even if they were investigated later - fl^HHH^HH

    and others- but due to their activity in another partnership

    with venue in Cali. Surely, this background was what

    madeHHand the partnership ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ H ^ ^ | ^ | ^ H | ^ | where | ^

    appears to e a partner, be included; and when the latter becomes a partner to


    \ Th-.d'u. JLJC ttein Jastias

    liLJi/ile funiul

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exem ptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(A),(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-8 Fil13File:

    Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment pg.13OBURSATILES, it brings it along with the inauspicious consequence that did

    away the business purpose and that led to its dissolution and liquidation.

    it is argued then, that the only possible decision is that of an inhibition of the

    opening of the pre-trial, and the decision shall be made in that sense.

    The former are sufficient reasons for the undersigning DEPUTY SPEC IALIZED



    1- Decree an inhibitory writ within the prior inquiry herein, in the favor of the

    person rendering the account,

    having known the civil memorandums, legal representative from

    for the conduct not

    specified (typified), by mandate of article 327 of the Penal Law Code and

    pursuant to what was reasoned.

    2. The recourses of appeal for reversal and/or the remedy of appeal proceed

    against the decision made.

    ' Lie Klin Jastian Bfc JuiuoJ.-/. I9S7


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-8 Filer! r w i ? / ? n n g P P H P ? nf ??All redactions made on this pagepursuant to exemptions (b)(6),4File:

    Accused:Offense: Illegal enrichment

    (b)(7)(A), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)pg.14

    3. The action must go to the common secretary of the Unit for notice to be served

    to the interested parties. If the decision is not appealed, it will be filed among

    those of its lineage.



    Certified Translation No. 2005-141 of a document written in Spanish. The above is a true andfaithful translation of a document written in Spanishlhad before me. Translated b y | ^ H H I H i| ^ m , Translator and interpreter's license m ^ | issued by the Ministry of Justice ofColombia and duly registered at the Ministry of External Affairs. Cali, October 15,2005. Signatureand Seal:

    Lie. Aijn Jusriciscle J9i


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 172k - Exoneracin judicial


    Case 3:07-cv-02590-PJH Document 68-8 riled 04/13/2009 Page 3 of 33


    STIN BRO W N &Q 2003