petrov vladimir vladimirovich

“Sporting Russia” “The person who inspired me to play sports” Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich (04.06.1974)

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Page 1: Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

“Sporting Russia”“The person who inspired me to play sports”

Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich


Page 2: Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Vladimir Vladimirovich was born on the 4th of June, 1974 in Uzbekistan. He is very open and kind person, and what is most important, all his life, he is interested in sports.

(In this photo he is before climbing)

Page 3: Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

1992-1996 – he studied at UzGosIFK(The Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports) on the physical trainer;

1992-1994 –he played in the volleyball team for the Institute;

1994-1996 – he played for the national volleyball team of Uzbekistan;

Page 4: Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

A litlle later, Vladimir Vladimirovich moved to Russia;

1996-1999 – played for the volleyball team CSK;

He was a strong, tall and well-hopped and he was the diagonal player or the central blocker (attacker first tempo);

Page 5: Petrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

He received category Master of sports three times , and has a category Candidate Master of Sports.

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Volleyball is the most difficult sport in my opinion. But with good trainer it is not the problem. Thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich, our team has become friendly, and most important things that playing technique is getting better and better every day. Our trainer is person with a sense of humor. He is serious and strict but at the same time we can associate with him as a friend. Our trainer is the best!

We love him and adore!!!

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